How to use _dumper method in Airtest

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1import sys2from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod3from json import JSONDecodeError4from pathlib import Path5from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional67import requests8from requests.models import Response910from vve_cli.dumper import TaggedDumper11from vve_cli.main import IntervalTimer121314class VveClient:15 __urlorigin: str1617 def __init__(self, host: str, port: int) -> None:18 self.__urlorigin = "http://{}:{:d}".format(host, port)1920 def get(self, url):21 return requests.get(self.__urlorigin + url)2223 def post(self, url, json=None, params=None, headers=None):24 return self.__urlorigin + url, json=json, params=params, headers=headers26 )272829class MetaEndPoint(metaclass=ABCMeta):30 def run(self, client, **kwargs) -> Any:31 t = IntervalTimer()3233 response = self._request(client, **kwargs)3435 response_time = t.elapsed()36 self._put_log(response_time, response, **kwargs)3738 return self._set_content(response, **kwargs)3940 @abstractmethod41 def _request(self, client, **kwargs) -> Response:42 pass4344 @abstractmethod45 def _put_log(self, response_time: float, response: Response, **kwargs) -> None:46 pass4748 @abstractmethod49 def _set_content(self, response: Response, **kwargs) -> Any:50 pass515253class EndPoint(MetaEndPoint):54 def __init__(self, api_name: str, dump_dir: Optional[Path] = None) -> None:55 self._api_name = api_name56 self._dump_dir = dump_dir57 self._dumper: Optional[TaggedDumper] = None5859 def _put_log(self, response_time: float, response: Response, **kwargs) -> None:60 print(61 f"{self._api_name:>18}: {response_time:7.3f} [sec]",62 file=sys.stderr,63 )646566class InformationQueryAPI(EndPoint):67 def _request(self, client, **kwargs) -> Response:68 return client.get(f"/{self._api_name}")6970 def _set_content(self, response: Response, **kwargs) -> Any:71 if self._dump_dir is not None:72 if self._dumper is None:73 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "json")74 self._dumper.dump(response.text)7576 try:77 json_response = response.json()78 except JSONDecodeError:79 json_response = {}80 return json_response818283class TextToAudioQueryAPI(EndPoint):84 def _request(self, client, text: str, speaker_id: int, **kwargs) -> Response:85 return f"/{self._api_name}", params={"text": text, "speaker": speaker_id}87 )8889 def _put_log(90 self, response_time: float, response: Response, text: str, **kwargs91 ) -> None:92 print(93 (94 f"{self._api_name:>18}: {response_time:7.3f} [sec]"95 f" : {len(text):3d} : {text}"96 ),97 file=sys.stderr,98 )99100 def _set_content(101 self, response: Response, speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump", **kwargs102 ) -> Any:103 if self._dump_dir is not None:104 if self._dumper is None:105 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(106 self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "json", is_indexed=True107 )108 self._dumper.dump(response.text, tag + f"_s{speaker_id:02d}")109110 try:111 json_response = response.json()112 except JSONDecodeError:113 json_response = {}114 return json_response115116117class SynthesisAPI(EndPoint):118 def _request(119 self, client, audio_query: Dict[str, Any], speaker_id: int, **kwargs120 ) -> Response:121 return f"/{self._api_name}",123 json=audio_query,124 params={"speaker": speaker_id},125 headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},126 )127128 def _put_log(129 self,130 response_time: float,131 response: Response,132 audio_query: Dict[str, Any],133 **kwargs,134 ) -> None:135 speech_text = "".join(136 [137 mora["text"]138 for accent_phrase in audio_query["accent_phrases"]139 for mora in accent_phrase["moras"]140 + (141 [accent_phrase["pause_mora"]]142 if "pause_mora" in accent_phrase143 and accent_phrase["pause_mora"] is not None144 else []145 )146 ]147 )148 print(149 (150 f"{self._api_name:>18}: {response_time:7.3f} [sec]"151 f" : {len(speech_text):3d} : {speech_text}"152 ),153 file=sys.stderr,154 )155156 def _set_content(157 self, response: Response, speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump", **kwargs158 ) -> Any:159 if self._dump_dir is not None:160 if self._dumper is None:161 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(162 self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "wav", is_indexed=True163 )164 self._dumper.dump(response.content, tag + f"_s{speaker_id:02d}")165166 return response.content167168169class TextToAccentPhrasesAPI(TextToAudioQueryAPI):170 def _request(self, client, text, speaker_id, is_kana=False, **kwargs) -> Response:171 # OpenAPI boolean should be lowercase keyword172 flag_kana = "true" if is_kana else "false"173174 return f"/{self._api_name}",176 params={"text": text, "speaker": speaker_id, "is_kana": flag_kana},177 )178179180class AccentPhraseEditAPI(EndPoint):181 def _request(182 self, client, accent_phrases: List[Dict[str, Any]], speaker_id: int, **kwargs183 ) -> Response:184 return f"/{self._api_name}",186 json=accent_phrases,187 params={"speaker": speaker_id},188 headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},189 )190191 def _set_content(192 self, response: Response, speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump", **kwargs193 ) -> Any:194 if self._dump_dir is not None:195 if self._dumper is None:196 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(197 self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "json", is_indexed=True198 )199 self._dumper.dump(response.text, tag + f"_s{speaker_id:02d}")200201 try:202 json_response = response.json()203 except JSONDecodeError:204 json_response = {}205 return json_response206207208class BatchSynthesisAPI(EndPoint):209 def _request(210 self, client, audio_queries: List[Dict[str, Any]], speaker_id: int, **kwargs211 ) -> Response:212 return f"/{self._api_name}",214 json=audio_queries,215 params={"speaker": speaker_id},216 headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},217 )218219 def _set_content(220 self, response: Response, speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump", **kwargs221 ) -> Any:222 if self._dump_dir is not None:223 if self._dumper is None:224 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(225 self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "zip", is_indexed=True226 )227 self._dumper.dump(response.content, tag + f"_s{speaker_id:02d}")228229 return response.content230231232class ConcatWavesAPI(EndPoint):233 def _request(self, client, base64_waves: List[str], **kwargs) -> Response:234 return f"/{self._api_name}",236 json=base64_waves,237 headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},238 )239240 def _set_content(self, response: Response, tag: str = "dump", **kwargs) -> Any:241 if self._dump_dir is not None:242 if self._dumper is None:243 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(244 self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "wav", is_indexed=True245 )246 self._dumper.dump(response.content, tag)247248 return response.content249250251class TextToAudioQueryWithPresetAPI(EndPoint):252 def _request(self, client, text, preset_id, **kwargs) -> Response:253 return f"/{self._api_name}",255 params={"text": text, "preset_id": preset_id},256 )257258 def _put_log(259 self, response_time: float, response: Response, text: str, **kwargs260 ) -> None:261 print(262 (263 f"{self._api_name:>18}: {response_time:7.3f} [sec]"264 f" : {len(text):3d} : {text}"265 ),266 file=sys.stderr,267 )268269 def _set_content(270 self, response: Response, preset_id: int, tag: str = "dump", **kwargs271 ) -> Any:272 if self._dump_dir is not None:273 if self._dumper is None:274 self._dumper = TaggedDumper(275 self._dump_dir / self._api_name, "json", is_indexed=True276 )277 self._dumper.dump(response.text, tag + f"_p{preset_id:02d}")278279 try:280 json_response = response.json()281 except JSONDecodeError:282 json_response = {}283 return json_response284285286class VveService:287 def __init__(self, client: VveClient, dump_root_dir: Optional[Path] = None) -> None:288 self.__client = client289 self.__dump_root_dir = dump_root_dir290291 self.__apis: Dict[str, EndPoint] = {}292293 def _get_api(self, endpoint_type, api_name):294 if not api_name in self.__apis:295 self.__apis[api_name] = endpoint_type(api_name, self.__dump_root_dir)296 return self.__apis[api_name]297298 def version(self) -> str:299 api = self._get_api(InformationQueryAPI, "version")300 return def speakers(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:303 api = self._get_api(InformationQueryAPI, "speakers")304 return def audio_query(307 self, text: str, speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump"308 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:309 api = self._get_api(TextToAudioQueryAPI, "audio_query")310 return, text=text, speaker_id=speaker_id, tag=tag)311312 def synthesis(313 self, audio_query: Dict[str, Any], speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump"314 ) -> bytes:315 api = self._get_api(SynthesisAPI, "synthesis")316 return self.__client, audio_query=audio_query, speaker_id=speaker_id, tag=tag318 )319320 def accent_phrases(321 self, text: str, speaker_id: int, is_kana: bool = False, tag: str = "dump"322 ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:323 api = self._get_api(TextToAccentPhrasesAPI, "accent_phrases")324 return self.__client, text=text, speaker_id=speaker_id, is_kana=is_kana, tag=tag326 )327328 def mora_data(329 self, accent_phrases: List[Dict[str, Any]], speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump"330 ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:331 api = self._get_api(AccentPhraseEditAPI, "mora_data")332 return self.__client, accent_phrases=accent_phrases, speaker_id=speaker_id, tag=tag334 )335336 def mora_length(337 self, accent_phrases: List[Dict[str, Any]], speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump"338 ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:339 api = self._get_api(AccentPhraseEditAPI, "mora_length")340 return self.__client, accent_phrases=accent_phrases, speaker_id=speaker_id, tag=tag342 )343344 def mora_pitch(345 self, accent_phrases: List[Dict[str, Any]], speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump"346 ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:347 api = self._get_api(AccentPhraseEditAPI, "mora_pitch")348 return self.__client, accent_phrases=accent_phrases, speaker_id=speaker_id, tag=tag350 )351352 def multi_synthesis(353 self, audio_queries: List[Dict[str, Any]], speaker_id: int, tag: str = "dump"354 ) -> bytes:355 api = self._get_api(BatchSynthesisAPI, "multi_synthesis")356 return self.__client, audio_queries=audio_queries, speaker_id=speaker_id, tag=tag358 )359360 def connect_waves(self, base64_waves: List[str], tag: str = "dump") -> bytes:361 api = self._get_api(ConcatWavesAPI, "connect_waves")362 return, base64_waves=base64_waves, tag=tag)363364 def audio_query_from_preset(365 self, text: str, preset_id: int, tag: str = "dump"366 ) -> Dict[str, Any]:367 api = self._get_api(TextToAudioQueryWithPresetAPI, "audio_query_from_preset")368 return, text=text, preset_id=preset_id, tag=tag)369370 def presets(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:371 api = self._get_api(InformationQueryAPI, "presets") ...

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1from rez.utils.data_utils import SourceCode2from rez.vendor import yaml3from rez.vendor.yaml.dumper import SafeDumper4from rez.vendor.yaml.nodes import ScalarNode, MappingNode5from rez.vendor.version.version import Version6from rez.vendor.version.requirement import Requirement7from types import FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType8from inspect import getsourcelines9from textwrap import dedent10class _Dumper(SafeDumper):11 """Dumper which can serialise custom types such as Version, and keeps12 long strings nicely formatted in >/| block-style format.13 """14 # modified from yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.represent_str()15 def represent_str(self, data):16 tag = None17 if '\n' in data:18 style = '|'19 elif len(data) > 80:20 style = '>'21 else:22 style = None23 try:24 data = unicode(data, 'ascii')25 tag = u',2002:str'26 except UnicodeDecodeError:27 try:28 data = unicode(data, 'utf-8')29 tag = u',2002:str'30 except UnicodeDecodeError:31 data = data.encode('base64')32 tag = u',2002:binary'33 style = '|'34 return self.represent_scalar(tag, data, style=style)35 def represent_as_str(self, data):36 return self.represent_str(str(data))37 def represent_function(self, data):38 loc = getsourcelines(data)[0][1:]39 code = dedent(''.join(loc))40 return self.represent_str(code)41 def represent_builtin_function(self, data):42 return self.represent_str(str(data))43 def represent_sourcecode(self, data):44 code = data.source45 return self.represent_str(code)46_Dumper.add_representer(str, _Dumper.represent_str)47_Dumper.add_representer(Version, _Dumper.represent_as_str)48_Dumper.add_representer(Requirement, _Dumper.represent_as_str)49_Dumper.add_representer(FunctionType, _Dumper.represent_function)50_Dumper.add_representer(BuiltinFunctionType, _Dumper.represent_builtin_function)51_Dumper.add_representer(SourceCode, _Dumper.represent_sourcecode)52def dump_yaml(data, Dumper=_Dumper, default_flow_style=False):53 """Returns data as yaml-formatted string."""54 content = yaml.dump(data,55 default_flow_style=default_flow_style,56 Dumper=Dumper)57 return content.strip()58def load_yaml(filepath):59 """Convenience function for loading yaml-encoded data from disk."""60 with open(filepath) as f:61 txt = return yaml.load(txt)63# Copyright 2013-2016 Allan Johns.64#65# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or66# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public67# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either68# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.69#70# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,71# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of72# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU73# Lesser General Public License for more details.74#75# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public...

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