Best Atoum code snippet using script.getHelp
1<?php2use yii\helpers\Url;3?>4 <div id="page-wrapper" class="gray-bg dashbard-1">5 6 <div class="row wrapper border-bottom white-bg page-heading">7 <div class="col-lg-10">8 <h2>确认ä»æ¬¾</h2>9 10 </div>11 12 </div>13 <div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeIn" >14 <div class="row">15 <div class="col-lg-12">16 <div class="ibox float-e-margins">17 18 <div class="ibox-content">19 20 <div class="wrapper wrapper-content h_wrapper">21 <div class="pop_all" >22 23 <div class="mail-tools tooltip-demo m-t-md he_bottom">24 <h3>25 <span class="font-noraml">订åå·ç ï¼ </span><?=$model->mate_id?>26 </h3>27 <h3>28 <span class="font-noraml">请æ±æ´å©éé¢ï¼ </span><?=$model->money?>ï¼å
ï¼29 </h3>30 31 </div>32 <h2>å®æ´çåç人èµæå¦ä¸ï¼</h2>33 <div class="mail-tools tooltip-demo m-t-md he_bottom">34 <h3>35 <span class="font-noraml">åç人å§åï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->nickname?>36 </h3>37 <h3>38 <span class="font-noraml">èç³»çµè¯ï¼</span><?=$model->gethelp->user->phone?>39 </h3>40 <?php 41 $type= explode(',',$model->gethelp->pay_type);42 foreach ($type as $v) {43 if($v ==3){44 ?> 45 <h3>46 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡ï¼</span><?=$get_bank['bk1'] ?>47 </h3>48 <h3>49 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡æ¯è¡ï¼</span><?=$get_bank['bk_zh1'] ?>50 </h3>51 <h3>52 <span class="font-noraml">é¶è¡è´¦å·ï¼</span><?=$get_bank['bkc1'] ?>53 </h3>54 <?php }else if($v ==1){ ?>55 <h3>56 <span class="font-noraml">åç人æ¯ä»å®ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->alipay?>57 </h3>58 <?php }else if($v ==2){ ?>59 <h3>60 <span class="font-noraml">åç人微信å·ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->weixin?>61 </h3>62 <?php } } ?>63 <?php if(isset($model->gethelp->user->parent->user->nickname)){ ?>64 <h3>65 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->parent->user->nickname?>66 </h3>67 <h3>68 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->parent->user->phone?>69 </h3>70 <?php }else { ?>71 <h3>72 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span>äºæ éè73 </h3>74 <h3>75 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span>æ 76 </h3>77 <?php } ?>78 <p class="red" style="margin-top:10px;">*æä¾è
çéå ä¿¡æ¯ï¼ä¸ºäºæ´å¿«éç确认ï¼è¯·å¨è½¬è´¦ååé</p>79 <p class="red"> *å¨æ¶å°èµéä¹åä¸è¦ç¡®è®¤æ¯ä»ï¼å 为确认äºå°±ä¸è½æ¤éäºï¼ç³»ç»ä¼é»è®¤ä½ å·²ç»æ¶å°é±äºï¼</p>80 </div>81 82 <h2>å®æ´çæä¾è
èµæå¦ä¸ï¼</h2>83 <div class="mail-tools tooltip-demo m-t-md he_bottom">84 <h3>85 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
å§åï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->nickname?>86 </h3>87 <h3>88 <span class="font-noraml">èç³»çµè¯ï¼</span><?=$model->payhelp->user->phone?>89 </h3>90 <?php 91 $type= explode(',',$model->payhelp->pay_type);92 foreach ($type as $v) {93 if($v ==3){94 ?> 95 <h3>96 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡ï¼</span><?=$pay_bank['bk1'] ?>97 </h3>98 <h3>99 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡æ¯è¡ï¼</span><?=$pay_bank['bk_zh1'] ?>100 </h3>101 <h3>102 <span class="font-noraml">é¶è¡è´¦å·ï¼</span><?=$pay_bank['bkc1'] ?>103 </h3>104 <?php }else if($v ==1){ ?>105 <h3>106 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
æ¯ä»å®ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->alipay?>107 </h3>108 <?php }else if($v ==2){ ?>109 <h3>110 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
微信å·ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->weixin?>111 </h3>112 <?php } } ?>113 <?php if(isset($model->payhelp->user->parent->user->nickname)){ ?>114 <h3>115 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->parent->user->nickname?>116 </h3>117 <h3>118 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->parent->user->phone?>119 </h3>120 <?php }else { ?>121 <h3>122 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span>äºæ éè123 </h3>124 <h3>125 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span>æ 126 </h3>127 <?php } ?>128 <p class="red">*å¨æä¾å¸®å©åï¼è¯·æâææä¾ç帮å©âæé®å¹¶éä¸ä»æ¬¾ç¡®è®¤æ件(æ¯ç¥¨æ«æãæ¶æ®æ«ææç½ä¸äº¤ææä½å±å¹æªå¾)æ¾å¨ä¸ä¸ªæ°çªå£ä¸ã</p>129 </div>130 <p class="h_btns" style="width:50%;">131 <button type="button" onclick="window.location='<?=Url::toRoute('user/index')?>'" class="btn btn-w-m btn-default cancle">è¿åé¦é¡µ</button> 132 <button type="button" class="btn btn-w-m btn-primary tan3">确认ä»æ¬¾</button> 133 </p>134 </div>135 136 </div>137 138 </div>139 </div>140 141 </div>142 143 144 145 </div>146 </div>147 </div>148 <!-- å¼¹çª -->149 <div class="theme-popover-mask" ></div><!-- é®ç½© -->150 <!-- 确认ä»æ¬¾çç±å¼¹æ¡å
容 -->151 <div class="pop them3" style="top:30%;padding-bottom:3rem;width:20%;margin-left:-10%;height:auto;">152 <form action="<?=Url::toRoute("user/paymoney")?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">153 <div class="pop_title pr">确认ä»æ¬¾<span class="close "></span></div>154 155 <div class="pop_all">156 <div class="checkbox i-checks h_checks">157 <label>158 <input type="checkbox" class="is_check" value=""> <i></i> æå·²å®æä»æ¬¾159 <input type="hidden" class="inputs " name="_csrf" value="<?= Yii::$app->request->csrfToken ?>" placeholder="">160 <input type="hidden" class="inputs " name="id" value="<?=$model->mate_id?>" placeholder="">161 <input type="hidden" name="img" class="add_img po">162 </label>163 </div> 164 <textarea style="border:1px solid #cccccc; height:100px; width:100%;resize:none;" name="content" placeholder="请è¾å
¥çè¨..."></textarea>165 <div class="all_pics">166 <div class="chuan_input pr fl">167 <input type="file" id="uploadform" class="add_img po">168 </div>169 </div> 170 <p class="h_btns" >171 <button type="button" class="btn btn-w-m btn-default cancle">åæ¶</button> 172 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-w-m btn-primary confirm">确认ä»æ¬¾</button> 173 </p>174 </div>175 </form>176 </div>177 178 <!-- 确认ä»æ¬¾çç±å¼¹æ¡å
容 -->179 180 <!-- å¼¹çª -->181 <!-- Mainly scripts -->182 <script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>183 <script src="js/tan.js"></script>184 <script src="js/megapix-image.js"></script>185 <script src="js/exif.js"></script>186 <!-- Custom and plugin javascript -->187 <script>188 $("body").on('click', '.tan3', function(event) {189 pop_Up3();190 });191 </script>192 <script>193$(function(){194 //éè¦å¼å
¥jQuery195 //åæ°ä¸ºä¸ä¼ å¾çæ§ä»¶çIDå æ¯å¦<input type="file" id="img">196 compressImage('uploadform');197 function compressImage(fileOfId){198 var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");199 var canvasIdName = 'xiefu' + Math.random();200 canvas.setAttribute('id',canvasIdName);201 $('#' + canvasIdName).hide();202 $('body').append(canvas);203 var newImage = null;204 $('#'+fileOfId).on('change',function(){205 var file = this.files[0];206 //EXIFè·åå¾çæ转信æ¯207 var Orientation = null;208 EXIF.getData(file,function(){209 EXIF.getAllTags(this);210 Orientation = EXIF.getTag(this, 'Orientation');211 var mpImg = new MegaPixImage(file);212 // Render resized image into canvas element.213 var resCanvas1 = document.getElementById(canvasIdName);214 mpImg.render(resCanvas1, { maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 800, orientation: Orientation}, function(imgData){215 //--------------------------imgData: å¤çåæç»çbase64ç¼ç å¾ç-----------------------------216 $('.chuan_input').before("<div class='h_wai fl pr'><img src='" + imgData + "'><span class='close1 po dk'></span></div>");217 var a = $("input[name='img']").val(imgData);218 });219 });220 })221 }222})223 // å é¤å¾ç224 $("body").on('click', '.close1', function(event) {225 $(this).parent().remove();226 });227 // å é¤å¾ç228 </script>229 <script>230 $('.confirm').click(function(){231 var img = $('.add_img').val();232 if(! $('.is_check').is(":checked")){233 alert('请å¾éå®æä»æ¬¾æé®');return false;234 }235 if(img == ''){236 alert('为ä¿è¯å®å
¨ 请ä¸ä¼ å¾ç');return false;237 }238 })239 </script>...
1<?php2use yii\helpers\Url;3?>4 <div id="page-wrapper" class="gray-bg dashbard-1">5 6 <div class="row wrapper border-bottom white-bg page-heading">7 <div class="col-lg-10">8 <h2>确认æ¶æ¬¾</h2>9 10 </div>11 12 </div>13 <div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeIn" >14 <div class="row">15 <div class="col-lg-12">16 <div class="ibox float-e-margins">17 18 <div class="ibox-content">19 <div class="pop_all" >20 21 <div class="mail-tools tooltip-demo m-t-md he_bottom">22 <h3>23 <span class="font-noraml">订åå·ç ï¼ </span><?=$model->mate_id?>24 </h3>25 <h3>26 <span class="font-noraml">请æ±æ´å©éé¢ï¼ </span><?=$model->money?>ï¼å
ï¼27 </h3>28 29 </div>30 <h2>å®æ´çåç人èµæå¦ä¸ï¼</h2>31 <div class="mail-tools tooltip-demo m-t-md he_bottom">32 <h3>33 <span class="font-noraml">åç人å§åï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->nickname?>34 </h3>35 <h3>36 <span class="font-noraml">èç³»çµè¯ï¼</span><?=$model->gethelp->user->phone?>37 </h3>38 <?php 39 $type= explode(',',$model->gethelp->pay_type);40 foreach ($type as $v) {41 if($v ==3){42 ?> 43 <h3>44 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡ï¼</span><?=$get_bank['bk1'] ?>45 </h3>46 <h3>47 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡æ¯è¡ï¼</span><?=$get_bank['bk_zh1'] ?>48 </h3>49 <h3>50 <span class="font-noraml">é¶è¡è´¦å·ï¼</span><?=$get_bank['bkc1'] ?>51 </h3>52 <?php }else if($v ==1){ ?>53 <h3>54 <span class="font-noraml">åç人æ¯ä»å®ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->alipay?>55 </h3>56 <?php }else if($v ==2){ ?>57 <h3>58 <span class="font-noraml">åç人微信å·ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->weixin?>59 </h3>60 <?php } } ?>61 <?php if(isset($model->gethelp->user->parent->user->nickname)){ ?>62 <h3>63 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->parent->user->nickname?>64 </h3>65 <h3>66 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span><?=$model->gethelp->user->parent->user->phone?>67 </h3>68 <?php }else { ?>69 <h3>70 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span>äºæ éè71 </h3>72 <h3>73 <span class="font-noraml">åç人ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span>æ 74 </h3>75 <?php } ?>76 <p class="red" style="margin-top:10px;">*æä¾è
çéå ä¿¡æ¯ï¼ä¸ºäºæ´å¿«éç确认ï¼è¯·å¨è½¬è´¦ååé</p>77 <p class="red"> *å¨æ¶å°èµéä¹åä¸è¦ç¡®è®¤æ¯ä»ï¼å 为确认äºå°±ä¸è½æ¤éäºï¼ç³»ç»ä¼é»è®¤ä½ å·²ç»æ¶å°é±äºï¼</p>78 </div>79 80 <h2>å®æ´çæä¾è
èµæå¦ä¸ï¼</h2>81 <div class="mail-tools tooltip-demo m-t-md he_bottom">82 <h3>83 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
å§åï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->nickname?>84 </h3>85 <h3>86 <span class="font-noraml">èç³»çµè¯ï¼</span><?=$model->payhelp->user->phone?>87 </h3>88 <?php 89 $type= explode(',',$model->payhelp->pay_type);90 foreach ($type as $v) {91 if($v ==3){92 ?> 93 <h3>94 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡ï¼</span><?=$pay_bank['bk1'] ?>95 </h3>96 <h3>97 <span class="font-noraml">å¼æ·é¶è¡æ¯è¡ï¼</span><?=$pay_bank['bk_zh1'] ?>98 </h3>99 <h3>100 <span class="font-noraml">é¶è¡è´¦å·ï¼</span><?=$pay_bank['bkc1'] ?>101 </h3>102 <?php }else if($v ==1){ ?>103 <h3>104 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
æ¯ä»å®ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->alipay?>105 </h3>106 <?php }else if($v ==2){ ?>107 <h3>108 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
微信å·ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->weixin?>109 </h3>110 <?php } } ?>111 <?php if(isset($model->payhelp->user->parent->user->nickname)){ ?>112 <h3>113 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->parent->user->nickname?>114 </h3>115 <h3>116 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span><?=$model->payhelp->user->parent->user->phone?>117 </h3>118 <?php }else { ?>119 <h3>120 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»çåç§°ï¼ </span>äºæ éè121 </h3>122 <h3>123 <span class="font-noraml">æä¾è
ç»ççµè¯å·ç ï¼ </span>æ 124 </h3>125 <?php } ?>126 <p class="red">*å¨æä¾å¸®å©åï¼è¯·æâææä¾ç帮å©âæé®å¹¶éä¸ä»æ¬¾ç¡®è®¤æ件(æ¯ç¥¨æ«æãæ¶æ®æ«ææç½ä¸äº¤ææä½å±å¹æªå¾)æ¾å¨ä¸ä¸ªæ°çªå£ä¸ã</p>127 </div>128 <p class="h_btns" style="width:50%;">129 <button type="button" onclick="window.location='<?=Url::toRoute('user/index')?>'" class="btn btn-w-m btn-default cancle">è¿åé¦é¡µ</button> 130 <button type="button" class="btn btn-w-m btn-primary tan3" >确认æ¶æ¬¾</button> 131 </p>132 </div>133 134 </div>135 </div>136 137 </div>138 139 140 141 </div>142 </div>143 </div>144 <!-- å¼¹çª -->145 <div class="theme-popover-mask" ></div><!-- é®ç½© -->146 <!-- 确认æ¶æ¬¾çç±å¼¹æ¡å
容 -->147 <div class="pop them3" style="top:30%;padding-bottom:3rem;width:20%;margin-left:-10%;height:auto;">148 <div class="pop_title pr">确认æ¶æ¬¾<span class="close "></span></div>149 150 <div class="pop_all">151 <div class="radio i-checks h_checks">152 <label>153 <input type="radio" name="a" checked value="1"> <i></i> æå·²å®æä»æ¬¾154 </label>155 </div>156 <div class="radio i-checks h_checks">157 <label>158 <input type="radio" name="a" value="2"> <i></i> æªæ¶å°æ¬¾é¡¹ï¼æè¯159 </label>160 </div>161 <p style="font-size:18px;margin-top:20px;">ç»TAçè¨ï¼</p>162 <textarea class="h_chai" placeholder="çè¨ä¸å¯ä¸ºç©º"></textarea> 163 <p class="h_btns" >164 <button type="button" class="btn btn-w-m btn-default cancle">åæ¶</button> 165 <button type="button" class="btn btn-w-m btn-primary confirm" var1="<?=$model->mate_id?>">确认æ¶æ¬¾</button> 166 </p>167 </div>168 </div>169 170 <!-- 确认æ¶æ¬¾çç±å¼¹æ¡å
容 -->171 172 <!-- å¼¹çª -->173 <!-- Mainly scripts -->174 <script src="js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>175 <script src="js/tan.js"></script>176 <script>177 $("body").on('click', '.tan3', function(event) {178 pop_Up3();179 });180 </script>181 <script>182 $('.confirm').click(function(){183 var id = $(this).attr('var1');184 var select = $("input[type='radio']:checked").val();185 var content = $('.h_chai').val();186 if(content == ''){187 alert('çè¨ä¸è½ä¸ºç©º');return false;188 }189 $.post('<?=Url::toRoute("user/getmoney")?>',{id:id,content:content,select:select},function(msg){190 alert(msg.message);191 if(msg.status==1){192 window.location="<?=Url::toRoute(['user/finish_order', 'id'=>$model->mate_id])?>";193 }else if(msg.status ==2){194 window.location="<?=Url::toRoute('user/index')?>";195 }196 },'json')197 })198 </script>...
...6class Set implements CommandInterface7{8 public static function getName(): string { return "set"; }9 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Set a variable in the Machina configuration"; }10 public static function getHelp(): string { return11 "You can change any variable in Machina configuration !\n"12 ."Simply call 'set <key> <value>' to do so"13 ."\n\n"14 ."Ex: \n"15 ."> set separator , - Set the CSV separator to ','\n"16 ."\n\n"17 ."You can also reuse variables when typing command !\n"18 ."> set com mysql-connect | Set 'com' to 'mysql-connect'\n"19 ."> help @com | Display help for 'mysql-connect' command\n"20 ."** The variable is replaced only if defined **";21 }22 public static function execute(...$args)23 {24 if (count($args) < 2) {25 throw new Exception("[set] command needs two parameters !");26 }27 $key = $args[0]; $value = $args[1];28 Machina::$config[$key] = $value;29 echo "[$key] set to '$value' !";30 }31}32class ExitCommand implements CommandInterface33{34 public static function getName(): string { return "exit"; }35 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Exit Machina Script"; }36 public static function getHelp(): string { return37 "Type 'exit' to quit Machina";38 }39 public static function execute(...$args)40 {41 echo "Byebye ! \n\n";42 Machina::$continue = false;43 }44}45class DumpConfig implements CommandInterface46{47 public static function getName(): string { return "dump-config"; }48 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Dump Machina configuration"; }49 public static function getHelp(): string { return50 "Calling 'dump-config' display the Machina configuration on screen"51 ;52 }53 public static function execute(...$args)54 {55 foreach (Machina::$config as $key => $value)56 {57 echo "- [$key] $value\n";58 }59 }60}61class DumpData implements CommandInterface62{63 public static function getName(): string { return "dump-data"; }64 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Dump Machina Storage"; }65 public static function getHelp(): string { return66 "This command can help you get Machina's content"."\n"67 ."\n"68 ."Ex:"."\n"69 ."> dump-data - Simply display Machina's content on screen"."\n"70 ."> dump-data myText.txt - Dump the content inside myText.txt"."\n"71 ; }72 public static function execute(...$args)73 {74 if (isset($args[0]))75 {76 // Write File77 $file = $args[0];78 file_put_contents($file, join("\n", Machina::$storage));79 }80 else81 {82 foreach (Machina::$storage as $value)83 {84 print_r($value);85 echo "\n";86 }87 }88 }89}90class ChangeDirectory implements CommandInterface91{92 public static function getName(): string { return "cd"; }93 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Change current directory"; }94 public static function getHelp(): string { return95 "Change the current working directory to work with relative paths"."\n"96 ."\n"97 ."Ex:"."\n"98 ."> cd /home/foo - Goto /home/foo directory"."\n"99 ; }100 public static function execute(...$args)101 {102 if (!isset($args)) throw new Exception("[cd] need a directory");103 $dir = $args[0];104 if (!is_dir($dir)) throw new Exception("[$dir] is not a directory");105 chdir($dir);106 echo "Changed Directory !";107 }108}109class PrintDirectory implements CommandInterface110{111 public static function getName(): string { return "pwd"; }112 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Print Working Directory"; }113 public static function getHelp(): string { return114 "Print the current working directory path"."\n"115 ."\n"116 ."Ex:"."\n"117 ."> cd /home/foo"."\n"118 ."> pwd - print /home/foo on screen"."\n"119 ; }120 public static function execute(...$args)121 {122 echo getcwd();123 }124}125class Help implements CommandInterface126{127 public static function getName(): string { return "help"; }128 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Display the help page of a command"; }129 public static function getHelp(): string { return130 "Display global Machina's help or a specific command's help"."\n"131 ."\n"132 ."Ex"."\n"133 ."> help - Display every known commands and their description"."\n"134 ."> help dump-data - Display the specific help page of the 'dump-data' command"."\n"135 ; }136 public static function execute(...$args)137 {138 if (!count($args))139 {140 foreach (Machina::$commands as $className => $class)141 {142 echo $class::getName() .":\n\t- ". $class::getDescription() ."\n\n";143 }144 }145 else146 {147 $com = $args[0];148 if (!isset(Machina::$commands[$com])) throw new Exception("[$com] Command not found !");149 $class = Machina::$commands[$com];150 echo "\n---------- ". $class::getName() . " ---------------";151 echo "\n".$class::getDescription();152 echo "\n";153 echo "\n".$class::getHelp();154 }155 }156}157class SourceFile implements CommandInterface158{159 public static function getName(): string { return "source"; }160 public static function getDescription(): string { return "Execute commands inside a file"; }161 public static function getHelp(): string { return162 "Execute every commands inside a file, you may specify a command separator"."\n"163 ."\n"164 ."Ex:"."\n"165 ."> source | Use \\n as command separator"."\n"166 ."> source ; | Use ';' as command separator"."\n"167 ; }168 public static function execute(...$args)169 {170 if (!count($args)) throw new Exception("[source] source command need a filename !");171 $filename = $args[0];172 if (!file_exists($filename)) throw new Exception("[source] '$filename' file does not exists !");173 $script = file_get_contents($filename);174 $commands = explode($args[1]??"\n", $script);175 foreach ($commands as $com)...
Using AI Code Generation
1$script = new script();2$script->getHelp();3$script = new script();4$script->getHelp();5$script = new script();6$script->getHelp();7$script = new script();8$script->getHelp();9$script = new script();10$script->getHelp();11$script = new script();12$script->getHelp();13$script = new script();14$script->getHelp();15$script = new script();16$script->getHelp();17$script = new script();18$script->getHelp();19$script = new script();20$script->getHelp();21$script = new script();22$script->getHelp();23$script = new script();24$script->getHelp();25$script = new script();26$script->getHelp();27$script = new script();28$script->getHelp();29$script = new script();30$script->getHelp();31$script = new script();32$script->getHelp();33$script = new script();34$script->getHelp();
Using AI Code Generation
1$script = new script();2$script->getHelp();3$script = new script();4$script->getHelp();5So, you can use include_once() function in your code like this:6include_once('script.php');7$script = new script();8$script->getHelp();9include_once('script.php');10$script = new script();11$script->getHelp();12Related posts: PHP include() function PHP include() function is used to include the content of another file in the current file. For example, if you have a file named... PHP include_once() function PHP include_once() function is used to include the content of another file in the current file. The difference between include_once() function and include()... PHP require() function PHP require() function is used to include the content of another file in the current file. The difference between require() function and include() function... PHP require_once() function PHP require_once() function is used to include the content of another file in the current file. The difference between require_once() function and require() function... PHP include() function with example PHP include() function is used to include the content of another file in the current file. For example, if you have a file named... PHP include_once() function with example PHP include_once() function is used to include the content of another file in the current file. The difference between include_once() function and include() function... PHP require() function with example PHP require() function is used
Using AI Code Generation
1$script = new script();2$script->getHelp();3$script = new script();4$script->getHelp();5Now, the question is, how do I make sure that the help text is only displayed once, regardless of how many times the getHelp() method is called?6{7 private static $help = null;8 public function getHelp()9 {10 if (self::$help === null) {11 self::$help = 'Help text';12 }13 return self::$help;14 }15}16{17 public function getHelp()18 {19 static $help = null;20 if ($help === null) {21 $help = 'Help text';22 }23 return $help;24 }25}
Using AI Code Generation
1$script = new script();2$script->getHelp();3$script = new script();4$script->getHelp();5$script = new script();6$script->getHelp();7$script = new script();8$script->getHelp();9$script = new script();10$script->getHelp();11$script = new script();12$script->getHelp();13$script = new script();14$script->getHelp();15$script = new script();16$script->getHelp();17$script = new script();18$script->getHelp();19$script = new script();20$script->getHelp();21$script = new script();22$script->getHelp();23$script = new script();24$script->getHelp();25$script = new script();26$script->getHelp();
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