Best Python code snippet using PyHamcrest_python
1from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta2import factory3from factory import Sequence, LazyAttribute, SubFactory4from factory.fuzzy import FuzzyChoice, FuzzyDate, FuzzyNaiveDateTime, FuzzyDecimal, FuzzyInteger5from factory.alchemy import SQLAlchemyModelFactory6from segue.core import db7from segue.models import *8import logging9from cookielib import DAYS10logger = logging.getLogger('factory')11logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())12logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)13def _Sequence(pattern):14 return Sequence(lambda counter: pattern.format(counter))15class SegueFactory(SQLAlchemyModelFactory):16 class Meta:17 sqlalchemy_session = db.session18class ValidTrackFactory(SegueFactory):19 class Meta:20 model = Track21 name_en = _Sequence('zona - track {0}')22 name_pt = _Sequence('zone - track {0}')23 public = True24class ValidRoomFactory(SegueFactory):25 class Meta:26 model = Room27 name = _Sequence('sala {0}')28 capacity = 20029 translation = False30class ValidSlotFactory(SegueFactory):31 class Meta:32 model = Slot33 room = SubFactory(ValidRoomFactory)34 blocked = False35 begins = datetime(2015,7,8,9,0,0)36 duration = 6037 status = 'empty'38class ValidAccountFactory(SegueFactory):39 class Meta:40 model = Account41 email = _Sequence('email_{0}')42 name = _Sequence('Joaozinho {0}')43 password = "password"44 document = _Sequence('123.456.789-2{0}')45 country = "Brazil"46 state = "RS"47 city = "Porto Alegre"48 phone = "51 2345678"49 organization = "manos da quebrada"50 resume = "um cara legal"51class ValidNonSelectionNoticeFactory(SegueFactory):52 class Meta:53 model = NonSelectionNotice54 account = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)55 hash = _Sequence('C0FFEE{0:04x}')56class ValidTournamentFactory(SegueFactory):57 class Meta:58 model = Tournament59 name = "fisl16"60 selection = "*"61 status = "open"62class ValidJudgeFactory(SegueFactory):63 class Meta:64 model = Judge65 hash = _Sequence('C0FFEE{0:04x}')66 email = _Sequence('email_{0}')67 votes = 568 tournament = SubFactory(ValidTournamentFactory)69class ValidAdminAccountFactory(ValidAccountFactory):70 role = "admin"71class ValidResetFactory(SegueFactory):72 class Meta:73 model = ResetPassword74 hash = _Sequence('C0FFEE{0:04x}')75 spent = False76 account = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)77class InvalidAccountFactory(ValidAccountFactory):78 email = "email"79 name = "nam"80 role = "luser"81 password = "p"82class ValidProposalFactory(SegueFactory):83 class Meta:84 model = Proposal85 title = _Sequence('Proposal Title #{0}')86 full = _Sequence('description #{0}')87 language = 'en'88 level = 'advanced'89class ValidProposalWithOwnerFactory(ValidProposalFactory):90 owner = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)91class ValidProposalWithOwnerWithTrackFactory(ValidProposalFactory):92 owner = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)93 track = SubFactory(ValidTrackFactory)94class InvalidProposalFactory(ValidProposalFactory):95 title = "x"96 full = "d"97 language = "xunga"98 level = "professional"99class ValidProposalTagFactory(SegueFactory):100 class Meta:101 model = ProposalTag102 name = _Sequence('proposal tag #{0}')103class ValidInviteFactory(SegueFactory):104 class Meta:105 model = ProposalInvite106 proposal = SubFactory(ValidProposalWithOwnerWithTrackFactory)107 recipient = _Sequence('fulano{0}')108 name = _Sequence('Fulano {0}')109 status = 'pending'110 hash = _Sequence('DEAD{0:04x}')111class ValidProductFactory(SegueFactory):112 class Meta:113 model = Product114 kind = "public"115 category = "normal"116 sold_until = FuzzyNaiveDateTime(, datetime(2025,12,1,0,0,0))117 public = True118 price = FuzzyDecimal(70, 400, 2)119 description = "ingresso fisl16 - lote 1 - muggles"120class ValidCaravanProductFactory(ValidProductFactory):121 class Meta:122 model = CaravanProduct123 category = "caravan"124class ValidProponentProductFactory(ValidProductFactory):125 class Meta:126 model = ProponentProduct127 category = "proponent"128class ValidSpeakerProductFactory(ValidProductFactory):129 class Meta:130 model = SpeakerProduct131 category = "speaker"132class ValidStudentProductFactory(ValidProductFactory):133 class Meta:134 model = StudentProduct135 category = "student"136class ValidBuyerFactory(SegueFactory):137 class Meta:138 model = Buyer139 address_state = 'RS'140 address_street = "Rua dos Bobos"141 address_number = _Sequence("#{0}")142 address_extra = _Sequence("apto #{0}")143 address_zipcode = _Sequence("90909-#{0:03}")144 address_neighborhood = "Menino de deus"145 address_city = "Porto Alegre"146 address_country = "Brasil"147class ValidBuyerCompanyFactory(ValidBuyerFactory):148 kind = "company"149 name = _Sequence("Empresa {0}")150 document = "66716451000138"151 contact = _Sequence("+55 23 4000-{0:04}")152class ValidBuyerPersonFactory(ValidBuyerFactory):153 kind = 'person'154 name = _Sequence("Pagador {0}")155 document = "59961743750"156 contact = _Sequence("+55 23 4567-{0:04}")157class ValidPurchaseFactory(SegueFactory):158 class Meta:159 model = Purchase160 product = SubFactory(ValidProductFactory)161 customer = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)162 status = "pending"163 amount = FuzzyDecimal(70, 400, 2)164 due_date = FuzzyDate( ValidPurchaseByPersonFactory(ValidPurchaseFactory):166 buyer = SubFactory(ValidBuyerPersonFactory)167class ValidPurchaseByCorpFactory(SegueFactory):168 buyer = SubFactory(ValidBuyerCompanyFactory)169class ValidPaymentFactory(SegueFactory):170 class Meta:171 model = Payment172 purchase = SubFactory(ValidPurchaseFactory)173 amount = FuzzyDecimal(70, 400, 2)174 due_date = FuzzyDate( status = "pending"176class ValidPagSeguroPaymentFactory(ValidPaymentFactory):177 class Meta:178 model = PagSeguroPayment179 reference = 'A00555-PU00444'180 code = 'LECODE'181class ValidBoletoPaymentFactory(ValidPaymentFactory):182 class Meta:183 model = BoletoPayment184 our_number = 101234185 due_date = FuzzyDate( document_hash = _Sequence("C0FFE#{:04d}")187class ValidPromoCodeFactory(SegueFactory):188 class Meta:189 model = PromoCode190 discount = 1.0191 creator = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)192 product = SubFactory(ValidProductFactory)193 hash_code = _Sequence("C0FFE#{:04d}")194 description = _Sequence("code #{:04d}")195 start_at = FuzzyDate( - timedelta(days=7), end_at = FuzzyDate(, + timedelta(days=7))197class ValidPromoCodePaymentFactory(ValidPaymentFactory):198 class Meta:199 model = PromoCodePayment200class ValidTransitionFactory(SegueFactory):201 class Meta:202 model = Transition203 payment = SubFactory(ValidPaymentFactory)204class ValidTransitionToPaidFactory(ValidTransitionFactory):205 old_status = 'pending'206 new_status = 'paid'207class ValidTransitionToPendingFactory(ValidTransitionFactory):208 old_status = 'started'209 new_status = 'pending'210class ValidCaravanFactory(SegueFactory):211 class Meta:212 model = Caravan213 name = _Sequence('Caravana dos Enxutos #{:04d}')214 city = 'Enxutolandia'215class ValidCaravanWithOwnerFactory(ValidCaravanFactory):216 owner = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)217class ValidCaravanInviteFactory(SegueFactory):218 class Meta:219 model = CaravanInvite220 caravan = SubFactory(ValidCaravanWithOwnerFactory)221 recipient = _Sequence('beltrano{0}')222 name = _Sequence('Beltrano {0}')223 status = FuzzyChoice(['pending','accepted','declined', 'cancelled'])224 hash = _Sequence("C0FFE#{:04d}")225class ValidCaravanPurchaseFactory(ValidPurchaseFactory):226 class Meta:227 model = CaravanRiderPurchase228 caravan = SubFactory(ValidCaravanWithOwnerFactory)229class ValidMatchFactory(SegueFactory):230 class Meta:231 model = Match232 round = 1233 player1 = SubFactory(ValidProposalWithOwnerWithTrackFactory)234 player2 = SubFactory(ValidProposalWithOwnerWithTrackFactory)235 tournament = SubFactory(ValidTournamentFactory)236class ValidCallNotificationFactory(SegueFactory):237 class Meta:238 model = CallNotification239 proposal = SubFactory(ValidProposalWithOwnerWithTrackFactory)240 account = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)241 status = 'pending'242 hash = _Sequence('C0FFE#{:04d}')243class ValidSlotNotificationFactory(SegueFactory):244 class Meta:245 model = SlotNotification246 slot = SubFactory(ValidSlotFactory)247 account = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)248 status = 'pending'249 hash = _Sequence('C0FFE#{:04d}')250class ValidCertificateFactory(SegueFactory):251 class Meta:252 model = Certificate253 account = SubFactory(ValidAccountFactory)254 ticket = SubFactory(ValidPurchaseFactory, customer=account)255 language = 'pt'256 hash_code = _Sequence('C0FFE#{:04d}')257class ValidAttendantCertificateFactory(ValidCertificateFactory):258 class Meta:...
1import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # import the GPIO library2import time # import the time library3from threading import Thread4from queue import Queue5class Buzzer(Thread):6 def __init__(self, buzzerPin):7 Thread.__init__(self)8 self._gpio = GPIO9 self._gpio.setmode(GPIO.BCM)10 self._gpio.cleanup()11 self._buzzerPin = buzzerPin # set to GPIO pin 512 self._gpio.setup(self._buzzerPin, self._gpio.IN)13 self._gpio.setup(self._buzzerPin, self._gpio.OUT)14 self._buzzer = GPIO.PWM(self._buzzerPin,100)15 self._buzzer.ChangeFrequency(300)16 self._commandQ = Queue()17 def __del__(self):18 self._gpio.cleanup()19 def run(self):20 print('START THread')21 while(True):22 while not self._commandQ.empty():23 for tone in self._commandQ.get():24 if 1 == tone[0]:25 self.toneOn(tone[1])26 else:27 self.toneOff(tone[1])28 time.sleep(0.1)29 def toneOn(self,duration):30 if duration >= 255:31 print('duration ON forever')32 self._buzzer.start(100)33 else:34 print('sound ON for ', duration)35 self._buzzer.start(100)36 time.sleep(duration)37 self._buzzer.stop()38 def toneOff(self,duration):39 if duration >= 255:40 print('duration OFF forever')41 self._buzzer.stop()42 else:43 print('sound OFF for ', duration)44 self._buzzer.stop()45 time.sleep(duration)46 def TONE1(self):47 # notes = [294,330]48 _sequence = [[1,0.3],[0,0.2],[1,0.1],[0,255]]49 print(_sequence)50 self._commandQ.put(_sequence)51 def TONE2(self):52 # notes = [294,330]53 _sequence = [[1,0.1],[0,0.2],[1,0.3],[0,255]]54 print(_sequence)55 self._commandQ.put(_sequence)56 def TONE3(self):57 # notes = [294,330]58 _sequence = [[1,1],[0,0.1],[1,2],[0,255]]59 print(_sequence)60 self._commandQ.put(_sequence)61 def TONE4(self):62 # notes = [294,330]63 _sequence = [[1,2],[0,0.5],[1,2],[0,0.5],[1,2],[0,0.5],[1,2],[0,0.5],[1,2],[0,0.5],[1,2],[0,0.5],[1,2],[0,255]]64 print(_sequence)65 self._commandQ.put(_sequence)66 def TONE_ON(self):67 _sequence = [[1,255]]68 print(_sequence)69 self._commandQ.put(_sequence)70 def TONE_OFF(self):71 _sequence = [[0,255]]72 print(_sequence)73 self._commandQ.put(_sequence)74if __name__ == "__main__":75 # a = input("Enter Tune number 1-5:")76 buzzer = Buzzer(16)77 buzzer.start()78 buzzer.TONE1()79 time.sleep(1)80 buzzer.TONE2()81 time.sleep(1)82 buzzer.TONE_ON()83 time.sleep(5)84 buzzer.TONE_OFF()85 # buzzer.tone2()86 time.sleep(5)...
1import collections.abc2import copy3from bisect import bisect_right4def _identity():5 return lambda x: x6class SortedList( @property8 def key(self):9 return self._key10 def __init__(self, sequence=None, key=None):11 self._key = key or _identity()12 # breaks if key is not callable13 assert isinstance(self._key, self._sequence = list(sequence)15 self._sequence.sort(key=key)16 self._sequence.sort()17 def __str__(self):18 return f'SortedList({self._sequence})'19 def __getitem__(self, item):20 return self._sequence[item]21 def __len__(self):22 return len(self._sequence)23 def __delitem__(self, x):24 del self._sequence[x]25 return26 def __setitem__(self, key, value):27 self._sequence[key] = value28 def __iter__(self):29 return iter(self._sequence)30 def __reversed__(self):31 return self._sequence.reverse()32 def __contains__(self, item):33 if item in self._sequence:34 return True35 else:36 return False37 def __copy__(self):38 return copy.copy(self)39 def _find_index(self, value):40 i = bisect_right(self._sequence, value)41 if i:42 return i - 143 else:44 return 045 def add(self, value):46 self._sequence.insert(self._find_index(value), value)47 def pop(self, index):48 self._sequence.pop(index)49 def clear(self):50 del self._sequence51 self._sequence = []52 def remove(self, value):53 self._sequence.pop(self._find_index(value))54 def remove_every(self, value):55 while value in self._sequence:56 self._sequence.pop(self._find_index(value))57 def index(self, value):58 return self._find_index(value)59 def count(self, value):60 return self._sequence.count(value)61 def copy(self):62 self.__copy__()63 def extend(self, iterable_object):64 for i in iterable_object:...
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