How to use HasValue class

Best Mockery code snippet using HasValue


Source:Decoder.php Github


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1<?php2/​**3 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (https:/​/​ * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (https:/​/​ */​6namespace Nette\Neon;7/​**8 * Parser for Nette Object Notation.9 * @internal10 */​11class Decoder12{13 const PATTERNS = [14 '15 \'\'\'\n (?:(?: [^\n] | \n(?![\t\ ]*+\'\'\') )*+ \n)?[\t\ ]*+\'\'\' |16 """\n (?:(?: [^\n] | \n(?![\t\ ]*+""") )*+ \n)?[\t\ ]*+""" |17 \'[^\'\n]*+\' |18 " (?: \\\\. | [^"\\\\\n] )*+ "19 ', /​/​ string20 '21 (?: [^#"\',:=[\]{}()\x00-\x20!`-] | [:-][^"\',\]})\s] )22 (?:23 [^,:=\]})(\x00-\x20]++ |24 :(?! [\s,\]})] | $ ) |25 [\ \t]++ [^#,:=\]})(\x00-\x20]26 )*+27 ', /​/​ literal /​ boolean /​ integer /​ float28 '29 [,:=[\]{}()-]30 ', /​/​ symbol31 '?:\#.*+', /​/​ comment32 '\n[\t\ ]*+', /​/​ new line + indent33 '?:[\t\ ]++', /​/​ whitespace34 ];35 const PATTERN_DATETIME = '#\d\d\d\d-\d\d?-\d\d?(?:(?:[Tt]| ++)\d\d?:\d\d:\d\d(?:\.\d*+)? *+(?:Z|[-+]\d\d?(?::?\d\d)?)?)?\z#A';36 const PATTERN_HEX = '#0x[0-9a-fA-F]++\z#A';37 const PATTERN_OCTAL = '#0o[0-7]++\z#A';38 const PATTERN_BINARY = '#0b[0-1]++\z#A';39 const SIMPLE_TYPES = [40 'true' => 'TRUE', 'True' => 'TRUE', 'TRUE' => 'TRUE', 'yes' => 'TRUE', 'Yes' => 'TRUE', 'YES' => 'TRUE', 'on' => 'TRUE', 'On' => 'TRUE', 'ON' => 'TRUE',41 'false' => 'FALSE', 'False' => 'FALSE', 'FALSE' => 'FALSE', 'no' => 'FALSE', 'No' => 'FALSE', 'NO' => 'FALSE', 'off' => 'FALSE', 'Off' => 'FALSE', 'OFF' => 'FALSE',42 'null' => 'NULL', 'Null' => 'NULL', 'NULL' => 'NULL',43 ];44 const ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = [45 't' => "\t", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", 'f' => "\x0C", 'b' => "\x08", '"' => '"', '\\' => '\\', '/​' => '/​', '_' => "\xc2\xa0",46 ];47 const BRACKETS = [48 '[' => ']',49 '{' => '}',50 '(' => ')',51 ];52 /​** @deprecated */​53 public static $patterns = self::PATTERNS;54 /​** @var string */​55 private $input;56 /​** @var array */​57 private $tokens;58 /​** @var int */​59 private $pos;60 /​**61 * Decodes a NEON string.62 * @param string $input63 * @return mixed64 */​65 public function decode($input)66 {67 if (!is_string($input)) {68 throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument must be a string, %s given.', gettype($input)));69 } elseif (substr($input, 0, 3) === "\xEF\xBB\xBF") { /​/​ BOM70 $input = substr($input, 3);71 }72 $this->input = "\n" . str_replace("\r", '', $input); /​/​ \n forces indent detection73 $pattern = '~(' . implode(')|(', self::PATTERNS) . ')~Amix';74 $this->tokens = preg_split($pattern, $this->input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);75 $last = end($this->tokens);76 if ($this->tokens && !preg_match($pattern, $last[0])) {77 $this->pos = count($this->tokens) - 1;78 $this->error();79 }80 $this->pos = 0;81 $res = $this->parse(null);82 while (isset($this->tokens[$this->pos])) {83 if ($this->tokens[$this->pos][0][0] === "\n") {84 $this->pos++;85 } else {86 $this->error();87 }88 }89 return $res;90 }91 /​**92 * @param string|bool|null $indent indentation (for block-parser)93 * @return mixed94 */​95 private function parse($indent, $result = null, $key = null, $hasKey = false)96 {97 $inlineParser = $indent === false;98 $value = null;99 $hasValue = false;100 $tokens = $this->tokens;101 $n = &$this->pos;102 $count = count($tokens);103 $mainResult = &$result;104 for (; $n < $count; $n++) {105 $t = $tokens[$n][0];106 if ($t === ',') { /​/​ ArrayEntry separator107 if ((!$hasKey && !$hasValue) || !$inlineParser) {108 $this->error();109 }110 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey ? $key : null, $hasValue ? $value : null);111 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;112 } elseif ($t === ':' || $t === '=') { /​/​ KeyValuePair separator113 if ($hasValue && (is_array($value) || is_object($value))) {114 $this->error('Unacceptable key');115 } elseif ($hasKey && $key === null && $hasValue && !$inlineParser) {116 $n++;117 $result[] = $this->parse($indent . ' ', [], $value, true);118 $newIndent = isset($tokens[$n], $tokens[$n + 1]) ? (string) substr($tokens[$n][0], 1) : ''; /​/​ not last119 if (strlen($newIndent) > strlen($indent)) {120 $n++;121 $this->error('Bad indentation');122 } elseif (strlen($newIndent) < strlen($indent)) {123 return $mainResult; /​/​ block parser exit point124 }125 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;126 } elseif ($hasKey || !$hasValue) {127 $this->error();128 } else {129 $key = (string) $value;130 $hasKey = true;131 $hasValue = false;132 $result = &$mainResult;133 }134 } elseif ($t === '-') { /​/​ BlockArray bullet135 if ($hasKey || $hasValue || $inlineParser) {136 $this->error();137 }138 $key = null;139 $hasKey = true;140 } elseif (($tmp = self::BRACKETS) && isset($tmp[$t])) { /​/​ Opening bracket [ ( {141 if ($hasValue) {142 if ($t !== '(') {143 $this->error();144 }145 $n++;146 if ($value instanceof Entity && $value->value === Neon::CHAIN) {147 end($value->attributes)->attributes = $this->parse(false, []);148 } else {149 $value = new Entity($value, $this->parse(false, []));150 }151 } else {152 $n++;153 $value = $this->parse(false, []);154 }155 $hasValue = true;156 if (!isset($tokens[$n]) || $tokens[$n][0] !== self::BRACKETS[$t]) { /​/​ unexpected type of bracket or block-parser157 $this->error();158 }159 } elseif ($t === ']' || $t === '}' || $t === ')') { /​/​ Closing bracket ] ) }160 if (!$inlineParser) {161 $this->error();162 }163 break;164 } elseif ($t[0] === "\n") { /​/​ Indent165 if ($inlineParser) {166 if ($hasKey || $hasValue) {167 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey ? $key : null, $hasValue ? $value : null);168 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;169 }170 } else {171 while (isset($tokens[$n + 1]) && $tokens[$n + 1][0][0] === "\n") {172 $n++; /​/​ skip to last indent173 }174 if (!isset($tokens[$n + 1])) {175 break;176 }177 $newIndent = (string) substr($tokens[$n][0], 1);178 if ($indent === null) { /​/​ first iteration179 $indent = $newIndent;180 }181 $minlen = min(strlen($newIndent), strlen($indent));182 if ($minlen && (string) substr($newIndent, 0, $minlen) !== (string) substr($indent, 0, $minlen)) {183 $n++;184 $this->error('Invalid combination of tabs and spaces');185 }186 if (strlen($newIndent) > strlen($indent)) { /​/​ open new block-array or hash187 if ($hasValue || !$hasKey) {188 $n++;189 $this->error('Bad indentation');190 }191 $this->addValue($result, $key, $this->parse($newIndent));192 $newIndent = isset($tokens[$n], $tokens[$n + 1]) ? (string) substr($tokens[$n][0], 1) : ''; /​/​ not last193 if (strlen($newIndent) > strlen($indent)) {194 $n++;195 $this->error('Bad indentation');196 }197 $hasKey = false;198 } else {199 if ($hasValue && !$hasKey) { /​/​ block items must have "key"; null key means list item200 break;201 } elseif ($hasKey) {202 $this->addValue($result, $key, $hasValue ? $value : null);203 if ($key !== null && !$hasValue && $newIndent === $indent && isset($tokens[$n + 1]) && $tokens[$n + 1][0] === '-') {204 $result = &$result[$key];205 }206 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;207 }208 }209 if (strlen($newIndent) < strlen($indent)) { /​/​ close block210 return $mainResult; /​/​ block parser exit point211 }212 }213 } else { /​/​ Value214 if ($t[0] === '"' || $t[0] === "'") {215 if (preg_match('#^...\n++([\t ]*+)#', $t, $m)) {216 $converted = substr($t, 3, -3);217 $converted = str_replace("\n" . $m[1], "\n", $converted);218 $converted = preg_replace('#^\n|\n[\t ]*+\z#', '', $converted);219 } else {220 $converted = substr($t, 1, -1);221 }222 if ($t[0] === '"') {223 $converted = preg_replace_callback('#\\\\(?:ud[89ab][0-9a-f]{2}\\\\ud[c-f][0-9a-f]{2}|u[0-9a-f]{4}|x[0-9a-f]{2}|.)#i', [$this, 'cbString'], $converted);224 }225 } elseif (($fix56 = self::SIMPLE_TYPES) && isset($fix56[$t]) && (!isset($tokens[$n + 1][0]) || ($tokens[$n + 1][0] !== ':' && $tokens[$n + 1][0] !== '='))) {226 $converted = constant(self::SIMPLE_TYPES[$t]);227 } elseif (is_numeric($t)) {228 $converted = $t * 1;229 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_HEX, $t)) {230 $converted = hexdec($t);231 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_OCTAL, $t)) {232 $converted = octdec($t);233 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_BINARY, $t)) {234 $converted = bindec($t);235 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_DATETIME, $t)) {236 $converted = new \DateTimeImmutable($t);237 } else { /​/​ literal238 $converted = $t;239 }240 if ($hasValue) {241 if ($value instanceof Entity) { /​/​ Entity chaining242 if ($value->value !== Neon::CHAIN) {243 $value = new Entity(Neon::CHAIN, [$value]);244 }245 $value->attributes[] = new Entity($converted);246 } else {247 $this->error();248 }249 } else {250 $value = $converted;251 $hasValue = true;252 }253 }254 }255 if ($inlineParser) {256 if ($hasKey || $hasValue) {257 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey ? $key : null, $hasValue ? $value : null);258 }259 } else {260 if ($hasValue && !$hasKey) { /​/​ block items must have "key"261 if ($result === null) {262 $result = $value; /​/​ simple value parser263 } else {264 $this->error();265 }266 } elseif ($hasKey) {267 $this->addValue($result, $key, $hasValue ? $value : null);268 }269 }270 return $mainResult;271 }272 private function addValue(&$result, $key, $value)273 {274 if ($key === null) {275 $result[] = $value;276 } elseif ($result && array_key_exists($key, $result)) {277 $this->error("Duplicated key '$key'");278 } else {279 $result[$key] = $value;280 }281 }282 private function cbString($m)283 {284 $sq = $m[0];285 if (($fix56 = self::ESCAPE_SEQUENCES) && isset($fix56[$sq[1]])) { /​/​ workaround for PHP 5.6286 return self::ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[$sq[1]];287 } elseif ($sq[1] === 'u' && strlen($sq) >= 6) {288 $lead = hexdec(substr($sq, 2, 4));289 $tail = hexdec(substr($sq, 8, 4));290 $code = $tail ? (0x2400 + (($lead - 0xD800) << 10) + $tail) : $lead;291 if ($code >= 0xD800 && $code <= 0xDFFF) {292 $this->error("Invalid UTF-8 (lone surrogate) $sq");293 }294 return iconv('UTF-32BE', 'UTF-8/​/​IGNORE', pack('N', $code));295 } elseif ($sq[1] === 'x' && strlen($sq) === 4) {296 return chr(hexdec(substr($sq, 2)));297 } else {298 $this->error("Invalid escaping sequence $sq");299 }300 }301 private function error($message = "Unexpected '%s'")302 {303 $last = isset($this->tokens[$this->pos]) ? $this->tokens[$this->pos] : null;304 $offset = $last ? $last[1] : strlen($this->input);305 $text = substr($this->input, 0, $offset);306 $line = substr_count($text, "\n");307 $col = $offset - strrpos("\n" . $text, "\n") + 1;308 $token = $last ? str_replace("\n", '<new line>', substr($last[0], 0, 40)) : 'end';309 throw new Exception(str_replace('%s', $token, $message) . " on line $line, column $col.");310 }311}...

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Source:Neon.php Github


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1<?php2/​**3 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (http:/​/​ *5 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (http:/​/​ *7 * For the full copyright and license information, please view8 * the file license.txt that was distributed with this source code.9 */​10namespace Nette\Utils;11use Nette;12/​**13 * Simple parser & generator for Nette Object Notation.14 *15 * @author David Grudl16 */​17class Neon extends Nette\Object18{19 const BLOCK = 1;20 /​** @var array */​21 private static $patterns = array(22 '\'[^\'\n]*\'|"(?:\\\\.|[^"\\\\\n])*"', /​/​ string23 '-(?=\s|$)|:(?=[\s,\]})]|$)|[,=[\]{}()]', /​/​ symbol24 '?:#.*', /​/​ comment25 '\n[\t ]*', /​/​ new line + indent26 '[^#"\',=[\]{}()\x00-\x20!`](?:[^#,:=\]})(\x00-\x1F]+|:(?![\s,\]})]|$)|(?<!\s)#)*(?<!\s)', /​/​ literal /​ boolean /​ integer /​ float27 '?:[\t ]+', /​/​ whitespace28 );29 /​** @var Tokenizer */​30 private static $tokenizer;31 private static $brackets = array(32 '[' => ']',33 '{' => '}',34 '(' => ')',35 );36 /​** @var int */​37 private $n = 0;38 /​** @var bool */​39 private $indentTabs;40 /​**41 * Returns the NEON representation of a value.42 * @param mixed43 * @param int44 * @return string45 */​46 public static function encode($var, $options = NULL)47 {48 if ($var instanceof \DateTime) {49 return $var->format('Y-m-d H:i:s O');50 } elseif ($var instanceof NeonEntity) {51 return self::encode($var->value) . '(' . substr(self::encode($var->attributes), 1, -1) . ')';52 }53 if (is_object($var)) {54 $obj = $var; $var = array();55 foreach ($obj as $k => $v) {56 $var[$k] = $v;57 }58 }59 if (is_array($var)) {60 $isList = Validators::isList($var);61 $s = '';62 if ($options & self::BLOCK) {63 if (count($var) === 0){64 return "[]";65 }66 foreach ($var as $k => $v) {67 $v = self::encode($v, self::BLOCK);68 $s .= ($isList ? '-' : self::encode($k) . ':')69 . (Strings::contains($v, "\n") ? "\n\t" . str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $v) : ' ' . $v)70 . "\n";71 continue;72 }73 return $s;74 } else {75 foreach ($var as $k => $v) {76 $s .= ($isList ? '' : self::encode($k) . ': ') . self::encode($v) . ', ';77 }78 return ($isList ? '[' : '{') . substr($s, 0, -2) . ($isList ? ']' : '}');79 }80 } elseif (is_string($var) && !is_numeric($var)81 && !preg_match('~[\x00-\x1F]|^\d{4}|^(true|false|yes|no|on|off|null)$~i', $var)82 && preg_match('~^' . self::$patterns[4] . '$~', $var)83 ) {84 return $var;85 } elseif (is_float($var)) {86 $var = var_export($var, TRUE);87 return Strings::contains($var, '.') ? $var : $var . '.0';88 } else {89 return json_encode($var);90 }91 }92 /​**93 * Decodes a NEON string.94 * @param string95 * @return mixed96 */​97 public static function decode($input)98 {99 if (!is_string($input)) {100 throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException("Argument must be a string, " . gettype($input) . " given.");101 }102 if (!self::$tokenizer) {103 self::$tokenizer = new Tokenizer(self::$patterns, 'mi');104 }105 $input = str_replace("\r", '', $input);106 self::$tokenizer->tokenize($input);107 $parser = new static;108 $res = $parser->parse(0);109 while (isset(self::$tokenizer->tokens[$parser->n])) {110 if (self::$tokenizer->tokens[$parser->n][0] === "\n") {111 $parser->n++;112 } else {113 $parser->error();114 }115 }116 return $res;117 }118 /​**119 * @param int indentation (for block-parser)120 * @param mixed121 * @return array122 */​123 private function parse($indent = NULL, $result = NULL)124 {125 $inlineParser = $indent === NULL;126 $value = $key = $object = NULL;127 $hasValue = $hasKey = FALSE;128 $tokens = self::$tokenizer->tokens;129 $n = & $this->n;130 $count = count($tokens);131 for (; $n < $count; $n++) {132 $t = $tokens[$n];133 if ($t === ',') { /​/​ ArrayEntry separator134 if ((!$hasKey && !$hasValue) || !$inlineParser) {135 $this->error();136 }137 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey, $key, $hasValue ? $value : NULL);138 $hasKey = $hasValue = FALSE;139 } elseif ($t === ':' || $t === '=') { /​/​ KeyValuePair separator140 if ($hasKey || !$hasValue) {141 $this->error();142 }143 if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {144 $this->error('Unacceptable key');145 }146 $key = (string) $value;147 $hasKey = TRUE;148 $hasValue = FALSE;149 } elseif ($t === '-') { /​/​ BlockArray bullet150 if ($hasKey || $hasValue || $inlineParser) {151 $this->error();152 }153 $key = NULL;154 $hasKey = TRUE;155 } elseif (isset(self::$brackets[$t])) { /​/​ Opening bracket [ ( {156 if ($hasValue) {157 if ($t !== '(') {158 $this->error();159 }160 $n++;161 $entity = new NeonEntity;162 $entity->value = $value;163 $entity->attributes = $this->parse(NULL, array());164 $value = $entity;165 } else {166 $n++;167 $value = $this->parse(NULL, array());168 }169 $hasValue = TRUE;170 if (!isset($tokens[$n]) || $tokens[$n] !== self::$brackets[$t]) { /​/​ unexpected type of bracket or block-parser171 $this->error();172 }173 } elseif ($t === ']' || $t === '}' || $t === ')') { /​/​ Closing bracket ] ) }174 if (!$inlineParser) {175 $this->error();176 }177 break;178 } elseif ($t[0] === "\n") { /​/​ Indent179 if ($inlineParser) {180 if ($hasKey || $hasValue) {181 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey, $key, $hasValue ? $value : NULL);182 $hasKey = $hasValue = FALSE;183 }184 } else {185 while (isset($tokens[$n+1]) && $tokens[$n+1][0] === "\n") $n++; /​/​ skip to last indent186 if (!isset($tokens[$n+1])) {187 break;188 }189 $newIndent = strlen($tokens[$n]) - 1;190 if ($indent === NULL) { /​/​ first iteration191 $indent = $newIndent;192 }193 if ($newIndent) {194 if ($this->indentTabs === NULL) {195 $this->indentTabs = $tokens[$n][1] === "\t";196 }197 if (strpos($tokens[$n], $this->indentTabs ? ' ' : "\t")) {198 $n++;199 $this->error('Either tabs or spaces may be used as indenting chars, but not both.');200 }201 }202 if ($newIndent > $indent) { /​/​ open new block-array or hash203 if ($hasValue || !$hasKey) {204 $n++;205 $this->error('Unexpected indentation.');206 } else {207 $this->addValue($result, $key !== NULL, $key, $this->parse($newIndent));208 }209 $newIndent = isset($tokens[$n]) ? strlen($tokens[$n]) - 1 : 0;210 $hasKey = FALSE;211 } else {212 if ($hasValue && !$hasKey) { /​/​ block items must have "key"; NULL key means list item213 break;214 } elseif ($hasKey) {215 $this->addValue($result, $key !== NULL, $key, $hasValue ? $value : NULL);216 $hasKey = $hasValue = FALSE;217 }218 }219 if ($newIndent < $indent) { /​/​ close block220 return $result; /​/​ block parser exit point221 }222 }223 } else { /​/​ Value224 if ($hasValue) {225 $this->error();226 }227 static $consts = array(228 'true' => TRUE, 'True' => TRUE, 'TRUE' => TRUE, 'yes' => TRUE, 'Yes' => TRUE, 'YES' => TRUE, 'on' => TRUE, 'On' => TRUE, 'ON' => TRUE,229 'false' => FALSE, 'False' => FALSE, 'FALSE' => FALSE, 'no' => FALSE, 'No' => FALSE, 'NO' => FALSE, 'off' => FALSE, 'Off' => FALSE, 'OFF' => FALSE,230 );231 if ($t[0] === '"') {232 $value = preg_replace_callback('#\\\\(?:u[0-9a-f]{4}|x[0-9a-f]{2}|.)#i', array($this, 'cbString'), substr($t, 1, -1));233 } elseif ($t[0] === "'") {234 $value = substr($t, 1, -1);235 } elseif (isset($consts[$t])) {236 $value = $consts[$t];237 } elseif ($t === 'null' || $t === 'Null' || $t === 'NULL') {238 $value = NULL;239 } elseif (is_numeric($t)) {240 $value = $t * 1;241 } elseif (preg_match('#\d\d\d\d-\d\d?-\d\d?(?:(?:[Tt]| +)\d\d?:\d\d:\d\d(?:\.\d*)? *(?:Z|[-+]\d\d?(?::\d\d)?)?)?$#A', $t)) {242 $value = new Nette\DateTime($t);243 } else { /​/​ literal244 $value = $t;245 }246 $hasValue = TRUE;247 }248 }249 if ($inlineParser) {250 if ($hasKey || $hasValue) {251 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey, $key, $hasValue ? $value : NULL);252 }253 } else {254 if ($hasValue && !$hasKey) { /​/​ block items must have "key"255 if ($result === NULL) {256 $result = $value; /​/​ simple value parser257 } else {258 $this->error();259 }260 } elseif ($hasKey) {261 $this->addValue($result, $key !== NULL, $key, $hasValue ? $value : NULL);262 }263 }264 return $result;265 }266 private function addValue(&$result, $hasKey, $key, $value)267 {268 if ($hasKey) {269 if ($result && array_key_exists($key, $result)) {270 $this->error("Duplicated key '$key'");271 }272 $result[$key] = $value;273 } else {274 $result[] = $value;275 }276 }277 private function cbString($m)278 {279 static $mapping = array('t' => "\t", 'n' => "\n", '"' => '"', '\\' => '\\', '/​' => '/​', '_' => "\xc2\xa0");280 $sq = $m[0];281 if (isset($mapping[$sq[1]])) {282 return $mapping[$sq[1]];283 } elseif ($sq[1] === 'u' && strlen($sq) === 6) {284 return Strings::chr(hexdec(substr($sq, 2)));285 } elseif ($sq[1] === 'x' && strlen($sq) === 4) {286 return chr(hexdec(substr($sq, 2)));287 } else {288 $this->error("Invalid escaping sequence $sq");289 }290 }291 private function error($message = "Unexpected '%s'")292 {293 list(, $line, $col) = self::$tokenizer->getOffset($this->n);294 $token = isset(self::$tokenizer->tokens[$this->n])295 ? str_replace("\n", '<new line>', Strings::truncate(self::$tokenizer->tokens[$this->n], 40))296 : 'end';297 throw new NeonException(str_replace('%s', $token, $message) . " on line $line, column $col.");298 }299}300/​**301 * The exception that indicates error of NEON decoding.302 */​303class NeonEntity extends \stdClass304{305 public $value;306 public $attributes;307}308/​**309 * The exception that indicates error of NEON decoding.310 */​311class NeonException extends \Exception312{313}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');2$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('hello');3$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');4$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('world');5$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');6$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('!');7$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');8$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('!');

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1{2 public function tearDown()3 {4 Mockery::close();5 }6 public function testHasValue()7 {8 $mock = Mockery::mock('stdClass');9 $mock->shouldReceive('foo')->with(HasValue::ofType('string'));10 $mock->foo('bar');11 }12}13{14 public function tearDown()15 {16 Mockery::close();17 }18 public function testHasValue()19 {20 $mock = Mockery::mock('stdClass');21 $mock->shouldReceive('foo')->with(Mockery::type('string'));22 $mock->foo('bar');23 }24}

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1$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');2$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('value');3$this->assertEquals('value', $mock->getValue());4$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');5$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('value');6$this->assertEquals('value', $mock->getValue());7class Foo {8 public function __construct($bar) {

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1$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');2$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);3var_dump($mock->getValue());4$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');5$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);6var_dump($mock->getValue());7$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');8$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);9var_dump($mock->getValue());10$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');11$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);12var_dump($mock->getValue());13$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');14$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);15var_dump($mock->getValue());16$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');17$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);18var_dump($mock->getValue());19$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');20$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);21var_dump($mock->getValue());22$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');23$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);24var_dump($mock->getValue());25$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');26$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);27var_dump($mock->getValue());28$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');29$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);30var_dump($mock->getValue());31$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');32$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn(1);33var_dump($mock->getValue());34$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');2$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');3echo $mock->getValue();4$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');5$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');6echo $mock->getValue();7$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');8$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');9echo $mock->getValue();10$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');11$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');12echo $mock->getValue();13$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');14$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');15echo $mock->getValue();16$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');17$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');18echo $mock->getValue();19$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');20$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');21echo $mock->getValue();22$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');23$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');24echo $mock->getValue();25$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');26$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');27echo $mock->getValue();28$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');29$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');30echo $mock->getValue();31$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');32$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('test');33echo $mock->getValue();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');2$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')3 ->andReturn('some value');4$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');5$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')6 ->andReturn('some value');7$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');8$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')9 ->andReturn('some value');10$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');11$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')12 ->andReturn('some value');13$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');14$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')15 ->andReturn('some value');16$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');17$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')18 ->andReturn('some value');19$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');20$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')21 ->andReturn('some value');22$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');23$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')24 ->andReturn('some value');25$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');26$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')27 ->andReturn('some value');28$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');29$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')30 ->andReturn('some value');31$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');32$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')33 ->andReturn('some value');34$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');35$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')36 ->andReturn('some value');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');2$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);3$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');4$mock->hasValue();5$mock->getValue();6$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');7$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);8$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');9$mock->hasValue();10$mock->getValue();11$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');12$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);13$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');14$mock->hasValue();15$mock->getValue();16$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');17$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);18$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');19$mock->hasValue();20$mock->getValue();21$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');22$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);23$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');24$mock->hasValue();25$mock->getValue();26$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');27$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);28$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');29$mock->hasValue();30$mock->getValue();31$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');32$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);33$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');34$mock->hasValue();35$mock->getValue();36$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');37$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);38$mock->shouldReceive('getValue')->andReturn('some value');39$mock->hasValue();40$mock->getValue();41$mock = Mockery::mock('HasValue');42$mock->shouldReceive('hasValue')->andReturn(true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'vendor/​autoload.php';2use Mockery as m;3use Mockery\Matcher\HasValue;4{5 public function foo($a, $b)6 {7 return $a + $b;8 }9}10{11 public function bar()12 {13 $a = new A();14 return $a->foo(1, 2);15 }16}17{18 public function baz()19 {20 $b = new B();21 return $b->bar();22 }23}24{25 public function qux()26 {27 $c = new C();28 return $c->baz();29 }30}31{32 public function quux()33 {34 $d = new D();35 return $d->qux();36 }37}38{39 public function corge()40 {41 $e = new E();42 return $e->quux();43 }44}45{46 public function grault()47 {48 $f = new F();49 return $f->corge();50 }51}52{53 public function garply()54 {55 $g = new G();56 return $g->grault();57 }58}59{60 public function waldo()61 {62 $h = new H();63 return $h->garply();64 }65}66{67 public function fred()68 {69 $i = new I();70 return $i->waldo();71 }72}73{74 public function plugh()75 {76 $j = new J();77 return $j->fred();78 }79}80{81 public function xyzzy()82 {83 $k = new K();84 return $k->plugh();85 }86}87{88 public function thud()89 {90 $l = new L();91 return $l->xyzzy();92 }93}94{95 public function foo()96 {97 $m = new M();98 return $m->thud();99 }100}101{102 public function bar()103 {104 $n = new N();105 return $n->foo();106 }107}108{109 public function baz()110 {111 $o = new O();

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