Best Atoum code snippet using std.testClass
...3use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;4use Runn\Core\CollectionInterface;5use Runn\Core\ObjectAsArrayInterface;6use Runn\Core\CollectionTrait;7class testClass implements CollectionInterface8{9 use CollectionTrait;10}11class Number12{13 protected $data;14 public function __construct($x)15 {16 $this->data = $x;17 }18 public function increment()19 {20 $this->data++;21 }22}23class CollectionTraitTest extends TestCase24{25 public function testFromArray()26 {27 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([100, 200, 300, [400, 500]]);28 $this->assertInstanceOf(CollectionInterface::class, $collection);29 $this->assertCount(4, $collection);30 $this->assertEquals(31 [100, 200, 300, (new testClass)->fromArray([400, 500])],32 $collection->values()33 );34 $this->assertEquals(35 [100, 200, 300, [400, 500]],36 $collection->toArray()37 );38 $this->assertEquals(100, $collection[0]);39 $this->assertEquals(200, $collection[1]);40 $this->assertEquals(300, $collection[2]);41 $this->assertEquals((new testClass)->fromArray([400, 500]), $collection[3]);42 }43 public function testAppendPrependAdd()44 {45 $collection = new testClass();46 $collection->append(100);47 $collection->append(200);48 $this->assertCount(2, $collection);49 $this->assertEquals(100, $collection[0]);50 $this->assertEquals(200, $collection[1]);51 $this->assertEquals(52 [100, 200],53 $collection->toArray()54 );55 $collection->prepend(300);56 $this->assertCount(3, $collection);57 $this->assertEquals(300, $collection[0]);58 $this->assertEquals(100, $collection[1]);59 $this->assertEquals(200, $collection[2]);60 $this->assertEquals(61 [300, 100, 200],62 $collection->toArray()63 );64 $collection->add(400);65 $this->assertCount(4, $collection);66 $this->assertEquals(300, $collection[0]);67 $this->assertEquals(100, $collection[1]);68 $this->assertEquals(200, $collection[2]);69 $this->assertEquals(400, $collection[3]);70 $this->assertEquals(71 [300, 100, 200, 400],72 $collection->toArray()73 );74 $collection->append([1, 2]);75 $this->assertCount(5, $collection);76 $this->assertEquals(77 [300, 100, 200, 400, (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2])],78 $collection->values()79 );80 $collection->prepend([3, 4]);81 $this->assertCount(6, $collection);82 $this->assertEquals(83 [(new testClass)->fromArray([3, 4]), 300, 100, 200, 400, (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2])],84 $collection->values()85 );86 }87 public function testMerge()88 {89 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2]);90 $collection->merge([3, 4]);91 $this->assertCount(4, $collection);92 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4]);93 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $collection->toArray());94 $collection->merge((new testClass)->fromArray([5, 6]));95 $this->assertCount(6, $collection);96 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);97 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $collection->toArray());98 }99 public function testSlice()100 {101 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);102 $this->assertEquals(103 (new testClass)->fromArray([30, 40, 50]),104 $collection->slice(2)105 );106 $this->assertEquals(107 (new testClass)->fromArray([40, 50]),108 $collection->slice(-2)109 );110 $this->assertEquals(111 (new testClass)->fromArray([30, 40]),112 $collection->slice(2, 2)113 );114 $this->assertEquals(115 (new testClass)->fromArray([40]),116 $collection->slice(-2, 1)117 );118 }119 public function testFirstLast()120 {121 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);122 $this->assertEquals(123 10,124 $collection->first()125 );126 $this->assertEquals(127 50,128 $collection->last()129 );130 }131 public function testExistsElementByAttributes()132 {133 $collection = new testClass();134 $el1 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'FooFooFoo']);135 $collection->append($el1);136 $el2 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 2, 'title' => 'bar', 'text' => 'BarBarBar']);137 $collection->append($el2);138 $collection->append(42);139 $this->assertFalse($collection->existsElementByAttributes([]));140 $this->assertTrue($collection->existsElementByAttributes(['id' => 1]));141 $this->assertFalse($collection->existsElementByAttributes(['id' => 3]));142 $this->assertTrue($collection->existsElementByAttributes(['title' => 'foo']));143 $this->assertTrue($collection->existsElementByAttributes(['title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'FooFooFoo']));144 $this->assertFalse($collection->existsElementByAttributes(['title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'BarBarBar']));145 }146 public function testFindAllByAttibutes()147 {148 $collection = new testClass();149 $el1 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'FooFooFoo']);150 $collection->append($el1);151 $el2 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 2, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'AnotherFoo']);152 $collection->append($el2);153 $collection->append(42);154 $this->assertEquals(155 (new testClass)->fromArray([156 new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'FooFooFoo']),157 new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 2, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'AnotherFoo'])158 ]),159 $collection->findAllByAttributes(['title' => 'foo'])160 );161 }162 public function testFindByAttibutes()163 {164 $collection = new testClass();165 $el1 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'FooFooFoo']);166 $collection->append($el1);167 $el2 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 2, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'AnotherFoo']);168 $collection->append($el2);169 $collection->append(42);170 $this->assertEquals(171 new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo', 'text' => 'FooFooFoo']),172 $collection->findByAttributes(['title' => 'foo'])173 );174 }175 public function testSort()176 {177 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([10 => 1, 30 => 3, 20 => 2, 'a' => -1, 'b' => 0, 'c' => 42, 1 => '1', '111', '11']);178 $result = $collection->asort();179 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray(['a' => -1, 'b' => 0, 1 => '1', 10 => 1, 20 => 2, 30 => 3, 32 => '11', 'c' => 42, 31 => '111']);180 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());181 $result = $collection->ksort();182 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray(['a' => -1, 'b' => 0, 'c' => 42, 1 => '1', 10 => 1, 20 => 2, 30 => 3, 31 => '111', 32 => '11']);183 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());184 $result = $collection->uasort(function ($a, $b) { return $a < $b ? 1 : ($a > $b ? -1 : 0);});185 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([31 => '111', 'c' => 42, 32 => '11', 30 => 3, 20 => 2, 10 => 1, 1 => '1', 'b' => 0, 'a' => -1]);186 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());187 $result = $collection->sort(function ($a, $b) { return -($a <=> $b);});188 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([31 => '111', 'c' => 42, 32 => '11', 30 => 3, 20 => 2, 10 => 1, 1 => '1', 'b' => 0, 'a' => -1]);189 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());190 $result = $collection->uksort(function ($a, $b) { return $a < $b ? 1 : ($a > $b ? -1 : 0);});191 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([32 => '11', 31 => '111', 30 => 3, 20 => 2, 10 => 1, 1 => '1', 'c' => 42, 'b' => 0, 'a' => -1]);192 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());193 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([0 => '12', 1 => '10', 2 => '2', 3 => '1']);194 $result = $collection->natsort();195 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([3 => '1', 2 => '2', 1 => '10', 0 => '12']);196 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());197 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([0 => 'IMG0.png', 1 => 'img12.png', 2 => 'img10.png', 3 => 'img2.png', 4 => 'img1.png', 5 => 'IMG3.png']);198 $result = $collection->natcasesort();199 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([0 => 'IMG0.png', 4 => 'img1.png', 3 => 'img2.png', 5 => 'IMG3.png', 2 => 'img10.png', 1 => 'img12.png']);200 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());201 }202 public function testReverse()203 {204 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([10 => 1, 30 => 3, 20 => 2, 'a' => -1, 'b' => 0, 'c' => 42, '111', '11']);205 $result = $collection->reverse();206 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([32 => '11', 31 => '111', 'c' => 42, 'b' => 0, 'a' => -1, 20 => 2, 30 => 3, 10 => 1]);207 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());208 }209 public function testMap()210 {211 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2, 3]);212 $result = $collection->map(function ($x) {return $x*2;});213 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([2, 4, 6]);214 $this->assertEquals(array_values($expected->toArray()), array_values($result->toArray()));215 }216 public function testFilter()217 {218 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, -1, 0, 2, 3, -5]);219 $result = $collection->filter(function ($x) {return $x>0;});220 $expected = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2, 3]);221 $this->assertEquals($expected->toArray(), $result->toArray());222 }223 public function testReduce()224 {225 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([1, 2, 3, 4]);226 $reduced = $collection->reduce(0, function($carry, $item) {227 return $carry + $item;228 });229 $this->assertEquals(10, $reduced);230 }231 public function testCollect()232 {233 $i1 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo']);234 $i2 = new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 2, 'title' => 'bar']);235 $i3 = (object)['id' => 3, 'title' => 'baz'];236 $collection = new testClass();237 $collection->append($i1);238 $collection->append($i2);239 $collection->append($i3);240 $this->assertEquals(241 [242 new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo']),243 new \Runn\Core\Std(['id' => 2, 'title' => 'bar']),244 (object)['id' => 3, 'title' => 'baz']245 ],246 $collection->toArray()247 );248 $ids = $collection->collect('id');249 $this->assertEquals([1, 2, 3], $ids);250 $titles = $collection->collect(function ($x) {251 return $x->title;252 });253 $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], $titles);254 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([255 ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'foo'],256 ['id' => 2, 'title' => 'bar'],257 ['id' => 3, 'title' => 'baz'],258 ]);259 $ids = $collection->collect('id');260 $this->assertEquals([1, 2, 3], $ids);261 $titles = $collection->collect(function ($x) {262 return $x['title'];263 });264 $this->assertEquals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], $titles);265 }266 public function testGroup()267 {268 $collection = (new testClass)->fromArray([269 ['date' => '2000-01-01', 'title' => 'First'],270 ['date' => '2000-01-01', 'title' => 'Second'],271 ['date' => '2000-01-02', 'title' => 'Third'],272 (object)['date' => '2000-01-04', 'title' => 'Fourth'],273 ]);274 $grouped = $collection->group('date');275 $this->assertEquals([276 '2000-01-01' => (new testClass)->fromArray([['date' => '2000-01-01', 'title' => 'First'], ['date' => '2000-01-01', 'title' => 'Second']]),277 '2000-01-02' => (new testClass)->fromArray([['date' => '2000-01-02', 'title' => 'Third']]),278 '2000-01-04' => (new testClass)->fromArray([(object)['date' => '2000-01-04', 'title' => 'Fourth']]),279 ], $grouped);280 $grouped = $collection->group(function ($x) {return date('m-d', strtotime($x instanceof ObjectAsArrayInterface ? $x['date'] : $x->date));});281 $this->assertEquals([282 '01-01' => (new testClass)->fromArray([['date' => '2000-01-01', 'title' => 'First'], ['date' => '2000-01-01', 'title' => 'Second']]),283 '01-02' => (new testClass)->fromArray([['date' => '2000-01-02', 'title' => 'Third']]),284 '01-04' => (new testClass)->fromArray([(object)['date' => '2000-01-04', 'title' => 'Fourth']]),285 ], $grouped);286 }287 public function testCall()288 {289 $collection = new testClass();290 $collection->append(new Number(1));291 $collection->append(new Number(2));292 $collection->append(new Number(3));293 $collectionExpected = new testClass();294 $collectionExpected->append(new Number(2));295 $collectionExpected->append(new Number(3));296 $collectionExpected->append(new Number(4));297 $collection->increment();298 $this->assertEquals($collectionExpected, $collection);299 }300}...
1--TEST--2SPL: SplObjectStorage with accociatied information3--FILE--4<?php5class TestClass6{7 public $test = 25;8 public function __construct($test = 42)9 {10 $this->test = $test;11 }12}13class MyStorage extends SplObjectStorage14{15 public $bla = 25;16 public function __construct($bla = 26)17 {18 $this->bla = $bla;19 }20}21$storage = new MyStorage();22foreach(array(1=>"foo",2=>42) as $key => $value)23{24 $storage->attach(new TestClass($key), $value);25}26var_dump(count($storage));27foreach($storage as $object)28{29 var_dump($object->test);30}31var_dump($storage);32var_dump(serialize($storage));33echo "===UNSERIALIZE===\n";34$storage2 = unserialize(serialize($storage));35var_dump(count($storage2));36foreach($storage2 as $object)37{38 var_dump($object->test);39}40var_dump($storage2);41$storage->attach(new TestClass(3), new stdClass);42$storage->attach(new TestClass(4), new TestClass(5));43echo "===UNSERIALIZE2===\n";44var_dump(unserialize(serialize($storage)));45$storage->rewind();46$storage->next();47var_dump($storage->key());48var_dump($storage->current());49var_dump($storage->getInfo());50$storage->setInfo("bar");51var_dump($storage->getInfo());52echo "===UNSERIALIZE3===\n";53var_dump(unserialize(serialize($storage)));54$storage->rewind();55$storage->next();56$storage->next();57var_dump($storage->key());58var_dump($storage->current());59$storage->attach($storage->current(), "replaced");60echo "===UNSERIALIZE4===\n";61var_dump(unserialize(serialize($storage)));62?>63===DONE===64<?php exit(0); ?>65--EXPECTF--66int(2)67int(1)68int(2)69object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {70 ["bla"]=>71 int(26)72 ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>73 array(2) {74 ["%s"]=>75 array(2) {76 ["obj"]=>77 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {78 ["test"]=>79 int(1)80 }81 ["inf"]=>82 string(3) "foo"83 }84 ["%s"]=>85 array(2) {86 ["obj"]=>87 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {88 ["test"]=>89 int(2)90 }91 ["inf"]=>92 int(42)93 }94 }95}96string(%d) "%s"97===UNSERIALIZE===98int(2)99int(1)100int(2)101object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {102 ["bla"]=>103 int(26)104 ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>105 array(2) {106 ["%s"]=>107 array(2) {108 ["obj"]=>109 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {110 ["test"]=>111 int(1)112 }113 ["inf"]=>114 string(3) "foo"115 }116 ["%s"]=>117 array(2) {118 ["obj"]=>119 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {120 ["test"]=>121 int(2)122 }123 ["inf"]=>124 int(42)125 }126 }127}128===UNSERIALIZE2===129object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {130 ["bla"]=>131 int(26)132 ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>133 array(4) {134 ["%s"]=>135 array(2) {136 ["obj"]=>137 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {138 ["test"]=>139 int(1)140 }141 ["inf"]=>142 string(3) "foo"143 }144 ["%s"]=>145 array(2) {146 ["obj"]=>147 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {148 ["test"]=>149 int(2)150 }151 ["inf"]=>152 int(42)153 }154 ["%s"]=>155 array(2) {156 ["obj"]=>157 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {158 ["test"]=>159 int(3)160 }161 ["inf"]=>162 object(stdClass)#%d (0) {163 }164 }165 ["%s"]=>166 array(2) {167 ["obj"]=>168 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {169 ["test"]=>170 int(4)171 }172 ["inf"]=>173 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {174 ["test"]=>175 int(5)176 }177 }178 }179}180int(1)181object(TestClass)#%d (1) {182 ["test"]=>183 int(2)184}185int(42)186string(3) "bar"187===UNSERIALIZE3===188object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {189 ["bla"]=>190 int(26)191 ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>192 array(4) {193 ["%s"]=>194 array(2) {195 ["obj"]=>196 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {197 ["test"]=>198 int(1)199 }200 ["inf"]=>201 string(3) "foo"202 }203 ["%s"]=>204 array(2) {205 ["obj"]=>206 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {207 ["test"]=>208 int(2)209 }210 ["inf"]=>211 string(3) "bar"212 }213 ["%s"]=>214 array(2) {215 ["obj"]=>216 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {217 ["test"]=>218 int(3)219 }220 ["inf"]=>221 object(stdClass)#%d (0) {222 }223 }224 ["%s"]=>225 array(2) {226 ["obj"]=>227 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {228 ["test"]=>229 int(4)230 }231 ["inf"]=>232 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {233 ["test"]=>234 int(5)235 }236 }237 }238}239int(2)240object(TestClass)#7 (1) {241 ["test"]=>242 int(3)243}244===UNSERIALIZE4===245object(MyStorage)#%d (2) {246 ["bla"]=>247 int(26)248 ["storage":"SplObjectStorage":private]=>249 array(4) {250 ["%s"]=>251 array(2) {252 ["obj"]=>253 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {254 ["test"]=>255 int(1)256 }257 ["inf"]=>258 string(3) "foo"259 }260 ["%s"]=>261 array(2) {262 ["obj"]=>263 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {264 ["test"]=>265 int(2)266 }267 ["inf"]=>268 string(3) "bar"269 }270 ["%s"]=>271 array(2) {272 ["obj"]=>273 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {274 ["test"]=>275 int(3)276 }277 ["inf"]=>278 string(8) "replaced"279 }280 ["%s"]=>281 array(2) {282 ["obj"]=>283 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {284 ["test"]=>285 int(4)286 }287 ["inf"]=>288 object(TestClass)#%d (1) {289 ["test"]=>290 int(5)291 }292 }293 }294}295===DONE===...
Using AI Code Generation
1$testClass = new testClass();2$testClass->testClassMethod();3$testClass = new testClass();4$testClass->testClassMethod();5$testClass = new testClass();6$testClass->testClassMethod();7$testClass = new testClass();8$testClass->testClassMethod();9$testClass = new testClass();10$testClass->testClassMethod();11$testClass = new testClass();12$testClass->testClassMethod();13$testClass = new testClass();14$testClass->testClassMethod();15$testClass = new testClass();16$testClass->testClassMethod();17$testClass = new testClass();18$testClass->testClassMethod();19$testClass = new testClass();20$testClass->testClassMethod();21$testClass = new testClass();22$testClass->testClassMethod();23$testClass = new testClass();24$testClass->testClassMethod();25$testClass = new testClass();26$testClass->testClassMethod();27$testClass = new testClass();28$testClass->testClassMethod();29$testClass = new testClass();30$testClass->testClassMethod();
Using AI Code Generation
1$test = new testClass();2$test->testMethod();3$test = new testClass();4$test->testMethod();5$test = new testClass();6$test->testMethod();7$test = new testClass();8$test->testMethod();9$test = new testClass();10$test->testMethod();11$test = new testClass();12$test->testMethod();13$test = new testClass();14$test->testMethod();15$test = new testClass();16$test->testMethod();17$test = new testClass();18$test->testMethod();19$test = new testClass();20$test->testMethod();21$test = new testClass();22$test->testMethod();23$test = new testClass();24$test->testMethod();25$test = new testClass();26$test->testMethod();27$test = new testClass();28$test->testMethod();29$test = new testClass();30$test->testMethod();31$test = new testClass();32$test->testMethod();
Using AI Code Generation
1$test = new stdclass();2$test->testClass();3$test = new stdclass();4$test->testClass();5$test = new stdclass();6$test->testClass();7$test = new stdclass();8$test->testClass();9$test = new stdclass();10$test->testClass();11$test = new stdclass();12$test->testClass();13$test = new stdclass();14$test->testClass();15$test = new stdclass();16$test->testClass();17$test = new stdclass();18$test->testClass();19$test = new stdclass();20$test->testClass();21$test = new stdclass();22$test->testClass();23$test = new stdclass();24$test->testClass();25$test = new stdclass();26$test->testClass();27$test = new stdclass();28$test->testClass();29$test = new stdclass();30$test->testClass();31$test = new stdclass();32$test->testClass();
Using AI Code Generation
1$std = new std();2$std->testClass();3$test = new test();4$test->testClass();5class std{6 public function testClass(){7 echo "This is std class";8 }9}10class test extends std{11 public function testClass(){12 echo "This is test class";13 }14}
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