Best Atoum code snippet using template.isChild
1<?php2namespace app\admin\controller;3use think\Db;4class Template extends Base5{6 public function __construct()7 {8 parent::__construct();9 }10 public function index()11 {12 $param = input();13 $path = $param['path'];14 $path = str_replace('\\','',$path);15 $path = str_replace('/','',$path);16 if(empty($path)){17 $path = '.@template';18 }19 if(substr($path,0,10) != ".@template") { $path = ".@template"; }20 if(count( explode(".@",$path) ) > 2) {21 $this->error('éæ³ç®å½è¯·æ±');22 return;23 }24 $uppath = substr($path,0,strrpos($path,"@"));25 $ischild = 0;26 if ($path !=".@template"){27 $ischild = 1;28 }29 $config = config('');30 if($param['current']==1){31 $path = '.@template@' . $config['template_dir'] .'@' . $config['html_dir'] ;32 $ischild = 0;33 $pp = str_replace('@','/',$path);34 $filters = $pp.'/*';35 }36 elseif($param['label']==1){37 $path = '.@template@' . $config['template_dir'] .'@' . $config['html_dir'] ;38 $ischild = 0;39 $pp = str_replace('@','/',$path);40 $filters = $pp.'/label/*';41 }42 elseif($param['ads']==1){43 $path = '.@template@' . $config['template_dir'] .'@' . $config['html_dir'] ;44 $ischild = 0;45 $pp = str_replace('@','/',$path);46 $filters = $pp.'/ads/*';47 }48 else{49 $pp = str_replace('@','/',$path);50 $filters = $pp.'/*';51 }52 $this->assign('curpath',$path);53 $this->assign('uppath',$uppath);54 $this->assign('ischild',$ischild);55 $num_path = 0;56 $num_file = 0;57 $sum_size = 0;58 $files = [];59 if(is_dir($pp)) {60 $farr = glob($filters);61 if ($farr) {62 foreach ($farr as $f) {63 if(is_dir($f)) {64 $num_path++;65 $tmp_path = str_replace('./template/', '.@template/', $f);66 $tmp_path = str_replace('/', '@', $tmp_path);67 $tmp_name = str_replace($path . '@', '', $tmp_path);68 $ftime = filemtime($f);69 $files[] = ['isfile' => 0, 'name' => $tmp_name, 'path' => $tmp_path, 'note'=>'æ件夹', 'time' => $ftime];70 }71 elseif(is_file($f)) {72 $num_file++;73 $fsize = filesize($f);74 $sum_size += $fsize;75 $fsize = mac_format_size($fsize);76 $ftime = filemtime($f);77 $tmp_path = mac_convert_encoding($f, "UTF-8", "GB2312");78 $path_info = @pathinfo($f);79 $tmp_path = $path_info['dirname'];80 $tmp_name = $path_info['basename'];81 $files[] = ['isfile' => 1, 'name' => $tmp_name, 'path' => $tmp_path, 'fullname'=> $tmp_path.'/'.$tmp_name, 'size' => $fsize,'note'=>'æ件', 'time' => $ftime];82 }83 }84 }85 }86 $this->assign('sum_size',mac_format_size($sum_size));87 $this->assign('num_file',$num_file);88 $this->assign('num_path',$num_path);89 $this->assign('files',$files);90 $this->assign('title','模æ¿ç®¡ç');91 return $this->fetch('admin@template/index');92 }93 public function ads()94 {95 $adsdir = $GLOBALS['config']['site']['ads_dir'];96 if(empty($adsdir)){97 $adsdir='ads';98 }99 $path = './template/'.$GLOBALS['config']['site']['template_dir'].'/'.$adsdir ;100 if(!file_exists($path)){101 mac_mkdirss($path);102 }103 $filters = $path.'/*.js';104 $num_file=0;105 $sum_size=0;106 $farr = glob($filters);107 if ($farr) {108 foreach ($farr as $f) {109 if(is_file($f)) {110 $num_file++;111 $fsize = filesize($f);112 $sum_size += $fsize;113 $fsize = mac_format_size($fsize);114 $ftime = filemtime($f);115 $tmp_path = mac_convert_encoding($f, "UTF-8", "GB2312");116 $path_info = @pathinfo($f);117 $tmp_path = $path_info['dirname'];118 $tmp_name = $path_info['basename'];119 $files[] = ['isfile' => 1, 'name' => $tmp_name, 'path' => $tmp_path, 'fullname'=> $tmp_path.'/'.$tmp_name, 'size' => $fsize,'note'=>'æ件', 'time' => $ftime];120 }121 }122 }123 $this->assign('curpath',$path);124 $this->assign('sum_size',mac_format_size($sum_size));125 $this->assign('num_file',$num_file);126 $this->assign('files',$files);127 $this->assign('title','广åä½ç®¡ç');128 return $this->fetch('admin@template/ads');129 }130 public function info()131 {132 $param = input();133 $fname = $param['fname'];134 $fpath = $param['fpath'];135 if( empty($fpath)){136 $this->error('åæ°é误1');137 return;138 }139 $fpath = str_replace('@','/',$fpath);140 $fullname = $fpath .'/' .$fname;141 $fullname = str_replace('\\','/',$fullname);142 if( (substr($fullname,0,10) != "./template") || count( explode("./",$fullname) ) > 2) {143 $this->error('åæ°é误2');144 return;145 }146 $path = pathinfo($fullname);147 if(!empty($fname)) {148 $extarr = array('html', 'htm', 'js', 'xml');149 if (!in_array($path['extension'], $extarr)) {150 $this->error('åæ°é误ï¼åç¼ååªå
许htm,html,js,xml');151 return;152 }153 }154 if (Request()->isPost()) {155 $fcontent = $param['fcontent'];156 if(strpos($fcontent,'<?')!==false || strpos($fcontent,'{php}')!==false){157 $this->error('å®å
å«php代ç ç¦æ¢å¨åå°ç¼è¾');158 return;159 }160 $res = @fwrite(fopen($fullname,'wb'),$fcontent);161 if($res===false){162 return $this->error('ä¿å失败ï¼è¯·éè¯');163 }164 return $this->success('ä¿åæå');165 }166 $fcontent = @file_get_contents($fullname);167 $fcontent = str_replace('</textarea>','</textarea>',$fcontent);168 $this->assign('fname',$fname);169 $this->assign('fpath',$fpath);170 $this->assign('fcontent',$fcontent);171 return $this->fetch('admin@template/info');172 }173 public function del()174 {175 $param = input();176 $fname = $param['fname'];177 if(!empty($fname)){178 if(!is_array($fname)){179 $fname = [$fname];180 }181 foreach($fname as $a){182 $a = str_replace('\\','/',$a);183 if( (substr($a,0,10) != "./template") || count( explode("./",$a) ) > 2) {184 }185 else{186 $a = mac_convert_encoding($a,"UTF-8","GB2312");187 if(file_exists($a)){ @unlink($a); }188 }189 }190 }191 return $this->success('å é¤æå');192 }193 public function wizard()194 {195 $this->assign('title','æ ç¾å导管ç');196 return $this->fetch('admin@template/wizard');197 }198}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$parent = new Template("parent.html");2$child = new Template("child.html");3if($parent->isChild($child)) {4echo "child is a child of parent";5} else {6echo "child is not a child of parent";7}8$parent = new Template("parent.html");9$child = new Template("child.html");10if($child->isParent($parent)) {11echo "child is a child of parent";12} else {13echo "child is not a child of parent";14}15$parent = new Template("parent.html");16$child = new Template("child.html");17if($parent->isSibling($child)) {18echo "child is a child of parent";19} else {20echo "child is not a child of parent";21}22$parent = new Template("parent.html");23$child = new Template("child.html");24if($parent->isDescendant($child)) {25echo "child is a child of parent";26} else {27echo "child is not a child of parent";28}29$parent = new Template("parent.html");30$child = new Template("child.html");31if($child->isAncestor($parent)) {32echo "child is a child of parent";33} else {34echo "child is not a child of parent";35}36$parent = new Template("parent.html");37$child = new Template("child.html");38if($parent->isCousin($child)) {39echo "child is a child of parent";40} else {41echo "child is not a child of parent";42}43$parent = new Template("parent.html");44$child = new Template("child.html");45if($parent->isRelated($child)) {46echo "child is a child of parent";47} else {48echo "child is not a child of parent";49}50$parent = new Template("parent
Using AI Code Generation
1$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');2$child = new Template('child.tpl');3if ($parent->isChild($child)) {4 echo 'child is a child of parent';5}6$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');7$child = new Template('child.tpl');8if ($parent->isChild($child)) {9 echo 'child is a child of parent';10}11$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');12$child = new Template('child.tpl');13if ($parent->isChild($child)) {14 echo 'child is a child of parent';15}16$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');17$child = new Template('child.tpl');18if ($parent->isChild($child)) {19 echo 'child is a child of parent';20}21$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');22$child = new Template('child.tpl');23if ($parent->isChild($child)) {24 echo 'child is a child of parent';25}26$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');27$child = new Template('child.tpl');28if ($parent->isChild($child)) {29 echo 'child is a child of parent';30}31$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');32$child = new Template('child.tpl');33if ($parent->isChild($child)) {34 echo 'child is a child of parent';35}36$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');37$child = new Template('child.tpl');38if ($parent->isChild($child)) {39 echo 'child is a child of parent';40}41$parent = new Template('parent.tpl');42$child = new Template('child.tpl');43if ($parent->isChild($child)) {44 echo 'child is a child of parent';45}
Using AI Code Generation
1$child = $this->template->isChild();2if($child){3echo "this is child template";4}else{5echo "this is parent template";6}7$child = $this->template->isChild();8if($child){9echo "this is child template";10}else{11echo "this is parent template";12}13$child = $this->template->isChild();14if($child){15echo "this is child template";16}else{17echo "this is parent template";18}19$child = $this->template->isChild();20if($child){21echo "this is child template";22}else{23echo "this is parent template";24}25$child = $this->template->isChild();26if($child){27echo "this is child template";28}else{29echo "this is parent template";30}31$child = $this->template->isChild();32if($child){33echo "this is child template";34}else{35echo "this is parent template";36}37$child = $this->template->isChild();38if($child){39echo "this is child template";40}else{41echo "this is parent template";42}43$child = $this->template->isChild();44if($child){45echo "this is child template";46}else{47echo "this is parent template";48}49$child = $this->template->isChild();50if($child){51echo "this is child template";52}else{53echo "this is parent template";54}55$child = $this->template->isChild();56if($child){57echo "this is child template";58}else{59echo "this is parent template";60}
Using AI Code Generation
1$child = $template->isChild('1.php');2if($child) {3 echo 'This is child template';4} else {5 echo 'This is not child template';6}7$child = $template->isChild('1.php');8if($child) {9 echo 'This is child template';10} else {11 echo 'This is not child template';12}
Using AI Code Generation
1$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');2$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');3$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');4$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');5$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');6$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');7$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');8$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');9$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');10$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');11$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');12$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');13$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');14$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');15$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');16$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');17$parent = $this->template->loadChild('parent');18$child = $this->template->loadChild('child');
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'template.php';2$t = new Template();3$t->load('template.html');4if ($t->isChild('child1.html')) {5 echo 'child1.html is child of template.html';6} else {7 echo 'child1.html is not child of template.html';8}9require_once 'template.php';10$t = new Template();11$t->load('template.html');12if ($t->isChild('child2.html')) {13 echo 'child2.html is child of template.html';14} else {15 echo 'child2.html is not child of template.html';16}
Using AI Code Generation
1if($template->isChild('2.php')){2 echo 'This is child template';3}4else{5 echo 'This is not child template';6}7if($template->isChild('1.php')){8 echo 'This is child template';9}10else{11 echo 'This is not child template';12}13if($template->isChild('2.php', '3.php')){14 echo 'This is child template';15}16else{17 echo 'This is not child template';18}19if($template->isChild('1.php', '3.php')){20 echo 'This is child template';21}22else{23 echo 'This is not child template';24}25if($template->isChild('1.php', '2.php')){26 echo 'This is child template';27}28else{29 echo 'This is not child template';30}31if($template->isChild(array('2.php', '3.php'))){32 echo 'This is child template';33}34else{35 echo 'This is not child template';36}37if($template->isChild(array('1.php', '3.php'))){38 echo 'This is child template';39}40else{41 echo 'This is not child template';42}43if($template->isChild(array('1.php', '2.php'))){44 echo 'This is child template';45}46else{47 echo 'This is not child template';48}49isChild() method will return false
Using AI Code Generation
1$tp = new template();2if($tp->isChild())3{4}5{6}7$tp = new template();8if($tp->isChild())9{10}11{12}13$tp = new template();14if($tp->isChild())15{16}17{18}19$tp = new template();20if($tp->isChild())21{22}23{24}25$tp = new template();26if($tp->isChild())27{28}29{30}31$tp = new template();32if($tp->isChild())33{34}35{36}37$tp = new template();38if($tp->isChild())39{40}41{42}43$tp = new template();44if($tp->isChild())45{46}47{48}
Using AI Code Generation
1if ($this->isChild('child.php'))2{3$this->getChild('child.php');4}5{6echo 'Child template not found';7}8if ($this->isChild('child.php'))9{10$this->getChild('child.php');11}12{13echo 'Child template not found';14}15echo 'This is the child template';
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