Best Mockery code snippet using Type.match
Source: Os.php
...37 /* Darwin */38 private function detectDarwin($ua)39 {40 /* iOS */41 if (preg_match('/\(iOS;/u', $ua)) {42 $this->data->os->name = 'iOS';43 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;44 }45 if (preg_match('/(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/like iPhone/u', $ua)) {46 $this->data->os->name = 'iOS';47 if (preg_match('/CPU like Mac OS X/u', $ua, $match)) {48 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);49 }50 if (preg_match('/OS (.*) like Mac OS X/u', $ua, $match)) {51 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);52 }53 if (preg_match('/iPhone OS ([0-9._]*);/u', $ua, $match)) {54 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);55 }56 if (preg_match('/iPhone Simulator;/u', $ua)) {57 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::EMULATOR;58 } else {59 if (preg_match('/(iPad|iPhone( 3GS| 3G| 4S| 4| 5)?|iPod( touch)?)/u', $ua, $match)) {60 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('ios', $match[0]);61 if ($device) {62 $this->data->device = $device;63 }64 }65 if (preg_match('/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)1?[0-9],[0-9][0-9]?/u', $ua, $match)) {66 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('ios', $match[0]);67 if ($device) {68 $this->data->device = $device;69 }70 }71 }72 } /* OS X */73 elseif (preg_match('/Mac OS X/u', $ua) || preg_match('/;os=Mac/u', $ua)) {74 $this->data->os->name = 'OS X';75 if (preg_match('/Mac OS X (10[0-9\._]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {76 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]), 'details' => 2 ]);77 }78 if (preg_match('/;os=Mac (10[0-9[\.,]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {79 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace(',', '.', $match[1]), 'details' => 2 ]);80 }81 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;82 }83 /* Darwin */84 if (preg_match('/Darwin(?:\/([0-9]+).[0-9]+)?/u', $ua, $match)) {85 if (preg_match('/\(X11;/u', $ua)) {86 /* Darwin */87 $this->data->os->name = 'Darwin';88 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;89 } elseif (preg_match('/\((?:x86_64|i386|Power%20Macintosh)\)/u', $ua)) {90 /* OS X */91 $this->data->os->name = 'OS X';92 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;93 if (isset($match[1])) {94 $version = Data\Darwin::getVersion('osx', $match[1]);95 if ($version) {96 $this->data->os->version = new Version($version);97 }98 if (preg_match('/CFNetwork\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {99 $version = Data\CFNetwork::getVersion('osx', $match[1]);100 if ($version) {101 $this->data->os->version = new Version($version);102 }103 }104 }105 } else {106 /* iOS */107 $this->data->os->name = 'iOS';108 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;109 if (isset($match[1])) {110 $version = Data\Darwin::getVersion('ios', $match[1]);111 if ($version) {112 $this->data->os->version = new Version($version);113 }114 if (preg_match('/CFNetwork\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {115 $version = Data\CFNetwork::getVersion('ios', $match[1]);116 if ($version) {117 $this->data->os->version = new Version($version);118 }119 }120 }121 }122 }123 /* Mac OS */124 if (preg_match('/(; |\()Macintosh;/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/OS X/u', $ua)) {125 $this->data->os->name = 'Mac OS';126 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;127 }128 }129 /* Android */130 private function detectAndroid($ua)131 {132 /* Android */133 if (preg_match('/Andr[0o]id/ui', $ua)) {134 $falsepositive = false;135 /* Prevent the Mobile IE 11 Franken-UA from matching Android */136 if (preg_match('/IEMobile\/1/u', $ua)) {137 $falsepositive = true;138 }139 if (preg_match('/Windows Phone 10/u', $ua)) {140 $falsepositive = true;141 }142 /* Prevent Windows 10 IoT Core from matching Android */143 if (preg_match('/Windows IoT/u', $ua)) {144 $falsepositive = true;145 }146 /* Prevent from OSes that claim to be 'like' Android from matching */147 if (preg_match('/like Android/u', $ua)) {148 $falsepositive = true;149 }150 if (preg_match('/COS like Android/u', $ua)) {151 $falsepositive = false;152 }153 if (!$falsepositive) {154 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';155 $this->data->os->version = new Version();156 if (preg_match('/Andr[0o]id(?: )?(?:AllPhone_|CyanogenMod_|OUYA )?(?:\/)?v?([0-9.]+)/ui', str_replace('-update', ',', $ua), $match)) {157 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);158 }159 if (preg_match('/Android [0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]\(([^)]+)\);/u', str_replace('-update', ',', $ua), $match)) {160 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);161 }162 if (preg_match('/Android Eclair/u', $ua)) {163 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '2.0', 'details' => 3 ]);164 }165 if (preg_match('/Android KeyLimePie/u', $ua)) {166 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.4', 'details' => 3 ]);167 }168 if (preg_match('/Android (?:L|4.4.99);/u', $ua)) {169 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5', 'details' => 3, 'alias' => 'L' ]);170 }171 if (preg_match('/Android (?:M|5.[01].99);/u', $ua)) {172 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6', 'details' => 3, 'alias' => 'M' ]);173 }174 if (preg_match('/Android (?:N|6.0.99);/u', $ua)) {175 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '7', 'details' => 3, 'alias' => 'N' ]);176 }177 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;178 if ($this->data->os->version->toFloat() >= 3) {179 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;180 }181 if ($this->data->os->version->toFloat() >= 4 && preg_match('/Mobile/u', $ua)) {182 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;183 }184 $candidates = [];185 if (preg_match('/Build/ui', $ua)) {186 /* Normal Android useragent strings */187 if (preg_match('/; [a-z][a-zA-Z][-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] ([^;]*[^;\s])\s+(?:BUILD|Build|build)/u', $ua, $match)) {188 $candidates[] = $match[1];189 }190 if (preg_match('/Android [A-Za-z]+; (?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z](?:[-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])?) Build\/([^\/]*)\//u', $ua, $match)) {191 $candidates[] = $match[1];192 }193 if (preg_match('/;\+? ?(?:\*\*)?([^;]*[^;\s]);?\s+(?:BUILD|Build|build)/u', $ua, $match)) {194 $candidates[] = $match[1];195 }196 } elseif (preg_match('/Release\//ui', $ua)) {197 /* WAP style useragent strings */198 if (preg_match('/^(?U)([^\/]+)(?U)(?:(?:_CMCC_TD|_CMCC|_TD|_TDLTE|_LTE)?\/[^\/]*)? Linux\/[0-9.+]+ Android\/[0-9.]+/u', $this->removeKnownPrefixes($ua), $match)) {199 $candidates[] = $match[1];200 } else if (preg_match('/^(?U)([^\/]+)(?U)(?:(?:_CMCC_TD|_CMCC|_TD|_TDLTE|_LTE)?\/[^\/]*)? Android(_OS)?\/[0-9.]+/u', $this->removeKnownPrefixes($ua), $match)) {201 $candidates[] = $match[1];202 } else if (preg_match('/^(?U)([^\/]+)(?U)(?:(?:_CMCC_TD|_CMCC|_TD|_TDLTE|_LTE)?\/[^\/]*)? Release\/[0-9.]+/u', $this->removeKnownPrefixes($ua), $match)) {203 $candidates[] = $match[1];204 }205 } elseif (preg_match('/Mozilla\//ui', $ua)) {206 /* Old Android useragent strings */207 if (preg_match('/Linux; (?:U; )?Android [^;]+; (?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z](?:[-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])?; )?(?:[^;]+; ?)?([^)\/;]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {208 $candidates[] = $match[1];209 } elseif (preg_match('/\(([^;]+);U;Android\/[^;]+;[0-9]+\*[0-9]+;CTC\/2.0\)/u', $ua, $match)) {210 $candidates[] = $match[1];211 }212 } else {213 /* Other applications */214 if (preg_match('/[34]G Explorer\/[0-9.]+ \(Linux;Android [0-9.]+,([^\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {215 $candidates[] = $match[1];216 }217 if (preg_match('/GetJarSDK\/.*android\/[0-9.]+ \([^;]+; [^;]+; ([^\)]+)\)$/u', $ua, $match)) {218 $candidates[] = $match[1];219 }220 }221 $candidates = array_unique($candidates);222 for ($c = 0; $c < count($candidates); $c++) {223 if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z](?:[-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])?$/u', $candidates[$c])) {224 unset($candidates[$c]);225 continue;226 }227 if (preg_match('/^Android [0-9\.]+$/u', $candidates[$c])) {228 unset($candidates[$c]);229 continue;230 }231 $candidates[$c] = preg_replace('/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]\s+/u', '', $candidates[$c]);232 $candidates[$c] = preg_replace('/(.*) - [0-9\.]+ - (?:with Google Apps - )?API [0-9]+ - [0-9]+x[0-9]+/', '\\1', $candidates[$c]);233 $candidates[$c] = preg_replace('/^sprd-/u', '', $candidates[$c]);234 }235 $candidates = array_unique($candidates);236 if (count($candidates)) {237 $this->data->device->model = $candidates[0];238 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;239 for ($c = 0; $c < count($candidates); $c++) {240 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $candidates[$c]);241 if ($device->identified) {242 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;243 $this->data->device = $device;244 break;245 }246 }247 }248 if (preg_match('/HP eStation/u', $ua)) {249 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'HP';250 $this->data->device->model = 'eStation';251 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PRINTER;252 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;253 $this->data->device->generic = false;254 }255 }256 }257 if (preg_match('/\(Linux; (?:U; )?(?:([0-9.]+); )?(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z](?:[-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])?; )?([^;]+) Build/u', $ua, $match)) {258 $falsepositive = false;259 if ($match[2] == 'OpenTV') {260 $falsepositive = true;261 }262 if (!$falsepositive) {263 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;264 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];265 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';266 if (!empty($match[1])) {267 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);268 }269 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[2]);270 if ($device->identified) {271 $device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;272 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;273 $this->data->device = $device;274 }275 }276 }277 if (preg_match('/Linux x86_64; ([^;\)]+)(?:; [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z](?:[-_][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])?)?\) AppleWebKit\/534.24 \(KHTML, like Gecko\) Chrome\/11.0.696.34 Safari\/534.24/u', $ua, $match)) {278 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[1]);279 if ($device->identified) {280 $device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;281 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;282 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';283 $this->data->device = $device;284 }285 }286 if (preg_match('/\(Linux; U; Linux Ventana; [^;]+; ([^;]+) Build/u', $ua, $match)) {287 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;288 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];289 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[1]);290 if ($device->identified) {291 $device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;292 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;293 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';294 $this->data->device = $device;295 }296 }297 /* Aliyun OS */298 if (preg_match('/Aliyun/u', $ua) || preg_match('/YunOs/ui', $ua)) {299 $this->data->os->name = 'Aliyun OS';300 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);301 $this->data->os->version = new Version();302 if (preg_match('/YunOs[ \/]([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {303 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);304 }305 if (preg_match('/AliyunOS ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {306 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);307 }308 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;309 if (preg_match('/; ([^;]*[^;\s])\s+Build/u', $ua, $match)) {310 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];311 }312 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {313 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;314 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $this->data->device->model);315 if ($device->identified) {316 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;317 $this->data->device = $device;318 }319 }320 }321 if (preg_match('/Android/u', $ua)) {322 if (preg_match('/Android v(1.[0-9][0-9])_[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]-/u', $ua, $match)) {323 $this->data->os->name = 'Aliyun OS';324 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);325 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);326 }327 if (preg_match('/Android[ \/](1.[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]+)-R?T/u', $ua, $match)) {328 $this->data->os->name = 'Aliyun OS';329 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);330 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);331 }332 if (preg_match('/Android ([12].[0-9].[0-9]+)-R-20[0-9]+/u', $ua, $match)) {333 $this->data->os->name = 'Aliyun OS';334 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);335 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);336 }337 if (preg_match('/Android 20[0-9]+\./u', $ua, $match)) {338 $this->data->os->name = 'Aliyun OS';339 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);340 $this->data->os->version = null;341 }342 }343 /* Baidu Yi */344 if (preg_match('/Baidu Yi/u', $ua)) {345 $this->data->os->name = 'Baidu Yi';346 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);347 $this->data->os->version = null;348 }349 /* Google TV */350 if (preg_match('/GoogleTV/u', $ua)) {351 $this->data->os->name = 'Google TV';352 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);353 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;354 if (preg_match('/GoogleTV [0-9\.]+; ?([^;]*[^;\s])\s+Build/u', $ua, $match)) {355 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];356 }357 if (isset($this->data->device->model) && $this->data->device->model) {358 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;359 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $this->data->device->model);360 if ($device->identified) {361 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;362 $this->data->device = $device;363 }364 }365 }366 /* LeOS */367 if (preg_match('/LeOS/u', $ua)) {368 $this->data->os->name = 'LeOS';369 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);370 if (preg_match('/LeOS([0-9\.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {371 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);372 }373 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;374 if (preg_match('/LeOS[0-9\.]+; [^;]+; (.*) Build/u', $ua, $match)) {375 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];376 }377 if (isset($this->data->device->model) && $this->data->device->model) {378 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;379 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $this->data->device->model);380 if ($device->identified) {381 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;382 $this->data->device = $device;383 }384 }385 }386 /* WoPhone */387 if (preg_match('/WoPhone/u', $ua)) {388 $this->data->os->name = 'WoPhone';389 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);390 if (preg_match('/WoPhone\/([0-9\.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {391 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);392 }393 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;394 }395 /* COS */396 if (preg_match('/(COS|(China|Chinese) Operating System)/ui', $ua)) {397 if (preg_match('/COS[\/ ]?([0-9]\.[0-9.]+)/ui', $ua, $match)) {398 $this->data->os->name = 'COS';399 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);400 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);401 } elseif (preg_match('/(?:\(|; )(?:China|Chinese) Operating System ([0-9]\.[0-9.]*);/ui', $ua, $match)) {402 $this->data->os->name = 'COS';403 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);404 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);405 } elseif (preg_match('/COS like Android/ui', $ua, $match)) {406 $this->data->os->name = 'COS';407 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);408 $this->data->os->version = null;409 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;410 } elseif (preg_match('/(COS like Android|COSBrowser\/|\(COS;|\(COS 998;)/ui', $ua, $match)) {411 $this->data->os->name = 'COS';412 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);413 }414 }415 /* RemixOS */416 if (preg_match('/RemixOS/u', $ua)) {417 $this->data->os->name = 'Remix OS';418 $this->data->os->version = null;419 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);420 if (preg_match('/RemixOS ([0-9]\.[0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {421 switch ($match[1]) {422 case '5.1':423 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);424 break;425 case '6.0':426 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '2.0' ]);427 break;428 }429 }430 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;431 }432 }433 private function determineAndroidVersionBasedOnBuild($ua)434 {435 if ($this->data->isOs('Android')) {436 if (preg_match('/Build\/([^\);]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {437 $version = Data\BuildIds::identify($match[1]);438 if ($version) {439 if (!isset($this->data->os->version) || $this->data->os->version == null || $this->data->os->version->value == null || $version->toFloat() < $this->data->os->version->toFloat()) {440 $this->data->os->version = $version;441 }442 /* Special case for Android L */443 if ($version->toFloat() == 5) {444 $this->data->os->version = $version;445 }446 }447 $this->data->os->build = $match[1];448 }449 }450 }451 /* Windows */452 private function detectWindows($ua)453 {454 if (preg_match('/(Windows|WinNT|WinCE|WinMobile|Win ?[9MX]|Win(16|32))/u', $ua)) {455 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows';456 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;457 /* Windows NT */458 if (preg_match('/Windows 2000/u', $ua)) {459 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5.0', 'alias' => '2000' ]);460 }461 if (preg_match('/(Windows XP|WinXP)/u', $ua)) {462 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5.1', 'alias' => 'XP' ]);463 }464 if (preg_match('/Windows Vista/u', $ua)) {465 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.0', 'alias' => 'Vista' ]);466 }467 if (preg_match('/(?:Windows NT |WinNT)([0-9][0-9]?\.[0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {468 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);469 switch ($match[1]) {470 case '10.1':471 case '10.0':472 case '6.4':473 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '10' ]);474 break;475 case '6.3':476 if (preg_match('/; ARM;/u', $ua)) {477 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'RT 8.1' ]);478 } else {479 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '8.1' ]);480 }481 break;482 case '6.2':483 if (preg_match('/; ARM;/u', $ua)) {484 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'RT' ]);485 } else {486 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '8' ]);487 }488 break;489 case '6.1':490 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '7' ]);491 break;492 case '6.0':493 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'Vista' ]);494 break;495 case '5.2':496 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'Server 2003' ]);497 break;498 case '5.1':499 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'XP' ]);500 break;501 case '5.0':502 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '2000' ]);503 break;504 default:505 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => 'NT ' . $match[1] ]);506 break;507 }508 $this->detectWindowsOemManufacturer($ua);509 }510 /* Windows 10 IoT Core */511 if (preg_match('/Windows IoT (1[0-9]\.[0-9]);/u', $ua, $match)) {512 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'alias' => '10 IoT Core' ]);513 }514 /* Windows */515 if (preg_match('/(Windows 95|Win95)/u', $ua)) {516 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.0', 'alias' => '95' ]);517 }518 if (preg_match('/(Windows 98|Win98)/u', $ua)) {519 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.1', 'alias' => '98' ]);520 }521 if (preg_match('/(Windows M[eE]|WinME)/u', $ua)) {522 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.9', 'alias' => 'ME' ]);523 }524 if (preg_match('/(?:Windows|Win 9x) (([1234]\.[0-9])[0-9\.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {525 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);526 switch ($match[2]) {527 case '4.0':528 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.0', 'alias' => '95' ]);529 break;530 case '4.1':531 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.1', 'alias' => '98' ]);532 break;533 case '4.9':534 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '4.9', 'alias' => 'ME' ]);535 break;536 }537 }538 /* Windows Mobile and Windows Phone */539 if (preg_match('/WPDesktop/u', $ua)) {540 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';541 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '8.0', 'details' => 2 ]);542 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;543 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';544 }545 if (preg_match('/WP7/u', $ua)) {546 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';547 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '7', 'details' => 1 ]);548 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;549 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';550 }551 if (preg_match('/WinMobile/u', $ua)) {552 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';553 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;554 if (preg_match('/WinMobile\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {555 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);556 }557 }558 if (preg_match('/(Windows CE|WindowsCE|WinCE)/u', $ua)) {559 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;560 if (preg_match('/ IEMobile/u', $ua)) {561 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';562 if (preg_match('/ IEMobile\/9/u', $ua)) {563 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';564 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '7.5', 'details' => 2 ]);565 }566 if (preg_match('/ IEMobile 8/u', $ua)) {567 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.5', 'details' => 2 ]);568 }569 if (preg_match('/ IEMobile 7/u', $ua)) {570 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.1', 'details' => 2 ]);571 }572 if (preg_match('/ IEMobile 6/u', $ua)) {573 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '6.0', 'details' => 2 ]);574 }575 } else {576 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows CE';577 if (preg_match('/WindowsCEOS\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {578 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);579 }580 if (preg_match('/Windows CE ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {581 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);582 }583 }584 $model = null;585 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/IEMobile [0-9.]+\) ?(?:PPC; |SP; |Smartphone; )?(?:[0-9]+[Xx][0-9]+;? )?(?:VZW; )?([^;\(]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {586 if (!preg_match('/(Profile\/MIDP|UNTRUSTED)/u', $match[1])) {587 $model = $match[1];588 }589 }590 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/IEMobile [0-9.]+\) (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); (?:[0-9]+[Xx][0-9]+;? )([^;]+) Profile\/MIDP/u', $ua, $match)) {591 $model = $match[1];592 }593 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); [0-9]+x[0-9]+; ([^;\)]+)\)$/u', $ua, $match)) {594 $model = $match[1];595 }596 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); [0-9]+x[0-9]+; ([^;]+); (?:PPC|OpVer)/u', $ua, $match)) {597 $model = $match[1];598 }599 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); ([^;]+) Profile\/MIDP/u', $ua, $match)) {600 $model = $match[1];601 }602 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone) ([^;\(]+)[;\/] [0-9]+x[0-9]+/u', $ua, $match)) {603 $model = $match[1];604 }605 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; ([^;\(]+); [0-9]+x[0-9]+\)/u', $ua, $match)) {606 if (!preg_match('/^(Smartphone|PPC$)/u', $match[1])) {607 $model = $match[1];608 }609 }610 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; ([^;\(]+);? ?(?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); ?[0-9]+x[0-9]+/u', $ua, $match)) {611 if (!preg_match('/^(MIDP-2.0)/u', $match[1])) {612 $model = $match[1];613 }614 }615 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/MSIE [0-9.]+; Windows CE; ([^;\)]+)(?:; (?:PPC|SP|Smartphone); [0-9]+x[0-9]+)?\)( \[[a-zA-Z\-]+\])?$/u', $ua, $match)) {616 if (!preg_match('/^(IEMobile|MIDP-2.0|Smartphone|PPC$)/u', $match[1])) {617 $model = $match[1];618 }619 }620 if (!empty($model)) {621 $model = preg_replace('/(HTC\/|Toshiba\/)/', '', $model);622 $this->data->device->model = $model;623 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;624 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';625 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $model);626 if ($device->identified) {627 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;628 $this->data->device = $device;629 }630 } else {631 if (empty($model) && preg_match('/Windows CE [^;]+; Trident\/[^;]+; IEMobile[\/ ][^;]+[\);] ([A-Z\s]+); ?([^\/\),]+)/ui', $ua, $match)) {632 $model = $match[2];633 }634 if (!empty($model)) {635 $this->data->device->model = $model;636 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;637 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';638 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $model);639 if ($device->identified) {640 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;641 $this->data->device = $device;642 }643 }644 }645 }646 if (preg_match('/Microsoft Windows; (PPC|Smartphone)/u', $ua)) {647 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';648 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;649 }650 if (preg_match('/Windows CE; (PPC|Smartphone)/u', $ua)) {651 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';652 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;653 }654 /* Detect models in common places */655 if (preg_match('/Windows ?Mobile/u', $ua)) {656 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';657 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;658 if (preg_match('/Windows ?Mobile[\/ ]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {659 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);660 }661 if (preg_match('/Windows Mobile; (?:SHARP\/)?([^;]+); (?:PPC|Smartphone);/u', $ua, $match)) {662 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];663 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;664 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $match[1]);665 if ($device->identified) {666 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;667 $this->data->device = $device;668 }669 }670 if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+); U; Windows Mobile/u', $ua, $match)) {671 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];672 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;673 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $match[1]);674 if ($device->identified) {675 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;676 $this->data->device = $device;677 }678 }679 }680 if (preg_match('/(Windows Phone|Windows NT 1[0-9]\.[0-9]; ARM|WPDesktop|ZuneWP7)/u', $ua)) {681 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';682 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;683 if (preg_match('/Windows Phone(?: OS)?[ \/]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {684 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);685 if (intval($match[1]) < 7) {686 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';687 }688 }689 /* Windows Mobile 6.5 */690 if (preg_match('/Windows NT 5.1; ([^;]+); Windows Phone/u', $ua, $match)) {691 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];692 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;693 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wm', $match[1]);694 if ($device->identified) {695 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;696 $this->data->device = $device;697 }698 }699 /* Windows Phone 7 (buggy) */700 if (preg_match('/Windows Phone OS [^;]+; Trident\/[^;]+; IEMobile[\/ ][^;]+[\);] ([A-Z\s]+); ?([^\/\),]+)/ui', $ua, $match)) {701 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];702 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];703 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;704 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);705 if ($device->identified) {706 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;707 $this->data->device = $device;708 }709 }710 /* Windows Phone 7 and 8 */711 if (preg_match('/IEMobile\/[^;]+;(?: ARM; Touch; )?(?:rv:[0-9]+; )?(?: WpsLondonTest; )?\s*([^;\s][^;\)]*);\s*([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)[;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {712 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];713 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];714 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;715 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);716 if ($device->identified) {717 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;718 $this->data->device = $device;719 }720 }721 /* Windows Phone 10 */722 if (preg_match('/Windows Phone 1[0-9]\.[0-9]; Android [0-9\.]+; (?:WebView\/[0-9\.]+; )?([^;\s][^;]*);\s*([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)[;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {723 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];724 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];725 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;726 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);727 if ($device->identified) {728 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;729 $this->data->device = $device;730 }731 }732 /* Windows Phone 10 Continuum */733 if (preg_match('/Windows NT 1[0-9]\.[0-9]; ARM; ([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {734 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];735 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;736 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[1]);737 if ($device->identified) {738 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;739 $this->data->device = $device;740 }741 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;742 }743 /* Third party browsers */744 if (preg_match('/IEMobile\/[^;]+;(?: ARM; Touch; )?\s*(?:[^\/]+\/[^\/]+);\s*([^;\s][^;]*);\s*([^;\)\s][^;\)]*)[;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {745 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];746 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];747 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;748 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);749 if ($device->identified) {750 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;751 $this->data->device = $device;752 }753 }754 if (preg_match('/\(Windows Phone OS\/[0-9\.]+; ([^:]+):([^;]+); [a-z]+(?:\-[a-z]+)?\)/iu', $ua, $match)) {755 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];756 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];757 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;758 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);759 if ($device->identified) {760 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;761 $this->data->device = $device;762 }763 }764 /* Desktop mode of WP 8.1 */765 if (preg_match('/WPDesktop;\s*([^;\)]*)(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?\) like Gecko/u', $ua, $match)) {766 if (preg_match("/^[A-Z]+$/", $match[1]) && isset($match[2])) {767 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];768 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];769 } else {770 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];771 }772 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;773 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $this->data->device->model);774 if ($device->identified) {775 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;776 $this->data->device = $device;777 }778 }779 /* Desktop mode of WP 7 */780 if (preg_match('/XBLWP7; ZuneWP7; ([^\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {781 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];782 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;783 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[1]);784 if ($device->identified) {785 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;786 $this->data->device = $device;787 }788 }789 /* Desktop mode of WP 8.0 and 8.1 Update (buggy version) */790 if (preg_match('/Touch; WPDesktop;\s*([^;\)]*)(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?(?:;\s*([^;\)]*))?\)/u', $ua, $match)) {791 if (preg_match("/^[A-Z]+$/", $match[1]) && isset($match[2])) {792 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];793 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];794 } else {795 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];796 }797 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;798 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $this->data->device->model);799 if ($device->identified) {800 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;801 $this->data->device = $device;802 }803 }804 if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && isset($this->data->device->model)) {805 if ($this->data->device->manufacturer == 'ARM' && $this->data->device->model == 'Touch') {806 $this->data->device->manufacturer = null;807 $this->data->device->model = null;808 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::NONE;809 }810 if ($this->data->device->model == 'XDeviceEmulator') {811 $this->data->device->manufacturer = null;812 $this->data->device->model = null;813 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::EMULATOR;814 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;815 }816 }817 }818 } elseif (preg_match('/WMPRO/u', $ua)) {819 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';820 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;821 }822 }823 private function detectWindowsOemManufacturer($ua)824 {825 $manufacturers = [826 'MAAR' => 'Acer',827 'ASJB' => 'Asus',828 'ASU2' => 'Asus',829 'MAAU' => 'Asus',830 'NP06' => 'Asus',831 'NP07' => 'Asus',832 'NP08' => 'Asus',833 'NP09' => 'Asus',834 'CMNTDF' => 'Compaq',835 'CPDTDF' => 'Compaq',836 'CPNTDF' => 'Compaq',837 'MDDR' => 'Dell',838 'MDDC' => 'Dell',839 'MDDS' => 'Dell',840 'FSJB' => 'Fujitsu',841 'MAFS' => 'Fujitsu',842 'MAGW' => 'Gateway',843 'HPCMHP' => 'HP',844 'HPDTDF' => 'HP',845 'HPNTDF' => 'HP',846 'MANM' => 'Hyrican',847 'LCJB' => 'Lenovo',848 'LEN2' => 'Lenovo',849 'MALC' => 'Lenovo',850 'MALE' => 'Lenovo',851 'MALN' => 'Lenovo',852 'MAMD' => 'Medion',853 'MAMI' => 'MSI',854 'MAM3' => 'MSI',855 'MASM' => 'Samsung',856 'SMJB' => 'Samsung',857 'MASA' => 'Sony',858 'MASE' => 'Sony',859 'MASP' => 'Sony',860 'MATB' => 'Toshiba',861 'MATM' => 'Toshiba',862 'MATP' => 'Toshiba',863 'TAJB' => 'Toshiba',864 'TNJB' => 'Toshiba',865 ];866 $keys = array_keys($manufacturers);867 if (preg_match('/; (' . implode('|', $keys) . ')(?:JS)?[\);]/u', $ua, $match)) {868 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $manufacturers[$match[1]];869 $this->data->device->hidden = true;870 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::INFER;871 }872 }873 /* Jolla Sailfish */874 private function detectSailfish($ua)875 {876 if (preg_match('/Sailfish;/u', $ua)) {877 $this->data->os->name = 'Sailfish';878 $this->data->os->version = null;879 if (preg_match('/Jolla;/u', $ua)) {880 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Jolla';881 }882 if (preg_match('/Mobile/u', $ua)) {883 $this->data->device->model = 'Phone';884 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;885 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;886 }887 if (preg_match('/Tablet/u', $ua)) {888 $this->data->device->model = 'Tablet';889 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;890 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;891 }892 }893 }894 /* Bada */895 private function detectBada($ua)896 {897 if (preg_match('/[b|B]ada/u', $ua)) {898 $this->data->os->name = 'Bada';899 if (preg_match('/[b|B]ada[\/ ]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {900 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);901 }902 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;903 if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+); ([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {904 if ($match[1] != 'Bada') {905 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];906 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];907 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;908 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('bada', $match[2]);909 if ($device->identified) {910 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;911 $this->data->device = $device;912 }913 }914 }915 }916 }917 /* Tizen */918 private function detectTizen($ua)919 {920 if (preg_match('/Tizen/u', $ua)) {921 $this->data->os->name = 'Tizen';922 if (preg_match('/Tizen[\/ ]?([0-9.]*[0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {923 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);924 }925 if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+); ([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {926 $falsepositive = false;927 if (strtoupper($match[1]) == 'SMART-TV') {928 $falsepositive = true;929 }930 if ($match[1] == 'TV') {931 $falsepositive = true;932 }933 if ($match[1] == 'Linux') {934 $falsepositive = true;935 }936 if ($match[1] == 'Tizen') {937 $falsepositive = true;938 }939 if (!$falsepositive) {940 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];941 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];942 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;943 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('tizen', $match[2]);944 if ($device->identified) {945 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;946 $this->data->device = $device;947 }948 }949 }950 if (preg_match('/\s*([^;]+);\s+([^;\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {951 $falsepositive = false;952 if ($match[1] == 'U') {953 $falsepositive = true;954 }955 if (substr($match[2], 0, 5) == 'Tizen') {956 $falsepositive = true;957 }958 if (substr($match[2], 0, 11) == 'AppleWebKit') {959 $falsepositive = true;960 }961 if (preg_match("/^[a-z]{2,2}(?:\-[a-z]{2,2})?$/", $match[2])) {962 $falsepositive = true;963 }964 if (!$falsepositive) {965 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];966 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;967 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('tizen', $match[2]);968 if ($device->identified) {969 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;970 $this->data->device = $device;971 }972 }973 }974 if (!$this->data->device->type && preg_match('/Mobile/iu', $ua, $match)) {975 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;976 }977 if (preg_match('/\((SMART[ -])?TV;/iu', $ua, $match)) {978 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;979 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';980 $this->data->device->series = 'Smart TV';981 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;982 }983 if (preg_match('/(?:Samsung|Tizen ?)Browser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {984 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Browser";985 $this->data->browser->channel = null;986 $this->data->browser->stock = true;987 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);988 $this->data->browser->channel = null;989 }990 }991 if (preg_match('/Linux\; U\; Android [0-9.]+\; ko\-kr\; SAMSUNG\; (NX[0-9]+[^\)]]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {992 $this->data->os->name = 'Tizen';993 $this->data->os->version = null;994 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::CAMERA;995 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';996 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];997 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;998 }999 }1000 /* Symbian */1001 private function detectSymbian($ua)1002 {1003 if (!preg_match('/(EPOC|Series|Symbian|S60|UIQ)/ui', $ua)) {1004 return;1005 }1006 /* EPOC */1007 if (preg_match('/EPOC(?:32)?[;\-\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {1008 $this->data->os->name = 'EPOC';1009 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);1010 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PDA;1011 if (preg_match('/Crystal\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1012 $this->data->os->name = 'Series80';1013 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);1014 $this->data->os->family->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1015 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1016 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1017 $this->data->device->model = '9210';1018 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1019 }1020 if (preg_match('/Nokia\/Series-9200/u', $ua)) {1021 $this->data->os->name = 'Series80';1022 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);1023 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1024 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1025 $this->data->device->model = '9210i';1026 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1027 }1028 }1029 /* Series 80 */1030 if (preg_match('/Series80\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1031 $this->data->os->name = 'Series80';1032 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1033 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);1034 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1035 }1036 /* Series 60 */1037 if (preg_match('/Symbian\/3/u', $ua)) {1038 $this->data->os->name = 'Series60';1039 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '5.2' ]);1040 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);1041 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1042 }1043 if (preg_match('/Series[ ]?60/u', $ua) || preg_match('/S60[V\/;]/u', $ua) || preg_match('/S60 Symb/u', $ua)) {1044 $this->data->os->name = 'Series60';1045 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);1046 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1047 if (preg_match('/Series60\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1048 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1049 }1050 if (preg_match('/S60\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1051 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1052 }1053 if (preg_match('/S60V([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1054 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1055 }1056 }1057 /* UIQ */1058 if (preg_match('/UIQ\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1059 $this->data->os->name = 'UIQ';1060 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1061 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);1062 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1063 }1064 /* Symbian */1065 if (preg_match('/Symbian/u', $ua)) {1066 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);1067 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1068 1069 if (preg_match('/SymbianOS\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1070 $this->data->os->family->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1071 }1072 }1073 if ($this->data->os->isFamily('Symbian')) {1074 if (preg_match('/Nokia-?([^\/;\)\s]+)[\s|\/|;|\)]/u', $ua, $match)) {1075 if ($match[1] != 'Browser') {1076 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1077 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1078 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1079 }1080 }1081 if (preg_match('/Symbian(?:\/3)?; U; (?:Nokia)?([^;]+); [a-z][a-z](?:\-[a-z][a-z])?/u', $ua, $match)) {1082 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1083 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1084 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1085 }1086 if (preg_match('/Vertu([^\/;]+)[\/|;]/u', $ua, $match)) {1087 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Vertu';1088 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1089 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1090 }1091 if (preg_match('/Samsung\/([^;]*);/u', $ua, $match)) {1092 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';1093 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1094 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1095 }1096 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {1097 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('symbian', $this->data->device->model);1098 if ($device->identified) {1099 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1100 $this->data->device = $device;1101 }1102 }1103 }1104 }1105 private function detectNokiaOs($ua)1106 {1107 if (!preg_match('/(Series|MeeGo|Maemo|Geos)/ui', $ua)) {1108 return;1109 }1110 /* Series 40 */1111 if (preg_match('/Series40/u', $ua)) {1112 $this->data->os->name = 'Series40';1113 if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {1114 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1115 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1116 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1117 }1118 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {1119 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('s40', $this->data->device->model);1120 if ($device->identified) {1121 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1122 $this->data->device = $device;1123 }1124 }1125 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {1126 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('asha', $this->data->device->model);1127 if ($device->identified) {1128 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1129 $this->data->os->name = 'Nokia Asha Platform';1130 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);1131 $this->data->device = $device;1132 }1133 if (preg_match('/java_runtime_version=Nokia_Asha_([0-9_]+);/u', $ua, $match)) {1134 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);1135 }1136 }1137 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1138 }1139 /* Series 30+ */1140 if (preg_match('/Series30Plus/u', $ua)) {1141 $this->data->os->name = 'Series30+';1142 if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {1143 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1144 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1145 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1146 }1147 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {1148 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('s30plus', $this->data->device->model);1149 if ($device->identified) {1150 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1151 $this->data->device = $device;1152 }1153 }1154 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1155 }1156 /* Meego */1157 if (preg_match('/MeeGo/u', $ua)) {1158 $this->data->os->name = 'MeeGo';1159 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1160 if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\);]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1161 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1162 $this->data->device->model = Data\DeviceModels::cleanup($match[1]);1163 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1164 $this->data->device->generic = false;1165 }1166 }1167 /* Maemo */1168 if (preg_match('/Maemo/u', $ua)) {1169 $this->data->os->name = 'Maemo';1170 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1171 if (preg_match('/(N[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1172 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1173 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1174 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1175 $this->data->device->generic = false;1176 }1177 }1178 /* GEOS */1179 if (preg_match('/Geos ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1180 $this->data->os->name = 'GEOS';1181 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1182 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1183 if (preg_match('/Nokia-([0-9]{4,4}[a-z]?)/u', $ua, $match)) {1184 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1185 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1186 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1187 $this->data->device->generic = false;1188 }1189 }1190 }1191 /* WebOS */1192 private function detectWebos($ua)1193 {1194 if (preg_match('/(?:web|hpw)OS\/(?:HP webOS )?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1195 $this->data->os->name = 'webOS';1196 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1197 $this->data->device->type = preg_match('/Tablet/iu', $ua) ? Constants\DeviceType::TABLET : Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1198 $this->data->device->generic = false;1199 }1200 if (preg_match('/(?:Spark|elite)\/fzz/u', $ua, $match) || preg_match('/webOSBrowser/u', $ua, $match)) {1201 $this->data->os->name = 'webOS';1202 $this->data->device->type = preg_match('/Tablet/iu', $ua) ? Constants\DeviceType::TABLET : Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1203 $this->data->device->generic = false;1204 }1205 if (preg_match('/ (Pre|Pixi|TouchPad|P160UN?A?)\/[0-9\.]+$/u', $ua, $match)) {1206 $this->data->os->name = 'webOS';1207 $this->data->device->type = $match[1] == 'TouchPad' ? Constants\DeviceType::TABLET : Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1208 $this->data->device->generic = false;1209 }1210 if ($this->data->isOs('webOS')) {1211 if (preg_match('/Pre\/1.0/u', $ua)) {1212 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';1213 $this->data->device->model = 'Pre';1214 }1215 if (preg_match('/Pre\/1.1/u', $ua)) {1216 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';1217 $this->data->device->model = 'Pre Plus';1218 }1219 if (preg_match('/Pre\/1.2/u', $ua)) {1220 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';1221 $this->data->device->model = 'Pre 2';1222 }1223 if (preg_match('/Pre\/3.0/u', $ua)) {1224 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';1225 $this->data->device->model = 'Pre 3';1226 }1227 if (preg_match('/Pixi\/1.0/u', $ua)) {1228 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';1229 $this->data->device->model = 'Pixi';1230 }1231 if (preg_match('/Pixi\/1.1/u', $ua)) {1232 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Palm';1233 $this->data->device->model = 'Pixi Plus';1234 }1235 if (preg_match('/P160UN?A?\/1.0/u', $ua)) {1236 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'HP';1237 $this->data->device->model = 'Veer';1238 }1239 if (preg_match('/TouchPad\/1.0/u', $ua)) {1240 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'HP';1241 $this->data->device->model = 'TouchPad';1242 }1243 if (preg_match('/Emulator\//u', $ua) || preg_match('/Desktop\//u', $ua)) {1244 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::EMULATOR;1245 $this->data->device->manufacturer = null;1246 $this->data->device->model = null;1247 }1248 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1249 }1250 }1251 /* Kai OS */1252 private function detectKaiOS($ua)1253 {1254 if (preg_match('/Kai(OS)?\/([0-9.]+)/i', $ua, $match)) {1255 $this->data->os->reset([ 'name' => 'KaiOS', 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => $match[2] ]) ]);1256 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Firefox OS' ]);1257 }1258 }1259 /* BlackBerry */1260 private function detectBlackberry($ua)1261 {1262 /* BlackBerry OS */1263 if (preg_match('/RIM([0-9]{3,3})/u', $ua, $match)) {1264 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry OS';1265 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';1266 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1267 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1268 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::INFER;1269 }1270 if (preg_match('/BlackBerry/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps/u', $ua)) {1271 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry OS';1272 $this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry';1273 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';1274 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1275 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::INFER;1276 if (!preg_match('/Opera/u', $ua)) {1277 if (preg_match('/BlackBerry([0-9]+[ei]?)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1278 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1279 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[2], 'details' => 2 ]);1280 }1281 if (preg_match('/; BlackBerry ([0-9]*);/u', $ua, $match)) {1282 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1283 }1284 if (preg_match('/; ([0-9]+)[^;\)]+\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1285 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1286 }1287 if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1288 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1289 }1290 if (isset($this->data->os->version) && $this->data->os->version->toFloat() >= 10) {1291 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry';1292 }1293 if ($this->data->device->model) {1294 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('blackberry', $this->data->device->model);1295 if ($device->identified) {1296 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1297 $this->data->device = $device;1298 }1299 }1300 }1301 }1302 /* BlackBerry 10 */1303 if (preg_match('/\(BB(1[^;]+); ([^\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1304 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry';1305 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1306 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'BlackBerry';1307 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];1308 if ($this->data->device->model == 'Kbd') {1309 $this->data->device->model = 'Q series or Passport';1310 }1311 if ($this->data->device->model == 'Touch') {1312 $this->data->device->model = 'A or Z series';1313 }1314 if ($this->data->device->model == 'STL100-2') {1315 $this->data->device->model = 'Z10';1316 }1317 $this->data->device->type = preg_match('/Mobile/u', $ua) ? Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE : Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1318 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1319 if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1320 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1321 }1322 }1323 /* BlackBerry Tablet OS */1324 if (preg_match('/RIM Tablet OS ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1325 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';1326 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1327 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';1328 $this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry PlayBook';1329 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1330 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1331 } elseif (preg_match('/\(PlayBook;/u', $ua) && preg_match('/PlayBook Build\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1332 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';1333 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1334 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';1335 $this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry PlayBook';1336 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1337 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1338 } elseif (preg_match('/PlayBook/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/Android/u', $ua)) {1339 if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1340 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry Tablet OS';1341 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1342 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'RIM';1343 $this->data->device->model = 'BlackBerry PlayBook';1344 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1345 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1346 }1347 }1348 /* Internal versions of BlackBerry 10 running on the Playbook */1349 if ($this->data->isOs('BlackBerry Tablet OS', '>=', 10)) {1350 $this->data->os->name = 'BlackBerry';1351 }1352 }1353 /* Chrome OS */1354 private function detectChromeos($ua)1355 {1356 /* ChromeCast */1357 if (preg_match('/CrKey/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/Espial/u', $ua)) {1358 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Google';1359 $this->data->device->model = 'Chromecast';1360 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1361 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1362 $this->data->device->generic = false;1363 }1364 /* Chrome OS */1365 if (preg_match('/CrOS/u', $ua)) {1366 $this->data->os->name = 'Chrome OS';1367 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1368 }1369 }1370 /* Open TV */1371 private function detectOpenTV($ua)1372 {1373 if (preg_match('/OpenTV/ui', $ua, $match)) {1374 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1375 $this->data->os->name = 'OpenTV';1376 $this->data->os->version = null;1377 if (preg_match('/OpenTV Build\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1378 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1379 }1380 if (preg_match('/OpenTV ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1381 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1382 }1383 if (preg_match('/Opentv([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1384 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1385 }1386 if (preg_match('/OTV([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1387 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1388 }1389 }1390 }1391 /* Qtopia */1392 private function detectQtopia($ua)1393 {1394 if (preg_match('/Qtopia/u', $ua)) {1395 $this->data->os->name = 'Qtopia';1396 if (preg_match('/Qtopia\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1397 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1398 }1399 }1400 }1401 /* Unix */1402 private function detectUnix($ua)1403 {1404 if (!preg_match('/(UNIX|OSF|ULTRIX|HP-UX|SunOS|Solaris|AIX|IRIX|NEWS-OS|GENIX)/ui', $ua)) {1405 return;1406 }1407 /* Unix */1408 if (preg_match('/Unix/iu', $ua)) {1409 $this->data->os->name = 'Unix';1410 }1411 /* Unix System V */1412 if (preg_match('/(?:UNIX_System_V|UNIX_SV) ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1413 $this->data->os->name = 'UNIX System V';1414 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1415 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1416 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1417 }1418 /* Digital Unix */1419 if (preg_match('/OSF1?[ _]/u', $ua)) {1420 $this->data->os->name = 'Digital Unix';1421 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1422 if (preg_match('/OSF1?[ _]V?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1423 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1424 }1425 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1426 }1427 /* Digital ULTRIX */1428 if (preg_match('/ULTRIX/u', $ua)) {1429 $this->data->os->name = 'ULTRIX';1430 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1431 if (preg_match('/ULTRIX ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1432 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1433 }1434 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1435 }1436 /* HP-UX */1437 if (preg_match('/HP-UX/u', $ua)) {1438 $this->data->os->name = 'HP-UX';1439 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1440 if (preg_match('/HP-UX [A-Z].0?([1-9][0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1441 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1442 }1443 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1444 }1445 /* Solaris */1446 if (preg_match('/SunOS/u', $ua)) {1447 $this->data->os->name = 'Solaris';1448 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1449 if (preg_match('/SunOS ([1234]\.[0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1450 $this->data->os->name = 'SunOS';1451 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1452 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1453 if (preg_match('/SunOS 4\.1\.([1234])/u', $ua, $match)) {1454 $this->data->os->name = 'Solaris';1455 switch ($match[1]) {1456 case '1':1457 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);1458 break;1459 case '2':1460 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0.1' ]);1461 break;1462 case '3':1463 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.1' ]);1464 break;1465 case '4':1466 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.1.2' ]);1467 break;1468 }1469 }1470 }1471 if (preg_match('/SunOS 5\.([123456](?:\.[0-9\.]*)?) /u', $ua, $match)) {1472 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '2.' . $match[1] ]);1473 } else if (preg_match('/SunOS 5\.([0-9\.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1474 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1475 }1476 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1477 }1478 if (preg_match('/Solaris(?: ([0-9\.]+))?;/u', $ua, $match)) {1479 $this->data->os->name = 'Solaris';1480 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1481 if (preg_match('/Solaris ([0-9\.]+);/u', $ua, $match)) {1482 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1483 }1484 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1485 }1486 /* AIX */1487 if (preg_match('/AIX/u', $ua)) {1488 $this->data->os->name = 'AIX';1489 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1490 if (preg_match('/AIX ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1491 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1492 }1493 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1494 }1495 /* IRIX */1496 if (preg_match('/IRIX/u', $ua)) {1497 $this->data->os->name = 'IRIX';1498 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1499 if (preg_match('/IRIX ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1500 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1501 }1502 if (preg_match('/IRIX;?(?:64|32) ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1503 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1504 }1505 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1506 }1507 /* Sony NEWS OS */1508 if (preg_match('/NEWS-OS ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1509 $this->data->os->name = 'NEWS OS';1510 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1511 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1512 if (preg_match('/NEWS-OS [56]/u', $ua)) {1513 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1514 }1515 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1516 }1517 /* NEC EWS-UX */1518 if (preg_match('/EWS-UNIX rev ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1519 $this->data->os->name = 'EWS-UX';1520 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1521 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'UNIX' ]);1522 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1523 }1524 /* National Semiconductors GENIX */1525 if (preg_match('/GENIX ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1526 $this->data->os->name = 'GENIX';1527 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1528 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1529 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1530 }1531 }1532 /* BSD */1533 private function detectBsd($ua)1534 {1535 if (!preg_match('/(BSD|DragonFly)/ui', $ua)) {1536 return;1537 }1538 if (preg_match('/X11/u', $ua)) {1539 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1540 }1541 /* BSD/OS */1542 if (preg_match('/BSD\/386/u', $ua)) {1543 $this->data->os->name = 'BSD/OS';1544 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1545 }1546 if (preg_match('/BSD\/OS/u', $ua)) {1547 $this->data->os->name = 'BSD/OS';1548 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1549 if (preg_match('/BSD\/OS ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1550 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1551 }1552 }1553 /* FreeBSD */1554 if (preg_match('/FreeBSD/iu', $ua)) {1555 $this->data->os->name = 'FreeBSD';1556 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1557 if (preg_match('/FreeBSD[ -\/]?([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1558 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1559 }1560 }1561 /* OpenBSD */1562 if (preg_match('/OpenBSD/iu', $ua)) {1563 $this->data->os->name = 'OpenBSD';1564 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1565 if (preg_match('/OpenBSD ?([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1566 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1567 }1568 }1569 /* NetBSD */1570 if (preg_match('/NetBSD/iu', $ua)) {1571 $this->data->os->name = 'NetBSD';1572 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1573 if (preg_match('/NetBSD ?([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1574 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1575 }1576 }1577 /* DragonFly */1578 if (preg_match('/DragonFly/iu', $ua)) {1579 $this->data->os->name = 'DragonFly BSD';1580 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'BSD' ]);1581 }1582 }1583 /* Linux */1584 private function detectLinux($ua)1585 {1586 if (preg_match('/Linux/u', $ua)) {1587 $this->data->os->name = 'Linux';1588 if (preg_match('/X11/u', $ua)) {1589 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1590 }1591 if (preg_match('/Antergos Linux/u', $ua)) {1592 $this->data->os->name = 'Antergos Linux';1593 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1594 }1595 if (preg_match('/Arch ?Linux/u', $ua)) {1596 $this->data->os->name = 'Arch Linux';1597 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1598 }1599 if (preg_match('/Black Lab Linux/u', $ua)) {1600 $this->data->os->name = 'Black Lab Linux';1601 if (preg_match('/Black Lab Linux ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1602 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1603 }1604 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1605 }1606 if (preg_match('/CentOS/u', $ua)) {1607 $this->data->os->name = 'CentOS';1608 if (preg_match('/CentOS\/[0-9\.\-]+el([0-9_]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1609 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);1610 }1611 if (preg_match('/CentOS Linux release ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1612 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1613 }1614 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1615 }1616 if (preg_match('/Debian/u', $ua)) {1617 $this->data->os->name = 'Debian';1618 if (preg_match('/Debian\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1619 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1620 }1621 if (preg_match('/Debian GNU\/Linux ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1622 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1623 }1624 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1625 }1626 if (preg_match('/Fedora/u', $ua)) {1627 $this->data->os->name = 'Fedora';1628 if (preg_match('/Fedora\/[0-9\.\-]+fc([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1629 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);1630 }1631 if (preg_match('/Fedora release ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1632 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1633 }1634 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1635 }1636 if (preg_match('/Gentoo/u', $ua)) {1637 $this->data->os->name = 'Gentoo';1638 if (preg_match('/Gentoo Base System release ([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1639 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1640 }1641 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1642 }1643 if (preg_match('/gNewSense/u', $ua)) {1644 $this->data->os->name = 'gNewSense';1645 if (preg_match('/gNewSense\/[^\(]+\(([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1646 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1647 }1648 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1649 }1650 if (preg_match('/Kubuntu/u', $ua)) {1651 $this->data->os->name = 'Kubuntu';1652 if (preg_match('/Kubuntu[ \/]([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1653 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1654 }1655 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1656 }1657 if (preg_match('/Linux Mint/u', $ua)) {1658 $this->data->os->name = 'Linux Mint';1659 if (preg_match('/Linux Mint ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1660 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1661 }1662 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1663 }1664 if (preg_match('/Mandriva Linux/u', $ua)) {1665 $this->data->os->name = 'Mandriva';1666 if (preg_match('/Mandriva Linux\/[0-9\.\-]+mdv([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1667 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1668 }1669 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1670 }1671 if (preg_match('/Mageia/u', $ua)) {1672 $this->data->os->name = 'Mageia';1673 if (preg_match('/Mageia\/[0-9\.\-]+mga([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1674 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1675 }1676 if (preg_match('/Mageia ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1677 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1678 }1679 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1680 }1681 if (preg_match('/Mandriva/u', $ua)) {1682 $this->data->os->name = 'Mandriva';1683 if (preg_match('/Mandriva\/[0-9\.\-]+mdv([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1684 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1685 }1686 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1687 }1688 if (preg_match('/moonOS/u', $ua)) {1689 $this->data->os->name = 'moonOS';1690 if (preg_match('/moonOS\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1691 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1692 }1693 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1694 }1695 if (preg_match('/Red Hat/u', $ua)) {1696 $this->data->os->name = 'Red Hat';1697 if (preg_match('/Red Hat[^\/]*\/[0-9\.\-]+el([0-9_]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1698 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);1699 }1700 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1701 }1702 if (preg_match('/Slackware/u', $ua)) {1703 $this->data->os->name = 'Slackware';1704 if (preg_match('/Slackware[ \/](1[0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1705 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1706 }1707 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1708 }1709 if (preg_match('/SUSE/u', $ua)) {1710 $this->data->os->name = 'SUSE';1711 if (preg_match('/SUSE\/([0-9]\.[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1712 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1713 }1714 if (preg_match('/openSUSE ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1715 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1716 }1717 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1718 }1719 if (preg_match('/Turbolinux/u', $ua)) {1720 $this->data->os->name = 'Turbolinux';1721 if (preg_match('/Turbolinux\/([0-9]\.[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1722 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1723 }1724 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1725 }1726 if (preg_match('/Ubuntu/u', $ua)) {1727 $this->data->os->name = 'Ubuntu';1728 if (preg_match('/Ubuntu\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1729 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1730 }1731 if (preg_match('/Ubuntu ([0-9\.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1732 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1733 }1734 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1735 }1736 if (preg_match('/ãë¶ìë³ã\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1737 $this->data->os->name = 'Red Star';1738 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1739 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1740 }1741 if (preg_match('/Fedora\/[0-9\.\-]+rs([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1742 $this->data->os->name = 'Red Star';1743 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);1744 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1745 }1746 if (preg_match('/Linux\/X2\/R1/u', $ua)) {1747 $this->data->os->name = 'LiMo';1748 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1749 }1750 if (preg_match('/Linux\/SLP\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1751 $this->data->os->name = 'Linux SLP';1752 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1753 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1754 }1755 if (preg_match('/LinuxOS\//u', $ua) && preg_match('/Software\/R5/u', $ua)) {1756 $this->data->os->name = 'EZX Linux';1757 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1758 }1759 }1760 if (preg_match('/elementary OS/u', $ua)) {1761 $this->data->os->name = 'elementary OS';1762 if (preg_match('/elementary OS ([A-Za-z]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1763 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'alias' => $match[1] ]);1764 }1765 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1766 }1767 if (preg_match('/\(Ubuntu; (Mobile|Tablet)/u', $ua)) {1768 $this->data->os->name = 'Ubuntu Touch';1769 if (preg_match('/\(Ubuntu; Mobile/u', $ua)) {1770 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1771 }1772 if (preg_match('/\(Ubuntu; Tablet/u', $ua)) {1773 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1774 }1775 }1776 if (preg_match('/(?:\(|; )Ubuntu ([0-9.]+) like Android/u', $ua, $match)) {1777 $this->data->os->name = 'Ubuntu Touch';1778 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1779 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1780 }1781 if (preg_match('/Lindows ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1782 $this->data->os->name = 'Lindows';1783 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1784 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1785 }1786 }1787 /* Brew */1788 private function detectBrew($ua)1789 {1790 if (preg_match('/REX; U/ui', $ua) || preg_match('/REXL4/ui', $ua)) {1791 $this->data->os->name = 'REX';1792 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1793 if (preg_match('/REX; U; [^;]+; ([^;]+); ([^;\/]+)[^;]*; NetFront/u', $ua, $match)) {1794 $this->data->device->manufacturer = Data\Manufacturers::identify(Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE, $match[1]);1795 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];1796 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;1797 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[2]);1798 if ($device->identified) {1799 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1800 $this->data->device = $device;1801 }1802 }1803 }1804 if (preg_match('/[\(\s\-;]BREW[\s\/\-;]/ui', $ua) || preg_match('/BMP( [0-9.]*)?; U/u', $ua) || preg_match('/B(?:rew)?MP\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua)) {1805 $this->data->os->name = 'Brew';1806 if (preg_match('/BREW MP/iu', $ua) || preg_match('/B(rew)?MP/iu', $ua)) {1807 $this->data->os->name = 'Brew MP';1808 }1809 if (preg_match('/; Brew ([0-9.]+);/iu', $ua, $match)) {1810 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1811 } elseif (preg_match('/BREW; U; ([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1812 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1813 } elseif (preg_match('/[\(;]BREW[\/ ]([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1814 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1815 } elseif (preg_match('/BREW MP ([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1816 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1817 } elseif (preg_match('/BMP ([0-9.]*); U/iu', $ua, $match)) {1818 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1819 } elseif (preg_match('/B(?:rew)?MP\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1820 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1821 }1822 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1823 if (preg_match('/(?:Brew MP|BREW|BMP) [^;]+; U; [^;]+; ([^;]+); NetFront[^\)]+\) [^\s]+ ([^\s]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1824 $this->data->device->manufacturer = Data\Manufacturers::identify(Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE, $match[1]);1825 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];1826 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;1827 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[2]);1828 if ($device->identified) {1829 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1830 $this->data->device = $device;1831 }1832 }1833 if (preg_match('/\(([^;]+);U;REX\/[^;]+;BREW\/[^;]+;(?:.*;)?[0-9]+\*[0-9]+(?:;CTC\/2.0)?\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1834 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1835 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;1836 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[1]);1837 if ($device->identified) {1838 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1839 $this->data->device = $device;1840 }1841 }1842 if (preg_match('/\(BREW [^;]+; U; [^;]+; [^;]+; ([^;]+); (Polaris|Netfront)\/[0-9\.]+\/(WAP|AMB|INT)\)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1843 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1844 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;1845 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[1]);1846 if ($device->identified) {1847 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1848 $this->data->device = $device;1849 }1850 }1851 if (preg_match('/\(BREW [^;]+; U; [^;]+; [^;]+; Opera Mobi; Presto\/[0-9\.]+\/(?:WAP|AMB|INT)\) ([^\/]+) [^\/]+\//ui', $ua, $match)) {1852 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1853 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::PATTERN;1854 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('brew', $match[1]);1855 if ($device->identified) {1856 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1857 $this->data->device = $device;1858 }1859 }1860 }1861 }1862 /* Remaining operating systems */1863 private function detectRemainingOperatingSystems($ua)1864 {1865 if (!preg_match('/(BeOS|Haiku|AmigaOS|MorphOS|AROS|VMS|RISC|Joli|OS\/2|Inferno|Syllable|Grid|MTK|MRE|MAUI|Nucleus|QNX|VRE|SpreadTrum|ThreadX)/ui', $ua)) {1866 return;1867 }1868 $patterns = [1869 [ 'name' => 'BeOS', 'regexp' => [ '/BeOS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1870 [ 'name' => 'Haiku', 'regexp' => [ '/Haiku/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1871 [ 'name' => 'AmigaOS', 'regexp' => [ '/AmigaOS ?([0-9.]+)/iu', '/AmigaOS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1872 [ 'name' => 'MorphOS', 'regexp' => [ '/MorphOS(?: ([0-9.]*))?/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1873 [ 'name' => 'AROS', 'regexp' => [ '/AROS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1874 [ 'name' => 'OpenVMS', 'regexp' => [ '/OpenVMS V([0-9.]+)/iu', '/OpenVMS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1875 [ 'name' => 'RISC OS', 'regexp' => [ '/RISC OS(?:-NC)? ([0-9.]*)/iu', '/RISC OS/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1876 [ 'name' => 'Joli OS', 'regexp' => [ '/Joli OS\/([0-9.]*)/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1877 [ 'name' => 'OS/2', 'regexp' => [ '/OS\/2;(?: (?:U; )?Warp ([0-9.]*))?/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1878 [ 'name' => 'Inferno', 'regexp' => [ '/Inferno/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1879 [ 'name' => 'Syllable', 'regexp' => [ '/Syllable/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP ],1880 [ 'name' => 'Grid OS', 'regexp' => [ '/Grid OS ([0-9.]*)/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::TABLET ],1881 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/\(MTK;/iu', '/\/MTK /iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1882 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/MRE\\\\/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1883 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/MAUI[-_ ](?:Browser|Runtime)/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1884 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/Browser\/MAUI/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1885 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/Nucleus RTOS\//iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1886 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/\/Nucleus/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1887 [ 'name' => 'MRE', 'regexp' => [ '/Nucleus\//iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1888 [ 'name' => 'QNX', 'regexp' => [ '/QNX/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1889 [ 'name' => 'VRE', 'regexp' => [ '/\(VRE;/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1890 [ 'name' => 'SpreadTrum', 'regexp' => [ '/\(SpreadTrum;/iu' ], 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE ],1891 [ 'name' => 'ThreadX', 'regexp' => [ '/ThreadX(?:_OS)?\/([0-9.]*)/iu' ] ],1892 ];1893 $count = count($patterns);1894 for ($b = 0; $b < $count; $b++) {1895 for ($r = 0; $r < count($patterns[$b]['regexp']); $r++) {1896 if (preg_match($patterns[$b]['regexp'][$r], $ua, $match)) {1897 $this->data->os->name = $patterns[$b]['name'];1898 if (isset($match[1]) && $match[1]) {1899 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => isset($patterns[$b]['details']) ? $patterns[$b]['details'] : null ]);1900 } else {1901 $this->data->os->version = null;1902 }1903 if (isset($patterns[$b]['type'])) {1904 $this->data->device->type = $patterns[$b]['type'];1905 }1906 break;1907 }1908 }1909 }1910 }1911}...
Source: Browser.php
...55 }56 /* Safari */57 private function detectSafari($ua)58 {59 if (preg_match('/Safari/u', $ua)) {60 $falsepositive = false;61 if (preg_match('/Qt/u', $ua)) {62 $falsepositive = true;63 }64 if (!$falsepositive) {65 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && $this->data->os->name == 'iOS') {66 $this->data->browser->name = 'Safari';67 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;68 $this->data->browser->version = null;69 $this->data->browser->stock = true;70 if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {71 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'hidden' => true ]);72 }73 }74 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && ($this->data->os->name == 'OS X' || $this->data->os->name == 'Windows')) {75 $this->data->browser->name = 'Safari';76 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;77 $this->data->browser->stock = $this->data->os->name == 'OS X';78 if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {79 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);80 }81 if (preg_match('/AppleWebKit\/[0-9\.]+\+/u', $ua)) {82 $this->data->browser->name = 'WebKit Nightly Build';83 $this->data->browser->version = null;84 }85 }86 }87 }88 if (preg_match('/(?:Apple-PubSub|AppleSyndication)\//u', $ua)) {89 $this->data->browser->name = 'Safari RSS';90 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::APP_FEEDREADER;91 $this->data->browser->version = null;92 $this->data->browser->stock = true;93 $this->data->os->name = 'OS X';94 $this->data->os->version = null;95 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;96 }97 }98 /* Chrome */99 private function detectChrome($ua)100 {101 if (preg_match('/(?:Chrome|CrMo|CriOS)\/[0-9]/u', $ua) || preg_match('/Browser\/Chrome[0-9]/u', $ua)) {102 $this->data->browser->name = 'Chrome';103 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;104 $this->data->browser->stock = false;105 $version = '';106 if (preg_match('/(?:Chrome|CrMo|CriOS)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {107 $version = $match[1];108 }109 if (preg_match('/Browser\/Chrome([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {110 $version = $match[1];111 }112 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $version ]);113 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && $this->data->os->name == 'Android') {114 $channel = Data\Chrome::getChannel('mobile', $this->data->browser->version->value);115 if ($channel == 'stable') {116 $this->data->browser->version->details = 1;117 } elseif ($channel == 'beta') {118 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Beta';119 } else {120 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Dev';121 }122 /* Webview for Android 4.4 and higher */123 if (implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $version), 1, 2)) == '0.0' && (preg_match('/Version\//u', $ua) || preg_match('/Release\//u', $ua))) {124 $this->data->browser->using = new Using([ 'name' => 'Chromium WebView', 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => explode('.', $version)[0] ]) ]);125 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::UNKNOWN;126 $this->data->browser->stock = true;127 $this->data->browser->name = null;128 $this->data->browser->version = null;129 $this->data->browser->channel = null;130 }131 /* Webview for Android 5 */132 if (preg_match('/; wv\)/u', $ua)) {133 $this->data->browser->using = new Using([ 'name' => 'Chromium WebView', 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => explode('.', $version)[0] ]) ]);134 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::UNKNOWN;135 $this->data->browser->stock = true;136 $this->data->browser->name = null;137 $this->data->browser->version = null;138 $this->data->browser->channel = null;139 }140 /* LG Chromium based browsers */141 if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && $this->data->device->manufacturer == 'LG') {142 if (in_array($version, [ '30.0.1599.103', '34.0.1847.118', '38.0.2125.0', '38.0.2125.102' ]) && preg_match('/Version\/4/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/; wv\)/u', $ua)) {143 $this->data->browser->name = "LG Browser";144 $this->data->browser->channel = null;145 $this->data->browser->stock = true;146 $this->data->browser->version = null;147 }148 }149 /* Samsung Chromium based browsers */150 if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && $this->data->device->manufacturer == 'Samsung') {151 /* Version 1.0 */152 if ($version == '18.0.1025.308' && preg_match('/Version\/1.0/u', $ua)) {153 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";154 $this->data->browser->channel = null;155 $this->data->browser->stock = true;156 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);157 }158 /* Version 1.5 */159 if ($version == '28.0.1500.94' && preg_match('/Version\/1.5/u', $ua)) {160 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";161 $this->data->browser->channel = null;162 $this->data->browser->stock = true;163 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.5' ]);164 }165 /* Version 1.6 */166 if ($version == '28.0.1500.94' && preg_match('/Version\/1.6/u', $ua)) {167 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";168 $this->data->browser->channel = null;169 $this->data->browser->stock = true;170 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.6' ]);171 }172 /* Version 2.0 */173 if ($version == '34.0.1847.76' && preg_match('/Version\/2.0/u', $ua)) {174 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";175 $this->data->browser->channel = null;176 $this->data->browser->stock = true;177 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => '2.0' ]);178 }179 /* Version 2.1 */180 if ($version == '34.0.1847.76' && preg_match('/Version\/2.1/u', $ua)) {181 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";182 $this->data->browser->channel = null;183 $this->data->browser->stock = true;184 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => '2.1' ]);185 }186 }187 /* Samsung Chromium based browsers */188 if (preg_match('/SamsungBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {189 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";190 $this->data->browser->channel = null;191 $this->data->browser->stock = true;192 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);193 if (preg_match('/Mobile VR/', $ua)) {194 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';195 $this->data->device->model = 'Gear VR';196 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::HEADSET;197 }198 }199 /* Oculus Chromium based browsers */200 if (preg_match('/OculusBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {201 $this->data->browser->name = "Oculus Browser";202 $this->data->browser->channel = null;203 $this->data->browser->stock = true;204 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);205 if (preg_match('/Mobile VR/', $ua)) {206 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';207 $this->data->device->model = 'Gear VR';208 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::HEADSET;209 }210 if (preg_match('/Pacific/', $ua)) {211 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Oculus';212 $this->data->device->model = 'Go';213 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::HEADSET;214 }215 }216 } elseif (isset($this->data->os->name) && $this->data->os->name == 'Linux' && preg_match('/SamsungBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {217 $this->data->browser->name = "Samsung Internet";218 $this->data->browser->channel = null;219 $this->data->browser->stock = true;220 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);221 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';222 $this->data->os->version = null;223 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Samsung';224 $this->data->device->model = 'DeX';225 $this->data->device->identifier = '';226 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;227 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;228 } else {229 $channel = Data\Chrome::getChannel('desktop', $version);230 if ($channel == 'stable') {231 if (explode('.', $version)[1] == '0') {232 $this->data->browser->version->details = 1;233 } else {234 $this->data->browser->version->details = 2;235 }236 } elseif ($channel == 'beta') {237 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Beta';238 } else {239 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Dev';240 }241 }242 if ($this->data->device->type == '') {243 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;244 }245 }246 /* Google Chromium */247 if (preg_match('/Chromium/u', $ua)) {248 $this->data->browser->stock = false;249 $this->data->browser->channel = '';250 $this->data->browser->name = 'Chromium';251 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;252 if (preg_match('/Chromium\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {253 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);254 }255 if ($this->data->device->type == '') {256 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;257 }258 }259 /* Chrome Content Shell */260 if (preg_match('/Chrome\/[0-9]+\.77\.34\.5/u', $ua)) {261 $this->data->browser->using = new Using([ 'name' => 'Chrome Content Shell' ]);262 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::UNKNOWN;263 $this->data->browser->stock = false;264 $this->data->browser->name = null;265 $this->data->browser->version = null;266 $this->data->browser->channel = null;267 }268 /* Chromium WebView by Amazon */269 if (preg_match('/AmazonWebAppPlatform\//u', $ua)) {270 $this->data->browser->using = new Using([ 'name' => 'Amazon WebView' ]);271 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::UNKNOWN;272 $this->data->browser->stock = false;273 $this->data->browser->name = null;274 $this->data->browser->version = null;275 $this->data->browser->channel = null;276 }277 /* Chromium WebView by Crosswalk */278 if (preg_match('/Crosswalk\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {279 $this->data->browser->using = new Using([ 'name' => 'Crosswalk WebView', 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 1 ]) ]);280 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::UNKNOWN;281 $this->data->browser->stock = false;282 $this->data->browser->name = null;283 $this->data->browser->version = null;284 $this->data->browser->channel = null;285 }286 /* Set the browser family */287 if ($this->data->isBrowser('Chrome') || $this->data->isBrowser('Chromium')) {288 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([289 'name' => 'Chrome',290 'version' => !empty($this->data->browser->version) ? new Version([ 'value' => $this->data->browser->version->getMajor() ]) : null291 ]);292 }293 }294 /* Internet Explorer */295 private function detectExplorer($ua)296 {297 if (preg_match('/\(IE ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {298 $this->data->browser->name = 'Internet Explorer';299 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);300 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;301 }302 if (preg_match('/Browser\/IE([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {303 $this->data->browser->name = 'Internet Explorer';304 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);305 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;306 }307 if (preg_match('/MSIE/u', $ua)) {308 $this->data->browser->name = 'Internet Explorer';309 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;310 if (preg_match('/IEMobile/u', $ua) || preg_match('/Windows CE/u', $ua) || preg_match('/Windows Phone/u', $ua) || preg_match('/WP7/u', $ua) || preg_match('/WPDesktop/u', $ua)) {311 $this->data->browser->name = 'Mobile Internet Explorer';312 if (isset($this->data->device->model) && ($this->data->device->model == 'Xbox 360' || $this->data->device->model == 'Xbox One')) {313 $this->data->browser->name = 'Internet Explorer';314 }315 }316 if (preg_match('/MSIE ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {317 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => preg_replace("/\.([0-9])([0-9])/", '.$1.$2', $match[1]) ]);318 }319 if (preg_match('/Mac_/u', $ua)) {320 $this->data->os->name = 'Mac OS';321 $this->data->engine->name = 'Tasman';322 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;323 if (!empty($this->data->browser->version)) {324 if ($this->data->browser->version->is('>=', '5.1.1') && $this->data->browser->version->is('<=', '5.1.3')) {325 $this->data->os->name = 'OS X';326 }327 if ($this->data->browser->version->is('>=', '5.2')) {328 $this->data->os->name = 'OS X';329 }330 }331 }332 }333 if (preg_match('/Trident\/[789][^\)]+; rv:([0-9.]*)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {334 $this->data->browser->name = 'Internet Explorer';335 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);336 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;337 }338 if (preg_match('/Trident\/[789][^\)]+; Touch; rv:([0-9.]*);\s+IEMobile\//u', $ua, $match)) {339 $this->data->browser->name = 'Mobile Internet Explorer';340 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);341 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;342 }343 if (preg_match('/Trident\/[789][^\)]+; Touch; rv:([0-9.]*); WPDesktop/u', $ua, $match)) {344 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';345 $this->data->browser->name = 'Mobile Internet Explorer';346 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);347 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;348 }349 /* Old versions of Pocket Internet Explorer */350 if ($this->data->isBrowser('Mobile Internet Explorer', '<', 6)) {351 $this->data->browser->name = 'Pocket Internet Explorer';352 }353 if (preg_match('/Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer\//u', $ua)) {354 $this->data->browser->name = 'Pocket Internet Explorer';355 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);356 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;357 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;358 }359 if (preg_match('/MSPIE ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {360 $this->data->browser->name = 'Pocket Internet Explorer2';361 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);362 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;363 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;364 }365 /* Microsoft Mobile Explorer */366 if (preg_match('/MMEF([0-9])([0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {367 $this->data->browser->name = 'Microsoft Mobile Explorer';368 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] . '.' . $match[2] ]);369 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;370 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;371 if (preg_match('/MMEF[0-9]+; ([^;]+); ([^\)\/]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {372 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('feature', $match[1] == 'CellPhone' ? $match[2] : $match[1] . ' ' . $match[2]);373 if ($device->identified) {374 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;375 $this->data->device = $device;376 }377 }378 }379 /* Set the browser family */380 if ($this->data->isBrowser('Internet Explorer') || $this->data->isBrowser('Mobile Internet Explorer') || $this->data->isBrowser('Pocket Internet Explorer')) {381 unset($this->data->browser->family);382 }383 }384 /* Edge */385 private function detectEdge($ua)386 {387 if (preg_match('/Edge\/([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {388 $this->data->browser->name = 'Edge';389 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;390 $this->data->browser->channel = '';391 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 1 ]);392 unset($this->data->browser->family);393 }394 if (preg_match('/Edg(iOS|A)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {395 $this->data->browser->name = 'Edge';396 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[2], 'details' => 1, 'hidden' => true ]);397 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;398 }399 }400 /* Opera */401 private function detectOpera($ua)402 {403 if (!preg_match('/(OPR|OMI|Opera|OPiOS|Coast|Oupeng)/ui', $ua)) {404 return;405 }406 if (preg_match('/OPR\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {407 $this->data->browser->stock = false;408 $this->data->browser->channel = '';409 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera';410 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);411 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;412 if (preg_match('/Edition Developer/iu', $ua)) {413 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Developer';414 }415 if (preg_match('/Edition Next/iu', $ua)) {416 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Next';417 }418 if (preg_match('/Edition Beta/iu', $ua)) {419 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Beta';420 }421 if ($this->data->device->type == Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE) {422 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mobile';423 }424 }425 if (preg_match('/OMI\/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {426 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Devices';427 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);428 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;429 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;430 if (!$this->data->isOs('Android')) {431 unset($this->data->os->name);432 unset($this->data->os->version);433 }434 }435 if ((preg_match('/Opera[\/\-\s]/iu', $ua) || preg_match('/Browser\/Opera/iu', $ua)) && !preg_match('/Opera Software/iu', $ua)) {436 $this->data->browser->stock = false;437 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera';438 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;439 if (preg_match('/Opera[\/| ]?([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {440 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);441 }442 if (preg_match('/Version\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {443 if (floatval($match[1]) >= 10) {444 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);445 }446 }447 if (isset($this->data->browser->version) && preg_match('/Edition Labs/u', $ua)) {448 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Labs';449 }450 if (isset($this->data->browser->version) && preg_match('/Edition Next/u', $ua)) {451 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Next';452 }453 if (preg_match('/Opera Tablet/u', $ua)) {454 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mobile';455 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;456 }457 if (preg_match('/Opera Mobi/u', $ua)) {458 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mobile';459 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;460 }461 if (preg_match('/Opera Mini;/u', $ua)) {462 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mini';463 $this->data->browser->version = null;464 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';465 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;466 }467 if (preg_match('/Opera Mini\/(?:att\/)?([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {468 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mini';469 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => (intval(substr(strrchr($match[1], '.'), 1)) > 99 ? -1 : null) ]);470 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';471 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;472 }473 if ($this->data->browser->name == 'Opera' && $this->data->device->type == Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE) {474 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mobile';475 }476 if (preg_match('/InettvBrowser/u', $ua)) {477 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;478 }479 if (preg_match('/Opera[ -]TV/u', $ua)) {480 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera';481 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;482 }483 if (preg_match('/Linux zbov/u', $ua)) {484 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mobile';485 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';486 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;487 $this->data->os->name = null;488 $this->data->os->version = null;489 }490 if (preg_match('/Linux zvav/u', $ua)) {491 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mini';492 $this->data->browser->version = null;493 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';494 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;495 $this->data->os->name = null;496 $this->data->os->version = null;497 }498 if ($this->data->device->type == '') {499 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;500 }501 if (isset($this->data->browser->family)) {502 unset($this->data->browser->family);503 }504 }505 if (preg_match('/OPiOS\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {506 $this->data->browser->stock = false;507 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Mini';508 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);509 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;510 }511 if (preg_match('/Coast\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {512 $this->data->browser->stock = false;513 $this->data->browser->name = 'Coast by Opera';514 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);515 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;516 }517 if (preg_match('/Oupeng(?:HD)?[\/-]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {518 $this->data->browser->stock = false;519 $this->data->browser->name = 'Opera Oupeng';520 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);521 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;522 }523 }524 /* Firefox */525 private function detectFirefox($ua)526 {527 if (!preg_match('/(Firefox|GranParadiso|Namoroka|Shiretoko|Minefield|BonEcho|Fennec|Phoenix|Firebird|Minimo|FxiOS)/ui', $ua)) {528 return;529 }530 if (preg_match('/Firefox/u', $ua)) {531 $this->data->browser->stock = false;532 $this->data->browser->name = 'Firefox';533 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;534 if (preg_match('/Firefox\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {535 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);536 if (preg_match('/a/u', $match[1])) {537 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Aurora';538 }539 if (preg_match('/b/u', $match[1])) {540 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Beta';541 }542 }543 if (preg_match('/Aurora\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {544 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Aurora';545 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);546 }547 if (preg_match('/Fennec/u', $ua)) {548 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;549 }550 if (preg_match('/Mobile;(?: ([^;]+);)? rv/u', $ua, $match)) {551 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;552 if (isset($match[1])) {553 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('firefoxos', $match[1]);554 if ($device->identified) {555 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;556 $this->data->device = $device;557 if (!$this->data->isOs('KaiOS')) {558 $this->data->os->reset([ 'name' => 'Firefox OS' ]);559 }560 }561 }562 }563 if (preg_match('/Tablet;(?: ([^;]+);)? rv/u', $ua, $match)) {564 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;565 }566 if (preg_match('/Viera;(?: ([^;]+);)? rv/u', $ua, $match)) {567 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;568 $this->data->os->reset([ 'name' => 'Firefox OS' ]);569 }570 if ($this->data->device->type == Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE || $this->data->device->type == Constants\DeviceType::TABLET) {571 $this->data->browser->name = 'Firefox Mobile';572 }573 if ($this->data->device->type == '') {574 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;575 }576 }577 if (preg_match('/(GranParadiso|Namoroka|Shiretoko|Minefield|BonEcho)/u', $ua, $match)) {578 $this->data->browser->stock = false;579 $this->data->browser->name = 'Firefox';580 $this->data->browser->channel = str_replace('GranParadiso', 'Gran Paradiso', $match[1]);581 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;582 if (preg_match('/' . $match[1] . '\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {583 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);584 }585 }586 if (preg_match('/Fennec/u', $ua)) {587 $this->data->browser->stock = false;588 $this->data->browser->name = 'Firefox Mobile';589 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;590 if (preg_match('/Fennec\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {591 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);592 }593 $this->data->browser->channel = 'Fennec';594 }595 if (preg_match('/(Phoenix|Firebird|Minimo)/u', $ua, $match)) {596 $this->data->browser->stock = false;597 $this->data->browser->name = $match[1];598 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;599 if (preg_match('/' . $match[1] . '\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {600 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);601 }602 }603 if (preg_match('/FxiOS\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {604 $this->data->browser->name = 'Firefox';605 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);606 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;607 }608 if (preg_match('/Servo\/1.0 Firefox\//u', $ua)) {609 $this->data->browser->name = 'Servo Nightly Build';610 $this->data->browser->version = null;611 }612 /* Set the browser family */613 if ($this->data->isBrowser('Firefox') || $this->data->isBrowser('Firefox Mobile') || $this->data->isBrowser('Firebird')) {614 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Firefox', 'version' => $this->data->browser->version ]);615 }616 if ($this->data->isBrowser('Minimo')) {617 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Firefox' ]);618 }619 }620 /* Seamonkey */621 private function detectSeamonkey($ua)622 {623 if (preg_match('/SeaMonkey/u', $ua)) {624 $this->data->browser->stock = false;625 $this->data->browser->name = 'SeaMonkey';626 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;627 if (preg_match('/SeaMonkey\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {628 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);629 }630 }631 if (preg_match('/PmWFx\/([0-9ab.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {632 $this->data->browser->stock = false;633 $this->data->browser->name = 'SeaMonkey';634 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);635 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;636 }637 }638 /* Netscape */639 private function detectLegacyNetscape($ua)640 {641 if ($this->data->device->type == Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP && $this->data->browser->getName() == '') {642 if (!preg_match('/compatible;/u', $ua)) {643 if (preg_match('/Mozilla\/([123].[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {644 $this->data->browser->name = 'Netscape Navigator';645 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => preg_replace("/([0-9])([0-9])/", '$1.$2', $match[1]) ]);646 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;647 }648 if (preg_match('/Mozilla\/(4.[0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {649 $this->data->browser->name = 'Netscape Communicator';650 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => preg_replace("/([0-9])([0-9])/", '$1.$2', $match[1]) ]);651 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;652 if (preg_match('/Nav\)/u', $ua)) {653 $this->data->browser->name = 'Netscape Navigator';654 }655 }656 }657 }658 }659 private function detectModernNetscape($ua)660 {661 if (preg_match('/Netscape/u', $ua)) {662 $this->data->browser->stock = false;663 $this->data->browser->name = 'Netscape';664 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;665 if (preg_match('/Netscape[0-9]?\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {666 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);667 }668 }669 if (preg_match('/ Navigator\/(9\.[0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {670 $this->data->browser->stock = false;671 $this->data->browser->name = 'Netscape Navigator';672 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;673 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);674 }675 }676 /* Mosaic */677 private function detectMosaic($ua)678 {679 if (!preg_match('/Mosaic/ui', $ua)) {680 return;681 }682 if (preg_match('/(?:NCSA[ _])?Mosaic(?:\(tm\))?(?: for the X Window System| for Windows)?\/(?:Version )?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {683 $this->data->browser->name = 'NCSA Mosaic';684 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);685 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);686 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;687 $this->data->browser->stock = false;688 }689 if (preg_match('/AIR_Mosaic(?:\(16bit\))?\/v([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {690 $this->data->browser->name = 'AIR Mosaic';691 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);692 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);693 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;694 $this->data->browser->stock = false;695 }696 if (preg_match('/(?:MosaicView|Spyglass[ _]Mosaic)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {697 $this->data->browser->name = 'Spyglass Mosaic';698 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);699 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);700 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;701 $this->data->browser->stock = false;702 }703 if (preg_match('/SPRY_Mosaic(?:\(16bit\))?\/v([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {704 $this->data->browser->name = 'SPRY Mosaic';705 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);706 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);707 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;708 $this->data->browser->stock = false;709 }710 if (preg_match('/DCL SuperMosaic\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {711 $this->data->browser->name = 'SuperMosaic';712 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);713 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);714 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;715 $this->data->browser->stock = false;716 }717 if (preg_match('/VMS_Mosaic\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {718 $this->data->browser->name = 'VMS Mosaic';719 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);720 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);721 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;722 $this->data->browser->stock = false;723 }724 if (preg_match('/mMosaic\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {725 $this->data->browser->name = 'mMosaic';726 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);727 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);728 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;729 $this->data->browser->stock = false;730 }731 if (preg_match('/Quarterdeck Mosaic Version ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {732 $this->data->browser->name = 'Quarterdeck Mosaic';733 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);734 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);735 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;736 $this->data->browser->stock = false;737 }738 if (preg_match('/WinMosaic\/Version ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {739 $this->data->browser->name = 'WinMosaic';740 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);741 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);742 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;743 $this->data->browser->stock = false;744 }745 if (preg_match('/Device Mosaic ([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {746 $this->data->browser->name = 'Device Mosaic';747 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);748 $this->data->browser->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Mosaic' ]);749 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;750 $this->data->browser->stock = false;751 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;752 }753 }754 /* UC Browser */755 private function detectUC($ua)756 {757 if (!preg_match('/(UC|UBrowser)/ui', $ua)) {758 return;759 }760 if (preg_match('/UCWEB/u', $ua)) {761 $this->data->browser->stock = false;762 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';763 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;764 unset($this->data->browser->channel);765 if (preg_match('/UCWEB\/?([0-9]*[.][0-9]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {766 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);767 }768 if (!$this->data->device->type) {769 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;770 }771 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && $this->data->os->name == 'Linux') {772 $this->data->os->reset();773 }774 if (preg_match('/^IUC ?\(U; ?iOS ([0-9\._]+);/u', $ua, $match)) {775 $this->data->os->name = 'iOS';776 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);777 }778 if (preg_match('/^JUC ?\(Linux; ?U; ?(?:Android)? ?([0-9\.]+)[^;]*; ?[^;]+; ?([^;]*[^\s])\s*; ?[0-9]+\*[0-9]+;?\)/u', $ua, $match)) {779 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';780 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);781 $this->data->device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[2]);782 }783 if (preg_match('/\(MIDP-2.0; U; [^;]+; ([^;]*[^\s])\)/u', $ua, $match)) {784 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';785 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];786 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;787 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[1]);788 if ($device->identified) {789 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;790 $this->data->device = $device;791 }792 }793 if (preg_match('/\((?:Linux|MIDP-2.0); U; Adr ([0-9\.]+)(?:-update[0-9])?; [^;]+; ([^;]*[^\s])\)/u', $ua, $match)) {794 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';795 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);796 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];797 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;798 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[2]);799 if ($device->identified) {800 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;801 $this->data->device = $device;802 }803 }804 if (preg_match('/\((?:iOS|iPhone);/u', $ua)) {805 $this->data->os->name = 'iOS';806 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);807 if (preg_match('/OS[_ ]([0-9_]*);/u', $ua, $match)) {808 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);809 }810 if (preg_match('/; ([^;]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {811 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('ios', $match[1]);812 if ($device->identified) {813 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;814 $this->data->device = $device;815 }816 }817 }818 if (preg_match('/\(Symbian;/u', $ua)) {819 $this->data->os->name = 'Series60';820 $this->data->os->version = null;821 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Symbian' ]);822 if (preg_match('/S60 V([0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {823 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);824 }825 if (preg_match('/; Nokia([^;]+)\)/iu', $ua, $match)) {826 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];827 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;828 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('symbian', $match[1]);829 if ($device->identified) {830 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;831 $this->data->device = $device;832 }833 }834 }835 if (preg_match('/\(Windows;/u', $ua)) {836 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';837 $this->data->os->version = null;838 if (preg_match('/wds ([0-9]+\.[0-9])/u', $ua, $match)) {839 switch ($match[1]) {840 case '7.1':841 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '7.5' ]);842 break;843 case '8.0':844 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '8.0' ]);845 break;846 case '8.1':847 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '8.1' ]);848 break;849 case '10.0':850 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '10.0' ]);851 break;852 }853 }854 if (preg_match('/; ([^;]+); ([^;]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {855 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[1];856 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];857 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;858 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[2]);859 if ($device->identified) {860 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;861 $this->data->device = $device;862 }863 }864 }865 }866 if (preg_match('/Ucweb\/([0-9]*[.][0-9]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {867 $this->data->browser->stock = false;868 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';869 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);870 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;871 }872 if (preg_match('/ucweb-squid/u', $ua)) {873 $this->data->browser->stock = false;874 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';875 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;876 unset($this->data->browser->channel);877 }878 if (preg_match('/\) ?UC /u', $ua)) {879 $this->data->browser->stock = false;880 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';881 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;882 unset($this->data->browser->version);883 unset($this->data->browser->channel);884 unset($this->data->browser->mode);885 if ($this->data->device->type == Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP) {886 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;887 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';888 }889 }890 if (preg_match('/UC ?Browser\/?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {891 $this->data->browser->stock = false;892 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';893 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);894 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;895 unset($this->data->browser->channel);896 if (!$this->data->device->type) {897 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;898 }899 }900 if (preg_match('/UBrowser\/?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {901 $this->data->browser->stock = false;902 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';903 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);904 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;905 unset($this->data->browser->channel);906 }907 if (preg_match('/UCLite\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {908 $this->data->browser->stock = false;909 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';910 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);911 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;912 unset($this->data->browser->channel);913 }914 /* U2 is the Proxy service used by UC Browser on low-end phones */915 if (preg_match('/U2\//u', $ua)) {916 $this->data->browser->stock = false;917 $this->data->browser->name = 'UC Browser';918 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';919 $this->data->engine->name = 'Gecko';920 /* UC Browser running on Windows 8 is identifing itself as U2, but instead its a Trident Webview */921 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && isset($this->data->os->version)) {922 if ($this->data->os->name == 'Windows Phone' && $this->data->os->version->toFloat() >= 8) {923 $this->data->engine->name = 'Trident';924 $this->data->browser->mode = '';925 }926 }927 if ($this->data->device->identified < Constants\Id::MATCH_UA && preg_match('/; ([^;]*)\) U2\//u', $ua, $match)) {928 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[1]);929 if ($device->identified) {930 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;931 $this->data->device = $device;932 if (!isset($this->data->os->name) || ($this->data->os->name != 'Android' && (!isset($this->data->os->family) || $this->data->os->family->getName() != 'Android'))) {933 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';934 }935 }936 }937 }938 /* U3 is the Webkit based Webview used on Android phones */939 if (preg_match('/U3\//u', $ua)) {940 $this->data->engine->name = 'Webkit';941 }942 }943 private function detectUCEngine($ua)944 {945 if (isset($this->data->browser->name)) {946 if ($this->data->browser->name == 'UC Browser') {947 if (!preg_match("/UBrowser\//", $ua) && ($this->data->device->type == 'desktop' || (isset($this->data->os->name) && ($this->data->os->name == 'Windows' || $this->data->os->name == 'OS X')))) {948 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;949 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';950 $this->data->engine->reset();951 $this->data->os->reset();952 } elseif (!isset($this->data->os->name) || ($this->data->os->name != 'iOS' && $this->data->os->name != 'Windows Phone' && $this->data->os->name != 'Windows' && $this->data->os->name != 'Android' && (!isset($this->data->os->family) || $this->data->os->family->getName() != 'Android'))) {953 $this->data->engine->name = 'Gecko';954 unset($this->data->engine->version);955 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';956 }957 if (isset($this->data->engine->name) && $this->data->engine->name == 'Presto') {958 $this->data->engine->name = 'Webkit';959 unset($this->data->engine->version);960 }961 }962 }963 }964 /* Netfront */965 private function detectNetfront($ua)966 {967 if (!preg_match('/(CNF|NF|NetFront|NX|Ave|COM2)/ui', $ua)) {968 return;969 }970 /* Compact NetFront */971 if (preg_match('/CNF\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {972 $this->data->browser->name = 'Compact NetFront';973 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);974 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;975 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;976 }977 /* NetFront */978 if (preg_match('/Net[fF]ront/u', $ua) && !preg_match('/NetFrontNX/u', $ua)) {979 $this->data->browser->name = 'NetFront';980 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;981 unset($this->data->browser->channel);982 if (preg_match('/NetFront[ \/]?([0-9.]*)/ui', $ua, $match)) {983 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);984 }985 /* Detect device type based on NetFront identifier */986 if (preg_match('/MobilePhone/u', $ua)) {987 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;988 }989 if (preg_match('/DigitalMediaPlayer/u', $ua)) {990 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MEDIA;991 }992 if (preg_match('/PDA/u', $ua)) {993 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PDA;994 }995 if (preg_match('/MFP/u', $ua)) {996 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PRINTER;997 }998 if (preg_match('/(InettvBrowser|HbbTV|DTV|NetworkAVTV|BDPlayer)/u', $ua)) {999 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1000 }1001 if (preg_match('/VCC/u', $ua)) {1002 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::CAR;1003 }1004 if (preg_match('/Kindle/u', $ua)) {1005 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::EREADER;1006 }1007 if (empty($this->data->device->type)) {1008 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1009 }1010 /* Detect OS based on NetFront identifier */1011 if (preg_match('/NF[0-9][0-9](?:WMPRO|PPC)\//ui', $ua, $match)) {1012 if (!$this->data->isOs('Windows Mobile')) {1013 $this->data->os->reset([1014 'name' => 'Windows Mobile'1015 ]);1016 }1017 }1018 }1019 if (preg_match('/(?:Browser\/(?:NF|NetFr?ont-)|NF-Browser\/|ACS-NF\/|NetFront FullBrowser\/)([0-9.]*)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1020 $this->data->browser->name = 'NetFront';1021 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1022 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1023 unset($this->data->browser->channel);1024 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1025 }1026 /* AVE-Front */1027 if (preg_match('/(?:AVE-Front|AveFront)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1028 $this->data->browser->name = 'NetFront';1029 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1030 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1031 if (preg_match('/Category=([^\);]+)[\);]/u', $ua, $match)) {1032 switch ($match[1]) {1033 case 'WebPhone':1034 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1035 $this->data->device->subtype = Constants\DeviceSubType::DESKTOP;1036 break;1037 case 'WP':1038 case 'Home Mail Tool':1039 case 'PDA':1040 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PDA;1041 break;1042 case 'STB':1043 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1044 break;1045 case 'GAME':1046 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::GAMING;1047 $this->data->device->subtype = Constants\DeviceSubType::CONSOLE;1048 break;1049 }1050 }1051 if (preg_match('/Product=([^\);]+)[\);]/u', $ua, $match)) {1052 if (in_array($match[1], [ 'ACCESS/NFPS', 'SUNSOFT/EnjoyMagic' ])) {1053 $this->data->device->setIdentification([1054 'manufacturer' => 'Sony',1055 'model' => 'Playstation 2',1056 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::GAMING,1057 'subtype' => Constants\DeviceSubType::CONSOLE1058 ]);1059 }1060 }1061 }1062 /* Netfront NX */1063 if (preg_match('/NX[\/ ]([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1064 $this->data->browser->name = 'NetFront NX';1065 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1066 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1067 unset($this->data->browser->channel);1068 if (empty($this->data->device->type) || $this->data->isType('desktop')) {1069 if (preg_match('/(DTV|HbbTV)/iu', $ua)) {1070 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1071 } else {1072 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1073 }1074 }1075 $this->data->os->reset();1076 }1077 /* The Sony Mylo 2 identifies as Firefox 2, but is NetFront */1078 if (preg_match('/Sony\/COM2/u', $ua, $match)) {1079 $this->data->browser->reset([1080 'name' => 'NetFront',1081 'type' => Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER1082 ]);1083 }1084 }1085 /* Obigo */1086 private function detectObigo($ua)1087 {1088 $processObigoVersion = function ($version) {1089 $result = [1090 'value' => $version1091 ];1092 if (preg_match('/[0-9.]+/', $version, $match)) {1093 $result['details'] = 2;1094 }1095 if (preg_match('/([0-9])[A-Z]/', $version, $match)) {1096 $result['value'] = intval($match[1]);1097 $result['alias'] = $version;1098 }1099 return $result;1100 };1101 if (preg_match('/(?:Obigo|Teleca|AU-MIC|MIC\/)/ui', $ua)) {1102 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo';1103 $this->data->browser->version = null;1104 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1105 if (preg_match('/Obigo\/0?([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1106 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[1]));1107 } elseif (preg_match('/(?:MIC|TelecaBrowser)\/(WAP|[A-Z])?0?([0-9.]+[A-Z]?)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1108 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[2]));1109 if (!empty($match[1])) {1110 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo ' . strtoupper($match[1]);1111 }1112 } elseif (preg_match('/(?:Obigo(?:InternetBrowser|[- ]Browser)?|Teleca)\/(WAP|[A-Z])?[0O]?([0-9.]+[A-Z]?)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1113 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[2]));1114 if (!empty($match[1])) {1115 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo ' . strtoupper($match[1]);1116 }1117 } elseif (preg_match('/(?:Obigo|Teleca)[- ]([WAP|[A-Z])?0?([0-9.]+[A-Z]?)(?:[0-9])?(?:[\/;]|$)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1118 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[2]));1119 if (!empty($match[1])) {1120 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo ' . strtoupper($match[1]);1121 }1122 } elseif (preg_match('/Browser\/(?:Obigo|Teleca)[_-]?(?:Browser\/)?(WAP|[A-Z])?0?([0-9.]+[A-Z]?)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1123 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[2]));1124 if (!empty($match[1])) {1125 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo ' . strtoupper($match[1]);1126 }1127 } elseif (preg_match('/Obigo Browser (WAP|[A-Z])?0?([0-9.]+[A-Z]?)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1128 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[2]));1129 if (!empty($match[1])) {1130 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo ' . strtoupper($match[1]);1131 }1132 }1133 }1134 if (preg_match('/(Q)0?([0-9][A-Z])/u', $ua, $match)) {1135 $this->data->browser->name = 'Obigo ' . $match[1];1136 $this->data->browser->version = new Version($processObigoVersion($match[2]));1137 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1138 }1139 }1140 /* ANT Galio and ANT Fresco */1141 private function detectAnt($ua)1142 {1143 if (preg_match('/ANTFresco\/([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1144 $this->data->browser->name = 'ANT Fresco';1145 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1146 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1147 }1148 if (preg_match('/ANTGalio\/([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1149 $this->data->browser->name = 'ANT Galio';1150 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1151 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1152 }1153 }1154 /* Seraphic Sraf */1155 private function detectSraf($ua)1156 {1157 if (preg_match('/sraf_tv_browser/u', $ua)) {1158 $this->data->browser->name = 'Seraphic Sraf';1159 $this->data->browser->version = null;1160 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1161 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1162 }1163 if (preg_match('/SRAF\/([0-9.]+)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1164 $this->data->browser->name = 'Seraphic Sraf';1165 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1166 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1167 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1168 }1169 }1170 /* MachBlue */1171 private function detectMachBlue($ua)1172 {1173 if (preg_match('/mbxtWebKit\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1174 $this->data->os->name = '';1175 $this->data->browser->name = 'MachBlue XT';1176 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1177 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1178 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1179 }1180 if ($ua == 'MachBlue') {1181 $this->data->os->name = '';1182 $this->data->browser->name = 'MachBlue XT';1183 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1184 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1185 }1186 }1187 /* Espial */1188 private function detectEspial($ua)1189 {1190 if (preg_match('/Espial/u', $ua)) {1191 $this->data->browser->name = 'Espial';1192 $this->data->browser->channel = null;1193 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1194 $this->data->os->name = '';1195 $this->data->os->version = null;1196 if ($this->data->device->type != Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION) {1197 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1198 $this->data->device->manufacturer = null;1199 $this->data->device->model = null;1200 }1201 if (preg_match('/Espial(?: Browser|TVBrowser)?\/(?:sig)?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1202 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1203 }1204 if (preg_match('/;(L6200|L7200)/u', $ua, $match)) {1205 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Toshiba';1206 $this->data->device->model = 'Regza ' . $match[1];1207 $this->data->device->series = 'Smart TV';1208 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1209 $this->data->device->generic = false;1210 }1211 }1212 }1213 /* Iris */1214 private function detectIris($ua)1215 {1216 if (preg_match('/Iris\//u', $ua)) {1217 $this->data->browser->name = 'Iris';1218 $this->data->browser->hidden = false;1219 $this->data->browser->stock = false;1220 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1221 if (preg_match('/Iris\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1222 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1223 }1224 if (preg_match('/ WM([0-9]) /u', $ua, $match)) {1225 $this->data->device->reset();1226 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1227 $this->data->os->reset();1228 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';1229 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] . '.0' ]);1230 }1231 if (preg_match('/Windows NT/u', $ua, $match)) {1232 $this->data->browser->mode = 'desktop';1233 $this->data->device->reset();1234 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1235 $this->data->os->reset();1236 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Mobile';1237 }1238 }1239 }1240 /* Dolfin */1241 private function detectDolfin($ua)1242 {1243 if (preg_match('/(Dolfin|Jasmine)/u', $ua)) {1244 $this->data->browser->name = 'Dolfin';1245 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1246 if (preg_match('/(?:Dolfin|Jasmine)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1247 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1248 }1249 if (preg_match('/Browser\/Dolfin([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1250 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1251 }1252 }1253 }1254 /* WebOS */1255 private function detectWebOSBrowser($ua)1256 {1257 if (preg_match('/wOSBrowser/u', $ua)) {1258 $this->data->browser->name = 'webOS Browser';1259 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1260 if ($this->data->os->name != 'webOS') {1261 $this->data->os->name = 'webOS';1262 }1263 if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && $this->data->device->manufacturer == 'Apple') {1264 unset($this->data->device->manufacturer);1265 unset($this->data->device->model);1266 unset($this->data->device->identifier);1267 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::NONE;1268 }1269 }1270 }1271 /* Sailfish */1272 private function detectSailfishBrowser($ua)1273 {1274 if (preg_match('/Sailfish ?Browser/u', $ua)) {1275 $this->data->browser->name = 'Sailfish Browser';1276 $this->data->browser->stock = true;1277 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1278 if (preg_match('/Sailfish ?Browser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1279 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1280 }1281 }1282 }1283 /* Silk */1284 private function detectSilk($ua)1285 {1286 if (preg_match('/Silk/u', $ua)) {1287 if (preg_match('/Silk-Accelerated/u', $ua) || !preg_match('/PlayStation/u', $ua)) {1288 $this->data->browser->name = 'Silk';1289 $this->data->browser->channel = null;1290 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1291 if (preg_match('/Silk\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1292 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1293 }1294 if (preg_match('/; ([^;]*[^;\s])\s+Build/u', $ua, $match)) {1295 $this->data->device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[1]);1296 }1297 if (!$this->data->device->identified) {1298 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Amazon';1299 $this->data->device->model = 'Kindle Fire';1300 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1301 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::INFER;1302 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && ($this->data->os->name != 'Android' || $this->data->os->name != 'FireOS')) {1303 $this->data->os->name = 'FireOS';1304 $this->data->os->family = new Family([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);1305 $this->data->os->alias = null;1306 $this->data->os->version = null;1307 }1308 }1309 }1310 }1311 }1312 /* Nokia */1313 private function detectNokiaBrowser($ua)1314 {1315 if (!preg_match('/(BrowserNG|Nokia|OSRE|Ovi|Maemo)/ui', $ua)) {1316 return;1317 }1318 /* Nokia Browser */1319 if (preg_match('/BrowserNG/u', $ua)) {1320 $this->data->browser->name = 'Nokia Browser';1321 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1322 if (preg_match('/BrowserNG\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1323 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3, 'builds' => false ]);1324 }1325 }1326 if (preg_match('/NokiaBrowser/u', $ua)) {1327 $this->data->browser->name = 'Nokia Browser';1328 $this->data->browser->channel = null;1329 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1330 if (preg_match('/NokiaBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1331 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1332 }1333 }1334 if (preg_match('/Nokia-Communicator-WWW-Browser/u', $ua)) {1335 $this->data->browser->name = 'Nokia Browser';1336 $this->data->browser->channel = null;1337 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1338 if (preg_match('/Nokia-Communicator-WWW-Browser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1339 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1340 }1341 }1342 /* Nokia Xpress for S30+, S40 and Windows Phone */1343 if (preg_match('/OSRE/u', $ua)) {1344 $this->data->browser->name = 'Nokia Xpress';1345 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';1346 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1347 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1348 $this->data->os->name = null;1349 $this->data->os->version = null;1350 }1351 if (preg_match('/S40OviBrowser/u', $ua)) {1352 $this->data->browser->name = 'Nokia Xpress';1353 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';1354 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1355 if (preg_match('/S40OviBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1356 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1357 }1358 if (preg_match('/Nokia([^\/]+)\//u', $ua, $match)) {1359 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1360 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1361 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1362 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {1363 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('s40', $this->data->device->model);1364 if ($device->identified) {1365 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1366 $this->data->device = $device;1367 }1368 }1369 if (isset($this->data->device->model)) {1370 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('asha', $this->data->device->model);1371 if ($device->identified) {1372 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1373 $this->data->os->name = 'Nokia Asha Platform';1374 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => '1.0' ]);1375 $this->data->device = $device;1376 if (preg_match('/java_runtime_version=Nokia_Asha_([0-9_]+);/u', $ua, $match)) {1377 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => str_replace('_', '.', $match[1]) ]);1378 }1379 }1380 }1381 }1382 if (preg_match('/NOKIALumia([0-9]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1383 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Nokia';1384 $this->data->device->model = $match[1];1385 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1386 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $this->data->device->model);1387 if ($device->identified) {1388 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1389 $this->data->device = $device;1390 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows Phone';1391 }1392 }1393 }1394 /* MicroB - the default browser for maemo */1395 if (preg_match('/Maemo[ |_]Browser/u', $ua)) {1396 $this->data->browser->name = 'MicroB';1397 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1398 if (preg_match('/Maemo[ |_]Browser[ |_]([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1399 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1400 }1401 }1402 }1403 /* Konqueror */1404 private function detectKonqueror($ua)1405 {1406 if (preg_match('/[k|K]onqueror\//u', $ua)) {1407 $this->data->browser->name = 'Konqueror';1408 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1409 if (preg_match('/[k|K]onqueror\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1410 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1411 }1412 if ($this->data->device->type == '') {1413 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1414 }1415 }1416 }1417 /* OmniWeb */1418 private function detectOmniWeb($ua)1419 {1420 if (preg_match('/OmniWeb/u', $ua)) {1421 $this->data->browser->name = 'OmniWeb';1422 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1423 $this->data->browser->version = null;1424 if (preg_match('/OmniWeb\/v?([0-9])[0-9][0-9]/u', $ua, $match)) {1425 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 1 ]);1426 }1427 if (preg_match('/OmniWeb\/([0-9]\.[0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1428 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1429 }1430 $this->data->device->reset([1431 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP1432 ]);1433 if (!empty($this->data->browser->version)) {1434 if ($this->data->browser->version->is('<', 3)) {1435 $this->data->os->name = 'NextStep';1436 $this->data->os->version = null;1437 }1438 if ($this->data->browser->version->is('>=', 4)) {1439 if (empty($this->data->os->name) || $this->data->os->name != 'OS X') {1440 $this->data->os->name = 'OS X';1441 $this->data->os->version = null;1442 }1443 }1444 }1445 }1446 }1447 /* Other browsers */1448 private function detectDesktopBrowsers($ua)1449 {1450 if (!preg_match('/(WebPositive|WebExplorer|WorldWideweb|Midori|Maxthon|Browse)/ui', $ua)) {1451 return;1452 }1453 /* WebPositive */1454 if (preg_match('/WebPositive/u', $ua, $match)) {1455 $this->data->browser->name = 'WebPositive';1456 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1457 $this->data->browser->version = null;1458 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1459 if (preg_match('/WebPositive\/([0-9]\.[0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1460 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1461 }1462 }1463 /* IBM WebExplorer */1464 if (preg_match('/IBM[- ]WebExplorer[ -]?(DLL ?|Window API ?)?/u', $ua)) {1465 $this->data->browser->name = 'IBM WebExplorer';1466 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1467 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1468 if (preg_match('/IBM[- ]WebExplorer[ -]?(?:DLL ?|Window API ?)?\/v([0-9]\.[0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1469 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1470 }1471 $this->data->os->name = 'OS/2';1472 $this->data->device->type = 'desktop';1473 }1474 /* WorldWideweb */1475 if (preg_match('/WorldWideweb \(NEXT\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1476 $this->data->browser->name = 'WorldWideWeb';1477 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1478 $this->data->browser->version = null;1479 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1480 $this->data->os->name = 'NextStep';1481 $this->data->device->type = 'desktop';1482 }1483 /* Midori */1484 if (preg_match('/Midori\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1485 $this->data->browser->name = 'Midori';1486 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1487 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1488 $this->data->device->manufacturer = null;1489 $this->data->device->model = null;1490 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1491 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && $this->data->os->name == 'OS X') {1492 $this->data->os->name = null;1493 $this->data->os->version = null;1494 }1495 }1496 if (preg_match('/midori(?:\/[0-9.]*)?$/u', $ua)) {1497 $this->data->browser->name = 'Midori';1498 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1499 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::DESKTOP;1500 if (preg_match('/midori\/([0-9.]*)$/u', $ua, $match)) {1501 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1502 }1503 }1504 /* Maxthon */1505 if (preg_match('/Maxthon/iu', $ua, $match)) {1506 $this->data->browser->name = 'Maxthon';1507 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1508 $this->data->browser->version = null;1509 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1510 if (preg_match('/Maxthon[\/\' ]\(?([0-9.]*)\)?/iu', $ua, $match)) {1511 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1512 }1513 if (isset($this->data->os->name) && $this->data->browser->version && $this->data->os->name == 'Windows' && $this->data->browser->version->toFloat() < 4) {1514 $this->data->browser->version->details = 1;1515 }1516 }1517 /* Browse for Remix OS */1518 if (preg_match('/^Browse\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1519 $this->data->browser->name = 'Browse';1520 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1521 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1522 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1523 }1524 }1525 private function detectMobileBrowsers($ua)1526 {1527 if (!preg_match('/(Ninesky|Skyfire|Dolphin|QQ|360|QHBrowser|Mercury|iBrowser|Puffin|MiniB|MxNitro|Sogou|Xiino|Palmscape|WebPro|Vision|MiuiBrowser)/ui', $ua)) {1528 return;1529 }1530 /* Xiaomi MIUI Browser */1531 if (preg_match('/MiuiBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1532 $this->data->browser->name = 'MIUI Browser';1533 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1534 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1535 if (!$this->data->os->isFamily('Android')) {1536 $this->data->os->reset();1537 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';1538 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Xiaomi';1539 $this->data->device->model = null;1540 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1541 }1542 }1543 /* NineSky */1544 if (preg_match('/Ninesky(?:-android-mobile(?:-cn)?)?\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1545 $this->data->browser->reset();1546 $this->data->browser->name = 'NineSky';1547 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1548 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1549 if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && $this->data->device->manufacturer == 'Apple') {1550 $this->data->device->reset();1551 }1552 if (!$this->data->os->isFamily('Android')) {1553 $this->data->os->reset();1554 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';1555 }1556 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1557 }1558 /* Skyfire */1559 if (preg_match('/Skyfire\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1560 $this->data->browser->name = 'Skyfire';1561 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1562 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1563 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1564 $this->data->os->name = 'Android';1565 $this->data->os->version = null;1566 }1567 /* Dolphin HD */1568 if (preg_match('/Dolphin(?:HD|Browser)?(?:INT|CN)?\/(?:INT|CN)?-?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1569 $this->data->browser->name = 'Dolphin';1570 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1571 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1572 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1573 }1574 /* QQ Browser */1575 if (preg_match('/(M?QQBrowser)\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1576 $this->data->browser->name = 'QQ Browser';1577 $version = $match[2];1578 if (preg_match('/^[0-9][0-9]$/u', $version)) {1579 $version = $version[0] . '.' . $version[1];1580 }1581 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $version, 'details' => 2 ]);1582 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1583 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1584 if (!isset($this->data->os->name) && $match[1] == 'QQBrowser') {1585 $this->data->os->name = 'Windows';1586 }1587 if (preg_match('/MQQBrowser\/[0-9\.]+\/Adr \(Linux; U; ([0-9\.]+); [^;]+; (.+) Build/u', $ua, $match)) {1588 $this->data->os->reset([1589 'name' => 'Android',1590 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ])1591 ]);1592 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1593 $this->data->device->model = $match[2];1594 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1595 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('android', $match[2]);1596 if ($device->identified) {1597 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1598 $this->data->device = $device;1599 }1600 }1601 if (preg_match('/MQQBrowser\/[0-9\.]+\/WP7 \([^;]+;WPOS:([0-9]\.[0-9])[0-9\.]*;([^;]+); ([^\)]+)\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1602 $this->data->os->reset([1603 'name' => 'Windows Phone',1604 'version' => new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ])1605 ]);1606 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1607 $this->data->device->manufacturer = $match[2];1608 $this->data->device->model = $match[3];1609 $this->data->device->identified |= Constants\Id::PATTERN;1610 $device = Data\DeviceModels::identify('wp', $match[3]);1611 if ($device->identified) {1612 $device->identified |= $this->data->device->identified;1613 $this->data->device = $device;1614 }1615 }1616 }1617 if (preg_match('/MQQBrowser\/Mini([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1618 $this->data->browser->name = 'QQ Browser Mini';1619 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1620 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1621 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1622 }1623 if (preg_match('/QQ\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1624 $this->data->browser->name = 'QQ Browser';1625 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1626 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1627 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1628 }1629 /* 360 Phone Browser */1630 if (preg_match('/360 (?:Aphone|Android Phone) Browser/u', $ua, $match)) {1631 $this->data->browser->name = 'Qihoo 360 Browser';1632 $this->data->browser->family = null;1633 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1634 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1635 }1636 if (preg_match('/360 (?:Aphone|Android Phone) Browser \((?:Version |V)?([0-9.]*)(?:beta)?\)/u', $ua, $match)) {1637 $this->data->browser->name = 'Qihoo 360 Browser';1638 $this->data->browser->family = null;1639 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1640 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1641 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1642 if (!$this->data->os->isFamily('Android')) {1643 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1644 $this->data->os->reset([1645 'name' => 'Android'1646 ]);1647 }1648 }1649 if (preg_match('/360%20(?:Browser|Lite)\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1650 $this->data->browser->name = 'Qihoo 360 Browser';1651 $this->data->browser->family = null;1652 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1653 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1654 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1655 }1656 if (preg_match('/QHBrowser\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1657 $version = $match[1];1658 if (preg_match('/^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/u', $version)) {1659 $version = $version[0] . '.' . $version[1] . '.' . $version[2];1660 }1661 $this->data->browser->name = 'Qihoo 360 Browser';1662 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1663 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $version ]);1664 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1665 if (!$this->data->isOs('iOS')) {1666 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1667 $this->data->os->reset([1668 'name' => 'iOS'1669 ]);1670 }1671 }1672 /* Mercury */1673 if (preg_match('/(?:^| )Mercury\/([0-9\.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1674 $version = $match[1];1675 if (preg_match('/^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/u', $version)) {1676 $version = $version[0] . '.' . $version[1] . '.' . $version[2];1677 }1678 $this->data->browser->name = 'Mercury Browser';1679 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1680 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $version ]);1681 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1682 }1683 /* iBrowser */1684 if (preg_match('/(?:^| )iBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1685 $this->data->browser->name = 'iBrowser';1686 $version = $match[1];1687 if (preg_match('/^[0-9][0-9]$/u', $version)) {1688 $version = $version[0] . '.' . $version[1];1689 }1690 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $version, 'details' => 2 ]);1691 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1692 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1693 }1694 if (preg_match('/iBrowser\/Mini([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1695 $this->data->browser->name = 'iBrowser Mini';1696 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1697 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1698 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1699 }1700 /* Puffin */1701 if (preg_match('/Puffin\/([0-9.]+)([IA])?([PT])?/u', $ua, $match)) {1702 $this->data->browser->name = 'Puffin';1703 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => (intval(substr(strrchr($match[1], '.'), 1)) > 99 ? -1 : null) ]);1704 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';1705 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1706 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1707 if (isset($match[2])) {1708 switch ($match[2]) {1709 case 'A':1710 if (!$this->data->isOs('Android')) {1711 $this->data->os->reset([ 'name' => 'Android' ]);1712 }1713 break;1714 case 'I':1715 if (!$this->data->isOs('iOS')) {1716 $this->data->os->reset([ 'name' => 'iOS' ]);1717 }1718 break;1719 }1720 }1721 if (isset($match[3])) {1722 switch ($match[3]) {1723 case 'P':1724 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1725 if ($this->data->os->name == 'iOS' && empty($this->data->device->model)) {1726 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Apple';1727 $this->data->device->model = 'iPhone';1728 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1729 }1730 break;1731 case 'T':1732 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TABLET;1733 if ($this->data->os->name == 'iOS' && empty($this->data->device->model)) {1734 $this->data->device->manufacturer = 'Apple';1735 $this->data->device->model = 'iPad';1736 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::MATCH_UA;1737 }1738 break;1739 }1740 }1741 }1742 /* MiniBrowser Mobile */1743 if (preg_match('/MiniBr?owserM(?:obile)?\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1744 $this->data->browser->name = 'MiniBrowser';1745 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1746 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1747 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1748 if (!$this->data->isOs('Series60')) {1749 $this->data->os->name = 'Series60';1750 $this->data->os->version = null;1751 }1752 }1753 /* Maxthon */1754 if (preg_match('/MxNitro/iu', $ua, $match)) {1755 $this->data->browser->name = 'Maxthon Nitro';1756 $this->data->browser->channel = '';1757 $this->data->browser->version = null;1758 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1759 if (preg_match('/MxNitro\/([0-9.]*)/iu', $ua, $match)) {1760 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 3 ]);1761 }1762 }1763 /* Sogou Mobile */1764 if (preg_match('/SogouAndroidBrowser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1765 $this->data->browser->name = 'Sogou Mobile';1766 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1767 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1768 if (isset($this->data->device->manufacturer) && $this->data->device->manufacturer == 'Apple') {1769 unset($this->data->device->manufacturer);1770 unset($this->data->device->model);1771 unset($this->data->device->identifier);1772 $this->data->device->identified = Constants\Id::NONE;1773 }1774 }1775 /* Xiino */1776 if (preg_match('/Xiino\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1777 $this->data->browser->name = 'Xiino';1778 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1779 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1780 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PDA;1781 $this->data->os->name = 'Palm OS';1782 if (preg_match('/\(v. ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1783 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1784 }1785 }1786 /* Palmscape */1787 if (preg_match('/Palmscape\/(?:PR)?([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1788 $this->data->browser->name = 'Palmscape';1789 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1790 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1791 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::PDA;1792 $this->data->os->name = 'Palm OS';1793 if (preg_match('/\(v. ([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1794 $this->data->os->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1795 }1796 }1797 /* Novarra WebPro */1798 if (preg_match('/WebPro/u', $ua) && preg_match('/PalmOS/u', $ua)) {1799 $this->data->browser->name = 'WebPro';1800 $this->data->browser->version = null;1801 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1802 if (preg_match('/WebPro\/?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1803 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1804 }1805 }1806 /* Novarra Vision */1807 if (preg_match('/(?:Vision-Browser|Novarra-Vision)\/?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1808 $this->data->browser->name = 'Novarra Vision';1809 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1810 $this->data->browser->family = null;1811 $this->data->browser->mode = 'proxy';1812 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1813 if ($this->data->device->type != Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE) {1814 $this->data->os->reset();1815 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::MOBILE;1816 }1817 }1818 }1819 private function detectTelevisionBrowsers($ua)1820 {1821 if (!preg_match('/(Roku|LG Browser|NetCast|SonyBrowserCore|Dream|Planetweb)/ui', $ua)) {1822 return;1823 }1824 /* Web on Roku */1825 if (preg_match('/Roku/u', $ua) && preg_match('/Web\/([0-9.]+)/u', $ua, $match)) {1826 $this->data->browser->name = 'Web';1827 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1828 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1829 }1830 /* LG Browser */1831 if (preg_match('/LG Browser\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1832 $this->data->browser->name = 'LG Browser';1833 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1834 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1835 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1836 }1837 if (preg_match('/NetCast/u', $ua) && preg_match('/SmartTV\//u', $ua)) {1838 unset($this->data->browser->name);1839 unset($this->data->browser->version);1840 }1841 /* Sony Browser */1842 if (preg_match('/SonyBrowserCore\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1843 unset($this->data->browser->name);1844 unset($this->data->browser->version);1845 $this->data->device->type = Constants\DeviceType::TELEVISION;1846 }1847 /* Dreamkey */1848 if (preg_match('/DreamKey\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1849 $this->data->browser->name = 'Dreamkey';1850 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1851 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1852 $this->data->device->setIdentification([1853 'manufacturer' => 'Sega',1854 'model' => 'Dreamcast',1855 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::GAMING,1856 'subtype' => Constants\DeviceSubType::CONSOLE1857 ]);1858 }1859 /* Dream Passport */1860 if (preg_match('/DreamPassport\/([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1861 $this->data->browser->name = 'Dream Passport';1862 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1863 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1864 $this->data->device->setIdentification([1865 'manufacturer' => 'Sega',1866 'model' => 'Dreamcast',1867 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::GAMING,1868 'subtype' => Constants\DeviceSubType::CONSOLE1869 ]);1870 }1871 /* Planetweb */1872 if (preg_match('/Planetweb\/v?([0-9.]*)/u', $ua, $match)) {1873 $this->data->browser->name = 'Planetweb';1874 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1875 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1876 if (preg_match('/Dreamcast/u', $ua, $match)) {1877 $this->data->device->setIdentification([1878 'manufacturer' => 'Sega',1879 'model' => 'Dreamcast',1880 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::GAMING,1881 'subtype' => Constants\DeviceSubType::CONSOLE1882 ]);1883 }1884 if (preg_match('/SPS/u', $ua, $match)) {1885 $this->data->device->setIdentification([1886 'manufacturer' => 'Sony',1887 'model' => 'Playstation 2',1888 'type' => Constants\DeviceType::GAMING,1889 'subtype' => Constants\DeviceSubType::CONSOLE1890 ]);1891 }1892 }1893 }1894 private function detectRemainingBrowsers($ua)1895 {1896 if ($data = Data\Applications::identifyBrowser($ua)) {1897 $this->data->browser->set($data['browser']);1898 if (!empty($data['device'])) {1899 $this->data->device->set($data['device']);1900 }1901 }1902 }1903 private function detectWapBrowsers($ua)1904 {1905 if (!preg_match('/(Dorado|MAUI)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1906 return;1907 }1908 if (preg_match('/Browser\/Dorado([0-9.]*)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1909 $this->data->browser->name = 'Dorado WAP';1910 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1911 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1912 }1913 if (preg_match('/Dorado WAP-Browser\/([0-9.]*)/ui', $ua, $match)) {1914 $this->data->browser->name = 'Dorado WAP';1915 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1916 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1], 'details' => 2 ]);1917 }1918 if (preg_match('/MAUI[ _]WAP[ _]Browser(?:\/([0-9.]*))?/ui', $ua, $match)) {1919 $this->data->browser->name = 'MAUI WAP';1920 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1921 if (isset($match[1])) {1922 $this->data->browser->version = new Version([ 'value' => $match[1] ]);1923 }1924 }1925 if (preg_match('/WAP Browser\/MAUI/ui', $ua, $match)) {1926 $this->data->browser->name = 'MAUI WAP';1927 $this->data->browser->type = Constants\BrowserType::BROWSER;1928 }1929 }1930}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');2$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');3$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');4$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');5$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');6$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');7$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');8$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');9$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');10$pattern = new Type('string', 'integer');
Using AI Code Generation
1$matches = Type::match($value, $type);2if ($matches) {3 echo "Value matches the type";4} else {5 echo "Value does not match the type";6}7Example #2 Type::match() example8$matches = Type::match($value, $type);9if ($matches) {10 echo "Value matches the type";11} else {12 echo "Value does not match the type";13}14Example #3 Type::match() example15$matches = Type::match($value, $type);16if ($matches) {17 echo "Value matches the type";18} else {19 echo "Value does not match the type";20}21Example #4 Type::match() example22$matches = Type::match($value, $type);23if ($matches) {24 echo "Value matches the type";25} else {26 echo "Value does not match the type";27}28Example #5 Type::match() example29$matches = Type::match($value, $type);30if ($matches) {31 echo "Value matches the type";32} else {33 echo "Value does not match the type";34}35Example #6 Type::match() example36$matches = Type::match($value, $type);37if ($matches) {38 echo "Value matches the type";39} else {40 echo "Value does not match the type";41}42Example #7 Type::match() example43$matches = Type::match($value, $type);44if ($matches) {45 echo "Value matches the type";46} else {47 echo "Value does not match the type";48}
Using AI Code Generation
1$Type = new Type();2$Type->match('Hello World', 'string');3$Type->match(1.234, 'float');4$Type->match(1, 'integer');5$Type->match(array(), 'array');6$Type->match(true, 'boolean');7$Type->match(null, 'null');8$Type->match(1, 'string');9$Type->match(1, 'float');10$Type->match(1, 'integer');11$Type->match(1, 'array');12$Type->match(1, 'boolean');13$Type->match(1, 'null');14$Type->match(1.234, 'string');15$Type->match(1.234, 'float');16$Type->match(1.234, 'integer');17$Type->match(1.234, 'array');18$Type->match(1.234, 'boolean');19$Type->match(1.234, 'null');20$Type->match(array(), 'string');
Using AI Code Generation
1Type::match($type, $value);2$type->match($value);3$type->match($value, $flags);4$type->match($value, $flags, $name);5$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message);6$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message, $code);7Type::match($type, $value);8$type->match($value);9$type->match($value, $flags);10$type->match($value, $flags, $name);11$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message);12$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message, $code);13Type::match($type, $value);14$type->match($value);15$type->match($value, $flags);16$type->match($value, $flags, $name);17$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message);18$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message, $code);19Type::match($type, $value);20$type->match($value);21$type->match($value, $flags);22$type->match($value, $flags, $name);23$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message);24$type->match($value, $flags, $name, $message, $code);25Type::match($type, $value);26$type->match($value);27$type->match($value, $flags);28$type->match($value, $flags, $name
Using AI Code Generation
1Type::match($var);2foreach(Type::match($var) as $type){3 echo $type;4}5echo Type::match($var);6echo Type::match($var, " ");7echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ");8echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ", " ");9echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ", " ", ",");10echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ", " ", ",", 2);11echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ", " ", ",", 2, 5);12echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ", " ", ",", 2, 5, 10);13echo Type::match($var, " ", "type: ", " ", ",", 2, 5, 10, " | ");
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Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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