Best Atoum code snippet using generator.isShunted
...71 return (isset($this->overloadedMethods[$method = strtolower($method)]) === false ? null : $this->overloadedMethods[$method]);72 }73 public function shunt($method)74 {75 if ($this->isShunted($method) === false)76 {77 $this->shuntedMethods[] = strtolower($method);78 }79 return $this;80 }81 public function isShunted($method)82 {83 return (in_array(strtolower($method), $this->shuntedMethods) === true);84 }85 public function shuntParentClassCalls()86 {87 $this->shuntParentClassCalls = true;88 return $this;89 }90 public function unshuntParentClassCalls()91 {92 $this->shuntParentClassCalls = false;93 return $this;94 }95 public function orphanize($method)96 {97 if ($this->isOrphanized($method) === false)98 {99 $this->orphanizedMethods[] = strtolower($method);100 }101 return $this->shunt($method);102 }103 public function isOrphanized($method)104 {105 return (in_array($method, $this->orphanizedMethods) === true);106 }107 public function getMockedClassCode($class, $mockNamespace = null, $mockClass = null)108 {109 if (trim($class, '\\') == '' || rtrim($class, '\\') != $class)110 {111 throw new exceptions\runtime('Class name \'' . $class . '\' is invalid');112 }113 if ($mockNamespace === null)114 {115 $mockNamespace = $this->getNamespace($class);116 }117 $class = '\\' . ltrim($class, '\\');118 if ($mockClass === null)119 {120 $mockClass = self::getClassName($class);121 }122 if ($this->adapter->class_exists($mockNamespace . '\\' . $mockClass, false) === true || $this->adapter->interface_exists($mockNamespace . '\\' . $mockClass, false) === true)123 {124 throw new exceptions\logic('Class \'' . $mockNamespace . '\\' . $mockClass . '\' already exists');125 }126 $code = '';127 if ($this->adapter->class_exists($class, true) === false && $this->adapter->interface_exists($class, true) === false)128 {129 $code = self::generateUnknownClassCode($class, $mockNamespace, $mockClass);130 }131 else132 {133 $reflectionClass = call_user_func($this->reflectionClassFactory, $class);134 if ($reflectionClass->isFinal() === true)135 {136 throw new exceptions\logic('Class \'' . $class . '\' is final, unable to mock it');137 }138 $code = $reflectionClass->isInterface() === false ? $this->generateClassCode($reflectionClass, $mockNamespace, $mockClass) : $this->generateInterfaceCode($reflectionClass, $mockNamespace, $mockClass);139 }140 return $code;141 }142 public function generate($class, $mockNamespace = null, $mockClass = null)143 {144 eval($this->getMockedClassCode($class, $mockNamespace, $mockClass));145 $this->shuntedMethods = $this->overloadedMethods = $this->orphanizedMethods = array();146 return $this->unshuntParentClassCalls();147 }148 public function methodIsMockable(\reflectionMethod $method)149 {150 switch (true)151 {152 case $method->isFinal():153 case $method->isStatic():154 case static::methodNameIsReservedWord($method):155 return false;156 case $method->isPrivate():157 case $method->isProtected() && $method->isAbstract() === false:158 return $this->isOverloaded($method->getName());159 default:160 return true;161 }162 }163 protected function generateClassMethodCode(\reflectionClass $class)164 {165 $mockedMethods = '';166 $mockedMethodNames = array();167 $className = $class->getName();168 $constructor = $class->getConstructor();169 if ($constructor === null)170 {171 $mockedMethods .= self::generateDefaultConstructor();172 $mockedMethodNames[] = '__construct';173 }174 else if ($constructor->isFinal() === false)175 {176 $constructorName = $constructor->getName();177 $overload = $this->getOverload($constructorName);178 if ($constructor->isPublic() === false)179 {180 $this->shuntParentClassCalls();181 if ($overload === null)182 {183 $this->overload(new php\method('__construct'));184 $overload = $this->getOverload('__construct');185 }186 }187 $parameters = $this->getParameters($constructor);188 if ($overload === null)189 {190 $mockedMethods .= "\t" . 'public function __construct(' . $this->getParametersSignature($constructor) . ')';191 }192 else193 {194 $overload195 ->addArgument(196 php\method\argument::get('mockController')197 ->isObject('\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\controller')198 ->setDefaultValue(null)199 )200 ;201 $mockedMethods .= "\t" . $overload;202 }203 $mockedMethods .= PHP_EOL;204 $mockedMethods .= "\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;205 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '$arguments = array_merge(array(' . join(', ', $parameters) . '), array_slice(func_get_args(), ' . sizeof($parameters) . ', -1));' . PHP_EOL;206 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'if ($mockController === null)' . PHP_EOL;207 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;208 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . '$mockController = \mageekguy\atoum\mock\controller::get();' . PHP_EOL;209 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;210 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'if ($mockController !== null)' . PHP_EOL;211 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;212 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . '$this->setMockController($mockController);' . PHP_EOL;213 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;214 if ($constructor->isAbstract() === true || $this->isShunted('__construct') === true || $this->isShunted($className) === true)215 {216 $methodName = ($this->isShunted($className) === true ? $className : '__construct');217 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'if (isset($this->getMockController()->' . $methodName . ') === false)' . PHP_EOL;218 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;219 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . '$this->getMockController()->' . $methodName . ' = function() {};' . PHP_EOL;220 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;221 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '$this->getMockController()->invoke(\'' . $methodName . '\', $arguments);' . PHP_EOL;222 }223 else224 {225 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'if (isset($this->getMockController()->' . $constructorName . ') === true)' . PHP_EOL;226 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;227 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . '$this->getMockController()->invoke(\'' . $constructorName . '\', $arguments);' . PHP_EOL;228 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;229 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'else' . PHP_EOL;230 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;231 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . '$this->getMockController()->addCall(\'' . $constructorName . '\', $arguments);' . PHP_EOL;232 if ($this->shuntParentClassCalls === false)233 {234 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . 'call_user_func_array(\'parent::' . $constructorName . '\', $arguments);' . PHP_EOL;235 }236 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;237 }238 $mockedMethods .= "\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;239 $mockedMethodNames[] = $constructorName;240 }241 foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method)242 {243 if ($method->isConstructor() === false && $this->methodIsMockable($method) === true)244 {245 $methodName = $method->getName();246 $mockedMethodNames[] = strtolower($methodName);247 $overload = $this->getOverload($methodName);248 $parameters = $this->getParameters($method);249 if ($overload !== null)250 {251 $mockedMethods .= "\t" . $overload;252 }253 else254 {255 $mockedMethods .= "\t" . ($method->isPublic() === true ? 'public' : 'protected') . ' function' . ($method->returnsReference() === false ? '' : ' &') . ' ' . $methodName . '(' . $this->getParametersSignature($method) . ')';256 }257 $mockedMethods .= PHP_EOL . "\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;258 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '$arguments = array_merge(array(' . join(', ', $parameters) . '), array_slice(func_get_args(), ' . sizeof($parameters) . '));' . PHP_EOL;259 if ($this->isShunted($methodName) === true || $method->isAbstract() === true)260 {261 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'if (isset($this->getMockController()->' . $methodName . ') === false)' . PHP_EOL;262 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;263 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . '$this->getMockController()->' . $methodName . ' = function() {};' . PHP_EOL;264 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;265 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'return $this->getMockController()->invoke(\'' . $methodName . '\', $arguments);' . PHP_EOL;266 }267 else268 {269 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'if (isset($this->getMockController()->' . $methodName . ') === true)' . PHP_EOL;270 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '{' . PHP_EOL;271 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t\t" . 'return $this->getMockController()->invoke(\'' . $methodName . '\', $arguments);' . PHP_EOL;272 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . '}' . PHP_EOL;273 $mockedMethods .= "\t\t" . 'else' . PHP_EOL;...
Using AI Code Generation
1if($generator->isShunted()) {2 $generator->shunt();3}4if($generator->isShunted()) {5 $generator->unshunt();6}
Using AI Code Generation
1$generator = new Generator();2if($generator->isShunted()){3}else{4}5$generator = new Generator();6if($generator->isShunted()){7}else{8}9$generator = new Generator();10if($generator->isShunted()){11}else{12}13$generator = new Generator();14if($generator->isShunted()){15}else{16}17$generator = new Generator();18if($generator->isShunted()){19}else{20}21$generator = new Generator();22if($generator->isShunted()){23}else{24}25$generator = new Generator();26if($generator->isShunted()){27}else{28}29$generator = new Generator();30if($generator->isShunted()){31}else{32}33$generator = new Generator();34if($generator->isShunted()){35}else{36}37$generator = new Generator();38if($generator->isShunted()){39}else{40}41$generator = new Generator();42if($generator->isShunted()){43}else{44}
Using AI Code Generation
1$generator = new Generator();2if($generator->isShunted()) {3 echo "shunted";4} else {5 echo "not shunted";6}7$generator = new Generator();8if($generator->isShunted()) {9 echo "shunted";10} else {11 echo "not shunted";12}13$generator = new Generator();14if($generator->isShunted()) {15 echo "shunted";16} else {17 echo "not shunted";18}19$generator = new Generator();20if($generator->isShunted()) {21 echo "shunted";22} else {23 echo "not shunted";24}25$generator = new Generator();26if($generator->isShunted()) {27 echo "shunted";28} else {29 echo "not shunted";30}31$generator = new Generator();32if($generator->isShunted()) {33 echo "shunted";34} else {35 echo "not shunted";36}37$generator = new Generator();38if($generator->isShunted()) {39 echo "shunted";40} else {41 echo "not shunted";42}43$generator = new Generator();44if($generator->isShunted()) {45 echo "shunted";46} else {47 echo "not shunted";48}49$generator = new Generator();50if($generator->isShunted()) {51 echo "shunted";52} else {53 echo "not shunted";54}55$generator = new Generator();56if($generator->isShunted()) {57 echo "shunted";58} else {59 echo "not shunted";60}61$generator = new Generator();62if($
Using AI Code Generation
1$generator = new Generator();2$generator->isShunted('1+2*3+4');3$generator->isShunted('(1+2)*3+4');4$generator->isShunted('1+2+3+4');5$generator->isShunted('(1+2*3+4');6$generator->isShunted('1+2*3+4)');7$generator = new Generator();8$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4');9$generator->shunt('(1+2)*3+4');10$generator->shunt('1+2+3+4');11$generator->shunt('(1+2*3+4');12$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4)');13$generator = new Generator();14$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4');15$generator->shunt('(1+2)*3+4');16$generator->shunt('1+2+3+4');17$generator->shunt('(1+2*3+4');18$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4)');19$generator = new Generator();20$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4');21$generator->shunt('(1+2)*3+4');22$generator->shunt('1+2+3+4');23$generator->shunt('(1+2*3+4');24$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4)');25$generator = new Generator();26$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4');27$generator->shunt('(1+2)*3+4');28$generator->shunt('1+2+3+4');29$generator->shunt('(1+2*3+4');30$generator->shunt('1+2*3+4)');31$generator = new Generator();32$generator->shunt('1+2*3+
Using AI Code Generation
1if ($generator->isShunted())2 echo "The generator is shunted.";3 echo "The generator is not shunted.";4$generator->setShunt(true);5$generator->setShunt(false);6$generator->getShunt();7$generator->getShunt();8$generator->getShunt();9$generator->getShunt();10$generator->getShunt();11$generator->getShunt();12$generator->getShunt();13$generator->getShunt();14$generator->getShunt();15$generator->getShunt();
Using AI Code Generation
1$generator = new Generator();2if($generator->isShunted()){3}else{4}5$generator = new Generator();6if($generator->isShunted()){7}else{8}9$generator = new Generator();10if($generator->isShunted()){11}else{12}13$generator = new Generator();14if($generator->isShunted()){15}else{16}17$generator = new Generator();18if($generator->isShunted()){19}else{20}21$generator = new Generator();22if($generator->isShunted()){23}else{24}25$generator = new Generator();26if($generator->isShunted()){27}else{28}29$generator = new Generator();30if($generator->isShunted()){31}else{
Using AI Code Generation
1if ($generator->isShunted()) {2 $generator->shunt();3}4if ($generator->isShunted()) {5 $generator->shunt();6}7if ($generator->isShunted()) {8 $generator->shunt();9}10if ($generator->isShunted()) {11 $generator->shunt();12}13if ($generator->isShunted()) {14 $generator->shunt();15}16if ($generator->isShunted()) {17 $generator->shunt();18}19if ($generator->isShunted()) {20 $generator->shunt();21}
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