Best Cucumber Common Library code snippet using Background.ensureId
Source: TWebControl.php
1<?php2/**3 * TWebControl class file.4 *5 * @author Qiang Xue <>6 * @link * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft8 * @license * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls10 */11/**12 * Includes TStyle and TWebAdapter definition13 */14Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TStyle');15Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TWebControlAdapter');16Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TWebControlDecorator');17/**18 * TWebControl class19 *20 * TWebControl is the base class for controls that share a common set21 * of UI-related properties and methods. TWebControl-derived controls22 * are usually associated with HTML tags. They thus have tag name, attributes23 * and body contents. You can override {@link getTagName} to specify the tag name,24 * {@link addAttributesToRender} to specify the attributes to be rendered,25 * and {@link renderContents} to customize the body content rendering.26 * TWebControl encapsulates a set of properties related with CSS style fields,27 * such as {@link getBackColor BackColor}, {@link getBorderWidth BorderWidth}, etc.28 *29 * Subclasses of TWebControl typically needs to override {@link addAttributesToRender}30 * and {@link renderContents}. The former is used to render the attributes31 * of the HTML tag associated with the control, while the latter is to render32 * the body contents enclosed within the HTML tag.33 *34 * @author Qiang Xue <>35 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls36 * @since 3.037 */38class TWebControl extends TControl implements IStyleable39{40 /**41 * @var boolean ensures the inclusion the id in the tag rendering.42 */43 private $_ensureid=false;44 /**45 * @var TWebControlDecorator this render things before and after both the open and close tag46 */47 protected $_decorator;48 /**49 * Subclasses can override getEnsureId or just set this property. eg. If your subclass50 * control does work with javascript and your class wants to flag that it requires an id51 * to operate properly. Once set to true, it stays that way.52 * @param boolean pass true to enable enforcement of the tag attribute id.53 */54 public function setEnsureId($value)55 {56 $this->_ensureid |= TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value);57 }58 /**59 * @return whether this web control must have an id60 */61 public function getEnsureId()62 {63 return $this->_ensureid;64 }65 /**66 * @return TWebControlDecorator67 */68 public function getDecorator($create=true)69 {70 if($create && !$this->_decorator)71 $this->_decorator = Prado::createComponent('TWebControlDecorator', $this);72 return $this->_decorator;73 }74 /**75 * Copies basic control attributes from another control.76 * Properties including AccessKey, ToolTip, TabIndex, Enabled77 * and Attributes are copied.78 * @param TWebControl source control79 */80 public function copyBaseAttributes(TWebControl $control)81 {82 $this->setAccessKey($control->getAccessKey());83 $this->setToolTip($control->getToolTip());84 $this->setTabIndex($control->getTabIndex());85 if(!$control->getEnabled())86 $this->setEnabled(false);87 if($control->getHasAttributes())88 $this->getAttributes()->copyFrom($control->getAttributes());89 }90 /**91 * @return string the access key of the control92 */93 public function getAccessKey()94 {95 return $this->getViewState('AccessKey','');96 }97 /**98 * Sets the access key of the control.99 * Only one-character string can be set, or an exception will be raised.100 * Pass in an empty string if you want to disable access key.101 * @param string the access key to be set102 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the access key is specified with more than one character103 */104 public function setAccessKey($value)105 {106 if(strlen($value)>1)107 throw new TInvalidDataValueException('webcontrol_accesskey_invalid',get_class($this),$value);108 $this->setViewState('AccessKey',$value,'');109 }110 /**111 * @return string the background color of the control112 */113 public function getBackColor()114 {115 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))116 return $style->getBackColor();117 else118 return '';119 }120 /**121 * @param string the background color of the control122 */123 public function setBackColor($value)124 {125 $this->getStyle()->setBackColor($value);126 }127 /**128 * @return string the border color of the control129 */130 public function getBorderColor()131 {132 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))133 return $style->getBorderColor();134 else135 return '';136 }137 /**138 * @param string the border color of the control139 */140 public function setBorderColor($value)141 {142 $this->getStyle()->setBorderColor($value);143 }144 /**145 * @return string the border style of the control146 */147 public function getBorderStyle()148 {149 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))150 return $style->getBorderStyle();151 else152 return '';153 }154 /**155 * @param string the border style of the control156 */157 public function setBorderStyle($value)158 {159 $this->getStyle()->setBorderStyle($value);160 }161 /**162 * @return string the border width of the control163 */164 public function getBorderWidth()165 {166 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))167 return $style->getBorderWidth();168 else169 return '';170 }171 /**172 * @param string the border width of the control173 */174 public function setBorderWidth($value)175 {176 $this->getStyle()->setBorderWidth($value);177 }178 /**179 * @return TFont the font of the control180 */181 public function getFont()182 {183 return $this->getStyle()->getFont();184 }185 /**186 * @return string the foreground color of the control187 */188 public function getForeColor()189 {190 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))191 return $style->getForeColor();192 else193 return '';194 }195 /**196 * @param string the foreground color of the control197 */198 public function setForeColor($value)199 {200 $this->getStyle()->setForeColor($value);201 }202 /**203 * @return string the height of the control204 */205 public function getHeight()206 {207 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))208 return $style->getHeight();209 else210 return '';211 }212 /**213 * @param TDisplayStyle display style of the control, default is TDisplayStyle::Fixed214 */215 public function setDisplay($value)216 {217 $this->getStyle()->setDisplayStyle($value);218 }219 /**220 * @return TDisplayStyle display style of the control, default is TDisplayStyle::Fixed221 */222 public function getDisplay()223 {224 return $this->getStyle()->getDisplayStyle();225 }226 /**227 * @param string the css class of the control228 */229 public function setCssClass($value)230 {231 $this->getStyle()->setCssClass($value);232 }233 /**234 * @return string the css class of the control235 */236 public function getCssClass()237 {238 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))239 return $style->getCssClass();240 else241 return '';242 }243 /**244 * @param string the height of the control245 */246 public function setHeight($value)247 {248 $this->getStyle()->setHeight($value);249 }250 /**251 * @return boolean whether the control has defined any style information252 */253 public function getHasStyle()254 {255 return $this->getViewState('Style',null)!==null;256 }257 /**258 * Creates a style object to be used by the control.259 * This method may be overriden by controls to provide customized style.260 * @return TStyle the default style created for TWebControl261 */262 protected function createStyle()263 {264 return new TStyle;265 }266 /**267 * @return TStyle the object representing the css style of the control268 */269 public function getStyle()270 {271 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))272 return $style;273 else274 {275 $style=$this->createStyle();276 $this->setViewState('Style',$style,null);277 return $style;278 }279 }280 /**281 * Sets the css style string of the control.282 * The style string will be prefixed to the styles set via other control properties (e.g. Height, Width).283 * @param string the css style string284 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the parameter is not a string285 */286 public function setStyle($value)287 {288 if(is_string($value))289 $this->getStyle()->setCustomStyle($value);290 else291 throw new TInvalidDataValueException('webcontrol_style_invalid',get_class($this));292 }293 /**294 * Removes all style data.295 */296 public function clearStyle()297 {298 $this->clearViewState('Style');299 }300 /**301 * @return integer the tab index of the control302 */303 public function getTabIndex()304 {305 return $this->getViewState('TabIndex',0);306 }307 /**308 * Sets the tab index of the control.309 * Pass 0 if you want to disable tab index.310 * @param integer the tab index to be set311 */312 public function setTabIndex($value)313 {314 $this->setViewState('TabIndex',TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value),0);315 }316 /**317 * Returns the tag name used for this control.318 * By default, the tag name is 'span'.319 * You can override this method to provide customized tag names.320 * @return string tag name of the control to be rendered321 */322 protected function getTagName()323 {324 return 'span';325 }326 /**327 * @return string the tooltip of the control328 */329 public function getToolTip()330 {331 return $this->getViewState('ToolTip','');332 }333 /**334 * Sets the tooltip of the control.335 * Pass an empty string if you want to disable tooltip.336 * @param string the tooltip to be set337 */338 public function setToolTip($value)339 {340 $this->setViewState('ToolTip',$value,'');341 }342 /**343 * @return string the width of the control344 */345 public function getWidth()346 {347 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))348 return $style->getWidth();349 else350 return '';351 }352 /**353 * @param string the width of the control354 */355 public function setWidth($value)356 {357 $this->getStyle()->setWidth($value);358 }359 /**360 * If your subclass overrides the onPreRender method be sure to call361 * this method through parent::onPreRender($param); so your sub-class can be decorated,362 * among other things.363 * @param TEventParameter event parameter to be passed to the event handlers364 */365 public function onPreRender($param) {366 if($decorator = $this->getDecorator(false))367 $decorator->instantiate();368 parent::onPreRender($param);369 }370 /**371 * Adds attribute name-value pairs to renderer.372 * By default, the method will render 'id', 'accesskey', 'disabled',373 * 'tabindex', 'title' and all custom attributes.374 * The method can be overriden to provide customized attribute rendering.375 * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose376 */377 protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)378 {379 if($this->getID()!=='' || $this->getEnsureId())380 $writer->addAttribute('id',$this->getClientID());381 if(($accessKey=$this->getAccessKey())!=='')382 $writer->addAttribute('accesskey',$accessKey);383 if(!$this->getEnabled())384 $writer->addAttribute('disabled','disabled');385 if(($tabIndex=$this->getTabIndex())>0)386 $writer->addAttribute('tabindex',"$tabIndex");387 if(($toolTip=$this->getToolTip())!=='')388 $writer->addAttribute('title',$toolTip);389 if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null))390 $style->addAttributesToRender($writer);391 if($this->getHasAttributes())392 {393 foreach($this->getAttributes() as $name=>$value)394 $writer->addAttribute($name,$value);395 }396 }397 /**398 * Renders the control.399 * This method overrides the parent implementation by replacing it with400 * the following sequence:401 * - {@link renderBeginTag}402 * - {@link renderContents}403 * - {@link renderEndTag}404 * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose405 */406 public function render($writer)407 {408 $this->renderBeginTag($writer);409 $this->renderContents($writer);410 $this->renderEndTag($writer);411 }412 /**413 * Renders the openning tag for the control (including attributes)414 * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose415 */416 public function renderBeginTag($writer)417 {418 if($decorator = $this->getDecorator(false)) {419 $decorator->renderPreTagText($writer);420 $this->addAttributesToRender($writer);421 $writer->renderBeginTag($this->getTagName());422 $decorator->renderPreContentsText($writer);423 } else {424 $this->addAttributesToRender($writer);425 $writer->renderBeginTag($this->getTagName());426 }427 }428 /**429 * Renders the body content enclosed between the control tag.430 * By default, child controls and text strings will be rendered.431 * You can override this method to provide customized content rendering.432 * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose433 */434 public function renderContents($writer)435 {436 parent::renderChildren($writer);437 }438 /**439 * Renders the closing tag for the control440 * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose441 */442 public function renderEndTag($writer)443 {444 if($decorator = $this->getDecorator(false)) {445 $decorator->renderPostContentsText($writer);446 $writer->renderEndTag();447 $decorator->renderPostTagText($writer);448 } else449 $writer->renderEndTag($writer);450 }451}...
Source: Background.php
...42 self::ensureKeyword($arr);43 self::ensureName($arr);44 self::ensureDescription($arr);45 self::ensureSteps($arr);46 self::ensureId($arr);47 return new self(48 Location::fromArray($arr['location']),49 (string) $arr['keyword'],50 (string) $arr['name'],51 (string) $arr['description'],52 array_values(array_map(fn (array $member) => Step::fromArray($member), $arr['steps'])),53 (string) $arr['id'],54 );55 }56 /**57 * @psalm-assert array{location: array} $arr58 */59 private static function ensureLocation(array $arr): void60 {61 if (!array_key_exists('location', $arr)) {62 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'location\' is required but was not found');63 }64 if (array_key_exists('location', $arr) && !is_array($arr['location'])) {65 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'location\' was not array');66 }67 }68 /**69 * @psalm-assert array{keyword: string|int|bool} $arr70 */71 private static function ensureKeyword(array $arr): void72 {73 if (!array_key_exists('keyword', $arr)) {74 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'keyword\' is required but was not found');75 }76 if (array_key_exists('keyword', $arr) && is_array($arr['keyword'])) {77 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'keyword\' was array');78 }79 }80 /**81 * @psalm-assert array{name: string|int|bool} $arr82 */83 private static function ensureName(array $arr): void84 {85 if (!array_key_exists('name', $arr)) {86 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'name\' is required but was not found');87 }88 if (array_key_exists('name', $arr) && is_array($arr['name'])) {89 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'name\' was array');90 }91 }92 /**93 * @psalm-assert array{description: string|int|bool} $arr94 */95 private static function ensureDescription(array $arr): void96 {97 if (!array_key_exists('description', $arr)) {98 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'description\' is required but was not found');99 }100 if (array_key_exists('description', $arr) && is_array($arr['description'])) {101 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'description\' was array');102 }103 }104 /**105 * @psalm-assert array{steps: array} $arr106 */107 private static function ensureSteps(array $arr): void108 {109 if (!array_key_exists('steps', $arr)) {110 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'steps\' is required but was not found');111 }112 if (array_key_exists('steps', $arr) && !is_array($arr['steps'])) {113 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'steps\' was not array');114 }115 }116 /**117 * @psalm-assert array{id: string|int|bool} $arr118 */119 private static function ensureId(array $arr): void120 {121 if (!array_key_exists('id', $arr)) {122 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'id\' is required but was not found');123 }124 if (array_key_exists('id', $arr) && is_array($arr['id'])) {125 throw new SchemaViolationException('Property \'id\' was array');126 }127 }128}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$backgroundObj = new Background();2$backgroundObj->ensureId();3$backgroundObj = new Background();4$backgroundObj->ensureId();5$backgroundObj = new Background();6$backgroundObj->ensureId();7$backgroundObj = new Background();8$backgroundObj->ensureId();9$backgroundObj = new Background();10$backgroundObj->ensureId();11$backgroundObj = new Background();12$backgroundObj->ensureId();13$backgroundObj = new Background();14$backgroundObj->ensureId();15$backgroundObj = new Background();16$backgroundObj->ensureId();17$backgroundObj = new Background();18$backgroundObj->ensureId();19$backgroundObj = new Background();20$backgroundObj->ensureId();21$backgroundObj = new Background();22$backgroundObj->ensureId();23$backgroundObj = new Background();24$backgroundObj->ensureId();25$backgroundObj = new Background();26$backgroundObj->ensureId();27$backgroundObj = new Background();28$backgroundObj->ensureId();29$backgroundObj = new Background();30$backgroundObj->ensureId();31$backgroundObj = new Background();32$backgroundObj->ensureId();
Using AI Code Generation
1$bg = new Background();2$bg->ensureId();3$bg = new Background();4$bg->ensureId();5$bg = new Background();6$bg->ensureId();7$bg = new Background();8$bg->ensureId();9$bg = new Background();10$bg->ensureId();11$bg = new Background();12$bg->ensureId();13$bg = new Background();14$bg->ensureId();15$bg = new Background();16$bg->ensureId();17$bg = new Background();18$bg->ensureId();19$bg = new Background();20$bg->ensureId();21$bg = new Background();22$bg->ensureId();23$bg = new Background();24$bg->ensureId();25$bg = new Background();26$bg->ensureId();27$bg = new Background();28$bg->ensureId();29$bg = new Background();30$bg->ensureId();31$bg = new Background();32$bg->ensureId();
Using AI Code Generation
1$background = new Background();2$background->ensureId(1);3$background = new Background();4$background->ensureId(2);5$background = new Background();6$background->ensureId(3);7$background = new Background();8$background->ensureId(4);9$background = new Background();10$background->ensureId(5);11$background = new Background();12$background->ensureId(6);13$background = new Background();14$background->ensureId(7);15$background = new Background();16$background->ensureId(8);17$background = new Background();18$background->ensureId(9);19$background = new Background();20$background->ensureId(10);21$background = new Background();22$background->ensureId(11);
Using AI Code Generation
1$background = new Background();2$background->ensureId();3echo $background->getId();4$background = new Background();5$background->ensureId(10);6echo $background->getId();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'Background.php';2$bg = new Background();3$bg->ensureId();4require_once 'Background.php';5$bg = new Background();6echo $bg->getId();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'Background.php';2$background = new Background();3$background->ensureId();4string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"5string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"6string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"7As you can see, the ensureId() method is generating the same UUID every time. This is what we want. Now, let’s try to run the code again. The output will be:8string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"9string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"10string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"11string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"12string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"13string(24) "8a3a0c3d-3c6a-4a8f-9d00-1f1d6c1f6b8f"14The ensureId() method is still generating the same UUID
Using AI Code Generation
1include_once 'Background.php';2$bg = new Background();3$bg->ensureId();4include_once 'Background.php';5$bg = new Background();6$bg->ensureId();
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