How to use getScriptFile method of stub class

Best Atoum code snippet using stub.getScriptFile


Source:stub.php Github


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...34 return $this->stopRun();35 }36 public function useScript($script)37 {38 $scriptFile = self::getScriptFile($script);39 if (file_exists($scriptFile) === false)40 {41 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($this->getLocale()->_('Script %s does not exist'), $script));42 }43 require_once $scriptFile;44 exit(0);45 }46 public function infos()47 {48 $phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());49 $this->writeLabels($phar->getMetadata());50 return $this->stopRun();51 }52 public function signature()53 {54 $phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());55 $signature = $phar->getSignature();56 $this->writeLabel($this->locale->_('Signature'), $signature['hash']);57 return $this->stopRun();58 }59 public function extractTo($directory)60 {61 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName()))) === null)62 {63 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to extract the PHAR to \'' . $directory . '\', the versions\'s file is invalid');64 }65 $directory = rtrim($directory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);66 $pharName = \phar::running();67 foreach (new \recursiveIteratorIterator($phar) as $pharFile)68 {69 $pharFilePath = ltrim(str_replace($pharName, '', $pharFile), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);70 if (strpos($pharFilePath, $versions['current']) === 0)71 {72 $path = $directory . '/​' . ltrim(substr($pharFilePath, strlen($versions['current'])), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);73 $pathDirectory = dirname($path);74 @mkdir($pathDirectory, 0777, true);75 if (is_dir($pathDirectory) === false)76 {77 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to create directory \'' . $pathDirectory . '\'');78 }79 $data = file_get_contents($pharFile);80 if (file_put_contents($path, $data) != strlen($data))81 {82 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to extract file \'' . $pharFilePath . '\' in directory \'' . $pathDirectory . '\'');83 }84 }85 }86 return $this->stopRun();87 }88 public function extractResourcesTo($directory)89 {90 $resourcesDirectory = $this->getResourcesDirectory();91 $directory = rtrim($directory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);92 foreach (new \recursiveIteratorIterator(new \recursiveDirectoryIterator($resourcesDirectory)) as $resourceFile)93 {94 $resourceFilePath = ltrim(str_replace($resourcesDirectory, '', $resourceFile), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);95 $resourceFileDirectory = $directory . '/​' . dirname($resourceFilePath);96 @mkdir($resourceFileDirectory, 0777, true);97 if (is_dir($resourceFileDirectory) === false)98 {99 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to create directory \'' . $resourceFileDirectory . '\'');100 }101 $data = file_get_contents($resourceFile);102 if (file_put_contents($directory . '/​' . $resourceFilePath, $data) != strlen($data))103 {104 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to extract resource file \'' . $resourceFilePath . '\' in directory \'' . $directory . '\'');105 }106 }107 return $this->stopRun();108 }109 public function useDefaultConfigFiles($startDirectory = null)110 {111 if ($startDirectory === null)112 {113 $startDirectory = dirname($this->getName());114 }115 return parent::useDefaultConfigFiles($startDirectory);116 }117 public function version()118 {119 $this120 ->writeInfo(sprintf($this->locale->_('atoum version %s by %s (%s)'), atoum\version, atoum\author, \phar::running()))121 ;122 return $this->stopRun();123 }124 public function update()125 {126 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)127 {128 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');129 }130 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == false)131 {132 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, allow_url_fopen is not set, use \'-d allow_url_fopen=1\'');133 }134 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($currentPhar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName()))) === null)135 {136 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, the versions\'s file is invalid');137 }138 unset($versions['current']);139 $this->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Checking if a new version is available...'), false);140 $data = json_decode($this->adapter->file_get_contents(sprintf(self::updateUrl, json_encode(array_values($versions)))), true);141 $this142 ->clearMessage()143 ->writeMessage($this->locale->_('Checking if a new version is available... Done!' . PHP_EOL))144 ;145 if (is_array($data) === false || isset($data['version']) === false || isset($data['phar']) === false)146 {147 $this->writeInfo($this->locale->_('There is no new version available!'));148 }149 else150 {151 $tmpFile = $this->adapter->realpath($this->adapter->sys_get_temp_dir()) . '/​' . md5($data['version']) . '.phar';152 if ($this->adapter->file_put_contents($tmpFile, utf8_decode($data['phar'])) === false)153 {154 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to create temporary file to update to version \'' . $data['version']);155 }156 $this->writeMessage(sprintf($this->locale->_('Update to version \'%s\'...'), $data['version']), false);157 $pharPathLength = strlen($pharPath = 'phar:/​/​' . $tmpFile . '/​1/​');158 $newCurrentDirectory = 1;159 while (isset($versions[$newCurrentDirectory]) === true)160 {161 $newCurrentDirectory++;162 }163 $newFiles = new \arrayIterator();164 foreach (new \recursiveIteratorIterator(new \recursiveDirectoryIterator($pharPath)) as $newFile)165 {166 $newFiles[$newCurrentDirectory . '/​' . substr($newFile, $pharPathLength)] = ($newFile = (string) $newFile);167 }168 $currentPhar->buildFromIterator($newFiles);169 $this170 ->clearMessage()171 ->writeMessage(sprintf($this->locale->_('Update to version \'%s\'... Done!' . PHP_EOL), $data['version']))172 ;173 @$this->adapter->unlink($tmpFile);174 $this->writeMessage(sprintf($this->locale->_('Enable version \'%s\'...'), $data['version']), false);175 $versions[$newCurrentDirectory] = $data['version'];176 $versions['current'] = $newCurrentDirectory;177 $currentPhar['versions'] = serialize($versions);178 $this179 ->clearMessage()180 ->writeMessage(sprintf($this->locale->_('Enable version \'%s\'... Done!' . PHP_EOL), $data['version']))181 ;182 $this->writeInfo(sprintf($this->locale->_('Atoum has been updated from version \'%s\' to \'%s\' successfully!'), atoum\version, $data['version']));183 }184 return $this->stopRun();185 }186 public function listAvailableVersions()187 {188 $currentPhar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());189 if (isset($currentPhar['versions']) === false)190 {191 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to list available versions in PHAR, the versions\'s file does not exist');192 }193 $versions = unserialize(file_get_contents($currentPhar['versions']));194 if (is_array($versions) === false || sizeof($versions) <= 0 || isset($versions['current']) === false)195 {196 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to list available versions in PHAR, the versions\'s file is invalid');197 }198 $currentDirectory = $versions['current'];199 unset($versions['current']);200 asort($versions);201 foreach ($versions as $directory => $version)202 {203 $this->writeMessage(($directory == $currentDirectory ? '*' : ' ') . ' ' . $version . PHP_EOL);204 }205 return $this->stopRun();206 }207 public function enableVersion($versionName, \phar $phar = null)208 {209 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)210 {211 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');212 }213 if ($phar === null)214 {215 $phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());216 }217 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar)) === null)218 {219 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to enable version \'' . $versionName . '\', the versions\'s file is invalid');220 }221 $versionDirectory = array_search($versionName, $versions);222 if ($versionDirectory === false)223 {224 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to enable version \'' . $versionName . '\' because it does not exist');225 }226 $versions['current'] = $versionDirectory;227 $phar['versions'] = serialize($versions);228 return $this->stopRun();229 }230 public function deleteVersion($versionName, \phar $phar = null)231 {232 if ($this->adapter->ini_get('phar.readonly') == true)233 {234 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to update the PHAR, phar.readonly is set, use \'-d phar.readonly=0\'');235 }236 if ($phar === null)237 {238 $phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName());239 }240 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar)) === null)241 {242 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to delete version \'' . $versionName . '\', the versions\'s file is invalid');243 }244 $versionDirectory = array_search($versionName, $versions);245 if ($versionDirectory === false)246 {247 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to delete version \'' . $versionName . '\' because it does not exist');248 }249 if ($versionDirectory == $versions['current'])250 {251 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to delete version \'' . $versionName . '\' because it is the current version');252 }253 unset($versions[$versionDirectory]);254 unset($phar[$versionDirectory]);255 $phar['versions'] = serialize($versions);256 return $this->stopRun();257 }258 public function getResourcesDirectory()259 {260 if (($versions = $this->getVersions($phar = call_user_func($this->pharFactory, $this->getName()))) === null)261 {262 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to define resources directory, verions\'s file is invalid');263 }264 if (isset($phar[$versions['current'] . '/​resources']) === false)265 {266 throw new exceptions\logic('Resources directory does not exist in PHAR \'' . $this->getName() . '\'');267 }268 return 'phar:/​/​' . $this->getName() . '/​' . $versions['current'] . '/​resources';269 }270 protected function setArgumentHandlers()271 {272 return273 parent::setArgumentHandlers()274 ->addArgumentHandler(275 function($script, $argument, $values) {276 if (sizeof($values) !== 0)277 {278 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));279 }280 $script->infos();281 },282 array('-i', '--infos'),283 null,284 $this->locale->_('Display informations, do not run any script')285 )286 ->addArgumentHandler(287 function($script, $argument, $values) {288 if (sizeof($values) !== 0)289 {290 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));291 }292 $script->signature();293 },294 array('-s', '--signature'),295 null,296 $this->locale->_('Display phar signature, do not run any script')297 )298 ->addArgumentHandler(299 function($script, $argument, $values) {300 if (sizeof($values) !== 1)301 {302 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));303 }304 $script->extractTo($values[0]);305 },306 array('-e', '--extract-to'),307 '<directory>',308 $this->locale->_('Extract all file from phar to <directory>, do not run any script')309 )310 ->addArgumentHandler(311 function($script, $argument, $values) {312 if (sizeof($values) !== 1)313 {314 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));315 }316 $script->extractResourcesTo($values[0]);317 },318 array('-er', '--extract-resources-to'),319 '<directory>',320 $this->locale->_('Extract resources from phar to <directory>, do not run any script')321 )322 ->addArgumentHandler(323 function($script, $argument, $values, $position) {324 if ($position !== 1 || sizeof($values) !== 1)325 {326 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));327 }328 unset($_SERVER['argv'][1]);329 unset($_SERVER['argv'][2]);330 $script->useScript($values[0]);331 },332 array('-u', '--use'),333 '<script> <args>',334 $this->locale->_('Run script <script> from PHAR with <args> as arguments (this argument must be the first)'),335 4336 )337 ->addArgumentHandler(338 function($script, $argument, $values) {339 if (sizeof($values) > 0)340 {341 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));342 }343 $script->listScripts();344 },345 array('-ls', '--list-scripts'),346 null,347 $this->locale->_('List available scripts')348 )349 ->addArgumentHandler(350 function($script, $argument, $values) {351 if (sizeof($values) > 0)352 {353 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));354 }355 $script->update();356 },357 array('--update'),358 null,359 $this->locale->_('Update atoum')360 )361 ->addArgumentHandler(362 function($script, $argument, $values) {363 if (sizeof($values) > 0)364 {365 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));366 }367 $script->listAvailableVersions();368 },369 array('-lav', '--list-available-versions'),370 null,371 $this->locale->_('List available versions in the PHAR')372 )373 ->addArgumentHandler(374 function($script, $argument, $values) {375 if (sizeof($values) != 1)376 {377 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));378 }379 $script->enableVersion($values[0]);380 },381 array('-ev', '--enable-version'),382 '<version>',383 $this->locale->_('Enable version <version>')384 )385 ->addArgumentHandler(386 function($script, $argument, $values) {387 if (sizeof($values) != 1)388 {389 throw new exceptions\logic\invalidArgument(sprintf($script->getLocale()->_('Bad usage of %s, do php %s --help for more informations'), $argument, $script->getName()));390 }391 $script->deleteVersion($values[0]);392 },393 array('-dv', '--delete-version'),394 '<version>',395 $this->locale->_('Delete version <version>')396 )397 ;398 return $this;399 }400 protected function getVersions(\phar $phar)401 {402 if (isset($phar['versions']) === false)403 {404 throw new exceptions\runtime('The versions\'s file does not exist');405 }406 $versions = unserialize($this->adapter->file_get_contents($phar['versions']));407 return ((is_array($versions) === false || isset($versions['current']) === false || isset($versions[$versions['current']]) === false) ? null : $versions);408 }409 protected static function extractFilesTo(\recursiveDirectoryIterator $fromPharDirectory, $toDirectory)410 {411 $directory = rtrim($directory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);412 $pharName = \phar::running();413 foreach (new \recursiveIteratorIterator($fromPharDirectory) as $pharFile)414 {415 $pharFilePath = ltrim(str_replace($pharName, '', $pharFile), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);416 if (strpos($pharFilePath, $versions['current']) === 0)417 {418 $path = $directory . '/​' . ltrim(substr($pharFilePath, strlen($versions['current'])), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);419 $pathDirectory = dirname($path);420 @mkdir($pathDirectory, 0777, true);421 if (is_dir($pathDirectory) === false)422 {423 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to create directory \'' . $pathDirectory . '\'');424 }425 $data = file_get_contents($pharFile);426 if (file_put_contents($path, $data) != strlen($data))427 {428 throw new exceptions\runtime('Unable to extract file \'' . $pharFilePath . '\' in directory \'' . $pathDirectory . '\'');429 }430 }431 }432 return $this;433 }434 protected static function getScriptFile($scriptName)435 {436 return atoum\directory . '/​' . self::scriptsDirectory . '/​' . $scriptName . self::scriptsExtension;437 }438}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$stub = new stub();2echo $stub->getScriptFile();3$stub = new stub();4echo $stub->getScriptFile();5$stub = new stub();6echo $stub->getScriptFile();7$stub = new stub();8echo $stub->getScriptFile();9$stub = new stub();10echo $stub->getScriptFile();11$stub = new stub();12echo $stub->getScriptFile();13$stub = new stub();14echo $stub->getScriptFile();15$stub = new stub();16echo $stub->getScriptFile();17$stub = new stub();18echo $stub->getScriptFile();19$stub = new stub();20echo $stub->getScriptFile();21$stub = new stub();22echo $stub->getScriptFile();23$stub = new stub();24echo $stub->getScriptFile();25$stub = new stub();26echo $stub->getScriptFile();27$stub = new stub();28echo $stub->getScriptFile();29$stub = new stub();30echo $stub->getScriptFile();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$stub = new stub();2echo $stub->getScriptFile();3$stub = new stub();4echo $stub->getScriptFile();5$stub = new stub();6echo $stub->getScriptFile();7$stub = new stub();8echo $stub->getScriptFile();9$stub = new stub();10echo $stub->getScriptFile();11$stub = new stub();12echo $stub->getScriptFile();13$stub = new stub();14echo $stub->getScriptFile();15$stub = new stub();16echo $stub->getScriptFile();17$stub = new stub();18echo $stub->getScriptFile();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'stub.php';2$stub = new stub();3echo $stub->getScriptFile();4require_once 'stub.php';5$stub = new stub();6echo $stub->getScriptFile();7class stub{8 public function getScriptFile(){9 $trace = debug_backtrace();10 return $trace[0]['file'];11 }12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$stub = new stub();2$stub->getScriptFile();3$stub = new stub();4$stub->getScriptFile();5Fatal error: Call to private method stub::getScriptFile() from context 'test'6$stub = new stub();7$stub->getScriptFile();8$stub = new stub();9$stub->getScriptFile();10$test = new test();11$test->getScriptFile();12class stub {13 private function getScriptFile() {14 echo __FILE__;15 }16}17class test {18 public function getScriptFile() {19 $stub = new stub();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1echo "Path of the file is : ".stub::getScriptFile()."2";3Recommended Posts: PHP | getScriptDir() Function4PHP | getScriptName() Function5PHP | getScriptPath() Function6PHP | getScriptURL() Function7PHP | getScriptURI() Function8PHP | getScriptURL() Function9PHP | getScriptURI() Function10PHP | getScriptPath() Function11PHP | getScriptName() Function12PHP | getScriptDir() Function13PHP | getScriptName() Function14PHP | getScriptURL() Function15PHP | getScriptURI() Function16PHP | getScriptPath() Function17PHP | getScriptDir() Function18PHP | getScriptName() Function19PHP | getScriptURL() Function20PHP | getScriptURI() Function21PHP | getScriptPath() Function22PHP | getScriptDir() Function

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1$stub = new stub();2echo $stub->getScriptFile();3echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];4echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];5echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];6echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];7echo "<br>";8echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];9echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];10echo "<br>";11echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];

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