Best Atoum code snippet using path.resolve
Source: FileResolverTest.php
...35 * Resolver instance36 *37 * @var Zend_Auth_Adapter_Http_Resolver_File38 */39 protected $_resolver;40 /**41 * Sets the paths to files used in this test, and creates a shared resolver instance42 * having a valid path.43 *44 * @return void45 */46 public function setUp()47 {48 $this->_filesPath = __DIR__ . '/TestAsset';49 $this->_validPath = "$this->_filesPath/htdigest.3";50 $this->_badPath = 'doesnotexist';51 $this->_resolver = new Http\FileResolver($this->_validPath);52 }53 /**54 * Ensures that setFile() works as expected for valid input55 *56 * @return void57 */58 public function testSetFileValid()59 {60 $this->_resolver->setFile($this->_validPath);61 $this->assertEquals($this->_validPath, $this->_resolver->getFile());62 }63 /**64 * Ensures that setFile() works as expected for invalid input65 *66 * @return void67 */68 public function testSetFileInvalid()69 {70 $this->setExpectedException('Zend\\Authentication\\Adapter\\Http\\Exception\\ExceptionInterface', 'Path not readable');71 $this->_resolver->setFile($this->_badPath);72 }73 /**74 * Ensures that __construct() works as expected for valid input75 *76 * @return void77 */78 public function testConstructValid()79 {80 $v = new Http\FileResolver($this->_validPath);81 $this->assertEquals($this->_validPath, $v->getFile());82 }83 /**84 * Ensures that __construct() works as expected for invalid input85 *86 * @return void87 */88 public function testConstructInvalid()89 {90 $this->setExpectedException('Zend\\Authentication\\Adapter\\Http\\Exception\\ExceptionInterface', 'Path not readable');91 $v = new Http\FileResolver($this->_badPath);92 }93 /**94 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected for empty username95 *96 * @return void97 */98 public function testResolveUsernameEmpty()99 {100 $this->setExpectedException('Zend\\Authentication\\Adapter\\Http\\Exception\\ExceptionInterface', 'Username is required');101 $this->_resolver->resolve('', '');102 }103 /**104 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected for empty realm105 *106 * @return void107 */108 public function testResolveRealmEmpty()109 {110 $this->setExpectedException('Zend\\Authentication\\Adapter\\Http\\Exception\\ExceptionInterface', 'Realm is required');111 $this->_resolver->resolve('username', '');112 }113 /**114 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected for invalid username115 *116 * @return void117 */118 public function testResolveUsernameInvalid()119 {120 try {121 $this->_resolver->resolve('bad:name', 'realm');122 $this->fail('Accepted malformed username with colon');123 } catch (Http\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {124 $this->assertContains('Username must consist', $e->getMessage());125 }126 try {127 $this->_resolver->resolve("badname\n", 'realm');128 $this->fail('Accepted malformed username with newline');129 } catch (Http\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {130 $this->assertContains('Username must consist', $e->getMessage());131 }132 }133 /**134 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected for invalid realm135 *136 * @return void137 */138 public function testResolveRealmInvalid()139 {140 try {141 $this->_resolver->resolve('username', 'bad:realm');142 $this->fail('Accepted malformed realm with colon');143 } catch (Http\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {144 $this->assertContains('Realm must consist', $e->getMessage());145 }146 try {147 $this->_resolver->resolve('username', "badrealm\n");148 $this->fail('Accepted malformed realm with newline');149 } catch (Http\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {150 $this->assertContains('Realm must consist', $e->getMessage());151 }152 }153 /**154 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected when a previously readable file becomes unreadable155 *156 * @return void157 */158 public function testResolveFileDisappearsMystery()159 {160 if (rename("$this->_filesPath/htdigest.3", "$this->_filesPath/htdigest.3.renamed")) {161 try {162 $this->_resolver->resolve('username', 'realm');163 $this->fail('Expected thrown exception upon resolve() after moving valid file');164 } catch (Http\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {165 $this->assertContains('Unable to open password file', $e->getMessage());166 }167 rename("$this->_filesPath/htdigest.3.renamed", "$this->_filesPath/htdigest.3");168 }169 }170 /**171 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected when provided valid credentials172 *173 * @return void174 */175 public function testResolveValid()176 {177 $this->assertEquals(178 $this->_resolver->resolve('Bryce', 'Test Realm'),179 'd5b7c330d5685beb782a9e22f0f20579',180 'Rejected valid credentials'181 );182 }183 /**184 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected when provided nonexistent realm185 *186 * @return void187 */188 public function testResolveRealmNonexistent()189 {190 $this->assertFalse(191 $this->_resolver->resolve('Bryce', 'nonexistent'),192 'Accepted a valid user in the wrong realm'193 );194 }195 /**196 * Ensures that resolve() works as expected when provided nonexistent user197 *198 * @return void199 */200 public function testResolveUserNonexistent()201 {202 $this->assertFalse(203 $this->_resolver->resolve('nonexistent', 'Test Realm'),204 'Accepted a nonexistent user from an existing realm'205 );206 }207}...
Source: extension-path.spec.php
...24 });25 describe('relativeResolvePath', function() {26 beforeEach(function() {27 $this->args->template = new Template('a', [], [], null, (new Template('b', [], ['path' => 'foo/b.phtml']))->reference);28 $this->resolve = stack([idResolvePath(), relativeResolvePath()]);29 });30 it('resolves the name relative to the current_directory in context', function() {31 $resolve = $this->resolve;32 $path = $resolve($this->args->withPath('./bar'));33 $parent_path = $resolve($this->args->withPath('../bar'));34 expect([$path, $parent_path])->equal([35 joinPath(['foo', './bar']),36 joinPath(['foo', '../bar'])37 ]);38 });39 it('does nothing if the path does not start with a relative path', function() {40 $resolve = $this->resolve;41 expect([42 $resolve($this->args->withPath('.../foo')),43 $resolve($this->args->withPath('/foo')),44 $resolve($this->args->withPath('foo')),45 ])->equal([46 '.../foo',47 '/foo',48 'foo',49 ]);50 });51 });52 describe('prefixResolvePath', function() {53 beforeEach(function() {54 $this->resolve = stack([idResolvePath(), prefixResolvePath(['/foo', '/bar'], function() {55 return true;56 })]);57 });58 it('prefixes non absolute paths with a base path', function() {59 $path = ($this->resolve)($this->args->withPath('bar'));60 expect($path)->equal(joinPath(['/foo', 'bar']));61 });62 it('does nothing if path starts with /', function() {63 $path = ($this->resolve)($this->args->withPath('/acme'));64 expect($path)->equal('/acme');65 });66 xit('applies the prefixes in order until it finds a valid path');67 xit('strips the prefix from absolute paths while finding the proper prefix');68 });69 describe('extResolvePath', function() {70 it('appends an extension to the name', function() {71 $resolve = stack([idResolvePath(), extResolvePath('bar')]);72 $path = $resolve($this->args->withPath('foo'));73 expect($path)->equal('');74 });75 it('does not append the name if ext already exists', function() {76 $resolve = stack([idResolvePath(), extResolvePath('bar')]);77 $path = $resolve($this->args->withPath(''));78 expect($path)->equal('');79 });80 });81 describe('normalizeNameCompose', function() {82 it('normalizes the name field into the normalized_name template attribute if it is a path', function() {83 $compose = normalizeNameCompose(function($name) {84 return $name . 'bar';85 });86 expect($compose((new Template('/foo', [], ['path' => '/foo'])))->get('normalized_name'))->equal('/foobar');87 });88 it('sets the name into the normalized_name attribute if it is not a path', function() {89 $compose = normalizeNameCompose(function($name) {90 return $name . 'bar';91 });...
Source: PageUrlResolver.php
...8 /**9 * @var \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\PathUrlResolver10 */11 protected $pathUrlResolver;12 public function __construct(PathUrlResolver $path_url_resolver)13 {14 $this->pathUrlResolver = $path_url_resolver;15 }16 protected function resolveWithPageId(Page $page, array $arguments)17 {18 return $this->resolveWithResolver('/?cID=' . $page->getCollectionID(), $arguments);19 }20 /**21 * {@inheritdoc}22 *23 * @see \Concrete\Core\Url\Resolver\UrlResolverInterface::resolve()24 */25 public function resolve(array $arguments, $resolved = null)26 {27 if ($resolved) {28 // We don't need to do any post processing on urls.29 return $resolved;30 }31 $page = $arguments ? head($arguments) : null;32 if (isset($page) && $page instanceof Page) {33 if ($externalUrl = $page->getCollectionPointerExternalLink()) {34 return $this->resolveWithResolver($externalUrl, []);35 }36 $tree = $page->getSiteTreeObject();37 if (is_object($tree) && $tree instanceof SkeletonTree) {38 return $this->resolveWithPageId($page, $arguments);39 }40 if ($path = $page->getCollectionPath()) {41 return $this->resolveWithResolver($path, $arguments);42 }43 // if there's no path but it's the home page44 if ($page->isHomePage()) {45 return $this->resolveWithResolver('/', $arguments);46 }47 // otherwise, it's a page object with no path yet, which happens when pages aren't yet approved48 return $this->resolveWithPageId($page, $arguments);49 }50 return null;51 }52 /**53 * @param string $path54 * @param array $arguments55 *56 * @return \League\URL\URLInterface57 */58 protected function resolveWithResolver($path, $arguments)59 {60 array_unshift($arguments, $path);61 return $this->pathUrlResolver->resolve($arguments);62 }63}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$relativePath = "2.php";2$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);3echo $absolutePath;4$relativePath = "../3.php";5$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);6echo $absolutePath;7$relativePath = "../../4.php";8$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);9echo $absolutePath;10$relativePath = "../5.php";11$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);12echo $absolutePath;13$relativePath = "../6.php";14$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);15echo $absolutePath;16$relativePath = "../7.php";17$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);18echo $absolutePath;19$relativePath = "../8.php";20$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);21echo $absolutePath;22$relativePath = "../9.php";23$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);24echo $absolutePath;25$relativePath = "../10.php";26$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);27echo $absolutePath;28$relativePath = "../11.php";29$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);30echo $absolutePath;31$relativePath = "../12.php";32$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);33echo $absolutePath;34$relativePath = "../13.php";35$absolutePath = Path::resolve($relativePath);36echo $absolutePath;
Using AI Code Generation
1$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/1.php");2echo $path->resolve();3$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/2.php");4echo $path->resolve();5$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/3.php");6echo $path->resolve();7$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/4.php");8echo $path->resolve();9$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/5.php");10echo $path->resolve();11$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/6.php");12echo $path->resolve();13$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/7.php");14echo $path->resolve();15$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/8.php");16echo $path->resolve();17$path = new Path("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/9.php");18echo $path->resolve();
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Agile software development stems from a philosophy that being agile means creating and responding to change swiftly. Agile means having the ability to adapt and respond to change without dissolving into chaos. Being Agile involves teamwork built on diverse capabilities, skills, and talents. Team members include both the business and software development sides working together to produce working software that meets or exceeds customer expectations continuously.
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