Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.matchers.string.Values.toString
...147 assertSoftly {148 val bestellungen = bestellungenModel._embedded.bestellungen149 bestellungen shouldNot beEmpty()150 bestellungen.onEach { bestellung ->151 bestellung.content?.kundeId.toString().lowercase() shouldBe kundeId.lowercase()152 }153 }154 }155 }156 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------157 // S C H R E I B E N158 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------159 @Nested160 inner class Schreiben {161 @ParameterizedTest162 @CsvSource("$KUNDE_ID, $ARTIKEL_ID")163 fun `Abspeichern einer neuen Bestellung`(kundeId: String, artikelId: String) = runTest {164 // given165 val bestellposition = Bestellposition(166 artikelId = ArtikelId.fromString(artikelId),167 anzahl = 1,168 einzelpreis = TEN,169 )170 val bestellpositionen = listOfNotNull(bestellposition)171 val neueBestellung = BestellungDTO(172 kundeId = KundeId.fromString(kundeId),173 bestellpositionen = bestellpositionen,174 )175 // when176 val response = .bodyValue(neueBestellung)178 .awaitExchange { response -> response.awaitBodilessEntity() }179 // then180 assertSoftly(response) {181 statusCode shouldBe CREATED182 val location = headers.location183 val id = location.toString().substringAfterLast('/')184 id shouldMatch ID_PATTERN185 }186 }187 @ParameterizedTest188 @ValueSource(strings = [KUNDE_ID])189 fun `Abspeichern einer leeren Bestellung`(kundeId: String) = runTest {190 // given191 val neueBestellung = Bestellung(192 kundeId = KundeId.fromString(kundeId),193 bestellpositionen = emptyList(),194 )195 val violationKeys = listOf("bestellung.bestellpositionen.notEmpty")196 // when197 val response =
...82 expectedProp.startsWith("regexp: ") || expectedProp.startsWith("traceId=regexp: ")83 )84 ) {85 val isPrefixMatched = expectedProp86 .removePrefix("traceId=regexp: ").toRegex().matches(actualProp.toString())87 val isMatched = expectedProp.removePrefix("regexp: ").toRegex().matches(actualProp.toString())88 if (isMatched || isPrefixMatched) {89 val property = getPropertyValue(, expected)90 setProperty(property, expected, actualProp)91 }92 }93 if (expectedProp is ArrayList<*> && actualProp is ArrayList<*> &&94 expectedProp.size == actualProp.size95 ) {96 val updatedProperties = mutableListOf<Any>()97 expectedProp.forEachIndexed { index, element ->98 updatedProperties.add(processRegexp(element, actualProp.get(index)))99 }100 setProperty(getPropertyValue(, expected), expected, updatedProperties)101 }102 if (prop.type.toString().startsWith("models") &&103 expectedProp != null && actualProp != null104 ) {105 nestedModels.add(Triple(, expectedProp, actualProp))106 }107 }108 nestedModels.forEach {109 val updatedProperty = processRegexp(it.second, it.third)110 setProperty(getPropertyValue(it.first, expected), expected, updatedProperty)111 }112 return expected113}114private fun getPropertyValue(propName: String, classInstance: Any): KProperty1<out Any, *>? =115 classInstance::class.memberProperties.find { == propName }116private fun setProperty(property: KProperty1<out Any, *>?, classInstance: Any, propertyValue: Any?) {...
...107 val arb = Arb.string()108 arb.checkAll { a ->109 val filterWord = filterWord(a)110 for (c in 'A'..'Z') {111 filterWord shouldNotContain c.toString()112 }113 }114 }115})116class AddToModelSpec : AnnotationSpec() {117 fun `Word should be sucessfully added to model`() {118 addWordToModel("test")119 Model.items.keys shouldContain "test"120 }121 fun `Increment should work`() {122 addWordToModel("increment")123 addWordToModel("increment")124 Model.items.keys shouldContain "increment"125 Model.items["increment"] shouldBe 2...
...72 context("Number resolvers") {73 fun generateNumberValues(maxSize: Int) =74 Arb.stringPattern("-?\\d{1,$maxSize}")75 suspend fun <N : Number> generateAndTest(maxValue: N, resolver: TypeResolver<N, CommandContext>) {76 val length = BigDecimal(maxValue.toString()).toPlainString().length - 177 println("Next length is $length")78 val bad = Arb.string(0, length)79 val (fail, success) = test(resolver, bad, generateNumberValues(length), fakeContext)80 fail.shouldBeLeft()81 success.shouldBeRight()82 }83 test("Int") { generateAndTest(Int.MAX_VALUE, IntResolver()) }84 test("Long") { generateAndTest(Long.MAX_VALUE, LongResolver()) }85 test("Short") { generateAndTest(Short.MAX_VALUE, ShortResolver()) }86 test("Byte") { generateAndTest(Byte.MAX_VALUE, ByteResolver()) }87 test("Float") { generateAndTest(Float.MAX_VALUE, FloatResolver()) }88 test("Double") { generateAndTest(Double.MAX_VALUE, DoubleResolver()) }89 test("BigInteger") { generateAndTest(BigInteger.valueOf(10).pow(1024), BigIntegerResolver()) }90 test("BigDecimal") { generateAndTest(BigDecimal(10).pow(1024), BigDecimalResolver()) }...
...78 context("calling nextChar()") {79 val source = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"80 context("upperCase is true") {81 it("random upper-case letter is generated") {82 val letter = randomService.nextLetter(true).toString()83 source.toUpperCase() shouldContain letter84 }85 }86 context("upperCase is false") {87 it("random lower-case letter is generated") {88 val letter = randomService.nextLetter(false).toString()89 source shouldContain letter90 }91 }92 }93 }94})...
...21 @Test22 fun oneValueInList() {23 val envVarName = "oneIntListVar"24 val envVarValue: Int = Random.nextInt()25 mockEnvVariable(envVarName, envVarValue.toString())26 val result: List<Int> = parseListFromEnv(envVarName)27 result shouldHaveSize 128 result[0] shouldBe envVarValue29 result[0].shouldBeTypeOf<Int>()30 }31 @Test32 fun noValueInList() {33 val envVarName = "emptyIntListVar"34 mockEnvVariable(envVarName, "")35 val result: List<Int> = parseListFromEnv(envVarName)36 result shouldHaveSize 037 }38 @Test39 fun multipleValuesInList() {...
...19 forAll<TrollNumber, Int>(table) { constant, expectedValue ->20 constant.value shouldBe expectedValue21 }22 }23 "Constants should have correct toString() value" {24 val table = table(25 headers("constant", "value"),26 row(one, "one"),27 row(two, "two"),28 row(three, "three"),29 row(many, "many"),30 row(lots, "lots"),31 row(SimpleTrollNumber(42), "unknown")32 )33 forAll(table) { constant, expectedToString ->34 constant.toString() shouldBe expectedToString35 }36 }37 "String parsing should give correct constant" {38 val table = table(39 headers("string", "constant"),40 row("one", one),41 row("two", two),42 row("three", three),43 row("many", many),44 row("lots", lots)45 )46 forAll(table) { string, expectedConstant ->47 string.toTrollNumber().value shouldBe expectedConstant.value48 string.toTrollNumber().toString() shouldBe expectedConstant.toString()49 }50 }51 "Parsing wrong stuff should throw exception" {52 shouldThrow<IllegalArgumentException> {53 "five".toTrollNumber()54 }55 }56})...
...11 "proofOfWork() returns a value that meet the expectations" {12 val seed = random()13 proofOfWork(14 seed = seed,15 f = { a, b -> (a.pow(2) - b.pow(2)).let { DigestUtils.sha256Hex(it.toString()) } },16 isValid = { it.startsWith("0000") }17 ).apply {18 val hash = (this.pow(2) - seed.pow(2)).let { DigestUtils.sha256Hex(it.toString()) }19 hash shouldStartWith "0000"20 }21 }2223 "isAValidProof returns true with valid values" {24 isAValidProof(25 curr = 16.0,26 prev = 0.18493704122436794,27 f = { a, b -> (a.pow(2) - b.pow(2)).let { DigestUtils.sha256Hex(it.toString()) } },28 isValid = { it.startsWith("0000") }29 ) shouldBe true30 }3132 "isAValidProof returns false with an invalid combination of values" {33 isAValidProof(34 curr = 16.0,35 prev = 0.19,36 f = { a, b -> (a.pow(2) - b.pow(2)).let { DigestUtils.sha256Hex(it.toString()) } },37 isValid = { it.startsWith("0000") }38 ) shouldBe false39 }40
Using AI Code Generation
1val values = Values(1, 2, 3)2values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"3val values = Values(1, 2, 3)4values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"5val values = Values(1, 2, 3)6values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"7val values = Values(1, 2, 3)8values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"9val values = Values(1, 2, 3)10values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"11val values = Values(1, 2, 3)12values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"13val values = Values(1, 2, 3)14values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"15val values = Values(1, 2, 3)16values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"17val values = Values(1, 2, 3)18values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"19val values = Values(1, 2, 3)20values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"21val values = Values(1, 2, 3)22values.toString() shouldBe "[1, 2, 3]"23val values = Values(1, 2, 3)
Using AI Code Generation
1val values = Values("a", "b", "c")2values.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"3val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")4strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"5val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")6strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"7val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")8strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"9val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")10strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"11val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")12strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"13val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")14strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"15val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")16strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"17val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")18strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"19val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")20strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"21val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")22strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"23val strings = Strings("a", "b", "c")24strings.toString() shouldBe "[a, b, c]"
Using AI Code Generation
1 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()2 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()3 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()4 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()5 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()6 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()7 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()8 val actual = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toString()
Using AI Code Generation
1val values = Values(str)2values.toString() shouldBe "Values(\"Hello\")"3Values(str).toString() shouldBe "Values(\"Hello\")"4"Hello".let { Values(it).toString() } shouldBe "Values(\"Hello\")"5"Hello".let { Values(it) }.toString() shouldBe "Values(\"Hello\")"6"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello")7"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()8"Hello".let { Values(it) }.toString() shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()9"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()10"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()11"Hello".let { Values(it) }.toString() shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()12"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()13"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()14"Hello".let { Values(it) }.toString() shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()15"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()16"Hello".let { Values(it) } shouldBe Values("Hello").toString()17"Hello".let { Values(it) }.toString() shouldBe Values("Hello").toString
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