Best Cucumber Common Library code snippet using Comment.fromArray
Source: EntityItem.php
...27 return [28 'name' => $this->data['_className'],29 'namespacename' => $this->data['_namespace'] . '\Entity',30 'extendedclass' => $this->data['_namespace'] . '\Entity\Entity',31 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(32 [33 'shortDescription' => 'Application Entity',34 'longDescription' => null,35 'tags' => [36 [37 'name' => 'package',38 'description' => $this->data['_namespace'],39 ],40 [41 'name' => 'author',42 'description' => $this->data['_author'],43 ],44 [45 'name' => 'copyright',46 'description' => $this->data['_copyright'],47 ],48 [49 'name' => 'license',50 'description' => $this->data['_license'],51 ],52 ],53 ]54 ),55 'properties' => $this->getProperties(),56 'methods' => $methods,57 ];58 }59 private function getProperties()60 {61 $classProperties = [];62 $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(63 [64 'name' => 'primary_key',65 'defaultvalue' => 'array' !== $this->data['_primaryKey']['phptype'] ? $this->data['_primaryKey']['field'] : eval('return ' . $this->data['_primaryKey']['field'] . ';'),66 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED,67 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(68 [69 'shortDescription' => 'Primary key name',70 'longDescription' => '',71 'tags' => [72 new GenericTag('var', $this->data['_primaryKey']['phptype'] . ' primary_key'),73 ],74 ]75 ),76 ]77 );78 $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(79 [80 'name' => 'isDoc',81 'defaultvalue' => false,82 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED,83 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(84 [85 'shortDescription' => 'Set Entity type',86 'longDescription' => '',87 'tags' => [88 new GenericTag('var', 'boolean isDoc'),89 ],90 ]91 ),92 ]93 );94 foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {95 $comment = !empty($column['comment']) ? $column['comment'] : null;96 $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(97 [98 'name' => $column['capital'],99 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED,100 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(101 [102 'shortDescription' => $column['capital'],103 'longDescription' => $comment,104 'tags' => [105 new GenericTag('var', $column['phptype'] . ' ' . $column['capital']),106 ],107 ]108 ),109 ]110 );111 }112 foreach ($this->data['foreignKeysInfo'] as $key) {113 if (!is_array($key['column_name'])) {114 $name = $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital(115 $key['column_name']116 );117 $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(118 [119 'name' => $name,120 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED,121 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(122 [123 'shortDescription' => 'Parent relation',124 'longDescription' => null,125 'tags' => [126 new GenericTag('var', $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'] . ' ' . $name),127 ],128 ]129 ),130 ]131 );132 }133 }134 foreach ($this->data['dependentTables'] as $key) {135 $name = $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']];136 $longDescr = sprintf(137 'Type: %s relationship', ($key['type'] == 'one') ? 'One-to-One' : 'One-to-Many'138 );139 $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(140 [141 'name' => $name,142 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED,143 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(144 [145 'shortDescription' => 'Dependent relation ',146 'longDescription' => $longDescr,147 'tags' => [148 new GenericTag('var', $this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'] . ' ' . $name),149 ],150 ]151 ),152 ]153 );154 }155 return $classProperties;156 }157 private function getConstructor()158 {159 $constructBody = '$this->setColumnsList(array(' . PHP_EOL;160 foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {161 $constructBody .= ' \'' . $column['field'] . '\' => \'' . $column['capital'] . '\',' . PHP_EOL;162 }163 $constructBody .= '));' . PHP_EOL;164 $constructBody .= '$this->setParentList(array(' . PHP_EOL;165 foreach ($this->data['foreignKeysInfo'] as $key) {166 if (is_array($key['column_name'])) {167 $n = [];168 foreach ($key['column_name'] as $v) {169 $n[] = '\'' . $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital($v) . '\'';170 }171 $property = ' array(' . implode(',', $n) . ')';172 } else {173 $property = '\'' . $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital($key['column_name']) . '\'';174 }175 $constructBody .= ' \'' . $this->_getCapital($key['key_name']) . '\' => array(' . PHP_EOL;176 $constructBody .= ' \'property\' => ' . $property . ',' . PHP_EOL;177 $constructBody .= ' \'table_name\' => \'' . $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'] . '\',' . PHP_EOL;178 $constructBody .= ' ),' . PHP_EOL;179 }180 $constructBody .= '));' . PHP_EOL;181 $constructBody .= '$this->setDependentList(array(' . PHP_EOL;182 foreach ($this->data['dependentTables'] as $key) {183 $name = $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']];184 $constructBody .= ' \'' . $this->_getCapital($key['key_name']) . '\' => array(' . PHP_EOL;185 $constructBody .= ' \'property\' => \'' . $name . '\',' . PHP_EOL;186 $constructBody .= ' \'table_name\' => \'' . $this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'] . '\',' . PHP_EOL;187 $constructBody .= ' ),' . PHP_EOL;188 }189 $constructBody .= '));' . PHP_EOL;190 $methods = [191 [192 'name' => '__construct',193 'parameters' => [],194 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,195 'body' => $constructBody,196 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(197 [198 'shortDescription' => 'Sets up column and relationship lists',199 'longDescription' => null,200 ]201 ),202 ],203 ];204 return $methods;205 }206 private function getAccessor()207 {208 $methods = [];209 foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {210 $is_date = strpos($column['type'], 'datetime') === false && strpos($column['type'], 'timestamp') === false;211 $comment = 'Sets column ' . $column['field'];212 $comment .= $is_date ? '' : ' Stored in \'Y-m-d H:i:s\' format .';213 $constructBody = '';214 if (!$is_date) {215 $constructBody .= 'if (! empty($data)) {' . PHP_EOL;216 $constructBody .= ' if ($data instanceof \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime) {' . PHP_EOL;217 $constructBody .= ' $data = $data->toDateTime();' . PHP_EOL;218 $constructBody .= ' }' . PHP_EOL;219 $constructBody .= ' if (! $data instanceof \DateTime) {' . PHP_EOL;220 $constructBody .= ' $data = new \DateTime($data);' . PHP_EOL;221 $constructBody .= ' }' . PHP_EOL;222 $constructBody .= ' $data = $data->format(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\');' . PHP_EOL;223 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;224 }225 $constructBody .= '$this->' . $column['capital'] . ' = $data;' . PHP_EOL;226 $constructBody .= 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL;227 $methods[] = MethodGenerator::fromArray([228 'name' => 'set' . $column['capital'],229 'parameters' => ['data'],230 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,231 'body' => $constructBody,232 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(233 [234 'shortDescription' => $comment,235 'longDescription' => null,236 'tags' => [237 new ParamTag('data', $column['phptype'], $column['field']),238 new ReturnTag([239 'datatype' => 'self',240 ]),241 ],242 ]243 ),244 ]);245 $comment = 'Gets column ' . $column['field'];246 $comment .= $is_date ? '' : ' Stored in \'Y-m-d H:i:s\' format .';247 $constructBody = '';248 $parameters = [];249 $returnType = $column['phptype'];250 $tags = [251 new ReturnTag([252 'datatype' => $returnType,253 ]),254 ];255 if (!$is_date) {256 $parameters = [257 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(258 [259 'type' => 'bool',260 'name' => 'returnDateTime',261 'defaultvalue' => false,262 ]263 ),264 ];265 array_unshift($tags, new ParamTag('returnDateTime', ['boolean'], 'Should we return a DateTime object'));266 $constructBody .= 'if ($returnDateTime) {' . PHP_EOL;267 $constructBody .= ' if ($this->' . $column['capital'] . ' === null) {' . PHP_EOL;268 $constructBody .= ' return null;' . PHP_EOL;269 $constructBody .= ' }' . PHP_EOL;270 $constructBody .= ' return new \DateTime($this->' . $column['capital'] . ');' . PHP_EOL;271 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;272 if ($this->data['db-type'] == 'mongodb') {273 $constructBody .= 'if ($this->isDoc && $this->' . $column['capital'] . '){' . PHP_EOL;274 $constructBody .= ' return new \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime((new \DateTime($this->' . $column['capital'] . '))->getTimestamp() * 1000);' . PHP_EOL;275 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;276 }277 $constructBody .= 'return $this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;278 } elseif ($column['phptype'] == 'boolean') {279 $constructBody .= 'return $this->' . $column['capital'] . ' ? true : false;' . PHP_EOL;280 } else {281 if ($this->data['db-type'] == 'mongodb') {282 $constructBody .= 'if (!empty($this->' . $column['capital'] . ')){' . PHP_EOL;283 if ($column['primary']) {284 $constructBody .= ' if ($this->' . $column['capital'] . ' instanceof \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId){' . PHP_EOL;285 $constructBody .= ' return $this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;286 $constructBody .= ' } else {' . PHP_EOL;287 $constructBody .= ' return (' . $returnType . ')$this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;288 $constructBody .= ' }' . PHP_EOL;289 } else {290 $constructBody .= 'if ($this->isDoc && $this->' . $column['capital'] . ' instanceof \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId){' . PHP_EOL;291 $constructBody .= ' return $this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;292 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;293 $constructBody .= ' return (' . $returnType . ')$this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;294 }295 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;296 $constructBody .= 'return $this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;297 } else {298 $constructBody .= 'return !empty($this->' . $column['capital'] . ') ? (' . $returnType . ')$this->' . $column['capital'] . ' : $this->' . $column['capital'] . ';' . PHP_EOL;299 }300 }301 $methods[] = MethodGenerator::fromArray([302 'name' => 'get' . $column['capital'],303 'parameters' => $parameters,304 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,305 'body' => $constructBody,306 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(307 [308 'shortDescription' => $comment,309 'longDescription' => null,310 'tags' => $tags,311 ]312 ),313 ]);314 }315 return $methods;316 }317 private function getParentRelation()318 {319 $methods = [];320 foreach ($this->data['foreignKeysInfo'] as $key) {321 if (is_array($key['column_name'])) {322 continue;323 }324 $comment = 'Sets parent relation ' . $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['column_name'];325 $constructBody = '';326 $constructBody .= '$this->' . $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital(327 $key['column_name']328 ) . ' = $data;' . PHP_EOL;329 $constructBody .= '$primary_key = $data->getPrimaryKey();' . PHP_EOL;330 $constructBody .= '$dataValue = $data->toArray();' . PHP_EOL;331 if (is_array($key['foreign_tbl_column_name']) && is_array($key['column_name'])) {332 while ($column = next($key['foreign_tbl_column_name'])) {333 $foreign_column = next($key['column_name']);334 $constructBody .= '$this->set' . $this->_getCapital(335 $column336 ) . '($primary_key[\'' . $foreign_column . '\']);' . PHP_EOL;337 }338 } else {339 /*340 $constructBody .= 'if (is_array($primary_key)) {' . PHP_EOL;341 $constructBody .= ' $primary_key = $primary_key[\'' . $key['foreign_tbl_column_name'] . '\'];' . PHP_EOL;342 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;343 */344 $constructBody .= '$this->set' . $this->_getCapital($key['column_name']) . '($dataValue[$primary_key]);' . PHP_EOL;345 }346 $constructBody .= 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL;347 $methods[] = [348 'name' => 'set' . $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital(349 $key['column_name']350 ),351 'parameters' => [352 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(353 [354 'name' => 'data',355 'type' => $this->data['_namespace'] . '\Entity\\' . $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'],356 ]357 ),358 ],359 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,360 'body' => $constructBody,361 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(362 [363 'shortDescription' => $comment,364 'longDescription' => null,365 'tags' => [366 new ParamTag('data', [$this->data['_namespace'] . '\Entity\\' . $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']]),367 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'self']),368 ],369 ]370 ),371 ];372 $comment = 'Gets parent ' . $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['column_name'];373 $constructBody = '';374 $constructBody .= 'return $this->' . $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital(375 $key['column_name']376 ) . ';' . PHP_EOL;377 $methods[] = [378 'name' => 'get' . $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital(379 $key['column_name']380 ),381 'parameters' => [],382 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,383 'body' => $constructBody,384 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(385 [386 'shortDescription' => $comment,387 'longDescription' => null,388 'tags' => [389 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']]),390 ],391 ]392 ),393 ];394 }395 return $methods;396 }397 private function getDependentTables()398 {399 $methods = [];400 foreach ($this->data['dependentTables'] as $key) {401 if ($key['type'] == 'one') {402 $comment = 'Sets dependent relation ' . $key['key_name'];403 $constructBody = '';404 $constructBody .= '$this->' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']] . ' = $data;' . PHP_EOL;405 $constructBody .= 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL;406 $methods[] = [407 'name' => 'set' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']],408 'parameters' => [409 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(410 [411 'name' => 'data',412 'type' => $this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'],413 ]414 ),415 ],416 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,417 'body' => $constructBody,418 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(419 [420 'shortDescription' => $comment,421 'longDescription' => null,422 'tags' => [423 new ParamTag('data', [$this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']]),424 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'self']),425 ],426 ]427 ),428 ];429 $comment = 'Gets dependent ' . $key['key_name'];430 $constructBody = '';431 $constructBody .= 'return $this->' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']] . ';' . PHP_EOL;432 $methods[] = [433 'name' => 'get' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']],434 'parameters' => [],435 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,436 'body' => $constructBody,437 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(438 [439 'shortDescription' => $comment,440 'longDescription' => null,441 'tags' => [442 new ReturnTag([$this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']]),443 ],444 ]445 ),446 ];447 } else {448 $comment = 'Sets dependent relation ' . $key['key_name'];449 $constructBody = '';450 $constructBody .= 'foreach ($data as $object) {' . PHP_EOL;451 $constructBody .= ' $this->add' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']] . '($object);' . PHP_EOL;452 $constructBody .= '}' . PHP_EOL;453 $constructBody .= 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL;454 $methods[] = [455 'name' => 'set' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']],456 'parameters' => [457 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(458 [459 'name' => 'data',460 'type' => 'array',461 ]462 ),463 ],464 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,465 'body' => $constructBody,466 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(467 [468 'shortDescription' => $comment,469 'longDescription' => null,470 'tags' => [471 new ParamTag('data', ['array'], ' array of ' . $this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']),472 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'self']),473 ],474 ]475 ),476 ];477 $comment = 'Gets dependent ' . $key['key_name'];478 $constructBody = '';479 $constructBody .= 'return $this->' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']] . ';' . PHP_EOL;480 $methods[] = [481 'name' => 'get' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']],482 'parameters' => [],483 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,484 'body' => $constructBody,485 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(486 [487 'shortDescription' => $comment,488 'longDescription' => null,489 'tags' => [490 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'array'], 'array of ' . $this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']),491 ],492 ]493 ),494 ];495 $comment = 'Sets dependent relations ' . $key['key_name'];496 $constructBody = '';497 $constructBody .= '$this->' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']] . '[] = $data;' . PHP_EOL;498 $constructBody .= 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL;499 $methods[] = [500 'name' => 'add' . $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']],501 'parameters' => [502 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(503 [504 'name' => 'data',505 ]506 ),507 ],508 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,509 'body' => $constructBody,510 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(511 [512 'shortDescription' => $comment,513 'longDescription' => null,514 'tags' => [515 new ParamTag('data', [$this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name']], $comment),516 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'self']),517 ],518 ]519 ),520 ];521 }522 }523 return $methods;524 }525 private function getUtils()526 {527 $constructBody = '';528 foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {529 $is_date = strpos($column['type'], 'datetime') !== false || strpos($column['type'], 'timestamp') !== false;530 if ($is_date) {531 $constructBody .= '$this->set' . $column['capital'] . '(isset($data[\'' . $column['field'] . '\']) ? $data[\'' . $column['field'] . '\'] : null);' . PHP_EOL;532 } else {533 $constructBody .= '$this->' . $column['capital'] . ' = isset($data[\'' . $column['field'] . '\']) ? $data[\'' . $column['field'] . '\'] : null;' . PHP_EOL;534 }535 }536 $constructBody .= 'return $this;';537 $methods[] = MethodGenerator::fromArray([538 'name' => 'exchangeArray',539 // 'returntype' => $this->data['_namespace'] . '\Entity\\' . $this->data['_className'],540 'parameters' => [541 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(542 [543 'name' => 'data',544 'type' => 'array',545 ]546 ),547 ],548 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,549 'body' => $constructBody,550 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(551 [552 'shortDescription' => 'Array of options/values to be set for this model.',553 'longDescription' => 'Options without a matching method are ignored.',554 'tags' => [555 new ParamTag('data', ['array'], 'array of values to set'),556 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'self']),557 ],558 ]559 ),560 ]);561 $constructBody = '$this->isDoc = $val;' . PHP_EOL;562 $constructBody .= 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL;563 $methods[] = MethodGenerator::fromArray([564 'name' => 'setIsDoc',565 'parameters' => [566 ParameterGenerator::fromArray(567 [568 'name' => 'val',569 'type' => 'bool',570 'defaultvalue' => true,571 ]572 ),573 ],574 // 'returntype' => 'self',575 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,576 'body' => $constructBody,577 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(578 [579 'shortDescription' => 'Set type of entity',580 'longDescription' => null,581 'tags' => [582 new ParamTag('val', ['boolean']),583 ],584 ]585 ),586 ]);587 $constructBody = '';588 $constructBody .= '$result = array(' . PHP_EOL;589 foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {590 $constructBody .= ' \'' . $column['field'] . '\' => $this->get' . $column['capital'] . '(),' . PHP_EOL;591 }592 $constructBody .= ');' . PHP_EOL;593 $constructBody .= 'return $result;' . PHP_EOL;594 $methods[] = MethodGenerator::fromArray([595 'name' => 'toArray',596 'parameters' => [],597 'returntype' => 'array',598 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC,599 'body' => $constructBody,600 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(601 [602 'shortDescription' => 'Returns an array, keys are the field names.',603 'longDescription' => null,604 'tags' => [605 new ReturnTag(['datatype' => 'array']),606 ],607 ]608 ),609 ]);610 return $methods;611 }612 /**613 *614 * @return string615 */616 public function generate()617 {618 $class = ClassGenerator::fromArray($this->getClassArrayRepresentation());619 $class->addUse($this->data['_namespace'] . '\Entity\Entity');620 $this->defineFileInfo($class);621 $fileGenerator = $this->getFileGenerator();622 return $fileGenerator623 ->setClass($class)624 ->generate();625 }626}...
Source: Issue.php
...44 * @param Project $project45 * @param array $data46 * @return Issue47 */48 public static function fromArray(Client $client, Project $project, array $data)49 {50 $issue = new static($project, $data['iid'], $client);51 if (isset($data['author'])) {52 $data['author'] = User::fromArray($client, $data['author']);53 }54 if (isset($data['assignee'])) {55 $data['assignee'] = User::fromArray($client, $data['assignee']);56 }57 return $issue->hydrate($data);58 }59 /**60 * @param Project $project61 * @param int $iid62 * @param Client $client63 */64 public function __construct(Project $project, $iid = null, Client $client = null)65 {66 $this->setClient($client);67 $this->setData('project', $project);68 $this->setData('iid', $iid);69 }70 /**71 * @return Issue72 */73 public function show()74 {75 $data = $this->client->issues()->show($this->project->id, $this->iid);76 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this->project, $data);77 }78 /**79 * @param array $params80 * @return Issue81 */82 public function update(array $params)83 {84 $data = $this->client->issues()->update($this->project->id, $this->iid, $params);85 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this->project, $data);86 }87 /**88 * @param Project $toProject89 * @return Issue90 */91 public function move(Project $toProject)92 {93 $data = $this->client->issues()->move($this->project->id, $this->iid, $toProject->id);94 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $toProject, $data);95 }96 /**97 * @param string $comment98 * @return Issue99 */100 public function close($comment = null)101 {102 if ($comment) {103 $this->addComment($comment);104 }105 return $this->update(array(106 'state_event' => 'close'107 ));108 }109 /**110 * @return Issue111 */112 public function open()113 {114 return $this->update(array(115 'state_event' => 'reopen'116 ));117 }118 /**119 * @return Issue120 */121 public function reopen()122 {123 return $this->open();124 }125 /**126 * @param string $comment127 * @return Note128 */129 public function addComment($comment)130 {131 $data = $this->client->issues()->addComment($this->project->id, $this->iid, array(132 'body' => $comment133 ));134 return Note::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this, $data);135 }136 /**137 * @return Note[]138 */139 public function showComments()140 {141 $notes = array();142 $data = $this->client->issues()->showComments($this->project->id, $this->iid);143 foreach ($data as $note) {144 $notes[] = Note::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this, $note);145 }146 return $notes;147 }148 /**149 * @return bool150 */151 public function isClosed()152 {153 return $this->state === 'closed';154 }155 /**156 * @param string $label157 * @return bool158 */159 public function hasLabel($label)160 {161 return in_array($label, $this->labels);162 }163 /**164 * @return IssueLink[]165 */166 public function links()167 {168 $data = $this->client->issueLinks()->all($this->project->id, $this->iid);169 if (!is_array($data)) {170 return array();171 }172 $projects = $this->client->projects();173 return array_map(function ($data) use ($projects) {174 return IssueLink::fromArray(175 $this->client,176 Project::fromArray($this->client, $projects->show($data['project_id'])),177 $data178 );179 }, $data);180 }181 /**182 * @param Issue $target183 * @return Issue[]184 */185 public function addLink(Issue $target)186 {187 $data = $this->client->issueLinks()->create($this->project->id, $this->iid, $target->project->id, $target->iid);188 if (!is_array($data)) {189 return array();190 }191 return [192 'source_issue' => static::fromArray($this->client, $this->project, $data['source_issue']),193 'target_issue' => static::fromArray($this->client, $target->project, $data['target_issue']),194 ];195 }196 /**197 * @param int $issue_link_id198 * @return Issue[]199 */200 public function removeLink($issue_link_id)201 {202 // The two related issues have the same link ID.203 $data = $this->client->issueLinks()->remove($this->project->id, $this->iid, $issue_link_id);204 if (!is_array($data)) {205 return array();206 }207 $targetProject = Project::fromArray(208 $this->client,209 $this->client->projects()->show($data['target_issue']['project_id'])210 );211 return [212 'source_issue' => static::fromArray($this->client, $this->project, $data['source_issue']),213 'target_issue' => static::fromArray($this->client, $targetProject, $data['target_issue']),214 ];215 }216}...
Source: MergeRequest.php
...56 * @param Project $project57 * @param array $data58 * @return MergeRequest59 */60 public static function fromArray(Client $client, Project $project, array $data)61 {62 $mr = new static($project, $data['id'], $client);63 if (isset($data['author'])) {64 $data['author'] = User::fromArray($client, $data['author']);65 }66 if (isset($data['assignee'])) {67 $data['assignee'] = User::fromArray($client, $data['assignee']);68 }69 if (isset($data['milestone'])) {70 $data['milestone'] = Milestone::fromArray($client, $project, $data['milestone']);71 }72 if (isset($data['files'])) {73 $files = array();74 foreach ($data['files'] as $file) {75 $files[] = File::fromArray($client, $project, $file);76 }77 $data['files'] = $files;78 }79 return $mr->hydrate($data);80 }81 /**82 * @param Project $project83 * @param int $iid84 * @param Client $client85 */86 public function __construct(Project $project, $iid = null, Client $client = null)87 {88 $this->setClient($client);89 $this->setData('project', $project);90 $this->setData('iid', $iid);91 }92 /**93 * @return MergeRequest94 */95 public function show()96 {97 $data = $this->client->mergeRequests()->show($this->project->id, $this->iid);98 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this->project, $data);99 }100 /**101 * @param array $params102 * @return MergeRequest103 */104 public function update(array $params)105 {106 $data = $this->client->mergeRequests()->update($this->project->id, $this->iid, $params);107 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this->project, $data);108 }109 /**110 * @param string $comment111 * @return MergeRequest112 */113 public function close($comment = null)114 {115 if ($comment) {116 $this->addComment($comment);117 }118 return $this->update(array(119 'state_event' => 'close'120 ));121 }122 /**123 * @return MergeRequest124 */125 public function reopen()126 {127 return $this->update(array(128 'state_event' => 'reopen'129 ));130 }131 /**132 * @return MergeRequest133 */134 public function open()135 {136 return $this->reopen();137 }138 /**139 * @param string $message140 * @return MergeRequest141 */142 public function merge($message = null)143 {144 $data = $this->client->mergeRequests()->merge($this->project->id, $this->iid, array(145 'merge_commit_message' => $message146 ));147 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this->project, $data);148 }149 /**150 * @return MergeRequest151 */152 public function merged()153 {154 return $this->update(array(155 'state_event' => 'merge'156 ));157 }158 /**159 * @param string $comment160 * @return Note161 */162 public function addComment($comment)163 {164 $data = $this->client->mergeRequests()->addComment($this->project->id, $this->iid, $comment);165 return Note::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this, $data);166 }167 /**168 * @return Note[]169 */170 public function showComments()171 {172 $notes = array();173 $data = $this->client->mergeRequests()->showComments($this->project->id, $this->iid);174 foreach ($data as $note) {175 $notes[] = Note::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this, $note);176 }177 return $notes;178 }179 /**180 * @return bool181 */182 public function isClosed()183 {184 if (in_array($this->state, array('closed', 'merged'))) {185 return true;186 }187 return false;188 }189 /**190 * @return MergeRequest191 */192 public function changes()193 {194 $data = $this->client->mergeRequests()->changes($this->project->id, $this->iid);195 return static::fromArray($this->getClient(), $this->project, $data);196 }197}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray($_POST);3$comment->save();4$comment = new Comment();5$comment->fromArray($_POST);6$comment->save();7$comment = new Comment();8$comment->fromArray($_POST);9$comment->save();10$comment = new Comment();11$comment->fromArray($_POST);12$comment->save();13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->fromArray($_POST);15$comment->save();16$comment = new Comment();17$comment->fromArray($_POST);18$comment->save();19$comment = new Comment();20$comment->fromArray($_POST);21$comment->save();22$comment = new Comment();23$comment->fromArray($_POST);24$comment->save();25$comment = new Comment();26$comment->fromArray($_POST);27$comment->save();28$comment = new Comment();29$comment->fromArray($_POST);30$comment->save();31$comment = new Comment();32$comment->fromArray($_POST);33$comment->save();34$comment = new Comment();35$comment->fromArray($_POST);36$comment->save();37$comment = new Comment();38$comment->fromArray($_POST);39$comment->save();40$comment = new Comment();41$comment->fromArray($_POST);
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray($commentData);3$comment = new Comment();4$comment->fromArray($commentData);5$comment = new Comment();6$comment->fromArray($commentData);7$comment = new Comment();8$comment->fromArray($commentData);9$comment = new Comment();10$comment->fromArray($commentData);11$comment = new Comment();12$comment->fromArray($commentData);13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->fromArray($commentData);15$comment = new Comment();16$comment->fromArray($commentData);17$comment = new Comment();18$comment->fromArray($commentData);19$comment = new Comment();20$comment->fromArray($commentData);21$comment = new Comment();22$comment->fromArray($commentData);23$comment = new Comment();24$comment->fromArray($commentData);25$comment = new Comment();26$comment->fromArray($commentData);27$comment = new Comment();28$comment->fromArray($commentData);29$comment = new Comment();30$comment->fromArray($commentData);
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray($data);3$post = new Post();4$post->fromArray($data);5$user = new User();6$user->fromArray($data);7$comment = new Comment();8$comment->fromArray($data);9$post = new Post();10$post->fromArray($data);11$user = new User();12$user->fromArray($data);13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->fromArray($data);15$post = new Post();16$post->fromArray($data);17$user = new User();18$user->fromArray($data);19$comment = new Comment();20$comment->fromArray($data);21$post = new Post();22$post->fromArray($data);23$user = new User();24$user->fromArray($data);25$comment = new Comment();26$comment->fromArray($data);27$post = new Post();28$post->fromArray($data);29$user = new User();30$user->fromArray($data);31$comment = new Comment();32$comment->fromArray($data);33$post = new Post();34$post->fromArray($data);35$user = new User();36$user->fromArray($data);37$comment = new Comment();38$comment->fromArray($data);39$post = new Post();
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray($_POST);3$post = new Post();4$post->fromArray($_POST);5$comment = new Comment();6$comment->fromArray($_POST);7$post = new Post();8$post->fromArray($_POST);9$comment = new Comment();10$comment->fromArray($_POST);11$post = new Post();12$post->fromArray($_POST);13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->fromArray($_POST);15$post = new Post();16$post->fromArray($_POST);17$comment = new Comment();18$comment->fromArray($_POST);19$post = new Post();20$post->fromArray($_POST);21$comment = new Comment();22$comment->fromArray($_POST);23$post = new Post();24$post->fromArray($_POST);25$comment = new Comment();26$comment->fromArray($_POST);27$post = new Post();28$post->fromArray($_POST);29$comment = new Comment();30$comment->fromArray($_POST);31$post = new Post();32$post->fromArray($_POST);33$comment = new Comment();34$comment->fromArray($_POST);35$post = new Post();36$post->fromArray($_POST);
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray(array(3));4$comment->save();5$comment = new Comment();6$comment->title = 'my title';7$comment->content = 'my content';8$comment->author = 'my author';9$comment->date = '2015-04-10';10$comment->save();11$commentArray = $comment->toArray();12print_r($commentArray);13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->title = 'my title';15$comment->content = 'my content';16$comment->author = 'my author';17$comment->date = '2015-04-10';18$comment->save();19$comment->title = 'my new title';20$comment->update();
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray($_POST);3echo $comment->getComment();4$comment = new Comment();5$comment->fromArray($_POST);6echo $comment->getComment();7$comment = new Comment();8$comment->fromArray($_POST);9echo $comment->getComment();10$comment = new Comment();11$comment->fromArray($_POST);12echo $comment->getComment();13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->fromArray($_POST);15echo $comment->getComment();16$comment = new Comment();17$comment->fromArray($_POST);18echo $comment->getComment();19$comment = new Comment();20$comment->fromArray($_POST);21echo $comment->getComment();22$comment = new Comment();23$comment->fromArray($_POST);24echo $comment->getComment();25$comment = new Comment();26$comment->fromArray($_POST);27echo $comment->getComment();28$comment = new Comment();29$comment->fromArray($_POST);30echo $comment->getComment();31$comment = new Comment();32$comment->fromArray($_POST);33echo $comment->getComment();
Using AI Code Generation
1$comment = new Comment();2$comment->fromArray($_POST);3$comment->save();4$comment = new Comment();5$comment->fromArray($_POST);6$comment->save();7$comment = new Comment();8$comment->fromArray($_POST);9$comment->save();10$comment = new Comment();11$comment->fromArray($_POST);12$comment->save();13$comment = new Comment();14$comment->fromArray($_POST);15$comment->save();16$comment = new Comment();17$comment->fromArray($_POST);18$comment->save();19$comment = new Comment();20$comment->fromArray($_POST);21$comment->save();22$comment = new Comment();23$comment->fromArray($_POST);24$comment->save();25$comment = new Comment();26$comment->fromArray($_POST);27$comment->save();28$comment = new Comment();29$comment->fromArray($_POST);30$comment->save();31$comment = new Comment();32$comment->fromArray($_POST);33$comment->save();34$comment = new Comment();35$comment->fromArray($_POST);36$comment->save();37$comment = new Comment();38$comment->fromArray($_POST);39$comment->save();40$comment = new Comment();
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I think that probably most development teams describe themselves as being “agile” and probably most development teams have standups, and meetings called retrospectives.There is also a lot of discussion about “agile”, much written about “agile”, and there are many presentations about “agile”. A question that is often asked is what comes after “agile”? Many testers work in “agile” teams so this question matters to us.
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The QA testing profession requires both educational and long-term or experience-based learning. One can learn the basics from certification courses and exams, boot camp courses, and college-level courses where available. However, developing instinctive and practical skills works best when built with work experience.
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