How to use xsd_to_rebuilt_xml method of pts_validation class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_validation.xsd_to_rebuilt_xml


Source:pts_validation.php Github


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...123 }124 // Rewrite the main XML file to ensure it is properly formatted, elements are ordered according to the schema, etc...125 $writer = new nye_XmlWriter();126 $types = pts_validation::process_xsd_types();127 $ret = pts_validation::xsd_to_rebuilt_xml(pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/test-profile.xsd', $types, $test_profile, $writer);128 $writer->saveXMLFile($test_profile->get_file_location());129 // Now re-create the pts_test_profile object around the rewritten XML130 $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($test_profile->get_identifier());131 $valid = $test_profile->validate();132 if($valid == false)133 {134 echo PHP_EOL . 'Errors occurred parsing the main XML.' . PHP_EOL;135 pts_validation::process_libxml_errors();136 return false;137 }138 else139 {140 echo PHP_EOL . 'Test Profile XML Is Valid.' . PHP_EOL;141 }142 // Validate the downloads file143 $download_xml_file = $test_profile->get_file_download_spec();144 if(empty($download_xml_file) == false)145 {146 $writer = new nye_XmlWriter();147 $types = pts_validation::process_xsd_types();148 $ret = pts_validation::xsd_to_rebuilt_xml(pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/test-profile-downloads.xsd', $types, $test_profile, $writer);149 $writer->saveXMLFile($download_xml_file);150 $dom = new DOMDocument();151 $dom->load($download_xml_file);152 $valid = $dom->schemaValidate(pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/test-profile-downloads.xsd');153 if($valid == false)154 {155 echo PHP_EOL . 'Errors occurred parsing the downloads XML.' . PHP_EOL;156 pts_validation::process_libxml_errors();157 return false;158 }159 else160 {161 echo PHP_EOL . 'Test Downloads XML Is Valid.' . PHP_EOL;162 }163 // Validate the individual download files164 echo PHP_EOL . 'Testing File Download URLs.' . PHP_EOL;165 $files_missing = 0;166 $file_count = 0;167 foreach($test_profile->get_downloads() as $download)168 {169 foreach($download->get_download_url_array() as $url)170 {171 $stream_context = pts_network::stream_context_create();172 stream_context_set_params($stream_context, array('notification' => 'pts_stream_status_callback'));173 $file_pointer = fopen($url, 'r', false, $stream_context);174 if($file_pointer == false)175 {176 echo 'File Missing: ' . $download->get_filename() . ' / ' . $url . PHP_EOL;177 $files_missing++;178 }179 else180 {181 fclose($file_pointer);182 }183 $file_count++;184 }185 }186 if($files_missing > 0) // && $file_count == $files_missing187 {188 return false;189 }190 }191 // Validate the parser file192 $parser_file = $test_profile->get_file_parser_spec();193 if(empty($parser_file) == false)194 {195 $writer = new nye_XmlWriter();196 $types = pts_validation::process_xsd_types();197 $tp_def = $test_profile->get_results_definition();198 $ret = pts_validation::xsd_to_rebuilt_xml(pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/results-parser.xsd', $types, $tp_def, $writer);199 $writer->saveXMLFile($parser_file);200 $dom = new DOMDocument();201 $dom->load($parser_file);202 $valid = $dom->schemaValidate(pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/results-parser.xsd');203 if($valid == false)204 {205 echo PHP_EOL . 'Errors occurred parsing the results parser XML.' . PHP_EOL;206 pts_validation::process_libxml_errors();207 return false;208 }209 else210 {211 echo PHP_EOL . 'Test Results Parser XML Is Valid.' . PHP_EOL;212 }213 }214 if(is_file($test_profile->get_resource_dir() . 'changelog.json'))215 {216 pts_file_io::unlink($test_profile->get_resource_dir() . 'changelog.json');217 }218 if(is_file($test_profile->get_resource_dir() . 'generated.json'))219 {220 pts_file_io::unlink($test_profile->get_resource_dir() . 'generated.json');221 }222 // Make sure no extra files are in there223 $allowed_files = pts_validation::test_profile_permitted_files();224 foreach(pts_file_io::glob($test_profile->get_resource_dir() . '*') as $tp_file)225 {226 if(!is_file($tp_file) || !in_array(basename($tp_file), $allowed_files))227 {228 echo PHP_EOL . basename($tp_file) . ' is not allowed in the test package.' . PHP_EOL;229 return false;230 }231 }232 return true;233 }234 public static function process_xsd_types()235 {236 $doc = new DOMDocument();237 $xsd_file = pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/types.xsd';238 if(is_file($xsd_file))239 {240 $doc->loadXML(file_get_contents($xsd_file));241 }242 $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);243 $xpath->registerNamespace('xs', '');244 $types = array();245 foreach($xpath->evaluate('/xs:schema/xs:simpleType') as $e)246 {247 $name = $e->getAttribute('name');248 $type = $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getAttribute('base');249 switch($type)250 {251 case 'xs:integer':252 $type = 'INT';253 break;254 case 'xs:string':255 $type = 'STRING';256 break;257 }258 if($e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('minLength')->length > 0)259 {260 $min_length = $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('minLength')->item(0)->getAttribute('value');261 }262 else263 {264 $min_length = -1;265 }266 if($e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('maxLength')->length > 0)267 {268 $max_length = $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('maxLength')->item(0)->getAttribute('value');269 }270 else271 {272 $max_length = -1;273 }274 if($e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('minInclusive')->length > 0)275 {276 $min_value = $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('minInclusive')->item(0)->getAttribute('value');277 }278 else279 {280 $min_value = -1;281 }282 if($e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('maxInclusive')->length > 0)283 {284 $max_value = $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('maxInclusive')->item(0)->getAttribute('value');285 }286 else287 {288 $max_value = -1;289 }290 $enums = array();291 for($i = 0; $i < $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('enumeration')->length; $i++)292 {293 $enums[] = $e->getElementsByTagName('restriction')->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('enumeration')->item($i)->getAttribute('value');294 }295 $types[$name] = new pts_input_type_restrictions($name, $type, $min_length, $max_length, $min_value, $max_value, $enums);296 }297 return $types;298 }299 public static function xsd_to_cli_creator($xsd_file, &$new_object, $types = null)300 {301 $nodes = self::generate_xsd_element_objects($xsd_file, null, $types);302 self::xsd_nodes_to_cli_prompts($nodes, $new_object);303 }304 public static function xsd_nodes_to_cli_prompts($nodes, &$new_object)305 {306 foreach($nodes as $node)307 {308 $path = $node->get_path();309 if($node->get_documentation() == null)310 {311 continue;312 }313 if(in_array('UNCOMMON', $node->get_flags_array()))314 {315 continue;316 }317 echo pts_client::cli_just_bold($node->get_name());318 /*319 if($node->get_value() != null)320 {321 echo ': ' . pts_client::cli_colored_text($node->get_value(), 'cyan');322 }323 */324 echo PHP_EOL;325 $enums = array();326 $min_value = -1;327 $max_value = -1;328 $type_restrict = null;329 if($node->get_input_type_restrictions() != null)330 {331 $type = $node->get_input_type_restrictions();332 $type_restrict = $type->get_type();333 // echo 'xx' . $type->get_name() . ' ' . $type->get_type() . 'xx' . PHP_EOL;334 $enums = $type->get_enums();335 if(!empty($enums))336 {337 echo pts_client::cli_colored_text('Possible Values: ', 'gray', true) . implode(', ', $enums) . PHP_EOL;338 echo pts_client::cli_colored_text('Multiple Selections Allowed: ', 'gray', true) . ($type->multi_enum_select() ? 'YES' : 'NO') . PHP_EOL;339 }340 $min_value = $type->get_min_value();341 if($min_value > -1)342 {343 echo pts_client::cli_colored_text('Minimum Value: ', 'gray', true) . $min_value . PHP_EOL;344 }345 $max_value = $type->get_max_value();346 if($max_value > 0)347 {348 echo pts_client::cli_colored_text('Maximum Value: ', 'gray', true) . $max_value . PHP_EOL;349 }350 }351 /*if($node->get_api() != null)352 {353 echo pts_client::cli_colored_text('API: ', 'gray', true) . $node->get_api()[0] . '->' . $node->get_api()[1] . '()' . PHP_EOL;354 }*/355 if($node->get_documentation() != null)356 {357 echo $node->get_documentation() . PHP_EOL;358 }359 if($node->get_default_value() != null)360 {361 echo pts_client::cli_colored_text('Default Value: ', 'gray', true) . $node->get_default_value() . PHP_EOL;362 }363 $do_require = in_array('TEST_REQUIRES', $node->get_flags_array());364 if(!empty($enums))365 {366 $input = pts_user_io::prompt_text_menu('Select from the supported options', $enums, $type->multi_enum_select(), false, null);367 if(is_array($input))368 {369 $input = implode(',', $input);370 }371 }372 else373 {374 do375 {376 $input_passes = true;377 $input = pts_user_io::prompt_user_input($path, !($do_require && $node->get_default_value() == null), false);378 if($do_require && $min_value > 0 && strlen($input) < $min_value)379 {380 echo 'Minimum length of ' . $min_value . ' is required.';381 $input_passes = false;382 }383 if($do_require && $max_value > 0 && strlen($input) > $max_value)384 {385 echo 'Maximum length of ' . $max_value . ' is supported.';386 $input_passes = false;387 }388 if(!empty($input) && $type_restrict == 'INT' && !is_numeric($input))389 {390 echo 'Input must be a valid integer number.';391 $input_passes = false;392 }393 if(!empty($input) && $type_restrict == 'xs:decimal' && !is_numeric($input))394 {395 echo 'Input must be a valid number.';396 $input_passes = false;397 }398 }399 while(!$input_passes);400 if(empty($input) && $node->get_default_value() != null)401 {402 $input = $node->get_default_value();403 }404 }405 $new_object->addXmlNodeWNE($path, trim($input));406 echo PHP_EOL;407 }408 }409 public static function xsd_to_html_creator($xsd_file, $types = null)410 {411 $nodes = self::generate_xsd_element_objects($xsd_file, null, $types);412 return self::xsd_nodes_to_html_prompts($nodes);413 }414 public static function xsd_nodes_to_html_prompts($nodes)415 {416 $html = null;417 foreach($nodes as $node)418 {419 $path = $node->get_path();420 if($node->get_documentation() == null)421 {422 continue;423 }424 $uncommon = in_array('UNCOMMON', $node->get_flags_array());425 $html .= '<div style="" class="' . ($uncommon ? 'pts_phoromatic_create_test_option_area_uncommon' : 'pts_phoromatic_create_test_option_area') . '" id="' . str_replace('/', '', $path) . '">';426 $html .= '<h3>' . $node->get_name() . ($uncommon ? ' <sup> Uncommon Option; Hover To Expand</sup>' : '') . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL;427 $enums = array();428 $min_value = -1;429 $max_value = -1;430 $type_restrict = null;431 if($node->get_input_type_restrictions() != null)432 {433 $html .= '<p>';434 $type = $node->get_input_type_restrictions();435 $type_restrict = $type->get_type();436 $enums = $type->get_enums();437 $min_value = $type->get_min_value();438 if($min_value > 0)439 {440 $html .= '<strong>Minimum Value: </strong>' . $min_value;441 }442 $max_value = $type->get_max_value();443 if($max_value > 0)444 {445 $html .= '<strong>Maximum Value: </strong>' . $max_value;446 }447 $html .= '</p>';448 }449 if($node->get_documentation() != null)450 {451 $html .= '<p>' . str_replace($node->get_name(), '<em>' . $node->get_name() . '</em>', $node->get_documentation()) . '</p>';452 }453 $do_require = in_array('TEST_REQUIRES', $node->get_flags_array());454 $html .= '<p>';455 if(!empty($enums))456 {457 $html .= '<select name="' . $path . '" ' . ($type->multi_enum_select() ? ' multiple' : '') . ($do_require ? ' required' : '') . '>' . PHP_EOL;458 foreach($enums as $enum)459 {460 $html .= '<option value="' . $enum . '"' . ($node->get_default_value() == $enum ? 'selected="selected"' : null) . '>' . $enum . '</option>';461 }462 $html .= '</select>';463 }464 else465 {466 if($type_restrict == 'INT' || $type_restrict == 'xs:decimal')467 {468 $html .= '<input type="number" name="' . $path . '" value="' . $node->get_default_value() . '" min="1" ' . ($do_require ? ' required' : '') . ' />';469 }470 else471 {472 $html .= '<input type="text" name="' . $path . '" value="' . $node->get_default_value() . '" ' . ($do_require ? ' required' : '') . ' />';473 }474 }475 $html .= '</p>';476 $html .= '</div>';477 }478 return $html;479 }480 public static function xsd_to_var_array_generate_xml($xsd_file, $types, &$array_to_check, &$writer)481 {482 foreach(self::generate_xsd_element_objects($xsd_file, null, $types) as $node)483 {484 $do_require = in_array('TEST_REQUIRES', $node->get_flags_array());485 $path = $node->get_path();486 $value = isset($array_to_check[$path]) ? $array_to_check[$path] : null;487 if(empty($value))488 {489 $value = $node->get_default_value();490 }491 if(empty($value))492 {493 continue;494 }495 if($do_require && empty($value))496 {497 //return 'The ' . $path . ' value cannot be empty.';498 }499 $writer->addXmlNodeWNE($path, $value);500 }501 return true;502 }503 public static function xsd_to_rebuilt_xml($xsd_file, $types, &$test_profile, &$writer)504 {505 $test_profile->no_fallbacks_on_null = true;506 foreach(self::generate_xsd_element_objects($xsd_file, $test_profile, $types) as $node)507 {508 $do_require = in_array('TEST_REQUIRES', $node->get_flags_array());509 $value = $node->get_value();510 $path = $node->get_path();511 if($value == $node->get_default_value() && in_array('UNCOMMON', $node->get_flags_array()))512 {513 continue;514 }515 //if(empty($value))516 //{517 // $value = $node->get_default_value();...

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Source:phoromatic_create_test.php Github


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...102 INTO:103 104 $tp's get_downloads() with new pts_test_file_download entries105 */106 $ret = pts_validation::xsd_to_rebuilt_xml(pts_openbenchmarking::openbenchmarking_standards_path() . 'schemas/test-profile-downloads.xsd', $types, $tp, $tdw);107 $tdw->saveXMLFile(PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH . $tp->get_identifier(false) . '-' . $tp->get_test_profile_version() . '/downloads.xml');108 }109 }110 }111 if(isset($PATH[1]) && strpos($PATH[1], '&delete') !== false)112 {113 $identifier_item = isset($PATH[1]) ? $PATH[0] . '/' . str_replace('&delete', '', $PATH[1]) : false;114 if($identifier_item && pts_test_profile::is_test_profile($identifier_item))115 {116 $tp = new pts_test_profile($identifier_item);117 if($tp->get_identifier() != null)118 {119 pts_file_io::delete($tp->get_resource_dir(), null, true);120 header('Location: /?tests');...

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