How to use update_rotation method in Airtest

Best Python code snippet using Airtest

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2"""Functions covering the user interaction with the GUI."""3from __future__ import division, print_function4import os5import numpy as np6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt7import segmentator.config as cfg8from segmentator.utils import map_2D_hist_to_ima9from nibabel import save, Nifti1Image10from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion11class responsiveObj:12 """Stuff to interact in the user interface."""13 def __init__(self, **kwargs):14 """Initialize variables used acros functions here."""15 if kwargs is not None:16 for key, value in kwargs.items():17 setattr(self, key, value)18 self.basename = self.nii.get_filename().split(os.extsep, 1)[0]19 = None20 self.ctrlHeld = False21 self.labelNr = 022 self.imaSlcMskSwitch, self.volHistHighlightSwitch = 0, 023 self.TranspVal = 0.524 self.nrExports = 025 self.borderSwitch = 026 self.imaSlc = self.orig[:, :, self.sliceNr] # selected slice27 self.cycleCount = 028 self.cycRotHistory = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]29 self.highlights = [[], []] # to hold image to histogram circles30 def remapMsks(self, remap_slice=True):31 """Update volume histogram to image mapping.32 Parameters33 ----------34 remap_slice : bool35 Do histogram to image mapping. Used to map displayed slice mask.36 """37 if self.segmType == 'main':38 self.volHistMask = self.sectorObj.binaryMask()39 self.volHistMask = self.lassoArr(self.volHistMask, self.idxLasso)40 self.volHistMaskH.set_data(self.volHistMask)41 elif self.segmType == 'ncut':42 self.labelContours()43 self.volHistMaskH.set_data(self.volHistMask)44 self.volHistMaskH.set_extent((0, self.nrBins, self.nrBins, 0))45 # histogram to image mapping46 if remap_slice:47 temp_slice = self.invHistVolume[:, :, self.sliceNr]48 image_slice_shape = self.invHistVolume[:, :, self.sliceNr].shape49 if cfg.discard_zeros:50 zmask = temp_slice != 051 image_slice_mask = map_2D_hist_to_ima(temp_slice[zmask],52 self.volHistMask)53 # reshape to image slice shape54 self.imaSlcMsk = np.zeros(image_slice_shape)55 self.imaSlcMsk[zmask] = image_slice_mask56 else:57 image_slice_mask = map_2D_hist_to_ima(temp_slice.flatten(),58 self.volHistMask)59 # reshape to image slice shape60 self.imaSlcMsk = image_slice_mask.reshape(image_slice_shape)61 # for optional border visualization62 if self.borderSwitch == 1:63 self.imaSlcMsk = self.calcImaMaskBrd()64 def updatePanels(self, update_slice=True, update_rotation=False,65 update_extent=False):66 """Update histogram and image panels."""67 if update_rotation:68 self.checkRotation()69 if update_extent:70 self.updateImaExtent()71 if update_slice:72 self.imaSlcH.set_data(self.imaSlc)73 self.imaSlcMskH.set_data(self.imaSlcMsk)74 self.figure.canvas.draw()75 def connect(self):76 """Make the object responsive."""77 self.cidpress = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect(78 'button_press_event', self.on_press)79 self.cidrelease = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect(80 'button_release_event', self.on_release)81 self.cidmotion = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect(82 'motion_notify_event', self.on_motion)83 self.cidkeypress = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect(84 'key_press_event', self.on_key_press)85 self.cidkeyrelease = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect(86 'key_release_event', self.on_key_release)87 def on_key_press(self, event):88 """Determine what happens when a keyboard button is pressed."""89 if event.key == 'control':90 self.ctrlHeld = True91 elif event.key == '1':92 self.imaSlcMskIncr(-0.1)93 elif event.key == '2':94 self.imaSlcMskTransSwitch()95 elif event.key == '3':96 self.imaSlcMskIncr(0.1)97 elif event.key == '4':98 self.volHistHighlightTransSwitch()99 elif event.key == '5':100 self.borderSwitch = (self.borderSwitch + 1) % 2101 self.remapMsks()102 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,103 update_extent=True)104 if self.segmType == 'main':105 if event.key == 'up':106 self.sectorObj.scale_r(1.05)107 self.remapMsks()108 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,109 update_extent=False)110 elif event.key == 'down':111 self.sectorObj.scale_r(0.95)112 self.remapMsks()113 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,114 update_extent=False)115 elif event.key == 'right':116 self.sectorObj.rotate(-10.0)117 self.remapMsks()118 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,119 update_extent=False)120 elif event.key == 'left':121 self.sectorObj.rotate(10.0)122 self.remapMsks()123 self.updatePanels(update_slice=True, update_rotation=True,124 update_extent=False)125 else:126 return127 def on_key_release(self, event):128 """Determine what happens if key is released."""129 if event.key == 'control':130 self.ctrlHeld = False131 def findVoxInHist(self, event):132 """Find voxel's location in histogram."""133 = event.xdata, event.ydata134 pixel_x = int(np.floor(event.xdata))135 pixel_y = int(np.floor(event.ydata))136 aoi = self.invHistVolume[:, :, self.sliceNr] # array of interest137 # Check rotation138 cyc_rot = self.cycRotHistory[self.cycleCount][1]139 if cyc_rot == 1: # 90140 aoi = np.rot90(aoi, axes=(0, 1))141 elif cyc_rot == 2: # 180142 aoi = aoi[::-1, ::-1]143 elif cyc_rot == 3: # 270144 aoi = np.rot90(aoi, axes=(1, 0))145 # Switch x and y voxel to get linear index since not Cartesian!!!146 pixelLin = aoi[pixel_y, pixel_x]147 # ind2sub148 xpix = (pixelLin /​ self.nrBins)149 ypix = (pixelLin % self.nrBins)150 # Switch x and y for circle centre since back to Cartesian.151 circle_colors = [np.array([8, 48, 107, 255])/​255,152 np.array([33, 113, 181, 255])/​255]153 self.highlights[0].append(plt.Circle((ypix, xpix), radius=1,154 edgecolor=None, color=circle_colors[0]))155 self.highlights[1].append(plt.Circle((ypix, xpix), radius=5,156 edgecolor=None, color=circle_colors[1]))157 self.axes.add_artist(self.highlights[0][-1]) # small circle158 self.axes.add_artist(self.highlights[1][-1]) # large circle159 self.figure.canvas.draw()160 def on_press(self, event):161 """Determine what happens if mouse button is clicked."""162 if self.segmType == 'main':163 if event.button == 1: # left button164 if event.inaxes == self.axes: # cursor in left plot (hist)165 if self.ctrlHeld is False: # ctrl no166 contains = self.contains(event)167 if not contains:168 print('cursor outside circle mask')169 if not contains:170 return171 # get sector centre x and y positions172 x0 = self.sectorObj.cx173 y0 = self.sectorObj.cy174 # also get cursor x and y position and safe to press175 = x0, y0, event.xdata, event.ydata176 elif event.inaxes == self.axes2: # cursor in right plot (brow)177 self.findVoxInHist(event)178 else:179 return180 elif event.button == 2: # scroll button181 if event.inaxes != self.axes: # outside axes182 return183 # increase/​decrease radius of the sector mask184 if self.ctrlHeld is False: # ctrl no185 self.sectorObj.scale_r(1.05)186 self.remapMsks()187 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,188 update_extent=False)189 elif self.ctrlHeld is True: # ctrl yes190 self.sectorObj.rotate(10.0)191 self.remapMsks()192 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,193 update_extent=False)194 else:195 return196 elif event.button == 3: # right button197 if event.inaxes != self.axes:198 return199 # rotate the sector mask200 if self.ctrlHeld is False: # ctrl no201 self.sectorObj.scale_r(0.95)202 self.remapMsks()203 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,204 update_extent=False)205 elif self.ctrlHeld is True: # ctrl yes206 self.sectorObj.rotate(-10.0)207 self.remapMsks()208 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,209 update_extent=False)210 else:211 return212 elif self.segmType == 'ncut':213 if event.button == 1: # left mouse button214 if event.inaxes == self.axes: # cursor in left plot (hist)215 xbin = int(np.floor(event.xdata))216 ybin = int(np.floor(event.ydata))217 val = self.volHistMask[ybin][xbin]218 # increment counterField for values in clicked subfield, at219 # the first click the entire field constitutes the subfield220 counter = int(self.counterField[ybin][xbin])221 if counter+1 >= self.ima_ncut_labels.shape[2]:222 print("already at maximum ncut dimension")223 return224 self.counterField[(225 self.ima_ncut_labels[:, :, counter] ==226 self.ima_ncut_labels[[ybin], [xbin], counter])] += 1227 print("counter:" + str(counter+1))228 # define arrays with old and new labels for later indexing229 oLabels = self.ima_ncut_labels[:, :, counter]230 nLabels = self.ima_ncut_labels[:, :, counter+1]231 # replace old values with new values (in clicked subfield)232 self.volHistMask[oLabels == val] = np.copy(233 nLabels[oLabels == val])234 self.remapMsks()235 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,236 update_extent=False)237 elif event.inaxes == self.axes2: # cursor in right plot (brow)238 self.findVoxInHist(event)239 else:240 return241 elif event.button == 3: # right mouse button242 if event.inaxes == self.axes: # cursor in left plot (hist)243 xbin = int(np.floor(event.xdata))244 ybin = int(np.floor(event.ydata))245 val = self.volHistMask[ybin][xbin]246 # fetch the slider value to get label nr247 self.volHistMask[self.volHistMask == val] = \248 np.copy(self.labelNr)249 self.remapMsks()250 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,251 update_extent=False)252 def on_motion(self, event):253 """Determine what happens if mouse button moves."""254 if self.segmType == 'main':255 # ... button is pressed256 if is None:257 return258 # ... cursor is in left plot259 if event.inaxes != self.axes:260 return261 # get former sector centre x and y positions,262 # cursor x and y positions263 x0, y0, xpress, ypress = self.press264 # calculate difference betw cursor pos on click265 # and new pos dur motion266 # switch x0 & y0 cause volHistMask not Cart267 dy = event.xdata - xpress268 dx = event.ydata - ypress269 # update x and y position of sector,270 # based on past motion of cursor271 self.sectorObj.set_x(x0 + dx)272 self.sectorObj.set_y(y0 + dy)273 # update masks274 self.remapMsks()275 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,276 update_extent=False)277 else:278 return279 def on_release(self, event):280 """Determine what happens if mouse button is released."""281 = None282 # Remove highlight circle283 if self.highlights[1]:284 self.highlights[1][-1].set_visible(False)285 self.figure.canvas.draw()286 def disconnect(self):287 """Make the object unresponsive."""288 self.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidpress)289 self.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidrelease)290 self.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidmotion)291 def updateColorBar(self, val):292 """Update slider for scaling log colorbar in 2D hist."""293 histVMax = np.power(10, self.sHistC.val)294 plt.clim(vmax=histVMax)295 def updateSliceNr(self):296 """Update slice number and the selected slice."""297 self.sliceNr = int(self.sSliceNr.val*self.orig.shape[2])298 self.imaSlc = self.orig[:, :, self.sliceNr]299 def updateImaBrowser(self, val):300 """Update image browse."""301 # scale slider value [0,1) to dimension index302 self.updateSliceNr()303 self.remapMsks()304 self.updatePanels(update_slice=True, update_rotation=True,305 update_extent=True)306 def updateImaExtent(self):307 """Update both image and mask extent in image browser."""308 self.imaSlcH.set_extent((0, self.imaSlc.shape[1],309 self.imaSlc.shape[0], 0))310 self.imaSlcMskH.set_extent((0, self.imaSlc.shape[1],311 self.imaSlc.shape[0], 0))312 def cycleView(self, event):313 """Cycle through views."""314 self.cycleCount = (self.cycleCount + 1) % 3315 # transpose data316 self.orig = np.transpose(self.orig, (2, 0, 1))317 # transpose ima2volHistMap318 self.invHistVolume = np.transpose(self.invHistVolume, (2, 0, 1))319 # updates320 self.updateSliceNr()321 self.remapMsks()322 self.updatePanels(update_slice=True, update_rotation=True,323 update_extent=True)324 def rotateIma90(self, axes=(0, 1)):325 """Rotate image slice 90 degrees."""326 self.imaSlc = np.rot90(self.imaSlc, axes=axes)327 self.imaSlcMsk = np.rot90(self.imaSlcMsk, axes=axes)328 def changeRotation(self, event):329 """Change rotation of image after clicking the button."""330 self.cycRotHistory[self.cycleCount][1] += 1331 self.cycRotHistory[self.cycleCount][1] %= 4332 self.rotateIma90()333 self.updatePanels(update_slice=True, update_rotation=False,334 update_extent=True)335 def checkRotation(self):336 """Check rotation update if changed."""337 cyc_rot = self.cycRotHistory[self.cycleCount][1]338 if cyc_rot == 1: # 90339 self.rotateIma90(axes=(0, 1))340 elif cyc_rot == 2: # 180341 self.imaSlc = self.imaSlc[::-1, ::-1]342 self.imaSlcMsk = self.imaSlcMsk[::-1, ::-1]343 elif cyc_rot == 3: # 270344 self.rotateIma90(axes=(1, 0))345 def exportNifti(self, event):346 """Export labels in the image browser as a nifti file."""347 print(" Exporting nifti file...")348 # put the permuted indices back to their original format349 cycBackPerm = (self.cycleCount, (self.cycleCount+1) % 3,350 (self.cycleCount+2) % 3)351 # assing unique integers (for ncut labels)352 out_volHistMask = np.copy(self.volHistMask)353 labels = np.unique(self.volHistMask)354 intLabels = [i for i in range(labels.size)]355 for label, newLabel in zip(labels, intLabels):356 out_volHistMask[out_volHistMask == label] = intLabels[newLabel]357 # get 3D brain mask358 volume_image = np.transpose(self.invHistVolume, cycBackPerm)359 if cfg.discard_zeros:360 zmask = volume_image != 0361 temp_labeled_image = map_2D_hist_to_ima(volume_image[zmask],362 out_volHistMask)363 out_nii = np.zeros(volume_image.shape)364 out_nii[zmask] = temp_labeled_image # put back flat labels365 else:366 out_nii = map_2D_hist_to_ima(volume_image.flatten(),367 out_volHistMask)368 out_nii = out_nii.reshape(volume_image.shape)369 # save mask image as nii370 new_image = Nifti1Image(out_nii, header=self.nii.get_header(),371 affine=self.nii.get_affine())372 # get new flex file name and check for overwriting373 labels_out = '{}_labels_{}.nii.gz'.format(374 self.basename, self.nrExports)375 while os.path.isfile(labels_out):376 self.nrExports += 1377 labels_out = '{}_labels_{}.nii.gz'.format(378 self.basename, self.nrExports)379 save(new_image, labels_out)380 print(" Saved as: {}".format(labels_out))381 def clearOverlays(self):382 """Clear overlaid items such as circle highlights."""383 if self.highlights[0]:384 {h.remove() for h in self.highlights[0]}385 {h.remove() for h in self.highlights[1]}386 self.highlights[0] = []387 def resetGlobal(self, event):388 """Reset stuff."""389 # reset highlights390 self.clearOverlays()391 # reset color bar392 self.sHistC.reset()393 # reset transparency394 self.TranspVal = 0.5395 if self.segmType == 'main':396 if self.lassoSwitchCount == 1: # reset only lasso drawing397 self.idxLasso = np.zeros(self.nrBins*self.nrBins, dtype=bool)398 else:399 # reset theta sliders400 self.sThetaMin.reset()401 self.sThetaMax.reset()402 # reset values for mask403 self.sectorObj.set_x(cfg.init_centre[0])404 self.sectorObj.set_y(cfg.init_centre[1])405 self.sectorObj.set_r(cfg.init_radius)406 self.sectorObj.tmin, self.sectorObj.tmax = np.deg2rad(407 cfg.init_theta)408 elif self.segmType == 'ncut':409 self.sLabelNr.reset()410 # reset ncut labels411 self.ima_ncut_labels = np.copy(self.orig_ncut_labels)412 # reset values for volHistMask413 self.volHistMask = self.ima_ncut_labels[:, :, 0].reshape(414 (self.nrBins, self.nrBins))415 # reset counter field416 self.counterField = np.zeros((self.nrBins, self.nrBins))417 # reset political borders418 self.pltMap = np.zeros((self.nrBins, self.nrBins))419 self.pltMapH.set_data(self.pltMap)420 self.updateSliceNr()421 self.remapMsks()422 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,423 update_extent=False)424 def updateThetaMin(self, val):425 """Update theta (min) in volume histogram mask."""426 if self.segmType == 'main':427 theta_val = self.sThetaMin.val # get theta value from slider428 self.sectorObj.theta_min(theta_val)429 self.remapMsks()430 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,431 update_extent=False)432 else:433 return434 def updateThetaMax(self, val):435 """Update theta(max) in volume histogram mask."""436 if self.segmType == 'main':437 theta_val = self.sThetaMax.val # get theta value from slider438 self.sectorObj.theta_max(theta_val)439 self.remapMsks()440 self.updatePanels(update_slice=False, update_rotation=True,441 update_extent=False)442 else:443 return444 def exportNyp(self, event):445 """Export histogram counts as a numpy array."""446 print(" Exporting numpy file...")447 outFileName = '{}_identifier_pcMax{}_pcMin{}_sc{}'.format(448 self.basename, cfg.perc_max, cfg.perc_min, int(cfg.scale))449 if self.segmType == 'ncut':450 outFileName = outFileName.replace('identifier', 'volHistLabels')451 out_data = self.volHistMask452 elif self.segmType == 'main':453 outFileName = outFileName.replace('identifier', 'volHist')454 out_data = self.counts455 outFileName = outFileName.replace('.', 'pt')456, out_data)457 print(" Saved as: {}{}".format(outFileName, '.npy'))458 def updateLabels(self, val):459 """Update labels in volume histogram with slider."""460 if self.segmType == 'ncut':461 self.labelNr = self.sLabelNr.val462 else: # NOTE: might be used in the future463 return464 def imaSlcMskIncr(self, incr):465 """Update transparency of image mask by increment."""466 if (self.TranspVal + incr >= 0) & (self.TranspVal + incr <= 1):467 self.TranspVal += incr468 self.imaSlcMskH.set_alpha(self.TranspVal)469 self.figure.canvas.draw()470 def imaSlcMskTransSwitch(self):471 """Update transparency of image mask to toggle transparency."""472 self.imaSlcMskSwitch = (self.imaSlcMskSwitch+1) % 2473 if self.imaSlcMskSwitch == 1: # set imaSlcMsk transp474 self.imaSlcMskH.set_alpha(0)475 else: # set imaSlcMsk opaque476 self.imaSlcMskH.set_alpha(self.TranspVal)477 self.figure.canvas.draw()478 def volHistHighlightTransSwitch(self):479 """Update transparency of highlights to toggle transparency."""480 self.volHistHighlightSwitch = (self.volHistHighlightSwitch+1) % 2481 if self.volHistHighlightSwitch == 1 and self.highlights[0]:482 if self.highlights[0]:483 {h.set_visible(False) for h in self.highlights[0]}484 elif self.volHistHighlightSwitch == 0 and self.highlights[0]:485 {h.set_visible(True) for h in self.highlights[0]}486 self.figure.canvas.draw()487 def updateLabelsRadio(self, val):488 """Update labels with radio buttons."""489 labelScale = self.lMax /​ 6. # nr of non-zero radio buttons490 self.labelNr = int(float(val) * labelScale)491 def labelContours(self):492 """Plot political borders used in ncut version."""493 grad = np.gradient(self.volHistMask)494 self.pltMap = np.greater(np.sqrt(np.power(grad[0], 2) +495 np.power(grad[1], 2)), 0)496 self.pltMapH.set_data(self.pltMap)497 self.pltMapH.set_extent((0, self.nrBins, self.nrBins, 0))498 def lassoArr(self, array, indices):499 """Update lasso volume histogram mask."""500 lin = np.arange(array.size)501 newArray = array.flatten()502 newArray[lin[indices]] = True503 return newArray.reshape(array.shape)504 def calcImaMaskBrd(self):505 """Calculate borders of image mask slice."""506 return self.imaSlcMsk - binary_erosion(self.imaSlcMsk)507class sector_mask:508 """A pacman-like shape with useful parameters.509 Disclaimer510 ----------511 This script is adapted from a stackoverflow post by user ali_m:512 [1] http:/​/​​questions/​18352973/​mask-a-circular-sector-in-a-numpy-array513 """514 def __init__(self, shape, centre, radius, angle_range):515 """Initialize variables used acros functions here."""516 self.radius, self.shape = radius, shape517 self.x, self.y = np.ogrid[:shape[0], :shape[1]]518, = centre519 self.tmin, self.tmax = np.deg2rad(angle_range)520 # ensure stop angle > start angle521 if self.tmax < self.tmin:522 self.tmax += 2 * np.pi523 # convert cartesian to polar coordinates524 self.r2 = (self.x - * (self.x - + (525 * (self.y - self.theta = np.arctan2(self.x -, self.y - - self.tmin527 # wrap angles between 0 and 2*pi528 self.theta %= 2 * np.pi529 def set_polCrd(self):530 """Convert cartesian to polar coordinates."""531 self.r2 = (*( + (532*( self.theta = np.arctan2(, - self.tmin534 # wrap angles between 0 and 2*pi535 self.theta %= (2*np.pi)536 def set_x(self, x):537 """Set x axis value."""538 = x539 self.set_polCrd() # update polar coordinates540 def set_y(self, y):541 """Set y axis value."""542 = y543 self.set_polCrd() # update polar coordinates544 def set_r(self, radius):545 """Set radius of the circle."""546 self.radius = radius547 def scale_r(self, scale):548 """Scale (multiply) the radius."""549 self.radius = self.radius * scale550 def rotate(self, degree):551 """Rotate shape."""552 rad = np.deg2rad(degree)553 self.tmin += rad554 self.tmax += rad555 self.set_polCrd() # update polar coordinates556 def theta_min(self, degree):557 """Angle to determine one the cut out piece in circular mask."""558 rad = np.deg2rad(degree)559 self.tmin = rad560 # ensure stop angle > start angle561 if self.tmax <= self.tmin:562 self.tmax += 2*np.pi563 # ensure stop angle- 2*np.pi NOT > start angle564 if self.tmax - 2*np.pi >= self.tmin:565 self.tmax -= 2*np.pi566 # update polar coordinates567 self.set_polCrd()568 def theta_max(self, degree):569 """Angle to determine one the cut out piece in circular mask."""570 rad = np.deg2rad(degree)571 self.tmax = rad572 # ensure stop angle > start angle573 if self.tmax <= self.tmin:574 self.tmax += 2*np.pi575 # ensure stop angle- 2*np.pi NOT > start angle576 if self.tmax - 2*np.pi >= self.tmin:577 self.tmax -= 2*np.pi578 # update polar coordinates579 self.set_polCrd()580 def binaryMask(self):581 """Return a boolean mask for a circular sector."""582 # circular mask583 self.circmask = self.r2 <= self.radius*self.radius584 # angular mask585 self.anglemask = self.theta <= (self.tmax-self.tmin)586 # return binary mask587 return self.circmask*self.anglemask588 def contains(self, event):589 """Check if a cursor pointer is inside the sector mask."""590 xbin = np.floor(event.xdata)591 ybin = np.floor(event.ydata)592 Mask = self.binaryMask()593 # the next line doesn't follow pep 8 (otherwise it fails)594 if Mask[ybin][xbin] is True: # switch x and ybin, volHistMask not Cart595 return True596 else:597 return False598 def draw(self, ax, cmap='Reds', alpha=0.2, vmin=0.1, zorder=0,599 interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', extent=[0, 100, 0, 100]):600 """Draw sector mask."""601 BinMask = self.binaryMask()602 FigObj = ax.imshow(BinMask, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, vmin=vmin,603 interpolation=interpolation, origin=origin,604 extent=extent, zorder=zorder)...

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...126 if arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(self.player_sprite, self.window.cursor):127 self.window.cursor.change_state(state='no')128 else:129 self.window.cursor.change_state(state='idle')130 self.planet_8.update_rotation(delta_time)131 self.planet_7.update_rotation(delta_time)132 self.planet_6.update_rotation(delta_time)133 self.planet_5.update_rotation(delta_time)134 self.planet_4.update_rotation(delta_time)135 self.planet_3.update_rotation(delta_time)136 self.planet_2.update_rotation(delta_time)137 self.planet_1.update_rotation(delta_time)138 def on_draw(self):139 """ Use this function to draw everything to the screen. """140 # Move the angle of the sweep.141 self.angle += RADIANS_PER_FRAME142 # Calculate the end point of our radar sweep. Using math.143 x = self.sweep_length * math.sin(self.angle) + (self.window.width /​/​ 2)144 y = self.sweep_length * math.cos(self.angle) + (self.window.height /​/​ 2)145 # Start the render. This must happen before any drawing146 # commands. We do NOT need an stop render command.147 self.window.developer_tool.on_draw_start()148 arcade.start_render()149 # Draw the background texture150 arcade.draw_lrwh_rectangle_textured(0, 0,151 self.window.width, self.window.height,...

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...6 7 def __init__(self, settings):8 self.settings = settings9 self.hat = PiSenseHat()10 self.update_rotation(settings.get("rotation"))11 self.update_low_light(settings.get("low_light"))12 def get_sensor_values(self):13 return {14 "humidity": self.hat.get_humidity(),15 "temperature": self.hat.get_temperature(),16 "pressure": self.hat.get_pressure()17 }18 19 def display(self, text, color = None, speed = None):20 if not color: color = [255, 255, 255]21 if not speed: speed = self.settings.get("display_speed")22 brightness = self.settings.get("brightness")23 color = [ int(subcolor * (brightness /​ 255)) for subcolor in color]24 self.display_bussy = True25 self.hat.show_message(text, text_colour=color, scroll_speed=speed)26 self.display_bussy = False27 self.update_rotation(self.settings.get("rotation"))28 def update_rotation(self, value):29 # Don't update the rotation while 'show_message' is active. It buffers the rotation and resets it to the bufferd value when done...30 # https:/​/​​astro-pi/​python-sense-hat/​blob/​9a37f0923ce8dbde69514c3b8d58d30de01c9ee7/​sense_hat/​ if(not self.display_bussy): 32 self.hat.set_rotation(value, False)33 34 def update_low_light(self, value):...

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Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

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