Best Python code snippet using AutoItDriverServer_python
1from tkinter import *2import asyncio3import shutil4import os 5from os import remove6from checkFiles import check_sd_files7from checkFiles import check_usb_files8from alert_windows import ask_delete9send_file = None10content_size_font = 1211sd_selected = True12usb_selected = False13def pack_list_box(lst_box_archivos,list_files):14 for i in list_files:15 print("Archivos disponibles : " + i)16 lst_box_archivos.insert(1,i) 17 lst_box_archivos.config(font = ("",content_size_font))18 lst_box_archivos.grid(padx=20, pady=10,row = 2, column = 0,columnspan = 4, sticky="nsew" )19def usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB):20 global sd_selected21 global usb_selected22 sd_selected = False23 usb_selected = True24 lst_box_archivos.delete(0,"end")25 btn_sd["state"] = ACTIVE26 btn_USB["state"] = DISABLED27 list_files = check_usb_files()28 pack_list_box(lst_box_archivos,list_files,)29def sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB):30 global sd_selected31 global usb_selected32 sd_selected = True33 usb_selected = False34 lst_box_archivos.delete(0,"end")35 btn_sd["state"] = DISABLED36 btn_USB["state"] = ACTIVE37 list_files = check_sd_files()38 pack_list_box(lst_box_archivos, list_files)39def select_file(lst_box_archivos, select_window):40 global send_file41 print("conectar")42 try:43 select = lst_box_archivos.curselection()44 select = lst_box_archivos.get(select)45 send_file = select46 select_window.destroy()47 except:48 pass49def move_file(lst_box_archivos, select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB):50 global sd_selected51 global usb_selected52 try:53 select = lst_box_archivos.curselection()54 select = lst_box_archivos.get(select)55 #mover de usb a sd56 if usb_selected:57 rute = os.listdir("/media/pi")58 copy_ruta = "/media/pi/" + rute[0] + "/"59 copy = copy_ruta + select60 #paste = "/home/rafael/gcodes/"+ select61 paste = "/home/pi/gcodes/"+ select62 shutil.copyfile(copy,paste)63 print("copiado")64 sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)65 66 #mover de sd a usb67 else:68 copy = "/home/pi/gcodes/"+ select69 70 rute = os.listdir("/media/pi")71 paste_ruta = "/media/pi/" + rute[0] + "/"72 copy = paste_ruta + select73 paste = "/home/rafael/usb/"+ select74 shutil.copyfile(copy, paste)75 print("copiado")76 usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)77 78 except:79 print("error")80def remove_file(lst_box_archivos, select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB):81 global sd_selected82 global send_file83 #try:84 file_name = lst_box_archivos.curselection()85 file_name = lst_box_archivos.get(file_name)86 ask_window = Toplevel(select_window)87 result = ask_delete(ask_window,select_window,file_name) 88 #borrar archivo de sd89 if result:90 if sd_selected:91 #delete_file = "/home/rafael/gcodes/" + file_name92 delete_file = "/home/pi/gcodes/" + file_name93 print("Borrado")94 remove(delete_file)95 sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)96 #borrar archivo de usb97 else:98 #delete_file = "/home/rafael/usb/" + file_name99 #file_list = os.listdir("/media/pi/"+rute[0])100 rute = os.listdir("/media/pi")101 delete_ruta = "/media/pi/" + rute[0] + "/"102 delete_file = delete_ruta + file_name103 print("Borrado")104 remove(delete_file)105 usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)106def cerrar_w(select_window):107 global send_file108 send_file = "cerrar"109 select_window.destroy()110 111def run_select_file(select_window, root):112 global send_file113 global file_list114 global sd_selected115 #variables de stylo116 title_size_font = 16117 content_size_font = 12118 color_theme = "snow"119 color_button = "deepskyblue3"120 color_text_button = "gray99"121 font = "Garuda"122 color_font_activate_button = "gray25"123 color_bg_activate_button = "deep sky Blue"124 #select_window.title("Colibrgyti 3D")125 select_window.minsize(800, 480 )126 select_window.attributes("-type","splash")127 select_window.attributes("-zoomed", True)128 select_window.fullScreenState = True129 select_window.attributes('-fullscreen')130 select_window.focus_force()131 select_window.resizable(0,0)132 133 #select_window.attributes("-type","splash")134 #select_window.attributes("-zoomed", True)135 select_window.config(bg = color_theme)136 select_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda : cerrar_w(select_window)) #accion al cerrar la ventana 137 138 #Preparacion de los puertos 139 #print("Puerto :" + str(puerto))140 141 #preparacion de la listbox para seleccionar los puertos 142 titlep = Label(select_window, text = "Selecciona el archivo para imprimir", bg = color_theme, 143 font = (font, content_size_font))144 titlep.grid(padx=10, pady=10, row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)145 146 lst_box_archivos = Listbox(select_window)147 btn_USB = Button(select_window,text =" USB ", command = lambda : usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd,btn_USB), )148 btn_USB.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))149 btn_USB.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button,150 font = (font,content_size_font))151 # 3 b btn_USB["state"] = DISABLED152 btn_USB.grid(padx=10, pady=10,row = 1, column = 0)153 154 155 btn_sd = Button(select_window,text ="IMPRESORA", command = lambda : sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd,btn_USB), )156 btn_sd.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))157 btn_sd.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 158 font = (font,content_size_font))159 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)160 btn_sd.grid( pady=10,row = 1, column = 1 )161 btn_sd["state"] = DISABLED 162 select_window.columnconfigure(3,weight=1)#configura la columna para que se estire163 #select_window.rowconfigure(2,weight=1) #configura la columna para que se estire164 #lst_box_archivos.grid(row=0, column=0)165 sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd,btn_USB)166 167 btn_select = Button(select_window,text ="Seleccionar", command = lambda : select_file(lst_box_archivos,select_window), )168 btn_select.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))169 btn_select.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 170 font = (font,content_size_font))171 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)172 btn_select.grid( pady=10,row = 3, column = 0 )173 #btn_select["state"] = DISABLED 174 175 btn_move = Button(select_window,text ="Mover", command = lambda : move_file(lst_box_archivos,select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB), )176 btn_move.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))177 btn_move.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 178 font = (font,content_size_font))179 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)180 btn_move.grid( pady=10,row = 3, column = 1 )181 #btn_select["state"] = DISABLED 182 btn_move = Button(select_window,text ="Borrar", command = lambda : remove_file(lst_box_archivos,select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB), )183 btn_move.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))184 btn_move.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 185 font = (font,content_size_font))186 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)187 btn_move.grid( pady=10,row = 3, column = 2 )188 #btn_select["state"] = DISABLED 189 """ 190 #interfaz grafica191 btn_connect = Button(select_window,text ="seleccionar", command = lambda : connect(lst_box_archivos, select_window), )192 btn_connect.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))193 btn_connect.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 194 font = (font,content_size_font))195 btn_connect.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)196 btn_update = Button(select_window, text ="Actualizar", command = lambda : update(lst_box_archivos) )197 btn_update.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))198 btn_update.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, font = (font,content_size_font))199 btn_update.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)200 """201 root.wait_window(select_window)202 #send_file = "/home/rafael/gcodes/"+send_file203 if sd_selected:204 send_file = "/home/pi/gcodes/"+send_file205 else:206 rute = os.listdir("/media/pi")207 ruta = "/media/pi/" + rute[0] + "/"208 send_file = ruta + send_file 209 print("Archivo enviado: "+send_file)...
1from tkinter import *2import asyncio3import shutil4from os import remove5from checkFiles import check_sd_files6from checkFiles import check_usb_files7from alert_windows import ask_delete8send_file = None9content_size_font = 1210sd_selected = True11usb_selected = False12def pack_list_box(lst_box_archivos,list_files):13 for i in list_files:14 print("Archivos disponibles : " + i)15 lst_box_archivos.insert(1,i) 16 lst_box_archivos.config(font = ("",content_size_font))17 lst_box_archivos.grid(padx=20, pady=10,row = 2, column = 0,columnspan = 4, sticky="nsew" )18def usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB):19 global sd_selected20 global usb_selected21 sd_selected = False22 usb_selected = True23 lst_box_archivos.delete(0,"end")24 btn_sd["state"] = ACTIVE25 btn_USB["state"] = DISABLED26 list_files = check_usb_files()27 pack_list_box(lst_box_archivos,list_files,)28def sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB):29 global sd_selected30 global usb_selected31 sd_selected = True32 usb_selected = False33 lst_box_archivos.delete(0,"end")34 btn_sd["state"] = DISABLED35 btn_USB["state"] = ACTIVE36 list_files = check_sd_files()37 pack_list_box(lst_box_archivos, list_files)38def select_file(lst_box_archivos, select_window):39 global send_file40 print("conectar")41 try:42 select = lst_box_archivos.curselection()43 select = lst_box_archivos.get(select)44 send_file = select45 select_window.destroy()46 except:47 pass48def move_file(lst_box_archivos, select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB):49 global sd_selected50 global usb_selected51 try:52 select = lst_box_archivos.curselection()53 select = lst_box_archivos.get(select)54 #mover de usb a sd55 if usb_selected:56 copy = "/home/rafael/usb/"+ select57 paste = "/home/rafael/gcodes/"+ select58 shutil.copyfile(copy,paste)59 print("copiado")60 sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)61 62 #mover de sd a usb63 else:64 copy = "/home/rafael/gcodes/"+ select65 paste = "/home/rafael/usb/"+ select66 shutil.copyfile(copy, paste)67 print("copiado")68 usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)69 70 except:71 print("error")72def remove_file(lst_box_archivos, select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB):73 global sd_selected74 global send_file75 #try:76 file_name = lst_box_archivos.curselection()77 file_name = lst_box_archivos.get(file_name)78 ask_window = Toplevel(select_window)79 result = ask_delete(ask_window,select_window,file_name) 80 #borrar archivo de sd81 if result:82 if sd_selected:83 delete_file = "/home/rafael/gcodes/" + file_name84 print("Borrado")85 remove(delete_file)86 sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)87 #borrar archivo de usb88 else:89 delete_file = "/home/rafael/usb/" + file_name90 print("Borrado")91 remove(delete_file)92 usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd, btn_USB)93def cerrar_w(select_window):94 global send_file95 send_file = "cerrar"96 select_window.destroy()97 98def run_select_file(select_window, root):99 global send_file100 global file_list101 global sd_selected102 #variables de stylo103 title_size_font = 16104 content_size_font = 12105 color_theme = "snow"106 color_button = "deepskyblue3"107 color_text_button = "gray99"108 font = "Garuda"109 color_font_activate_button = "gray25"110 color_bg_activate_button = "deep sky Blue"111 #select_window.title("Colibrgyti 3D")112 select_window.minsize(800, 480 )113 #select_window.attributes("-type","splash")114 #select_window.attributes("-zoomed", True)115 select_window.config(bg = color_theme)116 select_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda : cerrar_w(select_window)) #accion al cerrar la ventana 117 118 #Preparacion de los puertos 119 #print("Puerto :" + str(puerto))120 121 #preparacion de la listbox para seleccionar los puertos 122 titlep = Label(select_window, text = "Selecciona el archivo para imprimir", bg = color_theme, 123 font = (font, content_size_font))124 titlep.grid(padx=10, pady=10, row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)125 126 lst_box_archivos = Listbox(select_window)127 btn_USB = Button(select_window,text =" USB ", command = lambda : usb_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd,btn_USB), )128 btn_USB.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))129 btn_USB.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button,130 font = (font,content_size_font))131 # 3 b btn_USB["state"] = DISABLED132 btn_USB.grid(padx=10, pady=10,row = 1, column = 0)133 134 135 btn_sd = Button(select_window,text ="IMPRESORA", command = lambda : sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd,btn_USB), )136 btn_sd.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))137 btn_sd.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 138 font = (font,content_size_font))139 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)140 btn_sd.grid( pady=10,row = 1, column = 1 )141 btn_sd["state"] = DISABLED 142 select_window.columnconfigure(3,weight=1)#configura la columna para que se estire143 #select_window.rowconfigure(2,weight=1) #configura la columna para que se estire144 #lst_box_archivos.grid(row=0, column=0)145 sd_list(lst_box_archivos,btn_sd,btn_USB)146 147 btn_select = Button(select_window,text ="Seleccionar", command = lambda : select_file(lst_box_archivos,select_window), )148 btn_select.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))149 btn_select.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 150 font = (font,content_size_font))151 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)152 btn_select.grid( pady=10,row = 3, column = 0 )153 #btn_select["state"] = DISABLED 154 155 btn_move = Button(select_window,text ="Mover", command = lambda : move_file(lst_box_archivos,select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB), )156 btn_move.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))157 btn_move.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 158 font = (font,content_size_font))159 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)160 btn_move.grid( pady=10,row = 3, column = 1 )161 #btn_select["state"] = DISABLED 162 btn_move = Button(select_window,text ="Borrar", command = lambda : remove_file(lst_box_archivos,select_window,btn_sd, btn_USB), )163 btn_move.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))164 btn_move.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 165 font = (font,content_size_font))166 #btn_sd.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)167 btn_move.grid( pady=10,row = 3, column = 2 )168 #btn_select["state"] = DISABLED 169 """ 170 #interfaz grafica171 btn_connect = Button(select_window,text ="seleccionar", command = lambda : connect(lst_box_archivos, select_window), )172 btn_connect.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))173 btn_connect.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, 174 font = (font,content_size_font))175 btn_connect.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)176 btn_update = Button(select_window, text ="Actualizar", command = lambda : update(lst_box_archivos) )177 btn_update.config(bg = color_button, fg = color_text_button ,font =(font,content_size_font))178 btn_update.config( activebackground = color_bg_activate_button, activeforeground =color_font_activate_button, font = (font,content_size_font))179 btn_update.pack(padx = 15, pady = 10)180 """181 root.wait_window(select_window)182 send_file = "/home/rafael/gcodes/"+send_file183 print("Archivo enviado: "+send_file)184 return send_file185def run():186 root = Tk()187 select_window = Toplevel(root)188 run_select_file(select_window,root)189 root.mainloop()190if __name__ == "__main__":...
1""" Main Window Class """2import sys3from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt4from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon5from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QApplication, QGridLayout, QPushButton, QTextEdit, QTabWidget6from car_file import CarFile7from constants import ICON_PATH8from ui.add_window import AddCarWindow9from ui.delete_window import DeleteCarWindow10from ui.select_window import SelectCarWindow, SelectCategoryWindow11from ui.update_window import UpdateCarWindow12from version import VERSION13APP = QApplication([])14class MainWindow(QWidget):15 """MainWindow class"""16 def __init__(self, parent=None, title=f"Car Rater {VERSION}"):17 super().__init__(parent)18 self.setWindowTitle(title)19 self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(ICON_PATH))20 self.car_file = CarFile()21 self.elements = self.build_ui()22 def build_ui(self):23 """24 Build the UI and return a dict mapping of elements25 """26 grid_main = QGridLayout()27 self.setLayout(grid_main)28 add = QPushButton("Add Car", self)29 add.clicked.connect(self._add_car)30 delete = QPushButton("Delete Car", self)31 delete.clicked.connect(self._delete_car)32 update = QPushButton("Update Car", self)33 update.clicked.connect(self._update_car)34 chevies = QTextEdit(self)35 fords = QTextEdit(self)36 mopars = QTextEdit(self)37 trucks = QTextEdit(self)38 other = QTextEdit(self)39 tabs = QTabWidget()40 tabs.addTab(chevies, "Chevies")41 tabs.addTab(fords, "Fords")42 tabs.addTab(mopars, "Mopars")43 tabs.addTab(trucks, "Trucks")44 tabs.addTab(other, "Other")45 for text_edit in [chevies, fords, mopars, trucks, other]:46 text_edit.setFontFamily("Courier")47 text_edit.setMinimumWidth(500)48 text_edit.setMinimumHeight(200)49 text_edit.setReadOnly(True)50 chevies.setText(str(self.car_file.chevy_list))51 fords.setText(str(self.car_file.ford_list))52 mopars.setText(str(self.car_file.mopar_list))53 trucks.setText(str(self.car_file.truck_list))54 other.setText(str(self.car_file.other_list))55 close = QPushButton("Close", self)56 close.clicked.connect(self.close)57 grid_main.addWidget(add, 0, 0)58 grid_main.addWidget(update, 1, 0)59 grid_main.addWidget(delete, 2, 0)60 grid_main.addWidget(close, 3, 0)61 grid_main.addWidget(tabs, 4, 0)62 return {63 "grids": {64 "main": grid_main,65 },66 "buttons": {67 "add": add,68 "delete": delete,69 "update": update,70 },71 "text_edits": {72 "Chevy": chevies,73 "Ford": fords,74 "Mopar": mopars,75 "Truck": trucks,76 "Other": other,77 },78 }79 def start(self):80 """81 Show and start the GUI82 """83 sys.exit(APP.exec_())85 def _add_car(self):86 """87 Show the Add Car Window88 """89 self.setEnabled(False)90 add_window = AddCarWindow(self.car_file, "Add a Car")91 add_window.exec_()92 car_list = add_window.selected_list94 if car_list is not None:95 self.elements["text_edits"][car_list.category].setText(str(car_list))96 self.setEnabled(True)97 def _delete_car(self):98 """99 Show the Delete Car Window100 """101 self.setEnabled(False)102 select_window = SelectCategoryWindow(self.car_file, "Select a Category")103 select_window.exec_()104 car_list = select_window.car_list106 select_window.close()107 if car_list is not None:108 delete_window = DeleteCarWindow(self.car_file, car_list, "Delete a Car")109 delete_window.exec_()110 self.elements["text_edits"][car_list.category].setText(str(car_list))112 self.setEnabled(True)113 def _update_car(self):114 """115 Show the Update Car Window116 """117 self.setEnabled(False)118 select_window = SelectCategoryWindow(self.car_file, "Select a Category")119 select_window.exec_()120 car_list = select_window.car_list122 select_window.close()123 # Exit early if they hit cancel124 if car_list is None:125 self.setEnabled(True)126 return127 select_window = SelectCarWindow(self.car_file, car_list, "Select a Car")128 select_window.exec_()129 car = select_window.selected_car131 select_window.close()132 if car is not None:133 update_window = UpdateCarWindow(134 self.car_file, car_list, "Update a Car", car135 )136 update_window.exec_()137 self.elements["text_edits"][car_list.category].setText(str(car_list))...
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