Best Mockito-kotlin code snippet using test.Open.stringResult
Source: SearchFragment.kt
...296 to.setText(exchange.toString())297 }298 }299 private inner class PostUrlTask : AsyncTask<String, Void, String>() {300 var stringResult: ArrayList<String> = arrayListOf()301 override fun doInBackground(vararg params: String?): String {302 var url = URL(params[0])303 Log.d(TAG, "final url : " + url.toString())304 var message = "Post success"305 var con: HttpURLConnection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection306 try {307 Log.d(TAG, con.responseMessage)308 val jp = JsonParser()309 val root = jp.parse(InputStreamReader(con.content as InputStream))310 val resultArray = root.asJsonArray311 var cnt = 0312 Log.d(TAG, root.toString())313 for (result in resultArray) {314 val tmp = result.asJsonArray315 Log.d(TAG, "explanation : ${tmp[3]}")316 if (tmp[3].toString() == "" && tmp[3].toString() == " ") {317 Log.d(TAG, "${tmp[0]} is null")318 }319 var str = tmp[0].toString() + "," + tmp[2].toString() + "," + tmp[1].toString() + "," + tmp[3].toString()320 str = str.replace("\"", "")321 Log.d(TAG, str)322 stringResult.add(str)323// Log.d(TAG, cnt.toString() + ": " + tmp[0])324 }325 for (s in stringResult) {326 Log.d(TAG, cnt.toString() + ": " + s)327 }328 Log.d(TAG, stringResult.toString())329 }catch (e: Exception) {330 message = "connection failed"331 Log.d(TAG, "PostUrlTask Connection Error : " + e.toString())332 }finally {333 con.disconnect()334 }335 return message336 }337 override fun onPostExecute(result: String?) {338 super.onPostExecute(result)339 /*340 AlertDialog.Builder(context)341 .setTitle("Error")342 .setMessage(result)343 .setPositiveButton("ok", null).create().show()344 */345 if (stringResult != null) {346 var intent = Intent(context, intent.putStringArrayListExtra("result", stringResult)348 startActivity(intent)349 }350 }351 }352}...
Source: DemoFragment.kt
...214 when (result.confidence) {215 FMResultConfidence.HIGH -> {216 Log.d(TAG, "HIGH Confidence Result")217 fmParkingView.dismiss()218 val stringResult =219 "Result: ${result.location.coordinate} (${result.confidence})"220 resultTextView.text = stringResult221 if (resultsLayout.visibility == View.GONE) {222 resultsLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE223 }224 }225 else -> {226 Log.d(TAG, "${result.confidence} Confidence Result")227 }228 }229 }230 override fun fmParkingView(error: ErrorResponse, metadata: Any?) {231 Log.e(TAG, "Received Error: $error")232 }233 }234}...
Source: MockingTest.kt
...59 @Test60 fun testMockStubbing_lambda() {61 /* Given */62 val mock = mock<Open> {63 on { stringResult() } doReturn "A"64 }65 /* When */66 val result = mock.stringResult()67 /* Then */68 expect(result).toBe("A")69 }70 @Test71 fun testMockStubbing_normalOverridesLambda() {72 /* Given */73 val mock = mock<Open> {74 on { stringResult() }.doReturn("A")75 }76 whenever(mock.stringResult()).thenReturn("B")77 /* When */78 val result = mock.stringResult()79 /* Then */80 expect(result).toBe("B")81 }82 @Test83 fun mock_withCustomDefaultAnswer_parameterName() {84 /* Given */85 val mock = mock<Methods>(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_SELF)86 /* When */87 val result = mock.builderMethod()88 /* Then */89 expect(result).toBe(mock)90 }91 @Test92 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_extraInterfaces() {93 /* Given */94 val mock = mock<Methods>(95 extraInterfaces = arrayOf(ExtraInterface::class)96 )97 /* Then */98 expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<ExtraInterface>()99 }100 @Test101 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_name() {102 /* Given */103 val mock = mock<Methods>(name = "myName")104 /* When */105 expectErrorWithMessage("myName.stringResult()") on {106 verify(mock).stringResult()107 }108 }109 @Test110 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_defaultAnswer() {111 /* Given */112 val mock = mock<Methods>(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS)113 /* When */114 val result = mock.nonDefaultReturnType()115 /* Then */116 expect(result).toNotBeNull()117 }118 @Test119 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_serializable() {120 /* Given */121 val mock = mock<Methods>(serializable = true)122 /* Then */123 expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()124 }125 @Test126 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_serializableMode() {127 /* Given */128 val mock = mock<Methods>(serializableMode = BASIC)129 /* Then */130 expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()131 }132 @Test133 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_verboseLogging() {134 /* Given */135 val out = mock<PrintStream>()136 System.setOut(out)137 val mock = mock<Methods>(verboseLogging = true)138 try {139 /* When */140 verify(mock).stringResult()141 fail("Expected an exception")142 } catch (e: WantedButNotInvoked) {143 /* Then */144 verify(out).println("methods.stringResult();")145 }146 }147 @Test148 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_invocationListeners() {149 /* Given */150 var bool = false151 val mock = mock<Methods>(invocationListeners = arrayOf(InvocationListener { bool = true }))152 /* When */153 mock.stringResult()154 /* Then */155 expect(bool).toHold()156 }157 @Test158 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_stubOnly() {159 /* Given */160 val mock = mock<Methods>(stubOnly = true)161 /* Expect */162 expectErrorWithMessage("is a stubOnly() mock") on {163 /* When */164 verify(mock).stringResult()165 }166 }167 @Test168 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_useConstructor() {169 /* Given */170 expectErrorWithMessage("Unable to create mock instance of type ") on {171 mock<ThrowingConstructor>(useConstructor = parameterless()) {}172 }173 }174 @Test175 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_useConstructorWithArguments_failing() {176 /* Given */177 expectErrorWithMessage("Unable to create mock instance of type ") on {178 mock<ThrowingConstructorWithArgument>(useConstructor = withArguments("Test")) {}179 }180 }181 @Test182 fun mock_withSettingsAPI_useConstructorWithArguments() {183 /* When */184 val result = mock<NonThrowingConstructorWithArgument>(useConstructor = withArguments("Test")) {}185 /* Then */186 expect(result).toNotBeNull()187 }188 @Test189 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_extraInterfaces() {190 /* Given */191 val mock = mock<Methods>(extraInterfaces = arrayOf(ExtraInterface::class)) {}192 /* Then */193 expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<ExtraInterface>()194 }195 @Test196 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_name() {197 /* Given */198 val mock = mock<Methods>(name = "myName") {}199 /* When */200 expectErrorWithMessage("myName.stringResult()") on {201 verify(mock).stringResult()202 }203 }204 @Test205 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPIAndStubbing_name() {206 /* Given */207 val mock = mock<Methods>(name = "myName") {208 on { nullableStringResult() } doReturn "foo"209 }210 /* When */211 val result = mock.nullableStringResult()212 /* Then */213 expect(result).toBe("foo")214 }215 @Test216 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_defaultAnswer() {217 /* Given */218 val mock = mock<Methods>(defaultAnswer = Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS) {}219 /* When */220 val result = mock.nonDefaultReturnType()221 /* Then */222 expect(result).toNotBeNull()223 }224 @Test225 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_serializable() {226 /* Given */227 val mock = mock<Methods>(serializable = true) {}228 /* Then */229 expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()230 }231 @Test232 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_serializableMode() {233 /* Given */234 val mock = mock<Methods>(serializableMode = BASIC) {}235 /* Then */236 expect(mock).toBeInstanceOf<Serializable>()237 }238 @Test239 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_verboseLogging() {240 /* Given */241 val out = mock<PrintStream>()242 System.setOut(out)243 val mock = mock<Methods>(verboseLogging = true) {}244 try {245 /* When */246 verify(mock).stringResult()247 fail("Expected an exception")248 } catch (e: WantedButNotInvoked) {249 /* Then */250 verify(out).println("methods.stringResult();")251 }252 }253 @Test254 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_invocationListeners() {255 /* Given */256 var bool = false257 val mock = mock<Methods>(invocationListeners = arrayOf(InvocationListener { bool = true })) {}258 /* When */259 mock.stringResult()260 /* Then */261 expect(bool).toHold()262 }263 @Test264 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_stubOnly() {265 /* Given */266 val mock = mock<Methods>(stubOnly = true) {}267 /* Expect */268 expectErrorWithMessage("is a stubOnly() mock") on {269 /* When */270 verify(mock).stringResult()271 }272 }273 @Test274 fun mockStubbing_withSettingsAPI_useConstructor() {275 /* Given */276 expectErrorWithMessage("Unable to create mock instance of type ") on {277 mock<ThrowingConstructor>(useConstructor = parameterless()) {}278 }279 }280 private interface MyInterface281 private open class MyClass282 @Test283 fun `Mocking Lambda with useIR true fails`() {284 val function = mock<(Int, Int) -> Int>()...
Source: OngoingStubbingTest.kt
...12 fun testOngoingStubbing_methodCall() {13 /* Given */14 val mock = mock<Open>()15 mock<Open> {16 on(mock.stringResult()).doReturn("A")17 }18 /* When */19 val result = mock.stringResult()20 /* Then */21 expect(result).toBe("A")22 }23 @Test24 fun testOngoingStubbing_builder() {25 /* Given */26 val mock = mock<Methods> { mock ->27 on { builderMethod() } doReturn mock28 }29 /* When */30 val result = mock.builderMethod()31 /* Then */32 expect(result).toBeTheSameAs(mock)33 }34 @Test35 fun testOngoingStubbing_nullable() {36 /* Given */37 val mock = mock<Methods> {38 on { nullableStringResult() } doReturn "Test"39 }40 /* When */41 val result = mock.nullableStringResult()42 /* Then */43 expect(result).toBe("Test")44 }45 @Test46 fun testOngoingStubbing_doThrow() {47 /* Given */48 val mock = mock<Methods> {49 on { builderMethod() } doThrow IllegalArgumentException()50 }51 try {52 /* When */53 mock.builderMethod()54 fail("No exception thrown")55 } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {56 }57 }58 @Test59 fun testOngoingStubbing_doThrowClass() {60 /* Given */61 val mock = mock<Methods> {62 on { builderMethod() } doThrow IllegalArgumentException::class63 }64 try {65 /* When */66 mock.builderMethod()67 fail("No exception thrown")68 } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {69 }70 }71 @Test72 fun testOngoingStubbing_doThrowVarargs() {73 /* Given */74 val mock = mock<Methods> {75 on { builderMethod() }.doThrow(76 IllegalArgumentException(),77 UnsupportedOperationException()78 )79 }80 try {81 /* When */82 mock.builderMethod()83 fail("No exception thrown")84 } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {85 }86 try {87 /* When */88 mock.builderMethod()89 fail("No exception thrown")90 } catch (e: UnsupportedOperationException) {91 }92 }93 @Test94 fun testOngoingStubbing_doThrowClassVarargs() {95 /* Given */96 val mock = mock<Methods> {97 on { builderMethod() }.doThrow(98 IllegalArgumentException::class,99 UnsupportedOperationException::class100 )101 }102 try {103 /* When */104 mock.builderMethod()105 fail("No exception thrown")106 } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {107 }108 try {109 /* When */110 mock.builderMethod()111 fail("No exception thrown")112 } catch (e: UnsupportedOperationException) {113 }114 }115 @Test116 fun testOngoingStubbing_doAnswer_lambda() {117 /* Given */118 val mock = mock<Methods> {119 on { stringResult() } doAnswer { "result" }120 }121 /* When */122 val result = mock.stringResult()123 /* Then */124 expect(result).toBe("result")125 }126 @Test127 fun testOngoingStubbing_doAnswer_instance() {128 /* Given */129 val mock = mock<Methods> {130 on { stringResult() } doAnswer Answer<String> { "result" }131 }132 /* When */133 val result = mock.stringResult()134 /* Then */135 expect(result).toBe("result")136 }137 @Test138 fun testOngoingStubbing_doAnswer_returnsSelf() {139 /* Given */140 val mock = mock<Methods> {141 on { builderMethod() } doAnswer Mockito.RETURNS_SELF142 }143 /* When */144 val result = mock.builderMethod()145 /* Then */146 expect(result).toBe(mock)147 }148 @Test149 fun testOngoingStubbing_doAnswer_withArgument() {150 /* Given */151 val mock = mock<Methods> {152 on { stringResult(any()) } doAnswer { "${it.arguments[0]}-result" }153 }154 /* When */155 val result = mock.stringResult("argument")156 /* Then */157 expect(result).toBe("argument-result")158 }159 @Test160 fun testMockStubbingAfterCreatingMock() {161 val mock = mock<Methods>()162 //create stub after creation of mock163 mock.stub {164 on { stringResult() } doReturn "result"165 }166 /* When */167 val result = mock.stringResult()168 /* Then */169 expect(result).toBe("result")170 }171 @Test172 fun testOverrideDefaultStub() {173 /* Given mock with stub */174 val mock = mock<Methods> {175 on { stringResult() } doReturn "result1"176 }177 /* override stub */178 mock.stub {179 on { stringResult() } doReturn "result2"180 }181 /* When */182 val result = mock.stringResult()183 /* Then */184 expect(result).toBe("result2")185 }186 @Test187 fun stubbingTwiceWithArgumentMatchers() {188 /* When */189 val mock = mock<Methods> {190 on { stringResult(argThat { this == "A" }) } doReturn "A"191 on { stringResult(argThat { this == "B" }) } doReturn "B"192 }193 /* Then */194 expect(mock.stringResult("A")).toBe("A")195 expect(mock.stringResult("B")).toBe("B")196 }197 @Test198 fun stubbingTwiceWithCheckArgumentMatchers_throwsException() {199 /* Expect */200 expectErrorWithMessage("null").on {201 mock<Methods> {202 on { stringResult(check { }) } doReturn "A"203 on { stringResult(check { }) } doReturn "B"204 }205 }206 }207 @Test208 fun doReturn_withSingleItemList() {209 /* Given */210 val mock = mock<Open> {211 on { stringResult() } doReturnConsecutively listOf("a", "b")212 }213 /* Then */214 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("a")215 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("b")216 }217 @Test218 fun doReturn_throwsNPE() {219 assumeFalse(mockMakerInlineEnabled())220 expectErrorWithMessage("look at the stack trace below") on {221 /* When */222 mock<Open> {223 on { throwsNPE() } doReturn "result"224 }225 }226 }227 @Test228 fun doReturn_withGenericIntReturnType_on() {229 /* Expect */230 expectErrorWithMessage("onGeneric") on {231 /* When */232 mock<GenericMethods<Int>> {233 on { genericMethod() } doReturn 2234 }235 }236 }237 @Test238 fun doReturn_withGenericIntReturnType_onGeneric() {239 /* Given */240 val mock = mock<GenericMethods<Int>> {241 onGeneric { genericMethod() } doReturn 2242 }243 /* Then */244 expect(mock.genericMethod()).toBe(2)245 }246 @Test247 fun doReturn_withGenericNullableReturnType_onGeneric() {248 val m = mock<GenericMethods<String>> {249 onGeneric { nullableReturnType() } doReturn "Test"250 }251 expect(m.nullableReturnType()).toBe("Test")252 }253 @Test254 fun stubbingExistingMock() {255 /* Given */256 val mock = mock<Methods>()257 /* When */258 stubbing(mock) {259 on { stringResult() } doReturn "result"260 }261 /* Then */262 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("result")263 }264 @Test265 fun testMockitoStackOnUnfinishedStubbing() {266 /* Given */267 val mock = mock<Open>()268 whenever(mock.stringResult())269 /* When */270 try {271 mock.stringResult()272 } catch (e: UnfinishedStubbingException) {273 /* Then */274 expect(e.message).toContain("Unfinished stubbing detected here:")275 expect(e.message).toContain("-> at com.mockito.mockitokotlin2.OngoingStubbingTest.testMockitoStackOnUnfinishedStubbing")276 }277 }278}...
Source: ParserBuildingTools.kt
1package com.hqurve.parsing2open class ParserGenerator<T, F>{3 fun empty() = EmptyParser<T, F>()4 fun exact(vararg chars: Char) = CharacterParser<T, F>(chars.toSet())5 fun exact(chars: Collection<Char>) = CharacterParser<T, F>(chars)6 fun exact(charRange: CharRange) = CharacterParser<T, F>(charRange)7 fun exact(test: (Char, F)-> Boolean) = CharacterParser<T, F>(test)8 fun exact(test: (Char)->Boolean) = CharacterParser<T, F>{char, _ -> test(char)}9 fun exact(string: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false) = StringParser.Matcher<T, F>(string, ignoreCase)10}11class BiParserWrapper<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>: ParserGenerator<BiParserValue<Ta, Tb>, Pair<Fa, Fb>>(){12 fun a(aParser: Parser<Ta, Fa>) = BiParserConstructor.a<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>(aParser)13 fun b(bParser: Parser<Tb, Fb>) = BiParserConstructor.b<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>(bParser)14}15object Assist: ParserGenerator<Unit, Unit>()16fun <T, F> builder(block: ParserGenerator<T, F>.()->Parser<T, F>): Parser<T, F>{17 return ParserGenerator<T, F>().run(block)18}19fun <Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb> biParserBuilder(block: BiParserWrapper<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>.()->BiParser<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>): BiParser<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>{20 return BiParserWrapper<Ta, Fa, Tb, Fb>().run(block)21}22operator fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.rangeTo(other: Parser<T, F>) = SequentialParser(this, other)23infix fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.or(other: Parser<T, F>) = BranchedParser(this, other)24operator fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.times(quantifier: Quantifier)25 = QuantifiedParser(this, quantifier)26operator fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.times(amt: Int) = this * q(amt, amt)27fun q(min: Int, max: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE) = Quantifier(min, max)28val maybe = q(0, 1)29fun <T, F> lz(initializer: ()->Parser<T, F>) = LazyParser(initializer)30fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.asNonCapture() = NonCapturingParser(this)31fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.capture() = WrappedParser(this)32infix fun <T, F> Parser<*, F>.ignoreFirst(other: Parser<T, F>): Parser<T, F>{33 val self = this34 return object: Parser<T, F>{35 override fun parse(string: String, pos: Int, flags: F): Pair<Result<T>, Int>? {36 val (_, end) = self.parse(string, pos, flags) ?: return null37 return other.parse(string, end, flags)38 }39 }40}41infix fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.ignoreNext(other: Parser<*, F>): Parser<T, F>{42 val self = this43 return object: Parser<T, F>{44 override fun parse(string: String, pos: Int, flags: F): Pair<Result<T>, Int>? {45 val (result, end) = self.parse(string, pos, flags) ?: return null46 return other.parse(string, end, flags)?.second?.let{ result to it }47 }48 }49}50fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.attachError(exceptionGenerator: (F, Int)->Exception) = FailProofParser(this, exceptionGenerator)51fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.attachError(messageGenerator: (F)->String) = FailProofParser(this, messageGenerator)52fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.attachError(message: String) = FailProofParser(this, message)53fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.assert(checker: (Result<T>, F)->String?) = VerifyingParser(this, checker)54fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.assert(checker: (Result<T>)->String?) = VerifyingParser(this){results, _ -> checker(results)}55fun <Ti, Fi, To, Fo> Parser<Ti, Fi>.trans(flagsTransform: (Fo)->Fi, resultTransform: (Result<Ti>, Fo)->Result<To>)56 = TransformParser(this, flagsTransform, resultTransform)57fun <Ti, Fi, To, Fo> Parser<Ti, Fi>.transValue(flagsTransform: (Fo)->Fi, resultTransform: (Result<Ti>, Fo)->To)58 = TransformParser(this, flagsTransform){results, flags -> ValueResult(resultTransform(results, flags))}59infix fun <Ti, To, F> Parser<Ti, F>.transResult(handler: (Result<Ti>, F)->Result<To>)60 = ResultTransformParser(this, handler)61infix fun <Ti, To, F> Parser<Ti, F>.transResultValue(handler: (Result<Ti>, F)->To)62 = ResultTransformParser(this){ results, flags -> ValueResult(handler(results, flags)) }63infix fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.transResultChar(handler: (Result<T>, F)-> Char)64 = ResultTransformParser(this){ results, flags -> CharResult<T>(handler(results, flags)) }65infix fun <T, F> Parser<T, F>.transResultString(handler: (Result<T>, F)-> String)66 = ResultTransformParser(this){ results, flags -> StringResult<T>(handler(results, flags)) }67infix fun <T, F> Parser<*, F>.fixedResult(handler: (F)->Result<T>) = FixedParser(this, handler)68infix fun <T, F> Parser<*, F>.fixedResultValue(handler: (F)->T)69 = FixedParser(this){flags -> ValueResult(handler(flags))}70infix fun <T, F> Parser<*, F>.fixedResultValue(value: T)71 = FixedParser(this){ValueResult(value)}72infix fun <T, F> Parser<*, F>.fixedResultChar(handler: (F)->Char)73 = FixedParser(this){flags -> CharResult<T>(handler(flags))}74infix fun <T, F> Parser<*, F>.fixedResultString(handler: (F)->String)75 = FixedParser(this){flags -> StringResult<T>(handler(flags))}76infix fun <T, Fi, Fo> Parser<T, Fi>.transFlags(handler: (Fo)->Fi)77 = FlagTransformParser(this, handler)...
Source: LoginControllerTest.kt
...49 val requestParam = LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>()50 requestParam["id"] = "whatever"51 requestParam["password"] = "whatever"52 var result = mvc.perform(post(this.url_prefix + "/login").params(requestParam)).andExpect(status().is4xxClientError).andReturn()53 var stringResult = result.response.errorMessage54 Assert.assertTrue(stringResult.contains("Bad Credential"))55 }56 @Test57 fun testLoginWithAccountNotExist() {58 val requestParam = LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>()59 requestParam["id"] = "0"60 requestParam["password"] = "whatever"61 val result = mvc.perform(post(this.url_prefix + "/login").params(requestParam)).andExpect(status().is4xxClientError).andReturn()62 val stringResult = result.response.errorMessage63 Assert.assertTrue(stringResult.contains("Account Not Found"))64 }65 @Test66 @Transactional67 open fun testLogin() {68 val requestParam = LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>()69 requestParam["id"] = "12"70 requestParam["password"] = "123456"71 val result = mvc.perform(post(this.url_prefix + "/login").params(requestParam)).andExpect(status().isOk).andExpect(content().json("{\"id\":12,\"username\":\"testUser\",\"wechatId\":\"chasdf\",\"email\":\"\",\"identity\":[\"ROLE_READER\"],\"phoneNumber\":\"18554692356\"}")).andReturn()72 Assert.assertNotNull(result.response.getHeader("X-AUTHENTICATION"))73 }74}...
Source: Classes.kt
...30 for (i in 0..a.size - 1) {31 a[i] = a[i] + 132 }33 }34 open fun stringResult() = "Default"35 fun throwsNPE(): Any = throw NullPointerException("Test")36}37class Closed38interface Methods {39 fun intArray(i: IntArray)40 fun closed(c: Closed)41 fun closedArray(a: Array<Closed>)42 fun closedNullableArray(a: Array<Closed?>)43 fun closedCollection(c: Collection<Closed>)44 fun closedList(c: List<Closed>)45 fun closedStringMap(m: Map<Closed, String>)46 fun closedSet(s: Set<Closed>)47 fun string(s: String)48 fun boolean(b: Boolean)49 fun byte(b: Byte)50 fun char(c: Char)51 fun short(s: Short)52 fun int(i: Int)53 fun long(l: Long)54 fun float(f: Float)55 fun double(d: Double)56 fun closedVararg(vararg c: Closed)57 fun throwableClass(t: ThrowableClass)58 fun nullableString(s: String?)59 fun stringResult(): String60 fun stringResult(s: String): String61 fun nullableStringResult(): String?62 fun builderMethod(): Methods63 fun varargBooleanResult(vararg values: String): Boolean64 fun nonDefaultReturnType(): ExtraInterface65}66interface ExtraInterface67abstract class ThrowingConstructor {68 constructor() {69 error("Error in constructor")70 }71}72abstract class ThrowingConstructorWithArgument {73 constructor(s: String) {74 error("Error in constructor: $s")...
Source: StubberTest.kt
...7 fun testDoAnswer() {8 val mock = mock<Methods>()9 doAnswer { "Test" }10 .whenever(mock)11 .stringResult()12 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("Test")13 }14 @Test15 fun testDoCallRealMethod() {16 val mock = mock<Open>()17 doReturn("Test").whenever(mock).stringResult()18 doCallRealMethod().whenever(mock).stringResult()19 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("Default")20 }21 @Test22 fun testDoNothing() {23 val spy = spy(Open())24 val array = intArrayOf(3)25 doNothing().whenever(spy).modifiesContents(array)26 spy.modifiesContents(array)27 expect(array[0]).toBe(3)28 }29 @Test30 fun testDoReturnValue() {31 val mock = mock<Methods>()32 doReturn("com/mockito/mockitokotlin2").whenever(mock).stringResult()33 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("com/mockito/mockitokotlin2")34 }35 @Test36 fun testDoReturnNullValue() {37 val mock = mock<Methods>()38 doReturn(null).whenever(mock).stringResult()39 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBeNull()40 }41 @Test42 fun testDoReturnNullValues() {43 val mock = mock<Methods>()44 doReturn(null, null).whenever(mock).stringResult()45 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBeNull()46 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBeNull()47 }48 @Test49 fun testDoReturnValues() {50 val mock = mock<Methods>()51 doReturn("com/mockito/mockitokotlin2", "test2").whenever(mock).stringResult()52 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("com/mockito/mockitokotlin2")53 expect(mock.stringResult()).toBe("test2")54 }55 @Test56 fun testDoThrowClass() {57 val mock = mock<Open>()58 doThrow(IllegalStateException::class).whenever(mock).go()59 try {60 mock.go()61 throw AssertionError("Call should have thrown.")62 } catch (e: IllegalStateException) {63 }64 }65 @Test66 fun testDoThrow() {67 val mock = mock<Open>()...
Using AI Code Generation
1String str = test.Open.stringResult("select * from test where id = 1");2System.out.println(str);3int i = test.Open.intResult("select * from test where id = 2");4System.out.println(i);5double d = test.Open.doubleResult("select * from test where id = 3");6System.out.println(d);7boolean b = test.Open.booleanResult("select * from test where id = 4");8System.out.println(b);9Date date = test.Open.dateResult("select * from test where id = 5");10System.out.println(date);11Time time = test.Open.timeResult("select * from test where id = 6");12System.out.println(time);13Timestamp timestamp = test.Open.timestampResult("select * from test where id = 7");14System.out.println(timestamp);15Blob blob = test.Open.blobResult("select * from test where id = 8");16System.out.println(blob);17Clob clob = test.Open.clobResult("select * from test where id = 9");18System.out.println(clob);19Object object = test.Open.objectResult("select * from test where id = 10");20System.out.println(object);21ResultSet rs = test.Open.resultSet("select * from test");22while({23System.out.println(rs.getString(1));24System.out.println(rs.getInt(2));25System.out.println(rs.getDouble(3));26System.out.println(rs.getBoolean(4));27System.out.println(rs.getDate(5));28System.out.println(rs.getTime(6));29System.out.println(rs.getTimestamp(7));30System.out.println(rs.getBlob(8));31System.out.println(rs.getClob(9));32System.out.println(rs.getObject(10));33}34test.Open.execute("insert into test values (1,'a',1.1,true,'2008-01-01','12:00:00','
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To understand the agile testing mindset, we first need to determine what makes a team “agile.” To me, an agile team continually focuses on becoming self-organized and cross-functional to be able to complete any challenge they may face during a project.
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Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.
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