Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_arrays.to_array
Source: phodevi_linux_parser.php
...21 public static function read_ipmitool_sensor($sensors, $default_value = false)22 {23 $value = $default_value;24 $ipmitool = shell_exec('ipmitool sdr list 2>&1');25 foreach(pts_arrays::to_array($sensors) as $sensor)26 {27 $hit = stripos($ipmitool, $sensor);28 if($hit !== false)29 {30 $trimmed = substr($ipmitool, ($hit + strlen($sensor)));31 $trimmed = substr($trimmed, 0, strpos($trimmed, PHP_EOL));32 $trimmed = explode('|', $trimmed);33 if(count($trimmed) == 3)34 {35 $value = explode(' ', trim($trimmed[1]));36 $value = $value[0];37 break;38 }39 }40 }41 return $value;42 }43 public static function read_ipmitool_dcmi_power()44 {45 $value = false;46 $ipmitool = shell_exec('ipmitool dcmi power reading 2>&1');47 $sensor = "Instantaneous power reading:";48 $hit = stripos($ipmitool, $sensor);49 if($hit !== false)50 {51 $trimmed = substr($ipmitool, ($hit + strlen($sensor)));52 $trimmed = substr($trimmed, 0, strpos($trimmed, PHP_EOL));53 $trimmed = trim($trimmed);54 $trimmed = explode(' ', $trimmed);55 if(count($trimmed) == 2)56 {57 $value = $trimmed[0];58 }59 }60 return $value;61 }62 public static function read_sysfs_node($search, $type = 'NUMERIC', $node_dir_check = null, $find_position = 1)63 {64 static $sysfs_file_cache = null;65 $arg_hash = crc32(serialize(func_get_args()));66 if(!isset($sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash]))67 {68 $find_count = 0;69 foreach(pts_file_io::glob($search) as $sysfs_file)70 {71 if(is_array($node_dir_check))72 {73 $skip_to_next = false;74 $sysfs_dir = dirname($sysfs_file) . '/';75 foreach($node_dir_check as $node_check => $value_check)76 {77 if(!is_file($sysfs_dir . $node_check))78 {79 $skip_to_next = true;80 break;81 }82 else if($value_check !== true)83 {84 $value_check_value = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sysfs_dir . $node_check);85 foreach(explode(',', $value_check) as $check)86 {87 if(isset($check[0]) && $check[0] == '!')88 {89 if($value_check_value == substr($check, 1))90 {91 $skip_to_next = true;92 break;93 }94 }95 else if($value_check_value != $check)96 {97 $skip_to_next = true;98 break;99 }100 }101 }102 if($skip_to_next)103 {104 break;105 }106 }107 if($skip_to_next)108 {109 continue;110 }111 }112 $sysfs_value = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sysfs_file);113 switch($type)114 {115 case 'NUMERIC':116 if(is_numeric($sysfs_value))117 {118 $sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash] = $sysfs_file;119 }120 break;121 case 'POSITIVE_NUMERIC':122 if(is_numeric($sysfs_value) && $sysfs_value > 0)123 {124 $sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash] = $sysfs_file;125 }126 break;127 case 'NOT_EMPTY':128 if(!empty($sysfs_value))129 {130 $sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash] = $sysfs_file;131 }132 break;133 case 'NO_CHECK':134 $sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash] = $sysfs_file;135 break;136 }137 $find_count++;138 if($find_count < $find_position)139 {140 unset($sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash]);141 }142 if(isset($sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash]))143 {144 break;145 }146 }147 if(!isset($sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash]))148 {149 $sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash] = false;150 }151 }152 return $sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash] == false ? -1 : pts_file_io::file_get_contents($sysfs_file_cache[$arg_hash]);153 }154 public static function read_dmidecode($type, $sub_type, $object, $find_once = false, $ignore = null)155 {156 // Read Linux dmidecode157 $value = array();158 if((phodevi::is_root() || is_readable('/dev/mem')) && pts_client::executable_in_path('dmidecode'))159 {160 $ignore = array_map('strtolower', pts_arrays::to_array($ignore));161 $dmidecode = shell_exec('dmidecode --type ' . $type . ' 2>&1');162 $sub_type = "\n" . $sub_type . "\n";163 do164 {165 $sub_type_start = strpos($dmidecode, $sub_type);166 if($sub_type_start !== false)167 {168 $dmidecode = substr($dmidecode, ($sub_type_start + strlen($sub_type)));169 $dmidecode_section = substr($dmidecode, 0, strpos($dmidecode, "\n\n"));170 $dmidecode = substr($dmidecode, strlen($dmidecode_section));171 $dmidecode_elements = explode("\n", $dmidecode_section);172 $found_in_section = false;173 for($i = 0; $i < count($dmidecode_elements) && $found_in_section == false; $i++)174 {175 $dmidecode_r = pts_strings::colon_explode($dmidecode_elements[$i]);176 if($dmidecode_r[0] == $object && isset($dmidecode_r[1]) && !in_array(strtolower($dmidecode_r[1]), $ignore))177 {178 array_push($value, $dmidecode_r[1]);179 $found_in_section = true;180 }181 }182 }183 }184 while($sub_type_start !== false && ($find_once == false || $found_in_section == false));185 }186 if(count($value) == 0)187 {188 $value = false;189 }190 else if($find_once && count($value) == 1)191 {192 $value = $value[0];193 }194 return $value;195 }196 public static function read_sys_disk_speed($path, $to_read)197 {198 $delta_mb = -1; // in MB/s199 $measure_time = 1000000; // microseconds200 if(is_file($path))201 {202 switch($to_read)203 {204 case 'WRITE':205 $sector = 6;206 break;207 case 'READ':208 $sector = 2;209 break;210 default:211 return $delta_mb;212 break;213 }214 $start_stat = pts_strings::trim_spaces(file_get_contents($path));215 usleep($measure_time);216 $end_stat = pts_strings::trim_spaces(file_get_contents($path));217 $start_stat = explode(' ', $start_stat);218 $end_stat = explode(' ', $end_stat);219 $delta_sectors = $end_stat[$sector] - $start_stat[$sector];220 // TODO check sector size instead of hardcoding it221 $delta_mb = $delta_sectors * 512 / 1048576;222 $speed = $delta_mb * 1000000 / $measure_time;223 }224 return pts_math::set_precision($speed, 2);225 }226 public static function read_sys_dmi($identifier)227 {228 $dmi = false;229 if(is_dir('/sys/class/dmi/id/'))230 {231 $ignore_words = phodevi_parser::hardware_values_to_remove();232 foreach(pts_arrays::to_array($identifier) as $id)233 {234 if(is_readable('/sys/class/dmi/id/' . $id))235 {236 $dmi_file = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/' . $id);237 if(!empty($dmi_file) && !in_array(strtolower($dmi_file), $ignore_words))238 {239 $dmi = $dmi_file;240 break;241 }242 }243 }244 }245 return $dmi;246 }247 public static function read_cpuinfo($attribute, $cpuinfo = false)248 {249 // Read CPU information250 $cpuinfo_matches = array();251 if($cpuinfo == false)252 {253 if(is_file('/proc/cpuinfo'))254 {255 $cpuinfo = file_get_contents('/proc/cpuinfo');256 }257 else258 {259 return $cpuinfo_matches;260 }261 }262 foreach(pts_arrays::to_array($attribute) as $attribute_check)263 {264 $cpuinfo_lines = explode("\n", $cpuinfo);265 foreach($cpuinfo_lines as $line)266 {267 $line = pts_strings::trim_explode(': ', $line);268 if(!isset($line[0]))269 {270 continue;271 }272 $this_attribute = $line[0];273 $this_value = (count($line) > 1 ? $line[1] : null);274 if($this_attribute == $attribute_check)275 {276 array_push($cpuinfo_matches, $this_value);277 }278 }279 if(count($cpuinfo_matches) != 0)280 {281 break;282 }283 }284 return $cpuinfo_matches;285 }286 public static function read_cpuinfo_single($attribute, $cpuinfo = false)287 {288 $cpuinfo = self::read_cpuinfo($attribute, $cpuinfo);289 if(!empty($cpuinfo))290 {291 return array_pop($cpuinfo);292 }293 return null;294 }295 public static function read_lsb_distributor_id()296 {297 $vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_lsb('Distributor ID');298 // Quirks for derivative distributions that don't know how to handle themselves properly299 if($vendor == 'MandrivaLinux' && phodevi_linux_parser::read_lsb('Description') == 'PCLinuxOS')300 {301 // PC Linux OS only stores its info in /etc/pclinuxos-release302 $vendor = false;303 }304 return $vendor;305 }306 public static function read_lsb($desc)307 {308 // Read LSB Release information, Linux Standards Base309 $info = false;310 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('lsb_release'))311 {312 static $output = null;313 if($output == null)314 {315 $output = shell_exec('lsb_release -a 2>&1');316 }317 if(($pos = strrpos($output, $desc . ':')) !== false)318 {319 $info = substr($output, $pos + strlen($desc) + 1);320 $info = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "\n")));321 }322 if(strtolower($info) == 'n/a')323 {324 $info = false;325 }326 }327 return $info;328 }329 public static function read_acpi($point, $match)330 {331 // Read ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface332 $value = false;333 $point = pts_arrays::to_array($point);334 for($i = 0; $i < count($point) && empty($value); $i++)335 {336 if(is_file('/proc/acpi' . $point[$i]))337 {338 $acpi_lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents('/proc/acpi' . $point[$i]));339 for($i = 0; $i < count($acpi_lines) && $value == false; $i++)340 {341 $line = pts_strings::trim_explode(': ', $acpi_lines[$i]);342 if(!isset($line[0]))343 {344 continue;345 }346 $this_attribute = $line[0];347 $this_value = (count($line) > 1 ? $line[1] : null);348 if($this_attribute == $match)349 {350 $value = $this_value;351 }352 }353 }354 }355 return $value;356 }357 public static function read_pci_subsystem_value($desc)358 {359 $lspci = shell_exec('lspci -v 2> /dev/null');360 $subsystem = null;361 foreach(pts_arrays::to_array($desc) as $check)362 {363 if(($hit = strpos($lspci, $check)) !== false)364 {365 $lspci = substr($lspci, $hit);366 if(($hit = strpos($lspci, 'Subsystem: ')) !== false)367 {368 $lspci = substr($lspci, ($hit + strlen('Subsystem: ')));369 $lspci = substr($lspci, 0, strpos($lspci, PHP_EOL));370 $vendors = array(371 'Sapphire Technology' => 'Sapphire',372 'PC Partner' => 'Sapphire',373 'Micro-Star International' => 'MSI',374 'XFX' => 'XFX',375 'ASUS' => 'ASUS',376 'Gigabyte' => 'Gigabyte',377 'Elitegroup' => 'ECS',378 'eVga' => 'eVGA',379 'Hightech Information System' => 'HIS',380 'Zotac' => 'Zotac'381 );382 foreach($vendors as $vendor => $clean_vendor)383 {384 if(stripos($lspci, $vendor) !== false)385 {386 $subsystem = $clean_vendor;387 break;388 }389 }390 }391 }392 }393 return $subsystem;394 }395 public static function read_pci($desc, $clean_string = true)396 {397 // Read PCI bus information398 static $pci_info = null;399 $info = false;400 $desc = pts_arrays::to_array($desc);401 if($pci_info == null)402 {403 if(!is_executable('/usr/bin/lspci') && is_executable('/sbin/lspci'))404 {405 $lspci_cmd = '/sbin/lspci';406 }407 else if(($lspci = pts_client::executable_in_path('lspci')))408 {409 $lspci_cmd = $lspci;410 }411 else412 {413 return false;414 }415 $pci_info = shell_exec($lspci_cmd . ' 2> /dev/null');416 }417 for($i = 0; $i < count($desc) && empty($info); $i++)418 {419 if(substr($desc[$i], -1) != ':')420 {421 $desc[$i] .= ':';422 }423 if(($pos = strpos($pci_info, $desc[$i])) !== false)424 {425 $sub_pci_info = str_replace(array('[AMD]', '[AMD/ATI]', ' Limited'), null, substr($pci_info, $pos + strlen($desc[$i])));426 $EOL = strpos($sub_pci_info, "\n");427 if($clean_string)428 {429 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '/')) < $EOL && $temp > 0)430 {431 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, ' ', ($temp + 2))) < $EOL && $temp > 0)432 {433 $EOL = $temp;434 }435 }436 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '(')) < $EOL && $temp > 0)437 {438 $EOL = $temp;439 }440 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '[')) < $EOL && $temp > 0)441 {442 $EOL = $temp;443 }444 }445 $sub_pci_info = trim(substr($sub_pci_info, 0, $EOL));446 if(($strlen = strlen($sub_pci_info)) >= 6 && $strlen < 128)447 {448 $info = pts_strings::strip_string($sub_pci_info);449 }450 }451 }452 return $info;453 }454 public static function read_pci_multi($desc, $clean_string = true)455 {456 // Read PCI bus information457 static $pci_info = null;458 $info = array();459 $desc = pts_arrays::to_array($desc);460 if($pci_info == null)461 {462 if(!is_executable('/usr/bin/lspci') && is_executable('/sbin/lspci'))463 {464 $lspci_cmd = '/sbin/lspci';465 }466 else if(($lspci = pts_client::executable_in_path('lspci')))467 {468 $lspci_cmd = $lspci;469 }470 else471 {472 return false;473 }474 $pci_info = shell_exec($lspci_cmd . ' 2> /dev/null');475 }476 for($i = 0; $i < count($desc); $i++)477 {478 if(substr($desc[$i], -1) != ':')479 {480 $desc[$i] .= ':';481 }482 $pos = 0;483 while(($pos = strpos($pci_info, $desc[$i], $pos)) !== false)484 {485 $pos += strlen($desc[$i]);486 $sub_pci_info = str_replace(array('[AMD]', '[AMD/ATI]', ' Limited', ' Connection', ' Gigabit', ' Wireless', '(1)', '(2)', '(3)', '(4)', '(5)', '(6)', '(7)', '(8)', '(9)'), null, substr($pci_info, $pos));487 $EOL = strpos($sub_pci_info, "\n");488 if($clean_string)489 {490 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '/')) < $EOL && $temp > 0)491 {492 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, ' ', ($temp + 2))) < $EOL && $temp > 0)493 {494 $EOL = $temp;495 }496 }497 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '(')) < $EOL && $temp > 0)498 {499 $EOL = $temp;500 }501 if(($temp = strpos($sub_pci_info, '[')) < $EOL && $temp > 0)502 {503 $EOL = $temp;504 }505 }506 $sub_pci_info = trim(substr($sub_pci_info, 0, $EOL));507 if(($strlen = strlen($sub_pci_info)) >= 6 && $strlen < 128)508 {509 $info[] = pts_strings::strip_string($sub_pci_info);510 }511 }512 }513 return $info;514 }515 public static function read_sensors($attributes)516 {517 // Read LM_Sensors518 $value = false;519 if(isset(phodevi::$vfs->sensors))520 {521 $sensors = phodevi::$vfs->sensors;522 $sensors_lines = explode("\n", $sensors);523 $attributes = pts_arrays::to_array($attributes);524 for($j = 0; $j < count($attributes) && empty($value); $j++)525 {526 $attribute = $attributes[$j];527 for($i = 0; $i < count($sensors_lines) && $value == false; $i++)528 {529 $line = pts_strings::trim_explode(': ', $sensors_lines[$i]);530 if(!isset($line[0]))531 {532 continue;533 }534 $this_attribute = $line[0];535 if($this_attribute == $attribute)536 {537 $this_remainder = trim(str_replace(array('+', '°'), ' ', $line[1]));...
Using AI Code Generation
1$my_array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);2$my_array = pts_arrays::to_array($my_array, 2);3print_r($my_array);4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9$my_array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);10$my_array = pts_arrays::to_array($my_array, 3);11print_r($my_array);12 (13 (14 (15 (16$my_array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);17$my_array = pts_arrays::to_array($my_array, 4);18print_r($my_array);19 (
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