Best Atoum code snippet using std.__destruct
...4<?php5try {6 var_dump(new class {7 function __toString() { return "a"; }8 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }9 } . "foo");10} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 1\n"; }11try {12 var_dump([0] + [new class {13 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }14 }]);15} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 2\n"; }16try {17 $foo = [0];18 var_dump($foo += [new class {19 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }20 }]);21} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 3\n"; }22try {23 $foo = (object)["foo" => [0]];24 var_dump($foo->foo += [new class {25 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }26 }]);27} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 4\n"; }28try {29 $foo = new class {30 function __get($x) { return [0]; }31 function __set($x, $y) {}32 };33 var_dump($foo->foo += [new class {34 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }35 }]);36} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 5\n"; }37try {38 $foo = new class {39 public $bar = [0];40 function &__get($x) { return $this->bar; }41 };42 var_dump($foo->foo += [new class {43 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }44 }]);45} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 6\n"; }46try {47 $foo = new class implements ArrayAccess {48 function offsetGet($x) { return [0]; }49 function offsetSet($x, $y) {}50 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }51 function offsetUnset($x) {}52 };53 var_dump($foo[0] += [new class {54 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }55 }]);56} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 7\n"; }57try {58 $foo = new class implements ArrayAccess {59 public $foo = [0];60 function &offsetGet($x) { return $this->foo; }61 function offsetSet($x, $y) {}62 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }63 function offsetUnset($x) {}64 };65 var_dump($foo[0] += [new class {66 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }67 }]);68} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 8\n"; }69try {70 var_dump((function() { return new class {71 function __construct() { $this->foo = new stdClass; }72 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }73 }; })()->foo++);74} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 9\n"; }75try {76 var_dump((function() { return new class {77 function __get($x) { return new stdClass; }78 function __set($x, $y) {}79 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }80 }; })()->foo++);81} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 10\n"; }82try {83 var_dump((function() { return new class {84 function __construct() { $this->bar = new stdClass; }85 function &__get($x) { return $this->bar; }86 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }87 }; })()->foo++);88} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 11\n"; }89try {90 var_dump(++(function() { return new class {91 function __construct() { $this->foo = new stdClass; }92 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }93 }; })()->foo);94} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 12\n"; }95try {96 var_dump(++(function() { return new class {97 function __get($x) { return new stdClass; }98 function __set($x, $y) {}99 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }100 }; })()->foo);101} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 13\n"; }102try {103 var_dump(++(function() { return new class {104 function __construct() { $this->bar = new stdClass; }105 function &__get($x) { return $this->bar; }106 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }107 }; })()->foo);108} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 14\n"; }109try {110 var_dump((function() { return new class implements ArrayAccess {111 function offsetGet($x) { return [new stdClass]; }112 function offsetSet($x, $y) {}113 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }114 function offsetUnset($x) {}115 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }116 }; })()[0]++);117} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 15\n"; }118try {119 var_dump(++(function() { return new class implements ArrayAccess {120 function offsetGet($x) { return [new stdClass]; }121 function offsetSet($x, $y) {}122 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }123 function offsetUnset($x) {}124 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }125 }; })()[0]);126} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 16\n"; }127try {128 var_dump((new class {129 function __construct() { $this->foo = new stdClass; }130 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }131 })->foo);132} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 17\n"; }133try {134 var_dump((new class {135 function __get($x) { return new stdClass; }136 function __set($x, $y) {}137 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }138 })->foo);139} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 18\n"; }140try {141 var_dump((new class implements ArrayAccess {142 function offsetGet($x) { return [new stdClass]; }143 function offsetSet($x, $y) {}144 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }145 function offsetUnset($x) {}146 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }147 })[0]);148} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 19\n"; }149try {150 var_dump(isset((new class {151 function __construct() { $this->foo = new stdClass; }152 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }153 })->foo->bar));154} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 20\n"; }155try {156 var_dump(isset((new class {157 function __get($x) { return new stdClass; }158 function __set($x, $y) {}159 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }160 })->foo->bar));161} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 21\n"; }162try {163 var_dump(isset((new class implements ArrayAccess {164 function offsetGet($x) { return [new stdClass]; }165 function offsetSet($x, $y) {}166 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }167 function offsetUnset($x) {}168 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }169 })[0]->bar));170} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 22\n"; }171try {172 $foo = new class {173 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }174 };175 var_dump($foo = new stdClass);176} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 23\n"; }177try {178 $foo = [new class {179 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }180 }];181 var_dump($foo[0] = new stdClass);182} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 24\n"; }183try {184 $foo = (object) ["foo" => new class {185 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }186 }];187 var_dump($foo->foo = new stdClass);188} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 25\n"; }189try {190 $foo = new class {191 function __get($x) {}192 function __set($x, $y) { throw new Exception; }193 };194 var_dump($foo->foo = new stdClass);195} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 26\n"; }196try {197 $foo = new class implements ArrayAccess {198 function offsetGet($x) {}199 function offsetSet($x, $y) { throw new Exception; }200 function offsetExists($x) { return true; }201 function offsetUnset($x) {}202 };203 var_dump($foo[0] = new stdClass);204} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 27\n"; }205try {206 $foo = new class {207 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }208 };209 $bar = new stdClass;210 var_dump($foo = &$bar);211} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 28\n"; }212try {213 $f = function() {214 return new class {215 function __toString() { return "a"; }216 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }217 };218 };219 var_dump("{$f()}foo");220} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 29\n"; }221try {222 $f = function() {223 return new class {224 function __toString() { return "a"; }225 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }226 };227 };228 var_dump("bar{$f()}foo");229} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 30\n"; }230try {231 var_dump((string) new class {232 function __toString() { $x = "Z"; return ++$x; }233 function __destruct() { throw new Exception; }234 });235} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 31\n"; }236try {237 var_dump(clone (new class {238 function __clone() { throw new Exception; }239 }));240} catch (Exception $e) { print "caught Exception 32\n"; }241?>242--EXPECTF--243caught Exception 1244caught Exception 2245caught Exception 3246caught Exception 4247caught Exception 5...
Using AI Code Generation
1class foo {2 public function __destruct() {3";4 }5}6$foo = new foo();7class foo {8 public function __destruct() {9";10 }11}12$foo = new foo();13PHP __destruct() Method Example14class Employee {15 public $id;16 public $name;17 public $salary;18 public function __construct($id, $name, $salary) {19 $this->id = $id;20 $this->name = $name;21 $this->salary = $salary;22 }23 public function __destruct() {24";25 }26}27$e1 = new Employee(1, "John", 1000);28$e2 = new Employee(2, "Smith", 2000);
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public function __destruct()3 {4 echo "Destruct called";5 }6}7$obj = new Test();8{9 public function __destruct()10 {11 echo "Destruct called";12 }13}14$obj = new Test();15{16 public function __destruct()17 {18 echo "Destruct called";19 }20}21$obj = new Test();22{23 public function __destruct()24 {25 echo "Destruct called";26 }27}28$obj = new Test();29{30 public function __destruct()31 {32 echo "Destruct called";33 }34}35$obj = new Test();36{37 public function __destruct()38 {39 echo "Destruct called";40 }41}42$obj = new Test();43{44 public function __destruct()45 {46 echo "Destruct called";47 }48}49$obj = new Test();50{51 public function __destruct()52 {53 echo "Destruct called";54 }55}56$obj = new Test();57{58 public function __destruct()59 {60 echo "Destruct called";61 }62}63$obj = new Test();64{65 public function __destruct()66 {67 echo "Destruct called";68 }69}70$obj = new Test();71{72 public function __destruct()73 {74 echo "Destruct called";75 }76}77$obj = new Test();
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public function __destruct()3 {4 echo "Destructed";5 }6}7$test = new test();8{9 public function __destruct()10 {11 echo "Destructed";12 }13}14$test = new test();15{16 public function __destruct()17 {18 echo "Destructed";19 }20}21$test = new test();22{23 public function __destruct()24 {25 echo "Destructed";26 }27}28$test = new test();29{30 public function __destruct()31 {32 echo "Destructed";33 }34}35$test = new test();36{37 public function __destruct()38 {39 echo "Destructed";40 }41}42$test = new test();43{44 public function __destruct()45 {46 echo "Destructed";47 }48}49$test = new test();50{51 public function __destruct()52 {53 echo "Destructed";54 }55}56$test = new test();57{58 public function __destruct()59 {60 echo "Destructed";61 }62}63$test = new test();64{65 public function __destruct()66 {67 echo "Destructed";68 }69}70$test = new test();71{72 public function __destruct()73 {74 echo "Destructed";75 }76}77$test = new test();
Using AI Code Generation
1class A{2 public function __destruct(){3 echo "Class A has been destroyed";4 }5}6$obj = new A();7class B{8 public function __destruct(){9 echo "Class B has been destroyed";10 }11}12$obj = new B();13class C{14 public function __destruct(){15 echo "Class C has been destroyed";16 }17}18$obj = new C();19class D{20 public function __destruct(){21 echo "Class D has been destroyed";22 }23}24$obj = new D();25class E{26 public function __destruct(){27 echo "Class E has been destroyed";28 }29}30$obj = new E();31class F{32 public function __destruct(){33 echo "Class F has been destroyed";34 }35}36$obj = new F();37class G{38 public function __destruct(){39 echo "Class G has been destroyed";40 }41}42$obj = new G();43class H{44 public function __destruct(){45 echo "Class H has been destroyed";46 }47}48$obj = new H();49class I{50 public function __destruct(){51 echo "Class I has been destroyed";52 }53}54$obj = new I();55class J{56 public function __destruct(){
Using AI Code Generation
1class a{2 function __destruct(){3 echo "Destructor called";4 }5}6$obj = new a();7class a{8 function __destruct(){9 echo "Destructor called";10 }11}12$obj = new a();13class a{14 function __destruct(){15 echo "Destructor called";16 }17}18$obj = new a();19class a{20 function __destruct(){21 echo "Destructor called";22 }23}24$obj = new a();25class a{26 function __destruct(){27 echo "Destructor called";28 }29}30$obj = new a();31class a{32 function __destruct(){33 echo "Destructor called";34 }35}36$obj = new a();37class a{38 function __destruct(){39 echo "Destructor called";40 }41}42$obj = new a();43class a{44 function __destruct(){45 echo "Destructor called";46 }47}48$obj = new a();49class a{50 function __destruct(){51 echo "Destructor called";52 }53}54$obj = new a();
Using AI Code Generation
1$std = new stdClass();2$std->name = "Saurabh";3$std->age = 25;4echo "Name: ".$std->name." Age: ".$std->age;5$std->__destruct();6$std = new stdClass();7$std->name = "Saurabh";8$std->age = 25;9echo "Name: ".$std->name." Age: ".$std->age;10unset($std);11PHP | __destruct() function in PHP with examples12PHP | __call() function in PHP with examples13PHP | __callStatic() function in PHP with examples14PHP | __get() function in PHP with examples15PHP | __set() function in PHP with examples16PHP | __isset() function in PHP with examples17PHP | __unset() function in PHP with examples18PHP | __sleep() function in PHP with examples19PHP | __wakeup() function in PHP with examples20PHP | __invoke() function in PHP with examples21PHP | __toString() function in PHP with examples22PHP | __clone() function in PHP with examples23PHP | __autoload() function in PHP with examples24PHP | __set_state() function in PHP with examples25PHP | __debugInfo() function in PHP with examples
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public function __destruct()3 {4 echo "Destructor called";5 }6}7$obj = new abc();8{9 public function __destruct()10 {11 echo "Destructor called";12 }13}14$obj = new abc();15{16 public function __destruct()17 {18 echo "Destructor called";19 }20}21$obj = new abc();22{23 public function __destruct()24 {25 echo "Destructor called";26 }27}28$obj = new abc();29{30 public function __destruct()31 {32 echo "Destructor called";33 }34}35$obj = new abc();36{37 public function __destruct()38 {39 echo "Destructor called";40 }41}42$obj = new abc();43{44 public function __destruct()45 {46 echo "Destructor called";47 }48}49$obj = new abc();50{51 public function __destruct()52 {53 echo "Destructor called";54 }55}56$obj = new abc();
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public function __destruct()3 {4 echo "destructor";5 }6}7$obj = new A();8PHP OOPs: __construct() Method9PHP OOPs: __call() Method10PHP OOPs: __callStatic() Method11PHP OOPs: __get() Method12PHP OOPs: __set() Method13PHP OOPs: __isset() Method14PHP OOPs: __unset() Method15PHP OOPs: __sleep() Method16PHP OOPs: __wakeup() Method17PHP OOPs: __toString() Method18PHP OOPs: __invoke() Method19PHP OOPs: __set_state() Method20PHP OOPs: __clone() Method21PHP OOPs: __debugInfo() Method22PHP OOPs: __autoload() Method23PHP OOPs: __halt_compiler() Method24PHP OOPs: __invoke() Method25PHP OOPs: __halt_compiler() Method26PHP OOPs: __autoload() Method27PHP OOPs: __debugInfo() Method28PHP OOPs: __clone() Method29PHP OOPs: __set_state() Method30PHP OOPs: __invoke() Method31PHP OOPs: __toString() Method32PHP OOPs: __wakeup() Method33PHP OOPs: __sleep() Method34PHP OOPs: __unset() Method35PHP OOPs: __isset() Method36PHP OOPs: __set() Method37PHP OOPs: __get() Method38PHP OOPs: __callStatic() Method39PHP OOPs: __call() Method40PHP OOPs: __construct() Method41PHP OOPs: __destruct() Method42PHP OOPs: __get() Method43PHP OOPs: __set() Method
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