Best Kotest code snippet using
...20import 1 parameter23/**24 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.25 */26suspend inline fun <reified A> Fixture.checkAll(27 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A) -> Unit28) = checkAll(kotestGen(), function)29/**30 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.31 */32suspend inline fun <reified A> Fixture.checkAll(33 iterations: Int,34 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A) -> Unit35) = checkAll(iterations, kotestGen(), function)36/**37 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.38 */39suspend inline fun <reified A> Fixture.checkAll(40 config: PropTestConfig,41 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A) -> Unit42) = checkAll(config, kotestGen(), function)43/**44 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.45 */46suspend inline fun <reified A> Fixture.checkAll(47 iterations: Int,48 config: PropTestConfig,49 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A) -> Unit50) = checkAll(iterations, config, kotestGen(), function)51// 2 parameters52/**53 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.54 */55suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B> Fixture.checkAll(56 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B) -> Unit57) = checkAll(kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)58/**59 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.60 */61suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B> Fixture.checkAll(62 iterations: Int,63 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B) -> Unit64) = checkAll(iterations, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)65/**66 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.67 */68suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B> Fixture.checkAll(69 config: PropTestConfig,70 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B) -> Unit71) = checkAll(config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)72/**73 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.74 */75suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B> Fixture.checkAll(76 iterations: Int,77 config: PropTestConfig,78 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B) -> Unit79) = checkAll(iterations, config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)80// 3 parameters81/**82 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.83 */84suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C> Fixture.checkAll(85 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C) -> Unit86) = checkAll(kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)87/**88 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.89 */90suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C> Fixture.checkAll(91 iterations: Int,92 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C) -> Unit93) = checkAll(iterations, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)94/**95 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.96 */97suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C> Fixture.checkAll(98 config: PropTestConfig,99 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C) -> Unit100) = checkAll(config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)101/**102 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.103 */104suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C> Fixture.checkAll(105 iterations: Int,106 config: PropTestConfig,107 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C) -> Unit108) = checkAll(iterations, config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)109// 4 parameters110/**111 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.112 */113suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D> Fixture.checkAll(114 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) -> Unit115) = checkAll(kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)116/**117 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.118 */119suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D> Fixture.checkAll(120 iterations: Int,121 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) -> Unit122) = checkAll(iterations, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)123/**124 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.125 */126suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D> Fixture.checkAll(127 config: PropTestConfig,128 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) -> Unit129) = checkAll(config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)130/**131 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.132 */133suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D> Fixture.checkAll(134 iterations: Int,135 config: PropTestConfig,136 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) -> Unit137) = checkAll(iterations, config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)138// 5 parameters139/**140 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.141 */142suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E> Fixture.checkAll(143 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) -> Unit144) = checkAll(kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)145/**146 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.147 */148suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E> Fixture.checkAll(149 iterations: Int,150 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) -> Unit151) = checkAll(iterations, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)152/**153 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.154 */155suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E> Fixture.checkAll(156 config: PropTestConfig,157 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) -> Unit158) = checkAll(config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)159/**160 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.161 */162suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E> Fixture.checkAll(163 iterations: Int,164 config: PropTestConfig,165 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) -> Unit166) = checkAll(iterations, config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)167// 6 parameters168/**169 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.170 */171suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E, reified F> Fixture.checkAll(172 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F) -> Unit173) = checkAll(kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)174/**175 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.176 */177suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E, reified F> Fixture.checkAll(178 iterations: Int,179 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F) -> Unit180) = checkAll(iterations, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)181/**182 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.183 */184suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E, reified F> Fixture.checkAll(185 config: PropTestConfig,186 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F) -> Unit187) = checkAll(config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)188/**189 * Use [Fixture] to generate random objects for type parameters and validate the [function] has no assertion failures.190 */191suspend inline fun <reified A, reified B, reified C, reified D, reified E, reified F> Fixture.checkAll(192 iterations: Int,193 config: PropTestConfig,194 noinline function: suspend PropertyContext.(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F) -> Unit195) = checkAll(iterations, config, kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), kotestGen(), function)...
...69 }70 println()71 writeFailedSeedIfEnabled(seed)72 throwPropertyTestAssertionError(shrinkfn(), e, context.attempts(), seed)73 } else if (context.failures() > config.maxFailure) {74 var error = "Property failed ${context.failures()} times (maxFailure rate was ${config.maxFailure})\n"75 error += "Last error was caused by args:\n"76 inputs.withIndex().forEach { (index, value) ->77 error += " $index) ${value.print().value}\n"78 }79 writeFailedSeedIfEnabled(seed)80 throwPropertyTestAssertionError(shrinkfn(), AssertionError(error), context.attempts(), seed)81 }82}...
...4 * It allows feedback and tracking of the state of the property test.5 */6class PropertyContext {7 private var successes = 08 private var failures = 09 private val classifications = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()10 private val autoclassifications = mutableMapOf<String, MutableMap<String, Int>>()11 fun markSuccess() {12 successes++13 }14 fun markFailure() {15 failures++16 }17 fun successes() = successes18 fun failures() = failures19 fun attempts(): Int = successes + failures20 fun classifications(): Map<String, Int> = classifications.toMap()21 fun autoclassifications(): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> = autoclassifications.toMap()22 /**23 * Increase the count of [label].24 */25 fun classify(label: String) {26 val current = classifications.getOrElse(label) { 0 }27 classifications[label] = current + 128 }29 fun classify(input: Int, label: String) {30 val current = autoclassifications.getOrPut(input.toString()) { mutableMapOf() }31 val count = current[label] ?: 032 current[label] = count + 133 autoclassifications[input.toString()]...
...4import PropertyContext.outputClassifications(inputs: Int, config: PropTestConfig, seed: Long) {7 val result =8 PropertyResult(List(inputs) { it.toString() }, seed, attempts(), successes(), failures(), autoclassifications())9 if (config.outputClassifications) config.labelsReporter.output(result)10}...
Using AI Code Generation
1 import import import import import import import import import import import import kotlin.random.Random13 class PropertyContextTest : StringSpec({14 "should return the seed" {15 val seed = Random.nextLong()16 checkAll(SeededRandomSource(seed)) {17 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe seed18 }19 }20 "should return the seed from the property" {21 val seed = Random.nextLong()22 property(SeededRandomSource(seed)) {23 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe seed24 }25 }26 "should return the seed from the prop" {27 val seed = Random.nextLong()28 prop(SeededRandomSource(seed)) {29 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe seed30 }31 }32 "should return the seed from the forAll" {33 val seed = Random.nextLong()34 forAll(SeededRandomSource(seed)) {35 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe seed36 }37 }38 "should return null for the seed" {39 checkAll {40 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe null41 }42 }43 "should return null for the seed from the property" {44 property {45 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe null46 }47 }48 "should return null for the seed from the prop" {49 prop {50 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe null51 }52 }53 "should return null for the seed from the forAll" {54 forAll {55 PropertyContext.random.seedOrNull() shouldBe null56 }57 }58 "should return the seed from the random source" {59 val seed = Random.nextLong()60 checkAll(SeededRandomSource(seed)) {61 PropertyContext.random.seed() shouldBe seed62 }63 }64 "should return the seed from the random source from the property" {65 val seed = Random.nextLong()66 property(SeededRandomSource(seed)) {
Using AI Code Generation
1+val propTestConfig = PropertyTestConfig(2+ listeners = listOf(object : PropertyListener {3+ override fun afterFailure(failure: PropertyFailure) {4+ println(failure.input)5+ }6+ })7+val propTestConfig = PropertyTestConfig(8+ listeners = listOf(object : PropertyListener {9+ override fun afterFailure(failure: PropertyFailure) {10+ println(failure.input)11+ }12+ })13+val propTestConfig = PropertyTestConfig(14+ listeners = listOf(object : PropertyListener {15+ override fun beforeIteration(iteration: Int) {16+ println("Before iteration: $iteration")17+ }18+ })19+val propTestConfig = PropertyTestConfig(20+ listeners = listOf(object : PropertyListener {21+ override fun afterIteration(iteration: Int) {22+ println("After iteration: $iteration")23+ }24+ })25+val propTestConfig = PropertyTestConfig(26+ listeners = listOf(object : PropertyListener {27+ override fun beforeProperty(property: Property) {28+ println("Before property: $property")29+ }30+ })
Using AI Code Generation
1class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {2 init {3 "failure list" {4 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->5 (a + b) % 2 == 06 }7 }8 }9}10class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {11 init {12 "failure list" {13 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->14 (a + b) % 2 == 015 }16 }17 }18}19class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {20 init {21 "failure list" {22 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->23 (a + b) % 2 == 024 }25 }26 }27}28class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {29 init {30 "failure list" {31 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->32 (a + b) % 2 == 033 }34 }35 }36}37class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {38 init {39 "failure list" {40 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->41 (a + b) % 2 == 042 }43 }44 }45}46class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {47 init {48 "failure list" {49 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->50 (a + b) % 2 == 051 }52 }53 }54}55class FailureListTest : StringSpec() {56 init {57 "failure list" {58 forAll { a: Int, b: Int ->59 (a + b) % 2 ==
Using AI Code Generation
1data class SampleData(val data1: String, val data2: String, val data3: String)2class SampleTest : FunSpec() {3 init {4 test("Sample test") {5 val config = PropTestConfig(iterations = 100, seed = 1234L)6 val gen = Gen.bind(Gen.string(), Gen.string(), Gen.string()) { data1, data2, data3 ->7 SampleData(data1, data2, data3)8 }9 checkAll(config, gen) { sampleData ->10 if (sampleData.data1 == "Hello") {11 fail("Sample data contains Hello")12 }13 }14 }15 }16}17"hello" should be("hello")18"hello" should equal("hello")19"hello" shouldNot be("hello")20"hello" shouldNot equal("hello")21"hello" should startWith("h")22"hello" should endWith("o")
Using AI Code Generation
1+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(vararg gens: Gen<A>, fn: (A) -> Boolean) =2+ forAll(gens.toList(), fn)3+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(gens: List<Gen<A>>, fn: (A) -> Boolean) =4+ forAll(gens, fn, { it })5+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(6+ fn: (A) -> Boolean,7+ failure: (A) -> Any?8+ forAll(gens, fn, failure, { it })9+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(10+ fn: (A) -> Boolean,11+ failure: (A) -> Any?,12+ labels: (A) -> Map<String, Any?>13+ forAll(gens, fn, failure, labels, { it })14+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(15+ fn: (A) -> Boolean,16+ failure: (A) -> Any?,17+ labels: (A) -> Map<String, Any?>,18+ edgecases: (A) -> List<A>19+ forAll(gens, fn, failure, labels, edgecases, { it })20+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(21+ fn: (A) -> Boolean,22+ failure: (A) -> Any?,23+ labels: (A) -> Map<String, Any?>,24+ edgecases: (A) -> List<A>,25+ forAll(gens, fn, failure, labels, edgecases, shrinker, { it })26+fun <A> PropertyContext.forAll(27+ fn: (A) -> Boolean,28+ failure: (A) -> Any?,29+ labels: (A) -> Map<String, Any?>,30+ edgecases: (A) -> List<A>,31+ forAll(gens, fn, failure, labels
Using AI Code Generation
1 val result = if (failures.isEmpty()) {2 println("All tests passed!")3 exitProcess(0)4@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ fun main() {5 val result = if (failures.isEmpty()) {6 println("All tests passed!")7 exitProcess(0)8- } else {9 println(failures.joinToString("\n"))10 exitProcess(1)11 }12@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ fun main() {13 val result = if (failures.isEmpty()) {14 println("All tests passed!")15 exitProcess(0)16- } else {17 println(failures.joinToString("\n"))18 exitProcess(1)19 }
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