How to use block_ads method in SeleniumBase

Best Python code snippet using SeleniumBase


Source:AdBlock(Desktop_FireFox).py Github


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1# 正式測試2# 缺點:MITM蒐集URLs和擋廣告功能的程式碼合在一起寫,尚未模組化3from adblockparser import AdblockRules4from browsermobproxy import Server5from selenium import webdriver6from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException7from urllib.parse import urlparse8import time9import os10import pprint11class ProxyManger:12 __BMP = "/home/kimbelly/Tools/browsermob-proxy-2.1.4/bin/browsermob-proxy"13 def __init__(self):14 self.__server = Server(ProxyManger.__BMP)15 self.__client = None16 def start_server(self):17 self.__server.start()18 return self.__server19 def start_client(self):20 self.__client = self.__server.create_proxy(params={"trustAllServers": "true"})21 return self.__client22 @property23 def client(self):24 return self.__client25 @property26 def server(self):27 return self.__server28if "__main__" == __name__:29 proxy = ProxyManger()30 server = proxy.start_server()31 client = proxy.start_client()32 profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()33 profile.set_proxy(client.selenium_proxy())34 profile.set_preference("browser.cache.disk.enable", False)35 profile.set_preference("browser.cache.memory.enable", False)36 profile.set_preference("browser.cache.offline.enable", False)37 # Disable download popup38 profile.set_preference("", False)39 profile.set_preference("", False)40 profile.set_preference("", False)41 profile.set_preference("dom.popup_maximum", 0)42 # profile.set_preference("network.http.use-cache", False)43 driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path='/home/kimbelly/Tools/geckodriver', firefox_profile=profile)44 driver.set_page_load_timeout(20)45 Path = "/home/kimbelly/Experiment/Block_Ads/FilterList/test/"46 file_list = os.listdir(Path)47 rules_dic = {}48 block_result_file = []49 i = 150 block_result_file.append(None) # don't need block_result_file[0]51 for x in file_list:52 print(x + " = " + str(i))53 block_result_file.append(open("/home/kimbelly/Experiment/Block_Ads/Block_Result/Crawl_Result_5/Result" + str(i) + "_" + x + '.txt', 'w'))54 i += 155 with open(Path + x, 'rb') as blocklist_file:56 raw_rules ='utf8').splitlines()57 rules_dic[x] = AdblockRules(raw_rules)58 blocklist_file.close()59 testURL_file = open('/home/kimbelly/Experiment/Crawl_TestURLs/Crawl_Result/Crawl_Result_5.txt', 'r')60 urls = browseURL_count = 162 for url in urls: # each test website (maybe contain ads)63 print(str(browseURL_count) + ". In the URL: " + url)64 domain = urlparse(url).netloc65 client.new_har(domain)66 try:67 driver.get(url)68 time.sleep(7)69 except TimeoutException as e:70 print(url + ": Page load timeout or Invalid URL... moving to next URL !!!")71 except:72 print("May be 'Reached error page' occurred")73 result = client.har74 url_arr = []75 url_set = []76 j = 177 for entry in result['log']['entries']:78 _url = entry['request']['url']79 url_arr.append(_url)80 url_set = list(set(url_arr)) # Delete duplicate urls81 block_flag = "False"82 ad_count = 083 for x in file_list:84 for elem in url_set:85 try:86 block_flag = rules_dic[x].should_block(elem, {'script': True, 'image': True,87 'stylesheet': True, 'object': True,88 'xmlhttprequest': True, 'object-subrequest': True,89 'other': True, 'media': True, 'third-party': True})90 except:91 print("Rule error......")92 continue93 if block_flag:94 # print("Block: " + elem)95 block_result_file[j].write(elem + "\n")96 ad_count += 197 print(x + ": Block #" + str(ad_count))98 ad_count = 099 j += 1100 browseURL_count += 1101 for k in range(1, len(block_result_file)):102 block_result_file[k].close()103 server.stop()...

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Source:AdBlock(All_Platform).py Github


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1# 模組化:把蒐集HAR和擋廣告以蒐集Ad URLs,這兩者功能拆開成兩個程式碼檔案2from adblockparser import AdblockRules3from urllib.parse import urlparse4import os5# Prepare rules6Path = "/home/kimbelly/DataSet/Filter_Lists/test/"7file_list = os.listdir(Path)8rules_dic = {}9for x in file_list:10 print("Prepare: " + x)11 with open(Path + x, 'rb') as blocklist_file:12 raw_rules ='utf8').splitlines()13 rules_dic[x] = AdblockRules(raw_rules)14 blocklist_file.close()15# Read HAR file16HAR_file = open('/home/kimbelly/DataSet/Get_HAR_Files/AndroidVersion/HAR_Uniq_1.txt', 'r')17urls = For each filter list, start to block20print("=====================================================")21for x in file_list:22 print("Use " + x + " to block ads:")23 block_result_file = open("/home/kimbelly/Analysis/Block_Ads/AndroidVersion/Block_Ads_Uniq_1/" + x + "_BlockResult",24 'a+')25 ad_count = 026 for url in urls:27 block_flag = "False"28 try:29 block_flag = rules_dic[x].should_block(url, {'script': True, 'image': True, 'third-party': True,30 'stylesheet': True, 'object': True, 'media': True,31 'xmlhttprequest': True, 'object-subrequest': True,32 'other': True,33 'subdocument': True, 'background': True, 'xbl': True,34 'ping': True, 'dtd': True, 'collapse': True,35 'donottrack': True, 'websocket': True})36 except:37 print("Rule error......")38 continue39 if block_flag:40 block_result_file.write(url + "\n")41 ad_count += 142 print("Block: #" + str(ad_count))43 readMe_file = open("/home/kimbelly/Analysis/Block_Ads/AndroidVersion/Block_Ads_Uniq_1/ReadMe_1", 'a+')44 readMe_file.write(x + " block #" + str(ad_count) + '\n')45 block_result_file.close()46# Just test ~47'''with open("/home/kimbelly/DataSet/Filter_Lists/test/tmptest", 'rb') as blocklist_file:48 raw_rules ='utf8').splitlines()49rules_dic = AdblockRules(raw_rules)50blocklist_file.close()51url = ''52try:53 block_flag = rules_dic.should_block(url, {'script': True, 'image': True,'third-party': True,54 'stylesheet': True, 'object': True,'media': True,55 'xmlhttprequest': True, 'object-subrequest': True, 'other': True,56 'subdocument': True, 'background': True, 'xbl': True,57 'ping': True, 'dtd': True, 'collapse': True,58 'donottrack': True, 'websocket': True})59 if block_flag:60 print("yes")61 else:62 print("no")63except:...

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2from scrapy_zenscrape import ZenscrapeRequest3from scrapy import Spider4from httpbin.items import HttpbinItem5class HttpbinSpider(Spider):6 name = 'httpbin'7 start_urls = [8 '',9 '',10 ]11 def start_requests(self):12 for url in self.start_urls:13 yield ZenscrapeRequest(url, params={14 # 'render': False,15 # 'block_ads': True,16 # 'block_resources': False,17 # 'premium': True,18 # 'location': 'fr',19 # 'wait_for': 5,20 # 'wait_for_css': '#swagger-ui',21 }, headers={22 # 'Accept-Language': 'En-US',23 }, cookies={24 # 'name_1': 'value_1',25 })26 def parse(self, response):27 body = response.body.decode(response.encoding)28 return HttpbinItem(29 url=response.url,30 status=response.status,31 body=body,32 headers=response.headers,...

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