Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_strings.trim_spaces
...316 $is_of_type = false;317 }318 return $is_of_type;319 }320 public static function trim_spaces($str)321 {322 // get rid of multiple/redundant spaces that are next to each other323 $new_str = null;324 for($i = strlen($str); $i > 0; $i--)325 {326 // 32 is a ASCII space327 if(ord($str[($i - 1)]) != 32 || ($i < 2 || ord($str[($i - 2)]) != 32))328 {329 $new_str = $str[$i - 1] . $new_str;330 }331 }332 return trim($new_str);333 }334 public static function remove_redundant($string, $redundant_char)335 {336 $prev_char = null;337 $new_string = null;338 for($i = 0, $l = strlen($string); $i < $l; $i++)339 {340 $this_char = $string[$i];341 if($this_char != $redundant_char || $prev_char != $redundant_char)342 {343 $new_string .= $this_char;344 }345 $prev_char = $this_char;346 }347 return trim($new_string);348 }349 public static function strip_string($str)350 {351 // Clean a string containing hardware information of some common things to change/strip out352 $change_phrases = array(353 'MCH' => 'Memory Controller Hub',354 'AMD' => 'Advanced Micro Devices',355 'MSI' => 'MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL',356 'SiS' => 'Silicon Integrated Systems',357 'Abit' => '',358 'ASUS' => 'ASUSTeK',359 'HP' => 'Hewlett-Packard',360 'NVIDIA' => 'nVidia',361 'HDD' => 'HARDDISK',362 'Intel' => 'Intel64',363 'HD' => 'High Definition',364 'IGP' => array('Integrated Graphics Controller', 'Express Graphics Controller', 'Integrated Graphics Device', 'Chipset Integrated')365 );366 foreach($change_phrases as $new_phrase => $original_phrase)367 {368 $str = str_ireplace($original_phrase, $new_phrase, $str);369 }370 $remove_phrases = array('incorporation', 'corporation', 'corp.', 'invalid', 'technologies', 'technology', 'version', ' project ', 'computer', 'To Be Filled By', 'ODM', 'O.E.M.', 'Desktop Reference Platform', 'small form factor', 'convertible', ' group', 'chipset', 'community', 'reference', 'communications', 'semiconductor', 'processor', 'host bridge', 'adapter', ' CPU', 'platform', 'international', 'express', 'graphics', ' none', 'electronics', 'integrated', 'alternate', 'quad-core', 'memory', 'series', 'network', 'motherboard', 'electric ', 'industrial ', 'serverengines', 'Manufacturer', 'x86/mmx/sse2', '/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!', '/AGP/SSE2', 'controller', '(extreme graphics innovation)', 'pci-e_gfx and ht3 k8 part', 'pci-e_gfx and ht1 k8 part', 'Northbridge only', 'dual slot', 'dual-core', 'dual core', 'microsystems', 'not specified', 'single slot', 'genuine', 'unknown device', 'systemberatung', 'gmbh', 'graphics adapter', 'video device', 'http://', 'www.', '.com', '.tw/', '/pci/sse2/3dnow!', '/pcie/sse2', '/pci/sse2', 'balloon', 'network connection', 'ethernet', 'limited.', ' system', 'compliant', 'co. ltd', 'co.', 'ltd.', 'LTD ', ' LTD', '\AE', '(r)', '(tm)', 'inc.', 'inc', '6.00 PG', ',', '\'', '_ ', '_ ', 'corp', 'product name', 'base board', 'mainboard', 'pci to pci', ' release ', 'nee ', 'default string', ' AG ', 'with Radeon HD', '/DRAM');371 $str = str_ireplace($remove_phrases, ' ', $str);372 if(($w = stripos($str, 'WARNING')) !== false)373 {374 // to get rid of Scheisse like 'Gtk-WARNING **: Unable'375 $str = substr($str, 0, strrpos($str, ' ', (0 - (strlen($str) - $w))));376 }377 $str = pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);378 // Fixes an AMD string issue like 'FX -4100' due to stripping (TM) from in between characters, possibly other cases too379 $str = str_replace(' -', '-', $str);380 return $str;381 }382 public static function remove_line_timestamps($log)383 {384 // Try to strip out timestamps from lines like Xorg.0.log and dmesg, e.g.:385 // [ 326.390358] EXT4-fs (dm-1): initial error at 1306235400: ext4_journal_start_sb:251386 $log = explode(PHP_EOL, $log);387 foreach($log as &$line)388 {389 if(substr($line, 0, 1) == '[' && ($t = strpos($line, '] ', 2)) !== false)390 {391 $encased_segment = trim(substr($line, 1, ($t - 1)));...
...187 default:188 return $delta_mb;189 break;190 }191 $start_stat = pts_strings::trim_spaces(file_get_contents($path));192 usleep($measure_time);193 $end_stat = pts_strings::trim_spaces(file_get_contents($path));194 $start_stat = explode(' ', $start_stat);195 $end_stat = explode(' ', $end_stat);196 $delta_sectors = $end_stat[$sector] - $start_stat[$sector];197 // TODO check sector size instead of hardcoding it198 $delta_mb = $delta_sectors * 512 / 1048576;199 $speed = $delta_mb * 1000000 / $measure_time;200 }201 return pts_math::set_precision($speed, 2);202 }203 public static function read_sys_dmi($identifier)204 {205 $dmi = false;206 if(is_dir('/sys/class/dmi/id/'))207 {208 $ignore_words = phodevi_parser::hardware_values_to_remove();209 foreach(pts_arrays::to_array($identifier) as $id)210 {211 if(is_readable('/sys/class/dmi/id/' . $id))212 {213 $dmi_file = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/' . $id);214 if(!empty($dmi_file) && !in_array(strtolower($dmi_file), $ignore_words))215 {216 $dmi = $dmi_file;217 break;218 }219 }220 }221 }222 return $dmi;223 }224 public static function read_ati_overdrive($attribute, $adapter = 0)225 {226 // Read ATI OverDrive information227 // OverDrive supported in fglrx 8.52+ drivers228 $value = false;229 if(($amdconfig = self::find_amdconfig()))230 {231 if($attribute == 'Temperature')232 {233 $info = shell_exec($amdconfig . ' --adapter=' . $adapter . ' --od-gettemperature 2>&1');234 if(($start = strpos($info, 'Temperature -')) !== false)235 {236 $info = substr($info, $start + 14);237 $value = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, ' C'));238 }239 }240 else if($attribute == 'FanSpeed')241 {242 // Right now there is no standardized interface to get the fan speed through besides the pplib command243 $info = shell_exec($amdconfig . ' --adapter=' . $adapter . ' --pplib-cmd \'get fanspeed 0\' 2>&1');244 if(($start = strpos($info, 'Fan Speed:')) !== false)245 {246 $info = substr($info, $start + 11);247 $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, '%'));248 if(is_numeric($info))249 {250 $value = $info;251 }252 }253 }254 else255 {256 $info = shell_exec($amdconfig . ' --adapter=' . $adapter . ' --od-getclocks 2>&1');257 if(strpos($info, 'GPU') !== false)258 {259 foreach(explode("\n", $info) as $line)260 {261 $line_r = pts_strings::colon_explode($line);262 if(count($line_r) == 2)263 {264 $od_option = str_replace(' ', null, $line_r[0]);265 if($od_option == $attribute)266 {267 $od_value = pts_strings::trim_spaces($line_r[1]);268 $od_value = str_replace(array('%'), null, $od_value);269 $od_value_r = explode(' ', $od_value);270 $value = (count($od_value_r) == 1 ? $od_value_r[0] : $od_value_r); 271 }272 }273 }274 }275 }276 }277 return $value;278 }279 public static function read_amd_pcsdb($attribute)280 {281 // Read AMD's AMDPCSDB, AMD Persistent Configuration Store Database...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once('pts_strings.php');2echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');3require_once('pts_strings.php');4echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');5require_once('pts_strings.php');6echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');7require_once('pts_strings.php');8echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');9require_once('pts_strings.php');10echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');11require_once('pts_strings.php');12echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');13require_once('pts_strings.php');14echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');15require_once('pts_strings.php');16echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');17require_once('pts_strings.php');18echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');19require_once('pts_strings.php');20echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');21require_once('pts_strings.php');22echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');23require_once('pts_strings.php');24echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');25require_once('pts_strings.php');26echo pts_strings::trim_spaces(' test string ');27require_once('pts
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once('pts_strings.php');2$string = ' This is a test string ';3$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);4echo $newString;5require_once('pts_strings.php');6$string = ' This is a test string ';7$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);8echo $newString;9require_once('pts_strings.php');10$string = ' This is a test string ';11$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);12echo $newString;13require_once('pts_strings.php');14$string = ' This is a test string ';15$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);16echo $newString;17require_once('pts_strings.php');18$string = ' This is a test string ';19$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);20echo $newString;21require_once('pts_strings.php');22$string = ' This is a test string ';23$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);24echo $newString;25require_once('pts_strings.php');26$string = ' This is a test string ';27$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);28echo $newString;29require_once('pts_strings.php');30$string = ' This is a test string ';31$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);32echo $newString;33require_once('pts_strings.php');34$string = ' This is a test string ';35$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);36echo $newString;37require_once('pts_strings.php');38$string = ' This is a test string ';39$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);40echo $newString;41require_once('pts_strings.php');42$string = ' This is a test string ';43$newString = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);44echo $newString;
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once('pts_strings.class.php');2$str = 'This is a string with spaces';3echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);4require_once('pts_strings.class.php');5$str = 'This is a string with spaces';6echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);7require_once('pts_strings.class.php');8$str = 'This is a string with spaces';9echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);10require_once('pts_strings.class.php');11$str = 'This is a string with spaces';12echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);13require_once('pts_strings.class.php');14$str = 'This is a string with spaces';15echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);16require_once('pts_strings.class.php');17$str = 'This is a string with spaces';18echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);19require_once('pts_strings.class.php');20$str = 'This is a string with spaces';21echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);22require_once('pts_strings.class.php');23$str = 'This is a string with spaces';24echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);25require_once('pts_strings.class.php');26$str = 'This is a string with spaces';27echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);
Using AI Code Generation
1$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';2$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string);3echo $string;4$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';5$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string, true);6echo $string;7$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';8$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string, false);9echo $string;10$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';11$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string, true, true);12echo $string;13$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';14$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string, false, true);15echo $string;16$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';17$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string, true, false);18echo $string;19$string = ' This is a string with spaces ';20$string = pts_strings::trim_spaces($string, false, false);21echo $string;
Using AI Code Generation
1include("pts_strings.php");2$obj = new pts_strings();3$str = $obj->trim_spaces(" Hello World ");4echo $str;5trim_spaces(string)6include("pts_strings.php");7$obj = new pts_strings();8$str = $obj->trim_spaces(" Hello World ");9echo $str;10trim(string,character)11include("pts_strings.php");12$obj = new pts_strings();13$str = $obj->trim("Hello World","H");14echo $str;15trim_left(string,character)16include("pts_strings.php");17$obj = new pts_strings();18$str = $obj->trim_left("Hello World","H");19echo $str;20trim_right(string,character)21include("pts_strings.php");22$obj = new pts_strings();
Using AI Code Generation
1$test_string = 'This is a test string';2echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($test_string);3$test_string = 'This is a test string';4echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($test_string);5$test_string = 'This is a test string';6echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($test_string);7$test_string = 'This is a test string';8echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($test_string);9$test_string = 'This is a test string';10echo pts_strings::trim_spaces($test_string);
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