Best Cucumber Common Library code snippet using AstNode
Source: UriTemplateParserTest.php
...11use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\Token;12use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\TokenStream;13use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\TokenType;14use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\UnexpectedTokenException;15use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Parsers\AstNode;16use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Parsers\AstNodeType;17use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Parsers\UriTemplateParser;18use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;19class UriTemplateParserTest extends TestCase20{21 private UriTemplateParser $parser;22 protected function setUp(): void23 {24 $this->parser = new UriTemplateParser();25 }26 public function testParsingClosingBracketWhenNotParsingOptionalRoutePartTreatsBracketAsText(): void27 {28 $tokens = new TokenStream([29 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),30 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']')31 ]);32 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path);33 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));34 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, ']'));35 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root);36 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);37 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));38 }39 public function testParsingInvalidBracketInMiddleOfConstraintThrowsException(): void40 {41 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);42 $this->expectExceptionMessage("Expected optional path part to start with '/', got " . TokenType::Variable->name);43 $tokens = new TokenStream([44 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),45 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),46 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),47 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),48 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),49 ]);50 $this->parser->parse($tokens);51 }52 public function testParsingNestedOptionalPathParts(): void53 {54 $tokens = new TokenStream([55 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),56 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),57 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),58 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo'),59 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),60 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),61 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),62 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),63 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']')64 ]);65 $innerOptionalRoutePartNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '[');66 $innerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));67 $innerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'));68 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '[');69 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));70 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));71 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild($innerOptionalRoutePartNode);72 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);73 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));74 $pathNode->addChild($outerOptionalRoutePartNode);75 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);76 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);77 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));78 }79 public function testParsingNestedOptionalHostPartCreatesNestedOptionalPartNodes(): void80 {81 $tokens = new TokenStream([82 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),83 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo'),84 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),85 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),86 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),87 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),88 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),89 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),90 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'example'),91 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),92 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'com'),93 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),94 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo')95 ]);96 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);97 $hostNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Host, null);98 $expectedAst->addChild($hostNode);99 $innerOptionalRoutePartNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '[');100 $innerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'));101 $innerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'));102 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '[');103 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));104 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'));105 $outerOptionalRoutePartNode->addChild($innerOptionalRoutePartNode);106 $hostNode->addChild($outerOptionalRoutePartNode);107 $hostNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'example'));108 $hostNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'));109 $hostNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'com'));110 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);111 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);112 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));113 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));114 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));115 }116 public function testParsingNestedOptionalHostPartThatDoesEndWithPeriodThrowsException(): void117 {118 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);119 $this->expectExceptionMessage("Expected optional host part to end with '.'");120 $tokens = new TokenStream([121 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),122 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo'),123 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),124 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),125 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),126 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),127 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),128 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'example'),129 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),130 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'com'),131 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),132 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo')133 ]);134 $this->parser->parse($tokens);135 }136 public function testParsingNonStandardPunctuationJustGetsTreatedAsText(): void137 {138 $tokens = new TokenStream([139 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),140 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '!')141 ]);142 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path);143 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));144 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, '!'));145 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root);146 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);147 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));148 }149 public function testParsingOptionalHostPartThatDoesEndWithPeriodThrowsException(): void150 {151 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);152 $this->expectExceptionMessage("Expected optional host part to end with '.'");153 $tokens = new TokenStream([154 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),155 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'api'),156 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']'),157 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'example'),158 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),159 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'com'),160 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),161 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo')162 ]);163 $this->parser->parse($tokens);164 }165 public function testParsingOptionalPathPartCreatesCorrectNodes(): void166 {167 $tokens = new TokenStream([168 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),169 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo'),170 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),171 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),172 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),173 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']')174 ]);175 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);176 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);177 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);178 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));179 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));180 $optionalRoutePartNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '[');181 $optionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));182 $optionalRoutePartNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'));183 $pathNode->addChild($optionalRoutePartNode);184 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));185 }186 public function testParsingOptionalPathPartThatDoesNotBeginWithSlashThrowsException(): void187 {188 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);189 $this->expectExceptionMessage("Expected optional path part to start with '/', got " . TokenType::Text->name);190 $tokens = new TokenStream([191 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),192 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo'),193 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '['),194 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),195 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ']')196 ]);197 $this->parser->parse($tokens);198 }199 public function testParsingTextOnlyPathCreatesSingleTextNode(): void200 {201 $tokens = new TokenStream([202 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),203 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo')204 ]);205 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);206 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);207 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);208 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));209 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));210 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));211 }212 public function testParsingNumberOnlyPathCreatesSingleNumber(): void213 {214 $tokens = new TokenStream([215 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),216 new Token(TokenType::Number, 12345)217 ]);218 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);219 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);220 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);221 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));222 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 12345));223 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));224 }225 public function testParsingPeriodInPathCreatesTextNode(): void226 {227 $tokens = new TokenStream([228 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'example'),229 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),230 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'com'),231 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),232 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'foo'),233 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '.'),234 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),235 ]);236 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);237 $hostNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Host, null);238 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);239 $expectedAst->addChild($hostNode);240 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);241 $hostNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'example'));242 $hostNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'));243 $hostNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'com'));244 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));245 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));246 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, '.'));247 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'));248 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));249 }250 public function testParsingQuotedStringOnlyPathCreatesSingleString(): void251 {252 $tokens = new TokenStream([253 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),254 new Token(TokenType::QuotedString, '"12345"')255 ]);256 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);257 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);258 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);259 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));260 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, '"12345"'));261 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));262 }263 public function testParsingSequentialVariablesThrowsException(): void264 {265 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);266 $this->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot have consecutive variables without a delimiter');267 $tokens = new TokenStream([268 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),269 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),270 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo')271 ]);272 $this->parser->parse($tokens);273 }274 public function testParsingUnclosedConstraintParenthesisThrowsException(): void275 {276 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);277 $this->expectExceptionMessage('Expected closing parenthesis after constraints, got ' . TokenType::Eof->name);278 $tokens = new TokenStream([279 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),280 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),281 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),282 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),283 ]);284 $this->parser->parse($tokens);285 }286 public function testParsingVariableInPathCreatesVariableNameNode(): void287 {288 $tokens = new TokenStream([289 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),290 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo')291 ]);292 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);293 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);294 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);295 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));296 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo'));297 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));298 }299 public function testParsingVariableInPathWithConstraintWithMultipleParametersCreatesCorrectNodes(): void300 {301 $tokens = new TokenStream([302 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),303 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),304 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),305 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),306 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),307 new Token(TokenType::QuotedString, 'baz'),308 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ','),309 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'blah'),310 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')'),311 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')')312 ]);313 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);314 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);315 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);316 $variableConstraintNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'bar');317 $variableConstraintNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraintParameters, ['baz', 'blah']));318 $variableNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo');319 $variableNode->addChild($variableConstraintNode);320 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));321 $pathNode->addChild($variableNode);322 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));323 }324 public function testParsingVariableInPathWithConstraintWithNoParametersCreatesCorrectNodes(): void325 {326 $tokens = new TokenStream([327 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),328 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),329 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),330 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),331 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')')332 ]);333 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);334 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);335 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);336 $variableConstraintNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'bar');337 $variableNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo');338 $variableNode->addChild($variableConstraintNode);339 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));340 $pathNode->addChild($variableNode);341 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));342 }343 public function testParsingVariableInPathWithConstraintWithSingleParameterCreatesCorrectNodes(): void344 {345 $tokens = new TokenStream([346 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),347 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),348 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),349 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),350 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),351 new Token(TokenType::QuotedString, 'baz'),352 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')'),353 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')')354 ]);355 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);356 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);357 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);358 $variableConstraintNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'bar');359 $variableConstraintNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraintParameters, ['baz']));360 $variableNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo');361 $variableNode->addChild($variableConstraintNode);362 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));363 $pathNode->addChild($variableNode);364 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));365 }366 public function testParsingVariableInPathWithConstraintButWithNoSlugThrowsException(): void367 {368 $this->expectException(UnexpectedTokenException::class);369 $this->expectExceptionMessage('Expected constraint name, got ' . TokenType::Punctuation->name);370 $tokens = new TokenStream([371 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),372 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),373 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),374 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')')375 ]);376 $this->parser->parse($tokens);377 }378 public function testParsingVariableInPathWithConstraintWithTrailingCommaDoesNotThrowException(): void379 {380 $tokens = new TokenStream([381 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '/'),382 new Token(TokenType::Variable, 'foo'),383 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),384 new Token(TokenType::Text, 'bar'),385 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, '('),386 new Token(TokenType::QuotedString, 'baz'),387 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ','),388 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')'),389 new Token(TokenType::Punctuation, ')')390 ]);391 $expectedAst = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);392 $pathNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null);393 $expectedAst->addChild($pathNode);394 $variableConstraintNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'bar');395 $variableConstraintNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraintParameters, ['baz']));396 $variableNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo');397 $variableNode->addChild($variableConstraintNode);398 $pathNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));399 $pathNode->addChild($variableNode);400 $this->assertEquals($expectedAst, $this->parser->parse($tokens));401 }402}...
Source: TrieCompilerTest.php
...22use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\IUriTemplateLexer;23use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\LexingException;24use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\TokenStream;25use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Lexers\UnexpectedTokenException;26use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Parsers\AstNode;27use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Parsers\AstNodeType;28use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\Parsers\IUriTemplateParser;29use Aphiria\Routing\UriTemplates\UriTemplate;30use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;31use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;32class TrieCompilerTest extends TestCase33{34 private TrieCompiler $compiler;35 private RouteVariableConstraintFactory $constraintFactory;36 private IUriTemplateParser&MockObject $parser;37 private IUriTemplateLexer&MockObject $lexer;38 private AstNode $ast;39 private RootTrieNode $expectedTrie;40 protected function setUp(): void41 {42 $this->constraintFactory = new RouteVariableConstraintFactory();43 $this->parser = $this->createMock(IUriTemplateParser::class);44 $this->lexer = $this->createMock(IUriTemplateLexer::class);45 $this->ast = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Root, null);46 $this->parser->method('parse')47 ->willReturn($this->ast);48 $this->compiler = new TrieCompiler($this->constraintFactory, $this->parser, $this->lexer);49 $this->expectedTrie = new RootTrieNode();50 }51 public function testCompilingEmptyPathPrependsWithSlash(): void52 {53 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))54 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'));55 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);56 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute('');57 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new LiteralTrieNode(58 '',59 [],60 $expectedRoute61 ));62 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())63 ->method('lex')64 ->with('/')65 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));66 $this->assertEquals(67 $this->expectedTrie,68 $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute)69 );70 }71 public function testCompilingHostAddsTrieNodeToLastPathNodeAndOptionalNodes(): void72 {73 $hostAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Host, null))74 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'example'))75 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'))76 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'com'));77 $this->ast->addChild($hostAst);78 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))79 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))80 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'))81 ->addChild(82 (new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '['))83 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))84 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'))85 );86 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);87 $hostTemplate = '';88 $pathTemplate = '/foo[/bar]';89 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate, $hostTemplate);90 $expectedHostTrie = new RootTrieNode([91 new LiteralTrieNode(92 'com',93 [94 new LiteralTrieNode(95 'example',96 [],97 $expectedRoute98 )99 ]100 )101 ]);102 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new LiteralTrieNode(103 'foo',104 [105 new LiteralTrieNode('bar', [], [], $expectedHostTrie)106 ],107 [],108 $expectedHostTrie109 ));110 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())111 ->method('lex')112 ->with($hostTemplate . $pathTemplate)113 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));114 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));115 }116 public function testCompilingHostWithOptionalPartAddsRouteToItAndLastNonOptionalHostPart(): void117 {118 $hostAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Host, null))119 ->addChild(120 (new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart, '['))121 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'api'))122 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'))123 )124 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'example'))125 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '.'))126 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'com'));127 $this->ast->addChild($hostAst);128 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))129 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))130 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));131 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);132 $hostTemplate = '';133 $pathTemplate = '/foo';134 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate, $hostTemplate);135 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new LiteralTrieNode(136 'foo',137 [],138 [],139 new RootTrieNode([140 new LiteralTrieNode(141 'com',142 [143 new LiteralTrieNode(144 'example',145 [146 new LiteralTrieNode(147 'api',148 [],149 $expectedRoute150 )151 ],152 $expectedRoute153 )154 ]155 )156 ])157 ));158 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())159 ->method('lex')160 ->with($hostTemplate . $pathTemplate)161 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));162 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));163 }164 public function testCompilingInvalidVariableNodeThrowsException(): void165 {166 $this->expectException(InvalidUriTemplateException::class);167 $this->expectExceptionMessage('Unexpected node type ' . AstNodeType::Path->name);168 $variableNode = new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo');169 // Add an invalid child to the variable node170 $variableNode->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null));171 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))172 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))173 ->addChild($variableNode);174 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);175 $pathTemplate = '/:foo';176 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);177 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new VariableTrieNode(178 new RouteVariable('foo'),179 [],180 $expectedRoute181 ));182 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())183 ->method('lex')184 ->with($pathTemplate)185 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));186 $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute);187 }188 public function testCompilingPathVariableCreatesVariableNodeWithRouteVariable(): void189 {190 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))191 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))192 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo'));193 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);194 $pathTemplate = '/:foo';195 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);196 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new VariableTrieNode(197 new RouteVariable('foo'),198 [],199 $expectedRoute200 ));201 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())202 ->method('lex')203 ->with($pathTemplate)204 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));205 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));206 }207 public function testCompilingPathVariableWithMultipleConstraintsAndParamsCreatesVariableNodeWithConstraints(): void208 {209 // Set up AST210 $constraint1Node = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'r1'))211 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraintParameters, ['p1', 'p2']));212 $constraint2Node = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'r2'))213 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraintParameters, ['p3', 'p4']));214 $variableNode = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo'))215 ->addChild($constraint1Node)216 ->addChild($constraint2Node);217 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))218 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))219 ->addChild($variableNode);220 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);221 // Set up constraint factory222 /** @var IRouteVariableConstraint&MockObject $constraint1 */223 $constraint1 = $this->createMock(IRouteVariableConstraint::class);224 /** @var IRouteVariableConstraint&MockObject $constraint2 */225 $constraint2 = $this->createMock(IRouteVariableConstraint::class);226 $this->constraintFactory->registerConstraintFactory('r1', fn (string $p1, string $p2) => $constraint1);227 $this->constraintFactory->registerConstraintFactory('r2', fn (string $p1, string $p2) => $constraint1);228 // Test compiling229 $pathTemplate = '/:foo(r1(p1,p2),r2(p3,p4))';230 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);231 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new VariableTrieNode(232 new RouteVariable('foo', [$constraint1, $constraint2]),233 [],234 $expectedRoute235 ));236 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())237 ->method('lex')238 ->with($pathTemplate)239 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));240 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));241 }242 public function testCompilingPathVariableWithNonConstraintChildThrowsException(): void243 {244 $this->expectException(InvalidUriTemplateException::class);245 $constraintNode = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'foo'))246 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'));247 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))248 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))249 ->addChild($constraintNode);250 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);251 $pathTemplate = '/:foo';252 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())253 ->method('lex')254 ->with($pathTemplate)255 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));256 $this->compiler->compile($this->createRoute($pathTemplate));257 }258 public function testCompilingPathVariableWithConstraintsCreatesVariableNodeWithConstraints(): void259 {260 // Set up AST261 $variableNode = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo'))262 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'r1'));263 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))264 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))265 ->addChild($variableNode);266 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);267 // Set up constraint factory268 /** @var IRouteVariableConstraint&MockObject $constraint */269 $constraint = $this->createMock(IRouteVariableConstraint::class);270 $this->constraintFactory->registerConstraintFactory('r1', fn () => $constraint);271 // Test compiling272 $pathTemplate = '/:foo(r1)';273 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);274 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new VariableTrieNode(275 new RouteVariable('foo', [$constraint]),276 [],277 $expectedRoute278 ));279 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())280 ->method('lex')281 ->with($pathTemplate)282 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));283 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));284 }285 public function testCompilingRequiredAndOptionalPathSegmentsCreatesNodesWithSameRoute(): void286 {287 $optionalNode = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::OptionalRoutePart))288 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))289 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'bar'));290 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))291 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))292 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'))293 ->addChild($optionalNode);294 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);295 $pathTemplate = '/foo[/bar]';296 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);297 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new LiteralTrieNode(298 'foo',299 [300 new LiteralTrieNode(301 'bar',302 [],303 $expectedRoute304 )305 ],306 $expectedRoute307 ));308 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())309 ->method('lex')310 ->with($pathTemplate)311 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));312 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));313 }314 public function testCompilingTextOnlyPathAstAddsRouteToNode(): void315 {316 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))317 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))318 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Text, 'foo'));319 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);320 $pathTemplate = '/foo';321 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);322 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new LiteralTrieNode(323 'foo',324 [],325 $expectedRoute326 ));327 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())328 ->method('lex')329 ->with($pathTemplate)330 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));331 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));332 }333 public function testCompilingVariableOnlyPathAstAddsRouteToNode(): void334 {335 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))336 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))337 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo'));338 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);339 $pathTemplate = '/:foo';340 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);341 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new VariableTrieNode(342 new RouteVariable('foo'),343 [],344 $expectedRoute345 ));346 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())347 ->method('lex')348 ->with($pathTemplate)349 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));350 $this->assertEquals($this->expectedTrie, $this->compiler->compile($expectedRoute));351 }352 public function testConstructingCompilerWithoutConstraintsStillRegistersDefaultOnes(): void353 {354 // Set up AST355 $variableNode = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Variable, 'foo'))356 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::VariableConstraint, 'int'));357 $pathAst = (new AstNode(AstNodeType::Path, null))358 ->addChild(new AstNode(AstNodeType::SegmentDelimiter, '/'))359 ->addChild($variableNode);360 $this->ast->addChild($pathAst);361 // Test compiling362 $pathTemplate = '/:foo(int)';363 $expectedRoute = $this->createRoute($pathTemplate);364 $this->expectedTrie->addChild(new VariableTrieNode(365 new RouteVariable('foo', [new IntegerConstraint()]),366 [],367 $expectedRoute368 ));369 $this->lexer->expects($this->once())370 ->method('lex')371 ->with($pathTemplate)372 ->willReturn(new TokenStream([]));...
Source: AbstractASTNode.php
1<?php2/**3 * This file is part of PDepend.4 *5 * PHP Version 56 *7 * Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Manuel Pichler <>.8 * All rights reserved.9 *10 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without11 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions12 * are met:13 *14 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright15 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.16 *17 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright18 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in19 * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the20 * distribution.21 *22 * * Neither the name of Manuel Pichler nor the names of his23 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived24 * from this software without specific prior written permission.25 *26 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS27 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT28 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS29 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE30 * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,31 * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,32 * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;33 * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER34 * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT35 * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN36 * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE37 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.38 *39 * @copyright 2008-2017 Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.40 * @license BSD License41 * @since 0.9.642 */43namespace PDepend\Source\AST;44/**45 * This is an abstract base implementation of the ast node interface.46 *47 * @copyright 2008-2017 Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.48 * @license BSD License49 * @since 0.9.650 */51abstract class AbstractASTNode implements ASTNode52{53 /**54 * Parsed child nodes of this node.55 *56 * @var \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode[]57 */58 protected $nodes = array();59 /**60 * The parent node of this node or <b>null</b> when this node is the root61 * of a node tree.62 *63 * @var \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode64 */65 protected $parent = null;66 /**67 * An optional doc comment for this node.68 *69 * @var string70 */71 protected $comment = null;72 /**73 * Metadata for this node instance, serialized in a string. This string74 * contains the start, end line, and the start, end column and the node75 * image in a colon seperated string.76 *77 * @var string78 * @since 0.10.479 */80 protected $metadata = '::::';81 /**82 * Constructs a new ast node instance.83 *84 * @param string $image The source image for this node.85 */86 public function __construct($image = null)87 {88 $this->metadata = str_repeat(':', $this->getMetadataSize() - 1);89 $this->setImage($image);90 }91 /**92 * Sets the image for this ast node.93 *94 * @param string $image95 * @return void96 */97 public function setImage($image)98 {99 $this->setMetadata(4, $image);100 }101 /**102 * Returns the source image of this ast node.103 *104 * @return string105 */106 public function getImage()107 {108 return $this->getMetadata(4);109 }110 /**111 * Returns the start line for this ast node.112 *113 * @return integer114 */115 public function getStartLine()116 {117 return $this->getMetadataInteger(0);118 }119 /**120 * Returns the start column for this ast node.121 *122 * @return integer123 */124 public function getStartColumn()125 {126 return $this->getMetadataInteger(2);127 }128 /**129 * Returns the end line for this ast node.130 *131 * @return integer132 */133 public function getEndLine()134 {135 return $this->getMetadataInteger(1);136 }137 /**138 * Returns the end column for this ast node.139 *140 * @return integer141 */142 public function getEndColumn()143 {144 return $this->getMetadataInteger(3);145 }146 /**147 * For better performance we have moved the single setter methods for the148 * node columns and lines into this configure method.149 *150 * @param integer $startLine151 * @param integer $endLine152 * @param integer $startColumn153 * @param integer $endColumn154 * @return void155 * @since 0.9.10156 */157 public function configureLinesAndColumns(158 $startLine,159 $endLine,160 $startColumn,161 $endColumn162 ) {163 $this->setMetadataInteger(0, $startLine);164 $this->setMetadataInteger(1, $endLine);165 $this->setMetadataInteger(2, $startColumn);166 $this->setMetadataInteger(3, $endColumn);167 }168 /**169 * Returns an integer value that was stored under the given index.170 *171 * @param integer $index172 * @return integer173 * @since 0.10.4174 */175 protected function getMetadataInteger($index)176 {177 return (int) $this->getMetadata($index);178 }179 /**180 * Stores an integer value under the given index in the internally used data181 * string.182 *183 * @param integer $index184 * @param integer $value185 * @return void186 * @since 0.10.4187 */188 protected function setMetadataInteger($index, $value)189 {190 $this->setMetadata($index, $value);191 }192 /**193 * Returns a boolean value that was stored under the given index.194 *195 * @param integer $index196 * @return boolean197 * @since 0.10.4198 */199 protected function getMetadataBoolean($index)200 {201 return (bool) $this->getMetadata($index);202 }203 /**204 * Stores a boolean value under the given index in the internally used data205 * string.206 *207 * @param integer $index208 * @param boolean $value209 * @return void210 * @since 0.10.4211 */212 protected function setMetadataBoolean($index, $value)213 {214 $this->setMetadata($index, $value ? 1 : 0);215 }216 /**217 * Returns the value that was stored under the given index.218 *219 * @param integer $index220 * @return mixed221 * @since 0.10.4222 */223 protected function getMetadata($index)224 {225 $metadata = explode(':', $this->metadata, $this->getMetadataSize());226 return $metadata[$index];227 }228 /**229 * Stores the given value under the given index in an internal storage230 * container.231 *232 * @param integer $index233 * @param mixed $value234 * @return void235 * @since 0.10.4236 */237 protected function setMetadata($index, $value)238 {239 $metadata = explode(':', $this->metadata, $this->getMetadataSize());240 $metadata[$index] = $value;241 $this->metadata = join(':', $metadata);242 }243 /**244 * Returns the total number of the used property bag.245 *246 * @return integer247 * @since 0.10.4248 */249 protected function getMetadataSize()250 {251 return 5;252 }253 /**254 * Returns the node instance for the given index or throws an exception.255 *256 * @param integer $index257 * @return \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode258 * @throws \OutOfBoundsException When no node exists at the given index.259 */260 public function getChild($index)261 {262 if (isset($this->nodes[$index])) {263 return $this->nodes[$index];264 }265 throw new \OutOfBoundsException(266 sprintf(267 'No node found at index %d in node of type: %s',268 $index,269 get_class($this)270 )271 );272 }273 /**274 * This method returns all direct children of the actual node.275 *276 * @return \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode[]277 */278 public function getChildren()279 {280 return $this->nodes;281 }282 /**283 * This method will search recursive for the first child node that is an284 * instance of the given <b>$targetType</b>. The returned value will be285 * <b>null</b> if no child exists for that.286 *287 * @param string $targetType288 * @return \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode289 */290 public function getFirstChildOfType($targetType)291 {292 foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {293 if ($node instanceof $targetType) {294 return $node;295 }296 if (($child = $node->getFirstChildOfType($targetType)) !== null) {297 return $child;298 }299 }300 return null;301 }302 /**303 * This method will search recursive for all child nodes that are an304 * instance of the given <b>$targetType</b>. The returned value will be305 * an empty <b>array</b> if no child exists for that.306 *307 * @param string $targetType Searched class or interface type.308 * @param array &$results Already found node instances. This parameter309 * is only for internal usage.310 * @return \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode[]311 */312 public function findChildrenOfType($targetType, array &$results = array())313 {314 foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {315 if ($node instanceof $targetType) {316 $results[] = $node;317 }318 $node->findChildrenOfType($targetType, $results);319 }320 return $results;321 }322 /**323 * This method adds a new child node at the first position of the children.324 *325 * @param \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode $node326 * @return void327 */328 public function prependChild(ASTNode $node)329 {330 array_unshift($this->nodes, $node);331 $node->setParent($this);332 }333 /**334 * This method adds a new child node to this node instance.335 *336 * @param \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode $node337 * @return void338 */339 public function addChild(ASTNode $node)340 {341 $this->nodes[] = $node;342 $node->setParent($this);343 }344 /**345 * Returns the parent node of this node or <b>null</b> when this node is346 * the root of a node tree.347 *348 * @return \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode349 */350 public function getParent()351 {352 return $this->parent;353 }354 /**355 * Traverses up the node tree and finds all parent nodes that are instances356 * of <b>$parentType</b>.357 *358 * @param string $parentType359 * @return \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode[]360 */361 public function getParentsOfType($parentType)362 {363 $parents = array();364 $parentNode = $this->parent;365 while (is_object($parentNode)) {366 if ($parentNode instanceof $parentType) {367 array_unshift($parents, $parentNode);368 }369 $parentNode = $parentNode->getParent();370 }371 return $parents;372 }373 /**374 * Sets the parent node of this node.375 *376 * @param \PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode $node377 * @return void378 */379 public function setParent(ASTNode $node)380 {381 $this->parent = $node;382 }383 /**384 * Returns a doc comment for this node or <b>null</b> when no comment was385 * found.386 *387 * @return string388 */389 public function getComment()390 {391 return $this->comment;392 }393 /**394 * Sets the raw doc comment for this node.395 *396 * @param string $comment The doc comment block for this node.397 *398 * @return void399 */400 public function setComment($comment)401 {402 $this->comment = $comment;403 }404 /**405 * The magic sleep method will be called by PHP's runtime environment right406 * before an instance of this class gets serialized. It should return an407 * array with those property names that should be serialized for this class.408 *409 * @return array410 * @since 0.10.0411 */412 public function __sleep()413 {414 return array(415 'comment',416 'metadata',417 'nodes'418 );419 }420 /**421 * The magic wakeup method will be called by PHP's runtime environment when422 * a previously serialized object gets unserialized. This implementation of423 * the wakeup method restores the dependencies between an ast node and the424 * node's children.425 *426 * @return void427 * @since 0.10.0428 */429 public function __wakeup()430 {431 foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {432 $node->setParent($this);433 }434 }435}...
Source: UnusedLocalVariable.php
1<?php2/**3 * This file is part of PHP Mess Detector.4 *5 * Copyright (c) Manuel Pichler <>.6 * All rights reserved.7 *8 * Licensed under BSD License9 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE file.10 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.11 *12 * @author Manuel Pichler <>13 * @copyright Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.14 * @license BSD License15 * @link */17namespace PHPMD\Rule;18use PHPMD\AbstractNode;19use PHPMD\Node\AbstractCallableNode;20use PHPMD\Node\ASTNode;21/**22 * This rule collects all local variables within a given function or method23 * that are not used by any code in the analyzed source artifact.24 */25class UnusedLocalVariable extends AbstractLocalVariable implements FunctionAware, MethodAware26{27 /**28 * Found variable images within a single method or function.29 *30 * @var array(string)31 */32 private $images = array();33 /**34 * This method checks that all local variables within the given function or35 * method are used at least one time.36 *37 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $node38 * @return void39 */40 public function apply(AbstractNode $node)41 {42 $this->images = array();43 /** @var $node AbstractCallableNode */44 $this->collectVariables($node);45 $this->removeParameters($node);46 foreach ($this->images as $nodes) {47 if (count($nodes) === 1) {48 $this->doCheckNodeImage($nodes[0]);49 }50 }51 }52 /**53 * This method removes all variables from the <b>$_images</b> property that54 * are also found in the formal parameters of the given method or/and55 * function node.56 *57 * @param \PHPMD\Node\AbstractCallableNode $node58 * @return void59 */60 private function removeParameters(AbstractCallableNode $node)61 {62 // Get formal parameter container63 $parameters = $node->getFirstChildOfType('FormalParameters');64 // Now get all declarators in the formal parameters container65 $declarators = $parameters->findChildrenOfType('VariableDeclarator');66 foreach ($declarators as $declarator) {67 unset($this->images[$declarator->getImage()]);68 }69 }70 /**71 * This method collects all local variable instances from the given72 * method/function node and stores their image in the <b>$_images</b>73 * property.74 *75 *76 * @param \PHPMD\Node\AbstractCallableNode $node77 * @return void78 */79 private function collectVariables(AbstractCallableNode $node)80 {81 foreach ($node->findChildrenOfType('Variable') as $variable) {82 /** @var $variable ASTNode */83 if ($this->isLocal($variable)) {84 $this->collectVariable($variable);85 }86 }87 foreach ($node->findChildrenOfType('CompoundVariable') as $variable) {88 $this->collectCompoundVariableInString($variable);89 }90 foreach ($node->findChildrenOfType('VariableDeclarator') as $variable) {91 $this->collectVariable($variable);92 }93 foreach ($node->findChildrenOfType('FunctionPostfix') as $func) {94 if ($this->isFunctionNameEndingWith($func, 'compact')) {95 foreach ($func->findChildrenOfType('Literal') as $literal) {96 /** @var $literal ASTNode */97 $this->collectLiteral($literal);98 }99 }100 }101 }102 /**103 * Stores the given compound variable node in an internal list of found variables.104 *105 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node106 * @return void107 */108 private function collectCompoundVariableInString(ASTNode $node)109 {110 $parentNode = $node->getParent()->getNode();111 $candidateParentNodes = $node->getParentsOfType('PDepend\Source\AST\ASTString');112 if (in_array($parentNode, $candidateParentNodes)) {113 $variablePrefix = $node->getImage();114 foreach ($node->findChildrenOfType('Expression') as $child) {115 $variableName = $child->getImage();116 $variableImage = $variablePrefix . $variableName;117 $this->storeImage($variableImage, $node);118 }119 }120 }121 /**122 * Stores the given variable node in an internal list of found variables.123 *124 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node125 * @return void126 */127 private function collectVariable(ASTNode $node)128 {129 $imageName = $node->getImage();130 $this->storeImage($imageName, $node);131 }132 /**133 * Safely add node to $this->images.134 *135 * @param string $imageName the name to store the node as136 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node the node being stored137 * @return void138 */139 private function storeImage($imageName, ASTNode $node)140 {141 if (!isset($this->images[$imageName])) {142 $this->images[$imageName] = array();143 }144 $this->images[$imageName][] = $node;145 }146 /**147 * Stores the given literal node in an internal list of found variables.148 *149 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node150 * @return void151 */152 private function collectLiteral(ASTNode $node)153 {154 $variable = '$' . trim($node->getImage(), '\'');155 if (!isset($this->images[$variable])) {156 $this->images[$variable] = array();157 }158 $this->images[$variable][] = $node;159 }160 /**161 * Template method that performs the real node image check.162 *163 * @param ASTNode $node164 * @return void165 */166 protected function doCheckNodeImage(ASTNode $node)167 {168 if ($this->isNameAllowedInContext($node)) {169 return;170 }171 if ($this->isUnusedForeachVariableAllowed($node)) {172 return;173 }174 $exceptions = $this->getExceptionsList();175 if (in_array(substr($node->getImage(), 1), $exceptions)) {176 return;177 }178 $this->addViolation($node, array($node->getImage()));179 }180 /**181 * Checks if a short name is acceptable in the current context. For the182 * moment these contexts are the init section of a for-loop and short183 * variable names in catch-statements.184 *185 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $node186 * @return boolean187 */188 private function isNameAllowedInContext(AbstractNode $node)189 {190 return $this->isChildOf($node, 'CatchStatement');191 }192 /**193 * Checks if an unused foreach variable (key or variable) is allowed.194 *195 * If it's not a foreach variable, it returns always false.196 *197 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $variable The variable to check.198 * @return bool True if allowed, else false.199 */200 private function isUnusedForeachVariableAllowed(ASTNode $variable)201 {202 $isForeachVariable = $this->isChildOf($variable, 'ForeachStatement');203 if (!$isForeachVariable) {204 return false;205 }206 return $this->getBooleanProperty('allow-unused-foreach-variables');207 }208 /**209 * Checks if the given node is a direct or indirect child of a node with210 * the given type.211 *212 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $node213 * @param string $type214 * @return boolean215 */216 private function isChildOf(AbstractNode $node, $type)217 {218 $parent = $node->getParent();219 return $parent->isInstanceOf($type);220 }221 /**222 * Gets array of exceptions from property223 *224 * @return array225 */226 private function getExceptionsList()227 {228 try {229 $exceptions = $this->getStringProperty('exceptions');230 } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e) {231 $exceptions = '';232 }233 return explode(',', $exceptions);234 }235}...
Source: UnusedPrivateField.php
1<?php2/**3 * This file is part of PHP Mess Detector.4 *5 * Copyright (c) Manuel Pichler <>.6 * All rights reserved.7 *8 * Licensed under BSD License9 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE file.10 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.11 *12 * @author Manuel Pichler <>13 * @copyright Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.14 * @license BSD License15 * @link */17namespace PHPMD\Rule;18use PHPMD\AbstractNode;19use PHPMD\AbstractRule;20use PHPMD\Node\ASTNode;21use PHPMD\Node\ClassNode;22/**23 * This rule collects all private fields in a class that aren't used in any24 * method of the analyzed class.25 */26class UnusedPrivateField extends AbstractRule implements ClassAware27{28 /**29 * Collected private fields/variable declarators in the currently processed30 * class.31 *32 * @var \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode[]33 */34 private $fields = array();35 /**36 * This method checks that all private class properties are at least accessed37 * by one method.38 *39 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $node40 * @return void41 */42 public function apply(AbstractNode $node)43 {44 /** @var ClassNode $field */45 foreach ($this->collectUnusedPrivateFields($node) as $field) {46 $this->addViolation($field, array($field->getImage()));47 }48 }49 /**50 * This method collects all private fields that aren't used by any class51 * method.52 *53 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ClassNode $class54 * @return \PHPMD\AbstractNode[]55 */56 private function collectUnusedPrivateFields(ClassNode $class)57 {58 $this->fields = array();59 $this->collectPrivateFields($class);60 $this->removeUsedFields($class);61 return $this->fields;62 }63 /**64 * This method collects all private fields in the given class and stores65 * them in the <b>$_fields</b> property.66 *67 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ClassNode $class68 * @return void69 */70 private function collectPrivateFields(ClassNode $class)71 {72 foreach ($class->findChildrenOfType('FieldDeclaration') as $declaration) {73 /** @var ASTNode $declaration */74 if ($declaration->isPrivate()) {75 $this->collectPrivateField($declaration);76 }77 }78 }79 /**80 * This method extracts all variable declarators from the given field81 * declaration and stores them in the <b>$_fields</b> property.82 *83 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $declaration84 * @return void85 */86 private function collectPrivateField(ASTNode $declaration)87 {88 $fields = $declaration->findChildrenOfType('VariableDeclarator');89 foreach ($fields as $field) {90 $this->fields[$field->getImage()] = $field;91 }92 }93 /**94 * This method extracts all property postfix nodes from the given class and95 * removes all fields from the <b>$_fields</b> property that are accessed by96 * one of the postfix nodes.97 *98 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ClassNode $class99 * @return void100 */101 private function removeUsedFields(ClassNode $class)102 {103 foreach ($class->findChildrenOfType('PropertyPostfix') as $postfix) {104 /** @var $postfix ASTNode */105 if ($this->isInScopeOfClass($class, $postfix)) {106 $this->removeUsedField($postfix);107 }108 }109 }110 /**111 * This method removes the field from the <b>$_fields</b> property that is112 * accessed through the given property postfix node.113 *114 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $postfix115 * @return void116 */117 private function removeUsedField(ASTNode $postfix)118 {119 $image = '$';120 $child = $postfix->getFirstChildOfType('Identifier');121 if ($postfix->getParent()->isStatic()) {122 $image = '';123 $child = $postfix->getFirstChildOfType('Variable');124 }125 if ($this->isValidPropertyNode($child)) {126 unset($this->fields[$image . $child->getImage()]);127 }128 }129 /**130 * Checks if the given node is a valid property node.131 *132 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node133 * @return boolean134 * @since 0.2.6135 */136 protected function isValidPropertyNode(ASTNode $node = null)137 {138 if ($node === null) {139 return false;140 }141 $parent = $node->getParent();142 while (!$parent->isInstanceOf('PropertyPostfix')) {143 if ($parent->isInstanceOf('CompoundVariable')) {144 return false;145 }146 $parent = $parent->getParent();147 if (is_null($parent)) {148 return false;149 }150 }151 return true;152 }153 /**154 * This method checks that the given property postfix is accessed on an155 * instance or static reference to the given class.156 *157 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ClassNode $class158 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $postfix159 * @return boolean160 */161 protected function isInScopeOfClass(ClassNode $class, ASTNode $postfix)162 {163 $owner = $this->getOwner($postfix);164 return (165 $owner->isInstanceOf('SelfReference') ||166 $owner->isInstanceOf('StaticReference') ||167 strcasecmp($owner->getImage(), '$this') === 0 ||168 strcasecmp($owner->getImage(), $class->getImage()) === 0169 );170 }171 /**172 * Looks for owner of the given variable.173 *174 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $postfix175 * @return \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode176 */177 protected function getOwner(ASTNode $postfix)178 {179 $owner = $postfix->getParent()->getChild(0);180 if ($owner->isInstanceOf('PropertyPostfix')) {181 $owner = $owner->getParent()->getParent()->getChild(0);182 }183 if ($owner->getParent()->isInstanceOf('ArrayIndexExpression')) {184 $owner = $owner->getParent()->getParent()->getChild(0);185 }186 return $owner;187 }188}...
Source: AbstractLocalVariable.php
1<?php2/**3 * This file is part of PHP Mess Detector.4 *5 * Copyright (c) Manuel Pichler <>.6 * All rights reserved.7 *8 * Licensed under BSD License9 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE file.10 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.11 *12 * @author Manuel Pichler <>13 * @copyright Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.14 * @license BSD License15 * @link */17namespace PHPMD\Rule;18use PHPMD\AbstractNode;19use PHPMD\AbstractRule;20use PHPMD\Node\ASTNode;21/**22 * Base class for rules that rely on local variables.23 *24 * @since 0.2.625 */26abstract class AbstractLocalVariable extends AbstractRule27{28 /**29 * PHP super globals that are available in all php scopes, so that they30 * can never be unused local variables.31 *32 * @var array(string=>boolean)33 * @link */35 private static $superGlobals = array(36 '$argc' => true,37 '$argv' => true,38 '$_COOKIE' => true,39 '$_ENV' => true,40 '$_FILES' => true,41 '$_GET' => true,42 '$_POST' => true,43 '$_REQUEST' => true,44 '$_SERVER' => true,45 '$_SESSION' => true,46 '$GLOBALS' => true,47 '$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA' => true,48 '$php_errormsg' => true,49 '$http_response_header' => true,50 );51 /**52 * Tests if the given variable node represents a local variable or if it is53 * a static object property or something similar.54 *55 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $variable The variable to check.56 * @return boolean57 */58 protected function isLocal(ASTNode $variable)59 {60 return (false === $variable->isThis()61 && $this->isNotSuperGlobal($variable)62 && $this->isRegularVariable($variable)63 );64 }65 /**66 * Tests if the given variable represents one of the PHP super globals67 * that are available in scopes.68 *69 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $variable70 * @return boolean71 */72 protected function isNotSuperGlobal(AbstractNode $variable)73 {74 return !isset(self::$superGlobals[$variable->getImage()]);75 }76 /**77 * Tests if the given variable node is a regular variable an not property78 * or method postfix.79 *80 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $variable81 * @return boolean82 */83 protected function isRegularVariable(ASTNode $variable)84 {85 $node = $this->stripWrappedIndexExpression($variable);86 $parent = $node->getParent();87 if ($parent->isInstanceOf('PropertyPostfix')) {88 $primaryPrefix = $parent->getParent();89 if ($primaryPrefix->getParent()->isInstanceOf('MemberPrimaryPrefix')) {90 return !$primaryPrefix->getParent()->isStatic();91 }92 return ($parent->getChild(0)->getNode() !== $node->getNode()93 || !$primaryPrefix->isStatic()94 );95 }96 return true;97 }98 /**99 * Removes all index expressions that are wrapped around the given node100 * instance.101 *102 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node103 * @return \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode104 */105 protected function stripWrappedIndexExpression(ASTNode $node)106 {107 if (false === $this->isWrappedByIndexExpression($node)) {108 return $node;109 }110 $parent = $node->getParent();111 if ($parent->getChild(0)->getNode() === $node->getNode()) {112 return $this->stripWrappedIndexExpression($parent);113 }114 return $node;115 }116 /**117 * Tests if the given variable node os part of an index expression.118 *119 * @param \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode $node120 * @return boolean121 */122 protected function isWrappedByIndexExpression(ASTNode $node)123 {124 return ($node->getParent()->isInstanceOf('ArrayIndexExpression')125 || $node->getParent()->isInstanceOf('StringIndexExpression')126 );127 }128 /**129 * PHP is case insensitive so we should compare function names case130 * insensitive.131 *132 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $node133 * @param string $name134 * @return boolean135 */136 protected function isFunctionNameEqual(AbstractNode $node, $name)137 {138 return (0 === strcasecmp(trim($node->getImage(), '\\'), $name));139 }140 /**141 * AST puts namespace prefix to global functions called from a namespace.142 * This method checks if the last part of function fully qualified name is equal to $name143 *144 * @param \PHPMD\AbstractNode $node145 * @param string $name146 * @return boolean147 */148 protected function isFunctionNameEndingWith(AbstractNode $node, $name)149 {150 $parts = explode('\\', trim($node->getImage(), '\\'));151 return (0 === strcasecmp(array_pop($parts), $name));152 }153}...
Source: DuplicatedArrayKey.php
1<?php2/**3 * This file is part of PHP Mess Detector.4 *5 * Copyright (c) Manuel Pichler <>.6 * All rights reserved.7 *8 * Licensed under BSD License9 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE file.10 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.11 *12 * @author Manuel Pichler <>13 * @copyright Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.14 * @license BSD License15 * @link */17namespace PHPMD\Rule\CleanCode;18use PDepend\Source\AST\AbstractASTNode;19use PDepend\Source\AST\ASTArrayElement;20use PDepend\Source\AST\ASTLiteral;21use PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode as PDependASTNode;22use PHPMD\AbstractNode;23use PHPMD\AbstractRule;24use PHPMD\Node\ASTNode;25use PHPMD\Rule\FunctionAware;26use PHPMD\Rule\MethodAware;27/**28 * Duplicated Array Key Rule29 *30 * This rule detects duplicated array keys.31 *32 * @author RafaÅ Wrzeszcz <>33 * @author Kamil Szymanaski <>34 */35class DuplicatedArrayKey extends AbstractRule implements MethodAware, FunctionAware36{37 /**38 * Retrieves all arrays from single node and performs comparison logic on it39 *40 * @param AbstractNode $node41 * @return void42 */43 public function apply(AbstractNode $node)44 {45 foreach ($node->findChildrenOfType('Array') as $arrayNode) {46 /** @var ASTNode $arrayNode */47 $this->checkForDuplicatedArrayKeys($arrayNode);48 }49 }50 /**51 * This method checks if a given function or method contains an array literal52 * with duplicated entries for any key and emits a rule violation if so.53 *54 * @param ASTNode $node Array node.55 * @return void56 */57 private function checkForDuplicatedArrayKeys(ASTNode $node)58 {59 $keys = array();60 /** @var ASTArrayElement $arrayElement */61 foreach ($node->getChildren() as $index => $arrayElement) {62 $arrayElement = $this->normalizeKey($arrayElement, $index);63 if (null === $arrayElement) {64 // skip everything that can't be resolved easily65 continue;66 }67 $key = $arrayElement->getImage();68 if (isset($keys[$key])) {69 $this->addViolation($node, array($key, $arrayElement->getStartLine()));70 continue;71 }72 $keys[$key] = $arrayElement;73 }74 }75 /**76 * Changes key name to its string format.77 *78 * To compare keys, we have to cast them to string.79 * Non-associative keys have to use index as its key,80 * while boolean and nulls have to be casted respectively.81 * As current logic doesn't evaluate expressions nor constants,82 * statics, globals, etc. we simply skip them.83 *84 * @param AbstractASTNode $node Array key to evaluate.85 * @param int $index Fallback in case of non-associative arrays86 * @return AbstractASTNode Key name87 */88 private function normalizeKey(AbstractASTNode $node, $index)89 {90 $childCount = count($node->getChildren());91 // Skip, if there is no array key, just an array value92 if ($childCount === 1) {93 return null;94 }95 // non-associative - key name equals to its index96 if ($childCount === 0) {97 $node->setImage((string) $index);98 return $node;99 }100 101 $node = $node->getChild(0);102 if (!($node instanceof ASTLiteral)) {103 // skip expressions, method calls, globals and constants104 return null;105 }106 $node->setImage($this->castStringFromLiteral($node));107 return $node;108 }109 /**110 * Cleans string literals and casts boolean and null values as PHP engine does111 *112 * @param PDependASTNode $key113 * @return string114 */115 private function castStringFromLiteral(PDependASTNode $key)116 {117 $value = $key->getImage();118 switch ($value) {119 case 'false':120 return '0';121 case 'true':122 return '1';123 case 'null':124 return '';125 default:126 return trim($value, '\'""');127 }128 }129}...
Source: ASTNodeTest.php
1<?php2/**3 * This file is part of PHP Mess Detector.4 *5 * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Manuel Pichler <>.6 * All rights reserved.7 *8 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without9 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions10 * are met:11 *12 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright13 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.14 *15 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright16 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in17 * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the18 * distribution.19 *20 * * Neither the name of Manuel Pichler nor the names of his21 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived22 * from this software without specific prior written permission.23 *24 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS25 * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT26 * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS27 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE28 * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,29 * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,30 * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;31 * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER32 * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT33 * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN34 * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE35 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.36 *37 * @author Manuel Pichler <>38 * @copyright 2008-2014 Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.39 * @license BSD License40 */41namespace PHPMD\Node;42use PHPMD\AbstractTest;43/**44 * Test case for the {@link \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode} class.45 *46 * @author Manuel Pichler <>47 * @copyright 2008-2014 Manuel Pichler. All rights reserved.48 * @license BSD License49 *50 * @covers \PHPMD\Node\ASTNode51 * @group phpmd52 * @group phpmd::node53 * @group unittest54 */55class ASTNodeTest extends AbstractTest56{57 /**58 * testGetImageDelegatesToGetImageMethodOfWrappedNode59 *60 * @return void61 */62 public function testGetImageDelegatesToGetImageMethodOfWrappedNode()63 {64 $mock = $this->getMock('PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode');65 $mock->expects($this->once())66 ->method('getImage');67 $node = new ASTNode($mock, __FILE__);68 $node->getImage();69 }70 /**71 * testGetNameDelegatesToGetImageMethodOfWrappedNode72 *73 * @return void74 */75 public function testGetNameDelegatesToGetImageMethodOfWrappedNode()76 {77 $mock = $this->getMock('PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode');78 $mock->expects($this->once())79 ->method('getImage');80 $node = new ASTNode($mock, __FILE__);81 $node->getName();82 }83 /**84 * testHasSuppressWarningsAnnotationForAlwaysReturnsFalse85 *86 * @return void87 */88 public function testHasSuppressWarningsAnnotationForAlwaysReturnsFalse()89 {90 $mock = $this->getMock('PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode');91 $node = new ASTNode($mock, __FILE__);92 $rule = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('PHPMD\\AbstractRule');93 $this->assertFalse($node->hasSuppressWarningsAnnotationFor($rule));94 }95 /**96 * testGetParentNameReturnsNull97 *98 * @return void99 */100 public function testGetParentNameReturnsNull()101 {102 $mock = $this->getMock('PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode');103 $node = new ASTNode($mock, __FILE__);104 $this->assertNull($node->getParentName());105 }106 /**107 * testGetNamespaceNameReturnsNull108 *109 * @return void110 */111 public function testGetNamespaceNameReturnsNull()112 {113 $mock = $this->getMock('PDepend\Source\AST\ASTNode');114 $node = new ASTNode($mock, __FILE__);115 $this->assertNull($node->getNamespaceName());116 }117}...
Using AI Code Generation
1use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;2use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;3use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;4use Behat\Behat\Context\Step;5use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;6use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;7use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;8use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterScenarioScope;9use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;10use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeStepScope;11use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;12use Behat\Behat\Context\Step;13use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;14use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;15use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;16use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterScenarioScope;17use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;18use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;19use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeStepScope;20use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;21use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;22use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;23use Behat\Mink\Element\Element;24use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;25use Behat\Mink\Element\TraversableElement;26use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;27use Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException;28use Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException;29use Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver;30use Behat\Mink\Session;31use Behat\Mink\WebAssert;32use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\RawMinkContext;33use Behat\Symfony2Extension\Context\KernelDictionary;34use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestResult;35use Behat\Behat\Tester\Result\ExecutedStepResult;36use Behat\Behat\Tester\Result\UndefinedStepResult;37use Behat\Behat\Tester\Result\PendingStepResult;38use Behat\Behat\Tester\Result\SkippedStepResult;
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';2use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;3use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;4use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;5use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;6use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;7use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;8use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;9use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;10use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeStepScope;11use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterScenarioScope;12use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;13use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterFeatureScope;14use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeFeatureScope;15use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;16use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;17use Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException;18use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;19use Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException;20use Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException;21use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;22use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestResult;23use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\ExecutedStepResult;24use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;25use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeStepScope;26use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterScenarioScope;27use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;28use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterFeatureScope;29use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeFeatureScope;30use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\AfterStepScope;31use Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver;32use Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException;33use Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException;34use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;35use Behat\Mink\Exception\UnsupportedDriverActionException;36use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext;37use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\TestResult;38use Behat\Testwork\Tester\Result\ExecutedStepResult;
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'CucumberCommonLibrary.php';2$ast = new AstNode();3$ast->setNodeName("Feature");4$ast->setNodeValue("Test Feature");5$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario");6$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 2");7$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 3");8$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 4");9$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 5");10$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 6");11$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 7");12$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 8");13$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 9");14$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 10");15$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 11");16$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 12");17$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 13");18$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 14");19$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 15");20$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 16");21$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 17");22$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 18");23$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 19");24$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 20");25$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 21");26$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 22");27$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 23");28$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 24");29$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 25");30$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 26");31$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 27");32$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 28");33$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 29");34$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 30");35$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 31");36$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 32");37$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 33");38$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 34");39$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario 35");40$ast->addNode("Scenario","Test Scenario
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