How to use Long.shouldBeZero method of io.kotest.matchers.longs.long class

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.matchers.longs.long.Long.shouldBeZero


Source:LaborServiceTest.kt Github


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1/​*2 * Copyright (C) 2016 - present Juergen Zimmermann, Hochschule Karlsruhe3 *4 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/​or modify5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or7 * (at your option) any later version.8 *9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the12 * GNU General Public License for more details.13 *14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License15 * along with this program. If not, see <https:/​/​​licenses/​>.16 */​17@file:Suppress("PackageDirectoryMismatch")18package com.acme.labor.service19import com.acme.labor.entity.Adresse23import com.acme.labor.entity.Gesundheitsamt24import com.acme.labor.entity.Labor25import com.acme.labor.entity.TestTyp26import com.acme.labor.mail.Mailer27import com.acme.labor.mail.SendResult28import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult29import io.kotest.assertions.asClue30import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly31import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldBeZero32import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe33import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe34import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldBeEqualIgnoringCase35import io.kotest.matchers.types.shouldBeInstanceOf36import io.kotest.matchers.types.shouldBeTypeOf37import io.mockk.clearMocks38import io.mockk.every39import io.mockk.junit5.MockKExtension40import io.mockk.mockk41import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi42import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first43import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf44import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map45import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach46import kotlinx.coroutines.reactor.asFlux47import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking48import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runBlockingTest49import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach50import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled51import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName52import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer53import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested54import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order55import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag56import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder57import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledForJreRange58import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.JRE.JAVA_1159import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.JRE.JAVA_1660import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith61import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.Execution62import org.junit.jupiter.api.parallel.ExecutionMode.CONCURRENT63import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest64import org.junit.jupiter.params.aggregator.ArgumentsAccessor65import org.junit.jupiter.params.aggregator.get66import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource67import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource68import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap84import reactor.core.publisher.Mono85import reactor.kotlin.core.publisher.toMono86import java.util.*87import java.util.UUID.randomUUID88import as UserCreateResult89/​/​ https:/​/​​junit5/​docs/​current/​user-guide90/​/​ https:/​/​​doc91@Tag("service")92@DisplayName("Anwendungskern fuer Labor testen")93@Execution(CONCURRENT)94@ExtendWith(MockKExtension::class)95@EnabledForJreRange(min = JAVA_11, max = JAVA_16)96@TestMethodOrder(MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation::class)97@ExperimentalCoroutinesApi98@Suppress("ReactorUnusedPublisher", "ReactiveStreamsUnusedPublisher")99class LaborServiceTest {100 private var mongo = mockk<ReactiveFluentMongoOperations>()101 /​/​ fuer Update102 private val mongoTemplate = mockk<ReactiveMongoTemplate>()103 /​/​ ggf. private val messageSource = ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource().apply {105 setBasename("classpath:messages")106 setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8")107 }108 private var adresseValidator = AdresseValidator(messageSource)109 private var validator = LaborValidator(messageSource, adresseValidator)110 private var userDetailsService = mockk<CustomUserDetailsService>()111 private val mailer = mockk<Mailer>()112 private val gesundheitsamtClient = mockk<GesundheitsamtClient>()113 private val service = LaborService(validator, mongo, userDetailsService, mailer, gesundheitsamtClient)114 private var findOp = mockk<ReactiveFind<Labor>>()115 private var insertOp = mockk<ReactiveInsert<Labor>>()116 private var removeOp = mockk<ReactiveRemove<Labor>>()117 @BeforeEach118 fun beforeEach() {119 clearMocks(120 mongo,121 mongoTemplate,122 userDetailsService,123 mailer,124 findOp,125 insertOp,126 removeOp,127 )128 }129 /​/​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------130 /​/​ L E S E N131 /​/​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------132 @Nested133 inner class Lesen {134 @Suppress("ClassName")135 @Nested136 inner class `Suche anhand der ID` {137 @ParameterizedTest138 @CsvSource("$ID_VORHANDEN, $NAME, $USERNAME")139 @Order(1000)140 /​/​ runBlockingTest {}, damit die Testfunktion nicht vor den Coroutinen (= suspend-Funktionen) beendet wird141 /​/​ https:/​/​​Kotlin/​kotlinx.coroutines/​blob/​master/​kotlinx-coroutines-test/​ /​/​ https:/​/​​kotlinx.coroutines/​kotlinx-coroutines-test/​kotlinx.coroutines.test/​run-blocking-test.html143 /​/​ https:/​/​​2019/​11/​unit-testing-coroutine-suspend-functions-using-testcoroutinedispatcher144 /​/​ https:/​/​​Kotlin/​kotlinx.coroutines/​issues/​1222145 /​/​ https:/​/​​Kotlin/​kotlinx.coroutines/​issues/​1266146 /​/​ https:/​/​​Kotlin/​kotlinx.coroutines/​issues/​1204147 fun `Suche mit vorhandener ID`(idStr: String, name: String, username: String) = runBlockingTest {148 /​/​ given149 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp150 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)151 every { findOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns findOp152 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name)153 /​/​ findOp.awaitOneOrNull() ist eine suspend-Funktion154 every { } returns laborMock.toMono()155 /​/​ when156 val result = service.findById(id, username)157 /​/​ then158 result.asClue {159 it.shouldBeTypeOf<FindByIdResult.Success>()160 shouldBe id161 }162 }163 @ParameterizedTest164 @ValueSource(strings = [ID_NICHT_VORHANDEN])165 @Order(1100)166 fun `Suche mit nicht vorhandener ID`(idStr: String) = runBlockingTest {167 /​/​ given168 val username = USERNAME_ADMIN169 val password = PASSWORD170 val admin: UserDetails = CustomUser(171 id = randomUUID(),172 username = username,173 password = password,174 authorities = listOfNotNull(SimpleGrantedAuthority(Rolle.adminStr)),175 )176 @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")177 val adminMono = admin.toMono() as Mono<UserDetails?>178 every { userDetailsService.findByUsername(username) } returns adminMono179 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp180 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)181 every { findOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns findOp182 every { } returns Mono.empty()183 /​/​ when184 val result = service.findById(id, username)185 /​/​ then186 result.shouldBeTypeOf<FindByIdResult.NotFound>()187 }188 }189 @ParameterizedTest190 @ValueSource(strings = [NAME])191 @Order(2000)192 fun `Suche alle Laborn`(name: String) = runBlockingTest {193 /​/​ given194 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp195 val laborMock = createLaborMock(name)196 /​/​ .flow()197 every { findOp.all() } returns flowOf(laborMock).asFlux()198 val emptyQueryParams = LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>()199 /​/​ when200 val labore = service.find(emptyQueryParams)201 /​/​ then: NoSuchElementException bei leerem Flow202 labore.first()203 }204 @ParameterizedTest205 @ValueSource(strings = [NAME])206 @Order(2100)207 fun `Suche mit vorhandenem Namen`(name: String) = runBlockingTest {208 /​/​ given209 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp210 every { findOp.matching(Labor::name.regex(name, "i")) } returns findOp211 val laborMock = createLaborMock(name)212 /​/​ .flow()213 every { findOp.all() } returns flowOf(laborMock).asFlux()214 val queryParams = LinkedMultiValueMap(mapOf("name" to listOfNotNull(name)))215 /​/​ when216 val labore = service.find(queryParams)217 /​/​ then218 assertSoftly {219 labore.onEach { labor ->220 shouldBe name221 }.first() /​/​ NoSuchElementException bei leerem Flow222 }223 }224 @ParameterizedTest225 @CsvSource("$ID_VORHANDEN, $NAME, $PLZ")226 @Order(2400)227 fun `Suche mit vorhandener PLZ`(228 idStr: String,229 name: String,230 plz: String,231 ) = runBlockingTest {232 /​/​ given233 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp234 every { findOp.matching(Labor::adresse /​ Adresse::plz regex "^$plz") } returns findOp235 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)236 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name, plz)237 every { findOp.all() } returns flowOf(laborMock).asFlux()238 val queryParams = LinkedMultiValueMap(mapOf("plz" to listOfNotNull(plz)))239 /​/​ when240 val labore = service.find(queryParams)241 /​/​ then242 assertSoftly {243 { labor -> labor.adresse.plz }244 .onEach { p -> p shouldBe plz }245 .first() /​/​ NoSuchElementException bei leerem Flow246 }247 }248 @ParameterizedTest249 @CsvSource("$ID_VORHANDEN, $NAME, $PLZ")250 @Order(2500)251 fun `Suche mit vorhandenem Namen und PLZ`(252 idStr: String,253 name: String,254 plz: String,255 ) = runBlockingTest {256 /​/​ given257 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp258 val query = query(Labor::name.regex(name, "i"))259 query.addCriteria(Labor::adresse /​ Adresse::plz regex "^$plz")260 every { findOp.matching(query) } returns findOp261 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)262 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name, plz)263 every { findOp.all() } returns flowOf(laborMock).asFlux()264 val queryParams =265 LinkedMultiValueMap(mapOf("name" to listOfNotNull(name), "plz" to listOfNotNull(plz)))266 /​/​ when267 val labore = service.find(queryParams)268 /​/​ then269 assertSoftly {270 labore.onEach { labor ->271 labor.asClue {272 shouldBeEqualIgnoringCase name273 it.adresse.plz shouldBe plz274 }275 }.first() /​/​ NoSuchElementException bei leerem Flow276 }277 }278 }279 /​/​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------280 /​/​ S C H R E I B E N281 /​/​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------282 @Nested283 inner class Schreiben {284 @Nested285 inner class Erzeugen {286 @ParameterizedTest287 @CsvSource("$NAME, $PLZ, $USERNAME, $PASSWORD")288 @Order(5000)289 @Disabled("TODO Mocking des Transaktionsrumpfs")290 fun `Neuen Laborn abspeichern`(args: ArgumentsAccessor) = runBlockingTest {291 /​/​ given292 val name = args.get<String>(0)293 val plz = args.get<String>(1)294 val username = args.get<String>(2)295 val password = args.get<String>(3)296 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp297 every { findOp.exists() } returns false.toMono()298 val userMock = CustomUser(id = null, username = username, password = password)299 val userMockCreated = CustomUser(id = randomUUID(), username = username, password = password)300 val userResult = UserCreateResult.Success(userMockCreated)301 every { runBlocking { userDetailsService.create(userMock) } } returns userResult302 every { mongo.insert<Labor>() } returns insertOp303 val laborMock = createLaborMock(null, name ,plz, username, password)304 val laborResultMock = laborMock.copy(id = randomUUID())305 every { } returns laborResultMock.toMono()306 every { runBlocking { mailer.send(laborMock) } } returns SendResult.Success307 /​/​ when308 val result = service.create(laborMock)309 /​/​ then310 result.shouldBeInstanceOf<CreateResult.Success>()311 val labor = result.labor312 assertSoftly {313 labor.asClue {314 shouldNotBe null315 shouldBe name316 it.adresse.plz shouldBe plz317 it.username shouldBe username318 }319 }320 }321 }322 @Nested323 inner class Aendern {324 @ParameterizedTest325 @CsvSource("$ID_UPDATE, $NAME")326 @Order(6000)327 @Disabled("Mocking des Cache in Spring Data MongoDB...")328 fun `Vorhandenen Laborn aktualisieren`(329 idStr: String,330 name: String,331 ) = runBlockingTest {332 /​/​ given333 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp334 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)335 every { findOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns findOp336 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name)337 every { } returns laborMock.toMono()338 every { } returns laborMock.toMono()339 /​/​ when340 val result = service.update(laborMock, id, laborMock.version.toString())341 /​/​ then342 result.asClue {343 it.shouldBeInstanceOf<UpdateResult.Success>()344 shouldBe id345 }346 }347 @ParameterizedTest348 @CsvSource("$ID_NICHT_VORHANDEN, $NAME, $VERSION")349 @Order(6100)350 fun `Nicht-existierenden Laborn aktualisieren`(args: ArgumentsAccessor) = runBlockingTest {351 /​/​ given352 val idStr = args.get<String>(0)353 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)354 val name = args.get<String>(1)355 val version = args.get<String>(2)356 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp357 every { findOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns findOp358 every { } returns Mono.empty()359 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name)360 /​/​ when361 val result = service.update(laborMock, id, version)362 /​/​ then363 result.shouldBeInstanceOf<UpdateResult.NotFound>()364 }365 @ParameterizedTest366 @CsvSource("$ID_UPDATE, $NAME, $VERSION_INVALID")367 @Order(6200)368 fun `Labor aktualisieren mit falscher Versionsnummer`(args: ArgumentsAccessor) = runBlockingTest {369 /​/​ given370 val idStr = args.get<String>(0)371 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)372 val name = args.get<String>(1)373 val version = args.get<String>(2)374 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp375 every { findOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns findOp376 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name)377 every { } returns laborMock.toMono()378 /​/​ when379 val result = service.update(laborMock, id, version)380 /​/​ then381 result.asClue {382 it.shouldBeInstanceOf<UpdateResult.VersionInvalid>()383 it.version shouldBe version384 }385 }386 @ParameterizedTest387 @CsvSource("$ID_UPDATE, $NAME, $VERSION_ALT")388 @Order(6300)389 @Disabled("Mocking des Cache in Spring Data MongoDB...")390 fun `Labor aktualisieren mit alter Versionsnummer`(args: ArgumentsAccessor) = runBlockingTest {391 /​/​ given392 val idStr = args.get<String>(0)393 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)394 val name = args.get<String>(1)395 val version = args.get<String>(2)396 every { mongo.query<Labor>() } returns findOp397 every { findOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns findOp398 val laborMock = createLaborMock(id, name)399 /​/​ when400 val result = service.update(laborMock, id, version)401 /​/​ then402 result.asClue {403 it.shouldBeInstanceOf<UpdateResult.VersionInvalid>()404 it.version shouldBe version405 }406 }407 }408 @Nested409 inner class Loeschen {410 @ParameterizedTest411 @ValueSource(strings = [ID_LOESCHEN])412 @Order(7000)413 fun `Vorhandenen Laborn loeschen`(idStr: String) = runBlockingTest {414 /​/​ given415 every { mongo.remove<Labor>() } returns removeOp416 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)417 every { removeOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns removeOp418 /​/​ DeleteResult ist eine abstrakte Klasse419 val deleteResultMock = object : DeleteResult() {420 override fun wasAcknowledged() = true421 override fun getDeletedCount() = 1L422 }423 every { removeOp.all() } returns deleteResultMock.toMono()424 /​/​ when425 val deleteResult = service.deleteById(id)426 /​/​ then427 deleteResult.deletedCount shouldBe 1428 }429 @ParameterizedTest430 @ValueSource(strings = [ID_LOESCHEN_NICHT_VORHANDEN])431 @Order(7100)432 fun `Nicht-vorhandenen Laborn loeschen`(idStr: String) = runBlockingTest {433 /​/​ given434 every { mongo.remove<Labor>() } returns removeOp435 val id = UUID.fromString(idStr)436 every { removeOp.matching(Labor::id isEqualTo id) } returns removeOp437 /​/​ DeleteResult ist eine abstrakte Klasse438 val deleteResultMock = object : DeleteResult() {439 override fun wasAcknowledged() = true440 override fun getDeletedCount() = 0L441 }442 every { removeOp.all() } returns deleteResultMock.toMono()443 /​/​ when444 val deleteResult = service.deleteById(id)445 /​/​ then446 deleteResult.deletedCount.shouldBeZero()447 }448 }449 }450 /​/​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------451 /​/​ Hilfsmethoden fuer Mocking452 /​/​ -------------------------------------------------------------------------453 private fun createLaborMock(name: String): Labor = createLaborMock(randomUUID(), name)454 private fun createLaborMock(id: UUID?, name: String) = createLaborMock(id, name, PLZ)455 private fun createLaborMock(id: UUID?, name: String, plz: String) =456 createLaborMock(id, name, plz, HAUSNUMMER, STRASSE, TELEFONNUMMER, FAX, true, BUNDESLAND, LANDKREIS, USERNAME, PASSWORD)457 private fun createLaborMock(id: UUID?, name: String, plz: String, username: String, password: String) =458 createLaborMock(id, name, plz, HAUSNUMMER, STRASSE, TELEFONNUMMER, FAX, true, BUNDESLAND, LANDKREIS, username, password)459 @Suppress("LongParameterList", "SameParameterValue")460 private fun createLaborMock(461 id: UUID?,462 name: String,463 plz: String,464 hausnummer: Int,465 strasse: String,466 telefonnummer: String,467 fax: String,468 testetAufCorona: Boolean,469 bundesland: String,470 landkreis: String,471 username: String?,472 password: String?,473 ): Labor {474 val adresse = Adresse(plz = plz, ort = ORT, hausnummer = hausnummer, strasse = strasse)475 val gesundheitsamt = Gesundheitsamt(bundesland = bundesland, landkreis = landkreis, adresse = adresse)476 val labor = Labor(477 id = id,478 version = 0,479 name = name,480 adresse = adresse,481 telefonnummer = telefonnummer,482 fax = fax,483 laborTests = listOf(TestTyp.Antikoerper),484 testetAufCorona = testetAufCorona,485 zustaendigesGesundheitsamt = gesundheitsamt,486 username = USERNAME,487 )488 if (username != null && password != null) {489 val customUser = CustomUser(id = null, username = username, password = password)490 labor.user = customUser491 }492 return labor493 }494 private companion object {495 const val ID_VORHANDEN = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"496 const val ID_NICHT_VORHANDEN = "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999"497 const val ID_UPDATE = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"498 const val ID_LOESCHEN = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005"499 const val ID_LOESCHEN_NICHT_VORHANDEN = "AAAAAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAA"500 const val HAUSNUMMER = 1501 const val STRASSE = "Haupstrasse"502 const val PLZ = "12345"503 const val ORT = "Testort"504 const val TELEFONNUMMER = "123456789"505 const val FAX = "12345"506 const val BUNDESLAND = "Bayern"507 const val LANDKREIS = "Test"508 const val NAME = "Test"509 const val USERNAME = "test"510 const val USERNAME_ADMIN = "admin"511 const val PASSWORD = "p"512 const val VERSION = "0"513 const val VERSION_INVALID = "?!"514 const val VERSION_ALT = "-1"515 }516}...

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Source:CommandTest.kt Github


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1/​*2 * This file is part of bowler-kernel.3 *4 * bowler-kernel is free software: you can redistribute it and/​or modify5 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by6 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or7 * (at your option) any later version.8 *9 * bowler-kernel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of11 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the12 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.13 *14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License15 * along with bowler-kernel. If not, see <https:/​/​​licenses/​>.16 */​17package com.commonwealthrobotics.bowlerkernel.cli18import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldBeZero19import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe20import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain21import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested22import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test23import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch24internal class CommandTest {25 @Nested26 inner class TerminalCommands {27 @Test28 fun `invoke a terminal command with no options`() {29 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)30 val expectedPrintout = "output"31 val cmd = Command(name = "foo", help = "") { latch.countDown(); expectedPrintout }32 val args = mutableListOf<String>()33 cmd(args).shouldContain(expectedPrintout)34 latch.count.shouldBeZero()35 }36 @Test37 fun `invoke a terminal command with one non-required option`() {38 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)39 val cmd = Command(40 name = "foo",41 help = "bar",42 options = listOf(43 option<Int>(44 short = "a",45 long = "aa",46 help = "",47 required = false48 )49 )50 ) {51 it.option<Int>("aa").shouldBe(1)52 latch.countDown()53 ""54 }55 val args = mutableListOf("-a", "1")56 cmd(args)57 latch.count.shouldBeZero()58 }59 @Test60 fun `invoke a terminal command with one required option`() {61 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)62 val cmd = Command(63 name = "foo",64 help = "bar",65 options = listOf(66 option<Int>(67 short = "a",68 long = "aa",69 help = "",70 required = true71 )72 )73 ) {74 it.option<Int>("aa").shouldBe(1)75 latch.countDown()76 ""77 }78 val args = mutableListOf("-a", "1")79 cmd(args)80 latch.count.shouldBeZero()81 }82 @Test83 fun `invoke a terminal command with one missing required option`() {84 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)85 val cmd = Command(86 name = "foo",87 help = "bar",88 options = listOf(89 option<Int>(90 short = "a",91 long = "aa",92 help = "",93 required = true94 )95 )96 ) {97 latch.countDown()98 ""99 }100 val args = mutableListOf<String>()101 cmd(args).apply {102 shouldContain("Missing option")103 shouldContain("aa")104 }105 latch.count.shouldBe(1)106 }107 @Test108 fun `invoke a terminal command with one missing non-required option`() {109 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)110 val cmd = Command(111 name = "foo",112 help = "bar",113 options = listOf(114 option<Int>(115 short = "a",116 long = "aa",117 help = "",118 required = false119 )120 )121 ) {122 it.option("aa", 2).shouldBe(2)123 latch.countDown()124 ""125 }126 val args = mutableListOf<String>()127 cmd(args)128 latch.count.shouldBe(0)129 }130 @Test131 fun `invoke a terminal command with one option with a missing value`() {132 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)133 val cmd = Command(134 name = "foo",135 help = "bar",136 options = listOf(137 option<Int>(138 short = "a",139 long = "aa",140 help = "",141 required = false142 )143 )144 ) {145 latch.countDown()146 ""147 }148 val args = mutableListOf("-a") /​/​ Don't pass a value149 cmd(args)150 latch.count.shouldBe(1)151 }152 @Test153 fun `invoke a terminal command with one option with an invalid value`() {154 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)155 val cmd = Command(156 name = "foo",157 help = "bar",158 options = listOf(159 option<Int>(160 short = "a",161 long = "aa",162 help = "",163 required = false,164 validator = { false }165 )166 )167 ) {168 latch.countDown()169 ""170 }171 val args = mutableListOf("-a", "1")172 cmd(args).apply {173 shouldContain("Invalid option")174 shouldContain("aa")175 }176 latch.count.shouldBe(1)177 }178 @Test179 fun `invoke a terminal command with one option that fails to parse`() {180 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)181 val cmd = Command(182 name = "foo",183 help = "bar",184 options = listOf(185 option<Int>(186 short = "a",187 long = "aa",188 help = "",189 required = false,190 validator = { false }191 )192 )193 ) {194 latch.countDown()195 ""196 }197 val args = mutableListOf("-a", "q")198 cmd(args).apply {199 shouldContain("Invalid option")200 shouldContain("aa")201 }202 latch.count.shouldBe(1)203 }204 @Test205 fun `passing an unknown option is an error`() {206 val cmd = Command(name = "foo", help = "") { "" }207 val args = mutableListOf("option1")208 cmd(args).apply {209 shouldContain("Unknown option")210 args.forEach { shouldContain(it) }211 }212 }213 }214 @Nested215 inner class NonTerminalCommands {216 @Test217 fun `run a non-terminal command`() {218 val latch = CountDownLatch(1)219 val expectedPrintout = "output"220 val cmd = Command(221 name = "foo",222 help = "",223 children = listOf(224 Command(name = "inner1", help = "") { "" },225 Command(name = "inner2", help = "") { latch.countDown(); expectedPrintout },226 Command(name = "inner3", help = "") { "" },227 )228 )229 val args = mutableListOf("inner2")230 cmd(args).shouldContain(expectedPrintout)231 latch.count.shouldBeZero()232 }233 }234}...

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Source:LongMatchersTest.kt Github


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1package com.sksamuel.kotest.matchers.numerics2import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow3import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.beGreaterThan4import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.beGreaterThanOrEqualTo5import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.beLessThan6import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.beLessThanOrEqualTo7import io.kotest.matchers.longs.between8import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldBeNegative9import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldBePositive10import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldBeZero11import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldNotBeZero12import io.kotest.matchers.should14import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe15import LongMatchersTest : StringSpec() {21 init {22 "be positive" {23 1L.shouldBePositive()24 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {25 (-1L).shouldBePositive()26 }.message shouldBe "-1 should be > 0"27 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {28 (0L).shouldBePositive()29 }.message shouldBe "0 should be > 0"30 }31 "be negative" {32 (-1L).shouldBeNegative()33 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {34 1L.shouldBeNegative()35 }.message shouldBe "1 should be < 0"36 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {37 0L.shouldBeNegative()38 }.message shouldBe "0 should be < 0"39 }40 "Ge should be valid" {41 1L should beGreaterThan(0L)42 }43 "beGreaterThan" {44 1L should beGreaterThan(0L)45 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {46 2L should beGreaterThan(3L)47 }48 }49 "beLessThan" {50 1L should beLessThan(2L)51 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {52 2L should beLessThan(1L)53 }54 }55 "beLessThanOrEqualTo" {56 1L should beLessThanOrEqualTo(2L)57 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {58 2L should beLessThanOrEqualTo(1L)59 }60 }61 "greaterThan" {62 1L should beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0L)63 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {64 2L should beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(3L)65 }66 }67 "between should test for valid interval" {68 val table = table(69 headers("a", "b"),70 row(0L, 2L),71 row(1L, 2L),72 row(0L, 1L),73 row(1L, 1L)74 )75 forAll(table) { a, b ->76 1 shouldBe between(a, b)77 }78 }79 "between should test for invalid interval" {80 val table = table(81 headers("a", "b"),82 row(0L, 2L),83 row(2L, 2L),84 row(4L, 5L),85 row(4L, 6L)86 )87 forNone(table) { a, b ->88 3 shouldBe between(a, b)89 }90 }91 "shouldBeZero" {92 (0L).shouldBeZero()93 (1L).shouldNotBeZero()94 Long.MIN_VALUE.shouldNotBeZero()95 Long.MAX_VALUE.shouldNotBeZero()96 }97 }98}...

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Source:long.kt Github


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1package io.kotest.matchers.longs2import io.kotest.matchers.Matcher3import io.kotest.matchers.MatcherResult4import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.gt5import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.gte6import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.lt7import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.lte8import io.kotest.matchers.should9import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe10import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNot11import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe12fun Long.shouldBePositive() = this shouldBe positiveL()13fun positiveL() = object : Matcher<Long> {14 override fun test(value: Long) = MatcherResult(value > 0, "$value should be > 0", "$value should not be > 0")15}16fun Long.shouldBeNegative() = this shouldBe negativeL()17fun negativeL() = object : Matcher<Long> {18 override fun test(value: Long) = MatcherResult(value < 0, "$value should be < 0", "$value should not be < 0")19}20fun Long.shouldBeEven() = this should lbeEven()21fun Long.shouldNotBeEven() = this shouldNot lbeEven()22fun lbeEven() = object : Matcher<Long> {23 override fun test(value: Long): MatcherResult =24 MatcherResult(value % 2 == 0L, "$value should be even", "$value should be odd")25}26fun Long.shouldBeOdd() = this should lbeOdd()27fun Long.shouldNotBeOdd() = this shouldNot lbeOdd()28fun lbeOdd() = object : Matcher<Long> {29 override fun test(value: Long): MatcherResult =30 MatcherResult(value % 2 == 1L, "$value should be odd", "$value should be even")31}32infix fun Long.shouldBeLessThan(x: Long) = this shouldBe lt(x)33infix fun Long.shouldNotBeLessThan(x: Long) = this shouldNotBe lt(x)34infix fun Long.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(x: Long) = this shouldBe lte(x)35infix fun Long.shouldNotBeLessThanOrEqual(x: Long) = this shouldNotBe lte(x)36infix fun Long.shouldBeGreaterThan(x: Long) = this shouldBe gt(x)37infix fun Long.shouldNotBeGreaterThan(x: Long) = this shouldNotBe gt(x)38infix fun Long.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual(x: Long) = this shouldBe gte(x)39infix fun Long.shouldNotBeGreaterThanOrEqual(x: Long) = this shouldNotBe gte(x)40infix fun Long.shouldBeExactly(x: Long) = this shouldBe exactly(x)41infix fun Long.shouldNotBeExactly(x: Long) = this shouldNotBe exactly(x)42fun Long.shouldBeZero() = this shouldBeExactly 0L43fun Long.shouldNotBeZero() = this shouldNotBeExactly 0L...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1longValue.shouldBeZero()2longValue.shouldBeOne()3longValue.shouldBePositive()4longValue.shouldBeNegative()5longValue.shouldBeEven()6longValue.shouldBeOdd()7longValue.shouldBeInRange(0L..2L)8longValue.shouldBeLessThan(2L)9longValue.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(1L)10longValue.shouldBeGreaterThan(1L)11longValue.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1L)12longValue.shouldBeCloseTo(1L, 1L)13longValue.shouldBeBetween(0L, 2L)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1longValue.shouldBeZero()2longValue.shouldBePositive()3longValue.shouldBeNegative()4longValue.shouldBeNonZero()5longValue.shouldBeNonPositive()6longValue.shouldBeNonNegative()7longValue.shouldBeBetween(0L, 2L)8longValue.shouldBeBetweenClosed(0L, 1L)9longValue.shouldBeBetweenExclusive(0L, 2L)10longValue.shouldBeBetweenInclusive(0L, 2L)11longValue.shouldBeBetweenInclusiveStart(1L, 2L)12longValue.shouldBeBetweenInclusiveEnd(0L, 1L)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1longs.shouldBeZero(0L)2longs.shouldBeOne(1L)3longs.shouldBeNegative(-1L)4longs.shouldBePositive(1L)5longs.shouldBeNonPositive(0L)6longs.shouldBeNonNegative(1L)7longs.shouldBeEven(2L)8longs.shouldBeOdd(1L)9longs.shouldBeInRange(0L, 1L)10longs.shouldBeLessThan(0L)11longs.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(1L)12longs.shouldBeGreaterThan(1L)13longs.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1L)14longs.shouldBeBetween(0L, 1L)15longs.shouldBeBetweenInclusive(0L, 1L)16longs.shouldBeBetweenExclusive(0L, 1L)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeZero" ) fun testForShouldBeZero () { 0 . shouldBeZero () }2@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeOne" ) fun testForShouldBeOne () { 1 . shouldBeOne () }3@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeNegative" ) fun testForShouldBeNegative () { - 1 . shouldBeNegative () }4@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBePositive" ) fun testForShouldBePositive () { 1 . shouldBePositive () }5@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeEven" ) fun testForShouldBeEven () { 2 . shouldBeEven () }6@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeOdd" ) fun testForShouldBeOdd () { 1 . shouldBeOdd () }7@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeBetween" ) fun testForShouldBeBetween () { 2 . shouldBeBetween ( 1 . . 3 ) }8@DisplayName ( "test for shouldNotBeBetween" ) fun testForShouldNotBeBetween () { 2 . shouldNotBeBetween ( 3 . . 5 ) }9@DisplayName ( "test for shouldBeExactly" ) fun testForShouldBeExactly () { 2 . shouldBeExactly ( 2 . . 2 ) }10@DisplayName ( "test for shouldNotBeExactly" ) fun testForShouldNotBeExactly () { 2 . shouldNotBeExactly ( 3 . . 5 ) }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1@DisplayName("Long shouldBeZero method")2@ValueSource(longs = [0L, 0L, 0L])3fun `Long shouldBeZero method`(longValue: Long) {4longValue.shouldBeZero()5}6}7@DisplayName("Long shouldBeZero method")8@ValueSource(longs = [0L, 0L, 0L])9fun `Long shouldBeZero method`(longValue: Long) {10longValue.shouldBeZero()11}12fun `Long shouldBeZero method`() {130L.shouldBeZero()14}

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