Best Atoum code snippet using std.testWrite
1<?php2set_time_limit(0);3define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');4define('DB_USERNAME', 'dartdb_dartdb');5define('DB_PASSWORD', 'U8zrpJ4f');6define('DB_NAME', 'dartdb_dartdb');7define('WB_PATH', dirname(__FILE__));8define('WB_URL', '');9$db[] = array("standards", "full");10$db[] = array("subjects", "full");11$db[] = array("level", "full");12$db[] = array("site", "full");13$db[] = array("scoreweight", "full");14$db[] = array("AttendanceCodeGroups", "full");15$db[] = array("AttendanceCodes", "full");16$db[] = array("AttendanceGroups", "full");17$db[] = array("AttendancePeriods", "full");18$db[] = array("SchoolCalendar", "full");19$db[] = array("SchoolEventCodeGroups", "full");20$db[] = array("SchoolEventCodes", "full");21$db[] = array("SchoolEventGroups", "full");22$db[] = array("SchoolEvents", "full");23$db[] = array("DistrictDates", "full");24$db[] = array("sfainfo", "full");25$db[] = array("hotlist", "full");26$db[] = array("line", "full");27$db[] = array("sip", "skeleton");28$db[] = array("sipaction", "skeleton");29$db[] = array("sipaux", "skeleton");30$db[] = array("siptestfields", "skeleton");31$db[] = array("reportlist", "skeleton");32$db[] = array("testreports", "full");33$db[] = array("testscoresmap", "full");34$db[] = array("tests", "full");35$db[] = array("lists", "skeleton");36$db[] = array("listshare", "skeleton");37$db[] = array("listvalues", "skeleton");38$db[] = array("history", "skeleton");39$db[] = array("history2", "skeleton");40$db[] = array("repnotes", "skeleton");41$db[] = array("quarters", "full");42//// Student Data that needs special handling43$db[] = array("sfascores", "skeleton");44$db[] = array("sped_aux", "skeleton");45$db[] = array("speddata", "skeleton");46$db[] = array("AttendanceEvents", "skeleton");47$db[] = array("movement", "skeleton");48$db[] = array("student", "skeleton");49$db[] = array("studentlevel", "skeleton");50$db[] = array("grades", "skeleton");51$db[] = array("testinglevel", "skeleton");52$db[] = array("testscores", "skeleton");53$db[] = array("discipline", "skeleton");54$db[] = array("transcript", "skeleton");55$db[] = array("user", "skeleton");56$filename = WB_PATH . "/coredata.sql";57$filename2 = WB_PATH . "/exp/testdata.sql";58echo "HERE2";59updateAll();60//makeTestCase($filename2);61// backupSkeleton($db, $filename);62// backupFullContent($dbname, $filename);63/*64Truncate table student65Truncate table studentlevel66Truncate table testinglevel67Truncate table grades68Truncate table testscores69Truncate table AttendanceEvents;70*/71function updateAll () {72 $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);73 if (!$link) {74 error('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());75 }76 mysql_select_db(DB_NAME);77 $sql = "select * from student where status = 'Active'"; 78 echo $sql;79 $records = mysql_query($sql); 80 if($records != "") {81 $i = 0;82 $j = 0;83// echo "here in";84 while($rec = mysql_fetch_array($records, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {85 $studentid .= ($studentid == "") ? $rec['studentid'] : ",".$rec['studentid'];86 if($i == 40) {87 $filename = WB_PATH . "/exp/testdata_40stu_$j.sql"; 88 echo "$filename - $studentid<br>";89 makeTestCase ($filename, $studentid);90 $j++;91 $i=0;92 $studentid = "";93// break;94 }95 $i++;96 }97 }98 mysql_close($link); 99 echo "Finished updateall";100}101function makeTestCase ($filename, $studentlist='') {102 if($studentlist != '') 103 $studentlist = " and studentmap.studentid in ($studentlist) ";104// echo "FILENAME $filename<br>";105 if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {106 error("Cannot open file ($filename)");107 }108// echo "HERE3";109 // Writes the header to the file out110 testwrite($handle,111 "--\n".112 "-- Database: \n".113 "-- ".gmdate("M d Y", mktime()).", ".gmdate("g:i A", mktime())."\n".114 "--".115 "\n"116 );117 118// student demographic info119 makeInsert("student", "SELECT studentmap.fakestudentid as studentid, studentmap.fakealaskaid as alaskaid, studentmap.fname, studentmap.lname, status, code, site, grade, bday120 FROM student, studentmap 121 WHERE student.studentid = studentmap.studentid $studentlist122 ", $handle);123 124 // studentlevel125 makeinsert("studentlevel", "SELECT studentmap.fakestudentid as studentid, subject, level, progress, start, final, change_username, change_user, change_timestamp, igrp126 FROM studentlevel, studentmap127 WHERE studentlevel.studentid = studentmap.studentid $studentlist128 ", $handle);129 130 // testinglevel131 makeinsert("testinglevel", "SELECT studentmap.fakestudentid as studentid, testinglevel, year132 FROM testinglevel, studentmap133 WHERE testinglevel.studentid = studentmap.studentid $studentlist134 ", $handle);135 136 // grades137 makeinsert("grades", "SELECT studentmap.fakestudentid as studentid, subject, level,std,value,num,psid,storecode, igrp, achange138 FROM grades, studentmap139 WHERE grades.studentid = studentmap.studentid and std != 'comment' $studentlist140 ", $handle);141 142/*143 makeinsert("testscores", "SELECT studentmap.fakealaskaid as alaskaid, year, test,, gradelevel, standard, testscores.status, value, needed, difference, raw_difference, raw_needed, raw_value, level, test_date, importgrp144 FROM testscores, studentmap, student145 WHERE student.studentid = studentmap.studentid and146 student.alaskaid = testscores.alaskaid $studentlist147 ", $handle);148*/149 makeinsert("transcript", "SELECT studentmap.fakestudentid as studentid, subjectid, subjectname, score, timeframe, schoolid, schoolname, year, quarter, gpa150 FROM transcript, studentmap151 WHERE transcript.studentid = studentmap.studentid $studentlist152 ", $handle);153 154 makeinsert("AttendanceEvents", "SELECT studentmap.fakestudentid as studentid, SiteID, Date, PeriodID, CodeID155 FROM AttendanceEvents, studentmap156 WHERE AttendanceEvents.StudentID = studentmap.studentid $studentlist157 ", $handle);158 fclose($handle);159}160function backupSkeleton($dbnames, $filename) {161 $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);162 if (!$link) {163 error('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());164 }165 mysql_select_db(DB_NAME);166 167 if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {168 error("Cannot open file ($filename)");169 }170 171 // Writes the header to the file out172 testwrite($handle,173 "--\n".174 "-- Database: ".DB_NAME."\n".175 "-- ".gmdate("M d Y", mktime()).", ".gmdate("g:i A", mktime())."\n".176 "--".177 "\n"178 );179 180 $tables = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");181 $i=0;182 foreach ($dbnames as $table) {183 $tablename = $table[0];184// echo "$tablename, ";185 $i++;186 $tablecreation = mysql_query('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$tablename); 187 $ctable = mysql_fetch_array($tablecreation, MYSQL_NUM);188 189 testwrite($handle, "\n\n-- Create table $tablename\n\n"); 190 testwrite($handle, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tablename`;\n\n"); 191 testwrite($handle, $ctable[1] .";");192 193 if($table[1] == 'full') {194 testwrite($handle, "\n\n-- Dump data for ".$tablename."\n\n");195 $records = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$tablename); 196 if($records != "") {197 while($rec = mysql_fetch_array($records, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { 198 $sql_code = "INSERT INTO `$tablename` VALUES (";199 $set ='';200 foreach($rec as $insert => $value) {201 $set .= ($set == '') ? '': ', ';202 $set .= "'".addslashes($value)."'";203 }204 testwrite($handle, "$sql_code $set);\n");205 }206 }207 }208 }209 210 fclose($handle);211 212 mysql_close($link);213// echo "#$i";214}215function testwrite($handle, $body) {216 fwrite($handle, $body);217// echo str_replace("\n", "<br>", $body);218}219function makeInsert($table, $sql, $handle) {220 testwrite($handle, "\n\n-- Inserts for table $table\n\n"); 221// echo "-- Inserts for table $table => $sql<br>";222 $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD);223 if (!$link) {224 error('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());225 }226 mysql_select_db(DB_NAME);227 $records = mysql_query($sql); 228 if($records != "") {229 while($rec = mysql_fetch_array($records, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { 230 $sql_code = "INSERT INTO `$table` SET ";231 $set ='';232 foreach($rec as $insert => $value) {233 $set .= ($set == '') ? '': ', ';234 $set .= "$insert = '".addslashes($value)."'";235 }236// echo "$sql_code $set<br>";237 testwrite($handle, "$sql_code $set;\n");238 }239 }240 241 mysql_close($link); 242}243?>...
...26 ->then27 ->object($stdout->getAdapter())->isIdenticalTo($adapter)28 ;29 }30 public function testWrite()31 {32 $this33 ->if($adapter = new atoum\test\adapter())34 ->and($adapter->fopen = null)35 ->and($adapter->fwrite = null)36 ->and($stdout = new std\out($adapter))37 ->then38 ->object($stdout->write($string = uniqid()))->isIdenticalTo($stdout)39 ->adapter($adapter)->call('fwrite')->withArguments(null, $string)->once()40 ->object($stdout->write($string = (uniqid() . "\n")))->isIdenticalTo($stdout)41 ->adapter($adapter)->call('fwrite')->withArguments(null, $string)->once()42 ;43 }44}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$std = new std();2$std->testWrite();3$std = new std();4$std->testWrite();5$std = new std();6$std->testWrite();7$std = new std();8$std->testWrite();9$std = new std();10$std->testWrite();11$std = new std();12$std->testWrite();13$std = new std();14$std->testWrite();15$std = new std();16$std->testWrite();17$std = new std();18$std->testWrite();19$std = new std();20$std->testWrite();21$std = new std();22$std->testWrite();23$std = new std();24$std->testWrite();25$std = new std();26$std->testWrite();27$std = new std();28$std->testWrite();29$std = new std();30$std->testWrite();31$std = new std();32$std->testWrite();33$std = new std();34$std->testWrite();
Using AI Code Generation
1$std = new std;2$std->testWrite();3$std = new std;4$std->testWrite();5$std = new std;6$std->testWrite();7$std = new std;8$std->testWrite();9$std = new std;10$std->testWrite();11$std = new std;12$std->testWrite();13$std = new std;14$std->testWrite();15$std = new std;16$std->testWrite();17$std = new std;18$std->testWrite();19$std = new std;20$std->testWrite();21$std = new std;22$std->testWrite();23$std = new std;24$std->testWrite();25$std = new std;26$std->testWrite();27$std = new std;28$std->testWrite();29$std = new std;30$std->testWrite();31$std = new std;32$std->testWrite();33$std = new std;34$std->testWrite();
Using AI Code Generation
1$test = new stdClass();2$test->testWrite('Hello World');3$test = new stdClass();4$test->testWrite('Hello World');5$test = new stdClass();6$test->testWrite('Hello World');7$test = new stdClass();8$test->testWrite('Hello World');9$test = new stdClass();10$test->testWrite('Hello World');11$test = new stdClass();12$test->testWrite('Hello World');13$test = new stdClass();14$test->testWrite('Hello World');15$test = new stdClass();16$test->testWrite('Hello World');17$test = new stdClass();18$test->testWrite('Hello World');19$test = new stdClass();20$test->testWrite('Hello World');21$test = new stdClass();22$test->testWrite('Hello World');23$test = new stdClass();24$test->testWrite('Hello World');25$test = new stdClass();26$test->testWrite('Hello World');27$test = new stdClass();28$test->testWrite('Hello World');29$test = new stdClass();30$test->testWrite('Hello World');
Using AI Code Generation
1$test = new std;2$test->testWrite(10);3$test = new std;4$test->testRead();5$test = new std;6$test->testRead();7PHP: __callStatic() magic method8public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)9{10 public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)11 {12 . implode(', ', $arguments) . "13";14 }15}16test::runTest('in PHP');17PHP: __get() magic method18public function __get($name)
Using AI Code Generation
1$std = new std;2$std->testWrite();3$std = new std;4$std->testRead();5{6 public static function testWrite()7 {8 echo "write something";9 }10}11std::testWrite();12std::testWrite();
Using AI Code Generation
1$obj = new std();2$obj->testWrite();3$obj->testRead();4$obj->testRead();5$obj->testRead();6$obj->testRead();7$obj->testRead();8$obj->testRead();
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