How to use setLocale method of decorator class

Best Atoum code snippet using decorator.setLocale


Source:Base.php Github


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1<?php2/**3 * Class Auth_Form_TextDecorator4 *5 * @author Youssef Erratbi <>6 * @date 23/12/177 */8class Auth_Form_TextDecorator extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract {9 10 protected static $_errors = [11 'isEmpty' => 'Ce chemps est obligatoire',12 'notAlpha' => 'Ce chemps ne doit contenir que des caractères alphabétiques',13 'notAlnum' => 'Ce chemps ne doit contenir que des chiffres',14 'emailAddressInvalidFormat' => 'Cette adresse email n\'est pas valide',15 'stringLengthTooLong' => '%s est trop long',16 'stringLengthTooShort' => '%s est trop court',17 'regexNotMatch' => 'Ce chemps n\'est pas valide',18 'notSame' => 'Les mot de passes ne sont pas identiques',19 ];20 21 22 protected function _getError() {23 24 $keys = $this->_elm->getErrors();25 26 27 foreach ( $keys as $key ) {28 if ( array_key_exists( $key, self::$_errors ) ) {29 return sprintf( self::$_errors[ $key ], $this->_elm->getLabel() );30 }31 }32 33 34 return null;35 }36 37 38 protected function _getAttribs() {39 40 $attribs = '';41 foreach ( $this->_elm->getAttribs() as $key => $val ) {42 if ( $key !== 'class' && ( is_string( $val ) || is_int( $val ) ) ) {43 $attribs .= "{$key}=\"{$val}\" ";44 }45 }46 47 return $attribs;48 }49 50 51 protected $_elm, $_name, $_id, $_label, $_class, $_attribs, $_value, $_error, $_options;52 53 54 public function init() {55 56 $this->_elm = $this->getElement();57 $this->_name = $this->_elm->getFullyQualifiedName();58 $this->_id = $this->_elm->getId();59 $this->_label = $this->_elm->getLabel();60 $this->_class = $this->_elm->getAttrib( 'class' );61 $this->_attribs = $this->_getAttribs();62 $this->_value = $this->_elm->getValue();63 $this->_error = $this->_getError();64 }65 66 67 public function render( $content ) {68 69 $this->init();70 71 $has_error = $this->_error ? 'has-error' : '';72 $required = $this->getElement()->isRequired() ? 'required' : '';73 $type = $this->getElement()->getType() === 'Zend_Form_Element_Text' ? 'text' : 'password';74 75 return <<<EOD76<div class="form-group {$has_error}">77 <label for="{$this->_id}">{$this->_label}</label>78 <input {$this->_attribs}79 id="{$this->_id}"80 name="{$this->_name}"81 class="form-control {$this->_class}"82 {$required}83 type="{$type}"84 placeholder="{$this->_label}"85 value="{$this->_value}">86 <span class="help-block">{$this->_error}</span>87</div>88EOD;89 }90}91/**92 * Class Auth_Form_SelectDecorator93 *94 * @author Youssef Erratbi <>95 * @date 23/12/1796 */97class Auth_Form_SelectDecorator extends Auth_Form_TextDecorator {98 99 private function _slugify( $string, $replace = [], $delimiter = '-' ) {100 101 // if ( ! extension_loaded( 'iconv' ) ) {103 throw new Exception( 'iconv module not loaded' );104 }105 // Save the old locale and set the new locale to UTF-8106 $oldLocale = setlocale( LC_ALL, '0' );107 setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' );108 $clean = iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $string );109 if ( ! empty( $replace ) ) {110 $clean = str_replace( (array) $replace, ' ', $clean );111 }112 $clean = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_|+ -]/", '', $clean );113 $clean = strtolower( $clean );114 $clean = preg_replace( "/[\/_|+ -]+/", $delimiter, $clean );115 $clean = trim( $clean, $delimiter );116 // Revert back to the old locale117 setlocale( LC_ALL, $oldLocale );118 119 return $clean;120 }121 122 123 public function render( $content ) {124 125 parent::init();126 127 $this->_options = $this->_elm->getMultiOptions();128 129 $options = '';130 $has_error = $this->_error ? 'has-error' : '';131 $wantSlugify = $this->_elm->getAttrib( 'slugify' ) === true;132 133 foreach ( $this->_options as $key => $val ) {134 $options .= "<option data-value=\"{$this->_slugify($val)}\" value=\"{$key}\" " . ( $this->_value == $key ? 'selected' : '' ) . ">{$val}</option>";135 }136 137 138 return <<<EOD139<div class="form-group {$has_error}">140 <label for="{$this->_id}">{$this->_label}</label>141 <select {$this->_attribs} class="form-control {$this->_class}" id="{$this->_id}" name="{$this->_name}" placeholder="{$this->_label}">142 {$options}143 </select>144 <span class="help-block">{$this->_error}</span>145</div>146EOD;147 148 }149}150/**151 * Class Auth_Form_FileDecorator152 *153 * @author Youssef Erratbi <>154 * @date 23/12/17155 */156class Auth_Form_FileDecorator extends Auth_Form_TextDecorator {157 158 159 public function render( $content ) {160 161 parent::init();162 163 $has_error = $this->_error ? 'has-error' : '';164 165 166 return <<<EOD167<div class="form-group {$has_error}">168 <label for="{$this->_id}">{$this->_label}</label>169 <input type="file" class="form-control {$this->_class}" id="{$this->_id}" name="{$this->_name}" placeholder="{$this->_label}">170 <span class="help-block">{$this->_error}</span>171</div>172EOD;173 174 }175}176/**177 * Class Auth_Form_ButtonDecorator178 *179 * @author Youssef Erratbi <>180 * @date 23/12/17181 */182class Auth_Form_ButtonDecorator extends Auth_Form_TextDecorator {183 184 public function render( $content ) {185 186 parent::init();187 188 $options = '';189 190 return <<<EOD191<div class="form-group">192 <button {$this->_attribs} type="{$this->_elm->getAttrib( 'type' )}" name="{$this->_name}" id="{$this->_id}" class="{$this->_class}">{$this->_label}</button>193</div>194EOD;195 196 }197}198/**199 * Class Auth_Form_TextariaDecorator200 *201 * @author Youssef Erratbi <>202 * @date 23/12/17203 */204class Auth_Form_TextariaDecorator extends Auth_Form_TextDecorator {205 206 207 public function render( $content ) {208 209 parent::init();210 211 $has_error = $this->_error ? 'has-error' : '';212 213 return <<<EOD214<div class="form-group {$has_error}">215 <label for="{$this->_id}">{$this->_label}</label>216 <textarea {$this->_attribs} class="form-control {$this->_class}" id="{$this->_id}" name="{$this->_name}" placeholder="{$this->_label}">{$this->_value}</textarea>217 <span class="help-block">{$this->_error}</span>218</div>219EOD;220 }221}222/**223 * Class Auth_Form_Base224 *225 * @author Youssef Erratbi <>226 * @date 23/12/17227 */228class Auth_Form_Base extends Zend_Form {229 230 public static function slugify( $string, $replace = [], $delimiter = '-' ) {231 232 // if ( ! extension_loaded( 'iconv' ) ) {234 throw new Exception( 'iconv module not loaded' );235 }236 // Save the old locale and set the new locale to UTF-8237 $oldLocale = setlocale( LC_ALL, '0' );238 setlocale( LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8' );239 $clean = iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $string );240 if ( ! empty( $replace ) ) {241 $clean = str_replace( (array) $replace, ' ', $clean );242 }243 $clean = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_|+ -]/", '', $clean );244 $clean = strtolower( $clean );245 $clean = preg_replace( "/[\/_|+ -]+/", $delimiter, $clean );246 $clean = trim( $clean, $delimiter );247 // Revert back to the old locale248 setlocale( LC_ALL, $oldLocale );249 250 return $clean;251 }252 253 254 public function init() {255 256 parent::init();257 258 $this->setDecorators( [259 'FormElements',260 [ 'HtmlTag', [ 'tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'form-wrap' ] ],261 'Form',262 ] );263 264 foreach ( $this->getElements() as $el ) {265 switch ( $el->getType() ) {266 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Text':267 $el->setDecorators( [ new Auth_Form_TextDecorator ] );268 break;269 270 case 'Zend_Form_Element_File':271 $el->setDecorators( [272 'File',273 'Errors',274 [ [ 'data' => 'HtmlTag' ], [ 'tag' => 'div' ] ],275 [276 'Label' => [ 'tag' => 'label' ],277 ],278 ] );279 break;280 281 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Password':282 $el->setDecorators( [ new Auth_Form_TextDecorator ] );283 break;284 285 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Textarea':286 $el->setDecorators( [ new Auth_Form_TextariaDecorator ] );287 break;288 289 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Select':290 $el->setDecorators( [ new Auth_Form_SelectDecorator ] );291 break;292 293 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Reset':294 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Submit':295 case 'Zend_Form_Element_Button':296 $el->setDecorators( [ new Auth_Form_ButtonDecorator ] );297 break;298 }299 }300 }301}...

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Source:17.php Github


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1<?php2/**3* Description: demonstrates using the Textual decorator4*/5if (!@include 'Calendar'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Calendar.php') {6 define('CALENDAR_ROOT', '../../');7}8require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Day.php';9require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Month'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Weekdays.php';10require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Decorator'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Textual.php';11// Could change language like this12// setlocale (LC_TIME, "de_DE"); // Unix based (probably)13// setlocale (LC_TIME, "ge"); // Windows14echo "<hr>Calling: Calendar_Decorator_Textual::monthNames('long');<pre>";15print_r(Calendar_Decorator_Textual::monthNames('long'));16echo '</pre>';17echo "<hr>Calling: Calendar_Decorator_Textual::weekdayNames('two');<pre>";18print_r(Calendar_Decorator_Textual::weekdayNames('two'));19echo '</pre>';20echo "<hr>Creating: new Calendar_Day(date('Y'), date('n'), date('d'));<br />";21$Calendar = new Calendar_Day(date('Y'), date('n'), date('d'));22// Decorate23$Textual = & new Calendar_Decorator_Textual($Calendar);24echo '<hr>Previous month is: '.$Textual->prevMonthName('two').'<br />';25echo 'This month is: '.$Textual->thisMonthName('short').'<br />';26echo 'Next month is: '.$Textual->nextMonthName().'<br /><hr />';27echo 'Previous day is: '.$Textual->prevDayName().'<br />';28echo 'This day is: '.$Textual->thisDayName('short').'<br />';29echo 'Next day is: '.$Textual->nextDayName('one').'<br /><hr />';30echo "Creating: new Calendar_Month_Weekdays(date('Y'), date('n'), 6); - Saturday is first day of week<br />";31$Calendar = new Calendar_Month_Weekdays(date('Y'), date('n'), 6);32// Decorate33$Textual = & new Calendar_Decorator_Textual($Calendar);34?>35<p>Rendering calendar....</p>36<table>37<caption><?php echo $Textual->thisMonthName().' '.$Textual->thisYear(); ?></caption>38<tr>39<?php40$dayheaders = $Textual->orderedWeekdays('short');41foreach ($dayheaders as $dayheader) {42 echo '<th>'.$dayheader.'</th>';43}44?>45</tr>46<?php47$Calendar->build();48while ($Day = $Calendar->fetch()) {49 if ($Day->isFirst()) {50 echo "<tr>\n";51 }52 if ($Day->isEmpty()) {53 echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';54 } else {55 echo '<td>'.$Day->thisDay().'</td>';56 }57 if ($Day->isLast()) {58 echo "</tr>\n";59 }60}61?>62</table>...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$locale = new setLocale();2$locale->setLocale();3$locale = new setLocale();4$locale->setLocale();5$locale = new setLocale();6$locale->setLocale();7$locale = new setLocale();8$locale->setLocale();9$locale = new setLocale();10$locale->setLocale();11$locale = new setLocale();12$locale->setLocale();13$locale = new setLocale();14$locale->setLocale();15$locale = new setLocale();16$locale->setLocale();17$locale = new setLocale();18$locale->setLocale();19$locale = new setLocale();20$locale->setLocale();21$locale = new setLocale();22$locale->setLocale();23$locale = new setLocale();24$locale->setLocale();25$locale = new setLocale();26$locale->setLocale();27$locale = new setLocale();28$locale->setLocale();29$locale = new setLocale();30$locale->setLocale();31$locale = new setLocale();32$locale->setLocale();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$decorator = new Decorator();2$decorator->setLocale('es_ES');3echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');4$decorator = new Decorator();5$decorator->setLocale('en_US');6echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');7$decorator = new Decorator();8$decorator->setLocale('es_ES');9echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');10$decorator->setLocale('en_US');11echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');12$decorator = new Decorator();13$decorator->setLocale('es_ES');14echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');15$decorator->setLocale('en_US');16echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');17$decorator = new Decorator();18$decorator->setLocale('es_ES');19echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');20$decorator->setLocale('en_US');21echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');22$decorator = new Decorator();23$decorator->setLocale('es_ES');24echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');25$decorator->setLocale('en_US');26echo $decorator->translate('Hello World');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$decorator = new Decorator();2$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');3echo $decorator->getHelloWorld();4$decorator = new Decorator();5$decorator->setLocale('en_US');6echo $decorator->getHelloWorld();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$decorator = new decorator();2$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');3echo $decorator->translate('hello world');4$decorator = new decorator();5$decorator->setLocale('en_US');6echo $decorator->translate('hello world');7$decorator = new decorator();8$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');9echo $decorator->translate('hello world');10$decorator = new decorator();11$decorator->setLocale('en_US');12echo $decorator->translate('hello world');13$decorator = new decorator();14$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');15echo $decorator->translate('hello world');16$decorator = new decorator();17$decorator->setLocale('en_US');18echo $decorator->translate('hello world');19$decorator = new decorator();20$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');21echo $decorator->translate('hello world');22$decorator = new decorator();23$decorator->setLocale('en_US');24echo $decorator->translate('hello world');25$decorator = new decorator();26$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');27echo $decorator->translate('hello world');28$decorator = new decorator();29$decorator->setLocale('en_US');30echo $decorator->translate('hello world');31$decorator = new decorator();32$decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');33echo $decorator->translate('hello world');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'Decorator.php';2$decorator = new Decorator();3$decorator->setLocale('es_ES');4echo $decorator->getGreeting();5require_once 'Decorator.php';6$decorator = new Decorator();7$decorator->setLocale('en_US');8echo $decorator->getGreeting();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$locale = new Locale();2$locale->setLocale("en_US");3echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");4$locale = new Locale();5$locale->setLocale("es_ES");6echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");7$locale = new Locale();8$locale->setLocale("fr_FR");9echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");10$locale = new Locale();11$locale->setLocale("de_DE");12echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");13$locale = new Locale();14$locale->setLocale("ja_JP");15echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");16Recommended Posts: PHP | setlocale() Function17PHP | NumberFormatter::formatCurrency() Function18PHP | NumberFormatter::format() Function19PHP | NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() Function20PHP | NumberFormatter::parse() Function21PHP | NumberFormatter::setAttribute() Function22PHP | NumberFormatter::setSymbol() Function23PHP | NumberFormatter::setPattern() Function24PHP | NumberFormatter::setLenient() Function25PHP | NumberFormatter::setIntlErrorCode() Function26PHP | NumberFormatter::setIntlErrorMessage() Function27PHP | NumberFormatter::setAttribute() Function

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Using AI Code Generation


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1echo $decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');2echo $decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');3class Factory {4 public static function createDecorator() {5 return new Decorator();6 }7}8$decorator = Factory::createDecorator();9echo $decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');10$decorator = Factory::createDecorator();11echo $decorator->setLocale('fr_FR');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$locale = new Locale();2$locale->setLocale('fr_FR');3echo $locale->getLocalizedMessage('hello');4$locale = new Locale();5$locale->setLocale('en_US');6echo $locale->getLocalizedMessage('hello');7$locale = new Locale();8$locale->setLocale('ja_JP');9echo $locale->getLocalizedMessage('hello');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$decorator = new Decorator();2$decorator->setLocale('en');3echo $decorator->getGreeting();4$locale = new Locale();5$locale->setLocale("de_DE");6echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");7$locale = new Locale();8$locale->setLocale("ja_JP");9echo $locale->getLocalizedString("hello");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$decorator = new Decorator();2$decorator->setLocale('en');3echo $decorator->getGreeting();4Recommended Posts: PHP | setlocale() Function5PHP | NumberFormatter::formatCurrency() Function6PHP | NumberFormatter::format() Function7PHP | NumberFormatter::parseCurrency() Function8PHP | NumberFormatter::parse() Function9PHP | NumberFormatter::setAttribute() Function10PHP | NumberFormatter::setSymbol() Function11PHP | NumberFormatter::setPattern() Function12PHP | NumberFormatter::setLenient() Function13PHP | NumberFormatter::setIntlErrorCode() Function14PHP | NumberFormatter::setIntlErrorMessage() Function15PHP | NumberFormatter::setAttribute() Function

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$locale = new Locale();2$locale->setLocale('fr_FR');3echo $locale->getLocalizedMessage('hello');4$locale = new Locale();5$locale->setLocale('en_US');6echo $locale->getLocalizedMessage('hello');7$locale = new Locale();8$locale->setLocale('ja_JP');9echo $locale->getLocalizedMessage('hello');

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