How to use pts_strings class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_strings


Source:phodevi_motherboard.php Github


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...51 if(!is_file($usb_dir . 'product') || !is_file($usb_dir . 'idProduct') || !is_file($usb_dir . 'idVendor'))52 {53 continue;54 }55 $vendor = pts_strings::trim_search_query(pts_strings::strip_string(pts_file_io::file_get_contents($usb_dir . 'manufacturer')));56 $device = pts_strings::trim_search_query(pts_strings::strip_string(str_replace($vendor, null, pts_file_io::file_get_contents($usb_dir . 'product'))));57 $device = pts_strings::keep_in_string($device, pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER | pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL | pts_strings::CHAR_SPACE | pts_strings::CHAR_DASH | pts_strings::CHAR_UNDERSCORE | pts_strings::CHAR_COLON | pts_strings::CHAR_COMMA);58 if($vendor == null || $device == null || $vendor == 'Generic')59 {60 continue;61 }62 array_push($usb, array(63 'Class' => pts_file_io::file_get_contents($usb_dir . 'bDeviceClass'),64 'Vendor' => $vendor,65 'Device' => $device,66 'VendorID' => pts_file_io::file_get_contents($usb_dir . 'idVendor'),67 'DeviceID' => pts_file_io::file_get_contents($usb_dir . 'idProduct')68 ));69 }70 }71 return $usb;72 }73 public static function is_genuine($mobo)74 {75 return strpos($mobo, ' ') > 1 && !pts_strings::has_in_istring($mobo, array('Virtual', 'Bochs', '440BX', 'Megatrends', 'Award ', 'Software', 'Xen', 'HVM ', 'Notebook', 'OEM ', ' KVM', 'unknown')) && !is_numeric(substr($mobo, 0, strpos($mobo, ' ')));76 /​/​ pts_strings::string_contains($mobo, pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC);77 }78 public static function pci_devices()79 {80 $pci_devices = array();81 if(phodevi::is_linux() && isset(phodevi::$vfs->lspci))82 {83 $lspci = phodevi::$vfs->lspci;84 $lspci = explode("\n\n", $lspci);85 foreach($lspci as $o => &$lspci_section)86 {87 $lspci_section = explode("\n", $lspci_section);88 $formatted_section = array();89 foreach($lspci_section as $i => &$line)90 {91 $line = explode(':', $line);92 if(count($line) == 2 && in_array($line[0], array('Class', 'Vendor', 'Device', 'Driver', 'Rev', 'Module')))93 {94 $line[1] = trim($line[1]);95 if(($c = strrpos($line[1], ' [')) !== false)96 {97 $id = substr($line[1], ($c + 2));98 $id = '0x' . substr($id, 0, strpos($id, ']'));99 switch($line[0])100 {101 case 'Vendor':102 $formatted_section['VendorID'] = $id;103 break;104 case 'Device':105 $formatted_section['DeviceID'] = $id;106 break;107 }108 $line[1] = substr($line[1], 0, $c);109 }110 if($line[0] == 'Class')111 {112 switch($line[1])113 {114 case 'Ethernet controller':115 case 'Network controller':116 $line[1] = 'Network';117 break;118 case 'VGA compatible controller':119 $line[1] = 'GPU';120 break;121 case 'Audio device':122 case 'Multimedia audio controller':123 $line[1] = 'Audio';124 break;125 /​/​ case 'RAM memory':126 /​/​ case 'Host bridge':127 /​/​ $line[1] = 'Chipset';128 /​/​ break;129 default:130 $line[1] = null;131 break;132 }133 }134 else if($line[0] == 'Device' || $line[0] == 'Vendor')135 {136 $line[1] = pts_strings::trim_search_query(pts_strings::strip_string($line[1]));137 $line[1] = pts_strings::keep_in_string($line[1], pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER | pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL | pts_strings::CHAR_SPACE | pts_strings::CHAR_DASH | pts_strings::CHAR_UNDERSCORE | pts_strings::CHAR_COLON | pts_strings::CHAR_COMMA);138 }139 $formatted_section[$line[0]] = $line[1];140 }141 }142 if(count($formatted_section) > 0 && $formatted_section['Class'] != null)143 {144 array_push($pci_devices, $formatted_section);145 }146 }147 }148 return $pci_devices;149 }150 public static function parse_pci_device_data(&$lspci, &$dmesg, $ignore_external_pci_devices = false)151 {152 $pci_devices = explode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $lspci);153 $sanitized_devices = array();154 foreach($pci_devices as &$device)155 {156 $device .= PHP_EOL;157 $location = substr($device, 0, strpos($device, ' '));158 if(!strpos($location, ':') || !strpos($location, '.'))159 {160 /​/​ If it's not a valid PCI bus location (i.e. XX:YY.Z), it's probably not formatted well or wrong161 continue;162 }163 $class = substr($device, ($s = (strpos($device, '[') + 1)), (strpos($device, ']', $s) - $s));164 if(!(isset($class[3]) && !isset($class[4])))165 {166 /​/​ class must be 4 characters: 2 for class, 2 for sub-class167 continue;168 }169 /​/​ 0300 is GPUs170 if($ignore_external_pci_devices && in_array($class, array('0300')))171 {172 /​/​ Don't report external PCI devices173 continue;174 }175 $device_class = substr($class, 0, 2);176 $sub_class = substr($class, 2, 2);177 $device_name = substr($device, ($l = strpos($device, ']:') + 3), ($s = strpos($device, ':', $l)) - $l);178 $device_name = substr($device_name, 0, strrpos($device_name, ' ['));179 $device_name = str_replace('/​', '-', str_replace(array('[AMD]', '[SiS]'), null, $device_name));180 $device_name = pts_strings::strip_string($device_name);181 if($device_name == null || strpos($device_name, ' ') === false)182 {183 /​/​ it must be junk not worth reporting184 continue;185 }186 $temp = substr($device, $s - 5);187 if($temp[0] != '[' || $temp[10] != ']')188 {189 continue;190 }191 $vendor_id = substr($temp, 1, 4);192 $device_id = substr($temp, 6, 4);193 $drivers = array();194 if(($s = strpos($device, 'Kernel driver in use:')) !== false)195 {196 $temp = substr($device, ($s = $s + 22), (strpos($device, PHP_EOL, $s) - $s));197 if($temp != null)198 {199 array_push($drivers, $temp);200 }201 }202 if(($s = strpos($device, 'Kernel modules:')) !== false)203 {204 $temp = substr($device, ($s = $s + 16), (strpos($device, PHP_EOL, $s) - $s));205 if($temp != null)206 {207 foreach(explode(' ', trim($temp)) as $temp)208 {209 $temp = str_replace(',', null, $temp);210 if($temp != null && !in_array($temp, $drivers))211 {212 array_push($drivers, $temp);213 }214 }215 }216 }217 if(empty($drivers))218 {219 /​/​ If there's no drivers, nothing to report220 continue;221 }222 if(!in_array($vendor_id . ':' . $device_id, array_keys($sanitized_devices)))223 {224 $dmesg_example = array();225 if($dmesg != null)226 {227 foreach($drivers as $driver)228 {229 $offset = 1;230 while($offset != false && ($offset = strpos($dmesg, $driver, $offset)) !== false)231 {232 $line = substr($dmesg, 0, strpos($dmesg, "\n", $offset));233 $line = substr($line, strrpos($line, "\n"));234 $line = trim(substr($line, strpos($line, '] ') + 2));235 if($line != null && !isset($line[128]))236 {237 array_push($dmesg_example, $line);238 }239 $offset = strpos($dmesg, "\n", ($offset + 1));240 }241 }242 }243 $sanitized_devices[$vendor_id . ':' . $device_id] = array(244 $vendor_id,245 $device_id,246 $device_name,247 $device_class,248 $sub_class,249 $drivers,250 trim($device),251 implode(PHP_EOL, $dmesg_example)252 );253 }254 }255 return $sanitized_devices;256 }257 public static function power_mode()258 {259 /​/​ Returns the power mode260 $return_status = null;261 if(phodevi::is_linux())262 {263 $sysfs_checked = false;264 foreach(pts_file_io::glob('/​sys/​class/​power_supply/​AC*/​online') as $online)265 {266 if(pts_file_io::file_get_contents($online) == '0')267 {268 $return_status = 'This computer was running on battery power';269 break;270 }271 $sysfs_checked = true;272 }273 if(!$sysfs_checked)274 {275 /​/​ There likely was no sysfs power_supply support for that power adapter276 $power_state = phodevi_linux_parser::read_acpi('/​ac_adapter/​AC/​state', 'state');277 if($power_state == 'off-line')278 {279 $return_status = 'This computer was running on battery power';280 }281 }282 }283 return $return_status;284 }285 public static function serial_number()286 {287 $serial = null;288 if(phodevi::is_linux())289 {290 $serial = phodevi_linux_parser::read_dmidecode('system', 'System Information', 'Serial Number', true, array());291 }292 return $serial;293 }294 public static function motherboard_string()295 {296 /​/​ Returns the motherboard /​ system model name or number297 $info = null;298 if(phodevi::is_macosx())299 {300 $info = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPHardwareDataType', 'ModelName');301 }302 else if(phodevi::is_solaris())303 {304 $manufacturer = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info(array('MotherBoardInformation,Manufacturer', 'SystemInformation,Manufacturer'));305 $product = phodevi_solaris_parser::read_sun_ddu_dmi_info(array('MotherBoardInformation,Product', 'SystemInformation,Product', 'SystemInformation,Model'));306 if(count($manufacturer) == 1 && count($product) == 1)307 {308 $info = $manufacturer[0] . ' ' . $product[0];309 }310 }311 else if(phodevi::is_bsd())312 {313 $vendor = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_kenv('smbios.system.maker');314 $product = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_kenv('smbios.system.product');315 $version = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_kenv('smbios.system.version'); /​/​ for at least Lenovo ThinkPads this is where it displays ThinkPad model316 if($vendor != null && ($product != null || $version != null))317 {318 $info = $vendor . ' ' . $product . ' ' . $version;319 }320 else if(($vendor = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('hw.vendor')) != false && ($version = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl(array('hw.version', 'hw.product'))) != false)321 {322 $info = trim($vendor . ' ' . $version);323 }324 else if(($acpi = phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.acpi.0.%desc')) != false)325 {326 $info = trim($acpi);327 }328 }329 else if(phodevi::is_linux())330 {331 $vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi(array('board_vendor', 'sys_vendor'));332 $name = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi(array('board_name', 'product_name'));333 $version = phodevi_linux_parser::read_sys_dmi(array('board_version', 'product_version'));334 if($vendor != false && $name != false)335 {336 $info = strpos($name . ' ', $vendor . ' ') === false ? $vendor . ' ' : null;337 $info .= $name;338 if($version != false && strpos($info, $version) === false && pts_strings::string_only_contains($version, pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL))339 {340 $info .= (substr($version, 0, 1) == 'v' ? ' ' : ' v') . $version;341 }342 }343 if(empty($info))344 {345 $from_cpuinfo = false;346 if($info == null)347 {348 $hw_string = phodevi_linux_parser::read_cpuinfo('Hardware');349 if(count($hw_string) == 1)350 {351 $info = $hw_string[0];352 $from_cpuinfo = true;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$pts_strings = new pts_strings();2echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");3$pts_strings = new pts_strings();4echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");5$pts_strings = new pts_strings();6echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");7$pts_strings = new pts_strings();8echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");9$pts_strings = new pts_strings();10echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");11$pts_strings = new pts_strings();12echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");13$pts_strings = new pts_strings();14echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");15$pts_strings = new pts_strings();16echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");17$pts_strings = new pts_strings();18echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");19$pts_strings = new pts_strings();20echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");21$pts_strings = new pts_strings();22echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");23$pts_strings = new pts_strings();24echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");25$pts_strings = new pts_strings();26echo $pts_strings->translate("Hello World");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$pts_strings = new pts_strings;2$pts_strings = new pts_strings;3$pts_strings = new pts_strings;4$pts_strings = new pts_strings;5$pts_strings = new pts_strings;6$pts_strings = new pts_strings;7$pts_strings = new pts_strings;8$pts_strings = new pts_strings;9$pts_strings = new pts_strings;10$pts_strings = new pts_strings;11$pts_strings = new pts_strings;12$pts_strings = new pts_strings;13$pts_strings = new pts_strings;14$pts_strings = new pts_strings;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_strings.php');2require_once('pts_strings.php');3require_once('pts_strings.php');4require_once('pts_strings.php');5require_once('pts_strings.php');6require_once('pts_strings.php');7echo pts_strings::format_time(2000, 'seconds

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