Best Atoum code snippet using command.osIsWindows
...45 $command .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($value);46 }47 }48 }49 if (static::osIsWindows() === true)50 {51 $command = '"' . $this->binaryPath . '"' . $command;52 }53 else54 {55 $command = escapeshellcmd($this->binaryPath . $command);56 }57 return $command;58 }59 public function __set($envVariable, $value)60 {61 $this->env[$envVariable] = $value;62 return $this;63 }64 public function __get($envVariable)65 {66 return (isset($this->{$envVariable}) === false ? null : $this->env[$envVariable]);67 }68 public function __isset($envVariable)69 {70 return (isset($this->env[$envVariable]) === true);71 }72 public function __unset($envVariable)73 {74 if (isset($this->{$envVariable}) === true)75 {76 unset($this->env[$envVariable]);77 }78 return $this;79 }80 public function reset()81 {82 $this->options = array();83 $this->arguments = array();84 $this->stdOut = '';85 $this->stdErr = '';86 $this->exitCode = null;87 return $this;88 }89 public function getAdapter()90 {91 return $this->adapter;92 }93 public function setAdapter(atoum\adapter $adapter = null)94 {95 $this->adapter = $adapter ?: new atoum\adapter();96 return $this;97 }98 public function getBinaryPath()99 {100 return $this->binaryPath;101 }102 public function setBinaryPath($binaryPath = null)103 {104 $this->binaryPath = (string) $binaryPath;105 return $this;106 }107 public function addOption($option, $value = null)108 {109 $this->options[$option] = $value ?: null;110 return $this;111 }112 public function getOptions()113 {114 return $this->options;115 }116 public function addArgument($argument, $value = null)117 {118 $this->arguments[] = array($argument => $value ?: null);119 return $this;120 }121 public function getArguments()122 {123 return $this->arguments;124 }125 public function isRunning()126 {127 $isRunning = false;128 if ($this->processus !== null)129 {130 $this->stdOut .= $this->adapter->stream_get_contents($this->streams[1]);131 $this->stdErr .= $this->adapter->stream_get_contents($this->streams[2]);132 $processusStatus = $this->adapter->proc_get_status($this->processus);133 $isRunning = $processusStatus['running'];134 if ($isRunning === false)135 {136 $this->stdOut .= $this->adapter->stream_get_contents($this->streams[1]);137 $this->adapter->fclose($this->streams[1]);138 $this->stdErr .= $this->adapter->stream_get_contents($this->streams[2]);139 $this->adapter->fclose($this->streams[2]);140 $this->streams = array();141 $this->exitCode = $processusStatus['exitcode'];142 $this->adapter->proc_close($this->processus);143 $this->processus = null;144 }145 }146 return $isRunning;147 }148 public function getStdout()149 {150 return $this->stdOut;151 }152 public function getStderr()153 {154 return $this->stdErr;155 }156 public function getExitCode()157 {158 while ($this->isRunning() === true);159 return $this->exitCode;160 }161 public function run($stdin = '')162 {163 if ($this->processus !== null)164 {165 throw new command\exception('Unable to run \'' . $this . '\' because is currently running');166 }167 $pipes = array(168 1 => array('pipe', 'w'),169 2 => array('pipe', 'w')170 );171 if ($stdin != '')172 {173 $pipes[0] = array('pipe', 'r');174 }175 $this->processus = @call_user_func_array(array($this->adapter, 'proc_open'), array((string) $this, $pipes, & $this->streams, null, sizeof($this->env) <= 0 ? null : $this->env));176 if ($this->processus === false)177 {178 throw new command\exception('Unable to run \'' . $this . '\'');179 }180 if (isset($this->streams[0]) === true)181 {182 while ($stdin != '')183 {184 $stdinWrited = $this->adapter->fwrite($this->streams[0], $stdin, strlen($stdin));185 if ($stdinWrited === false)186 {187 throw new command\exception('Unable to send \'' . $stdin . '\' to \'' . $this . '\'');188 }189 $stdin = substr($stdin, $stdinWrited);190 }191 $this->adapter->fclose($this->streams[0]);192 unset($this->streams[0]);193 }194 $this->adapter->stream_set_blocking($this->streams[1], 0);195 $this->adapter->stream_set_blocking($this->streams[2], 0);196 return $this;197 }198 private static function osIsWindows()199 {200 return (defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR') === true);201 }202}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$cmd = new command();2$cmd->osIsWindows();3echo $cmd->getOutput();4$cmd = new command();5$cmd->osIsLinux();6echo $cmd->getOutput();7$cmd = new command();8$cmd->osIsMac();9echo $cmd->getOutput();10$cmd = new command();11$cmd->osIsUnix();12echo $cmd->getOutput();13$cmd = new command();14$cmd->osIsSolaris();15echo $cmd->getOutput();16$cmd = new command();17$cmd->osIsAndroid();18echo $cmd->getOutput();19$cmd = new command();20$cmd->osIsIOS();21echo $cmd->getOutput();22$cmd = new command();23$cmd->osIsWindowsPhone();24echo $cmd->getOutput();25$cmd = new command();26$cmd->osIsBlackBerry();27echo $cmd->getOutput();28$cmd = new command();29$cmd->osIsSymbian();30echo $cmd->getOutput();31$cmd = new command();32$cmd->osIsBada();33echo $cmd->getOutput();34$cmd = new command();35$cmd->osIsWebOS();36echo $cmd->getOutput();37$cmd = new command();38$cmd->osIsChromeOS();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'Command.php';2$cmd = new Command();3echo $cmd->osIsWindows();4require_once 'Command.php';5$cmd = new Command();6echo $cmd->osIsLinux();7require_once 'Command.php';8$cmd = new Command();9echo $cmd->osIsMac();10require_once 'Command.php';11$cmd = new Command();12echo $cmd->osIsUnix();13require_once 'Command.php';14$cmd = new Command();15echo $cmd->osIsOS2();16require_once 'Command.php';17$cmd = new Command();18echo $cmd->osIsBeOS();19require_once 'Command.php';20$cmd = new Command();21echo $cmd->osIsOS400();22require_once 'Command.php';23$cmd = new Command();24echo $cmd->osIsVMS();25require_once 'Command.php';26$cmd = new Command();27echo $cmd->osIsNetware();28require_once 'Command.php';29$cmd = new Command();30echo $cmd->osIsWinNT();31require_once 'Command.php';32$cmd = new Command();33echo $cmd->osIsWinNT4();
Using AI Code Generation
1$command = new command();2if($command->osIsWindows()) {3 echo "Windows OS";4}5else {6 echo "Non-Windows OS";7}8$command = new command();9if($command->osIsWindows()) {10 echo "Windows OS";11}12else {13 echo "Non-Windows OS";14}
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'command.php';2$os = command::osIsWindows();3if ($os) {4 echo "Your operating system is Windows";5} else {6 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";7}8require_once 'command.php';9$os = command::osIsWindows();10if ($os) {11 echo "Your operating system is Windows";12} else {13 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";14}15require_once 'command.php';16$os = command::osIsWindows();17if ($os) {18 echo "Your operating system is Windows";19} else {20 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";21}22require_once 'command.php';23$os = command::osIsWindows();24if ($os) {25 echo "Your operating system is Windows";26} else {27 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";28}29require_once 'command.php';30$os = command::osIsWindows();31if ($os) {32 echo "Your operating system is Windows";33} else {34 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";35}36require_once 'command.php';37$os = command::osIsWindows();38if ($os) {39 echo "Your operating system is Windows";40} else {41 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";42}43require_once 'command.php';44$os = command::osIsWindows();45if ($os) {46 echo "Your operating system is Windows";47} else {48 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";49}50require_once 'command.php';51$os = command::osIsWindows();52if ($os) {53 echo "Your operating system is Windows";54} else {55 echo "Your operating system is not Windows";56}
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once("Command.php");2$cmd = new Command();3if($cmd->osIsWindows())4{5 echo "I am a windows machine";6}7{8 echo "I am a linux machine";9}10{11 public function osIsWindows()12 {13 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {14 return true;15 } else {16 return false;17 }18 }19}20require_once("Command.php");21$cmd = new Command();22if($cmd->osIsWindows())23{24 echo "I am a windows machine";25}26{27 echo "I am a linux machine";28}29{30 public function osIsWindows()31 {32 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {33 return true;34 } else {35 return false;36 }37 }38}39require_once("Command.php");40$cmd = new Command();41if($cmd->osIsWindows())42{43 echo "I am a windows machine";44}45{46 echo "I am a linux machine";47}48{49 public function osIsWindows()50 {51 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {52 return true;53 } else {54 return false;55 }56 }57}58require_once("Command.php");59$cmd = new Command();60if($cmd->osIsWindows())61{62 echo "I am a windows machine";63}64{65 echo "I am a linux machine";66}67{68 public function osIsWindows()
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'command.php';2$cmd = new command();3if($cmd->osIsWindows()){4 echo "This is a Windows OS";5}else{6 echo "This is a Linux OS";7}8require_once 'command.php';9$cmd = new command();10if($cmd->osIsLinux()){11 echo "This is a Linux OS";12}else{13 echo "This is a Windows OS";14}15require_once 'command.php';16$cmd = new command();17if($cmd->osIsMac()){18 echo "This is a Mac OS";19}else{20 echo "This is not a Mac OS";21}22require_once 'command.php';23$cmd = new command();24if($cmd->osIsUnix()){25 echo "This is a Unix OS";26}else{27 echo "This is not a Unix OS";28}29require_once 'command.php';30$cmd = new command();31if($cmd->osIsAndroid()){32 echo "This is an Android OS";33}else{34 echo "This is not an Android OS";35}36require_once 'command.php';37$cmd = new command();38if($cmd->osIsIOS()){39 echo "This is an IOS OS";40}else{41 echo "This is not an IOS OS";42}43require_once 'command.php';44$cmd = new command();45if($cmd->osIsAndroid()){46 echo "This is an Android OS";47}else{48 echo "This is not an Android OS";49}50require_once 'command.php';51$cmd = new command();52if($cmd->osIsBlackBerry()){53 echo "This is a BlackBerry OS";54}else{
Using AI Code Generation
1include_once "command.php";2$cmd = new command();3if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {4echo "The server is windows";5} else {6echo "The server is not windows";7}8include_once "command.php";9$cmd = new command();10if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {11echo "The server is windows";12} else {13echo "The server is not windows";14}15class command {16public function osIsWindows() {17return (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');18}19}20include_once "command.php";21$cmd = new command();22if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {23echo "The server is windows";24} else {25echo "The server is not windows";26}27include_once "command.php";28$cmd = new command();29if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {30echo "The server is windows";31} else {32echo "The server is not windows";33}
Using AI Code Generation
1include_once("classes/command.class.php");2$cmd = new command();3if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {4 echo "This server is windows";5} else {6 echo "This server is not windows";7}8include_once("classes/command.class.php");9$cmd = new command();10if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {11 echo "This server is windows";12} else {13 echo "This server is not windows";14}15include_once("classes/command.class.php");16$cmd = new command();17if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {18 echo "This server is windows";19} else {20 echo "This server is not windows";21}22include_once("classes/command.class.php");23$cmd = new command();24if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {25 echo "This server is windows";26} else {27 echo "This server is not windows";28}29include_once("classes/command.class.php");30$cmd = new command();31if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {32 echo "This server is windows";33} else {34 echo "This server is not windows";35}36include_once("classes/command.class.php");37$cmd = new command();38if($cmd->osIsWindows()) {39 echo "This server is windows";40} else
Using AI Code Generation
1$cmd = new Command();2if($cmd->osIsWindows())3{4$cmd->exec('dir');5}6{7$cmd->exec('ls');8}
Using AI Code Generation
1if (command::osIsWindows()) {2 echo 'Windows';3} else {4 echo 'Not Windows';5}6if (command::osIsWindows()) {7 echo 'Windows';8} else {9 echo 'Not Windows';10}11class command {12 static $osName;13 public function __construct() {14 self::$osName = PHP_OS;15 }16 static public function osIsWindows() {17 if (self::$osName == 'WINNT' || self::$osName == 'WIN32' || self::$osName == 'Windows') {18 return true;19 }20 return false;21 }22}
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