How to use __toString method of extension class

Best Atoum code snippet using extension.__toString


Source:Import1C.php Github


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...33 /​/​ Categories34 $exist_categories = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getAllCategories();35 $categories = array();36 foreach ($xml->Классификатор->Группы->children() as $category) {37 $category_id = $category->Ид->__toString();38 $categories[$category_id]['id'] = $category_id;39 $categories[$category_id]['name'] = $this->clear($category->Наименование->__toString());40 $categories[$category_id]['keyword'] = $this->translit($categories[$category_id]['name']);41 $categories[$category_id]['parent_id'] = '';42 $subcategories = $this->getAllCategories($category->Группы, $category_id);43 }44 $categories = array_merge($categories, $subcategories);45 foreach ($categories as $category_data) {46 if (array_key_exists($category_data['id'], $exist_categories)) {47 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->updateCategory($category_data, $exist_categories[$category_data['id']]);48 } else {49 $exist_categories[$category_data['id']] = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addCategory($category_data);50 }51 }52 /​/​ var_dump($categories);53 /​/​ Attributes 54 $dir = $this->request->server['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $this->dir . 'properties' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;55 $files = scandir($dir);56 $catalog = '';57 /​/​ Как бы не называлась папка в webdata - получаем путь58 foreach ($files as $file) {59 if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) {60 $catalog = $dir . $file;61 }62 }63 $xml = simplexml_load_file($catalog);64 $attributes = $option_values = $manufacturers = array();65 $i = 0;66 foreach ($xml->Классификатор->Свойства->children() as $attribute) {67 $property_id = trim($attribute->Ид->__toString());68 switch ($property_id) {69 case '9f8cae83-92f3-11e7-89f1-14dae9e311d7':70 case 'ba28c6ce-946a-11e7-89f1-14dae9e311d7':71 $this->color_property_id = $attribute->Ид->__toString();72 $j = 0;73 $colors['id'] = $attribute->Ид->__toString();74 $colors['name'] = $attribute->Наименование->__toString();75 if (isset($attribute->ВариантыЗначений)) {76 foreach ($attribute->ВариантыЗначений->children() as $value) {77 if ($value->Значение->__toString() && $value->Значение->__toString() != '') {78 $colors['option_values'][$j]['id'] = $value->ИдЗначения->__toString();79 $colors['option_values'][$j]['name'] = $this->clear($value->Значение->__toString());80 $j++;81 }82 }83 }84 break;85 case '9f8cae86-92f3-11e7-89f1-14dae9e311d7':86 $this->size_property_id = $attribute->Ид->__toString();87 $j = 0;88 $sizes['id'] = $attribute->Ид->__toString();89 $sizes['name'] = $attribute->Наименование->__toString();90 foreach ($attribute->ВариантыЗначений->children() as $value) {91 if ($value->Значение->__toString() && $value->Значение->__toString() != '') {92 $sizes['option_values'][$j]['id'] = $value->ИдЗначения->__toString();93 $sizes['option_values'][$j]['name'] = $this->clear($value->Значение->__toString());94 $j++;95 }96 }97 break;98 case '7ed585c2-fa78-11e7-852d-38d547aa20ca':99 $group[$i] = $value->ИдЗначения->__toString();100 $group[$i] = $this->clear($value->Значение->__toString());101 break;102 default:103 $attributes[$i]['id'] = $attribute->Ид->__toString();104 $attributes[$i]['name'] = $attribute->Наименование->__toString();105 if (trim($attribute->ТипЗначений->__toString()) == 'Справочник') {106 if (isset($attribute->ВариантыЗначений)) {107 $j = 0;108 foreach ($attribute->ВариантыЗначений->children() as $value) {109 if ($value->Значение->__toString() && $value->Значение->__toString() != '') {110 $attributes[$i]['attribute_presets'][$j]['id'] = $value->ИдЗначения->__toString();111 $attributes[$i]['attribute_presets'][$j]['text'] = $this->clear($value->Значение->__toString());112 $j++;113 }114 }115 }116 }117 }118 $i++;119 }120 $exist_attributes = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getAllAttributes();121 foreach ($attributes as $attribute_data) {122 if (array_key_exists($attribute_data['id'], $exist_attributes)) {123 $attribute_id = $exist_attributes[$attribute_data['id']];124 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->updateAttribute($attribute_data, $attribute_id);125 if (isset($attribute_data['attribute_presets'])) {126 $this->addPresets($attribute_data['attribute_presets'], $attribute_id);127 }128 } else {129 $exist_attributes[$attribute_data['id']] = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addAttribute($attribute_data);130 if (isset($attribute_data['attribute_presets'])) {131 $this->addPresets($attribute_data['attribute_presets'], $exist_attributes[$attribute_data['id']]);132 }133 }134 }135 /​/​ var_dump($attributes);136 /​/​ Colors137 $color_option_id = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getColorOptionId();138 $exist_colors = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getOptionValues($color_option_id);139 foreach ($colors['option_values'] as $color_value_data) {140 if (array_key_exists($color_value_data['id'], $exist_colors)) {141 $option_value_id = $exist_colors[$color_value_data['id']];142 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->updateOptionValue($color_value_data, $option_value_id);143 } else {144 $exist_colors[$color_value_data['id']] = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addOptionValue($color_value_data, $color_option_id);145 }146 }147 /​/​ Sizes148 $size_option_id = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getSizeOptionId();149 $exist_sizes = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getOptionValues($size_option_id);150 foreach ($sizes['option_values'] as $size_value_data) {151 if (array_key_exists($size_value_data['id'], $exist_sizes)) {152 $option_value_id = $exist_sizes[$size_value_data['id']];153 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->updateOptionValue($size_value_data, $option_value_id);154 } else {155 $exist_sizes[$size_value_data['id']] = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addOptionValue($size_value_data, $size_option_id);156 }157 }158 /​/​var_dump($colors);159 /​/​var_dump($sizes); 160 /​/​ Products161 $dir = $this->request->server['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $this->dir . 'goods' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;162 $files = scandir($dir);163 $catalog = '';164 /​/​ Как бы не называлась папка в webdata - получаем путь165 foreach ($files as $file) {166 if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) {167 $catalog = $dir . $file;168 }169 }170 $xml = simplexml_load_file($catalog);171 $exist_products = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getAllProducts();172 $products = array();173 foreach ($xml->Каталог->Товары->children() as $product) {174 if ($product->ПометкаУдаления->__toString() != 'true') {175 $product_id = $product->Ид->__toString();176 $products[$product_id]['id'] = $product_id;177 $products[$product_id]['price'] = 0;178 $products[$product_id]['quantity'] = 0;179 $products[$product_id]['status'] = ($product->ПометкаУдаления->__toString() === 'true' ? false : true);180 $products[$product_id]['model'] = $product->Артикул->__toString();181 $products[$product_id]['sku'] = $product->Штрихкод->__toString();182 $products[$product_id]['name'] = $this->clear($product->Наименование->__toString());183 $products[$product_id]['keyword'] = $this->translit($products[$product_id]['name']);184 $products[$product_id]['description'] = $this->clear($product->Описание->__toString());185 $products[$product_id]['product_category'] = array();186 foreach ($product->Группы->children() as $id) {187 $products[$product_id]['product_category'][] = $exist_categories[trim($id->__toString())];188 }189 $products[$product_id]['product_color_image'] = false;190 foreach ($product->ЗначенияРеквизитов as $props) {191 $value = $props->ЗначениеРеквизита->Значение->__toString();192 $pieces = explode("#", $value);193 if (isset($pieces[1]) && $pieces[1] == 'КартинкаЦвета') {194 $products[$product_id]['product_color_image'] = str_replace('/​public_html/​image/​', '', $this->clear($pieces[0]));195 }196 }197 $products[$product_id]['product_image'] = array();198 foreach ($product->Картинка as $image) {199 $thumb = str_replace('/​public_html/​image/​', '', $this->clear($image->__toString()));200 if ($products[$product_id]['product_color_image'] == false || $products[$product_id]['product_color_image'] != $thumb) {201 $products[$product_id]['product_image'][] = $thumb;202 }203 }204 if (count($products[$product_id]['product_image'])) {205 $products[$product_id]['status'] = 1; /​/​ Если есть фото206 } else {207 $products[$product_id]['status'] = 0; /​/​ Если нет фото208 }209 $i = 0;210 foreach ($product->ЗначенияСвойств->children() as $attribute) {211 $property_id = trim($attribute->Ид->__toString());212 $property_value = trim($attribute->Значение->__toString());213 if (isset($exist_attributes[$property_id]) && $property_value) {214 if (isset($this->exists_attribute_presets[$property_value])) {215 $products[$product_id]['product_attribute'][$i]['attribute_id'] = $exist_attributes[$property_id];216 $products[$product_id]['product_attribute'][$i]['preset_id'] = $this->exists_attribute_presets[$property_value];217 } else {218 $products[$product_id]['product_attribute'][$i]['attribute_id'] = $exist_attributes[$property_id];219 $products[$product_id]['product_attribute'][$i]['text'] = $this->clear($attribute->Значение->__toString());220 }221 } else {222 if ($property_id == '9f8cae83-92f3-11e7-89f1-14dae9e311d7' || $property_id == 'ba28c6ce-946a-11e7-89f1-14dae9e311d7') {223 if (isset($exist_colors[$property_value])) {224 $products[$product_id]['product_color_option_value'] = $exist_colors[$property_value];225 }226 }227 }228 $i++;229 }230 }231 }232 /​/​var_dump($exist_colors);233 /​/​var_dump($exist_sizes);234 $i = 0;235 foreach ($xml->ПакетПредложений->Предложения->children() as $offer) {236 $option_status = ($offer->ПометкаУдаления->__toString() === 'true' ? false : true);237 if ($option_status) {238 $product_id = current(explode('#', $offer->Ид->__toString()));239 if (isset($offer->ЗначенияСвойств)) {240 foreach ($offer->ЗначенияСвойств->children() as $option) {241 if (!isset($exist_sizes[$option->Значение->__toString()])) {242 /​/​var_dump($offer->Ид->__toString());243 }244 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['product_option_value'][$size_option_id] = $exist_sizes[$option->Значение->__toString()];245 }246 }247 if (isset($offer->Цены)) {248 foreach ($offer->Цены->children() as $price) {249 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['price'] = str_replace(',', '.', $price->ЦенаЗаЕдиницу->__toString());250 }251 } else {252 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['price'] = 0;253 }254 $sku = explode('#', $offer->Ид->__toString());255 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['1C_product_id'] = $sku[0];256 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['sku'] = $offer->Ид->__toString();257 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['model'] = $products[$product_id] ['model'];258 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['product_option_value'][$color_option_id] = $products[$product_id] ['product_color_option_value'];259 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['quantity'] = abs((int)$offer->Остатки->Остаток->Количество->__toString());260 $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['status'] = $option_status;261 $products[$product_id]['price'] = ($products[$product_id]['price'] < $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['price'] ? $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['price'] : $products[$product_id]['price']);262 $products[$product_id]['quantity'] = $products[$product_id]['quantity'] + $products[$product_id]['product_option'][$i]['quantity'];263 $i++;264 }265 }266 /​/​ Directory267 $dir = $this->request->server['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $this->dir;268 $files = scandir($dir);269 $catalog = '';270 /​/​ Как бы не называлась папка в webdata - получаем путь271 foreach ($files as $file) {272 if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) {273 $catalog = $dir . $file;274 }275 }276 $xml = simplexml_load_file($catalog);277 if (isset($xml->Скидки) && $xml->Скидки) {278 foreach ($xml->Скидки->children() as $sale) {279 $name = $sale->Наименование->__toString();280 $start_date = explode("T", $sale->ДатаНачала->__toString());281 $start_date = $start_date[0];282 $end_date = explode("T", $sale->ДатаЗавершения->__toString());283 $end_date = $end_date[0];284 $activity = $sale->Активность->__toString();;285 $priority = $sale->Приоритет->__toString();;286 if (isset($sale->Предложения) && $activity == 'true') {287 foreach ($sale->Предложения->children() as $offer) {288 $id = $offer->__toString();289 $product_id = current(explode('#', $id));290 $products[$product_id]['special']['name'] = $name;291 $products[$product_id]['special']['priority'] = $priority;292 $products[$product_id]['special']['date_start'] = $start_date;293 $products[$product_id]['special']['date_end'] = ($end_date != '0001-01-01' ? $end_date : '');294 $products[$product_id]['special']['price'] = round($products[$product_id]['price'] - $products[$product_id]['price'] /​ 100 * (int)$sale->Значение->__toString(), 0);295 $products[$product_id]['special']['sku'] = explode('#', $id);296 }297 }298 }299 }300 var_dump($products);301 foreach ($products as $product_data) {302 if (array_key_exists($product_data['id'], $exist_products)) {303 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->updateProduct($product_data, $product_data['id'], $color_option_id);304 } else {305 $product_id = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addProduct($product_data);306 /​/​ if (isset($product_data['product_option_value_id'])) {307 /​/​ $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addProductColorValue($product_data, $color_option_id, $product_id);308 /​/​ }309 $exist_products[$product_data['id']] = $product_data['model'];310 }311 }312 $exist_products = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getAllProducts();313 foreach ($exist_products as $id => $model) {314 $product_id = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getProduct($model, $id);315 $offers[$product_id] = $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->getProductsByModel($model, $product_id, $id);316 }317 /​/​var_dump($offers);318 foreach ($offers as $product_id => $offer) {319 if (isset($offer['product_option'])) {320 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addProductOptions($product_id, $offer['product_option']);321 }322 if (isset($offer['product_related_option'])) {323 $this->model_extension_module_Import1C->addProductRelatedOptions($product_id, $offer['product_related_option']);324 }325 if (count($offer['product_option_image_settings'])) {326 foreach ($offer['product_option_image_settings'] as $product_option_image_settings) {327 $this->db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "poip_option_settings 328 SET product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "', 329 product_option_id = '" . (int)$product_option_image_settings['product_option_id'] . "',330 img_change = '0',331 img_use = '0',332 img_limit = '0',333 img_gal = '0',334 img_option = '0',335 img_category = '0',336 img_first = '0',337 img_from_option = '0',338 img_sort = '0',339 img_select = '0',340 img_cart = '0',341 img_radio_checkbox = '0',342 dependent_thumbnails = '0',343 img_hover = '0'");344 }345 }346 if ($offer['product_option_image']) {347 foreach ($offer['product_option_image'] as $product_option_image) {348 $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "poip_option_image SET product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "', product_option_id = '" . (int)$product_option_image['product_option_id'] . "', product_option_value_id = '" . (int)$product_option_image['product_option_value_id'] . "', image = '" . $product_option_image['image'] . "', sort_order = '0'");349 }350 }351 }352 /​*353 $catalog = $dir.'offers.xml';354 $xml = simplexml_load_file($catalog);355 foreach ($xml->ПакетПредложений->Предложения->children() as $offer) {356 $product_id = $offer->Ид->__toString();357 foreach ($offer->Цены->children() as $price) {358 $products[$product_id]['price'] = str_replace(',', '.', $price->ЦенаЗаЕдиницу->__toString());359 }360 $products[$product_id]['quantity'] = str_replace(',00', '', $offer->Количество->__toString());361 }362 /​/​ Выставляем всем товарам в графе кол-во 0 (для опций)363 $this->model_module_Import1C->deactivateAllProducts();364 foreach ($products as $product_data) {365 if (in_array($product_data['model'], $exist_products)) {366 $this->model_module_Import1C->updateProduct($product_data, $product_data['model'], $color_option_id);367 } else {368 $product_id = $this->model_module_Import1C->addProduct($product_data);369 if (isset($product_data['product_option_value_id'])) {370 $this->model_module_Import1C->addProductColorValue($product_data, $color_option_id, $product_id);371 }372 $exist_products[$product_data['id']] = $product_data['model'];373 }374 }375 */​376 }377 function clear($str)378 {379 return trim(preg_replace('/​\s{2,}/​', ' ', $str));380 }381 public function translit($str)382 {383 /​/​ replace always384 $str = str_replace(array(385 '`', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '*', '(', ')', '+', '=', '[', '{', ']', '}', '\\', '|', ';', ':', "'", '"', ',', '<', '.', '>', '/​', '?'386 ), ' ', str_replace(array(387 '&'388 ), array(389 'and'390 ), htmlspecialchars_decode($str)));391 $unPretty = array(392 'À', 'à', 'Á', 'á', 'Â', 'â', 'Ã', 'ã', 'Ä', 'ä', 'Å', 'Ã¥', 'Ā', 'ā', 'Ă', 'ă', 'Ą', 'ą', 'Ǟ', 'ǟ', 'Ǻ', 'Ç»', 'Α', 'α', 'ъ', 'ạ', 'ả', 'ầ', 'ấ', 'ậ', 'ẩ', 'ẫ', 'ằ', 'ắ', 'ặ', 'ẳ', 'ẵ', 'Ạ', 'Ả', 'Ầ', 'Ấ', 'Ậ', 'Ẩ', 'Ẫ', 'Ằ', 'Ắ', 'Ặ', 'Ẳ', 'Ẵ',393 'Ḃ', 'ḃ', 'Б', 'б',394 'Ć', 'ć', 'Ç', 'ç', 'Č', 'č', 'Ĉ', 'ĉ', 'Ċ', 'ċ', 'Ч', 'ч', 'Χ', 'χ',395 'Ḑ', 'ḑ', 'Ď', 'ď', 'Ḋ', 'ḋ', 'Đ', 'đ', 'Ð', 'ð', 'Д', 'д', 'Δ', 'δ',396 'DZ', 'Dz', 'dz', 'DŽ', 'Dž', 'dž',397 'È', 'è', 'É', 'é', 'Ě', 'ě', 'Ê', 'ê', 'Ë', 'ë', 'Ē', 'ē', 'Ĕ', 'ĕ', 'Ę', 'ę', 'Ė', 'ė', 'Æ·', 'ʒ', 'Ç®', 'ǯ', 'Е', 'е', 'Э', 'э', 'Ε', 'ε', 'ẹ', 'ẻ', 'ẽ', 'ề', 'ế', 'ệ', 'ể', 'ễ', 'Ẹ', 'Ẻ', 'Ẽ', 'Ề', 'Ế', 'Ệ', 'Ể', 'Ễ',398 'Ḟ', 'ḟ', 'ƒ', 'Ф', 'ф', 'Φ', 'φ',399 'fi', 'fl',400 'Ç´', 'ǵ', 'Ä¢', 'Ä£', 'Ǧ', 'ǧ', 'Ĝ', 'ĝ', 'Ğ', 'ğ', 'Ä ', 'Ä¡', 'Ǥ', 'Ç¥', 'Г', 'г', 'Γ', 'γ',401 'Ĥ', 'Ä¥', 'Ħ', 'ħ', 'Ж', 'ж', 'Ð¥', 'х',402 'Ì', 'ì', 'Í', 'í', 'Î', 'î', 'Ĩ', 'Ä©', 'Ï', 'ï', 'Ī', 'Ä«', 'Ĭ', 'Ä­', 'Ä®', 'į', 'Ä°', 'ı', 'И', 'и', 'Η', 'η', 'Ι', 'ι', 'ị', 'ỉ', 'Ị', 'Ỉ',403 'IJ', 'ij',404 'Ä´', 'ĵ',405 'Ḱ', 'ḱ', 'Ķ', 'Ä·', 'Ǩ', 'Ç©', 'К', 'к', 'Κ', 'κ',406 'Ĺ', 'ĺ', 'Ä»', 'ļ', 'Ľ', 'ľ', 'Ä¿', 'ŀ', 'Ł', 'ł', 'Л', 'л', 'Λ', 'λ',407 'LJ', 'Lj', 'lj',408 'Ṁ', 'ṁ', 'М', 'м', 'Μ', 'μ',409 'Ń', 'ń', 'Ņ', 'ņ', 'Ň', 'ň', 'Ñ', 'ñ', 'ʼn', 'Ŋ', 'ŋ', 'Н', 'н', 'Ν', 'ν',410 'NJ', 'Nj', 'nj',411 'Ò', 'ò', 'Ó', 'ó', 'Ô', 'ô', 'Õ', 'õ', 'Ö', 'ö', 'Ō', 'ō', 'Ŏ', 'ŏ', 'Ø', 'ø', 'Ő', 'ő', 'Ǿ', 'Ç¿', 'О', 'о', 'Ο', 'ο', 'Ω', 'ω', 'ọ', 'ỏ', 'ồ', 'ố', 'ộ', 'ổ', 'ỗ', 'Æ¡', 'ờ', 'ớ', 'ợ', 'ở', 'ỡ', 'Ọ', 'Ỏ', 'Ồ', 'Ố', 'Ộ', 'Ổ', 'Ỗ', 'Æ ', 'Ờ', 'Ớ', 'Ợ', 'Ở', 'á» ',412 'Œ', 'œ',413 'Ṗ', 'ṗ', 'П', 'п', 'Π', 'π',414 'Ŕ', 'ŕ', 'Ŗ', 'ŗ', 'Ř', 'ř', 'Р', 'р', 'Ρ', 'ρ', 'Ψ', 'ψ',415 'Ś', 'ś', 'Ş', 'ş', 'Å ', 'Å¡', 'Ŝ', 'ŝ', 'á¹ ', 'ṡ', 'Å¿', 'ß', 'С', 'с', 'Ш', 'ш', 'Щ', 'щ', 'Σ', 'σ', 'ς',416 'Å¢', 'Å£', 'Ť', 'Å¥', 'Ṫ', 'ṫ', 'Ŧ', 'ŧ', 'Þ', 'þ', 'Т', 'т', 'Ц', 'ц', 'Θ', 'θ', 'Τ', 'τ',417 'Ù', 'ù', 'Ú', 'ú', 'Û', 'û', 'Ũ', 'Å©', 'Ü', 'ü', 'Å®', 'ů', 'Ū', 'Å«', 'Ŭ', 'Å­', 'Ų', 'ų', 'Å°', 'ű', 'У', 'у', 'ụ', 'ủ', 'Æ°', 'ừ', 'ứ', 'á»±', 'á»­', 'ữ', 'Ụ', 'Ủ', 'Ư', 'Ừ', 'Ứ', 'á»°', 'Ử', 'á»®',418 'В', 'в', 'Β', 'β',419 'Ẁ', 'ẁ', 'Ẃ', 'ẃ', 'Å´', 'ŵ', 'Ẅ', 'ẅ',420 'Ξ', 'ξ',421 'Ỳ', 'ỳ', 'Ý', 'ý', 'Ŷ', 'Å·', 'Ÿ', 'ÿ', 'Й', 'й', 'Ы', 'ы', 'Ю', 'ю', 'Я', 'я', 'Î¥', 'υ', 'ỵ', 'á»·', 'ỹ', 'á»´', 'Ỷ', 'Ỹ',422 'Ź', 'ź', 'Ž', 'ž', 'Å»', 'ż', 'З', 'з', 'Ζ', 'ζ',423 'Æ', 'æ', 'Ǽ', 'ǽ', 'а', 'А',424 'ь'425 );426 $pretty = array(427 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'A', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A',428 'B', 'b', 'B', 'b',429 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'C', 'c', 'CH', 'ch', 'CH', 'ch',430 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd', 'D', 'd',431 'DZ', 'Dz', 'dz', 'DZ', 'Dz', 'dz',432 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'E', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E',433 'F', 'f', 'f', 'F', 'f', 'F', 'f',434 'fi', 'fl',435 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g', 'G', 'g',436 'H', 'h', 'H', 'h', 'ZH', 'zh', 'H', 'h',437 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'I', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'I', 'I',438 'IJ', 'ij',439 'J', 'j',440 'K', 'k', 'K', 'k', 'K', 'k', 'K', 'k', 'K', 'k',441 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l', 'L', 'l',442 'LJ', 'Lj', 'lj',443 'M', 'm', 'M', 'm', 'M', 'm',444 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n', 'N', 'n',445 'NJ', 'Nj', 'nj',446 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'O', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O',447 'OE', 'oe',448 'P', 'p', 'P', 'p', 'P', 'p', 'PS', 'ps',449 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r', 'R', 'r',450 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 'S', 's', 's', 'ss', 'S', 's', 'SH', 'sh', 'SHCH', 'shch', 'S', 's', 's',451 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'T', 't', 'TS', 'ts', 'TH', 'th', 'T', 't',452 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'U', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U',453 'V', 'v', 'V', 'v',454 'W', 'w', 'W', 'w', 'W', 'w', 'W', 'w',455 'X', 'x',456 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'y', 'Y', 'y', 'YU', 'yu', 'YA', 'ya', 'Y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',457 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z', 'Z', 'z',458 'AE', 'ae', 'AE', 'ae', 'a', 'A',459 ''460 );461 $str = mb_strtolower(str_replace($unPretty, $pretty, $str), 'utf-8');462 $str = trim(preg_replace('/​[^A-Z^a-z^0-9]+/​', '-', $str), '-');463 return preg_replace('/​-+/​', '-', $str);464 }465 private function getAllCategories($categories, $parent_id = 0)466 {467 $output = array();468 if ($categories) {469 foreach ($categories->children() as $category) {470 $category_id = $category->Ид->__toString();471 $category_name = $this->clear($category->Наименование->__toString());472 $output[$category_id] = array(473 'id' => $category_id,474 'name' => $category_name,475 'keyword' => $this->translit($category_name),476 'parent_id' => $parent_id,477 );478 $output += $this->getAllCategories($category->Группы, $category_id);479 }480 }481 return $output;482 }483 public function addPresets($data = array(), $attribute_id = 0)484 {485 $this->load->model('extension/​module/​Import1C');...

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Source:Standard_action_index_45c6abe7f6ca8941809595c26fb0fe55e36157e4.php Github


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...40$output4 .= '41plugin.';42$array5 = array (43);44$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array5)]);45$output4 .= '_';46$array6 = array (47);48$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('plugin.key', $array6)]);49$output4 .= ' {50 view {51 # cat=plugin.';52$array7 = array (53);54$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array7)]);55$output4 .= '_';56$array8 = array (57);58$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('plugin.key', $array8)]);59$output4 .= '/​file; type=string; label=Path to template root (FE)60 templateRootPath = EXT:';61$array9 = array (62);63$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.extensionKey', $array9)]);64$output4 .= '/​Resources/​Private/​Templates/​65 # cat=plugin.';66$array10 = array (67);68$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array10)]);69$output4 .= '_';70$array11 = array (71);72$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('plugin.key', $array11)]);73$output4 .= '/​file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (FE)74 partialRootPath = EXT:';75$array12 = array (76);77$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.extensionKey', $array12)]);78$output4 .= '/​Resources/​Private/​Partials/​79 # cat=plugin.';80$array13 = array (81);82$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array13)]);83$output4 .= '_';84$array14 = array (85);86$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('plugin.key', $array14)]);87$output4 .= '/​file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (FE)88 layoutRootPath = EXT:';89$array15 = array (90);91$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.extensionKey', $array15)]);92$output4 .= '/​Resources/​Private/​Layouts/​93 }94 persistence {95 # cat=plugin.';96$array16 = array (97);98$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array16)]);99$output4 .= '_';100$array17 = array (101);102$output4 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('plugin.key', $array17)]);103$output4 .= '/​/​a; type=string; label=Default storage PID104 storagePid =105 }106}107';108return $output4;109};110$arguments1 = array();111$arguments1['each'] = NULL;112$arguments1['as'] = NULL;113$arguments1['key'] = NULL;114$arguments1['reverse'] = false;115$arguments1['iteration'] = NULL;116$array3 = array (117);$arguments1['each'] = $renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.plugins', $array3);118$arguments1['as'] = 'plugin';119$output0 .= TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\ForViewHelper::renderStatic($arguments1, $renderChildrenClosure2, $renderingContext);120$output0 .= '121';122/​/​ Rendering ViewHelper TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\ViewHelpers\ForViewHelper123$renderChildrenClosure19 = function() use ($renderingContext, $self) {124$output21 = '';125$output21 .= '126module.';127$array22 = array (128);129$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array22)]);130$output21 .= '_';131$array23 = array (132);133$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('backendModule.key', $array23)]);134$output21 .= ' {135 view {136 # cat=module.';137$array24 = array (138);139$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array24)]);140$output21 .= '_';141$array25 = array (142);143$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('backendModule.key', $array25)]);144$output21 .= '/​file; type=string; label=Path to template root (BE)145 templateRootPath = EXT:';146$array26 = array (147);148$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.extensionKey', $array26)]);149$output21 .= '/​Resources/​Private/​Backend/​Templates/​150 # cat=module.';151$array27 = array (152);153$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array27)]);154$output21 .= '_';155$array28 = array (156);157$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('backendModule.key', $array28)]);158$output21 .= '/​file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (BE)159 partialRootPath = EXT:';160$array29 = array (161);162$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.extensionKey', $array29)]);163$output21 .= '/​Resources/​Private/​Backend/​Partials/​164 # cat=module.';165$array30 = array (166);167$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array30)]);168$output21 .= '_';169$array31 = array (170);171$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('backendModule.key', $array31)]);172$output21 .= '/​file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (BE)173 layoutRootPath = EXT:';174$array32 = array (175);176$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.extensionKey', $array32)]);177$output21 .= '/​Resources/​Private/​Backend/​Layouts/​178 }179 persistence {180 # cat=module.';181$array33 = array (182);183$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('extension.shortExtensionKey', $array33)]);184$output21 .= '_';185$array34 = array (186);187$output21 .= call_user_func_array( function ($var) { return (is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $var, ENT_QUOTES) : $var); }, [$renderingContext->getVariableProvider()->getByPath('backendModule.key', $array34)]);188$output21 .= '/​/​a; type=string; label=Default storage PID189 storagePid =190 }191}192';193return $output21;194};195$arguments18 = array();196$arguments18['each'] = NULL;197$arguments18['as'] = NULL;198$arguments18['key'] = NULL;199$arguments18['reverse'] = false;200$arguments18['iteration'] = NULL;201$array20 = array (...

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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