Best Atoum code snippet using value.getParent
...52 * @return null|RBNode53 */54 public function getBro()55 {56 if ($this->getParent() && $this->getParent()->getLeft() && $this->getValue() == $this->getParent()->getLeft()->getValue()) {57 return $this->getParent()->getRight();58 } elseif ($this->getParent() && $this->getParent()->getRight() && $this->getValue() == $this->getParent()->getRight()->getValue()) {59 return $this->getParent()->getLeft();60 } else {61 return null;62 }63 }64 /**65 * è·åç»ç¹æå¨åæ çæ¹å66 * @return string67 */68 public function getPos()69 {70 if (!$this->getParent()) {71 return '';72 }73 if ($this->getParent()->getLeft() && $this->getValue() == $this->getParent()->getLeft()->getValue()) {74 return self::POS_LEFT;75 } else {76 return self::POS_RIGHT;77 }78 }79 /**80 * è·åä¸ä¸ä¸ªç»ç¹81 * @return $this|RBNode82 */83 public function getNext()84 {85 if ($this->getRight()) {86 return $this->getRight()->getNext();87 }88 return $this;89 }90 /**91 * è·åä¸ä¸ä¸ªç»ç¹92 * @return $this|RBNode93 */94 public function getPre()95 {96 if ($this->getLeft()) {97 return $this->getLeft()->getPre();98 }99 return $this;100 }101 /**102 * å½åç»ç¹æ¯å¦å¤§äºåæ°ç»ç¹103 *104 * @param RBNode $node105 *106 * @return bool107 */108 public function largerThan(RBNode $node)109 {110 return $this->getValue() > $node->getValue();111 }112 /**113 * å½åç»ç¹æ¯å¦ä¸åæ°ç»ç¹ç¸ç114 *115 * @param RBNode $node116 *117 * @return bool118 */119 public function isEqual(RBNode $node)120 {121 return $this->getValue() == $node->getValue();122 }123 public function getValue()124 {125 return $this->value;126 }127 public function setValue($value)128 {129 $this->value = $value;130 }131 public function getColor()132 {133 return $this->color;134 }135 public function setColor($color)136 {137 $this->color = $color;138 }139 public function getParent()140 {141 return $this->parent;142 }143 public function setParent($node)144 {145 $this->parent = $node;146 }147 public function getLeft()148 {149 return $this->left;150 }151 public function setLeft($node)152 {153 $this->left = $node;154 }155 public function getRight()156 {157 return $this->right;158 }159 public function setRight($node)160 {161 $this->right = $node;162 }163}164class RBTree165{166 /**167 * @var RBNode æ ¹ç»ç¹168 */169 public $root;170 /**171 * @var array æ çå±çº§ä¿¡æ¯172 */173 public $data;174 /**175 * @var bool è°è¯åæ°176 */177 public $debug = false;178 public function __construct($num)179 {180 $this->root = new RBNode($num, RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);181 }182 /**183 * 设置ä¸ä¸ªæ å¿å¼ï¼ä¾¿äºè°åº¦DEBUG184 *185 * @param $debug186 */187 public function setDebug($debug)188 {189 $this->debug = $debug;190 }191 /**192 * æ¥è¯¢ç»ç¹193 *194 * @param RBNode $node195 * @param $num196 *197 * @return null|RBNode198 */199 public function query(RBNode $node, $num)200 {201 $node = $this->searchLoc($node, $num);202 if ($node->getValue() == $num) {203 return $node;204 } else {205 return null;206 }207 }208 /**209 * æç
§å±çº§æå°æ ç»ç¹ç å¼|é¢è²|æ¹å210 */211 public function printTree()212 {213 $this->data = array();214 $this->getChild($this->root, 0);215 $total = count($this->data);216 for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) {217 foreach ($this->data[$i] as $node) {218 echo $node . ' ';219 }220 echo PHP_EOL;221 }222 }223 /**224 * æå
ç´ å¼225 *226 * @param $num227 *228 * @return bool229 */230 public function insert($num)231 {232 $parent = $this->searchLoc($this->root, $num);233 if ($parent->getValue() == $num) {234 return false;235 }236 $new = new RBNode($num, RBNode::COLOR_RED);237 // å°åç»ç¹è¿æ¥å°ç¶ç»ç¹ä¸ï¼238 if ($parent->largerThan($new)) {239 $parent->append($new, RBNode::POS_LEFT);240 } else {241 $parent->append($new, RBNode::POS_RIGHT);242 }243 $this->repairInsert($new);244 return true;245 }246 /**247 * å é¤ä¸ä¸ªç»ç¹248 *249 * @param $num250 *251 * @return bool252 */253 public function delete($num)254 {255 $node = $this->searchLoc($this->root, $num);256 if ($node->getValue() != $num) {257 return false;258 }259 // æ¾å°æ¯å é¤ç»ç¹å¤§çæå°ç»ç¹ï¼ç¨æ¥æ¿æ¢ï¼æ²¡æåç»ç¹æ¶èªèº«å°±æ¯æ¿ä»£å260 if ($node->getRight()) {261 $replacement = $node->getRight()->getPre();262 } elseif ($node->getLeft()) {263 $replacement = $node->getLeft()->getNext();264 } else {265 $replacement = $node;266 }267 // 交æ¢å¼268 $tmp_value = $node->getValue();269 $node->setValue($replacement->getValue());270 $replacement->setValue($tmp_value);271 $this->repairDelete($replacement);272 // ä¿®å¤åå é¤æ¤æ¿ä»£ç»ç¹273 if ($replacement->getPos() == RBNode::POS_LEFT) {274 $replacement->getParent()->setLeft(null);275 } else {276 $replacement->getParent()->setRight(null);277 }278 $replacement = null;279 return true;280 }281 /**282 * å¤çèç¹æå
åµ283 *284 * @param RBNode $node285 */286 private function repairInsert(RBNode $node)287 {288 $parent = $node->getParent();289 // å¦ææ¯rootç»ç¹æç¶ç»ç¹æ¯é»è²ï¼ç´æ¥è¿åæå290 if (!$parent || $parent->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_BLACK) {291 $this->root->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);292 return;293 }294 // 以ä¸ç¶ç»ç¹ä¸ºçº¢è²295 // 没æåç»ç¹ï¼åç»ç¹ä¸ºé»è²Nilï¼æåç»ç¹ä¸ºé»è²æ¶ï¼æ æ转ä¸ä¸å³å¯è¾¾å°å¹³è¡¡296 if (!$parent->getBro() || $parent->getBro()->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_BLACK) {297 // å½æ°ç»ç¹ãç¶ç»ç¹ãç¥ç¶ç»ç¹å¨åä¸æ¡çº¿ä¸298 if ($node->getPos() == $parent->getPos()) {299 if ($parent->getPos() == RBNode::POS_LEFT) {300 $this->rotate($parent, RBNode::POS_RIGHT);301 } else {302 $this->rotate($parent, RBNode::POS_LEFT);303 }304 // æ¤æ¶æ°æå
¥ç»ç¹æ¯åæ çç¶ç»ç¹305 $parent->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);306 $parent->getLeft()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);307 $parent->getRight()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);308 } else {309 // å½æ°ç»ç¹ãç¶ç»ç¹ãç¥ç¶ç»ç¹ä¸å¨åä¸æ¡çº¿ä¸310 $parent_pos = $parent->getPos();311 $new_pos = $node->getPos();312 $this->rotate($node, $parent_pos);313 $this->rotate($node, $new_pos);314 // æ¤æ¶æ°æå
¥ç»ç¹æ¯åæ çå¶åç»ç¹315 $node->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);316 $node->getLeft()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);317 $node->getRight()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);318 }319 return;320 }321 // ç¶ç»ç¹ååç»ç¹é½æ¯çº¢è²æ¶ï¼å°ç¶ååé»ï¼ç¥ç¶å红ï¼åéå½å¤çç¥ç¶åå
åµ322 if ($parent->getBro()->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_RED) {323 $parent->getBro()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);324 $parent->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);325 $parent->getParent()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);326 // å¦æå½åç»ç¹è¢«ä¿®æ¹ä¸ºçº¢è²åç¶ç»ç¹æ¯é»è²ï¼å已达å°å¹³ç¨³ï¼ä¸ç¨ååä¸éå½327 $adjust_node = $parent->getParent();328 $this->repairInsert($adjust_node);329 }330 }331 /**332 * ä»ç»ç¹å
æ¥æ¾ç¦»æ个å¼æè¿çä½ç½®333 *334 * @param RBNode $node335 * @param $num336 *337 * @return RBNode338 */339 private function searchLoc(RBNode $node, $num)340 {341 if ($node->getValue() > $num && $node->getLeft()) {342 return $this->searchLoc($node->getLeft(), $num);343 } elseif ($node->getValue() < $num && $node->getRight()) {344 return $this->searchLoc($node->getRight(), $num);345 } else {346 return $node;347 }348 }349 /**350 * æ§è¡æ çæ转351 *352 * @param RBNode $node353 * @param $direction354 */355 private function rotate(RBNode $node, $direction)356 {357 // çä¸ç¶ç»ç¹çæé358 $ori_parent = $node->getParent();359 if (!$ori_parent) {360 return;361 }362 // å¦ææ¯ä¸é¢åæ ï¼å
æåæ æå¨åä½ç½®ä¸363 if ($ori_parent->getParent()) {364 $ori_parent->getParent()->append($node, $ori_parent->getPos());365 }366 if ($direction == RBNode::POS_RIGHT) {367 if ($node->getRight()) {368 $ori_parent->append($node->getRight(), RBNode::POS_LEFT);369 } else {370 $ori_parent->setLeft(null);371 }372 } elseif ($direction == RBNode::POS_LEFT) {373 if ($node->getLeft()) {374 $ori_parent->append($node->getLeft(), RBNode::POS_RIGHT);375 } else {376 $ori_parent->setRight(null);377 }378 }379 if ($ori_parent->isEqual($this->root)) {380 $this->root = $node;381 $this->root->setParent(null);382 }383 $node->append($ori_parent, $direction);384 }385 /**386 * ä¿®å¤å±çº§éä½çæ
åµ387 *388 * @param RBNode $node389 */390 private function repairDelete(RBNode $node)391 {392 // æ¯rootç»ç¹ææ¿ä»£ç»ç¹ä¸ºçº¢è²æ¶ï¼ç´æ¥è¿åæå393 if ($node->isEqual($this->root) || $node->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_RED) {394 return;395 }396 // *以ä¸æ¿ä»£ç»ç¹ä¸ºé»è²397 // ç»ç¹æ¯é»è²ï¼è¯å®æå
å¼ç»ç¹398 $bro = $node->getBro();399 $parent = $node->getParent();400 // å
å¼ç»ç¹æ¯çº¢è²ï¼åè¯å®æ两个é»è²çä¾åç»ç¹401 if ($bro->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_RED) {402 // åå é¤ç»ç¹çæ¹åæ转403 $this->rotate($bro, $node->getPos());404 // æ转ååè²ï¼åå
å é¤ç»ç¹çç¶ç»ç¹ï¼è®¾ç½®ä¸ºçº¢è²405 $bro->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);406 $parent->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);407 // 继ç»å¤çå é¤æ
åµ408 $this->repairDelete($node);409 return;410 }411 // **以ä¸æ¿ä»£ç»ç¹ä¸ºé»è²ï¼å
å¼ç»ç¹ä¸ºé»è²412 if ($bro->getLeft() != null && $bro->getLeft()->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_RED) {413 $nephew = $bro->getLeft();414 } else if ($bro->getRight() != null && $bro->getRight()->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_RED) {415 $nephew = $bro->getRight();416 } else {417 // 没æä¾åç»ç¹æ¶ï¼ç¶çº¢ï¼å两é»ï¼å°ç¶åé»ï¼å¦ä¸åå红å³å¯418 if ($parent->getColor() == RBNode::COLOR_RED) {419 $node->getParent()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_BLACK);420 $node->getBro()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);421 return;422 }423 // 没æä¾åç»ç¹ï¼ç¶å
å¼é½ä¸ºé»ï¼åæ éè¦éå±424 $node->getBro()->setColor(RBNode::COLOR_RED);425 $this->repairDelete($parent);426 return;427 }428 // å
å¼é»ä¾å红429 // ***以ä¸æ¿ä»£ç»ç¹ãå
å¼ãç¶äº²ç»ç¹é½ä¸ºé»è²ï¼æ红è²ä¾åç»ç¹430 $ori_parent_color = $parent->getColor();431 $ori_bro_color = $bro->getColor();432 // å¦æ·»å ä¸æ ·ï¼å¦ææä¾åç»ç¹ï¼å
æä¾åç»ç¹æ转å°å é¤ç»ç¹æ¹å433 if ($bro->getPos() == $nephew->getPos()) {434 $this->rotate($bro, $node->getPos());435 } else {436 $this->rotate($nephew, $bro->getPos());437 $this->rotate($nephew, $node->getPos());438 }439 // æ转åï¼å é¤ånodeç»ç¹(æå
¶åç»ç¹)就对å é¤å对æ ç平衡没æå½±åäº440 // ä¿æåç»æçé¢è²441 $node->getParent()->setColor($ori_bro_color);442 $node->getParent()->getBro()->setColor($ori_bro_color);443 $node->getParent()->getParent()->setColor($ori_parent_color);444 }445 /**446 * è·åæ çå±çº§ç»æä¿¡æ¯447 *448 * @param RBNode $node449 * @param $level450 */451 private function getChild(RBNode $node, $level)452 {453 $level++;454 if ($node->getLeft()) {455 $this->getChild($node->getLeft(), $level);456 }457 if ($node->getRight()) {...
...46 return ($this instanceof NilNode);47 }48 public function isRoot(): bool49 {50 return $this->getParent()->isNil();51 }52 public function isLeftChild(): bool53 {54 return $this->getParent()->getLeft() === $this;55 }56 public function isRightChild(): bool57 {58 return $this->getParent()->getRight() === $this;59 }60 /**61 * @return int|null62 */63 public function getValue(): ?int64 {65 return $this->value;66 }67 /**68 * @return Node69 */70 public function getLeft(): Node71 {72 return $this->left;73 }74 /**75 * @return Node76 */77 public function getRight(): Node78 {79 return $this->right;80 }81 /**82 * @return Node83 */84 public function getParent(): Node85 {86 return $this->parent;87 }88 /**89 * @param int|null $value90 * @return Node91 */92 public function setValue(?int $value): Node93 {94 $this->value = $value;95 return $this;96 }97 /**98 * @param Node $parent99 * @return Node100 */101 public function setParent(Node $parent): Node102 {103 $this->parent = $parent;104 return $this;105 }106 /**107 * @param Node $left108 * @return Node109 */110 public function setLeft(Node $left): Node111 {112 $this->left = $left;113 return $this;114 }115 /**116 * @param Node $right117 * @return Node118 */119 public function setRight(Node $right): Node120 {121 $this->right = $right;122 return $this;123 }124 /**125 * @return $this126 */127 public function setBlack(): Node128 {129 $this->color = self::BLACK;130 return $this;131 }132 /**133 * @return $this134 */135 public function setRed(): Node136 {137 $this->color = self::RED;138 return $this;139 }140 public function jsonSerialize(): array141 {142 return [143 'color' => $this->isRed() ? '#c33' : '#000',144 'value' => $this->value,145 'left' => $this->left,146 'right' => $this->right,147 ];148 }149}150class NilNode extends Node151{152 public function __construct()153 {154 $this155 ->setValue(null)156 ->setBlack();157 $this->left = null;158 $this->right = null;159 $this->parent = null;160 }161 public function isBlack(): bool162 {163 return true;164 }165 public function isRed(): bool166 {167 return false;168 }169}170class RedBlackTree implements JsonSerializable171{172 private Node $root;173 public function __construct()174 {175 $this->root = new NilNode();176 }177 /**178 * @param $value179 * @throws Exception180 */181 public function insert($value): void182 {183 $insertedNode = new Node($value);184 if ($this->isEmpty()) {185 $this->setRoot($insertedNode);186 return;187 }188 $parent = $this->findParent($insertedNode->getValue());189 $parent->addChild($insertedNode);190 $this->insertFixUp($insertedNode);191 }192 public function getStructure()193 {194 $this->buildNode($this->root);195 }196 /**197 * @return bool198 */199 public function isEmpty(): bool200 {201 return $this->root->isNil();202 }203 /**204 * @param Node $node205 * @throws Exception206 */207 public function setRoot(Node $node): void208 {209 if ($this->isEmpty()) {210 $this->root = $node;211 $this->root212 ->setBlack()213 ->setParent(new NilNode());214 } else {215 throw new Exception('Root can be set manualy only on new tree');216 }217 }218 /**219 * @param $value220 * @return Node221 * @throws Exception222 */223 private function findParent(int $value): Node224 {225 if ($this->isEmpty()) {226 throw new Exception('Tree is empty, add root before search for parent node');227 }228 $node = $this->root;229 while (!($node->isNil())) {230 if ($value < $node->getValue()) {231 $node = $node->getLeft();232 } else {233 $node = $node->getRight();234 }235 }236 return $node->getParent();237 }238 private function insertFixUp(Node $node): void239 {240 while ($node->getParent()->isRed()) {241 if ($node->getParent()->isLeftChild()) {242 $checkNode = $node->getParent()->getParent()->getRight();243 if ($checkNode->isRed()) {244 $node->getParent()->setBlack();245 $checkNode->setBlack();246 $node->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();247 $node = $node->getParent()->getParent();248 } else {249 if ($node->isRightChild()) {250 $node = $node->getParent();251 $this->leftRotate($node);252 }253 $node->getParent()->setBlack();254 $node->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();255 $this->rightRotate($node->getParent()->getParent());256 }257 } else {258 $checkNode = $node->getParent()->getParent()->getLeft();259 if ($checkNode->isRed()) {260 $node->getParent()->setBlack();261 $checkNode->setBlack();262 $node->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();263 $node = $node->getParent()->getParent();264 } else {265 if ($node->isLeftChild()) {266 $node = $node->getParent();267 $this->rightRotate($node);268 }269 $node->getParent()->setBlack();270 $node->getParent()->getParent()->setRed();271 $this->leftRotate($node->getParent()->getParent());272 }273 }274 }275 $this->root->setBlack();276 }277 private function leftRotate(Node $node): void278 {279 $popNode = $node->getRight();280 $node->setRight($popNode->getLeft());281 $popNode->getLeft()->setParent($node);282 $this->swapNodes($node, $popNode);283 $popNode->setLeft($node);284 $node->setParent($popNode);285 }286 private function rightRotate(Node $node): void287 {288 $popNode = $node->getLeft();289 $node->setLeft($popNode->getRight());290 $popNode->getRight()->setParent($node);291 $this->swapNodes($node, $popNode);292 $popNode->setRight($node);293 $node->setParent($popNode);294 }295 private function swapNodes(Node $oldChild, Node $newChild): void296 {297 $newChild->setParent($oldChild->getParent());298 if ($oldChild->isRoot()) {299 $this->root = $newChild;300 } elseif ($oldChild->isLeftChild()) {301 $oldChild->getParent()->setLeft($newChild);302 } else {303 $oldChild->getParent()->setRight($newChild);304 }305 }306 private function buildNode(Node $node): void307 {308 if ($node->isNil()) {309 return;310 }311 $color = $node->isRed() ? 'r:' : 'b:';312 echo $color . $node->getValue() . "\n";313 echo $node->getLeft()->getValue() . ' | ' . $node->getRight()->getValue() . "\n";314 }315 public function jsonSerialize()316 {317 return [...
...36 $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 'joomla', 'Joomla Core Content', 'value', 'text');37 $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 'k2', 'K2 Content', 'value', 'text');38 if (K2_CHECK) {39 $js = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {40 $$('.ifk2').getParent('li').setStyle('display','block');41 var start = '" . $this->value . "';42 $$('.source').getParent('li').setStyle('display','none');43 $$('.'+start).getParent('li').setStyle('display','block');44 $('" . $this->id . "').addEvent('change', function(){45 var sel = this.getSelected().get('value');46 $$('.source').getParent('li').setStyle('display','none');47 $$('.'+sel).getParent('li').setStyle('display','block');48 }).fireEvent('change');49 });";50 }51 else {52 $js = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {53 $('" . $this->id . "').set('value', 'joomla');54 $('" . $this->id . "').getParent('li').setStyle('display','none');55 $$('.source').getParent('li').setStyle('display','none');56 $$('.joomla').getParent('li').setStyle('display','block');57 });";58 }59 $doc->addScriptDeclaration($js);60 return JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $options, $this->name, trim($attr), 'value', 'text', $this->value, $this->id);61 }62}63?>...
Using AI Code Generation
1$parent = $value->getParent();2$children = $value->getChildren();3$parent = $value->getParent();4$children = $value->getChildren();5public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }6public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }7public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }8public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }9public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }10public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }11public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }12public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }13public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }14public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }15public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }16public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }17public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }18public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }19public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }20public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }21public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }22public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }23public function getParent() { return $this->parent; }24public function getChildren() { return $this->children; }25public function getParent() { return $this->parent;
Using AI Code Generation
1$parent = $value->getParent();2$children = $value->getChildren();3$children = $value->getChildren();4$children = $value->getChildren();5$children = $value->getChildren();6$children = $value->getChildren();7$children = $value->getChildren();8$children = $value->getChildren();9$children = $value->getChildren();10$children = $value->getChildren();11$children = $value->getChildren();12$children = $value->getChildren();13$children = $value->getChildren();14$children = $value->getChildren();15$children = $value->getChildren();16$children = $value->getChildren();17$children = $value->getChildren();18$children = $value->getChildren();19$children = $value->getChildren();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';2$form = new HTML_QuickForm('test', 'post');3$form->addElement('text', 'test');4$form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Submit');5if ($form->validate()) {6 $values = $form->exportValues();7 $value = $values['test'];8 echo $value->getParent()->getName();9}10Now, I want to use the same code in a different file (2.php). I have included the 1.php file in 2.php. But, the output is "0". I don't want this. I want the same output as in 1.php. How can I do this?11$path = 'test';12$form = new HTML_QuickForm('test', 'post');13$files = scandir($path);14$files = array_diff($files, array('.', '..'));15$select = $form->addElement('select', 'file', 'Select a file', $files);16$select->setSelected('1.php');17if ($form->validate()) {18 $values = $form->exportValues();19 $file = $values['file'];20 $data = file_get_contents($path . '/' . $file);21 $form->addElement('static', 'data', 'Data', $data);22}23$form->display();24$path = 'test';
Using AI Code Generation
1$doc = new DOMDocument();2$doc->load('1.xml');3$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);4$nodeValue = $node->firstChild->firstChild;5echo $nodeValue->getParent()->nodeName;6$doc = new DOMDocument();7$doc->load('1.xml');8$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);9$nodeValue = $node->firstChild->firstChild;10echo $nodeValue->getOwnerDocument()->nodeName;11$doc = new DOMDocument();12$doc->load('1.xml');13$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);14$nodeValue = $node->firstChild->firstChild;15echo $nodeValue->getPrefix();16$doc = new DOMDocument();17$doc->load('1.xml');18$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);19$nodeValue = $node->firstChild->firstChild;20echo $nodeValue->getPreviousSibling()->nodeName;21$doc = new DOMDocument();22$doc->load('1.xml');23$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
Using AI Code Generation
1$parent = $value->getParent();2$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');3$parent = $value->getParent();4$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');5$parent = $value->getParent();6$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');7$parent = $value->getParent();8$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');9$parent = $value->getParent();10$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');11$parent = $value->getParent();12$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');13$parent = $value->getParent();14$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');15$parent = $value->getParent();16$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');17$parent = $value->getParent();18$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');19$parent = $value->getParent();20$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');21$parent = $value->getParent();22$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');23$parent = $value->getParent();24$parent->set('new_value', 'new_value');
Using AI Code Generation
1$doc = new DOMDocument();2$doc->load("1.xml");3$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);4foreach($nodeList as $node) {5 $value = new DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);6 $parent = $value->query("parent::*", $node);7 echo $parent->item(0)->nodeName;8}9Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1 $value = $this->getValue();2 $parent = $value->getParent();3 $parent->set('value', 'new value');4 $value = $this->getValue();5 $value->setValue('new value');6 $value = $this->getValue();7 $value->set('value', 'new value');8 $value = $this->getValue();9 $value->set('value', 'new value');10 $value = $this->getValue();11 $value->setValue('new value');12 $value = $this->getValue();13 $value->set('value', 'new value');14 $value = $this->getValue();15 $value->setValue('new value');16 $value = $this->getValue();17 $value->setValue('new value');18 $value = $this->getValue();19 $value->setValue('new value');20 $value = $this->getValue();21 $value->setValue('new value');22 $value = $this->getValue();23 $value->setValue('new value');24 $value = $this->getValue();25 $value->setValue('new value');
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