Best AspectMock code snippet using UserModel.getInfo
...32 $user_count = $this->usermodel->getCount();33 //æåå表34 foreach ( $list as $posts )35 {36 $new_post = $this->postmodel->getInfo( array('id' => $posts->post_id) );37 //compareTime ï¼å¸åå表çæ¶é´è·åä»å¤©ç æ¶é´å·®38 if ( !empty( $new_post->title ) && !empty( $new_post->created ) )39 {40 $posts->cmptime = compareTime( $new_post->created );41 $posts->new_post = $new_post->title;42 $posts->new_post_id = $new_post->id;43 }44 else45 {46 $posts->cmptime = "";47 $posts->new_post = "";48 $posts->new_post_id = "";49 }50 }51 $this->setComponent( 'plate', array('list' => $list, 'subject_count' => $subject_count, "user_count" => $user_count,52 'posts_count' => $posts_count, "today_count" => $today_count) );53 $this->showTemplate( 'forum_base' );54 }55 //主é¢å表页56 function postlist( $id, $start = 0 )57 {58 $this->load->library( 'frontpagination' );59 $this->load->helpers( 'myfunctions_helper' );60 $get = $this->input->get();61 $limit = 10;62 $where = array('status' => "normal", 'plate_id' => $id, 'parent_id' => '0');63 $list = $this->postmodel->getList( $where, $limit, $start, "top DESC,created DESC" );64 $count = $this->postmodel->getCount( $where );65 $count_info = $this->postplatemodel->getInfo( array('id' => $id) );66 $today_count = $this->postmodel->getCount( array("created like" => date( "Y-m-d" ) . "%", "parent_id" => 0, 'plate_id' => $id) );67 //$total_user ç¨æ·68 $total_user = $this->User_Model->getCount('`id` > 0');69 $config[ 'base_url' ] = base_url() . 'forum/postlist/' . $id;70 $config[ 'total_rows' ] = $count;71 $config[ 'per_page' ] = $limit;72 $this->frontpagination->initialize( $config );73 $pagination = $this->frontpagination->create_links( 4 );74 //æ¥è¯¢æååå¤çç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯ åæ¶é´75 $this->load->model( "usermodel" );76 foreach ( $list as $key => $item )77 {78 $list[ $key ]->user = $this->usermodel->getInfo( array('id' => $item->user_id) );79 $list[ $key ]->last_reply_user = $this->usermodel->getInfo( array('id' => $item->last_reply) );80 $s = $item->last_reply_time;81 if ( $item->last_reply_time != "0000-00-00 00:00:00" )82 {83 $list[ $key ]->cptime = compareTime( $item->last_reply_time );84 }85 else86 {87 $list[ $key ]->cptime = "";88 }89 }90 $this->setComponent( 'post_list', array('list' => $list, 'plate_id' => $id,91 "pagination" => $pagination, 'count' => $count, 'count_info' => $count_info, "today_count" => $today_count,'total_user'=>$total_user92 ) );93 $this->showTemplate( 'forum_base' );94 }95 /*96 * æ·»å 主é¢97 * @param int $plate_id æ¿åid98 */99 function add( $plate_id )100 {101 $plate_info = $this->postplatemodel->getInfo( array("id" => $plate_id) );102 $this->setComponent( 'post_add', array('plate_info' => $plate_info) );103 $this->showTemplate( 'forum_base' );104 }105 function addup( $plate_id )106 {107 $data = $this->input->post();108 if ( empty( $data[ 'title' ] ) || empty( $data[ 'content' ] ) )109 {110 Util::jumpback( "ä¸è½å表空ç½ç主é¢" );111 }112 $data[ 'user_id' ] = $this->user['id'];113 $data[ 'plate_id' ] = $plate_id;114 $data[ 'parent_id' ] = "0";115 //ææ°ä¸»é¢çid116 $this->postmodel->insert( $data );117 Util::redirect( '/forum/postlist/' . $plate_id );118 }119 /*120 * å¸å详ç»é¡µé¢121 * @param int $id å¸åçid122 */123 function view( $id, $start = 0 )124 {125 $this->load->library( "frontpagination" );126 $data = $this->postmodel->getInfo( array("id" => $id) );127 $this->load->model( "usermodel" );128 $data->user = $this->usermodel->getInfo( array('id' => $data->user_id) );129 //楼主çåå¸æ°130 $data->user->posts_count = $this->postmodel->getCount( array('user_id' => $data->user_id, 'parent_id' => 0, "status" => "normal") );131 //æ¥ç次æ°132 $this->postmodel->db->set( 'view', 'view+1', false );133 $this->postmodel->update( array(), array('id' => $id) );134 $plate_info = $this->postplatemodel->getInfo( array('id' => $data->plate_id) );135 $limit = 10;136 //åå¤ä¿¡æ¯137 //if( $start == 0 ){138 //$limit--;139 //}140 $repeat_info = $this->postmodel->getList( array("parent_id" => $data->id), $limit, $start, "created ASC" );141 $count = $this->postmodel->getCount( array("parent_id" => $data->id) );142 //å页143 $config[ 'base_url' ] = base_url() . 'forum/view/' . $id;144 $config[ 'total_rows' ] = $count;145 $config[ 'per_page' ] = $limit;146 $this->frontpagination->initialize( $config );147 $pagination = $this->frontpagination->create_links( 4 );148 //åå¤ä¿¡æ¯çç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯149 foreach ( $repeat_info as $info )150 {151 $info->user = $this->usermodel->getInfo( array('id' => $info->user_id) );152 //åå¤ç¨æ·çåå¸æ°153 $info->user->posts_count = $this->postmodel->getCount( array('user_id' => $info->user_id, 'parent_id' => 0, "status" => "normal") );154 }155 //ä¸ä¸ä¸»é¢156 $prev[ 'top >=' ] = $data->top;157 $prev[ 'created >=' ] = $data->created;158 $prev[ 'id <>' ] = $data->id;159 $prev[ 'parent_id' ] = 0;160 $prev[ 'plate_id' ] = $data->plate_id;161 //ä¸ä¸ä¸»é¢162 $next[ 'top <=' ] = $data->top;163 $next[ 'created <=' ] = $data->created;164 $next[ 'id <>' ] = $data->id;165 $next[ 'parent_id' ] = 0;...
...26 //ç»å®socket27 Socket::bind(SESSIONID, $uid);28 29 //è·åæ°æ®30 $user = $mUser->getInfo();31 32 $this->success($user);33 }34 35 //注å(æµè¯ç¨)36 public function registerAction()37 {38 $data = $this->getRequest()->getParams();39 $username = trim($data['username']);40 $nickname = trim($data['nickname']);41 if(!$username){42 $this->error('InvaludUserName');43 return ;44 }45 if(!$nickname){46 $this->error('InvalidNickName');47 return ;48 }49 50 $redis = RedisDB::factory('user');51 $uid = $redis->incr(UserModel::USERID_KEY);52 $ret = $redis->hSetNx(UserModel::USERNAME_KEY, $username, $uid);53 if(!$ret){54 $this->error('UserNameExists');55 return ;56 }57 58 //write user info59 $user = array(60 'uid' => $uid,61 'username' => $username,62 'nickname' => $nickname,63 'gamepoint' => 0,64 'gold' => 20,65 'regdate' => time(),66 );67 $redis->hMSet(UserModel::INFO_KEY . $uid, $user);68 69 //write auth info70 $token = md5(date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999) . $username);71 $redis->hSet(UserModel::AUTH_KEY, $data['username'], $token);72 73 $this->success(array(74 'username' => $username,75 'token' => $token,76 ));77 }78 79 //客æ·ç«¯è¿æ¥80 public function onConnectAction()81 {82 //TODO83 }84 85 //客æ·ç«¯å
³é86 public function onCloseAction()87 {88 $mUser = new UserModel();89 $uid = $mUser->getUid();90 $ret = Socket::unbind(SESSIONID, $uid);91 92 //ç©å®¶ç¦»çº¿å¤ç93 if($ret){94 $user = $mUser->getInfo();95 if(!empty($user['roomid'])){96 $mRoom = new RoomModel($mUser, $user['roomid']);97 $mRoom->offline($user['seatid']);98 }99 }100 }101 102 //å建æ¿é´103 public function createAction()104 {105 $mUser = new UserModel();106 $user = $mUser->getInfo();107 if($user['gold'] < 5){108 $this->error('GoldLess');109 return ;110 }111 112 if(!empty($user['roomid'])){113 $this->error('InRoom');114 return ;115 }116 117 $mGame = new RoomModel($mUser);118 $ret = $mGame->create();119 if(!$ret){120 $this->error('CreateFailed');121 return ;122 }123 124 //update user info125 $mUser->save(array(126 'roomid' => $mGame->getId(),127 ));128 129 $this->success($ret);130 }131 132 //å å
¥æ¿é´133 public function joinAction()134 {135 $data = $this->getRequest()->getParams();136 $roomid = $data['roomid'];137 if(!$roomid){138 $this->error('InvalidRoomId');139 return ;140 }141 142 $mUser = new UserModel();143 $user = $mUser->getInfo();144 if($user['gold'] < 5){145 $this->error('GoldLess');146 return ;147 }148 149 if(!empty($user['roomid'])){150 $this->error('InRoom');151 return ;152 }153 154 $mGame = new RoomModel($mUser, $roomid);155 $ret = $mGame->join($user['uid']);156 if(!$ret){157 $this->error('PositionLess');158 return ;159 }160 161 $this->success($ret);162 }163 164 //éåºæ¿é´165 public function leaveAction()166 {167 $mUser = new UserModel();168 $user = $mUser->getInfo();169 if(!$user['roomid']){170 $this->error('NotInRoom');171 return ;172 }173 174 $mGame = new RoomModel($mUser, $user['roomid']);175 $ret = $mGame->leave();176 if(!$ret){177 $this->error('LeaveFailed');178 return ;179 }180 181 $this->success();182 }...
...5class UserController extends Yaf\Controller_Abstract {6 //个人ä¸å¿æ°æ®7 public function infoAction(){8 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();9 $userInfo = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getInfo($data['openid']);10 11 //æ¶æ¯12 $result['messageCount'] = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getNewMessage($userInfo['id']);13 //é åæ¶è14 $result['modellingCollect'] = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getModellingCollect($userInfo['id']);15 //è£
å¤æ¶è16 $result['equipCollect'] = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getEquipCollect($userInfo['id']);17 //é³ä¹æ¶è18 $result['musicCollect'] = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getMusicCollect($userInfo['id']);19 json_return($result);20 return false;21 }22 //ç¨æ·æ¶æ¯è®°å½23 public function messageAction(){24 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();25 $userInfo = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getInfo($data['openid']);26 $result = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getMessage($userInfo['id']);27 json_return($result);28 return false;29 }30 //åéæ¶æ¯31 public function sendMessageAction(){32 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();33 $userInfo = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getInfo($data['openid']);34 35 $data['sender'] = $userInfo['id'];36 unset($data['openid']);37 $result = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->sendMessage($data);38 json_return($result);39 return false;40 }41 //æ¶èé³ä¹å表42 public function collectMusicAction(){43 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();44 $userInfo = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getInfo($data['openid']);45 $result = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getCollectMusic($userInfo['id']);46 json_return($result);47 return false;48 }49 //æ¶èé åå表50 public function collectModellingAction(){51 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();52 $userInfo = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getInfo($data['openid']);53 54 $result = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getCollectModelling($userInfo['id']);55 json_return($result);56 return false;57 }58 //æ¶èè£
å¤å表59 public function collectEquipAction(){60 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();61 $userInfo = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getInfo($data['openid']);62 63 $result = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getCollectEquip($userInfo['id']);64 json_return($result);65 return false;66 }67 //é å详æ
68 public function modellingAction(){69 $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();70 $result = \Api\UserModel::getInstance()->getModelling($data['id']);71 json_return($result);72 return false;73 }74}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$obj = new UserModel();2$obj->getInfo();3$obj = new UserModel();4$obj->getInfo();5$obj = new UserModel();6$obj->getInfo();7$obj = new UserModel();8$obj->getInfo();9$obj = new UserModel();10$obj->getInfo();11$obj = new UserModel();12$obj->getInfo();13$obj = new UserModel();14$obj->getInfo();15$obj = new UserModel();16$obj->getInfo();17$obj = new UserModel();18$obj->getInfo();19$obj = new UserModel();20$obj->getInfo();21$obj = new UserModel();22$obj->getInfo();23$obj = new UserModel();24$obj->getInfo();25$obj = new UserModel();26$obj->getInfo();27$obj = new UserModel();28$obj->getInfo();29$obj = new UserModel();30$obj->getInfo();31$obj = new UserModel();32$obj->getInfo();33$obj = new UserModel();34$obj->getInfo();35$obj = new UserModel();36$obj->getInfo();37$obj = new UserModel();38$obj->getInfo();
Using AI Code Generation
1$user = new UserModel();2$user->getInfo();3$user = new UserModel();4$user->getInfo();5$user = new UserModel();6$user->getInfo();7$user = new UserModel();8$user->getInfo();9$user = new UserModel();10$user->getInfo();11$user = new UserModel();12$user->getInfo();13$user = new UserModel();14$user->getInfo();15$user = new UserModel();16$user->getInfo();17$user = new UserModel();18$user->getInfo();19$user = new UserModel();20$user->getInfo();21$user = new UserModel();22$user->getInfo();23$user = new UserModel();24$user->getInfo();25$user = new UserModel();26$user->getInfo();27$user = new UserModel();28$user->getInfo();29$user = new UserModel();30$user->getInfo();31$user = new UserModel();32$user->getInfo();33$user = new UserModel();34$user->getInfo();35$user = new UserModel();36$user->getInfo();37$user = new UserModel();38$user->getInfo();
Using AI Code Generation
1$user = new UserModel();2echo $user->getInfo();3require_once 'UserModel.php';4$user = new UserModel();5echo $user->getInfo();6require_once 'UserModel.php';7$user = new UserModel();8echo $user->getInfo();9require_once 'UserModel.php';10$user = new UserModel();11echo $user->getInfo();12require_once 'UserModel.php';13$user = new UserModel();14echo $user->getInfo();15require_once 'UserModel.php';16$user = new UserModel();17echo $user->getInfo();18require_once 'UserModel.php';19$user = new UserModel();20echo $user->getInfo();21require_once 'UserModel.php';22$user = new UserModel();23echo $user->getInfo();24require_once 'UserModel.php';25$user = new UserModel();26echo $user->getInfo();27require_once 'UserModel.php';28$user = new UserModel();29echo $user->getInfo();30require_once 'UserModel.php';31$user = new UserModel();32echo $user->getInfo();33require_once 'UserModel.php';34$user = new UserModel();35echo $user->getInfo();36require_once 'UserModel.php';37$user = new UserModel();38echo $user->getInfo();39require_once 'UserModel.php';40$user = new UserModel();41echo $user->getInfo();
Using AI Code Generation
1$user = new UserModel();2echo $user->getInfo();3{4 protected $name;5 protected $age;6 public function __construct($name, $age)7 {8 $this->name = $name;9 $this->age = $age;10 }11 public function getInfo()12 {13Age: $this->age";14 }15}16{17 public function getInfo()18 {19Location: New York";20 }21}22$user = new UserModel('John Doe', 25);23echo $user->getInfo();
Using AI Code Generation
1$object = new UserModel();2$object->getInfo();3class User {4 public function getInfo($name) {5 echo "Name: $name";6 }7}8class UserModel extends User {9 public function getInfo($name, $age) {10 echo "Name: $name";11 echo "Age: $age";12 }13}14$object = new UserModel();15$object->getInfo("John", 25);16class User {17 public function getInfo($name) {18 echo "Name: $name";19 }20}21class UserModel extends User {22 public function getInfo($age) {23 echo "Age: $age";24 }25}26$object = new UserModel();27$object->getInfo(25);28class User {29 public function getInfo() {30 return "John";31 }32}33class UserModel extends User {34 public function getInfo() {35 return 25;36 }37}38$object = new UserModel();39echo $object->getInfo();
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