How to use beEmpty method of io.kotest.matchers.optional.matchers class

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.matchers.optional.matchers.beEmpty


Source: FossIdTest.kt Github


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...20import io.kotest.assertions.fail21import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow22import io.kotest.inspectors.forAtLeastOne24import io.kotest.matchers.collections.beEmpty25import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder26import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize27import io.kotest.matchers.should28import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe29import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain30import io.mockk.coEvery31import io.mockk.coVerify32import io.mockk.every33import io.mockk.mockk34import io.mockk.mockkObject35import io.mockk.mockkStatic36import io.mockk.spyk37import io.mockk.unmockkObject38import java.time.Instant39import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger40import kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutCancellationException41import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking42import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeout43import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.EntityResponseBody44import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.FossIdRestService45import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.FossIdServiceWithVersion46import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.MapResponseBody47import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.PolymorphicList48import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.PolymorphicResponseBody49import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.checkDownloadStatus50import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.createIgnoreRule51import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.createProject52import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.createScan53import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.deleteScan54import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.downloadFromGit55import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.getProject56import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.listIdentifiedFiles57import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.listIgnoreRules58import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.listIgnoredFiles59import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.listMarkedAsIdentifiedFiles60import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.listPendingFiles61import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.listScansForProject62import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.Scan63import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.common.LicenseMatchType64import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.identifiedFiles.IdentifiedFile65import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.ignored.IgnoredFile66import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.markedAsIdentified.License67import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.markedAsIdentified.LicenseFile68import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.identification.markedAsIdentified.MarkedAsIdentifiedFile69import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.rules.IgnoreRule70import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.rules.RuleScope71import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.rules.RuleType72import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.status.DownloadStatus73import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.status.ScanStatus74import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.model.status.UnversionedScanDescription75import org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.runScan76import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.CopyrightFinding77import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.CuratedPackage78import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Identifier79import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.LicenseFinding80import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.OrtIssue81import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.OrtResult82import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Package83import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.ScanResult84import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.ScanSummary85import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.ScannerRun86import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.Severity87import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.TextLocation88import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.VcsInfo89import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.VcsType90import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.DownloaderConfiguration91import org.ossreviewtoolkit.model.config.ScannerConfiguration92import org.ossreviewtoolkit.scanner.scanOrtResult93import org.ossreviewtoolkit.scanner.scanners.fossid.FossId.Companion.SCAN_CODE_KEY94import org.ossreviewtoolkit.scanner.scanners.fossid.FossId.Companion.convertGitUrlToProjectName95import org.ossreviewtoolkit.utils.test.shouldNotBeNull96class FossIdTest : WordSpec({97 beforeSpec {98 mockkStatic("org.ossreviewtoolkit.clients.fossid.ExtensionsKt")99 }100 beforeTest {101 /​/​ Here a static function of the companion object is mocked therefore `mockkobject` needs to be used.102 /​/​ See https:/​/​​answer/​cannot-mockkstatic-for-kotlin-companion-object-static-method-136103 mockkObject(FossIdRestService)104 every { FossIdRestService.createService(any()) } returns createServiceMock()105 }106 afterTest {107 unmockkObject(FossIdRestService)108 }109 "version()" should {110 "return the version reported by FossIdServiceWithVersion" {111 val fossId = createFossId(createConfig())112 fossId.version shouldBe FOSSID_VERSION113 }114 }115 "convertGitUrlToProjectName()" should {116 "extract the repository name from the Git URL without the .git suffix" {117 convertGitUrlToProjectName("https:/​/​​jshttp/​mime-types.git") shouldBe "mime-types"118 convertGitUrlToProjectName("https:/​/​​vdurmont/​semver4j.git") shouldBe "semver4j"119 convertGitUrlToProjectName("https:/​/​​org/​project/​_git/​repo") shouldBe "repo"120 }121 }122 "scanPackages()" should {123 "create issues for packages not hosted in Git" {124 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)125 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)126 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)127 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo(type = VcsType.UNKNOWN)128 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)129 val pkgId = createIdentifier(index = 42)130 FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)131 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)132 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))133 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)134 val fossId = createFossId(config)135 val summary = fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(pkgId, vcsInfo))).summary(pkgId)136 summary.issues shouldHaveSize 1137 with(summary.issues.first()) {138 message shouldContain pkgId.toCoordinates()139 message shouldContain "but only Git is supported"140 severity shouldBe Severity.WARNING141 }142 }143 "create a new scan for an existing project" {144 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)145 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)146 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)147 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()148 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)149 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)150 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)151 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))152 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)153 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)154 .expectDownload(scanCode)155 .mockFiles(scanCode)156 val fossId = createFossId(config)157 fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(createIdentifier(index = 1), vcsInfo)))158 coVerify {159 service.createScan(USER, API_KEY, projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo.url, vcsInfo.revision)160 service.downloadFromGit(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)161 service.checkDownloadStatus(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)162 }163 coVerify(exactly = 0) {164 service.createProject(any())165 }166 }167 "throw an exception if the scan download failed" {168 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)169 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)170 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)171 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()172 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)173 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)174 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)175 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))176 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)177 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)178 .expectDeleteScan(scanCode)179 coEvery { service.downloadFromGit(USER, API_KEY, scanCode) } returns180 EntityResponseBody(status = 1)181 coEvery { service.checkDownloadStatus(USER, API_KEY, scanCode) } returns182 EntityResponseBody(status = 1, data = DownloadStatus.FAILED)183 val fossId = createFossId(config)184 fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(createIdentifier(index = 1), vcsInfo)))185 coVerify {186 service.createScan(USER, API_KEY, projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo.url, vcsInfo.revision)187 service.downloadFromGit(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)188 service.checkDownloadStatus(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)189 service.downloadFromGit(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)190 /​/​ The fact that deleteScan has been called is a proof that an exception has been thrown.191 service.deleteScan(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)192 }193 }194 "return copyright and license findings from a new scan" {195 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)196 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)197 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)198 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()199 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)200 val pkgId = createIdentifier(index = 42)201 FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)202 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)203 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))204 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)205 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)206 .expectDownload(scanCode)207 .mockFiles(scanCode, identifiedRange = 1..2, markedRange = 1..2)208 val fossId = createFossId(config)209 val summary = fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(pkgId, vcsInfo))).summary(pkgId)210 val expectedCopyrightFindings = listOf(211 CopyrightFinding("copyrightMarked1", textLocation(1)),212 CopyrightFinding("copyrightMarked2", textLocation(2))213 )214 val expectedLicenseFindings = listOf(215 LicenseFinding("licenseMarkedIdentifier1", textLocation(1)),216 LicenseFinding("licenseMarkedIdentifier2", textLocation(2))217 )218 summary.copyrightFindings shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder expectedCopyrightFindings219 summary.licenseFindings shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder expectedLicenseFindings220 }221 "take ignored files into account" {222 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)223 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)224 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)225 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()226 val pkgId = createIdentifier(index = 42)227 FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)228 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)229 .expectListScans(projectCode, emptyList())230 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)231 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)232 .expectDownload(scanCode)233 .mockFiles(scanCode, identifiedRange = 1..2, markedRange = 1..2, ignoredRange = 2..3)234 val fossId = createFossId(config)235 val summary = fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(pkgId, vcsInfo))).summary(pkgId)236 val expectedCopyrightFindings = listOf(237 CopyrightFinding("copyrightMarked1", textLocation(1))238 )239 val expectedLicenseFindings = listOf(240 LicenseFinding("licenseMarkedIdentifier1", textLocation(1))241 )242 summary.copyrightFindings shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder expectedCopyrightFindings243 summary.licenseFindings shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder expectedLicenseFindings244 }245 "fallback to identified files if no marked identified files are available" {246 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)247 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)248 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)249 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()250 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)251 val pkgId = createIdentifier(index = 42)252 FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)253 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)254 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))255 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)256 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)257 .expectDownload(scanCode)258 .mockFiles(scanCode, identifiedRange = 1..2)259 val fossId = createFossId(config)260 val summary = fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(pkgId, vcsInfo))).summary(pkgId)261 val expectedCopyrightFindings = listOf(262 CopyrightFinding("copyright1", textLocation(1)),263 CopyrightFinding("copyright2", textLocation(2))264 )265 val expectedLicenseFindings = listOf(266 LicenseFinding("lic1", textLocation(1)),267 LicenseFinding("lic2", textLocation(2))268 )269 summary.copyrightFindings shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder expectedCopyrightFindings270 summary.licenseFindings shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder expectedLicenseFindings271 }272 "report pending files as issues" {273 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)274 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)275 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)276 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()277 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)278 val pkgId = createIdentifier(index = 42)279 FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)280 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)281 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))282 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)283 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)284 .expectDownload(scanCode)285 .mockFiles(scanCode, pendingRange = 4..5)286 val fossId = createFossId(config)287 val summary = fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(pkgId, vcsInfo))).summary(pkgId)288 val expectedIssues = listOf(createPendingFile(4), createPendingFile(5)).map {289 OrtIssue(Instant.EPOCH, "FossId", "Pending identification for '$it'.", Severity.HINT)290 }291 { it.copy(timestamp = Instant.EPOCH) } shouldBe expectedIssues292 }293 "create a new project if none exists yet" {294 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)295 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)296 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)297 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()298 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, "${vcsInfo.revision}_other", scanCode)299 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)300 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode, status = 0, error = "Project does not exist")301 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))302 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)303 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)304 .expectDownload(scanCode)305 .mockFiles(scanCode)306 coEvery { service.createProject(USER, API_KEY, projectCode, projectCode) } returns307 MapResponseBody(status = 1, data = mapOf())308 val fossId = createFossId(config)309 fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(createIdentifier(index = 1), vcsInfo)))310 coVerify {311 service.createProject(USER, API_KEY, projectCode, projectCode)312 }313 }314 "explicitly start a scan if necessary" {315 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)316 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)317 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)318 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()319 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)320 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)321 .expectListScans(projectCode, emptyList())322 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.NOT_STARTED, ScanStatus.FINISHED)323 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)324 .expectDownload(scanCode)325 .mockFiles(scanCode)326 coEvery { service.runScan(USER, API_KEY, scanCode) } returns EntityResponseBody(status = 1)327 val fossId = createFossId(config)328 fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(createIdentifier(index = 1), vcsInfo)))329 coVerify {330 service.runScan(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)331 }332 }333 "works if scan was queued in FossID older than 2021.2" {334 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)335 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)336 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)337 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()338 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)339 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)340 .expectListScans(projectCode, emptyList())341 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.NOT_STARTED, ScanStatus.FINISHED)342 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)343 .expectDownload(scanCode)344 .mockFiles(scanCode)345 coEvery { service.version } returns "2021.1.1"346 coEvery { service.runScan(USER, API_KEY, scanCode) } returns EntityResponseBody(347 status = 0,348 error = "Scan was added to queue."349 )350 val fossId = createFossId(config)351 fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(createIdentifier(index = 1), vcsInfo)))352 coVerify {353 service.runScan(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)354 }355 }356 "wait for a scan to complete" {357 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)358 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)359 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false)360 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()361 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)362 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)363 .expectListScans(projectCode, emptyList())364 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.NOT_STARTED, ScanStatus.SCANNING, ScanStatus.FINISHED)365 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)366 .expectDownload(scanCode)367 .expectDeleteScan(scanCode)368 .mockFiles(scanCode)369 coEvery { service.runScan(USER, API_KEY, scanCode) } returns EntityResponseBody(status = 1)370 val fossId = createFossId(config)371 shouldThrow<TimeoutCancellationException> {372 withTimeout(1000) {373 fossId.scanPackages(374 setOf(createPackage(createIdentifier(index = 1), vcsInfo)), emptyMap()375 )376 }377 }378 coVerify {379 service.checkScanStatus(USER, API_KEY, scanCode)380 }381 }382 "support triggering asynchronous scans" {383 val pkgId = createIdentifier(index = 1)384 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)385 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, null)386 val config = createConfig(deltaScans = false, waitForResult = false)387 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()388 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)389 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)390 .expectListScans(projectCode, emptyList())391 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.NOT_STARTED, ScanStatus.SCANNING, ScanStatus.FINISHED)392 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)393 .expectDownload(scanCode)394 val fossId = createFossId(config)395 val scannerRun = fossId.scan(listOf(createPackage(pkgId, vcsInfo)))396 scannerRun.results.collectIssues()[pkgId] shouldNotBeNull {397 this shouldHaveSize 1398 val issue = first()399 issue.message shouldContain pkgId.toCoordinates()400 issue.message shouldContain "asynchronous mode"401 issue.severity shouldBe Severity.HINT402 }403 coVerify(exactly = 0) {404 service.checkScanStatus(USER, API_KEY, any())405 }406 }407 "apply filters for namespaces and authors" {408 val id1 = createIdentifier(1)409 val pkg1 = createPackage(id1, createVcsInfo())410 val ignoredAuthor = "hacker"411 val pkgAuthors = setOf("foo", "bar", ignoredAuthor)412 val id2 = createIdentifier(2).copy(namespace = "anotherNamespace")413 val pkg2 = createPackage(id2, createVcsInfo("anotherProject"), authors = pkgAuthors)414 val config = createConfig(packageNamespaceFilter = id1.namespace, packageAuthorsFilter = ignoredAuthor)415 val fossId = createFossId(config)416 val scannerRun = fossId.scan(listOf(pkg1, pkg2))417 scannerRun.results.collectIssues().keys should beEmpty()418 }419 "create a delta scan for an existing scan" {420 val projectCode = projectCode(PROJECT)421 val originCode = "originalScanCode"422 val scanCode = scanCode(PROJECT, FossId.DeltaTag.DELTA)423 val config = createConfig()424 val vcsInfo = createVcsInfo()425 val scan = createScan(vcsInfo.url, vcsInfo.revision, originCode)426 val service = FossIdRestService.createService(config.serverUrl)427 .expectProjectRequest(projectCode)428 .expectListScans(projectCode, listOf(scan))429 .expectCheckScanStatus(originCode, ScanStatus.FINISHED)430 .expectCheckScanStatus(scanCode, ScanStatus.NOT_STARTED, ScanStatus.FINISHED)431 .expectCreateScan(projectCode, scanCode, vcsInfo)...

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Source: NonTerminalTest.kt Github


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...6import io.kotest.assertions.arrow.option.shouldBeSome7import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly8import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow9import io.kotest.inspectors.forAll10import io.kotest.matchers.collections.beEmpty11import io.kotest.matchers.maps.shouldBeEmpty12import io.kotest.matchers.should13import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe14import io.kpeg.ParseError15import io.kpeg.ParserState16import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.PrChoiceCorrect19import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.PrChoiceEmpty20import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.PrChoiceIncorrect21import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.RepeatedCorrect22import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.RepeatedEmpty23import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.RepeatedIncorrect24import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.SequenceCorrect25import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.SequenceEmpty26import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.SequenceException27import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.SequenceIncorrect28import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.a29import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.alpha30import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.d31import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.delta32import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.prChoiceCorrectProvider33import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.prChoiceEmptyProvider34import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.prChoiceIncorrectProvider35import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.repCorrectProvider36import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.repEmptyProvider37import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.repIncorrectProvider38import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.seqCorrectProvider39import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.seqEmptyProvider40import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.seqExProvider41import io.kpeg.testutils.NonTerminalTestUtils.seqIncorrectProvider42import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested43import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test44import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest45import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource46import as M47import as Opt48import as Pred49import as PrCh50import as Rep51import as Seq52import as Ch53import as Lit54class NonTerminalTest {55 private lateinit var ps: ParserState56 @Nested57 inner class Optional {58 private val optPe = Opt(Now(Ch { it == a }))59 @Test60 fun `check logName`() {61 optPe.logName shouldBe "Optional(Character)"62 }63 @Test64 fun `parse 1 optional in correct string`() {65 ps = ParserState("$a")66 val actualOpt = optPe.parse(ps)67 actualOpt shouldBeSome Some(a)68 assertSoftly(ps) {69 i shouldBe 170 ignoreWS shouldBe false71 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }72 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }73 errs should beEmpty()74 }75 }76 @Test77 fun `parse 1 optional in incorrect string`() {78 ps = ParserState("$d")79 val actualOpt = optPe.parse(ps)80 actualOpt shouldBeSome None81 assertSoftly(ps) {82 i shouldBe 083 ignoreWS shouldBe false84 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }85 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }86 errs should beEmpty()87 }88 }89 @Test90 fun `parse 1 optional in empty string`() {91 ps = ParserState("")92 val actualOpt = optPe.parse(ps)93 actualOpt shouldBeSome None94 assertSoftly(ps) {95 i shouldBe 096 ignoreWS shouldBe false97 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }98 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }99 errs should beEmpty()100 }101 }102 }103 @Nested104 inner class Repeated {105 private fun correctProvider() = repCorrectProvider()106 private fun incorrectProvider() = repIncorrectProvider()107 private fun emptyProvider() = repEmptyProvider()108 @Test109 fun `check logName`() {110 val repPe = Rep(1u..3u, Now(Ch { it == a }))111 repPe.logName shouldBe "Repeated(Character) 1..3 times"112 }113 @Test114 fun `wrong init`() {115 val e = shouldThrow<IllegalArgumentException> {116 Rep(2u..1u, Now(Ch { it == a }))117 }118 e.message shouldBe "Range is empty"119 }120 @ParameterizedTest121 @MethodSource("correctProvider")122 internal fun `parse repeated in correct string`(data: RepeatedCorrect) {123 ps = ParserState(data.s)124 val actualRepeated = actualRepeated shouldBe data.expected126 assertSoftly(ps) {127 i shouldBe data.i128 ignoreWS shouldBe false129 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }130 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }131 errs should beEmpty()132 }133 }134 @ParameterizedTest135 @MethodSource("incorrectProvider")136 internal fun `parse repeated in incorrect string`(data: RepeatedIncorrect) {137 ps = ParserState(data.s)138 val actualRepeated = actualRepeated should beNone()140 assertSoftly(ps) {141 i shouldBe 0142 ignoreWS shouldBe false143 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }144 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }145 errs shouldBe data.errs146 }147 }148 @ParameterizedTest149 @MethodSource("emptyProvider")150 internal fun `parse repeated in empty string`(data: RepeatedEmpty) {151 ps = ParserState("")152 val actualRepeated = actualRepeated shouldBe data.expected154 assertSoftly(ps) {155 i shouldBe 0156 ignoreWS shouldBe false157 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }158 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }159 errs shouldBe data.errs160 }161 }162 }163 @Nested164 inner class Predicate {165 @Nested166 inner class And {167 private val andPredPe = Pred(168 type = And,169 pe = Now(Lit(len = alpha.length) { it == alpha }),170 )171 @Test172 fun `check logName`() {173 andPredPe.logName shouldBe "And(Literal)"174 }175 @Test176 fun `parse 1 'and' predicate in correct string`() {177 ps = ParserState(alpha)178 val actualAndPred = andPredPe.parse(ps)179 actualAndPred shouldBeSome Unit180 assertSoftly(ps) {181 i shouldBe 0182 ignoreWS shouldBe false183 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }184 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }185 errs should beEmpty()186 }187 }188 @Test189 fun `parse 1 'and' predicate in incorrect string`() {190 ps = ParserState(delta)191 val actualAndPred = andPredPe.parse(ps)192 actualAndPred should beNone()193 assertSoftly(ps) {194 i shouldBe 0195 ignoreWS shouldBe false196 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }197 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }198 errs shouldBe listOf(199 ParseError(index = 0, message = "Wrong Literal"),200 ParseError(index = 0, message = "Wrong And(Literal)"),201 )202 }203 }204 @Test205 fun `parse 1 'and' predicate in empty string`() {206 ps = ParserState("")207 val actualAndPred = andPredPe.parse(ps)208 actualAndPred should beNone()209 assertSoftly(ps) {210 i shouldBe 0211 ignoreWS shouldBe false212 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }213 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }214 errs shouldBe listOf(215 ParseError(index = 0, message = "Can't parse Literal - text is too short"),216 ParseError(index = 0, message = "Wrong And(Literal)"),217 )218 }219 }220 }221 @Nested222 inner class Not {223 private val notPredPe = Pred(224 type = Not,225 pe = Now(Lit(len = alpha.length) { it == alpha }),226 )227 @Test228 fun `check logName`() {229 notPredPe.logName shouldBe "Not(Literal)"230 }231 @Test232 fun `parse 1 'not' predicate in correct string`() {233 ps = ParserState(delta)234 val actualNotPred = notPredPe.parse(ps)235 actualNotPred shouldBeSome Unit236 assertSoftly(ps) {237 i shouldBe 0238 ignoreWS shouldBe false239 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }240 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }241 errs should beEmpty()242 }243 }244 @Test245 fun `parse 1 'not' predicate in incorrect string`() {246 ps = ParserState(alpha)247 val actualNotPred = notPredPe.parse(ps)248 actualNotPred should beNone()249 assertSoftly(ps) {250 i shouldBe 0251 ignoreWS shouldBe false252 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }253 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }254 errs shouldBe listOf(ParseError(index = 0, message = "Wrong Not(Literal)"))255 }256 }257 @Test258 fun `parse 1 'not' predicate in empty string`() {259 ps = ParserState("")260 val actualNotPred = notPredPe.parse(ps)261 actualNotPred shouldBeSome Unit262 assertSoftly(ps) {263 i shouldBe 0264 ignoreWS shouldBe false265 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }266 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }267 errs should beEmpty()268 }269 }270 }271 }272 @Nested273 inner class Sequence {274 private fun correctProvider() = seqCorrectProvider()275 private fun incorrectProvider() = seqIncorrectProvider()276 private fun emptyProvider() = seqEmptyProvider()277 private fun exProvider() = seqExProvider()278 @Test279 fun `check logName`() {280 val seqPe = Seq<String> {281 val symChar = +Now(Ch { it == a })282 val symLiteral = +Now(Lit(len = alpha.length) { it == alpha })283 value { "${symChar.get}${symLiteral.get}" }284 }285 seqPe.logName shouldBe "Sequence(Character, Literal)"286 }287 @ParameterizedTest288 @MethodSource("correctProvider")289 internal fun `parse sequence in correct string`(data: SequenceCorrect) {290 ps = ParserState(data.s)291 val actualSequence = actualSequence shouldBe data.expected293 assertSoftly(ps) {294 i shouldBe data.i295 ignoreWS shouldBe false296 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }297 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }298 errs should beEmpty()299 }300 }301 @ParameterizedTest302 @MethodSource("incorrectProvider")303 internal fun `parse sequence in incorrect string`(data: SequenceIncorrect) {304 ps = ParserState(data.s)305 val actualSequence = actualSequence should beNone()307 assertSoftly(ps) {308 i shouldBe 0309 ignoreWS shouldBe false310 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }311 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }312 errs shouldBe data.errs313 }314 }315 @ParameterizedTest316 @MethodSource("emptyProvider")317 internal fun `parse sequence in empty string`(data: SequenceEmpty) {318 ps = ParserState("")319 val actualSequence = actualSequence should beNone()321 assertSoftly(ps) {322 i shouldBe 0323 ignoreWS shouldBe false324 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }325 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }326 errs shouldBe data.errs327 }328 }329 @ParameterizedTest330 @MethodSource("exProvider")331 internal fun `create sequence wrongly`(data: SequenceException) {332 val e = shouldThrow<IllegalStateException> { data.peBlock() }333 e.message shouldBe "The sequence must contain 1 or more subexpressions"334 }335 }336 @Nested337 inner class PrioritizedChoice {338 private fun correctProvider() = prChoiceCorrectProvider()339 private fun incorrectProvider() = prChoiceIncorrectProvider()340 private fun emptyProvider() = prChoiceEmptyProvider()341 @Test342 fun `check logName`() {343 val prChoicePe = PrCh(344 Now(M(transform = { "$it" }, pe = Now(Ch { it == a }))),345 Now(Lit(len = alpha.length) { it == alpha }),346 )347 prChoicePe.logName shouldBe "PrioritizedChoice(Character /​ Literal)"348 }349 @ParameterizedTest350 @MethodSource("correctProvider")351 internal fun `parse prioritized choice in correct string`(data: PrChoiceCorrect) {352 ps = ParserState(data.s)353 val actualPrChoice = actualPrChoice shouldBe data.expected355 assertSoftly(ps) {356 i shouldBe data.i357 ignoreWS shouldBe false358 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }359 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }360 errs should beEmpty()361 }362 }363 @ParameterizedTest364 @MethodSource("incorrectProvider")365 internal fun `parse prioritized choice in incorrect string`(data: PrChoiceIncorrect) {366 ps = ParserState(data.s)367 val actualPrChoice = actualPrChoice should beNone()369 assertSoftly(ps) {370 i shouldBe 0371 ignoreWS shouldBe false372 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }373 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }374 errs shouldBe data.errs375 }376 }377 @ParameterizedTest378 @MethodSource("emptyProvider")379 internal fun `parse prioritized choice in empty string`(data: PrChoiceEmpty) {380 ps = ParserState("")381 val actualPrChoice = actualPrChoice should beNone()383 assertSoftly(ps) {384 i shouldBe 0385 ignoreWS shouldBe false386 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }387 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }388 errs shouldBe data.errs389 }390 }391 }392 @Nested393 inner class MapPe {394 private val mapPe = M(transform = { it.toString() }, pe = Now(Ch { it == a }))395 @Test396 fun `check logName`() {397 mapPe.logName shouldBe "Character"398 }399 @Test400 fun `parse 1 map pe in correct string`() {401 ps = ParserState("$a")402 val actualMapPe = mapPe.parse(ps)403 actualMapPe shouldBeSome "$a"404 assertSoftly(ps) {405 i shouldBe 1406 ignoreWS shouldBe false407 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }408 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }409 errs should beEmpty()410 }411 }412 @Test413 fun `parse 1 map pe in incorrect string`() {414 ps = ParserState("$d")415 val actualMapPe = mapPe.parse(ps)416 actualMapPe should beNone()417 assertSoftly(ps) {418 i shouldBe 0419 ignoreWS shouldBe false420 memNone.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }421 memSome.forAll { it.shouldBeEmpty() }422 errs shouldBe listOf(ParseError(index = 0, message = "Wrong Character"))423 }...

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Source: TcpRawHttpServerTests.kt Github


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1package rawhttp.core.server2import io.kotest.assertions.fail3import io.kotest.core.spec.Spec4import io.kotest.matchers.optional.beEmpty6import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresent7import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe8import io.kotest.matchers.shouldHave9import rawhttp.core.RawHttp10import rawhttp.core.RawHttp.waitForPortToBeTaken11import rawhttp.core.RawHttpHeaders12import rawhttp.core.RawHttpRequest13import rawhttp.core.RawHttpResponse14import rawhttp.core.RequestLine15import rawhttp.core.body.EagerBodyReader16import rawhttp.core.body.StringBody17import rawhttp.core.client.TcpRawHttpClient18import rawhttp.core.validDateHeader19import java.lang.Thread.sleep20import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets24import java.time.Duration25import java.util.Optional26class TcpRawHttpServerTests : StringSpec() {27 companion object {28 private val http = RawHttp()29 }30 private val server = TcpRawHttpServer(8093)31 private val httpClient = TcpRawHttpClient()32 private object TestRouter : Router {33 override fun route(req: RawHttpRequest): Optional<RawHttpResponse<*>> {34 return Optional.ofNullable(35 when (req.uri.path) {36 "/​hello", "/​" ->37 when (req.method) {38 "GET", "HEAD" ->39 http.parseResponse(40 "HTTP/​1.1 200 OK\n" +41 "Content-Type: text/​plain"42 ).withBody(StringBody("Hello RawHTTP!"))43 "DELETE" ->44 throw Exception("Cannot delete")45 "POST" ->46 http.parseResponse("HTTP/​1.1 200 OK").withBody(StringBody("Thanks"))47 else ->48 http.parseResponse(49 "HTTP/​1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\n" +50 "Content-Type: text/​plain"51 ).withBody(StringBody("Sorry, can't handle this method"))52 }53 "/​throw" -> throw Exception("Not doing it!")54 "/​null" -> null55 else ->56 http.parseResponse(57 "HTTP/​1.1 404 Not Found\n" +58 "Content-Type: text/​plain"59 ).withBody(StringBody("Content was not found"))60 }61 )62 }63 override fun continueResponse(requestLine: RequestLine, headers: RawHttpHeaders):64 Optional<RawHttpResponse<Void>> {65 return Optional.of(66 HttpResponses.get100ContinueResponse()67 .withHeaders(68 RawHttpHeaders.newBuilder()69 .with("Accept-100", "True")70 .build()71 )72 )73 }74 }75 private fun startServer() {76 server.start(TestRouter)77 }78 private fun cleanup() {79 server.stop()80 httpClient.close()81 }82 override fun beforeSpec(spec: Spec) {83 startServer()84 waitForPortToBeTaken(8093, Duration.ofSeconds(2))85 }86 override fun afterSpec(spec: Spec) {87 cleanup()88 }89 init {90 "Server can handle successful http client request" {91 val request = http.parseRequest("GET http:/​/​localhost:8093/​hello")92 val response = httpClient.send(request).eagerly()93 response.statusCode shouldBe 20094 response.body shouldBePresent {95 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Hello RawHTTP!"96 }97 }98 "Server can handle multiple successful http client requests, including HEAD request" {99 val getRequest = http.parseRequest("GET http:/​/​localhost:8093/​hello")100 val headRequest = http.parseRequest("HEAD http:/​/​localhost:8093/​hello")101 val response = httpClient.send(getRequest).eagerly()102 response.statusCode shouldBe 200103 response.headers["Content-Length"] shouldBe listOf("14")104 response.body shouldBePresent {105 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Hello RawHTTP!"106 }107 sleep(500)108 val response2 = httpClient.send(headRequest).eagerly()109 response2.statusCode shouldBe 200110 response2.headers["Content-Length"] shouldBe listOf("14")111 response2.body shouldBe beEmpty<EagerBodyReader>()112 val response3 = httpClient.send(getRequest).eagerly()113 response3.statusCode shouldBe 200114 response3.headers["Content-Length"] shouldBe listOf("14")115 response3.body shouldBePresent {116 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Hello RawHTTP!"117 }118 }119 "Server can handle wrong method http client request" {120 val request = http.parseRequest("PUT http:/​/​localhost:8093")121 val response = httpClient.send(request).eagerly()122 response.statusCode shouldBe 405123 response.body shouldBePresent {124 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Sorry, can't handle this method"125 }126 }127 "Server can handle wrong path http client request" {128 val request = http.parseRequest("GET http:/​/​localhost:8093/​wrong/​path")129 val response = httpClient.send(request).eagerly()130 response.statusCode shouldBe 404131 response.body shouldBePresent {132 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Content was not found"133 }134 }135 "Server returns default error response when router throws an Exception" {136 val request = http.parseRequest("POST http:/​/​localhost:8093/​throw")137 val response = httpClient.send(request).eagerly()138 response.statusCode shouldBe 500139 response.headers shouldHave validDateHeader()140 response.headers["Content-Type"] shouldBe listOf("text/​plain")141 response.body shouldBePresent {142 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "A Server Error has occurred."143 }144 }145 "Server returns default error response when request handler throws an Exception" {146 val request = http.parseRequest("DELETE http:/​/​localhost:8093")147 val response = httpClient.send(request).eagerly()148 response.statusCode shouldBe 500149 response.headers shouldHave validDateHeader()150 response.headers["Content-Type"] shouldBe listOf("text/​plain")151 response.body shouldBePresent {152 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "A Server Error has occurred."153 }154 }155 "Server returns default error response when request handler returns null" {156 val request = http.parseRequest("Get http:/​/​localhost:8093/​null")157 val response = httpClient.send(request).eagerly()158 response.statusCode shouldBe 404159 response.headers shouldHave validDateHeader()160 response.headers["Content-Type"] shouldBe listOf("text/​plain")161 response.body shouldBePresent {162 it.asRawString(Charsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Resource was not found."163 }164 }165 "Server should persist connection on all HTTP/​1.1 requests" {166 val socket = Socket("", 8093)167 http.parseRequest("GET /​hello HTTP/​1.1\r\nHost: localhost").writeTo(socket.getOutputStream())168 val response = http.parseResponse(socket.getInputStream()).eagerly(true)169 response.statusCode shouldBe 200170 /​/​ the server should persist the connection171 socket.assertIsOpen()172 }173 "Server should close connection on HTTP/​1.1 requests if 'Connection: close' header is sent" {174 val socket = Socket("", 8093)175 http.parseRequest(176 "GET /​hello HTTP/​1.1\r\n" +177 "Host: localhost\r\n" +178 "Connection: close"179 ).writeTo(socket.getOutputStream())180 val response = http.parseResponse(socket.getInputStream()).eagerly(true)181 response.statusCode shouldBe 200182 /​/​ the server should have closed this Socket183 socket.assertIsClosed()184 }185 "Server should close connection on HTTP/​1.0 requests" {186 val socket = Socket("", 8093)187 http.parseRequest("GET /​hello HTTP/​1.0\r\nHost: localhost").writeTo(socket.getOutputStream())188 val response = http.parseResponse(socket.getInputStream()).eagerly(true)189 response.statusCode shouldBe 200190 /​/​ the server should have closed this Socket191 socket.assertIsClosed()192 }193 "Server should persist connection on HTTP/​1.0 requests if 'Connection: keep-alive' header is sent" {194 val socket = Socket("", 8093)195 http.parseRequest(196 "GET /​hello HTTP/​1.0\r\n" +197 "Host: localhost\r\n" +198 "Connection: keep-alive"199 ).writeTo(socket.getOutputStream())200 val response = http.parseResponse(socket.getInputStream()).eagerly(true)201 response.statusCode shouldBe 200202 /​/​ the server should persist the connection203 socket.assertIsOpen()204 }205 "Server honours http client request desire to use 100-Continue" {206 val request = http.parseRequest(207 "POST /​ HTTP/​1.1\n" +208 "Host: localhost:8093\n" +209 "Expect: 100-continue\n" +210 "Content-Length: 10\n" +211 "\n" +212 "0123456789"213 ).eagerly()214 val socket = Socket(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), 8093)215 socket.soTimeout = 500216 /​/​ don't send the body just yet217 val out = socket.getOutputStream()218 Thread {219 request.startLine.writeTo(out)220 request.headers.writeTo(out)221 }.start()222 val response100 = http.parseResponse(socket.getInputStream()).eagerly()223 response100.statusCode shouldBe 100224 response100.headers["Accept-100"] shouldBe listOf("True")225 response100.body shouldBe beEmpty<EagerBodyReader>()226 /​/​ Server accepted the body, send it227 { it.writeTo(out) }228 /​/​ now the final response can be read229 val response = http.parseResponse(socket.getInputStream()).eagerly()230 response.statusCode shouldBe 200231 response.headers shouldHave validDateHeader()232 response.body shouldBePresent {233 it.asRawString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) shouldBe "Thanks"234 }235 }236 }237 private fun Socket.assertIsOpen() {238 if (isClosed) {239 fail("Expected Socket to be open, but it has been closed")...

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Source: HttpHeadersTest.kt Github


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1package rawhttp.core2import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow3import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize4import io.kotest.matchers.optional.beEmpty5import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresent6import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe7import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test8import rawhttp.core.errors.InvalidHttpHeader9import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets11class HttpHeadersTest {12 @Test13 fun headersAreMultiValueCaseInsensitive() {14 RawHttpHeaders.newBuilder()15 .with("hi", "aaa")16 .with("hi", "bbb")17 .with("ho", "ccc")18 .with("X-F", "ö")19 .build().run {20 get("hi") shouldBe listOf("aaa", "bbb")21 get("ho") shouldBe listOf("ccc")22 get("X-F") shouldBe listOf("ö")23 get("Hi") shouldBe get("hi")24 get("Hi") shouldBe get("HI")25 get("Ho") shouldBe get("ho")26 get("Ho") shouldBe get("hO")27 get("X-F") shouldBe get("x-f")28 getFirst("hi") shouldBePresent { it shouldBe "aaa" }29 getFirst("HI") shouldBePresent { it shouldBe "aaa" }30 getFirst("ho") shouldBePresent { it shouldBe "ccc" }31 getFirst("Ho") shouldBePresent { it shouldBe "ccc" }32 getFirst("X-F") shouldBePresent { it shouldBe "ö" }33 getFirst("HI") shouldBe getFirst("hi")34 getFirst("HO") shouldBe getFirst("ho")35 getFirst("x-f") shouldBe getFirst("X-f")36 get("blah") shouldHaveSize(0)37 getFirst("blah") shouldBe beEmpty<String>()38 contains("hi") shouldBe true39 contains("Hi") shouldBe true40 contains("hI") shouldBe true41 contains("HI") shouldBe true42 contains("Ho") shouldBe true43 contains("x-f") shouldBe true44 contains("X-F") shouldBe true45 contains("Blah") shouldBe false46 headerNames shouldBe listOf("hi", "hi", "ho", "X-F")47 uniqueHeaderNames shouldBe setOf("HI", "HO", "X-F")48 }49 }50 @Test51 fun headersCanContainMultipleEntriesAndMultipleValuesWithinEachEntry() {...

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Source: RangeTest.kt Github


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...7import com.github.ajalt.clikt.testing.parse8import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow9import io.kotest.matchers.collections.beEmpty12import io.kotest.matchers.should13import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe14import kotlin.js.JsName15import kotlin.test.Test16class RangeTest {17 @Test18 @JsName("restrictTo_option_min")19 fun `restrictTo option min`() {20 class C : TestCommand() {21 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(min = 1)22 }23 C().apply {24 parse("")25 x shouldBe null26 }27 C().apply {28 parse("-x1")29 x shouldBe 130 }31 C().apply {32 parse("-x3")33 x shouldBe 334 }35 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("--xx=0") }36 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"--xx\": 0 is smaller than the minimum valid value of 1."37 }38 @Test39 @JsName("restrictTo_option_min_clamp")40 fun `restrictTo option min clamp`() = forAll(41 row("", null),42 row("--xx=1", 1),43 row("--xx -123", 1),44 row("-x0", 1)) { argv, expected ->45 class C : TestCommand() {46 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(min = 1, clamp = true)47 override fun run_() {48 x shouldBe expected49 }50 }51 C().parse(argv)52 }53 @Test54 @JsName("restrictTo_option_max")55 fun `restrictTo option max`() {56 class C : TestCommand() {57 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(max = 1)58 }59 C().apply {60 parse("")61 x shouldBe null62 }63 C().apply {64 parse("-x1")65 x shouldBe 166 }67 C().apply {68 parse("-x0")69 x shouldBe 070 }71 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("--xx=2") }72 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"--xx\": 2 is larger than the maximum valid value of 1."73 }74 @Test75 @JsName("restrictTo_option_max_clamp")76 fun `restrictTo option max clamp`() = forAll(77 row("", null),78 row("--xx=1", 1),79 row("--xx 123", 1),80 row("-x2", 1)) { argv, expected ->81 class C : TestCommand() {82 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(max = 1, clamp = true)83 override fun run_() {84 x shouldBe expected85 }86 }87 C().parse(argv)88 }89 @Test90 @JsName("restrictTo_option_range")91 fun `restrictTo option range`() {92 class C : TestCommand() {93 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(1..2)94 }95 C().apply {96 parse("")97 x shouldBe null98 }99 C().apply {100 parse("-x1")101 x shouldBe 1102 }103 C().apply {104 parse("-x2")105 x shouldBe 2106 }107 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("--xx=3") }108 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"--xx\": 3 is not in the valid range of 1 to 2."109 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("-x0") }110 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"-x\": 0 is not in the valid range of 1 to 2."111 }112 @Test113 @JsName("restrictTo_option_default")114 fun `restrictTo option default`() {115 class C : TestCommand() {116 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(1..2).default(2)117 val y by option("-y", "--yy").int().restrictTo(min = 3, max = 4).default(3)118 }119 C().apply {120 parse("")121 x shouldBe 2122 y shouldBe 3123 }124 C().apply {125 parse("-x1")126 x shouldBe 1127 y shouldBe 3128 }129 C().apply {130 parse("-y4")131 x shouldBe 2132 y shouldBe 4133 }134 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("--xx=3") }135 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"--xx\": 3 is not in the valid range of 1 to 2."136 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("-y10") }137 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"-y\": 10 is not in the valid range of 3 to 4."138 }139 @Test140 @JsName("restrictTo_option_multiple")141 fun `restrictTo option multiple`() {142 class C : TestCommand() {143 val x by option("-x", "--xx").int().restrictTo(1..2).multiple()144 val y by option("-y", "--yy").int().restrictTo(min = 3, max = 4).pair()145 }146 C().apply {147 parse("")148 x should beEmpty()149 y shouldBe null150 }151 C().apply {152 parse("-x1 -x2")153 x shouldBe listOf(1, 2)154 y shouldBe null155 }156 C().apply {157 parse("-y 3 4")158 x should beEmpty()159 y shouldBe (3 to 4)160 }161 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("--xx=3") }162 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"--xx\": 3 is not in the valid range of 1 to 2."163 shouldThrow<BadParameterValue> { C().parse("-y10 1") }164 .message shouldBe "Invalid value for \"-y\": 10 is not in the valid range of 3 to 4."165 }166 @Test167 @JsName("restrictTo_option_char")168 fun `restrictTo option char`() {169 class C : TestCommand() {170 val x by option("-x", "--xx").convert { it[0] }.restrictTo('b'..'d')171 }172 C().apply {...

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Source: ArgumentsTest.kt Github


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...257 arr.shouldHaveElementAt(1, File("./​test").path)258 }259 }260 /​/​ <editor-fold desc="Helper extensions">261 private fun beEmpty() = object : Matcher<Arguments> {262 override fun test(value: Arguments) = MatcherResult(263 value.toArray().isEmpty(),264 "Arguments $value should be empty",265 "String $value should not be empty"266 )267 }268 private fun Arguments.shouldBeEmpty() = this should beEmpty()269 private fun Arguments.shouldNotBeEmpty() = this shouldNot beEmpty()270 /​/​ </​editor-fold>271}...

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Source: OptionalMatchersTest.kt Github


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1package com.sksamuel.kotest.matchers.optional2import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow3import io.kotest.matchers.optional.beEmpty5import io.kotest.matchers.optional.bePresent6import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBeEmpty7import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresent8import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldNotBeEmpty9import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldNotBePresent10import io.kotest.matchers.should11import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe12import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNot13import io.kotest.matchers.throwable.shouldHaveMessage14import java.util.Optional15class OptionalMatchersTest : ShouldSpec({16 context("Empty optional") {17 val optional = Optional.empty<Any>()18 should("Be empty") {19 optional.shouldBeEmpty()20 optional should beEmpty()21 }22 should("Not be present") {23 optional.shouldNotBePresent()24 optional shouldNot bePresent()25 }26 should("Fail to be notEmpty") {27 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { optional.shouldNotBeEmpty() }28 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { optional shouldNot beEmpty() }29 }30 should("Fail to be present") {31 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { optional.shouldBePresent() }32 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { optional should bePresent() }33 }34 }35 context("Present optional") {36 val optional = Optional.of("A")37 should("Be present") {38 optional.shouldBePresent()39 optional should bePresent()40 }41 42 should("Return the present value for usage in more assertions") {...

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Source: matchers.kt Github


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...12 *13 * Optional.of("A").shouldBeEmpty() /​/​ Assertion fails14 * ```15 */​16fun <T> Optional<T>.shouldBeEmpty() = this should beEmpty()17/​**18 * Asserts that a [Optional] is not empty19 *20 * ```21 * Optional.of("A").shouldNotBeEmpty() /​/​ Assertion passes22 *23 * Optional.empty().shouldNotBeEmpty() /​/​ Assertion fails24 * ```25 */​26fun <T> Optional<T>.shouldNotBeEmpty() = this shouldNot beEmpty()27/​**28 * Matcher to verify whether an [Optional] is empty or not29 */​30fun <T> beEmpty() = object : Matcher<Optional<T>> {31 override fun test(value: Optional<T>) = MatcherResult(32 !value.isPresent,33 { "Expected optional to be empty, but instead was ${value.get()}" },34 { "Expected optional to not be empty, but was" }35 )36}37/​**38 * Verifies if this [Optional] is present then execute [block] with it's value39 *40 * ```41 * val optional = Optional.of("A")42 *43 * optional shouldBePresent {44 * it shouldBe "A"...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val emptyOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () emptyOptional . shouldBeEmpty ()2val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldBePresent ()3val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldBePresentAnd { it . shouldHaveLength ( 4 ) }4val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldBePresentOr { it . shouldHaveLength ( 5 ) }5val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldBePresentOrElse ( { it . shouldHaveLength ( 4 ) } , { it . shouldHaveLength ( 5 ) } )6val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldHaveValue ( "test" )7val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldHaveValueSatisfying { it . shouldHaveLength ( 4 ) }8val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldHaveValueOr { it . shouldHaveLength ( 5 ) }9val presentOptional : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "test" ) presentOptional . shouldHaveValueOrElse ( { it . shouldHaveLength ( 4 ) } , { it . shouldHaveLength ( 5 ) } )

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBeEmpty2val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.empty()3optional.shouldBeEmpty()4import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresent5val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)6optional.shouldBePresent()7import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue8val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)9optional.shouldBePresentWithValue(2)10import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue11val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)12import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue13val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)14import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue15val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)16import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue17val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)18import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue19val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)20import io.kotest.matchers.optional.shouldBePresentWithValue21val optional: Optional<Int> = Optional.of(2)22import io.kotest.matchers.optional

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldNotBeEmpty ()2val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "hello" ) opt . shouldBeEmpty ()3val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldBeEmpty ()4val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "hello" ) opt . shouldNotBePresent ()5val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldBePresent ()6val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "hello" ) opt . shouldBePresent ()7val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldNotBePresent ()8val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "hello" ) opt . shouldNotBePresent ()9val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldBePresent ()10val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "hello" ) opt . shouldBePresent ()11val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldNotBePresent ()12val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . of ( "hello" ) opt . shouldNotBePresent ()13val opt : Optional < String > = Optional . empty () opt . shouldBePresent ()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)2optionalString.shouldBeEmpty()3val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)4optionalString.shouldBePresent()5val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)6optionalString.shouldBePresent()7val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)8optionalString.shouldBePresent()9val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)10optionalString.shouldBePresent()11val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)12optionalString.shouldBePresent()13val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)14optionalString.shouldBePresent()15val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)16optionalString.shouldBePresent()17val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)18optionalString.shouldBePresent()19val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)20optionalString.shouldBePresent()21val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)22optionalString.shouldBePresent()23val optionalString: Optional<String> = Optional.of(“Kotest”)24optionalString.shouldBePresent()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()2optVal.shouldBeEmpty()3val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()4optVal.shouldBeEmpty()5val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()6optVal.shouldBeEmpty()7val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()8optVal.shouldBeEmpty()9val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()10optVal.shouldBeEmpty()11val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()12optVal.shouldBeEmpty()13val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()14optVal.shouldBeEmpty()15val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()16optVal.shouldBeEmpty()17val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()18optVal.shouldBeEmpty()19val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()20optVal.shouldBeEmpty()21val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()22optVal.shouldBeEmpty()23val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()24optVal.shouldBeEmpty()25val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()26optVal.shouldBeEmpty()27val optVal: Optional<String> = Optional.empty()28optVal.shouldBeEmpty()

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1@DisplayName("Test to check optional empty")2fun `Test to check optional empty`(){3val optional = Optional.empty<String>()4optional.shouldBeEmpty()5}6@DisplayName("Test to check optional present")7fun `Test to check optional present`(){8val optional = Optional.of("Hello")9optional.shouldBePresent()10}11@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")12fun `Test to check optional present and`(){13val optional = Optional.of("Hello")14optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")15}16@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")17fun `Test to check optional present and`(){18val optional = Optional.of("Hello")19optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")20}21@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")22fun `Test to check optional present and`(){23val optional = Optional.of("Hello")24optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")25}26@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")27fun `Test to check optional present and`(){28val optional = Optional.of("Hello")29optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")30}31@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")32fun `Test to check optional present and`(){33val optional = Optional.of("Hello")34optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")35}36@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")37fun `Test to check optional present and`(){38val optional = Optional.of("Hello")39optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")40}41@DisplayName("Test to check optional present and")42fun `Test to check optional present and`(){43val optional = Optional.of("Hello")44optional.shouldBePresentAnd("Hello")

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