How to use start_shell method in Airtest

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1import time2import random3import pygame4pygame.init()5display_width = 8006display_height = 6007gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height))8icon = pygame.image.load("ic.jpg")9pygame.display.set_icon(icon)10wheat=(245, 222, 179)11white = (255, 255, 255)12black = (0, 0, 0)13blue = (0,158,255)14red = (255, 11, 92)15light_red = (188, 0, 47)16yellow = (255, 241, 107)17light_yellow = (255, 242, 133)18green = (111, 255, 101)19light_green = (190, 255, 116)20clock = pygame.time.Clock()21tankWidth = 4022tankHeight = 2023turretWidth = 524wheelWidth = 525ground_height = 3526smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 25)27medfont = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsansms", 50)28largefont = pygame.font.SysFont("Yu Mincho Demibold", 85)29vsmallfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Yu Mincho Demibold", 25)30def score(score):31 text = smallfont.render("Счет: " + str(score), True, white)32 gameDisplay.blit(text, [0, 0])33def text_objects(text, color, size="small"):34 if size == "small":35 textSurface = smallfont.render(text, True, color)36 if size == "medium":37 textSurface = medfont.render(text, True, color)38 if size == "large":39 textSurface = largefont.render(text, True, color)40 if size == "vsmall":41 textSurface = vsmallfont.render(text, True, color)42 return textSurface, textSurface.get_rect()43def text_to_button(msg, color, buttonx, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight, size="vsmall"):44 textSurf, textRect = text_objects(msg, color, size)45 = ((buttonx + (buttonwidth /​ 2)), buttony + (buttonheight /​ 2))46 gameDisplay.blit(textSurf, textRect)47def message_to_screen(msg, color, y_displace=0, size="small"):48 textSurf, textRect = text_objects(msg, color, size)49 = (int(display_width /​ 2), int(display_height /​ 2) + y_displace)50 gameDisplay.blit(textSurf, textRect)51def tank(x, y, turPos):52 x = int(x)53 y = int(y)54 possibleTurrets = [(x - 27, y - 2),55 (x - 26, y - 5),56 (x - 25, y - 8),57 (x - 23, y - 12),58 (x - 20, y - 14),59 (x - 18, y - 15),60 (x - 16, y - 17),61 (x - 13, y - 19),62 (x - 11, y - 21)63 ]64, blue, (x, y), int(tankHeight /​ 2))65 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, blue, (x - tankHeight, y, tankWidth, tankHeight))66 pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, blue, (x, y), possibleTurrets[turPos], turretWidth)67, blue, (x - 15, y + 20), wheelWidth)68, blue, (x - 10, y + 20), wheelWidth)69, blue, (x - 15, y + 20), wheelWidth)70, blue, (x - 10, y + 20), wheelWidth)71, blue, (x - 5, y + 20), wheelWidth)72, blue, (x, y + 20), wheelWidth)73, blue, (x + 5, y + 20), wheelWidth)74, blue, (x + 10, y + 20), wheelWidth)75, blue, (x + 15, y + 20), wheelWidth)76 return possibleTurrets[turPos]77def rival_tank(x, y, turPos):78 x = int(x)79 y = int(y)80 possibleTurrets = [(x + 27, y - 2),81 (x + 26, y - 5),82 (x + 25, y - 8),83 (x + 23, y - 12),84 (x + 20, y - 14),85 (x + 18, y - 15),86 (x + 15, y - 17),87 (x + 13, y - 19),88 (x + 11, y - 21)89 ]90, blue, (x, y), int(tankHeight /​ 2))91 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, blue, (x - tankHeight, y, tankWidth, tankHeight))92 pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, blue, (x, y), possibleTurrets[turPos], turretWidth)93, blue, (x - 15, y + 20), wheelWidth)94, blue, (x - 10, y + 20), wheelWidth)95, blue, (x - 15, y + 20), wheelWidth)96, blue, (x - 10, y + 20), wheelWidth)97, blue, (x - 5, y + 20), wheelWidth)98, blue, (x, y + 20), wheelWidth)99, blue, (x + 5, y + 20), wheelWidth)100, blue, (x + 10, y + 20), wheelWidth)101, blue, (x + 15, y + 20), wheelWidth)102 return possibleTurrets[turPos]103def game_controls():104 gcont = True105 while gcont:106 for event in pygame.event.get():107 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:108 pygame.quit()109 quit()110 gameDisplay.fill(black)111 message_to_screen("Управление", white, -100, size="large")112 message_to_screen("Огонь: пробел", wheat, -30)113 message_to_screen("Перемещение дула: вверх или вниз стрелками", wheat, 10)114 message_to_screen("Перемещение танка: влево или вправо стрелками", wheat, 50)115 message_to_screen("Удерживайте D для повышения % мощности выстрела или А для понижения % ", wheat, 140)116 message_to_screen("Пауза: P", wheat, 90)117 button("Играть", 150, 500, 100, 50, green, light_green, action="play")118 button("Основное", 350, 500, 100, 50, yellow, light_yellow, action="main")119 button("Выход", 550, 500, 100, 50, red, light_red, action="quit")120 pygame.display.update()121 clock.tick(15)122def button(text, x, y, width, height, inactive_color, active_color, action=None,size=" "):123 cur = pygame.mouse.get_pos()124 click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()125 if x + width > cur[0] > x and y + height > cur[1] > y:126 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, active_color, (x, y, width, height))127 if click[0] == 1 and action != None:128 if action == "quit":129 pygame.quit()130 quit()131 if action == "controls":132 game_controls()133 if action == "play":134 gameLoop()135 if action == "main":136 game_intro()137 else:138 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, inactive_color, (x, y, width, height))139 text_to_button(text, black, x, y, width, height)140def pause():141 paused = True142 message_to_screen("Пауза", white, -100, size="large")143 message_to_screen("Нажмите С, чтобы продолжить игру или Q для выхода из нее", wheat, 25)144 pygame.display.update()145 while paused:146 for event in pygame.event.get():147 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:148 pygame.quit()149 quit()150 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:151 if event.key == pygame.K_c:152 paused = False153 elif event.key == pygame.K_q:154 pygame.quit()155 quit()156 clock.tick(5)157def barrier(x_location, random_Height, barrier_width):158 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, green, [x_location, display_height - random_Height, barrier_width, random_Height])159def explosion(x, y, size=50):160 burst_up = True161 while burst_up:162 for event in pygame.event.get():163 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:164 pygame.quit()165 quit()166 startPoint = x, y167 colorChoices = [red, light_red, yellow, light_yellow]168 magnitude = 1169 while magnitude < size:170 burst_up_bit_x = x + random.randrange(-1 * magnitude, magnitude)171 burst_up_bit_y = y + random.randrange(-1 * magnitude, magnitude)172, colorChoices[random.randrange(0, 4)], (burst_up_bit_x, burst_up_bit_y),173 random.randrange(1, 5))174 magnitude += 1175 pygame.display.update()176 clock.tick(100)177 burst_up = False178def fireShell(x_y, tankx, tanky, turPos, shot_power, x_location, barrier_width, random_Height, rival_Tank_X, rival_Tank_Y):179 fire = True180 damage = 0181 startingShell = list(x_y)182 print("Огонь!", x_y)183 while fire:184 for event in pygame.event.get():185 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:186 pygame.quit()187 quit()188, red, (startingShell[0], startingShell[1]), 5)189 startingShell[0] -= (12 - turPos) * 2190 startingShell[1] += int(191 (((startingShell[0] - x_y[0]) * 0.015 /​ (shot_power /​ 50)) ** 2) - (turPos + turPos /​ (12 - turPos)))192 if startingShell[1] > display_height - ground_height:193 print("Последнее пробитие:", startingShell[0], startingShell[1])194 hit_x = int((startingShell[0] * display_height - ground_height) /​ startingShell[1])195 hit_y = int(display_height - ground_height)196 print("Урон:", hit_x, hit_y)197 if rival_Tank_X + 10 > hit_x > rival_Tank_X - 10:198 print("Критическое попадание!")199 damage = 25200 elif rival_Tank_X + 15 > hit_x > rival_Tank_X - 15:201 print("Сильный выстрел!")202 damage = 18203 elif rival_Tank_X + 25 > hit_x > rival_Tank_X - 25:204 print("Средний выстрел")205 damage = 10206 elif rival_Tank_X + 35 > hit_x > rival_Tank_X - 35:207 print("Легкий выстрел")208 damage = 5209 explosion(hit_x, hit_y)210 fire = False211 check_x_1 = startingShell[0] <= x_location + barrier_width212 check_x_2 = startingShell[0] >= x_location213 check_y_1 = startingShell[1] <= display_height214 check_y_2 = startingShell[1] >= display_height - random_Height215 if check_x_1 and check_x_2 and check_y_1 and check_y_2:216 print("Последнее пробитие:", startingShell[0], startingShell[1])217 hit_x = int((startingShell[0]))218 hit_y = int(startingShell[1])219 print("Урон:", hit_x, hit_y)220 explosion(hit_x, hit_y)221 fire = False222 pygame.display.update()223 clock.tick(60)224 return damage225def e_fireShell(x_y, tankx, tanky, turPos, shot_power, x_location, barrier_width, random_Height, ptank_x, ptank_y):226 damage = 0227 flowPower = 1228 power_found = False229 while not power_found:230 flowPower += 1231 if flowPower > 100:232 power_found = True233 fire = True234 start_Shell = list(x_y)235 while fire:236 for event in pygame.event.get():237 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:238 pygame.quit()239 quit()240 start_Shell[0] += (12 - turPos) * 2241 start_Shell[1] += int(242 (((start_Shell[0] - x_y[0]) * 0.015 /​ (flowPower /​ 50)) ** 2) - (turPos + turPos /​ (12 - turPos)))243 if start_Shell[1] > display_height - ground_height:244 hit_x = int((start_Shell[0] * display_height - ground_height) /​ start_Shell[1])245 hit_y = int(display_height - ground_height)246 if ptank_x + 15 > hit_x > ptank_x - 15:247 print("цель достигнута!")248 power_found = True249 fire = False250 check_x_1 = start_Shell[0] <= x_location + barrier_width251 check_x_2 = start_Shell[0] >= x_location252 check_y_1 = start_Shell[1] <= display_height253 check_y_2 = start_Shell[1] >= display_height - random_Height254 if check_x_1 and check_x_2 and check_y_1 and check_y_2:255 hit_x = int((start_Shell[0]))256 hit_y = int(start_Shell[1])257 fire = False258 fire = True259 start_Shell = list(x_y)260 print("Огонь!", x_y)261 while fire:262 for event in pygame.event.get():263 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:264 pygame.quit()265 quit()266, red, (start_Shell[0], start_Shell[1]), 5)267 start_Shell[0] += (12 - turPos) * 2268 shot_power = random.randrange(int(flowPower * 0.90), int(flowPower * 1.10))269 start_Shell[1] += int(270 (((start_Shell[0] - x_y[0]) * 0.015 /​ (shot_power /​ 50)) ** 2) - (turPos + turPos /​ (12 - turPos)))271 if start_Shell[1] > display_height - ground_height:272 print("последние проибите:", start_Shell[0], start_Shell[1])273 hit_x = int((start_Shell[0] * display_height - ground_height) /​ start_Shell[1])274 hit_y = int(display_height - ground_height)275 print("Урон:", hit_x, hit_y)276 if ptank_x + 10 > hit_x > ptank_x - 10:277 print("Критический урон!")278 damage = 25279 elif ptank_x + 15 > hit_x > ptank_x - 15:280 print("Серьезный урон!")281 damage = 18282 elif ptank_x + 25 > hit_x > ptank_x - 25:283 print("Средний урон")284 damage = 10285 elif ptank_x + 35 > hit_x > ptank_x - 35:286 print("Легкий урон")287 damage = 5288 explosion(hit_x, hit_y)289 fire = False290 check_x_1 = start_Shell[0] <= x_location + barrier_width291 check_x_2 = start_Shell[0] >= x_location292 check_y_1 = start_Shell[1] <= display_height293 check_y_2 = start_Shell[1] >= display_height - random_Height294 if check_x_1 and check_x_2 and check_y_1 and check_y_2:295 print("Последние пробитие:", start_Shell[0], start_Shell[1])296 hit_x = int((start_Shell[0]))297 hit_y = int(start_Shell[1])298 print("Урон:", hit_x, hit_y)299 explosion(hit_x, hit_y)300 fire = False301 pygame.display.update()302 clock.tick(60)303 return damage304def power(level):305 text = smallfont.render("Мощность: " + str(level) + "%", True, wheat)306 gameDisplay.blit(text, [display_width /​ 2, 0])307def game_intro():308 intro = True309 while intro:310 for event in pygame.event.get():311 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:312 pygame.quit()313 quit()314 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:315 if event.key == pygame.K_c:316 intro = False317 elif event.key == pygame.K_q:318 pygame.quit()319 quit()320 gameDisplay.fill(black)321 message_to_screen("Добро пожаловать в танки!", white, -120, size="large")322 button("Играть", 150, 500, 100, 50, wheat, light_green, action="play",size="vsmall")323 button("Управление", 350, 500, 100, 50, wheat, light_yellow, action="controls",size="vsmall")324 button("Выход", 550, 500, 100, 50, wheat, light_red, action="quit",size="vsmall")325 pygame.display.update()326 clock.tick(15)327def game_over():328 game_over = True329 while game_over:330 for event in pygame.event.get():331 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:332 pygame.quit()333 quit()334 gameDisplay.fill(black)335 message_to_screen("Вы проиграли", white, -120, size="large")336 message_to_screen("Ты пал честью храбрых", wheat, -30)337 button("Играть снова", 150, 600, 150, 50, wheat, light_green, action="play")338 button("Управление", 350, 600, 100, 50, wheat, light_yellow, action="controls")339 button("Выход", 550, 600, 100, 50, wheat, light_red, action="quit")340 pygame.display.update()341 clock.tick(15)342def you_win():343 win = True344 while win:345 for event in pygame.event.get():346 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:347 pygame.quit()348 quit()349 gameDisplay.fill(black)350 message_to_screen("Ты победил!", white, -100, size="large")351 message_to_screen("Это было невероятно!", wheat, -30)352 button("играть снова", 150, 600, 150, 50, wheat, light_green, action="play")353 button("управление", 350, 600, 100, 50, wheat, light_yellow, action="controls")354 button("выход", 550, 600, 100, 50, wheat, light_red, action="quit")355 pygame.display.update()356 clock.tick(15)357def health_bars(player_health, rival_health):358 if player_health > 75:359 player_health_color = green360 elif player_health > 50:361 player_health_color = yellow362 else:363 player_health_color = red364 if rival_health > 75:365 rival_health_color = green366 elif rival_health > 50:367 rival_health_color = yellow368 else:369 rival_health_color = red370 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, player_health_color, (680, 25, player_health, 25))371 pygame.draw.rect(gameDisplay, rival_health_color, (20, 25, rival_health, 25))372def gameLoop():373 gameExit = False374 gameOver = False375 FPS = 30376 player_health = 100377 rival_health = 100378 barrier_width = 50379 main_Tank_X = display_width * 0.9380 mainTankY = display_height * 0.9381 tank_Move = 0382 flowTurPos = 0383 change_tur = 0384 rival_Tank_X = display_width * 0.1385 rival_Tank_Y = display_height * 0.9386 fire_power = 50387 power_change = 0388 x_location = (display_width /​ 2) + random.randint(-0.1 * display_width, 0.1 * display_width)389 random_Height = random.randrange(display_height * 0.1, display_height * 0.6)390 while not gameExit:391 if gameOver == True:392 message_to_screen("Игра окончена!", red, -50, size="large")393 message_to_screen("Нажмите С, чтобы играть снова или Q для выхода из игры", black, 50)394 pygame.display.update()395 while gameOver == True:396 for event in pygame.event.get():397 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:398 gameExit = True399 gameOver = False400 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:401 if event.key == pygame.K_c:402 gameLoop()403 elif event.key == pygame.K_q:404 gameExit = True405 gameOver = False406 for event in pygame.event.get():407 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:408 gameExit = True409 if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:410 if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:411 tank_Move = -5412 elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:413 tank_Move = 5414 elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:415 change_tur = 1416 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:417 change_tur = -1418 elif event.key == pygame.K_p:419 pause()420 elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:421 damage = fireShell(shot, main_Tank_X, mainTankY, flowTurPos, fire_power, x_location, barrier_width,422 random_Height, rival_Tank_X, rival_Tank_Y)423 rival_health -= damage424 possibleMovement = ['f', 'r']425 moveIndex = random.randrange(0, 2)426 for x in range(random.randrange(0, 10)):427 if display_width * 0.3 > rival_Tank_X > display_width * 0.03:428 if possibleMovement[moveIndex] == "f":429 rival_Tank_X += 5430 elif possibleMovement[moveIndex] == "r":431 rival_Tank_X -= 5432 gameDisplay.fill(black)433 health_bars(player_health, rival_health)434 shot = tank(main_Tank_X, mainTankY, flowTurPos)435 rival_shot = rival_tank(rival_Tank_X, rival_Tank_Y, 8)436 fire_power += power_change437 power(fire_power)438 barrier(x_location, random_Height, barrier_width)439 gameDisplay.fill(green,440 rect=[0, display_height - ground_height, display_width, ground_height])441 pygame.display.update()442 clock.tick(FPS)443 damage = e_fireShell(rival_shot, rival_Tank_X, rival_Tank_Y, 8, 50, x_location, barrier_width,444 random_Height, main_Tank_X, mainTankY)445 player_health -= damage446 elif event.key == pygame.K_a:447 power_change = -1448 elif event.key == pygame.K_d:449 power_change = 1450 elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:451 if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:452 tank_Move = 0453 if event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:454 change_tur = 0455 if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_d:456 power_change = 0457 main_Tank_X += tank_Move458 flowTurPos += change_tur459 if flowTurPos > 8:460 flowTurPos = 8461 elif flowTurPos < 0:462 flowTurPos = 0463 if main_Tank_X - (tankWidth /​ 2) < x_location + barrier_width:464 main_Tank_X += 5465 gameDisplay.fill(black)466 health_bars(player_health, rival_health)467 shot = tank(main_Tank_X, mainTankY, flowTurPos)468 rival_shot = rival_tank(rival_Tank_X, rival_Tank_Y, 8)469 fire_power += power_change470 if fire_power > 100:471 fire_power = 100472 elif fire_power < 1:473 fire_power = 1474 power(fire_power)475 barrier(x_location, random_Height, barrier_width)476 gameDisplay.fill(green, rect=[0, display_height - ground_height, display_width, ground_height])477 pygame.display.update()478 if player_health < 1:479 game_over()480 elif rival_health < 1:481 you_win()482 clock.tick(FPS)483 pygame.quit()484 quit()485game_intro()...

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...53 print("COMMANDS:\n" + "show all ---------------- display all countries and clients connected to server\n" + "choice ID# ------------- select the number in front of country\n"54 + "client ID#--------------------- returns the json for the client that selected the country\n" + "quit ---------------------- exit current client when called in send target function\n" + "exit ------------------------------- exits the program\n")55 except:56 print("Error accepting connections")57def start_shell():58 cmd = str(input('shell> '))59 if cmd.lower() == 'exit':60 print("ending program")61 raise SystemExit62 while cmd.lower != 'quit':63 if cmd.lower() == 'show all':64 showCountries()65 create_client_list()66 list_connections()67 cmd = str(input('shell> '))68 elif 'choice' in cmd.lower():69 ID = get_country(cmd)70 print(b.getJson, ID)71 elif 'client' in cmd.lower():72 conn = get_target(cmd)73 if conn is None:74 send_target_commands(conn)75 else:76 if cmd.lower() == 'exit':77 raise SystemExit78 send_target_commands(cmd)79 print("Command not recognized")80 receive_client_input(conn)81def showCountries():82 countries = []83 for i in range(len(b.individual_country_list)):84 id_country = str(i) + " " + str(b.individual_country_list[i])85 print(id_country)86def create_client_list():87 client_string = ""88 for c, conn in enumerate(all_connections):89 try:90 temp = str(c) + " " + str(all_address[c][0]) + " " + str(all_address[c][1]) + "\n"91 client_string = client_string + temp92 except:93 print("Clients could not be retrieved....")94 print("-------------Clients--------------\n" + client_string)95def list_connections():96 for i, conn in enumerate(all_connections):97 try:98 conn.send(str.encode(' '))99 data = conn.recv(1024)100 print(data)101 except:102 del all_connections[i]103 del all_address[i]104 continue105 start_shell()106def get_country(cmd):107 try:108 countryID = cmd.replace('choice ', '')109 countryID = int(countryID)110 print("You have selected", b.individual_country_list[countryID])111 print(b.getJson(countryID))112 except:113 print("invalid countryID")114def get_target(cmd):115 try:116 shellID = cmd.replace('client ', '')117 shellID = int(shellID)118 conn = all_connections[shellID]119 print("Now connected to: " + str(all_address[shellID]))120 #print(str(all_address[shellID][0]) + ">", end="")121 receive_client_input(conn)122 return conn123 except:124 print("Selection not valid")125 return None126def send_target_commands(conn):127 while True:128 try:129 print("Press 'Enter' key if not connected to client to retype shell command or 'quit' to exit current client")130 cmd = str(input('shell>>'))131 if cmd.lower() == 'quit':132 goodbye = "goodbye"133 print(goodbye)134 conn.send(goodbye.encode())135 start_shell()136 if len(str.encode(cmd)) > 0:137 conn.send(cmd.encode())138 client_response = str(conn.recv(1024), "utf-8")139 print(client_response, '\n', end="")140 if client_response == 'exit':141 start_shell()142 else:143 send_target_commands(conn)144 else:145 start_shell()146 except:147 print("Error sending commands")148 start_shell()149 break150def receive_client_input(conn):151 client_selection = conn.recv(1024)152 c_id = client_selection.decode()153 print("this is c id", c_id, int(c_id))154 country_json = b.getJson(int(client_selection))155 print(country_json)156 conn.send(country_json.encode())157 start_shell()158def create_threads():159 for _ in range(thread_count):160 t = threading.Thread(target=get_queue)161 t.daemon = True162 t.start()163def get_queue():164 while True:165 x = queue.get()166 if x == 1:167 create_socket()168 bind_socket()169 accepting_connections()170 if x == 2:171 start_shell()172 queue.task_done()173def create_queue():174 for x in connection_jobs:175 queue.put(x)176 queue.join()177create_threads()...

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1"""2manage floodlight instance3"""4import logging5import subprocess6import shutil7import os8import time9import signal10class FloodlightController ( object ):11 "manage floodlight controller"12 def __init__ (self, auto_start = False, start_shell=None):13 self.start_shell = start_shell14 self.auto_start = auto_start15 self.has_started = False16 self.process = None17 if self.auto_start:18 if start_shell == None:19 raise RuntimeError('we want the controller starting shell path if the controller is automatically delegated.')20 else:21 self.start_floodlight( )22 def start_floodlight ( self ):23 "start the floodlight"24 if self.has_started:25 return26 self.has_started = True27 cmds = self.start_shell.split()28 cwd = self.get_cwd_from_shell_path( )29 with open(os.devnull, 'w') as DEVNULL:30 try:31 self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmds, cwd=cwd, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)32 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:33 logging.error('cannot start floodlight controller, exit')34 raise RuntimeError('cannot start floodlight controller')35'sleep 5 seconds to wait for floodlight start')36 time.sleep(5)37 def get_cwd_from_shell_path( self ):38 "get the cwd from the shell scripts"39 idx = self.start_shell.rfind('/​')40 return self.start_shell[:idx]41 def get_floodlight_pid( self ):42 "get the pid of floodlight"43 cmds = 'pgrep -f java.*floodlight'.split()44 p = subprocess.Popen(cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)45 out, err = p.communicate()46 pid = None47 for line in out.splitlines():48 pid = int(line)49 return pid50 51 def check_status( self ):52 "is the controller is running?"53 pid = self.get_floodlight_pid( )54 return True if pid != None else False55 56 def stop_floodlight( self ):57 "just stop floodlight"58 pid = self.get_floodlight_pid()59 if pid != None:60'killing floodlight process {}'.format(pid))61 os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)62 else:63 logging.error('cannot find floodlight process')64 self.process = None65 self.has_started = None66 def get_log_path( self ):67 return '/​tmp/​floodlight.log'68 def get_config_path( self ):69 if self.start_shell:70 idx = self.start_shell.rfind('/​')71 parent_path = self.start_shell[:idx]72 return parent_path + '/​src/​main/​resources/​'73 else:74 return None75 def clean_floodlight( self ):76 "stop process and clean logs"77 if self.has_started:78 self.stop_floodlight()79 # remove logs80 try:81 os.remove( self.get_log_path() )82 except OSError:83 pass84 85 def retrieve_floodlight_log( self, target_path ):86 "copy logs to another file"87 if self.auto_start:88 shutil.copy(self.get_log_path(), target_path)89 def retrieve_floodlight_config( self, target_path ):90 "copy configurations"91 shutil.copy(self.get_config_path(), target_path)...

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