How to use component_to_category method of pts_ae_data class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_ae_data.component_to_category


Source: pts_ae_data.php Github


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...124 $result = $stmt->execute();125 $cache[$component][$category] = $this->db->lastInsertRowid();126 return $cache[$component][$category];127 }128 public function component_to_category($component)129 {130 static $cache;131 if(isset($cache[$component]))132 {133 return $cache[$component];134 }135 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT Category FROM components WHERE Component = :c LIMIT 1');136 $stmt->bindValue(':c', $component);137 $result = $stmt ? $stmt->execute() : false;138 if($result && ($row = $result->fetchArray()))139 {140 $cache[$component] = $this->category_id_to_category($row['Category']);141 return $row['Category'];142 }143 }144 public function component_id_to_component($component_id)145 {146 static $cache;147 if(isset($cache[$component_id]))148 {149 return $cache[$component_id];150 }151 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT Component FROM components WHERE ComponentID = :c LIMIT 1');152 $stmt->bindValue(':c', $component_id);153 $result = $stmt ? $stmt->execute() : false;154 if($result && ($row = $result->fetchArray()))155 {156 $cache[$component_id] = $row['Component'];157 return $cache[$component_id];158 }159 }160 public function category_to_category_id($category)161 {162 static $cache;163 if(isset($cache[$category]))164 {165 return $cache[$category];166 }167 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT CategoryID FROM component_categories WHERE Category = :c LIMIT 1');168 $stmt->bindValue(':c', $category);169 $result = $stmt ? $stmt->execute() : false;170 if($result && ($row = $result->fetchArray()))171 {172 $cache[$category] = $row['CategoryID'];173 return $row['CategoryID'];174 }175 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO component_categories (Category) VALUES (:category)');176 $stmt->bindValue(':category', $category);177 $result = $stmt->execute();178 $cache[$category] = $this->db->lastInsertRowid();179 return $cache[$category];180 }181 public function category_id_to_category($category_id)182 {183 static $cache;184 if(isset($cache[$category_id]))185 {186 return $cache[$category_id];187 }188 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT Category FROM component_categories WHERE CategoryID = :c LIMIT 1');189 $stmt->bindValue(':c', $category_id);190 $result = $stmt ? $stmt->execute() : false;191 if($result && ($row = $result->fetchArray()))192 {193 $cache[$category_id] = $row['Category'];194 return $row['Category'];195 }196 }197 public function rebuild_composite_listing()198 {199 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('SELECT * FROM composite');200 $result = $stmt ? $stmt->execute() : false;201 $json_index_master = array();202 $json_per_version_summary = array();203 $hardware_data['Processor'] = array();204 $hardware_heavy = array();205 while($result && ($row = $result->fetchArray()))206 {207 $comparison_hash = $row['ComparisonHash'];208 $first_appeared = 0;209 $last_appeared = 0;210 $component_results = array();211 $component_dates = array();212 $system_types = array();213 $timing_data = array();214 $stddev_data = array();215 $family_perf = array();216 $results = $this->get_results_array_by_comparison_hash($comparison_hash, $first_appeared, $last_appeared, $component_results, $component_dates, $system_types, $timing_data, $stddev_data);217 if(count($results) < 10)218 {219 continue;220 }221 $percentiles = array();222 for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++)223 {224 $percentiles[$i] = pts_math::find_percentile($results, ($i * 0.01));225 if($percentiles[$i] > 10)226 {227 $percentiles[$i] = round($percentiles[$i], 5);228 }229 }230 $peak = max($results);231 $component_data = array();232 $comparison_components = array();233 $comparison_components_raw = array();234 foreach($component_results as $component => $d)235 {236 if(stripos($component . ' ', 'device ') !== false || stripos($component, 'unknown') !== false || stripos($component, 'common ') !== false || is_numeric($component))237 {238 continue;239 }240 foreach($d as $related_component => $data)241 {242 if(!isset($comparison_components[$component]))243 {244 $comparison_components[$component] = array();245 }246 $comparison_components[$component] = array_merge($comparison_components[$component], $data);247 if(stripos($related_component . ' ', 'device ') !== false || stripos($related_component, 'unknown') !== false)248 {249 continue;250 }251 if($component_dates[$component][$related_component]['last_appeared'] < (time() - (31536000 * 3)))252 {253 /​/​ if no new results in 3 years, likely outdated...254 continue;255 }256 if(count($data) < 3)257 {258 continue;259 }260 $data = pts_math::remove_outliers($data, 3);261 if(count($data) < 3)262 {263 continue;264 }265 $component_data[$component][$related_component]['avg'] = round(pts_math::arithmetic_mean($data), ($peak > 60 ? 0 : 2));266 $component_data[$component][$related_component]['samples'] = count($data);267 $component_data[$component][$related_component]['first_appeared'] = $component_dates[$component][$related_component]['first_appeared'];268 $component_data[$component][$related_component]['last_appeared'] = $component_dates[$component][$related_component]['last_appeared'];269 $component_data[$component][$related_component]['system_type'] = $system_types[$component][$related_component];270 }271 }272 $component_sample_counts = array();273 foreach($comparison_components as $component => &$values)274 {275 $component_sample_counts[$component] = count($values);276 $values = pts_math::remove_outliers($values, 3);277 /​/​ FAMILY DATA278 if(isset($this->cpu_index[$component]) && !phodevi::is_fake_device($component))279 {280 /​/​ Per Core Calculations281 $brand = false;282 if(stripos($component, 'Intel') !== false)283 {284 $brand = 'Intel';285 }286 else if(stripos($component, 'AMD') !== false)287 {288 $brand = 'AMD';289 }290 if($brand)291 {292 $core_family = $this->cpu_index[$component]['CoreFamily'];293 $series = str_ireplace(array('AMD ', 'Intel ', ), '', $component);294 if(($x = stripos($series, '-Core')) !== false)295 {296 $series = substr($series, 0, $x);297 $series = substr($series, 0, strrpos($series, ' '));298 }299 if(($x = stripos($series, ' x ')) !== false)300 {301 $series = substr($series, ($x + 3));302 }303 $series = str_replace('-', ' ', $series);304 $series = substr($series, 0, strrpos($series, ' '));305 $series = str_replace(array('Dual '), '', $series);306 if(!empty($series))307 {308 $brand_comp_type = phodevi_base::system_type_to_string(phodevi_base::determine_system_type($component));309 $core_family_compare = $brand . ' ' . $core_family . ' ' . $brand_comp_type;310 if(!isset($family_perf[$core_family_compare][$series]))311 {312 $family_perf[$core_family_compare][$series] = array();313 }314 $series_compare = $brand . ' ' . $series . ' ' . $this->cpu_index[$component]['CoreCount'] . '-Core ' . $brand_comp_type;315 if(!isset($family_perf[$series_compare][$core_family]))316 {317 $family_perf[$series_compare][$core_family] = array();318 }319 $value = pts_math::arithmetic_mean($values);320 $always_hib_value = ($row['HigherIsBetter'] == 0 ? (1 /​ $value) * 1000 : $value) /​ $this->cpu_index[$component]['CPUClock'];321 $family_perf[$core_family_compare][$series][] = $always_hib_value;322 $family_perf[$series_compare][$core_family][] = $always_hib_value;323 }324 }325 }326 /​/​ END OF FAMILY DATA327 if(phodevi::is_fake_device($component) || count($values) < 3 || pts_math::percent_standard_deviation($values) > 15)328 {329 unset($component_sample_counts[$component]);330 unset($comparison_components[$component]);331 continue;332 }333 }334 uasort($comparison_components, array('pts_ae_data', 'sort_array_by_size_of_array_in_value'));335 $comparison_components = array_slice($comparison_components, 0, 300);336 $csc = array();337 $csstd = array();338 $precision = 2;339 foreach($comparison_components as $component => &$values)340 {341 $comparison_components_raw[$component] = $values;342 $csstd[$component] = pts_math::standard_deviation($values);343 $values = pts_math::arithmetic_mean($values);344 if($values < 5)345 {346 $precision = 5;347 }348 else if($values < 20)349 {350 $precision = 3;351 }352 else if($values < 60)353 {354 $precision = 2;355 }356 else if($peak > 100)357 {358 $precision = 0;359 }360 $precision = $precision > 0 ? min($precision, pts_math::get_precision($comparison_components_raw[$component])) : 0;361 $csstd[$component] = round($csstd[$component], $precision);362 $values = round($values, $precision);363 $csc[$component] = $component_sample_counts[$component];364 }365 if($row['HigherIsBetter'] == '1')366 {367 arsort($comparison_components);368 }369 else370 {371 asort($comparison_components);372 }373 /​/​ TIMING DATA Assembly374 $td = array();375 $timing_data = pts_math::remove_outliers($timing_data, 3);376 $average_time = round(array_sum($timing_data) /​ count($timing_data));377 $timing_percentiles = array();378 for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++)379 {380 $timing_percentiles[$i] = pts_math::find_percentile($timing_data, ($i * 0.01));381 if($timing_percentiles[$i] > 10)382 {383 $timing_percentiles[$i] = round($timing_percentiles[$i]);384 }385 }386 if($average_time > 600)387 {388 $round_to_nearest = 60;389 }390 else if($average_time > 300)391 {392 $round_to_nearest = 30;393 }394 else395 {396 $round_to_nearest = 10;397 }398 foreach($timing_data as $time_consumed)399 {400 $time_consumed = max(1, round($time_consumed /​ $round_to_nearest)) * $round_to_nearest;401 if($time_consumed > 0)402 {403 if(!isset($td[$time_consumed]))404 {405 $td[$time_consumed] = 0;406 }407 $td[$time_consumed]++;408 }409 }410 /​/​ Standard Deviation Percent Data Assembly411 $stddev_data = pts_math::remove_outliers($stddev_data);412 $average_stddev = round(array_sum($stddev_data) /​ count($stddev_data), 2);413 $std = array();414 foreach($stddev_data as $pdev)415 {416 $pdev = round($pdev, 1);417 if(!isset($std[$pdev]))418 {419 $std[$pdev] = 0;420 }421 $std[$pdev]++;422 }423 /​/​ JSON FILE424 $json = array();425 $json['comparison_hash'] = $comparison_hash;426 $json['test_profile'] = $row['TestProfile'];427 $json['title'] = $row['Title'];428 $json['description'] = $row['ArgumentsDescription'];429 $json['test_version'] = substr($row['TestVersion'], 0, strrpos($row['TestVersion'], '.')) . '.x';430 $json['app_version'] = $row['AppVersion'];431 $json['hib'] = $row['HigherIsBetter'];432 $json['unit'] = $row['ResultUnit'];433 $json['samples'] = count($results);434 $json['sample_data'] = implode(',', $results);435 $json['run_time_avg'] = $average_time;436 $json['run_time_data'] = $td;437 $json['stddev_avg'] = $average_stddev;438 $json['stddev_data'] = $std;439 $json['first_appeared'] = $first_appeared;440 $json['last_appeared'] = $last_appeared;441 $json['percentiles'] = $percentiles;442 $json['components'] = $component_data;443 $json['reference_results'] = $comparison_components;444 $json['reference_results_counts'] = $csc;445 $json['reference_results_std_dev'] = $csstd;446 if($json['first_appeared'] < 1298678400)447 {448 /​/​ OpenBenchmarking launch date so anything below that would be incorrect timing449 $json['first_appeared'] = strtotime('2011-02-26');450 }451 /​/​ FAMILY PERFORMANCE452 foreach($family_perf as $brand => &$data)453 {454 foreach($data as $family => &$sp)455 {456 if(count($sp) < 4)457 {458 /​/​ Not enough data to potentially too off...459 unset($family_perf[$brand][$family]);460 continue;461 }462 $sp = array_sum($sp) /​ count($sp);463 }464 if(count($family_perf[$brand]) < 3)465 {466 unset($family_perf[$brand]);467 }468 }469 foreach($family_perf as $brand => &$data)470 {471 $min_family_perf = min($family_perf[$brand]);472 foreach($data as $family => &$sp)473 {474 $sp = round($sp /​ $min_family_perf, 2);475 }476 arsort($family_perf[$brand]);477 }478 ksort($family_perf);479 $json['family_perf'] = $family_perf;480 /​/​ EO Family Perf481 $json_encoded = json_encode($json);482 if(!empty($json_encoded))483 {484 $test_dir = base64_encode($row['TestProfile']);485 pts_file_io::mkdir($this->ae_dir . 'comparison-hashes/​' . $test_dir . '/​');486 file_put_contents($this->ae_dir . 'comparison-hashes/​' . $test_dir . '/​' . $comparison_hash . '.json', $json_encoded);487 if(!isset($json_index_master[$test_dir]))488 {489 $json_index_master[$test_dir] = array();490 }491 $json_index_master[$test_dir][str_replace('.', '', $json['test_version']) . '-' . $json['comparison_hash']] = array(492 'comparison_hash' => $json['comparison_hash'],493 'description' => $json['description'],494 'test_version' => $json['test_version'],495 'app_version' => $json['app_version'],496 'unit' => $json['unit'],497 'samples' => $json['samples'],498 'product_samples' => count($comparison_components),499 );500 if(!isset($json_per_version_summary[$test_dir][$json['test_version']] ))501 {502 $json_per_version_summary[$test_dir][$json['test_version']] = array();503 }504 $json_per_version_summary[$test_dir][$json['test_version']][$json['comparison_hash']] = array(505 /​/​'comparison_hash' => $json['comparison_hash'],506 'description' => $json['description'],507 'test_version' => $json['test_version'],508 'app_version' => $json['app_version'],509 'unit' => $json['unit'],510 'samples' => $json['samples'],511 'timing_samples' => count($timing_data),512 'hib' => $json['hib'],513 'first_appeared' => $json['first_appeared'],514 'last_appeared' => $json['last_appeared'],515 'run_time_avg' => $json['run_time_avg'],516 'stddev_avg' => $json['stddev_avg'],517 'percentiles' => $json['percentiles'],518 'run_time_percentiles' => $timing_percentiles,519 );520 }521 /​/​ EO JSON522 $stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE composite SET SampleSize = :ss, Percentiles = :p, FirstAppeared = :fa, LastAppeared = :la WHERE ComparisonHash = :ch');523 $stmt->bindValue(':ss', count($results));524 $stmt->bindValue(':ch', $comparison_hash);525 $stmt->bindValue(':p', implode(',', $percentiles));526 $stmt->bindValue(':fa', $first_appeared);527 $stmt->bindValue(':la', $last_appeared);528 $stmt->execute();529 530 /​/​531 /​/​ Update/​Create Component JSON532 /​/​533 534 if(count($comparison_components) >= 20 && $json['stddev_avg'] < 3 && $json['run_time_avg'] > 45 && $last_appeared > strtotime('-5 months'))535 {536 foreach($comparison_components as $component => $value)537 {538 $component_category = $this->component_to_category($component);539 $this_percentile = $this->result_to_percentile($value, $percentiles, $json['hib']);540 541 if(!is_numeric($this_percentile) || $this_percentile == 0)542 {543 continue;544 }545 switch($component_category)546 {547 case 'Graphics':548 case 'Disk':549 if(strpos($component, ' x ') !== false)550 {551 /​/​ Don't want multi-disk reporting as who knows the RAID setup or if JBOD mixed in, etc552 break;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_ae_data.php');2$data = new pts_ae_data();3$component = 'component';4$category = 'category';5$data->component_to_category($component, $category);6require_once('pts_ae_data.php');7$data = new pts_ae_data();8$component = 'component';9$category = 'category';10$data->category_to_component($component, $category);11require_once('pts_ae_data.php');12$data = new pts_ae_data();13$component = 'component';14$data->get_component_level($component);15require_once('pts_ae_data.php');16$data = new pts_ae_data();17$component = 'component';18$data->get_component_level($component);19require_once('pts_ae_data.php');20$data = new pts_ae_data();21$component = 'component';22$data->get_component_level($component);23require_once('pts_ae_data.php');24$data = new pts_ae_data();25$component = 'component';26$data->get_component_level($component);27require_once('pts_ae_data.php');28$data = new pts_ae_data();29$component = 'component';30$data->get_component_level($component);31require_once('pts_ae_data.php');32$data = new pts_ae_data();33$component = 'component';34$data->get_component_level($component);35require_once('pts_ae_data.php');36$data = new pts_ae_data();37$component = 'component';38$data->get_component_level($component);39require_once('pts_a

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include_once('pts_ae_data.php');2$obj = new pts_ae_data();3$category = $obj->component_to_category('component1');4echo $category;5include_once('pts_ae_data.php');6$obj = new pts_ae_data();7$category = $obj->component_to_category('component2');8echo $category;9include_once('pts_ae_data.php');10$obj = new pts_ae_data();11$category = $obj->component_to_category('component3');12echo $category;13include_once('pts_ae_data.php');14$obj = new pts_ae_data();15$category = $obj->component_to_category('component4');16echo $category;17include_once('pts_ae_data.php');18$obj = new pts_ae_data();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$component = $_REQUEST['component'];2$category = $aeData->component_to_category($component);3echo $category;4$category = $_REQUEST['category'];5$component = $aeData->category_to_component($category);6echo $component;7$category = $_REQUEST['category'];8$components = $aeData->category_to_component($category, true);9print_r($components);10$component = $_REQUEST['component'];11$categories = $aeData->component_to_category($component, true);12print_r($categories);

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