Best Cucumber Common Library code snippet using Background
...10 * the background color, background image, background gradient or background video.11 *12 * @since 1.2.213 */14class Group_Control_Background extends Group_Control_Base {15 /**16 * Fields.17 *18 * Holds all the background control fields.19 *20 * @since 1.2.221 * @access protected22 * @static23 *24 * @var array Background control fields.25 */26 protected static $fields;27 /**28 * Background Types.29 *30 * Holds all the available background types.31 *32 * @since 1.2.233 * @access private34 * @static35 *36 * @var array37 */38 private static $background_types;39 /**40 * Get background control type.41 *42 * Retrieve the control type, in this case `background`.43 *44 * @since 1.0.045 * @access public46 * @static47 *48 * @return string Control type.49 */50 public static function get_type() {51 return 'background';52 }53 /**54 * Get background control types.55 *56 * Retrieve available background types.57 *58 * @since 1.2.259 * @access public60 * @static61 *62 * @return array Available background types.63 */64 public static function get_background_types() {65 if ( null === self::$background_types ) {66 self::$background_types = self::get_default_background_types();67 }68 return self::$background_types;69 }70 /**71 * Get Default background types.72 *73 * Retrieve background control initial types.74 *75 * @since 2.0.076 * @access private77 * @static78 *79 * @return array Default background types.80 */81 private static function get_default_background_types() {82 return [83 'classic' => [84 'title' => _x( 'Classic', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),85 'icon' => 'fa fa-paint-brush',86 ],87 'gradient' => [88 'title' => _x( 'Gradient', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),89 'icon' => 'fa fa-barcode',90 ],91 'video' => [92 'title' => _x( 'Background Video', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),93 'icon' => 'fa fa-video-camera',94 ],95 ];96 }97 /**98 * Init fields.99 *100 * Initialize background control fields.101 *102 * @since 1.2.2103 * @access public104 *105 * @return array Control fields.106 */107 public function init_fields() {108 $fields = [];109 $fields['background'] = [110 'label' => _x( 'Background Type', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),111 'type' => Controls_Manager::CHOOSE,112 'label_block' => false,113 'render_type' => 'ui',114 ];115 $fields['color'] = [116 'label' => _x( 'Color', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),117 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR,118 'default' => '',119 'title' => _x( 'Background Color', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),120 'selectors' => [121 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-color: {{VALUE}};',122 ],123 'condition' => [124 'background' => [ 'classic', 'gradient' ],125 ],126 ];127 $fields['color_stop'] = [128 'label' => _x( 'Location', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),129 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,130 'size_units' => [ '%' ],131 'default' => [132 'unit' => '%',133 'size' => 0,134 ],135 'render_type' => 'ui',136 'condition' => [137 'background' => [ 'gradient' ],138 ],139 'of_type' => 'gradient',140 ];141 $fields['color_b'] = [142 'label' => _x( 'Second Color', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),143 'type' => Controls_Manager::COLOR,144 'default' => '#f2295b',145 'render_type' => 'ui',146 'condition' => [147 'background' => [ 'gradient' ],148 ],149 'of_type' => 'gradient',150 ];151 $fields['color_b_stop'] = [152 'label' => _x( 'Location', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),153 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,154 'size_units' => [ '%' ],155 'default' => [156 'unit' => '%',157 'size' => 100,158 ],159 'render_type' => 'ui',160 'condition' => [161 'background' => [ 'gradient' ],162 ],163 'of_type' => 'gradient',164 ];165 $fields['gradient_type'] = [166 'label' => _x( 'Type', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),167 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,168 'options' => [169 'linear' => _x( 'Linear', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),170 'radial' => _x( 'Radial', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),171 ],172 'default' => 'linear',173 'render_type' => 'ui',174 'condition' => [175 'background' => [ 'gradient' ],176 ],177 'of_type' => 'gradient',178 ];179 $fields['gradient_angle'] = [180 'label' => _x( 'Angle', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),181 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,182 'size_units' => [ 'deg' ],183 'default' => [184 'unit' => 'deg',185 'size' => 180,186 ],187 'range' => [188 'deg' => [189 'step' => 10,190 ],191 ],192 'selectors' => [193 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-color: transparent; background-image: linear-gradient({{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}, {{color.VALUE}} {{color_stop.SIZE}}{{color_stop.UNIT}}, {{color_b.VALUE}} {{color_b_stop.SIZE}}{{color_b_stop.UNIT}})',194 ],195 'condition' => [196 'background' => [ 'gradient' ],197 'gradient_type' => 'linear',198 ],199 'of_type' => 'gradient',200 ];201 $fields['gradient_position'] = [202 'label' => _x( 'Position', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),203 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,204 'options' => [205 'center center' => _x( 'Center Center', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),206 'center left' => _x( 'Center Left', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),207 'center right' => _x( 'Center Right', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),208 'top center' => _x( 'Top Center', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),209 'top left' => _x( 'Top Left', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),210 'top right' => _x( 'Top Right', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),211 'bottom center' => _x( 'Bottom Center', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),212 'bottom left' => _x( 'Bottom Left', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),213 'bottom right' => _x( 'Bottom Right', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),214 ],215 'default' => 'center center',216 'selectors' => [217 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-color: transparent; background-image: radial-gradient(at {{VALUE}}, {{color.VALUE}} {{color_stop.SIZE}}{{color_stop.UNIT}}, {{color_b.VALUE}} {{color_b_stop.SIZE}}{{color_b_stop.UNIT}})',218 ],219 'condition' => [220 'background' => [ 'gradient' ],221 'gradient_type' => 'radial',222 ],223 'of_type' => 'gradient',224 ];225 $fields['image'] = [226 'label' => _x( 'Image', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),227 'type' => Controls_Manager::MEDIA,228 'dynamic' => [229 'active' => true,230 ],231 'responsive' => true,232 'title' => _x( 'Background Image', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),233 'selectors' => [234 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-image: url("{{URL}}");',235 ],236 'render_type' => 'template',237 'condition' => [238 'background' => [ 'classic' ],239 ],240 ];241 $fields['position'] = [242 'label' => _x( 'Position', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),243 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,244 'default' => '',245 'responsive' => true,246 'options' => [247 '' => _x( 'Default', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),248 'top left' => _x( 'Top Left', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),249 'top center' => _x( 'Top Center', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),250 'top right' => _x( 'Top Right', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),251 'center left' => _x( 'Center Left', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),252 'center center' => _x( 'Center Center', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),253 'center right' => _x( 'Center Right', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),254 'bottom left' => _x( 'Bottom Left', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),255 'bottom center' => _x( 'Bottom Center', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),256 'bottom right' => _x( 'Bottom Right', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),257 'initial' => _x( 'Custom', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),258 ],259 'selectors' => [260 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{VALUE}};',261 ],262 'condition' => [263 'background' => [ 'classic' ],264 'image[url]!' => '',265 ],266 ];267 $fields['xpos'] = [268 'label' => _x( 'X Position', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),269 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,270 'responsive' => true,271 'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%', 'vw' ],272 'default' => [273 'unit' => 'px',274 'size' => 0,275 ],276 'tablet_default' => [277 'unit' => 'px',278 'size' => 0,279 ],280 'mobile_default' => [281 'unit' => 'px',282 'size' => 0,283 ],284 'range' => [285 'px' => [286 'min' => -800,287 'max' => 800,288 ],289 'em' => [290 'min' => -100,291 'max' => 100,292 ],293 '%' => [294 'min' => -100,295 'max' => 100,296 ],297 'vw' => [298 'min' => -100,299 'max' => 100,300 ],301 ],302 'selectors' => [303 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} {{ypos.SIZE}}{{ypos.UNIT}}',304 ],305 'condition' => [306 'background' => [ 'classic' ],307 'position' => [ 'initial' ],308 'image[url]!' => '',309 ],310 'required' => true,311 'device_args' => [312 Controls_Stack::RESPONSIVE_TABLET => [313 'selectors' => [314 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} {{ypos_tablet.SIZE}}{{ypos_tablet.UNIT}}',315 ],316 'condition' => [317 'background' => [ 'classic' ],318 'position_tablet' => [ 'initial' ],319 ],320 ],321 Controls_Stack::RESPONSIVE_MOBILE => [322 'selectors' => [323 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} {{ypos_mobile.SIZE}}{{ypos_mobile.UNIT}}',324 ],325 'condition' => [326 'background' => [ 'classic' ],327 'position_mobile' => [ 'initial' ],328 ],329 ],330 ],331 ];332 $fields['ypos'] = [333 'label' => _x( 'Y Position', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),334 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,335 'responsive' => true,336 'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%', 'vh' ],337 'default' => [338 'unit' => 'px',339 'size' => 0,340 ],341 'tablet_default' => [342 'unit' => 'px',343 'size' => 0,344 ],345 'mobile_default' => [346 'unit' => 'px',347 'size' => 0,348 ],349 'range' => [350 'px' => [351 'min' => -800,352 'max' => 800,353 ],354 'em' => [355 'min' => -100,356 'max' => 100,357 ],358 '%' => [359 'min' => -100,360 'max' => 100,361 ],362 'vh' => [363 'min' => -100,364 'max' => 100,365 ],366 ],367 'selectors' => [368 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{xpos.SIZE}}{{xpos.UNIT}} {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',369 ],370 'condition' => [371 'background' => [ 'classic' ],372 'position' => [ 'initial' ],373 'image[url]!' => '',374 ],375 'required' => true,376 'device_args' => [377 Controls_Stack::RESPONSIVE_TABLET => [378 'selectors' => [379 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{xpos_tablet.SIZE}}{{xpos_tablet.UNIT}} {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',380 ],381 'condition' => [382 'background' => [ 'classic' ],383 'position_tablet' => [ 'initial' ],384 ],385 ],386 Controls_Stack::RESPONSIVE_MOBILE => [387 'selectors' => [388 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-position: {{xpos_mobile.SIZE}}{{xpos_mobile.UNIT}} {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}}',389 ],390 'condition' => [391 'background' => [ 'classic' ],392 'position_mobile' => [ 'initial' ],393 ],394 ],395 ],396 ];397 $fields['attachment'] = [398 'label' => _x( 'Attachment', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),399 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,400 'default' => '',401 'options' => [402 '' => _x( 'Default', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),403 'scroll' => _x( 'Scroll', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),404 'fixed' => _x( 'Fixed', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),405 ],406 'selectors' => [407 '(desktop+){{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-attachment: {{VALUE}};',408 ],409 'condition' => [410 'background' => [ 'classic' ],411 'image[url]!' => '',412 ],413 ];414 $fields['attachment_alert'] = [415 'type' => Controls_Manager::RAW_HTML,416 'content_classes' => 'elementor-control-field-description',417 'raw' => __( 'Note: Attachment Fixed works only on desktop.', 'elementor' ),418 'separator' => 'none',419 'condition' => [420 'background' => [ 'classic' ],421 'image[url]!' => '',422 'attachment' => 'fixed',423 ],424 ];425 $fields['repeat'] = [426 'label' => _x( 'Repeat', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),427 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,428 'default' => '',429 'responsive' => true,430 'options' => [431 '' => _x( 'Default', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),432 'no-repeat' => _x( 'No-repeat', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),433 'repeat' => _x( 'Repeat', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),434 'repeat-x' => _x( 'Repeat-x', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),435 'repeat-y' => _x( 'Repeat-y', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),436 ],437 'selectors' => [438 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-repeat: {{VALUE}};',439 ],440 'condition' => [441 'background' => [ 'classic' ],442 'image[url]!' => '',443 ],444 ];445 $fields['size'] = [446 'label' => _x( 'Size', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),447 'type' => Controls_Manager::SELECT,448 'responsive' => true,449 'default' => '',450 'options' => [451 '' => _x( 'Default', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),452 'auto' => _x( 'Auto', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),453 'cover' => _x( 'Cover', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),454 'contain' => _x( 'Contain', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),455 'initial' => _x( 'Custom', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),456 ],457 'selectors' => [458 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-size: {{VALUE}};',459 ],460 'condition' => [461 'background' => [ 'classic' ],462 'image[url]!' => '',463 ],464 ];465 $fields['bg_width'] = [466 'label' => _x( 'Width', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),467 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER,468 'responsive' => true,469 'size_units' => [ 'px', 'em', '%', 'vw' ],470 'range' => [471 'px' => [472 'min' => 0,473 'max' => 1000,474 ],475 '%' => [476 'min' => 0,477 'max' => 100,478 ],479 'vw' => [480 'min' => 0,481 'max' => 100,482 ],483 ],484 'default' => [485 'size' => 100,486 'unit' => '%',487 ],488 'required' => true,489 'selectors' => [490 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-size: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} auto',491 ],492 'condition' => [493 'background' => [ 'classic' ],494 'size' => [ 'initial' ],495 'image[url]!' => '',496 ],497 'device_args' => [498 Controls_Stack::RESPONSIVE_TABLET => [499 'selectors' => [500 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-size: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} auto',501 ],502 'condition' => [503 'background' => [ 'classic' ],504 'size_tablet' => [ 'initial' ],505 ],506 ],507 Controls_Stack::RESPONSIVE_MOBILE => [508 'selectors' => [509 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background-size: {{SIZE}}{{UNIT}} auto',510 ],511 'condition' => [512 'background' => [ 'classic' ],513 'size_mobile' => [ 'initial' ],514 ],515 ],516 ],517 ];518 $fields['video_link'] = [519 'label' => _x( 'Video Link', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),520 'type' => Controls_Manager::TEXT,521 'placeholder' => '',522 'description' => __( 'YouTube link or video file (mp4 is recommended).', 'elementor' ),523 'label_block' => true,524 'default' => '',525 'condition' => [526 'background' => [ 'video' ],527 ],528 'of_type' => 'video',529 ];530 $fields['video_start'] = [531 'label' => __( 'Start Time', 'elementor' ),532 'type' => Controls_Manager::NUMBER,533 'description' => __( 'Specify a start time (in seconds)', 'elementor' ),534 'placeholder' => 10,535 'condition' => [536 'background' => [ 'video' ],537 ],538 'of_type' => 'video',539 ];540 $fields['video_end'] = [541 'label' => __( 'End Time', 'elementor' ),542 'type' => Controls_Manager::NUMBER,543 'description' => __( 'Specify an end time (in seconds)', 'elementor' ),544 'placeholder' => 70,545 'condition' => [546 'background' => [ 'video' ],547 ],548 'of_type' => 'video',549 ];550 $fields['video_fallback'] = [551 'label' => _x( 'Background Fallback', 'Background Control', 'elementor' ),552 'description' => __( 'This cover image will replace the background video on mobile and tablet devices.', 'elementor' ),553 'type' => Controls_Manager::MEDIA,554 'label_block' => true,555 'condition' => [556 'background' => [ 'video' ],557 ],558 'selectors' => [559 '{{SELECTOR}}' => 'background: url("{{URL}}") 50% 50%; background-size: cover;',560 ],561 'of_type' => 'video',562 ];563 return $fields;564 }565 /**566 * Get child default args.567 *568 * Retrieve the default arguments for all the child controls for a specific group569 * control.570 *571 * @since 1.2.2572 * @access protected573 *574 * @return array Default arguments for all the child controls.575 */576 protected function get_child_default_args() {577 return [578 'types' => [ 'classic', 'gradient' ],579 'selector' => '{{WRAPPER}}:not(.elementor-motion-effects-element-type-background), {{WRAPPER}} > .elementor-motion-effects-container > .elementor-motion-effects-layer',580 ];581 }582 /**583 * Filter fields.584 *585 * Filter which controls to display, using `include`, `exclude`, `condition`586 * and `of_type` arguments.587 *588 * @since 1.2.2589 * @access protected590 *591 * @return array Control fields.592 */593 protected function filter_fields() {594 $fields = parent::filter_fields();595 $args = $this->get_args();596 foreach ( $fields as &$field ) {597 if ( isset( $field['of_type'] ) && ! in_array( $field['of_type'], $args['types'] ) ) {598 unset( $field );599 }600 }601 return $fields;602 }603 /**604 * Prepare fields.605 *606 * Process background control fields before adding them to `add_control()`.607 *608 * @since 1.2.2609 * @access protected610 *611 * @param array $fields Background control fields.612 *613 * @return array Processed fields.614 */615 protected function prepare_fields( $fields ) {616 $args = $this->get_args();617 $background_types = self::get_background_types();618 $choose_types = [];619 foreach ( $args['types'] as $type ) {620 if ( isset( $background_types[ $type ] ) ) {621 $choose_types[ $type ] = $background_types[ $type ];622 }623 }624 $fields['background']['options'] = $choose_types;625 return parent::prepare_fields( $fields );...
1<?php2/**3 * Elgg icons4 *5 * @package Elgg.Core6 * @subpackage UI7 */8?>9/* ***************************************10 ICONS11*************************************** */12.elgg-icon {13 background: transparent url(<?php echo elgg_get_site_url(); ?>_graphics/elgg_sprites.png) no-repeat left;14 width: 16px;15 height: 16px;16 margin: 0 2px;17}18.elgg-icon-arrow-left {19 background-position: 0 -0px;20}21.elgg-icon-arrow-right {22 background-position: 0 -18px;23}24.elgg-icon-arrow-two-head {25 background-position: 0 -36px;26}27.elgg-icon-attention:hover {28 background-position: 0 -54px;29}30.elgg-icon-attention {31 background-position: 0 -72px;32}33.elgg-icon-calendar {34 background-position: 0 -90px;35}36.elgg-icon-cell-phone {37 background-position: 0 -108px;38}39.elgg-icon-checkmark:hover {40 background-position: 0 -126px;41}42.elgg-icon-checkmark {43 background-position: 0 -144px;44}45.elgg-icon-clip:hover {46 background-position: 0 -162px;47}48.elgg-icon-clip {49 background-position: 0 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-756px;146}147.elgg-icon-refresh:hover {148 background-position: 0 -774px;149}150.elgg-icon-refresh {151 background-position: 0 -792px;152}153.elgg-icon-round-arrow-left {154 background-position: 0 -810px;155}156.elgg-icon-round-arrow-right {157 background-position: 0 -828px;158}159.elgg-icon-round-checkmark {160 background-position: 0 -846px;161}162.elgg-icon-round-minus {163 background-position: 0 -864px;164}165.elgg-icon-round-plus {166 background-position: 0 -882px;167}168.elgg-icon-rss {169 background-position: 0 -900px;170}171.elgg-icon-search-focus {172 background-position: 0 -918px;173}174.elgg-icon-search {175 background-position: 0 -936px;176}177.elgg-icon-settings-alt:hover {178 background-position: 0 -954px;179}180.elgg-icon-settings-alt {181 background-position: 0 -972px;182}183.elgg-icon-settings {184 background-position: 0 -990px;185}186.elgg-icon-share:hover {187 background-position: 0 -1008px;188}189.elgg-icon-share {190 background-position: 0 -1026px;191}192.elgg-icon-shop-cart:hover {193 background-position: 0 -1044px;194}195.elgg-icon-shop-cart {196 background-position: 0 -1062px;197}198.elgg-icon-speech-bubble-alt:hover {199 background-position: 0 -1080px;200}201.elgg-icon-speech-bubble-alt {202 background-position: 0 -1098px;203}204.elgg-icon-speech-bubble:hover {205 background-position: 0 -1116px;206}207.elgg-icon-speech-bubble {208 background-position: 0 -1134px;209}210.elgg-icon-star-alt {211 background-position: 0 -1152px;212}213.elgg-icon-star-empty:hover {214 background-position: 0 -1170px;215}216.elgg-icon-star-empty {217 background-position: 0 -1188px;218}219.elgg-icon-star:hover {220 background-position: 0 -1206px;221}222.elgg-icon-star {223 background-position: 0 -1224px;224}225.elgg-icon-tag:hover {226 background-position: 0 -1242px;227}228.elgg-icon-tag {229 background-position: 0 -1260px;230}231.elgg-icon-thumbs-down-alt:hover {232 background-position: 0 -1278px;233}234.elgg-icon-thumbs-down:hover,235.elgg-icon-thumbs-down-alt {236 background-position: 0 -1296px;237}238.elgg-icon-thumbs-down {239 background-position: 0 -1314px;240}241.elgg-icon-thumbs-up-alt:hover {242 background-position: 0 -1332px;243}244.elgg-icon-thumbs-up:hover,245.elgg-icon-thumbs-up-alt {246 background-position: 0 -1350px;247}248.elgg-icon-thumbs-up {249 background-position: 0 -1368px;250}251.elgg-icon-trash {252 background-position: 0 -1386px;253}254.elgg-icon-twitter {255 background-position: 0 -1404px;256}257.elgg-icon-undo {258 background-position: 0 -1422px;259}260.elgg-icon-user:hover {261 background-position: 0 -1440px;262}263.elgg-icon-user {264 background-position: 0 -1458px;265}266.elgg-icon-users:hover {267 background-position: 0 -1476px;268}269.elgg-icon-users {270 background-position: 0 -1494px;271}272.elgg-icon-video {273 background-position: 0 -1512px;274}275.elgg-avatar > .elgg-icon-hover-menu {276 display: none;277 position: absolute;278 right: 0;279 bottom: 0;280 margin: 0;281 cursor: pointer;282}283.elgg-ajax-loader {284 background: white url(<?php echo elgg_get_site_url(); ?>_graphics/ajax_loader_bw.gif) no-repeat center center;285 min-height: 31px;286 min-width: 31px;287}288/* ***************************************289 AVATAR ICONS290*************************************** */291.elgg-avatar {292 position: relative;293 display: inline-block;294}295.elgg-avatar > a > img {296 display: block;297}298.elgg-avatar-tiny > a > img {299 width: 25px;300 height: 25px;301 302 /* remove the border-radius if you don't want rounded avatars in supported browsers */303 -webkit-border-radius: 3px;304 -moz-border-radius: 3px;305 border-radius: 3px;306 307 -moz-background-clip: border;308 background-clip: border;309 -webkit-background-size: 25px;310 -khtml-background-size: 25px;311 -moz-background-size: 25px;312 -o-background-size: 25px;313 background-size: 25px;314}315.elgg-avatar-small > a > img {316 width: 40px;317 height: 40px;318 319 /* remove the border-radius if you don't want rounded avatars in supported browsers */320 -webkit-border-radius: 5px;321 -moz-border-radius: 5px;322 border-radius: 5px;323 324 -moz-background-clip: border;325 background-clip: border;326 -webkit-background-size: 40px;327 -khtml-background-size: 40px;328 -moz-background-size: 40px;329 -o-background-size: 40px;330 background-size: 40px;331}332.elgg-avatar-medium > a > img {333 width: 100px;334 height: 100px;335}336.elgg-avatar-large > a > img {337 width: 200px;338 height: 200px;339}...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1$background = new Background();2$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');3$background = new Background();4$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');5$background = new Background();6$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');7$background = new Background();8$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');9$background = new Background();10$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');11$background = new Background();12$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');13$background = new Background();14$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');15$background = new Background();16$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');17$background = new Background();18$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');19$background = new Background();20$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');21$background = new Background();22$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');23$background = new Background();24$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');25$background = new Background();26$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');27$background = new Background();28$background->set_background('images/bg.jpg');29$background = new Background();
Using AI Code Generation
1$background = new Background();2$background->setBackgroundColor("red");3$background->setBackgroundImage("path_of_image");4$background->setBackgroundRepeat("no-repeat");5$background->setBackgroundPosition("center");6$background->setBackgroundAttachment("fixed");7$background->setBackgroundSize("cover");8$background->setBackground();9$background = new Background();10$background->setBackgroundColor("red");11$background->setBackgroundImage("path_of_image");12$background->setBackgroundRepeat("no-repeat");13$background->setBackgroundPosition("center");14$background->setBackgroundAttachment("fixed");15$background->setBackgroundSize("cover");16$background->setBackground();
Using AI Code Generation
1$bg = new Background();2$bg->setImage("bg.jpg");3$bg->setColor("#000000");4$bg->setRepeat("repeat");5$bg->setAttachment("scroll");6$bg->setPosition("center");7$bg->setStyle("fixed");8$bg->display();9$bg->display();10$bg = new Background();11$bg->setImage("bg.jpg");12$bg->setColor("#000000");13$bg->setRepeat("repeat");14$bg->setAttachment("scroll");15$bg->setPosition("center");16$bg->setStyle("fixed");17$bg->display();18$bg->display();19$bg = new Background();20$bg->setImage("bg.jpg");21$bg->setColor("#000000");22$bg->setRepeat("repeat");23$bg->setAttachment("scroll");24$bg->setPosition("center");25$bg->setStyle("fixed");26$bg->display();27$bg->display();28$bg = new Background();29$bg->setImage("bg.jpg");30$bg->setColor("#000000");31$bg->setRepeat("repeat");32$bg->setAttachment("scroll");33$bg->setPosition("center");34$bg->setStyle("
Using AI Code Generation
1$bg = new Background();2$bg->set('bg.jpg');3$bg->setSize(800, 600);4$bg->setRepeat('repeat');5$bg->setAttachment('fixed');6$bg->setPosition('center');7$bg->setXPosition('center');8$bg->setYPosition('center');9$bg->setOpacity(1);10$bg->setOpacity(0.5);11$bg->setOpacity(0.1);12$bg->setOpacity(0.01);13$bg->setOpacity(0.001);14$bg->setOpacity(0.0001);15$bg->setOpacity(0.00001);16$bg->setOpacity(0.000001);17$bg->setOpacity(0.0000001);18$bg->setOpacity(0.00000001);19$bg->setOpacity(0.000000001);20$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000001);21$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000001);22$bg->setOpacity(0.000000000001);23$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000000001);24$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000000001);25$bg->setOpacity(0.000000000000001);26$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000000000001);27$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000000000001);28$bg->setOpacity(0.000000000000000001);29$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000000000000001);30$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000000000000001);31$bg->setOpacity(0.000000000000000000001);32$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000000000000000001);33$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000000000000000001);34$bg->setOpacity(0.000000000000000000000001);35$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000000000000000000001);36$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000000000000000000001);37$bg->setOpacity(0.000000000000000000000000001);38$bg->setOpacity(0.0000000000000000000000000001);39$bg->setOpacity(0.00000000000000000000000000001);
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';2use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;3$background = new Background();4$background->executeBackground();5require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';6use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;7$background = new Background();8$background->executeBackground();9require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';10use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;11$background = new Background();12$background->executeBackground();13require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';14use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;15$background = new Background();16$background->executeBackground();17require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';18use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;19$background = new Background();20$background->executeBackground();21require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';22use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;23$background = new Background();24$background->executeBackground();25require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';26use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;27$background = new Background();28$background->executeBackground();29require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';30use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;31$background = new Background();32$background->executeBackground();33require_once 'cucumber_common_library.php';34use Cucumber\CommonLibrary\Background;
Using AI Code Generation
1include_once( 'cucumber/common/Background.php' );2$background = new Background();3$background->setImage( 'images/background.jpg' );4$background->setColor( '#000' );5$background->setRepeat( 'repeat' );6$background->setPosition( 'top left' );7$background->setAttachment( 'fixed' );8$background->setSize( '100% 100%' );9$background->setBlendMode( 'normal' );10$background->setOrigin( 'padding-box' );11$background->setClip( 'border-box' );12$background->setFixed( true );13$background->setScroll( true );14$background->setParallax( true );15$background->setParallax( true, 0.5 );16$background->setParallax( true, 0.5, 'up' );17$background->setParallax( true, 0.5, 'up', 100 );18$background->setParallax( true, 0.5, 'up', 100, 'center center' );19$background->setParallax( true, 0.5, 'up', 100, 'center center
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