Best Python code snippet using Airtest
1from __future__ import print_function2import re, sys, os, time, glob, errno, tempfile, binascii, subprocess, shutil3from lxml import etree4from optparse import OptionParser5import textwrap6import string7VERSION = '0.1'8__all__ = ['DoxyGen2RST']9LINE_BREAKER = "\n"10MAX_COLUMN = 8011def is_valid_uuid(uuid_string):12 uuid4hex = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{32}\Z', re.I)13 return uuid4hex.match(uuid_string) != None14def get_page(refid):15 fields = refid.split("_")16 if(is_valid_uuid(fields[-1][-32:])):17 return ["_".join(fields[0:-1]), fields[-1]]18 return [refid, None]19def mkdir_p(path):20 try:21 os.makedirs(path)22 except OSError as exc: # Python >2.523 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):24 pass25 else:26 raise27def _glob(path, *exts):28 path = os.path.join(path, "*") if os.path.isdir(path) else path + "*"29 return [f for files in [glob.glob(path + ext) for ext in exts] for f in files]30class DoxyGen2RST(object):31 """32 Customize the Doxygen XML output into RST format, then it can33 be translated into all formats with the unified user interface.34 The Doxygen output itself is too verbose and not hard to be35 organized for a good documentation.36 """37 def __init__(self,38 src,39 dst,40 missing_filename = "missing.rst",41 is_github = False,42 enable_uml = True,43 github_ext = ""):44 self.doxy_output_dir = os.path.join(src, "_doxygen", "xml")45 self.output_dir = dst46 self.rst_dir = src47 self.enable_uml = enable_uml48 mkdir_p(dst)49 self.is_github = is_github50 if(is_github):51 self.page_ext = github_ext52 self.anchor_prefix = "wiki-"53 else:54 self.anchor_prefix = ""55 self.page_ext = ".html"56 self.filter = ["*.rst", "*.rest"]57 self.re_doxy = "<doxygen2rst\s(\S*)=(\S*)>(.*?)</doxygen2rst>"58 self.index_root = etree.parse(os.path.join(self.doxy_output_dir, "index.xml")).getroot()59 self.references = {}60 self.missed_types_structs = {}61 self.name_refid_map = {}62 self.build_references()63 self.page_references = {}64 self.missing_filename = missing_filename65 self.temp_uml_path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "uml_" + binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(15)))66 if os.path.exists(self.temp_uml_path):67 shutil.rmtree(self.temp_uml_path)68 os.mkdir(self.temp_uml_path)69 def _find_ref_id(self, kind, name):70 #print("_find_ref_id, %s - %s" %(kind, name))71 if(kind == "function"):72 for comp in self.index_root.iter("member"):73 if(comp.attrib["kind"].lower() == kind.lower() and74 comp.findtext("name").lower() == name.lower()):75 return (comp.attrib["refid"])76 pass77 else:78 for comp in self.index_root.iter("compound"):79 if(comp.attrib["kind"].lower() == kind.lower() and80 comp.findtext("name").lower() == name.lower()):81 return comp.attrib["refid"]82 return None83 def strip_title_ref(self, text):84 table = string.maketrans("","")85 retstr = text.translate(table, string.punctuation)86 words = retstr.split()87 retstr = "-".join(words)88 return retstr.lower()89 def build_references(self):90 for file in _glob(self.rst_dir, *self.filter):91 filename = os.path.basename(file)92 fin = open(file,'r')93 content = it = re.finditer(self.re_doxy, content, re.DOTALL)95 for m in it:96 ref_id = self._find_ref_id(m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1])97 if(ref_id is None):98 #print("Reference is NOT found for: %s=%s" % (m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1]))99 continue100 page_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]101 title_ref = self.strip_title_ref(m.groups()[2])102 self.references[ref_id] = [m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1], page_name, filename, title_ref]103 self.name_refid_map[m.groups()[1]] = ref_id104 fin.close()105 #print(self.references)106 def call_plantuml(self):107 if(not self.enable_uml):108 return109 java_bin = os.path.join(os.environ['JAVA_HOME'], "bin", "java")110 output_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "images"))111 cmds = ["\"" + java_bin + "\"", "-jar", "plantuml.jar", self.temp_uml_path + "/", "-o", output_path]112 print(" ".join(cmds))113 os.system(" ".join(cmds))114 shutil.rmtree(self.temp_uml_path)115 def _build_uml(self, uml_name, content):116 uml_path = os.path.join(self.temp_uml_path, uml_name + ".txt")117 fuml = open(uml_path, "w+")118 fuml.write("@startuml\n")119 fuml.write(content)120 fuml.write("\n@enduml\n")121 fuml.close()122 return ".. image:: images/" + uml_name + ".png" + LINE_BREAKER123 def _build(self, m):124 retstr = ""125 if(m.groups()[0] == "uml"):126 retstr = self._build_uml(m.groups()[1], m.groups()[2])127 elif(m.groups()[0] == "link"):128 link = m.groups()[1] + self.page_ext129 retstr = ("`%s <%s>`_" % (m.groups()[2], link))130 else:131 if(m.groups()[0] != "function"):132 retstr += self._build_title(m.groups()[2])133 retstr += self.convert_doxy(m.groups()[0], m.groups()[1])134 return retstr135 def generate(self):136 for file in _glob(self.rst_dir, *self.filter):137 filename = os.path.basename(file)138 fin = open(file,'r')139 input_txt = fin.close()141 output_txt = re.sub(self.re_doxy, self._build, input_txt, 0, re.DOTALL)142 output_txt += self._build_page_ref_notes()143 fout = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename), 'w+')144 fout.write(output_txt)145 fout.close()146 #print("%s --- %s" %( file, os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename)))147 self._build_missed_types_and_structs()148 self.call_plantuml()149 def make_para_title(self, title, indent = 4):150 retstr = LINE_BREAKER151 if(title):152 retstr += "".ljust(indent, " ") + "| **" + title + "**" + LINE_BREAKER153 return retstr154 def _build_title(self, title, flag = '=', ref = None):155 retstr = LINE_BREAKER156 if(ref):157 retstr += ".. _ref-" + ref + ":" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER158 retstr += title + LINE_BREAKER159 retstr += "".ljust(20, flag) + LINE_BREAKER160 retstr += LINE_BREAKER161 return retstr162 def _build_ref(self, node):163 text = node.text.strip()164 retstr = ""165 target = '`' + text + '`'166 retstr += target + "_ "167 if target in self.page_references:168 reflink = self.page_references[target]169 print("Link already added: %s == %s" % (reflink[0], node.attrib["refid"]))170 assert(reflink[0] == node.attrib["refid"])171 pass172 else:173 self.page_references[target] = (node.attrib["refid"], node.attrib["kindref"], text)174 return retstr175 def _build_code_block(self, node):176 retstr = "::" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER177 for codeline in node.iter("codeline"):178 retstr += " "179 for phrases in codeline.iter("highlight"):180 if(phrases.text):181 retstr += phrases.text.strip()182 for child in phrases:183 if(child.text):184 retstr += child.text.strip()185 if(child.tag == "sp"):186 retstr += " "187 if(child.tag == "ref" and child.text):188 #escape the reference in the code block189 retstr += "" # self._build_ref(child)190 if(child.tail):191 retstr += child.tail.strip()192 retstr += LINE_BREAKER193 return retstr194 def _build_itemlist(self, node):195 retstr = ""196 for para in node:197 if(para.tag != "para"):198 continue199 if(para.text):200 retstr += para.text.strip()201 for child in para:202 if(child.tag == "ref" and child.text):203 retstr += self._build_ref(child)204 if(child.tail):205 retstr += child.tail.strip()206 return retstr207 def _build_itemizedlist(self, node):208 retstr = LINE_BREAKER209 if(node == None):210 return ""211 for item in node:212 if(item.tag != "listitem"):213 continue214 retstr += " - " + self._build_itemlist(item)215 retstr += LINE_BREAKER216 return retstr217 def _build_verbatim(self, node):218 retstr = LINE_BREAKER219 if(node.text):220 lines = node.text.splitlines()221 print(lines[0])222 m ="{plantuml}\s(\S*)", lines[0])223 if(m):224 uml_name = "uml_" + m.groups()[0]225 retstr += self._build_uml(uml_name, "\n".join(lines[1:]))226 else:227 retstr += "::" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER228 retstr += node.text229 return retstr230 def _build_para(self, para):231 retstr = ""232 no_new_line = False233 if(para.text):234 retstr += textwrap.fill(para.text.strip(), MAX_COLUMN) + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER235 for child in para:236 no_new_line = False237 if(child.tag == "simplesect"):238 for child_para in child:239 if(child.attrib["kind"] == "return"):240 return_str = self._build_para(child_para)241 retstr += "".ljust(4, " ") + "| Return:" + LINE_BREAKER242 for line in return_str.splitlines():243 retstr += "".ljust(4, " ") + "| " + line + LINE_BREAKER244 elif(child_para.tag == "title" and child_para.text):245 lf.make_para_title(child_para.text.strip(), 4)246 elif(child_para.tag == "para"): #for @see247 retstr += self._build_para(child_para)248 elif(child_para.text):249 retstr += "".ljust(4, " ") + "| " + child_para.text.strip() + LINE_BREAKER250 if(child.tag == "preformatted"):251 retstr += "::" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER252 if(child.text):253 for line in child.text.splitlines():254 retstr += " " + line + LINE_BREAKER255 if(child.tag == "ref" and child.text):256 retstr = retstr.rstrip('\n')257 retstr += " " + self._build_ref(child)258 no_new_line = True259 if(child.tag == "programlisting"):260 retstr += self._build_code_block(child)261 if(child.tag == "itemizedlist"):262 retstr += self._build_itemizedlist(child)263 if(child.tag == "verbatim"):264 retstr += self._build_verbatim(child)265 if(not no_new_line):266 retstr += LINE_BREAKER267 if(child.tail):268 retstr += textwrap.fill(child.tail.strip(), MAX_COLUMN) + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER269 return retstr270 def get_text(self, node):271 retstr = ""272 if(node == None):273 return ""274 for para in node:275 if(para.tag != "para"):276 continue277 retstr += self._build_para(para)278 return retstr279 def _find_text_ref(self, node):280 retstr = ""281 if(node.text):282 retstr += node.text.strip()283 for child in node:284 if(child.tag == "ref"):285 retstr += " " + self._build_ref(child) + " "286 if(child.tail):287 retstr += child.tail.strip()288 return retstr289 def _build_row_breaker(self, columns):290 retstr = "+"291 for column in columns:292 retstr += "".ljust(column, "-") + "+"293 return retstr + LINE_BREAKER294 def _wrap_cell(self, text, length = 30):295 newlines = []296 for line in text.splitlines():297 newlines.extend(textwrap.wrap(line, length))298 return newlines299 def _build_row(self, row, columns):300 retstr = ""301 row_lines = []302 max_line = 0303 for i in range(3):304 row_lines.append(row[i].splitlines())305 if(max_line < len(row_lines[i])):306 max_line = len(row_lines[i])307 for i in range(max_line):308 for j in range(3):309 retstr += "|"310 if(len(row_lines[j]) > i):311 retstr += row_lines[j][i]312 retstr += "".ljust(columns[j] - len(row_lines[j][i]), " ")313 else:314 retstr += "".ljust(columns[j], " ")315 retstr += "|" + LINE_BREAKER316 return retstr317 def _build_table(self, rows):318 retstr = ""319 columns = [0, 0, 0]320 for row in rows:321 for i in range(3):322 for rowline in row[i].splitlines():323 if(columns[i] < len(rowline) + 2):324 columns[i] = len(rowline) + 2325 #columns[0] = 40 if(columns[0] > 40) else columns[0]326 #columns[1] = 40 if(columns[1] > 40) else columns[1]327 #columns[2] = MAX_COLUMN - columns[0] - columns[1]328 retstr += self._build_row_breaker(columns)329 for row in rows:330 retstr += self._build_row(row, columns)331 retstr += self._build_row_breaker(columns)332 return retstr;333 def build_param_list(self, params, paramdescs):334 retstr = ""335 param_descriptions = []336 for desc in paramdescs:337 param_descriptions.append(desc)338 rows = []339 rows.append(("Name", "Type", "Descritpion"))340 for param in params:341 declname = param.findtext("declname")342 paramdesc = None343 for desc in param_descriptions:344 paramname = desc.findtext("parameternamelist/parametername")345 if(paramname.lower() == declname.lower()):346 paramdesc = desc.find("parameterdescription")347 break348 decltype = self._find_text_ref(param.find("type"))349 rows.append((declname, decltype, self.get_text(paramdesc)))350 if(len(rows) > 1):351 retstr += self._build_table(rows)352 return retstr353 def _build_enum(self, member):354 enum_id = member.attrib["id"]355 file, tag = get_page(enum_id)356 retstr = self._build_title(member.findtext("name"), ref = tag)357 detail_node = self.get_desc_node(member)358 if(detail_node is not None):359 retstr += LINE_BREAKER360 retstr += self.get_text(detail_node)361 rows = []362 rows.append(("Name", "Initializer", "Descritpion"))363 for enumvalue in member.iter("enumvalue"):364 name = enumvalue.findtext("name")365 initializer = enumvalue.findtext("initializer")366 if(not initializer):367 initializer = ""368 desc = self.get_text(enumvalue.find("briefdescription"))369 desc += self.get_text(enumvalue.find("detaileddescription"))370 if(not desc):371 desc = ""372 rows.append((name, initializer, desc))373 if(len(rows) > 1):374 retstr += self._build_table(rows)375 return retstr376 def _build_struct(self, node):377 retstr = ""378 detail_node = self.get_desc_node(node)379 if(detail_node is not None):380 retstr += self.get_text(detail_node) + LINE_BREAKER381 rows = []382 rows.append(("Name", "Type", "Descritpion"))383 for member in node.iter("memberdef"):384 if(member.attrib["kind"] == "variable"):385 name = member.findtext("name")386 type = self._find_text_ref(member.find("type"))387 desc = self.get_text(member.find("briefdescription"))388 desc += self.get_text(member.find("detaileddescription"))389 desc += self.get_text(member.find("inbodydescription"))390 if(not desc):391 desc = ""392 rows.append((name, type, desc))393 if(len(rows) > 1):394 retstr += self._build_table(rows)395 return retstr396 def _build_class(self, node):397 retstr = ""398 for member in node.iter("memberdef"):399 if(member.attrib["kind"] == "function"):400 retstr += self.build_function(member)401 return retstr402 def get_desc_node(self, member):403 detail_node = member.find("detaileddescription")404 brief_node = member.find("briefdescription")405 detail_txt = ""406 if(detail_node == None and brief_node == None):407 return None408 if(detail_node is not None):409 detail_txt = detail_node.findtext("para")410 if(not detail_txt and brief_node != None):411 detail_txt = brief_node.findtext("para")412 detail_node = brief_node413 return detail_node414 def build_function(self, member):415 retstr = ""416 desc_node = self.get_desc_node(member)417 if(desc_node is None):418 return ""419 detail_txt = desc_node.findtext("para")420 if(not detail_txt or detail_txt.strip() == "{ignore}"):421 return ""422 func_id = member.attrib["id"]423 page_id, ref_id = get_page(func_id)424 retstr += self._build_title(member.findtext("name"), '-', ref = ref_id)425 retstr += self.get_text(desc_node)426 retstr += LINE_BREAKER427 detail_node = member.find("detaileddescription")428 if(desc_node != detail_node):429 retstr += self.get_text(detail_node)430 retstr += self.build_param_list(member.iter("param"), detail_node.iter("parameteritem"))431 return retstr432 def _build_missed_types_and_structs(self):433 fout = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.missing_filename), 'w+')434 fout.write(".. contents:: " + LINE_BREAKER)435 fout.write(" :local:" + LINE_BREAKER)436 fout.write(" :depth: 2" + LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER)437 footnote = ""438 while (len(self.missed_types_structs) > 0):439 for key, value in self.missed_types_structs.iteritems():440 fout.write(self.covert_item(value[0], key, value[1]))441 #print(value)442 self.missed_types_structs = {}443 footnote += self._build_page_ref_notes()444 fout.write(footnote)445 fout.close()446 def _build_page_ref_notes(self):447 retstr = LINE_BREAKER448 #TODO449 for key, value in self.page_references.iteritems():450 page, tag = get_page(value[0])451 m ="_8h_", page)452 if(m):453 continue;454 rstname = None455 anchor = value[2].lower()456 if not page in self.references:457 self.missed_types_structs[value[0]] = (page, tag)458 rstname = os.path.splitext(self.missing_filename)[0]459 else:460 rstname = self.references[page][2]461 anchor = self.references[page][4]462 #if(tag and not self.is_github):463 # anchor = self.anchor_prefix + "ref-" + tag464 retstr += ".. _" + key + ": " + rstname + self.page_ext + "#" + anchor465 retstr += LINE_BREAKER + LINE_BREAKER466 self.page_references = {}467 return retstr468 def _build_item_by_id(self, node, id):469 retstr = ""470 for member in node.iter("memberdef"):471 if(member.attrib["id"] != id):472 continue473 if(member.attrib["kind"] == "enum"):474 retstr += self._build_enum(member)475 return retstr476 def covert_item(self, compound, id, tag):477 xml_path = os.path.join(self.doxy_output_dir, "%s.xml" % compound)478 print("covert_item: id=%s, name=%s" % (id, xml_path))479 obj_root = etree.parse(xml_path).getroot()480 retstr = ""481 compound = obj_root.find("compounddef")482 compound_kind = compound.attrib["kind"]483 if(not tag):484 retstr += self._build_title(compound.findtext("compoundname"))485 if(compound_kind == "class"):486 retstr += self._build_class(compound)487 elif(compound_kind == "struct"):488 retstr += self._build_struct(compound)489 else:490 retstr += self._build_item_by_id(compound, id)491 return retstr492 def _build_page(self, compound):493 retstr = ""494 retstr += self.get_text(compound.find("detaileddescription"))495 return retstr496 def _build_file(self, compound, type, ref_id, name):497 retstr = ""498 for member in compound.iter("memberdef"):499 if(member.attrib["kind"] == "function" and member.attrib["id"] == ref_id):500 retstr += self.build_function(member)501 return retstr502 def convert_doxy(self, type, name):503 #print(name)504 file = ref_id = self.name_refid_map[name]505 dst_kind = type506 if(type == "function"):507 file, tag = get_page(ref_id)508 dst_kind = "file"509 xml_path = os.path.join(self.doxy_output_dir, "%s.xml" % file)510 print("convert_doxy: type=%s, name=%s" % (type, xml_path))511 obj_root = etree.parse(xml_path).getroot()512 compound = obj_root.find("compounddef")513 compound_kind = compound.attrib["kind"]514 assert(dst_kind == compound_kind)515 retstr = ""516 if(compound_kind == "class"):517 retstr += self._build_class(compound)518 elif(compound_kind == "struct"):519 retstr += self._build_struct(compound)520 elif(compound_kind == "page"):521 retstr += self._build_page(compound)522 elif(compound_kind == "group"):523 retstr += self._build_page(compound)524 elif(compound_kind == "file"):525 retstr += self._build_file(compound, type, ref_id, name)526 return retstr527if __name__ == '__main__':528 import argparse529 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()530 parser.add_argument("-g", "--github", action="store_true", help="Render the link in format of github wiki.")531 parser.add_argument("-e", "--ext", default="", help="extension for github wiki")532 parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", default="doxygen", help="Input file path of doxygen output and source rst file.")533 parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="wikipage", help="Output converted restructured text files to path.")534 parser.add_argument("-s", "--struct", default="", help="Output of auto generated enum and structures.")535 parser.add_argument("-u", "--uml", action="store_true", help="Enable UML, you need to download plantuml.jar from Plantuml and put it to here.")536 args = parser.parse_args()537 ext = ""538 if(len(args.ext) > 0):539 ext = ("." + args.ext)540 agent = DoxyGen2RST(args.input,541 args.output,542 args.struct,543 is_github = True,544 enable_uml = args.uml,545 github_ext = ext)...
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