Best Atoum code snippet using builder.testRun
1<?php2class TMS_PiplineBuilder3{4 public static function createPipline($testRun)5 {6 $test = $testRun->get_test();7 // TODO: create influx db8 $dbBuilder = new TMS_SampleDbBuilder();9 $dbBuilder->create($testRun);10 // create new pipline11 $pipeline = new Pluf\Jms\Pipeline();12 $pipeline->title = $test->title;13 $pipeline->description = $test->description;14 $pipeline->create();15 // Set pipeline of test-run16 $testRun->pipeline_id = $pipeline;17 $testRun->update();18 // Add Job19 self::addGazmehJob($pipeline, $testRun, $test);20 // Run pipeline21 $pipeline->status = Pluf\Jms\PipelineState::wait;22 $pipeline->update();23 $pipeline->run();24 return $pipeline;25 }26 private static function addGazmehJob($pipeline, $testRun, $test)27 {28 $data = array(29 'image' => 'gazmeh',30 'name' => sprintf('g.%d.%d.%d', $test->project_id, $test->id, $testRun->id),31 'description' => 'This is a job to run a load test',32 'status' => Pluf\Jms\JobState::init33 );34 $form = new Pluf_Form_ModelBinaryCreate($data, array(35 'model' => new Pluf\Jms\Job()36 ));37 $job = $form->save();38 // add to the pipeline39 $job->pipeline_id = $pipeline;40 $job->update();41 self::attachVariables($job, $test, $testRun);42 self::attachCommands($job, $test);43 self::attachResources($job, $test);44 self::attachLogger($job, $testRun);45 $job->status = Pluf\Jms\JobState::wait;46 $job->update();47 return $job;48 }49 private static function attachVariables($job, $test, $testRun)50 {51 // test_name52 $attr = new Pluf\Jms\Attribute();53 $attr->name = 'test_name';54 $attr->value = $test->title;55 $attr->job_id = $job;56 $attr->create();57 // run_id58 $attr = new Pluf\Jms\Attribute();59 $attr->name = 'run_id';60 $attr->value = $testRun->id;61 $attr->job_id = $job;62 $attr->create();63 if (self::isGazmehDesign($test)) {64 // test_main_jmx65 $attr = new Pluf\Jms\Attribute();66 $attr->name = 'test_main_jmx';67 $attr->value = 'config.jmx';68 $attr->job_id = $job;69 $attr->create();70 } else {71 $variables = $test->get_variables_list();72 foreach ($variables as $var) {73 if ($var->key === 'test.main.jmx') {74 // test_main_jmx75 $attr = new Pluf\Jms\Attribute();76 $attr->name = 'test_main_jmx';77 $attr->value = $var->value;78 $attr->job_id = $job;79 $attr->create();80 }81 }82 }83 }84 private static function attachCommands($job, $test)85 {86 $builder = new TMS_ScriptBuilder();87 $command = '';88 // Create JMX file89 if (self::isGazmehDesign($test)) {90 $command .= 'gazmeh-converter --output config.jmx ';91 // add template92 $command .= '--template templates/gazmeh.jmx ';93 // add virtual users file94 $vuList = $test->get_virtual_users_list();95 foreach ($vuList as $vu) {96 $command .= sprintf('--virtual-user vu_file_name_%d ', $vu->id);97 }98 // add variables99 $varList = $test->get_variables_list();100 foreach ($varList as $var) {101 $command .= sprintf('--variable "%s=%s" ', $var->key, $var->value);102 }103 $command .= '--variable "${run_id}" ';104 $command .= '--variable "${test_name}" ';105 $builder->addComment('Convert desinge into a JMX file');106 $builder->addCommand($command);107 $builder->addComment('Run jmeter');108 $builder->addCommand('jmeter -n -t ${test_main_jmx} -l jmeter.log ');109 } else {110 // create jmeter command111 $command .= 'jmeter -n -t ${test_main_jmx} -l jmeter.log ';112 // add variables113 $varList = $test->get_variables_list();114 foreach ($varList as $var) {115 $command .= sprintf('-J%s="%s" ', $var->key, $var->value);116 }117 $command .= '-J%s=${run_id} ';118 $builder->addComment('Run jmeter');119 $builder->addCommand($command);120 }121 $content = $builder->buildString();122 Pluf\Jms\JobUtils::setContent($job, $content);123 }124 private static function attachResources($job, $test)125 {126 // Attachments127 $attachList = $test->get_attachments_list();128 foreach ($attachList as $attach) {129 $form = new Pluf_Form_ModelBinaryCreate(array(130 'job_id' => $job->id131 ), array(132 'model' => new Pluf\Jms\Attachment()133 ));134 $jmsAttach = $form->save();135 Pluf_FileUtil::copyFile($attach->getAbsloutPath(), $jmsAttach->getAbsloutPath());136 $jmsAttach->file_name = $attach->file_name;137 $jmsAttach->mime_type = $attach->mime_type;138 $jmsAttach->file_size = $attach->file_size;139 $jmsAttach->update();140 }141 // Virtual Users142 $vuList = $test->get_virtual_users_list();143 foreach ($vuList as $vu) {144 $form = new Pluf_Form_ModelBinaryCreate(array(145 'job_id' => $job->id146 ), array(147 'model' => new Pluf\Jms\Attachment()148 ));149 $jmsAttach = $form->save();150 Pluf_FileUtil::copyFile($vu->getAbsloutPath(), $jmsAttach->getAbsloutPath());151 $jmsAttach->file_name = sprintf('vu_file_name_%d', $vu->id);152 $jmsAttach->mime_type = $vu->mime_type;153 $jmsAttach->file_size = $vu->file_size;154 $jmsAttach->update();155 }156 }157 private static function attachLogger($job, $testRun)158 {159 $loggerUrl = 'http://influxdb:8086';160 $jobLogger = new Pluf\Jms\JobLogger();161 $jobLogger->url = $loggerUrl . '/write?precision=ms&db=test_run_' . $testRun->id;162 $jobLogger->period = 'PT5s';163 $jobLogger->template = 'logs,logger="{{logger}}",level={{level}} message="{{message}}" {{timestamp}}';164 $jobLogger->job_id = $job;165 $jobLogger->create();166 }167 /**168 * Checks if the `design` field of the $test is not empty and is started with 'gazmeh'.169 *170 * @param TMS_Test $test171 * @return boolean172 */173 private static function isGazmehDesign($test)174 {175 return self::startsWith($test->design, 'gazmeh');...
...17 * @property int $iteration18 *19 * @property Carbon $completed_at20 * @property TestStep $testStep21 * @property TestRun $testRun22 * @property Session $session23 * @property Request $request24 * @property Response $response25 */26class TestResult extends Model27{28 const UPDATED_AT = null;29 const STATUS_INCOMPLETE = 'incomplete';30 const STATUS_PASS = 'pass';31 const STATUS_FAIL = 'fail';32 /** @var float */33 public $jobStart;34 /**35 * @var string36 */37 protected $table = 'test_results';38 /**39 * @var array40 */41 protected $fillable = [42 'test_step_id',43 'iteration',44 'repeat',45 'request',46 'response',47 ];48 /**49 * @var array50 */51 protected $casts = [52 'completed_at' => 'datetime',53 'repeat' => 'boolean',54 'request' => RequestCast::class,55 'response' => ResponseCast::class,56 ];57 /**58 * @var array59 */60 protected $attributes = [61 'status' => self::STATUS_INCOMPLETE,62 'duration' => 0,63 ];64 /**65 * @var array66 */67 protected $observables = ['pass', 'fail'];68 /**69 * @return BelongsTo70 */71 public function testRun()72 {73 return $this->belongsTo(TestRun::class, 'test_run_id');74 }75 /**76 * @return BelongsTo77 */78 public function testStep()79 {80 return $this->belongsTo(TestStep::class, 'test_step_id');81 }82 /**83 * @return HasMany84 */85 public function testExecutions()...
1<?php2namespace App\Repository;3use App\Entity\TestRun;4use App\Entity\User;5use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;6use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;7/**8 * @method TestRun|null find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)9 * @method TestRun|null findOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null)10 * @method TestRun[] findAll()11 * @method TestRun[] findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)12 */13class TestRunRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository14{15 public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry)16 {17 parent::__construct($registry, TestRun::class);18 }19 function getLevelsForUser(User $user): array {20 $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('t');21 $qb->select('');22 $qb->addSelect('MAX(t.level) as level');23 $qb->where('t.user = :userId');24 $qb->setParameter('userId', $user->getId());25 $qb->groupBy('');26 $results = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();27 $levels = [];28 foreach ($results as $result) $levels[$result['group']] = $result['level'];29 return $levels;30 }31 // /**32 // * @return TestRun[] Returns an array of TestRun objects33 // */34 /*35 public function findByExampleField($value)36 {37 return $this->createQueryBuilder('t')38 ->andWhere('t.exampleField = :val')39 ->setParameter('val', $value)40 ->orderBy('', 'ASC')41 ->setMaxResults(10)42 ->getQuery()43 ->getResult()44 ;45 }46 */47 /*48 public function findOneBySomeField($value): ?TestRun49 {50 return $this->createQueryBuilder('t')51 ->andWhere('t.exampleField = :val')52 ->setParameter('val', $value)53 ->getQuery()54 ->getOneOrNullResult()55 ;56 }57 */58}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$builder = new Builder();2$builder->testRun();3$builder = new Builder();4$builder->testRun();5$builder = new Builder();6$builder->testRun();7$builder = new Builder();8$builder->testRun();9$builder = new Builder();10$builder->testRun();11$builder = new Builder();12$builder->testRun();13$builder = new Builder();14$builder->testRun();15$builder = new Builder();16$builder->testRun();17$builder = new Builder();18$builder->testRun();19$builder = new Builder();20$builder->testRun();21$builder = new Builder();22$builder->testRun();23$builder = new Builder();24$builder->testRun();25$builder = new Builder();26$builder->testRun();27$builder = new Builder();28$builder->testRun();29$builder = new Builder();30$builder->testRun();31$builder = new Builder();32$builder->testRun();33$builder = new Builder();34$builder->testRun();
Using AI Code Generation
1$builder = new Builder();2$builder->testRun();3$builder = new Builder();4$builder->testRun();5$builder = new Builder();6$builder->testRun();7$builder = new Builder();8$builder->testRun();9$builder = new Builder();10$builder->testRun();11$builder = new Builder();12$builder->testRun();13{14 public static $i = 1;15 public function testRun()16 {17 echo self::$i . PHP_EOL;18 self::$i++;19 }20}21$builder = new Builder();22$builder->testRun();23$builder->testRun();24$builder->testRun();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'Builder.php';2$builder = new Builder();3$builder->testRun();4require_once 'Builder.php';5$builder = new Builder();6$builder->testRun();7require_once 'Builder.php';8$builder = new Builder();9$builder->testRun();10require_once 'Builder.php';11$builder = new Builder();12$builder->testRun();13require_once 'Builder.php';14$builder = new Builder();15$builder->testRun();16require_once 'Builder.php';17$builder = new Builder();18$builder->testRun();19require_once 'Builder.php';20$builder = new Builder();21$builder->testRun();22require_once 'Builder.php';23$builder = new Builder();24$builder->testRun();25require_once 'Builder.php';26$builder = new Builder();27$builder->testRun();28require_once 'Builder.php';29$builder = new Builder();30$builder->testRun();31require_once 'Builder.php';32$builder = new Builder();33$builder->testRun();34require_once 'Builder.php';35$builder = new Builder();36$builder->testRun();37require_once 'Builder.php';38$builder = new Builder();39$builder->testRun();40require_once 'Builder.php';41$builder = new Builder();42$builder->testRun();
Using AI Code Generation
1$builder = new Builder();2$builder->testRun();3$builder = new Builder();4$builder->testRun();5$builder = new Builder();6$builder->testRun();7$builder = new Builder();8$builder->testRun();9$builder = new Builder();10$builder->testRun();11$builder = new Builder();12$builder->testRun();13$builder = new Builder();14$builder->testRun();15$builder = new Builder();16$builder->testRun();17$builder = new Builder();18$builder->testRun();19$builder = new Builder();20$builder->testRun();
Using AI Code Generation
1$builder = new Builder();2$builder->testRun();3public class Student {4 private int id;5 private String name;6 private int age;7 private String address;8 private Student(StudentBuilder builder) {9 =;10 =;11 this.age = builder.age;12 this.address = builder.address;13 }
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