Best Atoum code snippet using script.setLocale
1<?php2// rcs_id('$Id: config.php 7797 2010-12-21 13:23:45Z vargenau $');3/*4 * NOTE: The settings here should probably not need to be changed.5 * The user-configurable settings have been moved to IniConfig.php6 * The run-time code has been moved to lib/IniConfig.php:fix_configs()7 */8if (!defined("LC_ALL")) {9 define("LC_ALL", 0);10 define("LC_CTYPE", 2);11}12// debug flags:13define ('_DEBUG_VERBOSE', 1); // verbose msgs and add validator links on footer14define ('_DEBUG_PAGELINKS', 2); // list the extraced pagelinks at the top of each pages15define ('_DEBUG_PARSER', 4); // verbose parsing steps16define ('_DEBUG_TRACE', 8); // test php memory usage, prints php debug backtraces17define ('_DEBUG_INFO', 16);18define ('_DEBUG_APD', 32); // APD tracing/profiling19define ('_DEBUG_LOGIN', 64); // verbose login debug-msg (settings and reason for failure)20define ('_DEBUG_SQL', 128); // force check db, force optimize, print some debugging logs21define ('_DEBUG_REMOTE', 256); // remote debug into subrequests (xmlrpc, ajax, wikiwyg, ...)22 // or test local SearchHighlight.23 // internal links have persistent ?start_debug=124function isCGI() {25 return (substr(php_sapi_name(),0,3) == 'cgi' and26 isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']['GATEWAY_INTERFACE']) and27 @preg_match('/CGI/',$GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']['GATEWAY_INTERFACE']));28}29// essential internal stuff30if (!check_php_version(5,3)) {31 set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);32}33/**34 * Browser Detection Functions35 *36 * @author: ReiniUrban37 */38function browserAgent() {39 static $HTTP_USER_AGENT = false;40 if ($HTTP_USER_AGENT !== false) return $HTTP_USER_AGENT;41 if (!$HTTP_USER_AGENT)42 $HTTP_USER_AGENT = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];43 if (!$HTTP_USER_AGENT) // CGI44 $HTTP_USER_AGENT = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_ENV_VARS']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];45 if (!$HTTP_USER_AGENT) // local CGI testing46 $HTTP_USER_AGENT = 'none';47 return $HTTP_USER_AGENT;48}49function browserDetect($match) {50 return (strpos(strtolower(browserAgent()), strtolower($match)) !== false);51}52// returns a similar number for Netscape/Mozilla (gecko=5.0)/IE/Opera features.53function browserVersion() {54 $agent = browserAgent();55 if (strstr($agent, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE"))56 return (float)substr($agent, 30);57 elseif (strstr($agent, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/"))58 return (float)substr($agent, 36);59 elseif (strstr($agent, "AppleWebKit/"))60 return (float)substr($agent, strpos($agent, "AppleWebKit/") + 12);61 else62 return (float)substr($agent, 8);63}64function isBrowserIE() {65 return (browserDetect('Mozilla/') and66 browserDetect('MSIE'));67}68// must omit display alternate stylesheets: konqueror 3.1.469// isBrowserKonqueror($version = false) {71 if ($version) return browserDetect('Konqueror/') and browserVersion() >= $version;72 return browserDetect('Konqueror/');73}74// MacOSX Safari has certain limitations. Need detection and patches.75// * no <object>, only <embed>76function isBrowserSafari($version = false) {77 $found = browserDetect('Spoofer/');78 $found = browserDetect('AppleWebKit/') or $found;79 if ($version) return $found and browserVersion() >= $version;80 return $found;81}82function isBrowserOpera($version = false) {83 if ($version) return browserDetect('Opera/') and browserVersion() >= $version;84 return browserDetect('Opera/');85}86/**87 * If $LANG is undefined:88 * Smart client language detection, based on our supported languages89 * HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE="de-at,en;q=0.5"90 * => "de"91 * We should really check additionally if the i18n HomePage version is defined.92 * So must defer this to the request loop.93 */94function guessing_lang ($languages=false) {95 if (!$languages) {96 // make this faster97 $languages = array("en","de","es","fr","it","ja","zh","nl","sv");98 }99 $accept = false;100 if (isset($GLOBALS['request'])) // in fixup-dynamic-config there's no request yet101 $accept = $GLOBALS['request']->get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');102 elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']))103 $accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];104 if ($accept) {105 $lang_list = array();106 $list = explode(",", $accept);107 for ($i=0; $i<count($list); $i++) {108 $pos = strchr($list[$i], ";") ;109 if ($pos === false) {110 // No Q it is only a locale...111 $lang_list[$list[$i]] = 100;112 } else {113 // Has a Q rating114 $q = explode(";",$list[$i]) ;115 $loc = $q[0] ;116 $q = explode("=",$q[1]) ;117 $lang_list[$loc] = $q[1]*100 ;118 }119 }120 // sort by q desc121 arsort($lang_list);122 // compare with languages, ignoring sublang and charset123 foreach ($lang_list as $lang => $q) {124 if (in_array($lang, $languages))125 return $lang;126 // de_DE.iso8859-1@euro => de_DE.iso8859-1, de_DE, de127 // de-DE => de-DE, de128 foreach (array('@', '.', '_') as $sep) {129 if ( ($tail = strchr($lang, $sep)) ) {130 $lang_short = substr($lang, 0, -strlen($tail));131 if (in_array($lang_short, $languages))132 return $lang_short;133 }134 }135 if ($pos = strchr($lang, "-") and in_array(substr($lang, 0, $pos), $languages))136 return substr($lang, 0, $pos);137 }138 }139 return $languages[0];140}141/**142 * Smart setlocale().143 *144 * This is a version of the builtin setlocale() which is145 * smart enough to try some alternatives...146 *147 * @param mixed $category148 * @param string $locale149 * @return string The new locale, or <code>false</code> if unable150 * to set the requested locale.151 * @see setlocale152 * [56ms]153 */154function guessing_setlocale ($category, $locale) {155 $alt = array('en' => array('C', 'en_US', 'en_GB', 'en_AU', 'en_CA', 'english'),156 'de' => array('de_DE', 'de_DE', 'de_DE@euro',157 'de_AT@euro', 'de_AT', 'German_Austria.1252', 'deutsch',158 'german', 'ge'),159 'es' => array('es_ES', 'es_MX', 'es_AR', 'spanish'),160 'nl' => array('nl_NL', 'dutch'),161 'fr' => array('fr_FR', 'français', 'french'),162 'it' => array('it_IT'),163 'sv' => array('sv_SE'),164 'ja.utf-8' => array('ja_JP','ja_JP.utf-8','japanese'),165 'ja.euc-jp' => array('ja_JP','ja_JP.eucJP','japanese.euc'),166 'zh' => array('zh_TW', 'zh_CN'),167 );168 if (!$locale or $locale=='C') {169 // do the reverse: return the detected locale collapsed to our LANG170 $locale = setlocale($category, '');171 if ($locale) {172 if (strstr($locale, '_')) list ($lang) = explode('_', $locale);173 else $lang = $locale;174 if (strlen($lang) > 2) {175 foreach ($alt as $try => $locs) {176 if (in_array($locale, $locs) or in_array($lang, $locs)) {177 //if (empty($GLOBALS['LANG'])) $GLOBALS['LANG'] = $try;178 return $try;179 }180 }181 }182 }183 }184 if (strlen($locale) == 2)185 $lang = $locale;186 else187 list ($lang) = explode('_', $locale);188 if (!isset($alt[$lang]))189 return false;190 foreach ($alt[$lang] as $try) {191 if ($res = setlocale($category, $try))192 return $res;193 // Try with charset appended...194 $try = $try . '.' . $GLOBALS['charset'];195 if ($res = setlocale($category, $try))196 return $res;197 foreach (array(".", '@', '_') as $sep) {198 if ($i = strpos($try, $sep)) {199 $try = substr($try, 0, $i);200 if (($res = setlocale($category, $try)))201 return $res;202 }203 }204 }205 return false;206 // A standard locale name is typically of the form207 // language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier], where language is208 // an ISO 639 language code, territory is an ISO 3166 country code,209 // and codeset is a character set or encoding identifier like210 // ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8.211}212// [99ms]213function update_locale($loc) {214 if ($loc == 'C' or $loc == 'en') return;215 // $LANG or DEFAULT_LANGUAGE is too less information, at least on unix for216 // setlocale(), for bindtextdomain() to succeed.217 $setlocale = guessing_setlocale(LC_ALL, $loc); // [56ms]218 if (!$setlocale) { // system has no locale for this language, so gettext might fail219 $setlocale = FileFinder::_get_lang();220 list ($setlocale,) = explode('_', $setlocale, 2);221 $setlocale = guessing_setlocale(LC_ALL, $setlocale); // try again222 if (!$setlocale) $setlocale = $loc;223 }224 // Try to put new locale into environment (so any225 // programs we run will get the right locale.)226 if (!function_exists('bindtextdomain')) {227 // Reinitialize translation array.228 global $locale;229 $locale = array();230 // do reinit to purge PHP's static cache [43ms]231 if ( ($lcfile = FindLocalizedFile("LC_MESSAGES/phpwiki.php", 'missing_ok', 'reinit')) ) {232 include($lcfile);233 }234 } else {235 // If PHP is in safe mode, this is not allowed,236 // so hide errors...237 @putenv("LC_ALL=$setlocale");238 @putenv("LANG=$loc");239 @putenv("LANGUAGE=$loc");240 }241 // To get the POSIX character classes in the PCRE's (e.g.242 // [[:upper:]]) to match extended characters (e.g. GrüÃGott), we have243 // to set the locale, using setlocale().244 //245 // The problem is which locale to set? We would like to recognize all246 // upper-case characters in the iso-8859-1 character set as upper-case247 // characters --- not just the ones which are in the current $LANG.248 //249 // As it turns out, at least on my system (Linux/glibc-2.2) as long as250 // you setlocale() to anything but "C" it works fine. (I'm not sure251 // whether this is how it's supposed to be, or whether this is a bug252 // in the libc...)253 //254 // We don't currently use the locale setting for anything else, so for255 // now, just set the locale to US English.256 //257 // FIXME: Not all environments may support en_US? We should probably258 // have a list of locales to try.259 if (setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0) == 'C') {260 $x = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.' . $GLOBALS['charset']);261 } else {262 $x = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $setlocale);263 }264 return $loc;265}266function deduce_script_name() {267 $s = &$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'];268 $script = @$s['SCRIPT_NAME'];269 if (empty($script) or $script[0] != '/') {270 // Some places (e.g. Lycos) only supply a relative name in271 // SCRIPT_NAME, but give what we really want in SCRIPT_URL.272 if (!empty($s['SCRIPT_URL']))273 $script = $s['SCRIPT_URL'];274 }275 return $script;276}277function IsProbablyRedirectToIndex () {278 // This might be a redirect to the DirectoryIndex,279 // e.g. REQUEST_URI = /dir/?some_action got redirected280 // to SCRIPT_NAME = /dir/index.php281 // In this case, the proper virtual path is still282 // $SCRIPT_NAME, since pages appear at283 // e.g. /dir/index.php/HomePage.284 $requri = preg_replace('/\?.*$/','',$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['REQUEST_URI']);285 $requri = preg_quote($requri, '%');286 return preg_match("%^${requri}[^/]*$%", $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SCRIPT_NAME']);287}288// needed < php5289// by bradhuizenga at softhome dot net from the php docs290if (!function_exists('str_ireplace')) {291 function str_ireplace($find, $replace, $string) {292 if (!is_array($find)) $find = array($find);293 if (!is_array($replace)) {294 if (!is_array($find))295 $replace = array($replace);296 else {297 // this will duplicate the string into an array the size of $find298 $c = count($find);299 $rString = $replace;300 unset($replace);301 for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {302 $replace[$i] = $rString;303 }304 }305 }306 foreach ($find as $fKey => $fItem) {307 $between = explode(strtolower($fItem),strtolower($string));308 $pos = 0;309 foreach ($between as $bKey => $bItem) {310 $between[$bKey] = substr($string,$pos,strlen($bItem));311 $pos += strlen($bItem) + strlen($fItem);312 }313 $string = implode($replace[$fKey], $between);314 }315 return($string);316 }317}318// htmlspecialchars_decode exists for PHP >= 5.1319if (!function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) {320 function htmlspecialchars_decode($text) {321 return strtr($text, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS)));322 }323}324/**325 * safe php4 definition for clone.326 * php5 copies objects by reference, but we need to clone "deep copy" in some places.327 * (BlockParser)328 * We need to eval it as workaround for the php5 parser.329 * See */331if (!check_php_version(5)) {332 eval('333 function clone($object) {334 return $object;335 }336 ');337}338function getUploadFilePath() {339 if (defined('UPLOAD_FILE_PATH')) {340 // Force creation of the returned directory if it does not exist.341 if (!file_exists(UPLOAD_FILE_PATH)) {342 mkdir(UPLOAD_FILE_PATH, 0775);343 }344 if (string_ends_with(UPLOAD_FILE_PATH, "/")345 or string_ends_with(UPLOAD_FILE_PATH, "\\")) {346 return UPLOAD_FILE_PATH;347 } else {348 return UPLOAD_FILE_PATH."/";349 }350 }351 return defined('PHPWIKI_DIR')352 ? PHPWIKI_DIR . "/uploads/"353 : realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../uploads/");354}355function getUploadDataPath() {356 if (defined('UPLOAD_DATA_PATH')) {357 return string_ends_with(UPLOAD_DATA_PATH, "/")358 ? UPLOAD_DATA_PATH : UPLOAD_DATA_PATH."/";359 }360 return SERVER_URL . (string_ends_with(DATA_PATH, "/") ? '' : "/")361 . DATA_PATH . '/uploads/';362}363// Local Variables:364// mode: php365// tab-width: 8366// c-basic-offset: 4367// c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil368// indent-tabs-mode: nil369// End:370?>...
...10 <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdown" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">11 <img src="<?php echo getLocaleFlag(); ?>"> <?php echo localize("Wiki.Global.Language-Name"); ?>12 </a>13 <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right p-1" style="min-width: 7.5rem" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdown">14 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('en-GB')"><img class="flag-gb" src=""> English</a>15 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('cs-CZ')"><img class="flag-cs" src=""> ÄeÅ¡tina</a>16 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('de-DE')"><img class="flag-de" src=""> Deutsch</a>17 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('es-ES')"><img class="flag-es" src=""> Español</a>18 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('fr-FR')"><img class="flag-fr" src=""> Français</a>19 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('hu-HU')"><img class="flag-hu" src=""> Magyar</a>20 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('nl-NL')"><img class="flag-nl" src=""> Nederlands</a>21 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('pl-PL')"><img class="flag-pl" src=""> Polski</a>22 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('ro-RO')"><img class="flag-ro" src=""> RomânÄ</a>23 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('ru-RU')"><img class="flag-ru" src=""> PÑÑÑкий</a>24 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('th-TH')"><img class="flag-th" src=""> ภาษาà¹à¸à¸¢</a>25 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('zh-CN')"><img class="flag-cn" src=""> ç®ä½ä¸æ</a>26 <a class="dropdown-item p-1" onclick="setLocale('zh-TW')"><img class="flag-tw" src=""> ç¹é«ä¸æ</a>27 </div>28 </li>29 </ul>30 </div>31</nav>32<script src=""></script>33<script src=""></script>34<script src=""></script>35<script>36 function setLocale(locale) {37 let date = new Date();38 date.setTime(date.getTime() + 30 * 6 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 /* 6 months */);39 document.cookie = "preferred_locale=" + locale + "; expires=" + date.toUTCString() + ";path=/;";40 window.location.reload(false);41 }...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1$script = new script;2$script->setLocale('en_US');3$script->getScript();4$script = new script;5$script->setLocale('es_ES');6$script->getScript();7$script = new script;8$script->setLocale('fr_FR');9$script->getScript();10$script = new script;11$script->setLocale('de_DE');12$script->getScript();13$script = new script;14$script->setLocale('it_IT');15$script->getScript();16$script = new script;17$script->setLocale('pt_PT');18$script->getScript();19$script = new script;20$script->setLocale('ja_JP');21$script->getScript();22$script = new script;23$script->setLocale('ko_KR');24$script->getScript();25$script = new script;26$script->setLocale('zh_CN');27$script->getScript();28$script = new script;29$script->setLocale('zh_TW');30$script->getScript();31$script = new script;32$script->setLocale('en_US');33$script->getScript();34$script = new script;35$script->setLocale('es_ES');36$script->getScript();37$script = new script;38$script->setLocale('fr_FR');39$script->getScript();
Using AI Code Generation
1$script->setLocale('en_US');2$script->setTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles');3$script->setTimeZoneOffset(5.5);4$script->setTimeZoneOffsetFromGMT(5.5);5$script->setTimeZoneId('America/Los_Angeles');6$script->setTimeZoneName('Pacific Standard Time');7$script->setTimeZoneAbbreviation('PST');8$script->setTimeZoneDst(1);9$script->setTimeZoneDstStart(1);10$script->setTimeZoneDstEnd(1);11$script->setTimeZoneOffsetDst(1);12$script->setTimeZoneOffsetDstFromGMT(1);13$script->setTimeZoneOffsetDstFromGMT(1);14$script->setTimeZoneOffsetDstFromGMT(1);
Using AI Code Generation
1setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");2echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";3setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");4echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";5setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");6echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";7setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");8echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";9setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");10echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";11setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");12echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";13setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");14echo "Locale for this script is: ". setlocale(LC_ALL, 0)."\n";15setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");
Using AI Code Generation
1var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE", SORT_NUMERIC));2var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "en_US", SORT_NUMERIC));3var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "fr_FR", SORT_NUMERIC));4var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE", SORT_NUMERIC));5var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "en_US", SORT_NUMERIC));6var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "fr_FR", SORT_NUMERIC));7var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE", SORT_NUMERIC));8var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "en_US", SORT_NUMERIC));9var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "fr_FR", SORT_NUMERIC));10var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE", SORT_NUMERIC));11var_dump(Script::setLocale(LC_ALL, "en_US", SORT_NUMERIC));
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