How to use beLarger method of io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers class

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.beLarger


Source:FileMatchersTest.kt Github


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...153 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {154 dir.resolve("b").shouldBeSmaller(dir.resolve("a"))155 }.message shouldBe "Path ${dir.resolve("b")} (3 bytes) should be smaller than ${dir.resolve("a")} (2 bytes)"156 }157 test("beLarger should compare file sizes") {158 val dir = Files.createTempDirectory("testdir")159 Files.write(dir.resolve("a"), byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3))160 Files.write(dir.resolve("b"), byteArrayOf(1, 2))161 dir.resolve("a").shouldBeLarger(dir.resolve("b"))162 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {163 dir.resolve("b").shouldBeLarger(dir.resolve("a"))164 }.message shouldBe "File ${dir.resolve("b")} (2 bytes) should be larger than ${dir.resolve("a")} (3 bytes)"165 }166 test("containsFileDeep should find file deep") {167 val rootFileName = "super_dooper_hyper_file_root"168 val innerFileName = "super_dooper_hyper_file_inner"169 val nonExistentFileName = "super_dooper_hyper_non_existent_file"170 val rootDir = Files.createTempDirectory("testdir")171 val innerDir = Files.createDirectories(rootDir.resolve("innerfolder"))...

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Source:matchers.kt Github


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...112 { "File $value ($sizea bytes) should not be smaller than $other ($sizeb bytes)" }113 )114 }115}116infix fun File.shouldBeLarger(other: Path) = this should beLarger(other.toFile())117infix fun File.shouldBeLarger(other: File) = this should beLarger(other)118infix fun File.shouldNotBeLarger(other: Path) = this shouldNot beLarger(other.toFile())119infix fun File.shouldNotBeLarger(other: File) = this shouldNot beLarger(other)120fun beLarger(other: File): Matcher<File> = object : Matcher<File> {121 override fun test(value: File): MatcherResult {122 val sizea = value.length()123 val sizeb = other.length()124 return MatcherResult(125 value.length() > other.length(),126 { "File $value ($sizea bytes) should be larger than $other ($sizeb bytes)" },127 { "File $value ($sizea bytes) should not be larger than $other ($sizeb bytes)" }128 )129 }130}131fun File.shouldBeCanonical() = this should beCanonicalPath()132fun File.shouldNotBeCanonical() = this shouldNot beCanonicalPath()133fun beCanonicalPath(): Matcher<File> = object : Matcher<File> {134 override fun test(value: File): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(...

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Source:paths.kt Github


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1package io.kotest.matchers.paths2import io.kotest.matchers.Matcher3import io.kotest.matchers.MatcherResult4import io.kotest.matchers.file.beLarger5import io.kotest.matchers.file.beEmptyDirectory6import io.kotest.matchers.file.containNFiles7import io.kotest.matchers.should8import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe9import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNot10import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe11import java.nio.file.Files13import java.nio.file.Path14import kotlin.streams.toList15infix fun Path.shouldStartWithPath(file: File) = this should startWithPath(file)16infix fun Path.shouldNotStartWithPath(file: File) = this shouldNot startWithPath(file)17infix fun Path.shouldStartWithPath(prefix: String) = this should startWithPath(prefix)18infix fun Path.shouldNotStartWithPath(prefix: String) = this shouldNot startWithPath(prefix)19infix fun Path.shouldStartWithPath(path: Path) = this should startWithPath(path)20infix fun Path.shouldNotStartWithPath(path: Path) = this shouldNot startWithPath(path)21fun startWithPath(path: Path) = startWithPath(path.toString())22fun startWithPath(file: File) = startWithPath(file.toPath())23fun startWithPath(prefix: String) = object : Matcher<Path> {24 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(25 value.toString().startsWith(prefix),26 { "Path $value should start with $prefix" },27 { "Path $value should not start with $prefix" })28}29fun Path.shouldExist() = this should exist()30fun Path.shouldNotExist() = this shouldNot exist()31fun exist() = object : Matcher<Path> {32 override fun test(value: Path) =33 MatcherResult(34 Files.exists(value),35 { "Path $value should exist" },36 { "Path $value should not exist" })37}38infix fun Path.shouldHaveFileSize(size: Long) = this should haveFileSize(size)39infix fun Path.shouldNotHaveFileSize(size: Long) = this shouldNot haveFileSize(size)40fun haveFileSize(size: Long): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {41 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(42 Files.size(value) == size,43 { "Path $value should have size $size" },44 { "Path $value should not have size $size" })45}46fun Path.shouldBeADirectory() = this should aDirectory()47fun Path.shouldNotBeADirectory() = this shouldNot aDirectory()48fun aDirectory(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {49 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(50 Files.isDirectory(value),51 { "File $value should be a directory" },52 { "File $value should not be a directory" })53}54fun Path.shouldBeAFile() = this should aFile()55fun Path.shouldNotBeAFile() = this shouldNot aFile()56fun aFile(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {57 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(58 !Files.isDirectory(value),59 { "File $value should be a directory" },60 { "File $value should not be a directory" })61}62fun Path.shouldBeAbsolute() = this should beAbsolute()63fun Path.shouldNotBeAbsolute() = this shouldNot beAbsolute()64fun beAbsolute(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {65 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult =66 MatcherResult(67 value.isAbsolute,68 { "Path $value should be absolute" },69 { "Path $value should not be absolute" })70}71fun Path.shouldBeRelative() = this should beRelative()72fun Path.shouldNotBeRelative() = this shouldNot beRelative()73fun beRelative(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {74 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult =75 MatcherResult(76 !value.isAbsolute,77 { "Path $value should be relative" },78 { "Path $value should not be relative" })79}80fun Path.shouldBeReadable() = this should beReadable()81fun Path.shouldNotBeReadable() = this shouldNot beReadable()82fun beReadable(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {83 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult =84 MatcherResult(85 Files.isReadable(value),86 { "Path $value should be readable" },87 { "Path $value should not be readable" }88 )89}90fun Path.shouldBeWriteable() = this should beWriteable()91fun Path.shouldNotBeWriteable() = this shouldNot beWriteable()92fun beWriteable(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {93 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult =94 MatcherResult(95 Files.isWritable(value),96 { "Path $value should be writeable" },97 { "Path $value should not be writeable" }98 )99}100fun Path.shouldBeExecutable() = this should beExecutable()101fun Path.shouldNotBeExecutable() = this shouldNot beExecutable()102fun beExecutable(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {103 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(104 Files.isExecutable(value),105 { "Path $value should be executable" },106 { "Path $value should not be executable" }107 )108}109infix fun Path.shouldContainNFiles(n: Int) = this.toFile() shouldBe containNFiles(n)110infix fun Path.shouldNotContainNFiles(n: Int) = this.toFile() shouldNotBe containNFiles(n)111@Deprecated(message ="checks if a directory is empty. Deprecated since 4.3.", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("shouldBeEmptyDirectory()"))112fun Path.shouldBeNonEmptyDirectory() = this.toFile() shouldNot beEmptyDirectory()113@Deprecated(message ="checks if a directory is not empty. Deprecated since 4.3.", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("shouldBeNonEmptyDirectory()"))114fun Path.shouldNotBeNonEmptyDirectory() = this.toFile() should beEmptyDirectory()115fun Path.shouldBeEmptyDirectory() = this.toFile() should beEmptyDirectory()116fun Path.shouldNotBeEmptyDirectory() = this.toFile() shouldNot beEmptyDirectory()117fun Path.shouldBeHidden() = this should beHidden()118fun Path.shouldNotBeHidden() = this shouldNot beHidden()119fun beHidden(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {120 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult =121 MatcherResult(122 Files.isHidden(value),123 { "Path $value should be hidden" },124 { "Path $value should not be hidden" })125}126fun Path.shouldBeCanonical() = this should beCanonicalPath()127fun Path.shouldNotBeCanonical() = this shouldNot beCanonicalPath()128fun beCanonicalPath(): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {129 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(130 value.toFile().canonicalPath == value.toFile().path,131 { "File $value should be canonical" },132 { "File $value should not be canonical" })133}134infix fun Path.shouldContainFile(name: String) = this should containFile(name)135infix fun Path.shouldNotContainFile(name: String) = this shouldNot containFile(name)136fun containFile(name: String) = object : Matcher<Path> {137 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult {138 val contents = Files.list(value).map { it.fileName.toString() }.toList()139 val passed = Files.isDirectory(value) && contents.contains(name)140 return MatcherResult(141 passed,142 { "Directory $value should contain a file with filename $name (detected ${contents.size} other files)" },143 { "Directory $value should not contain a file with filename $name" })144 }145}146infix fun Path.shouldBeLarger(other: Path) = this.toFile() should beLarger(other.toFile())147infix fun Path.shouldBeLarger(other: File) = this.toFile() should beLarger(other)148infix fun Path.shouldNotBeLarger(other: Path) = this.toFile() shouldNot beLarger(other.toFile())149infix fun Path.shouldNotBeLarger(other: File) = this.toFile() shouldNot beLarger(other)150fun beLarger(other: Path): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {151 override fun test(value: Path): MatcherResult {152 val sizea = Files.size(value)153 val sizeb = Files.size(other)154 return MatcherResult(155 sizea > sizeb,156 { "Path $value ($sizea bytes) should be larger than $other ($sizeb bytes)" },157 { "Path $value ($sizea bytes) should not be larger than $other ($sizeb bytes)"})158 }159}160infix fun Path.shouldBeSmaller(other: Path) = this should beSmaller(other)161infix fun Path.shouldBeSmaller(other: File) = this should beSmaller(other.toPath())162infix fun Path.shouldNotBeSmaller(other: Path) = this shouldNot beSmaller(other)163infix fun Path.shouldNotBeSmaller(other: File) = this shouldNot beSmaller(other.toPath())164fun beSmaller(other: Path): Matcher<Path> = object : Matcher<Path> {...

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Source:ObservatorioTest.kt Github


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...5import io.kotest.matchers.booleans.shouldBeFalse8import io.kotest.matchers.booleans.shouldBeTrue9import io.kotest.matchers.file.beLarger10import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe11import io.mockk.every12import io.mockk.mockk13class observatorioTest : DescribeSpec ({14 val arg = Country(15 "Argentina",16 "ARS",17 "Buenos Aires",18 "America",19 405988,20 403033.0,21 emptyList(),22 listOf(Language("Español")),23 listOf(RegionalBloc("bloque1", "bloquesito")),...

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1 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeLarger(10)2 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeSmaller(10)3 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeSameSizeAs(10)4 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldHaveSameTextAs(10)5 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldHaveSameBinaryContentAs(10)6 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldHaveSameLinesAs(10)7 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeEmpty()8 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeNotEmpty()9 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeReadable()10 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeWritable()11 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeExecutable()12 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeAbsolute()13 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeRelative()14 io.kotest.matchers.file.matchers.shouldBeHidden()

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