Best Atoum code snippet using stub.updateFromGithub
...122 ->writeInfo($this->locale->_('atoum version %s by %s (%s)', atoum\version, atoum\author, \phar::running()))123 ;124 return $this->stopRun();125 }126 public function updateFromGithub()127 {128 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)129 {130 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');131 }132 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == false)133 {134 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, allow_url_fopen is not set, use \'-d allow_url_fopen=1\'');135 }136 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($currentPhar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName()))) === null)137 {138 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, the versions\'s file is invalid');139 }140 $this->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Checking if a new version is available on Github...'), false);141 $httpContext = stream_context_create(array(142 'http' => array(143 'method' => 'GET',144 'protocol_version' => '1.1',145 'header' => "Accept: */*\r\nUser-Agent:atoum\r\nCache-Control: no-cache"146 )147 ));148 $data = json_decode($this->adapter->file_get_contents(self::githubUpdateUrl, false, $httpContext), true);149 $this150 ->clearMessage()151 ->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Checking if a new version is available Github... Done!' . PHP_EOL))152 ;153 if (is_array($data) === false || sizeof($data) === 0)154 {155 $this->writeInfo($this->locale->_('There is no new version available!'));156 }157 else158 {159 $data = array_filter($data, function ($release) { return $release['draft'] === false; });160 $release = array_shift($data);161 if (is_array($release) === false || isset($release['name']) === false || version_compare($versions[$versions['current']], $release['name']) >= 0)162 {163 $this->writeInfo($this->locale->_('There is no new version available!'));164 }165 else166 {167 $assets = array_filter($release['assets'], function ($asset) { return $asset['name'] === 'atoum.phar'; });168 $asset = array_shift($assets);169 $assetData = json_decode($this->adapter->file_get_contents($asset['url'], false, $httpContext), true);170 if (is_array($assetData) === false || isset($assetData['browser_download_url']) === false)171 {172 $this->writeInfo($this->locale->_('There is no new version available!'));173 }174 else175 {176 $this->downloadPhar($release['name'], $currentPhar, $this->adapter->file_get_contents($assetData['browser_download_url'], false, $httpContext));177 }178 }179 }180 return $this->stopRun();181 }182 public function update()183 {184 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)185 {186 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');187 }188 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == false)189 {190 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, allow_url_fopen is not set, use \'-d allow_url_fopen=1\'');191 }192 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($currentPhar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName()))) === null)193 {194 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, the versions\'s file is invalid');195 }196 unset($versions['current']);197 $this->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Checking if a new version is available...'), false);198 $data = json_decode($this->adapter->file_get_contents(sprintf(self::updateUrl, json_encode(array_values($versions)))), true);199 $this200 ->clearMessage()201 ->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Checking if a new version is available... Done!' . PHP_EOL))202 ;203 if (is_array($data) === false || isset($data['version']) === false || isset($data['phar']) === false)204 {205 $this->writeInfo($this->locale->_('There is no new version available!'));206 }207 else208 {209 $this->downloadPhar($data['version'], $currentPhar, utf8_decode($data['phar']));210 }211 return $this->stopRun();212 }213 private function downloadPhar($newVersion, $currentPhar, $newPhar)214 {215 $tmpFile = $this->adapter->realpath($this->adapter->sys_get_temp_dir()) . '/' . md5($newVersion) . '.phar';216 if ($this->adapter->file_put_contents($tmpFile, $newPhar) === false)217 {218 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to create temporary file to update to version \'' . $newVersion);219 }220 $this->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Update to version \'%s\'...', $newVersion), false);221 $pharPathLength = strlen($pharPath = 'phar://' . $tmpFile . '/1/');222 $newCurrentDirectory = 1;223 while (isset($versions[$newCurrentDirectory]) === true)224 {225 $newCurrentDirectory++;226 }227 $newFiles = new \arrayIterator();228 foreach (new \recursiveIteratorIterator(new \recursiveDirectoryIterator($pharPath)) as $newFile)229 {230 $newFiles[$newCurrentDirectory . '/' . substr($newFile, $pharPathLength)] = ($newFile = (string) $newFile);231 }232 $currentPhar->buildFromIterator($newFiles);233 $this234 ->clearMessage()235 ->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Update to version \'%s\'... Done!' . PHP_EOL, $newVersion))236 ;237 @$this->adapter->unlink($tmpFile);238 $this->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Enable version \'%s\'...', $newVersion), false);239 $versions[$newCurrentDirectory] = $newVersion;240 $versions['current'] = $newCurrentDirectory;241 $currentPhar['versions'] = serialize($versions);242 $this243 ->clearMessage()244 ->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Enable version \'%s\'... Done!' . PHP_EOL, $newVersion))245 ;246 $this->writeInfo($this->locale->_('Atoum has been updated from version \'%s\' to \'%s\' successfully!', atoum\version, $newVersion));247 }248 public function listAvailableVersions()249 {250 $currentPhar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());251 if (isset($currentPhar['versions']) === false)252 {253 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to list available versions in PHAR, the versions\'s file does not exist');254 }255 $versions = unserialize(file_get_contents($currentPhar['versions']));256 if (is_array($versions) === false || sizeof($versions) <= 0 || isset($versions['current']) === false)257 {258 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to list available versions in PHAR, the versions\'s file is invalid');259 }260 $currentDirectory = $versions['current'];261 unset($versions['current']);262 asort($versions);263 foreach ($versions as $directory => $version)264 {265 $this->writeMessage(($directory == $currentDirectory ? '*' : ' ') . ' ' . $version . PHP_EOL);266 }267 return $this->stopRun();268 }269 public function enableVersion($versionName, \phar $phar = null)270 {271 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)272 {273 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');274 }275 if ($phar === null)276 {277 $phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());278 }279 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar)) === null)280 {281 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to enable version \'' . $versionName . '\', the versions\'s file is invalid');282 }283 $versionDirectory = array_search($versionName, $versions);284 if ($versionDirectory === false)285 {286 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to enable version \'' . $versionName . '\' because it does not exist');287 }288 $versions['current'] = $versionDirectory;289 $phar['versions'] = serialize($versions);290 return $this->stopRun();291 }292 public function deleteVersion($versionName, \phar $phar = null)293 {294 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)295 {296 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');297 }298 if ($phar === null)299 {300 $phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());301 }302 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar)) === null)303 {304 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to delete version \'' . $versionName . '\', the versions\'s file is invalid');305 }306 $versionDirectory = array_search($versionName, $versions);307 if ($versionDirectory === false)308 {309 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to delete version \'' . $versionName . '\' because it does not exist');310 }311 if ($versionDirectory == $versions['current'])312 {313 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to delete version \'' . $versionName . '\' because it is the current version');314 }315 unset($versions[$versionDirectory]);316 unset($phar[$versionDirectory]);317 $phar['versions'] = serialize($versions);318 return $this->stopRun();319 }320 public function getResourcesDirectory()321 {322 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName()))) === null)323 {324 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to define resources directory, verions\'s file is invalid');325 }326 if (isset($phar[$versions['current'] . '/resources']) === false)327 {328 throw new exceptions\logic('Resources directory does not exist in PHAR \'' . $this->getName() . '\'');329 }330 return 'phar://' . $this->getName() . '/' . $versions['current'] . '/resources';331 }332 protected function setArgumentHandlers()333 {334 return335 parent::setArgumentHandlers()336 ->addArgumentHandler(337 function($script, $argument, $values) {338 if (sizeof($values) !== 0)339 {340 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));341 }342 $script->infos();343 },344 array('-i', '--infos'),345 null,346 $this->locale->_('Display informations, do not run any script')347 )348 ->addArgumentHandler(349 function($script, $argument, $values) {350 if (sizeof($values) !== 0)351 {352 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));353 }354 $script->signature();355 },356 array('-s', '--signature'),357 null,358 $this->locale->_('Display phar signature, do not run any script')359 )360 ->addArgumentHandler(361 function($script, $argument, $values) {362 if (sizeof($values) !== 1)363 {364 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));365 }366 $script->extractTo($values[0]);367 },368 array('-e', '--extract-to'),369 '<directory>',370 $this->locale->_('Extract all file from phar to <directory>, do not run any script')371 )372 ->addArgumentHandler(373 function($script, $argument, $values) {374 if (sizeof($values) !== 1)375 {376 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));377 }378 $script->extractResourcesTo($values[0]);379 },380 array('-er', '--extract-resources-to'),381 '<directory>',382 $this->locale->_('Extract resources from phar to <directory>, do not run any script')383 )384 ->addArgumentHandler(385 function($script, $argument, $values, $position) {386 if ($position !== 1 || sizeof($values) !== 1)387 {388 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));389 }390 unset($_SERVER['argv'][1]);391 unset($_SERVER['argv'][2]);392 $script->useScript($values[0]);393 },394 array('-u', '--use'),395 '<script> <args>',396 $this->locale->_('Run script <script> from PHAR with <args> as arguments (this argument must be the first)'),397 4398 )399 ->addArgumentHandler(400 function($script, $argument, $values) {401 if (sizeof($values) > 0)402 {403 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));404 }405 $script->listScripts();406 },407 array('-ls', '--list-scripts'),408 null,409 $this->locale->_('List available scripts')410 )411 ->addArgumentHandler(412 function($script, $argument, $values) {413 if (sizeof($values) > 0)414 {415 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));416 }417 $script->update();418 },419 array('--update'),420 null,421 $this->locale->_('Update atoum')422 )423 ->addArgumentHandler(424 function($script, $argument, $values) {425 if (sizeof($values) > 0)426 {427 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));428 }429 $script->updateFromGithub();430 },431 array('--github-update'),432 null,433 $this->locale->_('Update atoum from github')434 )435 ->addArgumentHandler(436 function($script, $argument, $values) {437 if (sizeof($values) > 0)438 {439 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));440 }441 $script->listAvailableVersions();442 },443 array('-lav', '--list-available-versions'),...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1$github = new Github();2$github->updateFromGithub();3$github = new Github();4$github->updateFromGithub();5$github = new Github();6$github->updateFromGithub();7$github = new Github();8$github->updateFromGithub();9$github = new Github();10$github->updateFromGithub();11$github = new Github();12$github->updateFromGithub();13$github = new Github();14$github->updateFromGithub();15$github = new Github();16$github->updateFromGithub();17$github = new Github();18$github->updateFromGithub();19$github = new Github();20$github->updateFromGithub();21$github = new Github();22$github->updateFromGithub();23$github = new Github();24$github->updateFromGithub();25$github = new Github();26$github->updateFromGithub();27$github = new Github();28$github->updateFromGithub();29$github = new Github();30$github->updateFromGithub();31$github = new Github();32$github->updateFromGithub();
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