Spek automation testing framework index.

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Spek 2.x is a complete rewrite of Spek with Kotlin multiplatform support in mind. The DSL is also reworked into two distinct styles: specification and gherkin.

Support and updates

  • Spek has 2181 stars, 189 forks.
  • It has 1 major releases in the past 6 months.
  • It has 0 commits and there are 2 open pull requests.
  • It has 96 open issues and 432 have been closed.

Code statistics

  • Spek has 30 packages.
  • Spek has 102 classes and 400 methods.


Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:

Fluent Interface Design Pattern in Automation Testing

Recently, I was going through some of the design patterns in Java by reading the book Head First Design Patterns by Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, and Kathy Sierra.

Are Agile Self-Managing Teams Realistic with Layered Management?

Agile software development stems from a philosophy that being agile means creating and responding to change swiftly. Agile means having the ability to adapt and respond to change without dissolving into chaos. Being Agile involves teamwork built on diverse capabilities, skills, and talents. Team members include both the business and software development sides working together to produce working software that meets or exceeds customer expectations continuously.

QA Innovation – Using the senseshaping concept to discover customer needs

QA Innovation - Using the senseshaping concept to discover customer needsQA testers have a unique role and responsibility to serve the customer. Serving the customer in software testing means protecting customers from application defects, failures, and perceived failures from missing or misunderstood requirements. Testing for known requirements based on documentation or discussion is the core of the testing profession. One unique way QA testers can both differentiate themselves and be innovative occurs when senseshaping is used to improve the application user experience.

Test Optimization for Continuous Integration

“Test frequently and early.” If you’ve been following my testing agenda, you’re probably sick of hearing me repeat that. However, it is making sense that if your tests detect an issue soon after it occurs, it will be easier to resolve. This is one of the guiding concepts that makes continuous integration such an effective method. I’ve encountered several teams who have a lot of automated tests but don’t use them as part of a continuous integration approach. There are frequently various reasons why the team believes these tests cannot be used with continuous integration. Perhaps the tests take too long to run, or they are not dependable enough to provide correct results on their own, necessitating human interpretation.

And the Winner Is: Aggregate Model-based Testing

In my last blog, I investigated both the stateless and the stateful class of model-based testing. Both have some advantages and disadvantages. You can use them for different types of systems, depending on whether a stateful solution is required or a stateless one is enough. However, a better solution is to use an aggregate technique that is appropriate for each system. Currently, the only aggregate solution is action-state testing, introduced in the book Paradigm Shift in Software Testing. This method is implemented in Harmony.

Automation Testing Tutorials

Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.

LambdaTest Learning Hubs:


You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.


Spek is lincensed under the Other

LambdaTest Community Discussions

Test case code snippets

Anchor tag testing of webpage - Test secure links


For secure links, href attribute value should have https

API Testing - Check API performance


Verify that the API correctly handles API performance and returns the correct resources for each API performance metric.

Accessibility testing - Avoid emulating links and buttons


Avoid emulating links and buttons. Use the a and button tags appropriately. Avoid using a tags for buttons. Avoid using div, span, etc. tags for links or buttons.


Spek can be downloaded from it’s GitHub repository - https://github.com/spekframework/spek

Package and class index



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Other similar frameworks


Kotest is a flexible and comprehensive testing tool for Kotlin with multiplatform support with additional assertions, property testing and data driven testing.


Mockito is the most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java. This library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin.


Appium's Espresso Driver is a test automation server for Android that uses Espresso as the underlying test technology. Is a part of the Appium framework.


Balin is a browser automation library for Kotlin. It's basically a Selenium-WebDriver wrapper inspired by Geb which uses power of the Selenium-WebDriver API.


Fuel is the easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android. Offers maven and jitpack installations.

Frameworks to try


The most powerful and flexible mocking framework for PHPUnit / Codeception.


JustMock Lite makes unit testing simpler. It is easy to use, feature rich, with great power and flexibility, making it the superior choice.


Mockito is the most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java. It lets you write beautiful tests with a readable, clean and simple API.


The Open Source Test Automation Platform.


Selenoid is a powerful implementation of Selenium hub using Docker containers to launch browsers

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