How to use trim class

Best Atoum code snippet using trim Github


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...36 {37 $sensor = glob($hwpath."temp*_input", GLOB_NOSORT);38 if (($total = count($sensor)) > 0) {39 $buf = "";40 for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) if (CommonFunctions::rfts($sensor[$i], $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {41 $dev = new SensorDevice();42 $dev->setValue(trim($buf)/​1000);43 $label = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_label", $sensor[$i]);44 $crit = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_crit", $sensor[$i]);45 $max = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_max", $sensor[$i]);46 $crit_alarm = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_crit_alarm", $sensor[$i]);47 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($label) && CommonFunctions::rfts($label, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {48 $dev->setName(trim($buf));49 } else {50 $labelname = trim(preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "", pathinfo($sensor[$i], PATHINFO_BASENAME)));51 if ($labelname !== "") {52 $dev->setName($labelname);53 } else {54 $dev->setName('unknown');55 }56 }57 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($crit) && CommonFunctions::rfts($crit, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {58 $dev->setMax(trim($buf)/​1000);59 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($crit_alarm) && CommonFunctions::rfts($crit_alarm, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) === "1")) {60 $dev->setEvent("Critical Alarm");61 }62 } elseif (CommonFunctions::fileexists($max) && CommonFunctions::rfts($max, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {63 $dev->setMax(trim($buf)/​1000);64 }65 $this->mbinfo->setMbTemp($dev);66 }67 }68 }69 /​**70 * get voltage information71 *72 * @param string $hwpath73 * @return void74 */​75 private function _voltage($hwpath)76 {77 $sensor = glob($hwpath."in*_input", GLOB_NOSORT);78 if (($total = count($sensor)) > 0) {79 $buf = "";80 for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) if (CommonFunctions::rfts($sensor[$i], $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {81 $dev = new SensorDevice();82 $dev->setValue(trim($buf)/​1000);83 $label = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_label", $sensor[$i]);84 $alarm = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_alarm", $sensor[$i]);85 $max = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_max", $sensor[$i]);86 $min = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_min", $sensor[$i]);87 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($label) && CommonFunctions::rfts($label, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {88 $dev->setName(trim($buf));89 } else {90 $labelname = trim(preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "", pathinfo($sensor[$i], PATHINFO_BASENAME)));91 if ($labelname !== "") {92 $dev->setName($labelname);93 } else {94 $dev->setName('unknown');95 }96 }97 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($max) && CommonFunctions::rfts($max, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {98 $dev->setMax(trim($buf)/​1000);99 }100 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($min) && CommonFunctions::rfts($min, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {101 $dev->setMin(trim($buf)/​1000);102 }103 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($alarm) && CommonFunctions::rfts($alarm, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) === "1")) {104 $dev->setEvent("Alarm");105 }106 $this->mbinfo->setMbVolt($dev);107 }108 }109 }110 /​**111 * get fan information112 *113 * @param string $hwpath114 * @return void115 */​116 private function _fans($hwpath)117 {118 $sensor = glob($hwpath."fan*_input", GLOB_NOSORT);119 if (($total = count($sensor)) > 0) {120 $buf = "";121 for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) if (CommonFunctions::rfts($sensor[$i], $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {122 $dev = new SensorDevice();123 $dev->setValue(trim($buf));124 $label = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_label", $sensor[$i]);125 $alarm = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_alarm", $sensor[$i]);126 $fullmax = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_full_speed", $sensor[$i]);127 $max = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_max", $sensor[$i]);128 $min = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_min", $sensor[$i]);129 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($label) && CommonFunctions::rfts($label, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {130 $dev->setName(trim($buf));131 } else {132 $labelname = trim(preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "", pathinfo($sensor[$i], PATHINFO_BASENAME)));133 if ($labelname !== "") {134 $dev->setName($labelname);135 } else {136 $dev->setName('unknown');137 }138 }139 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($fullmax) && CommonFunctions::rfts($fullmax, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {140 $dev->setMax(trim($buf));141 } elseif (CommonFunctions::fileexists($max) && CommonFunctions::rfts($max, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {142 $dev->setMax(trim($buf));143 }144 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($min) && CommonFunctions::rfts($min, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {145 $dev->setMin(trim($buf));146 }147 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($alarm) && CommonFunctions::rfts($alarm, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) === "1")) {148 $dev->setEvent("Alarm");149 }150 $this->mbinfo->setMbFan($dev);151 }152 }153 }154 /​**155 * get power information156 *157 * @param string $hwpath158 * @return void159 */​160 private function _power($hwpath)161 {162 $sensor = glob($hwpath."power*_input", GLOB_NOSORT);163 if (($total = count($sensor)) > 0) {164 $buf = "";165 for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) if (CommonFunctions::rfts($sensor[$i], $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {166 $dev = new SensorDevice();167 $dev->setValue(trim($buf)/​1000000);168 $label = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_label", $sensor[$i]);169 $alarm = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_alarm", $sensor[$i]);170 $max = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_max", $sensor[$i]);171 $min = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_min", $sensor[$i]);172 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($label) && CommonFunctions::rfts($label, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {173 $dev->setName(trim($buf));174 } else {175 $labelname = trim(preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "", pathinfo($sensor[$i], PATHINFO_BASENAME)));176 if ($labelname !== "") {177 $dev->setName($labelname);178 } else {179 $dev->setName('unknown');180 }181 }182 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($max) && CommonFunctions::rfts($max, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {183 $dev->setMax(trim($buf)/​1000000);184 }185 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($min) && CommonFunctions::rfts($min, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {186 $dev->setMin(trim($buf)/​1000000);187 }188 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($alarm) && CommonFunctions::rfts($alarm, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) === "1")) {189 $dev->setEvent("Alarm");190 }191 $this->mbinfo->setMbPower($dev);192 }193 }194 }195 /​**196 * get current information197 *198 * @param string $hwpath199 * @return void200 */​201 private function _current($hwpath)202 {203 $sensor = glob($hwpath."curr*_input", GLOB_NOSORT);204 if (($total = count($sensor)) > 0) {205 $buf = "";206 for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) if (CommonFunctions::rfts($sensor[$i], $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {207 $dev = new SensorDevice();208 $dev->setValue(trim($buf)/​1000);209 $label = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_label", $sensor[$i]);210 $alarm = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_alarm", $sensor[$i]);211 $max = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_max", $sensor[$i]);212 $min = preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "_min", $sensor[$i]);213 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($label) && CommonFunctions::rfts($label, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {214 $dev->setName(trim($buf));215 } else {216 $labelname = trim(preg_replace("/​_input$/​", "", pathinfo($sensor[$i], PATHINFO_BASENAME)));217 if ($labelname !== "") {218 $dev->setName($labelname);219 } else {220 $dev->setName('unknown');221 }222 }223 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($max) && CommonFunctions::rfts($max, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {224 $dev->setMax(trim($buf)/​1000);225 }226 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($min) && CommonFunctions::rfts($min, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) != "")) {227 $dev->setMin(trim($buf)/​1000);228 }229 if (CommonFunctions::fileexists($alarm) && CommonFunctions::rfts($alarm, $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf) === "1")) {230 $dev->setEvent("Alarm");231 }232 $this->mbinfo->setMbCurrent($dev);233 }234 }235 }236 /​**237 * get the information238 *239 * @see PSI_Interface_Sensor::build()240 *241 * @return Void242 */​243 public function build()...

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Source:release_point.php Github


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...19 }20 21 public function add() {22 if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) {23 $name = isset($_POST['name']) && trim($_POST['name']) ? trim($_POST['name']) : showmessage(L('release_point_name').L('empty'));24 $host = isset($_POST['host']) && trim($_POST['host']) ? trim($_POST['host']) : showmessage(L('server_address').L('empty'));25 $port = isset($_POST['port']) && intval($_POST['port']) ? intval($_POST['port']) : showmessage(L('server_port').L('empty'));26 $username = isset($_POST['username']) && trim($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : showmessage(L('username').L('empty'));27 $password = isset($_POST['password']) && trim($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : showmessage(L('password').L('empty'));28 $path = isset($_POST['path']) && trim($_POST['path']) ? trim($_POST['path']) : showmessage(L('path').L('empty'));29 $pasv = isset($_POST['pasv']) && trim($_POST['pasv']) ? trim($_POST['pasv']) : 0;30 $ssl = isset($_POST['ssl']) && trim($_POST['ssl']) ? trim($_POST['ssl']) : 0;31 if ($this->db->get_one(array("name"=>$name))) {32 showmessage(L('release_point_name').L('exists'));33 }34 if ($this->db->insert(array('name'=>$name,'host'=>$host,'port'=>$port,'username'=>$username, 'password'=>$password, 'path'=>$path, 'pasv'=>$pasv, 'ssl'=>$ssl))) {35 showmessage(L('operation_success'), '', '', 'add');36 } else {37 showmessage(L('operation_failure'));38 }39 }40 $show_header = $show_validator = true;41 include $this->admin_tpl('release_point_add');42 }43 44 public function edit() {45 $id = isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : showmessage(L('illegal_parameters'), HTTP_REFERER);46 if ($data = $this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$id))) {47 if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) {48 $name = isset($_POST['name']) && trim($_POST['name']) ? trim($_POST['name']) : showmessage(L('release_point_name').L('empty'));49 $host = isset($_POST['host']) && trim($_POST['host']) ? trim($_POST['host']) : showmessage(L('server_address').L('empty'));50 $port = isset($_POST['port']) && intval($_POST['port']) ? intval($_POST['port']) : showmessage(L('server_port').L('empty'));51 $username = isset($_POST['username']) && trim($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : showmessage(L('username').L('empty'));52 $password = isset($_POST['password']) && trim($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : showmessage(L('password').L('empty'));53 $path = isset($_POST['path']) && trim($_POST['path']) ? trim($_POST['path']) : showmessage(L('path').L('empty'));54 $pasv = isset($_POST['pasv']) && trim($_POST['pasv']) ? trim($_POST['pasv']) : 0;55 $ssl = isset($_POST['ssl']) && trim($_POST['ssl']) ? trim($_POST['ssl']) : 0;56 if ($data['name'] != $name && $this->db->get_one(array("name"=>$name))) {57 showmessage(L('release_point_name').L('exists'));58 }59 if ($this->db->update(array('name'=>$name,'host'=>$host,'port'=>$port,'username'=>$username, 'password'=>$password, 'path'=>$path, 'pasv'=>$pasv, 'ssl'=>$ssl), array('id'=>$id))) {60 showmessage(L('operation_success'), '', '', 'edit');61 } else {62 showmessage(L('operation_failure'));63 }64 }65 $show_header = $show_validator = true;66 include $this->admin_tpl('release_point_edit');67 } else {68 showmessage(L('notfound'), HTTP_REFERER);69 }7071 }72 73 public function public_name() {74 $name = isset($_GET['name']) && trim($_GET['name']) ? (pc_base::load_config('system', 'charset') == 'gbk' ? iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', trim($_GET['name'])) : trim($_GET['name'])) : exit('0');75 $id = isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : '';76 $data = array();77 if ($id) {78 $data = $this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$id), 'name');79 if (!empty($data) && $data['name'] == $name) {80 exit('1');81 }82 }83 if ($this->db->get_one(array('name'=>$name), 'id')) {84 exit('0');85 } else {86 exit('1');87 }88 }89 90 public function del() {91 $id = isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : showmessage(L('illegal_parameters'), HTTP_REFERER);92 if ($this->db->get_one(array('id'=>$id))) {93 if ($this->db->delete(array('id'=>$id))) {94 showmessage(L('operation_success'), HTTP_REFERER);95 } else {96 showmessage(L('operation_failure'), HTTP_REFERER);97 }98 } else {99 showmessage(L('notfound'), HTTP_REFERER);100 }101 }102 103 public function public_test_ftp() {104 $host = isset($_GET['host']) && trim($_GET['host']) ? trim($_GET['host']) : exit('0');105 $port = isset($_GET['port']) && intval($_GET['port']) ? intval($_GET['port']) : exit('0');106 $username = isset($_GET['username']) && trim($_GET['username']) ? trim($_GET['username']) : exit('0');107 $password = isset($_GET['password']) && trim($_GET['password']) ? trim($_GET['password']) : exit('0');108 $pasv = isset($_GET['pasv']) && trim($_GET['pasv']) ? trim($_GET['pasv']) : 0;109 $ssl = isset($_GET['ssl']) && trim($_GET['ssl']) ? trim($_GET['ssl']) : 0;110 $ftp = pc_base::load_sys_class('ftps');111 if ($ftp->connect($host, $username, $password, $port, $pasv, $ssl, 25)) {112 if ($ftp->link_time > 15) {113 exit(L('ftp_connection_a_long_time'));114 }115 exit('1');116 } else {117 exit(L('can_ftp_server_connections'));118 }119 } ...

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Source:trim_error.phpt Github


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1--TEST--2Test trim() function : error conditions 3--FILE--4<?php5/​* Prototype : string trim ( string $str [, string $charlist ] )6 * Description: Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the begining and end of a string.7 * Source code: ext/​standard/​string.c8*/​9echo "*** Testing trim() : error conditions ***\n";10echo "\n-- Testing trim() function with no arguments --\n";11var_dump( trim() );12echo "\n-- Testing trim() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";13$extra_arg = 10;14var_dump( trim("Hello World", "Heo", $extra_arg) );15$hello = " Hello World\n";16echo "\n-- Test trim function with various invalid charlists --\n";17var_dump(trim($hello, "..a"));18var_dump(trim($hello, "a.."));19var_dump(trim($hello, "z..a"));20var_dump(trim($hello, "a..b..c"));21?>22===DONE===23--EXPECTF--24*** Testing trim() : error conditions ***25-- Testing trim() function with no arguments --26Warning: trim() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d27NULL28-- Testing trim() function with more than expected no. of arguments --29Warning: trim() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d30NULL31-- Test trim function with various invalid charlists --32Warning: trim(): Invalid '..'-range, no character to the left of '..' in %s on line %d33string(14) " Hello World34"35Warning: trim(): Invalid '..'-range, no character to the right of '..' in %s on line %d36string(14) " Hello World37"38Warning: trim(): Invalid '..'-range, '..'-range needs to be incrementing in %s on line %d39string(14) " Hello World40"41Warning: trim(): Invalid '..'-range in %s on line %d42string(14) " Hello World43"44===DONE===...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();2$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();3$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();4$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();5$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();6$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();7$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();8$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();9$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();10$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();11$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();12$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();13$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();14$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$trim = new trim();2$trim->trimString('Hello World');3$trim = new trim();4$trim->trimString('Hello World');5$trim = new trim();6$trim->trimString('Hello World');7$trim = new trim();8$trim->trimString('Hello World');9$trim = new trim();10$trim->trimString('Hello World');11$trim = new trim();12$trim->trimString('Hello World');13$trim = new trim();14$trim->trimString('Hello World');15$trim = new trim();16$trim->trimString('Hello World');17$trim = new trim();18$trim->trimString('Hello World');19$trim = new trim();20$trim->trimString('Hello World');21$trim = new trim();22$trim->trimString('Hello World');23$trim = new trim();24$trim->trimString('Hello World');25$trim = new trim();26$trim->trimString('Hello World');27$trim = new trim();28$trim->trimString('Hello World');29$trim = new trim();30$trim->trimString('Hello World');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();2echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');3$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();4echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');5$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();6echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');7$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();8echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');9$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();10echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');11$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();12echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');13$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();14echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');15$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();16echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');17$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();18echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');19$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();20echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');21$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();22echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');23$trim = new atoum\tools\trim();24echo $trim->trim(' hello world ');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();2$trim->setPath('path/​to/​some/​file.php');3$trim->trim();4$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();5$trim->setPath('path/​to/​another/​file.php');6$trim->trim();7$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();8$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');9$trim->trim();10$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();11$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');12$trim->trim();13$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();14$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');15$trim->trim();16$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();17$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');18$trim->trim();19$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();20$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');21$trim->trim();22$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();23$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');24$trim->trim();25$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();26$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');27$trim->trim();28$trim = new \Atoum\Tools\Trim();29$trim->setPath('path/​to/​last/​file.php');30$trim->trim();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1use mageekguy\atoum;2$trim = new atoum\tools\variable\trim();3$trim->setVariables(array(' hello world '));4$trim->setCharacterList(' ');5echo $trim->getValue();6use mageekguy\atoum;7$trim = new atoum\tools\variable\trim();8$trim->setVariables(array(' hello world ', ' hello world '));9$trim->setCharacterList(' ');10echo $trim->getValue();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();2$trim->setWith($string)->trim();3$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();4$trim->setWith($string)->trim();5$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();6$trim->setWith($string)->trim();7$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();8$trim->setWith($string)->trim();9$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();10$trim->setWith($string)->trim();11$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();12$trim->setWith($string)->trim();13$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();14$trim->setWith($string)->trim();15$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();16$trim->setWith($string)->trim();17$trim = new \mageekguy\atoum\tools\variable\trim();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include 'trim.php';2$trim=new trim();3echo $trim->trim(' hello ');4{5 function trim($string)6 {7 return trim($string);8 }9}

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