How to use escape_list method in Kiwi

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1# 매우 오랜 시간이 걸렸다.2# 처음부터 제대로 설계를 하지 않으면 매우 힘들어질 수 있다는 것을 이 문제를 통해서 알게 되었다.3# 항상 문제 분석과 설계를 철저히 하자고 생각했지만 잘 지키지 못했는데, 이번 문제를 통해서 그 점을 반성하게 되었다...4# 풀이는 335번 줄 이후부터터5# N x M 사이즈의 미로에서 U, D, L, R의 명령에 따라 이동했을 때 미로의 경계 밖으로 탈출이 가능하게 하는 칸은 몇개일까?6# 탈출 가능한 "칸"이라는 데 주목해야겠다. BFS처럼 큐에 방향을 넣어가는 식의 이동이 아니라 그 칸의 명령을 그대로 따라만 가야 한다.7# 결국 모든 칸에 대해서 탐색을 해야 할 필요가 생긴다. 시간 초과 안날까? DFS로 구성한다면 최대 재귀 깊이를 가볍게 넘어버릴 것 같다.8# N과 M 전부 최대 데이터인 500이라고 가정했을 때, 최대 25,000칸에 대한 탐색을 해야 한다. 시간 제한은 1초다..9# 우선 기본적인 DFS를 만들어보자. 이 방식은 분명 시간 초과가 날 것이다.10# 실제로 시간 초과가 났다.11# 1차 시도12# import sys13# sys.setrecursionlimit(200000)14# dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] # UDLR15# dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]16#17# def DFS(x, y):18# global cnt19# # print(cnt)20# visited[x][y] = 121# move_number = move_set.index(arr[x][y])22# tx, ty = x + dx[move_number], y + dy[move_number]23#24# if 0 > tx or tx >= N or 0 > ty or ty >= M: # 기본 명령 : 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M25# cnt += 126# elif 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M and not visited[tx][ty]:27# DFS(tx, ty)28#29# N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())30# arr = [list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) for _ in range(N)]31#32# cnt = 033# move_set = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']34#35# for i in range(N):36# for j in range(M):37# visited = [[0] * M for _ in range(N)]38# DFS(i, j)39#40# print(cnt)41# 생각해보니, 시간을 줄일법한 생각이 들었다.42# 예를 들어, 한 좌표에서 명령을 따라 이동해 미로를 탈출했다.43# 추후에 방문하는 다른 좌표에서, 앞서 탈출한 경로의 지점을 방문한다면, 그 점 역시 탈출이 가능한 점이 되지 않을까?44# 어차피 같은 경로를 따라서 갈 것이기 때문이다.45# 또는 탐색의 시작점이 탈출 경로 중 한 점인 경우, 볼 것도 없이 탈출이 가능한 좌표이다.46# 이 방법의 관건은 탈출이 가능한 좌표를 얼마나 빨리 만나느냐이다.47# 만약 매우 큰 사이즈의 미로에서 탈출 지점이 가장 마지막 좌표라면, 결국 전부 다 순회하게 되는건데 그러면 똑같이 시간초과가 난다.48# 우선 (0, 0)부터 쭉 탐색하면서 방문표시를 새롭게 하고, 탈출한 지점이 나오면 해당 방문 좌표를 별도의 리스트에 담는다.49# 만약 탈출하지 않은 경우 방문표시를 위한 리스트를 초기화한다.50# 2차 시도51# 90% 시간초과 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ52# 혹시 위에서 생각했던 문제(탈출이 가능한 좌표가 배열의 최후반부에만 존재하는 경우)가 원인이었나 싶어서 (0, 0)이 아닌 거꾸로 탐색하는 방법을53# 시도했지만.. 여전히 90%에서 초과가 됬다. 뭔가 다른 방법이 필요하다. BFS로는 어떨까?54# import sys55# sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)56#57# dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] # UDLR58# dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]59#60# def DFS(x, y):61# global cnt62# if (x, y) in escape_list:63# cnt += 164# return65#66# visited.add((x, y))67# move_number = move_set.index(arr[x][y])68# tx, ty = x + dx[move_number], y + dy[move_number]69#70# if 0 > tx or tx >= N or 0 > ty or ty >= M: # 기본 명령 : 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M71# cnt += 172# elif 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M and (tx, ty) not in visited:73# DFS(tx, ty)74#75# N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())76# arr = [list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) for _ in range(N)]77# escape_list = set()78# cnt = 079# move_set = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']80#81# for i in range(N):82# for j in range(M):83# visited = set()84# temp = cnt85# DFS(i, j)86# if temp != cnt:87# escape_list = escape_list | visited88#89# print(cnt)90# 3차 시도91# BFS로 바꾸어보았지만 역시 같은 지점에서 실패92# import sys93# from collections import deque94#95# dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] # UDLR96# dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]97#98# def BFS(x, y):99# global cnt100# Q = deque()101# Q.append([x, y])102# visited.add((x, y))103#104# while Q:105# new_x, new_y = Q.popleft()106# move_number = move_set.index(arr[new_x][new_y])107# tx, ty = new_x + dx[move_number], new_y + dy[move_number]108#109# if 0 > tx or tx >= N or 0 > ty or ty >= M: # 기본 명령 : 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M110# cnt += 1111# elif 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M and (tx, ty) not in visited:112# visited.add((tx, ty))113# Q.append(tx, ty)114#115# N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())116# arr = [list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) for _ in range(N)]117# escape_list = set()118# cnt = 0119# move_set = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']120#121# for i in range(N):122# for j in range(M):123# visited = set()124# temp = cnt125# BFS(i, j)126# if temp != cnt:127# escape_list = escape_list | visited128#129# print(cnt)130# 4차 시도131# 실패했던 지점의 좌표도 저장해두면 어떨까...?132# import sys133# sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)134#135# dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] # UDLR136# dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]137#138# def DFS(x, y):139# global cnt140# if (x, y) in escape_list:141# cnt += 1142# return143#144# if (x, y) not in escape_list and (x, y) in fail_list:145# return146#147# visited.add((x, y))148# move_number = move_set.index(arr[x][y])149# tx, ty = x + dx[move_number], y + dy[move_number]150#151# if 0 > tx or tx >= N or 0 > ty or ty >= M: # 기본 명령 : 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M152# cnt += 1153# elif 0 <= tx < N and 0 <= ty < M and (tx, ty) not in visited:154# DFS(tx, ty)155#156# N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())157# arr = [list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) for _ in range(N)]158# escape_list = set()159# fail_list = set()160# cnt = 0161# move_set = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']162#163# for i in range(N):164# for j in range(M):165# visited = set()166# temp = cnt167# DFS(i, j)168# if temp != cnt:169# escape_list = escape_list | visited170# else:171# fail_list = fail_list | visited172#173# print(cnt)174#175#176#177# import sys178# from collections import deque179#180# dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] # UDLR181# dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]182#183#184# def BFS(x, y):185# global cnt186# Q = deque()187# Q.append([x, y])188# escape_list = set()189# escape_list.add((x, y))190# visited[x][y] = 1191#192# while Q:193# new_x, new_y = Q.popleft()194# if check[x][y]:195# for a, b in escape_list:196# check[a][b] = 1197# cnt += 1198# return199#200# move_number = move_set.index(arr[new_x][new_y])201# tx, ty = new_x + dx[move_number], new_y + dy[move_number]202#203#204# # if 0 > tx or tx >= N or 0 > ty or ty >= M:205# if (not (0 <= tx < N)) or (not (0 <= ty < M)):206# for a, b in escape_list:207# check[a][b] = 1208# cnt += 1209# elif check[tx][ty] == -1:210# for a, b in escape_list:211# check[a][b] = -1212# return213# elif not visited[tx][ty]:214# visited[tx][ty] = 1215# escape_list.add((tx, ty))216# Q.append((tx, ty))217#218# for a, b in escape_list:219# check[a][b] = -1220# return221#222# N, M = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())223# arr = [list(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip()) for _ in range(N)]224# visited = [[0] * M for _ in range(N)]225# check = [[0] * M for _ in range(N)]226# cnt = 0227# move_set = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']228#229# for i in range(N):230# for j in range(M):231# if check[i][j] == -1:232# continue233# elif check[i][j]:234# cnt += 1235# continue236#237# BFS(i, j)238#239# print(cnt)240#241# #242# import collections243# import sys244# from collections import deque245# def bfs(y, x):246# global cnt247# q = deque([(y, x)])248#249# # dp에 탈출할 수 있는 여부를 표시하기 위한 course250# course = set()251# course.add((y, x))252# # 방문 체크253# # visited = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]254# visited[y][x] = 1255# while q:256# y, x = q.popleft()257# # 탈출할 수 있는 곳이면 여태까지 방문했던 곳을 dp에 표시258# if dp[y][x]:259# for value in course:260# dp[value[0]][value[1]] = 1261# cnt += 1262# return263# # 조건에 따라 움직임264# if area[y][x] == 'U':265# y -= 1266# elif area[y][x] == 'R':267# x += 1268# elif area[y][x] == 'D':269# y += 1270# else:271# x -= 1272#273# # 탈출 했다면 방문한 곳을 dp에 표시274# if (not (0 <= y < n)) or (not (0 <= x < m)):275# for value in course:276# dp[value[0]][value[1]] = 1277# cnt += 1278# # 탈출 불가능 하다면 방문한 곳을 dp에 표시279# elif (dp[y][x] == -1):280# for value in course:281# dp[value[0]][value[1]] = -1282# return283# # 아니면 다음 과정284# elif not visited[y][x]:285# visited[y][x] = 1286# course.add((y, x))287# q.append((y, x))288# # 여기까지 왔으면 탈출 불가능하므로 dp에 표시289# for value in course:290# dp[value[0]][value[1]] = -1291# return292#293#294# n, m = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())295# area = [sys.stdin.readline() for _ in range(n)]296# dp = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]297# visited = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]298# cnt = 0299# for i in range(n):300# for j in range(m):301# # 탈출할 수 없는 곳인지?302# if (dp[i][j] == -1):303# continue304# # 탈출할 수 있는 곳인지?305# elif dp[i][j]:306# cnt += 1307# continue308#309# # 둘 다 아니면310# bfs(i, j)311# print(cnt)312import sys313from collections import deque314dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0] # UDLR315dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]316def find(x, y):317 global cnt318 # 만약 해당 좌표가 이전 좌표를 탐색하는 과정에서 탈출이 가능한 경로로 이미 추가되었다면, 바로 종료시켜 불필요한 연산을 줄인다.319 if (x, y) in success: return320 Q = deque()321 Q.append([x, y])322 # visit = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]323 # visit[x][y] = 1324 move_number = move_set.index(area[x][y]) # 구석 칸에 위치한 명령(방향)을 인식325 tx, ty = x + dx[move_number], y + dy[move_number] # 방향에 맞게 위치를 조정326 if not (0 <= tx < n) or not (0 <= ty < m): # 미로를 탈출했을까?327 success.add((x, y)) # 탈출했다면 해당 좌표를 탈출 리스트에 추가하고328 cnt += 1 # 탈출 가능한 칸의 수를 추가해주자329 # 해당 구석 좌표로 탈출이 가능한 것을 확인했다.330 # 이제 인접한 방향의 좌표들을 확인해나갈 차례이다! 만약 인접한 좌표의 명령이 탈출이 가능한 구석 좌표이거나,331 # 해당 구석 좌표를 향해 갈 수 있는 곳이라면 구석이 아닌 그 좌표도 역시 탈출할 수 있는 좌표가 된다.332 # (좌표를 따라 가면 탈출이 가능한 구석 좌표를 만날 것이고, 그러면 탈출이 가능하기 때문에)333 while Q:334 Q_x, Q_y = Q.popleft()335 for k in range(4):336 new_tx, new_ty = Q_x + dx[k], Q_y + dy[k] # 원래의 좌표와 인접한 네 방향의 좌표를 순차적으로 탐색한다.337 if 0 <= new_tx < n and 0 <= new_ty < m: # 인접한 방향의 좌표가 배열의 범위를 벗어나지 않은 경우338 target_number = move_set.index(area[new_tx][new_ty])339 target_x, target_y = new_tx + dx[target_number], new_ty + dy[target_number] # 인접한 좌표의 명령에 따라 이동한 새로운 좌표340 # 만약 새롭게 이동한 좌표가 기존의 Q_x, Q_y와 동일하다면?341 # Q_x, Q_y로부터 인접한 좌표인 new_tx, new_ty 역시 탈출이 가능한 좌표라는 것을 의미한다.342 # 따라서 Q에 new_tx, new_ty를 추가해 추가적인 탈출 경로가 있는지 탐색해나간다.343 if target_x == Q_x and target_y == Q_y:344 success.add((new_tx, new_ty))345 cnt += 1346 # visit[new_tx][new_ty] = 1347 Q.append([new_tx, new_ty])348n, m = map(int, sys.stdin.readline().split())349area = [sys.stdin.readline() for _ in range(n)]350# visit = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]351corner = [] # 구석 좌표를 담기 위한 리스트352success = set() # 탈출에 성공하거나, 탈출이 가능한 경로인 경우 해당 좌표를 담기 위한 집합353cnt = 0354move_set = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R'] # 상하좌우의 순서이고, 추후 인접한 방향을 찾아나갈 때 해당 좌표에서의 방향값을 인덱스로 활용하기 위해 사용355# 구석 좌표만 따로 모아주는 과정356for i in range(n):357 for j in range(m):358 if i == 0 or i == n - 1:359 corner.append([i, j])360 elif j == 0 and area[i][j] not in corner or j == m - 1 and area[i][j] not in corner:361 corner.append([i, j])362# 구석 좌표들을 대상으로 검사363for i, j in corner:364 find(i, j)365# 탈출할 수 있는 칸의 개수를 출력...

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1import re2import logging3from asyncio import shield4from typing import NoReturn5import discord6from discord import ChannelType as ct, Option7from discord.utils import escape_markdown8import metallum9from decouple import config10logger = logging.getLogger("discord")11logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)12handler = logging.FileHandler(13 filename="discord.log", encoding="utf-8", mode="w"14)15handler.setFormatter(16 logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s")17)18logger.addHandler(handler)19BOT_TOKEN = config("BOT_TOKEN")20BASE_URL = "https:/​/​​"21PRE_M = ":heavy_minus_sign:\n\n"22SUF_M = "\n\n:heavy_minus_sign:"23HELP_STANDARD = (24 ":regional_indicator_h: :regional_indicator_a: :regional_indicator_i:"25 " :regional_indicator_l: :bangbang: \t:metal: :robot:\n\nUse the command"26 " `/​metallum` to perform a search.\n\nParameters:\n__query:__ the text"27 " used in the search.\n\n__exact:__ whether to search for the exact query"28 " or not (more info below). Must be either **True** or"29 " **False**.\n\n__**STANDARD SEARCH**__:\n\nWhen the __exact__ parameter"30 " is **True**, searching for 'black sabbath' will only find bands named"31 " EXACTLY 'Black Sabbath' (case-insensitive, though).\n\nHowever, when"32 " __exact__ is **False**, the same search will find all bands with BOTH"33 " 'black' and 'sabbath' in their names, regardless of any other words and"34 " in whatever order, like the band 'Sabbath Black Heretic'.\n\nIf the"35 " first part of the __query__ is a number, you may find a band registered"36 " under that __ID__ on the website, if there's any (the ID is the number"37 " at the end of the band's URL). The search will then continue to look for"38 " bands matching the entire query (including that number) in their"39 " names.\n\nFor example: `/​metallum query: 7 sins exact: True` would give"40 " you the band with ID '7', which is 'Entombed' and then search for bands"41 " called '7 Sins' (exact match, in this case).\nNote that searching for"42 " '13' will give you both the band with ID '13' and the band called"43 " '13'.\n\n"44)45HELP_ADVANCED = (46 "__**ADVANCED SEARCH**__:\n\nThe options below only work when"47 " __exact__ is set to **False**...\n\nIn addition to those results"48 " describe above, if you also want bands that contain EITHER 'black' OR"49 " 'sabbath' (not necessarily both), you can search for `black || sabbath`"50 " (or `sabbath || black`, for that matter).\n\nNote, however, that those"51 " words must appear in their entirety in the band's name. Meaning a 'hell'"52 " search won't find 'helloween', for instance.\nBut don't worry, you can"53 " use __asterisks__ as wildcards: `hell*`, `*hell` and `*hell*` are all"54 " valid queries. The asterisk means that the word can be extended by any"55 " amount of characters **in that direction**.\n\nFinally, another thing"56 " you can do is exclude words from the results: `black -sabbath` will find"57 " bands with the word 'black', but exclude those with the word"58 " 'sabbath'.\n\nYou can also combine all of the above, of course!"59)60class Band:61 def __init__(self, band: metallum.Band, albums: bool = True):62 escaped_band = self.escape_band(band)63 str = escaped_band["name"]64 # print( self.genres: str = escaped_band["genres"]66 # print(self.genres)67 self.status: str = escaped_band["status"]68 # print(self.status)69 self.location: str = escaped_band["location"]70 # print(self.location)71 str = escaped_band["country"]72 # print( self.formed_in: str = escaped_band["formed_in"]74 # print(self.formed_in)75 self.themes: str = escaped_band["themes"]76 if albums:77 full_albums ="full-length")78 # print("Full albums: " + str(full_albums))79 self.albums: str = (80 "This band has no full-length albums. Check their page below"81 " for other releases."82 if full_albums == []83 else "\n".join(84 [85 f"**({str(a.year)})** {escape_markdown(a.title)}"86 for a in full_albums87 ]88 )89 )90 # print(self.albums)91 self.url: str = escape_markdown(BASE_URL + band.url)92 # print(self.url)93 self._info: str = "\n\n".join(94 [95 f"__**{}**__",96 f"__*GENRES*__: {self.genres}",97 f"__*LOCATION*__: {self.location}, {}",98 f"__*FORMED IN*__: {self.formed_in}",99 f"__*STATUS*__: {self.status}",100 f"__*THEMES*__: {self.themes}",101 (f"__*ALBUMS*__: \n{self.albums}" if albums else ""),102 f"__*PAGE*__: {self.url}",103 ]104 ).replace("\n\n\n\n", "\n\n")105 def __str__(self):106 return self._info107 def escape_band(self, band: metallum.Band):108 escape_list = list(109 map(110 lambda x: escape_markdown(x),111 [112,113 ", ".join(band.genres),114 band.status,115 band.location,116,117 band.formed_in,118 ", ".join(band.themes),119 ],120 )121 )122 escaped_band = {123 "name": escape_list[0],124 "genres": escape_list[1],125 "status": escape_list[2],126 "location": escape_list[3],127 "country": escape_list[4],128 "formed_in": escape_list[5],129 "themes": escape_list[6],130 }131 return escaped_band132class Search:133 def __init__(134 self,135 query: str,136 send_to:,137 strict: bool = True,138 albums: bool = True,139 page_start: int = 0,140 ):141 self.query = query142 self.send_to = send_to143 self.strict = strict144 self.albums = albums145 self.page_start = page_start146 async def search(self) -> NoReturn:147 await shield(148 self.send_to.send(149 PRE_M150 + (151 "Performing strict search!"152 if self.strict153 else (154 "Performing advanced search:"155 f" {escape_markdown(self.query)}"156 )157 )158 )159 )160 try:161 band_list = metallum.band_search(162 self.query, strict=self.strict, page_start=self.page_start163 )164 if not band_list:165 raise IndexError166 await shield(167 self.send_to.send(168 f"{PRE_M}Found {band_list.result_count} band(s)!\n\nHere"169 " we go!"170 )171 )172 for i, band_result in enumerate(band_list):173 band = Band(band_result.get(), self.albums)174 band_pos = f"{i+1+self.page_start}/​{band_list.result_count}"175 print(band)176 bot_response = "\n\n".join(177 [178 str(band),179 band_pos,180 ]181 )182 await shield(self.send_to.send(f"{PRE_M}{bot_response}"))183 if (i + 1) % 200 == 0:184 new_search = Search(185 self.query,186 self.send_to,187 self.strict,188 self.albums,189 self.page_start + 200,190 )191 await shield( return193 except IndexError:194 await shield(195 self.send_to.send(196 f"{PRE_M}No band was found. Remember, I only know METAL"197 " bands! \U0001F918\U0001F916"198 )199 )200bot = discord.Bot()201@bot.event202async def on_ready():203 print("Logged on as {0}!".format(bot.user))204@bot.slash_command(205 name="helper",206 description="Learn how to search!",207)208async def helper(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext):209 await shield(ctx.respond(HELP_STANDARD))210 await shield(ctx.respond(HELP_ADVANCED))211@bot.slash_command(212 name="metallum",213 description="Use /​helpers for instructions!",214)215async def metallum_search(216 ctx: discord.ApplicationContext,217 query: Option(str, "The search you wanna perform", required=True),218 exact: Option(219 bool,220 description=(221 "Whether the search results should match the exact query."222 " True or False."223 ),224 ),225):226 try:227 print(228 "\n\n"229 + "*" * 10230 + f"\n\nSearch by: {}\nQuery: {query}\nExact:"231 f" {exact}\nData: {}\n\n"232 + "*" * 10233 + "\n\n"234 )235 except Exception as e:236 print(f"Debug exception: {e}")237 try:238 send_to = await shield(239 name=f"Metallum search, query='{query}', exact={exact}",241 type=ct.public_thread,242 auto_archive_duration=60,243 )244 )245 await shield(246 ctx.respond(247 "Search initiated, please refer to the thread:"248 f" {send_to.mention}"249 )250 )251 await shield(252 send_to.send(253 f"{} used: `/​metallum query: '{query}'"254 f" exact: '{exact}'` \n\nStandby for results! \U0001F916"255 )256 )257 except (258 discord.Forbidden,259 discord.HTTPException,260 discord.InvalidArgument,261 ) as e:262 print(f"Exception in thread handling: {e}")263 await shield(ctx.respond("Something went wrong!"))264 send_to = ctx.interaction.channel265 except AttributeError as ae:266 print(f"Thread attribute error: {ae}")267 send_to = ctx.interaction.channel268 await shield(ctx.respond("Search initialized!"))269 args = query.split()270 if"^\d+$", args[0]):271 try:272 result = metallum.band_for_id(args[0])273 if != args[0]:274 raise ValueError275 band = Band(result)276 print(band)277 await send_to.send(278 f"{PRE_M}Found a band with ID: '{args[0]}'\n\n{band}"279 )280 except ValueError as v:281 print(f"ValueError in search: {v}")282 except (283 discord.Forbidden,284 discord.HTTPException,285 discord.InvalidArgument,286 ) as e:287 print(f"Exception sending band_for_id result: {e}")288 name_search = Search(query, send_to, exact)289 await shield( try:291 await shield(292 ctx.interaction.edit_original_message(293 content=(294 "Search **completed**, please refer to the thread:"295 f" {send_to.mention}"296 )297 )298 )299 except Exception as e:300 print(f"Failed to edit response: {e}")...

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Source: Github


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...95 score.append((loss_val, loss_test, acc_val, acc_test))96 # save97 save_to_csv(filename=score_filename, header=[98 'val_loss', 'test_loss', 'val_accuracy', 'test_accuracy', ], list_to_save=score, data_type='float,float,float,float')99def get_escape_list(infl_filename, n_to_remove):100 infl_list = read_csv(infl_filename)101 infl_arr = np.array(infl_list)102 header = infl_list[0]103 idx_ds = header.index('datasource_index')104 escape_list = infl_arr[1:1+n_to_remove, idx_ds].astype(int).tolist()105 return escape_list106def run_train_for_eval(model_info_dict, file_dir_dict, n_to_remove, retrain_all):107 os.environ['NNABLA_CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC'] = '1'108 os.environ['NNABLA_CUDNN_ALGORITHM_BY_HEURISTIC'] = '1'109 # files and dirs110 infl_filename = file_dir_dict['infl_filename']111 # gpu/​cpu112 ctx = get_context(model_info_dict['device_id'])113 nn.set_default_context(ctx)114 # train115 escape_list = get_escape_list(infl_filename, n_to_remove)116 retrain(model_info_dict, file_dir_dict,...

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