How to use method class

Best Atoum code snippet using method


Source:ClientInterface.php Github


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...17 *18 * All the commands exposed by the client generally have the same signature as19 * described by the Redis documentation, but some of them offer an additional20 * and more friendly interface to ease programming which is described in the21 * following list of methods:22 *23 * @method int del(array $keys)24 * @method string dump($key)25 * @method int exists($key)26 * @method int expire($key, $seconds)27 * @method int expireat($key, $timestamp)28 * @method array keys($pattern)29 * @method int move($key, $db)30 * @method mixed object($subcommand, $key)31 * @method int persist($key)32 * @method int pexpire($key, $milliseconds)33 * @method int pexpireat($key, $timestamp)34 * @method int pttl($key)35 * @method string randomkey()36 * @method mixed rename($key, $target)37 * @method int renamenx($key, $target)38 * @method array scan($cursor, array $options = null)39 * @method array sort($key, array $options = null)40 * @method int ttl($key)41 * @method mixed type($key)42 * @method int append($key, $value)43 * @method int bitcount($key, $start = null, $end = null)44 * @method int bitop($operation, $destkey, $key)45 * @method array bitfield($key, $subcommand, ...$subcommandArg)46 * @method int decr($key)47 * @method int decrby($key, $decrement)48 * @method string get($key)49 * @method int getbit($key, $offset)50 * @method string getrange($key, $start, $end)51 * @method string getset($key, $value)52 * @method int incr($key)53 * @method int incrby($key, $increment)54 * @method string incrbyfloat($key, $increment)55 * @method array mget(array $keys)56 * @method mixed mset(array $dictionary)57 * @method int msetnx(array $dictionary)58 * @method mixed psetex($key, $milliseconds, $value)59 * @method mixed set($key, $value, $expireResolution = null, $expireTTL = null, $flag = null)60 * @method int setbit($key, $offset, $value)61 * @method int setex($key, $seconds, $value)62 * @method int setnx($key, $value)63 * @method int setrange($key, $offset, $value)64 * @method int strlen($key)65 * @method int hdel($key, array $fields)66 * @method int hexists($key, $field)67 * @method string hget($key, $field)68 * @method array hgetall($key)69 * @method int hincrby($key, $field, $increment)70 * @method string hincrbyfloat($key, $field, $increment)71 * @method array hkeys($key)72 * @method int hlen($key)73 * @method array hmget($key, array $fields)74 * @method mixed hmset($key, array $dictionary)75 * @method array hscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null)76 * @method int hset($key, $field, $value)77 * @method int hsetnx($key, $field, $value)78 * @method array hvals($key)79 * @method int hstrlen($key, $field)80 * @method array blpop(array $keys, $timeout)81 * @method array brpop(array $keys, $timeout)82 * @method array brpoplpush($source, $destination, $timeout)83 * @method string lindex($key, $index)84 * @method int linsert($key, $whence, $pivot, $value)85 * @method int llen($key)86 * @method string lpop($key)87 * @method int lpush($key, array $values)88 * @method int lpushx($key, $value)89 * @method array lrange($key, $start, $stop)90 * @method int lrem($key, $count, $value)91 * @method mixed lset($key, $index, $value)92 * @method mixed ltrim($key, $start, $stop)93 * @method string rpop($key)94 * @method string rpoplpush($source, $destination)95 * @method int rpush($key, array $values)96 * @method int rpushx($key, $value)97 * @method int sadd($key, array $members)98 * @method int scard($key)99 * @method array sdiff(array $keys)100 * @method int sdiffstore($destination, array $keys)101 * @method array sinter(array $keys)102 * @method int sinterstore($destination, array $keys)103 * @method int sismember($key, $member)104 * @method array smembers($key)105 * @method int smove($source, $destination, $member)106 * @method string spop($key, $count = null)107 * @method string srandmember($key, $count = null)108 * @method int srem($key, $member)109 * @method array sscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null)110 * @method array sunion(array $keys)111 * @method int sunionstore($destination, array $keys)112 * @method int zadd($key, array $membersAndScoresDictionary)113 * @method int zcard($key)114 * @method string zcount($key, $min, $max)115 * @method string zincrby($key, $increment, $member)116 * @method int zinterstore($destination, array $keys, array $options = null)117 * @method array zrange($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)118 * @method array zrangebyscore($key, $min, $max, array $options = null)119 * @method int zrank($key, $member)120 * @method int zrem($key, $member)121 * @method int zremrangebyrank($key, $start, $stop)122 * @method int zremrangebyscore($key, $min, $max)123 * @method array zrevrange($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)124 * @method array zrevrangebyscore($key, $max, $min, array $options = null)125 * @method int zrevrank($key, $member)126 * @method int zunionstore($destination, array $keys, array $options = null)127 * @method string zscore($key, $member)128 * @method array zscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null)129 * @method array zrangebylex($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)130 * @method array zrevrangebylex($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)131 * @method int zremrangebylex($key, $min, $max)132 * @method int zlexcount($key, $min, $max)133 * @method int pfadd($key, array $elements)134 * @method mixed pfmerge($destinationKey, array $sourceKeys)135 * @method int pfcount(array $keys)136 * @method mixed pubsub($subcommand, $argument)137 * @method int publish($channel, $message)138 * @method mixed discard()139 * @method array exec()140 * @method mixed multi()141 * @method mixed unwatch()142 * @method mixed watch($key)143 * @method mixed eval($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)144 * @method mixed evalsha($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)145 * @method mixed script($subcommand, $argument = null)146 * @method mixed auth($password)147 * @method string echo($message)148 * @method mixed ping($message = null)149 * @method mixed select($database)150 * @method mixed bgrewriteaof()151 * @method mixed bgsave()152 * @method mixed client($subcommand, $argument = null)153 * @method mixed config($subcommand, $argument = null)154 * @method int dbsize()155 * @method mixed flushall()156 * @method mixed flushdb()157 * @method array info($section = null)158 * @method int lastsave()159 * @method mixed save()160 * @method mixed slaveof($host, $port)161 * @method mixed slowlog($subcommand, $argument = null)162 * @method array time()163 * @method array command()164 * @method int geoadd($key, $longitude, $latitude, $member)165 * @method array geohash($key, array $members)166 * @method array geopos($key, array $members)167 * @method string geodist($key, $member1, $member2, $unit = null)168 * @method array georadius($key, $longitude, $latitude, $radius, $unit, array $options = null)169 * @method array georadiusbymember($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $options = null)170 *171 * @author Daniele Alessandri <>172 */​173interface ClientInterface174{175 /​**176 * Returns the server profile used by the client.177 *178 * @return ProfileInterface179 */​180 public function getProfile();181 /​**182 * Returns the client options specified upon initialization.183 *184 * @return OptionsInterface185 */​186 public function getOptions();187 /​**188 * Opens the underlying connection to the server.189 */​190 public function connect();191 /​**192 * Closes the underlying connection from the server.193 */​194 public function disconnect();195 /​**196 * Returns the underlying connection instance.197 *198 * @return ConnectionInterface199 */​200 public function getConnection();201 /​**202 * Creates a new instance of the specified Redis command.203 *204 * @param string $method Command ID.205 * @param array $arguments Arguments for the command.206 *207 * @return CommandInterface208 */​209 public function createCommand($method, $arguments = array());210 /​**211 * Executes the specified Redis command.212 *213 * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.214 *215 * @return mixed216 */​217 public function executeCommand(CommandInterface $command);218 /​**219 * Creates a Redis command with the specified arguments and sends a request220 * to the server.221 *222 * @param string $method Command ID.223 * @param array $arguments Arguments for the command.224 *225 * @return mixed226 */​227 public function __call($method, $arguments);228}...

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Source:ClientContextInterface.php Github


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...11use Predis\Command\CommandInterface;12/​**13 * Interface defining a client-side context such as a pipeline or transaction.14 *15 * @method $this del(array $keys)16 * @method $this dump($key)17 * @method $this exists($key)18 * @method $this expire($key, $seconds)19 * @method $this expireat($key, $timestamp)20 * @method $this keys($pattern)21 * @method $this move($key, $db)22 * @method $this object($subcommand, $key)23 * @method $this persist($key)24 * @method $this pexpire($key, $milliseconds)25 * @method $this pexpireat($key, $timestamp)26 * @method $this pttl($key)27 * @method $this randomkey()28 * @method $this rename($key, $target)29 * @method $this renamenx($key, $target)30 * @method $this scan($cursor, array $options = null)31 * @method $this sort($key, array $options = null)32 * @method $this ttl($key)33 * @method $this type($key)34 * @method $this append($key, $value)35 * @method $this bitcount($key, $start = null, $end = null)36 * @method $this bitop($operation, $destkey, $key)37 * @method $this bitfield($key, $subcommand, ...$subcommandArg)38 * @method $this decr($key)39 * @method $this decrby($key, $decrement)40 * @method $this get($key)41 * @method $this getbit($key, $offset)42 * @method $this getrange($key, $start, $end)43 * @method $this getset($key, $value)44 * @method $this incr($key)45 * @method $this incrby($key, $increment)46 * @method $this incrbyfloat($key, $increment)47 * @method $this mget(array $keys)48 * @method $this mset(array $dictionary)49 * @method $this msetnx(array $dictionary)50 * @method $this psetex($key, $milliseconds, $value)51 * @method $this set($key, $value, $expireResolution = null, $expireTTL = null, $flag = null)52 * @method $this setbit($key, $offset, $value)53 * @method $this setex($key, $seconds, $value)54 * @method $this setnx($key, $value)55 * @method $this setrange($key, $offset, $value)56 * @method $this strlen($key)57 * @method $this hdel($key, array $fields)58 * @method $this hexists($key, $field)59 * @method $this hget($key, $field)60 * @method $this hgetall($key)61 * @method $this hincrby($key, $field, $increment)62 * @method $this hincrbyfloat($key, $field, $increment)63 * @method $this hkeys($key)64 * @method $this hlen($key)65 * @method $this hmget($key, array $fields)66 * @method $this hmset($key, array $dictionary)67 * @method $this hscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null)68 * @method $this hset($key, $field, $value)69 * @method $this hsetnx($key, $field, $value)70 * @method $this hvals($key)71 * @method $this hstrlen($key, $field)72 * @method $this blpop(array $keys, $timeout)73 * @method $this brpop(array $keys, $timeout)74 * @method $this brpoplpush($source, $destination, $timeout)75 * @method $this lindex($key, $index)76 * @method $this linsert($key, $whence, $pivot, $value)77 * @method $this llen($key)78 * @method $this lpop($key)79 * @method $this lpush($key, array $values)80 * @method $this lpushx($key, $value)81 * @method $this lrange($key, $start, $stop)82 * @method $this lrem($key, $count, $value)83 * @method $this lset($key, $index, $value)84 * @method $this ltrim($key, $start, $stop)85 * @method $this rpop($key)86 * @method $this rpoplpush($source, $destination)87 * @method $this rpush($key, array $values)88 * @method $this rpushx($key, $value)89 * @method $this sadd($key, array $members)90 * @method $this scard($key)91 * @method $this sdiff(array $keys)92 * @method $this sdiffstore($destination, array $keys)93 * @method $this sinter(array $keys)94 * @method $this sinterstore($destination, array $keys)95 * @method $this sismember($key, $member)96 * @method $this smembers($key)97 * @method $this smove($source, $destination, $member)98 * @method $this spop($key, $count = null)99 * @method $this srandmember($key, $count = null)100 * @method $this srem($key, $member)101 * @method $this sscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null)102 * @method $this sunion(array $keys)103 * @method $this sunionstore($destination, array $keys)104 * @method $this zadd($key, array $membersAndScoresDictionary)105 * @method $this zcard($key)106 * @method $this zcount($key, $min, $max)107 * @method $this zincrby($key, $increment, $member)108 * @method $this zinterstore($destination, array $keys, array $options = null)109 * @method $this zrange($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)110 * @method $this zrangebyscore($key, $min, $max, array $options = null)111 * @method $this zrank($key, $member)112 * @method $this zrem($key, $member)113 * @method $this zremrangebyrank($key, $start, $stop)114 * @method $this zremrangebyscore($key, $min, $max)115 * @method $this zrevrange($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)116 * @method $this zrevrangebyscore($key, $min, $max, array $options = null)117 * @method $this zrevrank($key, $member)118 * @method $this zunionstore($destination, array $keys, array $options = null)119 * @method $this zscore($key, $member)120 * @method $this zscan($key, $cursor, array $options = null)121 * @method $this zrangebylex($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)122 * @method $this zrevrangebylex($key, $start, $stop, array $options = null)123 * @method $this zremrangebylex($key, $min, $max)124 * @method $this zlexcount($key, $min, $max)125 * @method $this pfadd($key, array $elements)126 * @method $this pfmerge($destinationKey, array $sourceKeys)127 * @method $this pfcount(array $keys)128 * @method $this pubsub($subcommand, $argument)129 * @method $this publish($channel, $message)130 * @method $this discard()131 * @method $this exec()132 * @method $this multi()133 * @method $this unwatch()134 * @method $this watch($key)135 * @method $this eval($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)136 * @method $this evalsha($script, $numkeys, $keyOrArg1 = null, $keyOrArgN = null)137 * @method $this script($subcommand, $argument = null)138 * @method $this auth($password)139 * @method $this echo($message)140 * @method $this ping($message = null)141 * @method $this select($database)142 * @method $this bgrewriteaof()143 * @method $this bgsave()144 * @method $this client($subcommand, $argument = null)145 * @method $this config($subcommand, $argument = null)146 * @method $this dbsize()147 * @method $this flushall()148 * @method $this flushdb()149 * @method $this info($section = null)150 * @method $this lastsave()151 * @method $this save()152 * @method $this slaveof($host, $port)153 * @method $this slowlog($subcommand, $argument = null)154 * @method $this time()155 * @method $this command()156 * @method $this geoadd($key, $longitude, $latitude, $member)157 * @method $this geohash($key, array $members)158 * @method $this geopos($key, array $members)159 * @method $this geodist($key, $member1, $member2, $unit = null)160 * @method $this georadius($key, $longitude, $latitude, $radius, $unit, array $options = null)161 * @method $this georadiusbymember($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $options = null)162 *163 * @author Daniele Alessandri <>164 */​165interface ClientContextInterface166{167 /​**168 * Sends the specified command instance to Redis.169 *170 * @param CommandInterface $command Command instance.171 *172 * @return mixed173 */​174 public function executeCommand(CommandInterface $command);175 /​**176 * Sends the specified command with its arguments to Redis.177 *178 * @param string $method Command ID.179 * @param array $arguments Arguments for the command.180 *181 * @return mixed182 */​183 public function __call($method, $arguments);184 /​**185 * Starts the execution of the context.186 *187 * @param mixed $callable Optional callback for execution.188 *189 * @return array190 */​191 public function execute($callable = null);192}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$test = new Atoum\Test();2$test->testMethod();3$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();4$test2->testMethod();5$test = new Atoum\Test();6$test->testMethod();7$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();8$test2->testMethod();9$test = new Atoum\Test();10$test->testMethod();11$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();12$test2->testMethod();13$test = new Atoum\Test();14$test->testMethod();15$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();16$test2->testMethod();17$test = new Atoum\Test();18$test->testMethod();19$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();20$test2->testMethod();21$test = new Atoum\Test();22$test->testMethod();23$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();24$test2->testMethod();25$test = new Atoum\Test();26$test->testMethod();27$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();28$test2->testMethod();29$test = new Atoum\Test();30$test->testMethod();31$test2 = new Atoum\Test2();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';2use Atoum\Atoum;3$atoum = new Atoum();4$atoum->sayHello();5require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';6use Atoum\Atoum;7$atoum = new Atoum();8$atoum->sayHello();9require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';10use Atoum\Atoum;11$atoum = new Atoum();12$atoum->sayHello();13require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';14use Atoum\Atoum;15$atoum = new Atoum();16$atoum->sayHello();17require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';18use Atoum\Atoum;19$atoum = new Atoum();20$atoum->sayHello();21require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';22use Atoum\Atoum;23$atoum = new Atoum();24$atoum->sayHello();25require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';26use Atoum\Atoum;27$atoum = new Atoum();28$atoum->sayHello();29require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';30use Atoum\Atoum;31$atoum = new Atoum();32$atoum->sayHello();33require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';34use Atoum\Atoum;35$atoum = new Atoum();36$atoum->sayHello();37require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';38use Atoum\Atoum;39$atoum = new Atoum();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$object = new Atoum\A2();2$object->method();3$object = new Atoum\A1();4$object->method();5$object = new Atoum\A2();6$object->method();7$object = new Atoum\A1();8$object->method();9$object = new Atoum\A2();10$object->method();11$object = new Atoum\A1();12$object->method();13$object = new Atoum\A2();14$object->method();15$object = new Atoum\A1();16$object->method();17$object = new Atoum\A2();18$object->method();19$object = new Atoum\A1();20$object->method();21$object = new Atoum\A2();22$object->method();23$object = new Atoum\A1();24$object->method();25$object = new Atoum\A2();26$object->method();27$object = new Atoum\A1();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('atoum.php');2$test = new atoum\test;3$test->addTestMethods(array('test1','test2'));4$test->run();5require_once('atoum.php');6$test = new atoum\test;7$test->addTestMethods(array('test3','test4'));8$test->run();9require_once('atoum.php');10$test = new atoum\test;11$test->addTestMethods(array('test5','test6'));12$test->run();13require_once('atoum.php');14$test = new atoum\test;15$test->addTestMethods(array('test7','test8'));16$test->run();17require_once('atoum.php');18$test = new atoum\test;19$test->addTestMethods(array('test9','test10'));20$test->run();21require_once('atoum.php');22$test = new atoum\test;23$test->addTestMethods(array('test11','test12'));24$test->run();25require_once('atoum.php');26$test = new atoum\test;27$test->addTestMethods(array('test13','test14'));28$test->run();29require_once('atoum.php');30$test = new atoum\test;31$test->addTestMethods(array('test15','test16'));32$test->run();33require_once('atoum.php');34$test = new atoum\test;35$test->addTestMethods(array('test17','test18'));36$test->run();37require_once('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$test = new Atoum\Class\Test();2$test->testMethod();3$test = new Atoum\Class\Test();4$test->testMethod();5$test = new Atoum\Class\Test();6$test->testMethod();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'atoum.php';2$atoum = new atoum();3echo $atoum->getUrl();4require_once 'atoum.php';5$atoum = new atoum();6echo $atoum->getUrl();7require_once 'atoum.php';8$atoum = new atoum();9echo $atoum->getUrl();10require_once 'atoum.php';11$atoum = new atoum();12echo $atoum->getUrl();13require_once 'atoum.php';14$atoum = new atoum();15echo $atoum->getUrl();16require_once 'atoum.php';17$atoum = new atoum();18echo $atoum->getUrl();19require_once 'atoum.php';20$atoum = new atoum();21echo $atoum->getUrl();

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