How to use runBlocking method of io.kotest.common.runBlocking class

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.common.runBlocking.runBlocking


Source:BeskjedQueriesTest.kt Github


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...5import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainAll6import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize7import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldNotContain8import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe9import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking10import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.common.database.LocalPostgresDatabase11import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.common.database.util.countTotalNumberOfEvents12import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.common.database.util.countTotalNumberOfEventsByActiveStatus13import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.config.EventType14import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.done.DoneObjectMother15import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test16import java.sql.SQLException17import java.time.LocalDateTime18import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit19class BeskjedQueriesTest {20 private val database = LocalPostgresDatabase.migratedDb()21 private val beskjed1: Beskjed22 private val beskjed2: Beskjed23 private val beskjed3: Beskjed24 private val beskjed4: Beskjed25 private val expiredBeskjed: Beskjed26 private val beskjedWithOffsetForstBehandlet: Beskjed27 private val systembruker = "dummySystembruker"28 private val fodselsnummer = "12345"29 private val eventId = "2"30 private val allEvents: List<Beskjed>31 private val allEventsForSingleUser: List<Beskjed>32 init {33 beskjed1 = createBeskjed("1", "12345")34 beskjed2 = createBeskjed("2", "12345")35 beskjed3 = createBeskjed("3", "12345")36 beskjed4 = createBeskjed("4", "6789")37 expiredBeskjed = createExpiredBeskjed("123", "4567")38 beskjedWithOffsetForstBehandlet = createBeskjedWithOffsetForstBehandlet("5", "12345")39 allEvents = listOf(beskjed1, beskjed2, beskjed3, beskjed4, expiredBeskjed, beskjedWithOffsetForstBehandlet)40 allEventsForSingleUser = listOf(beskjed1, beskjed2, beskjed3, beskjedWithOffsetForstBehandlet)41 }42 private fun createBeskjed(eventId: String, fodselsnummer: String): Beskjed {43 val beskjed = BeskjedObjectMother.giveMeAktivBeskjed(eventId, fodselsnummer)44 return runBlocking {45 database.dbQuery {46 createBeskjed(beskjed).entityId.let {47 beskjed.copy(id = it)48 }49 }50 }51 }52 private fun createExpiredBeskjed(eventId: String, fodselsnummer: String): Beskjed {53 val beskjed = BeskjedObjectMother.giveMeAktivBeskjed(eventId, fodselsnummer)54 .copy(synligFremTil = return runBlocking {56 database.dbQuery {57 createBeskjed(beskjed).entityId.let {58 beskjed.copy(id = it)59 }60 }61 }62 }63 private fun createBeskjedWithOffsetForstBehandlet(eventId: String, fodselsnummer: String): Beskjed {64 val offsetDate = val beskjed = BeskjedObjectMother.giveMeBeskjedWithForstBehandlet(eventId, fodselsnummer, offsetDate)66 return runBlocking {67 database.dbQuery {68 createBeskjed(beskjed).entityId.let {69 beskjed.copy(id = it)70 }71 }72 }73 }74 @Test75 fun `Finner alle aktive cachede Beskjed-eventer`() {76 val doneEvent = DoneObjectMother.giveMeDone(eventId, systembruker, fodselsnummer)77 runBlocking {78 database.dbQuery { setBeskjederAktivflagg(listOf(doneEvent), false) }79 val result = database.dbQuery { getAllBeskjedByAktiv(true) }80 result shouldContainAll listOf(beskjed1, beskjed3, beskjed4)81 result shouldNotContain beskjed282 database.dbQuery { setBeskjederAktivflagg(listOf(doneEvent), true) }83 }84 }85 @Test86 fun `Finner cachet Beskjed-event med Id`() {87 runBlocking {88 val result = database.dbQuery { { getBeskjedById(it) } }89 result shouldBe beskjed290 }91 }92 @Test93 fun `Kaster Exception hvis Beskjed-event med Id ikke finnes`() {94 shouldThrow<SQLException> {95 runBlocking {96 database.dbQuery { getBeskjedById(999) }97 }98 }.message shouldBe "Found no rows"99 }100 @Test101 fun `Finner cachede Beskjeds-eventer for fodselsnummer`() {102 runBlocking {103 val result = database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByFodselsnummer(fodselsnummer) }104 result.size shouldBe 4105 result shouldContainAll allEventsForSingleUser106 }107 }108 @Test109 fun `Returnerer tom liste hvis Beskjeds-eventer for fodselsnummer ikke finnes`() {110 runBlocking {111 val result = database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByFodselsnummer("-1") }112 result.isEmpty() shouldBe true113 }114 }115 @Test116 fun `Finner cachet Beskjed-event med eventId`() {117 runBlocking {118 val result = database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByEventId(eventId) }119 result shouldBe beskjed2120 }121 }122 @Test123 fun `Kaster Exception hvis Beskjed-event med eventId ikke finnes`() {124 shouldThrow<SQLException> {125 runBlocking {126 database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByEventId("-1") }127 }128 }.message shouldBe "Found no rows"129 }130 @Test131 fun `Skal haandtere at prefererteKanaler er tom`() {132 val beskjed = BeskjedObjectMother.giveMeAktivBeskjedWithEksternVarslingAndPrefererteKanaler(true, emptyList())133 runBlocking {134 database.dbQuery { createBeskjed(beskjed) }135 val result = database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByEventId(beskjed.eventId) }136 result.prefererteKanaler.shouldBeEmpty()137 database.dbQuery { deleteBeskjedWithEventId(beskjed.eventId) }138 }139 }140 @Test141 fun `Skal skrive eventer i batch`() {142 val beskjed1 = BeskjedObjectMother.giveMeAktivBeskjed("b-1", "123")143 val beskjed2 = BeskjedObjectMother.giveMeAktivBeskjed("b-2", "123")144 runBlocking {145 database.dbQuery {146 createBeskjeder(listOf(beskjed1, beskjed2))147 }148 val beskjed1FraDb = database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByEventId(beskjed1.eventId) }149 val beskjed2FraDb = database.dbQuery { getBeskjedByEventId(beskjed2.eventId) }150 beskjed1FraDb.eventId shouldBe beskjed1.eventId151 beskjed2FraDb.eventId shouldBe beskjed2.eventId152 database.dbQuery { deleteBeskjedWithEventId(beskjed1.eventId) }153 database.dbQuery { deleteBeskjedWithEventId(beskjed2.eventId) }154 }155 }156 @Test157 fun `Skal telle det totale antall beskjeder`() {158 runBlocking {159 database.dbQuery {160 countTotalNumberOfEvents(EventType.BESKJED_INTERN)161 }162 } shouldBe allEvents.size.toLong()163 }164 @Test165 fun `Skal telle det totale antall aktive beskjeder`() {166 runBlocking {167 database.dbQuery {168 countTotalNumberOfEventsByActiveStatus(EventType.BESKJED_INTERN, true)169 }170 } shouldBe allEvents.size.toLong()171 }172 @Test173 fun `Skal telle det totale antall inaktive beskjeder`() {174 runBlocking {175 database.dbQuery {176 countTotalNumberOfEventsByActiveStatus(EventType.BESKJED_INTERN, false)177 }178 } shouldBe 0179 }180 @Test181 fun `Finner utgått beskjeder`() {182 runBlocking {183 val result = database.dbQuery {184 getExpiredBeskjedFromCursor()185 }186 result shouldHaveSize 1187 result shouldContain expiredBeskjed188 }189 }190}...

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Source:BandServiceTest.kt Github


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1package org.jesperancinha.vma.vmaservice.service2import com.ninjasquad.springmockk.MockkBean3import io.kotest.common.runBlocking4import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContain5import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize6import io.kotest.matchers.longs.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual7import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe8import io.mockk.coEvery9import io.mockk.coVerify10import io.mockk.every11import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers12import kotlinx.coroutines.asCoroutineDispatcher13import kotlinx.coroutines.async14import kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll15import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope16import kotlinx.coroutines.delay17import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow18import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.toList19import kotlinx.coroutines.launch20import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext21import org.jesperancinha.vma.common.domain.Band22import org.jesperancinha.vma.common.domain.BandRepository23import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test24import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith25import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired26import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration27import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension28import java.util.UUID29import java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool30import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis31@ExtendWith(SpringExtension::class)32@ContextConfiguration(classes = [BandService::class])33internal class BandServiceTest(34 @Autowired35 private val bandService: BandService36) {37 @MockkBean38 lateinit var bandRepository: BandRepository39 @Test40 fun `should get all bands when summoning findAll`() = runBlocking {41 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")42 every { bandRepository.findAll() } returns flow { emit(testBand) }43 val fetchAllBands = bandService.fetchAllBands()44 fetchAllBands.toList() shouldContain testBand45 }46 @Test47 fun `should get band by Id`() = runBlocking {48 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()49 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")50 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand51 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)52 band shouldBe testBand53 }54 @Test55 fun `should take exactly 100ms to get two bands with minimum 100ms delay`(): Unit = runBlocking {56 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()57 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")58 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand59 val processingTime = measureTimeMillis {60 val dispatcher = newFixedThreadPool(2)61 .asCoroutineDispatcher()62 withContext(dispatcher) {63 delay(100)64 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)65 band shouldBe testBand66 }67 withContext(dispatcher) {68 delay(100)69 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)70 band shouldBe testBand71 }72 }73 processingTime.shouldBeLessThanOrEqual(300)74 coVerify(exactly = 2) { bandRepository.findById(id) }75 }76 /​**77 * withContext suspends until completion78 */​79 @Test80 fun `should read two using withContext if one takes 100ms and the other 200ms and no waiting on the main thread`(): Unit =81 runBlocking {82 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()83 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")84 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand85 val dispatcher = newFixedThreadPool(2)86 .asCoroutineDispatcher()87 withContext(dispatcher) {88 delay(100)89 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)90 band shouldBe testBand91 }92 withContext(dispatcher) {93 delay(2000)94 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)95 band shouldBe testBand96 }97 coVerify(exactly = 2) { bandRepository.findById(id) }98 }99 /​**100 * coroutineScope waits until completion101 */​102 @Test103 fun `should read two using coroutineScope if one takes 100ms and the other 200ms and no waiting on the main thread`() =104 runBlocking {105 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()106 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")107 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand108 coroutineScope {109 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)110 band shouldBe testBand111 delay(100)112 }113 coroutineScope {114 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)115 band shouldBe testBand116 delay(200)117 }118 coVerify(exactly = 2) { bandRepository.findById(id) }119 }120 /​**121 * coroutineScope + async may not wait until completion122 */​123 @Test124 fun `should read one using async if one takes 100ms and the other 200ms and no waiting on the main thread`(): Unit =125 runBlocking {126 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()127 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")128 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand129 val coroutineResult = coroutineScope {130 listOf(131 async(Dispatchers.IO) {132 delay(100)133 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)134 band shouldBe testBand135 band136 }, async(Dispatchers.IO) {137 suspend {138 delay(200)139 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)140 band shouldBe testBand141 band142 }143 })144 }145 delay(200)146 coVerify(exactly = 1) { bandRepository.findById(id) }147 val result = coroutineResult.awaitAll()148 result.shouldHaveSize(2)149 }150 /​**151 * launch coroutines152 */​153 @Test154 suspend fun `should run launch asynchronously within the same coroutineScope`() {155 runBlocking {156 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()157 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")158 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand159 coroutineScope {160 launch {161 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)162 band shouldBe testBand163 delay(100)164 }165 launch {166 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)167 band shouldBe testBand168 delay(200)169 }170 }171 coVerify(exactly = 0) { bandRepository.findById(id) }172 delay(100)173 coVerify(exactly = 1) { bandRepository.findById(id) }174 delay(100)175 coVerify(exactly = 2) { bandRepository.findById(id) }176 }177 }178 /​**179 * await for asynchronous routinr180 */​181 @Test182 fun `should await for the asynchronous coroutine to complete`(): Unit =183 runBlocking {184 val id = "the-doors" + UUID.randomUUID().toString()185 val testBand = Band(name = "The Doors")186 coEvery { bandRepository.findById(id) } returns testBand187 val coroutineResult = coroutineScope {188 async(Dispatchers.IO) {189 delay(100)190 val band = bandService.getBandById(id)191 band shouldBe testBand192 band193 }194 }195 delay(100)196 coVerify(exactly = 1) { bandRepository.findById(id) }197 val result = coroutineResult.await()...

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Source:OppgaveQueriesTest.kt Github


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...5import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainAll6import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize7import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldNotContain8import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe9import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking10import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.common.database.LocalPostgresDatabase11import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.eventaggregator.done.DoneObjectMother12import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test13import java.sql.SQLException14import java.time.LocalDateTime15import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit16class OppgaveQueriesTest {17 private val database = LocalPostgresDatabase.migratedDb()18 private val fodselsnummer1 = "12345"19 private val fodselsnummer2 = "54321"20 private val oppgave1: Oppgave21 private val oppgave2: Oppgave22 private val oppgave3: Oppgave23 private val expiredOppgave: Oppgave24 private val oppgaveWithOffsetForstBehandlet: Oppgave25 private val systembruker = "dummySystembruker"26 private val eventId = "2"27 private val allEvents: List<Oppgave>28 private val allEventsForSingleUser: List<Oppgave>29 init {30 oppgave1 = createOppgave("1", fodselsnummer1)31 oppgave2 = createOppgave("2", fodselsnummer2)32 oppgave3 = createOppgave("3", fodselsnummer1)33 expiredOppgave = createExpiredOppgave("4", "5678")34 oppgaveWithOffsetForstBehandlet = createOppgaveWithOffsetForstBehandlet("5", fodselsnummer1)35 allEvents = listOf(oppgave1, oppgave2, oppgave3, expiredOppgave, oppgaveWithOffsetForstBehandlet)36 allEventsForSingleUser = listOf(oppgave1, oppgave3, oppgaveWithOffsetForstBehandlet)37 }38 private fun createOppgave(eventId: String, fodselsnummer: String): Oppgave {39 var oppgave = OppgaveObjectMother.giveMeAktivOppgave(eventId, fodselsnummer)40 runBlocking {41 database.dbQuery {42 val generatedId = createOppgave(oppgave).entityId43 oppgave = oppgave.copy(id = generatedId)44 }45 }46 return oppgave47 }48 private fun createExpiredOppgave(eventId: String, fodselsnummer: String): Oppgave {49 var oppgave = OppgaveObjectMother.giveMeAktivOppgave(eventId, fodselsnummer)50 .copy(synligFremTil = runBlocking {52 database.dbQuery {53 val generatedId = createOppgave(oppgave).entityId54 oppgave = oppgave.copy(id = generatedId)55 }56 }57 return oppgave58 }59 private fun createOppgaveWithOffsetForstBehandlet(eventId: String, fodselsnummer: String): Oppgave {60 val offsetDate = var oppgave = OppgaveObjectMother.giveMeOppgaveWithForstBehandlet(eventId, fodselsnummer, offsetDate)62 runBlocking {63 database.dbQuery {64 val generatedId = createOppgave(oppgave).entityId65 oppgave = oppgave.copy(id = generatedId)66 }67 }68 return oppgave69 }70 @Test71 fun `Finner alle cachede Oppgave-eventer`() {72 runBlocking {73 val result = database.dbQuery { getAllOppgave() }74 result.size shouldBe allEvents.size75 result.toSet() shouldBe allEvents.toSet()76 }77 }78 @Test79 fun `Finner alle aktive cachede Oppgave-eventer`() {80 val doneEvent = DoneObjectMother.giveMeDone(eventId, systembruker, fodselsnummer2)81 runBlocking {82 database.dbQuery { setOppgaverAktivFlag(listOf(doneEvent), false) }83 val result = database.dbQuery { getAllOppgaveByAktiv(true) }84 result shouldContainAll listOf(oppgave1, oppgave3)85 result shouldNotContain oppgave286 database.dbQuery { setOppgaverAktivFlag(listOf(doneEvent), true) }87 }88 }89 @Test90 fun `Finner alle cachede Oppgave-event for fodselsnummer`() {91 runBlocking {92 val result = database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByFodselsnummer(fodselsnummer1) }93 result.size shouldBe allEventsForSingleUser.size94 result shouldContainAll allEventsForSingleUser95 }96 }97 @Test98 fun `Gir tom liste dersom Oppgave-event med gitt fodselsnummer ikke finnes`() {99 runBlocking {100 val result = database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByFodselsnummer("-1") }101 result.isEmpty() shouldBe true102 }103 }104 @Test105 fun `Finner cachet Oppgave-event for Id`() {106 runBlocking {107 val result = database.dbQuery { { getOppgaveById(it) } }108 result shouldBe oppgave2109 }110 }111 @Test112 fun `Kaster exception dersom Oppgave-event med Id ikke finnes`() {113 shouldThrow<SQLException> {114 runBlocking {115 database.dbQuery { getOppgaveById(-1) }116 }117 }.message shouldBe "Found no rows"118 }119 @Test120 fun `Finner cachet Oppgave-event med eventId`() {121 runBlocking {122 val result = database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByEventId(eventId) }123 result shouldBe oppgave2124 }125 }126 @Test127 fun `Kaster exception dersom Oppgave-event med eventId ikke finnes`() {128 shouldThrow<SQLException> {129 runBlocking {130 database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByEventId("-1") }131 }132 }.message shouldBe "Found no rows"133 }134 @Test135 fun `Persister ikke entitet dersom rad med samme eventId og produsent finnes`() {136 runBlocking {137 database.dbQuery {138 createOppgave(oppgave1)139 val numberOfEvents = getAllOppgave().size140 createOppgave(oppgave1)141 getAllOppgave().size shouldBe numberOfEvents142 }143 }144 }145 @Test146 fun `Skal haandtere at prefererteKanaler er tom`() {147 val oppgave = OppgaveObjectMother.giveMeAktivOppgaveWithEksternVarslingAndPrefererteKanaler(true, emptyList())148 runBlocking {149 database.dbQuery { createOppgave(oppgave) }150 val result = database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByEventId(oppgave.eventId) }151 result.prefererteKanaler.shouldBeEmpty()152 database.dbQuery { deleteOppgaveWithEventId(oppgave.eventId) }153 }154 }155 @Test156 fun `Skal skrive eventer i batch`() {157 val oppgave1 = OppgaveObjectMother.giveMeAktivOppgave("o-1", "123")158 val oppgave2 = OppgaveObjectMother.giveMeAktivOppgave("o-2", "123")159 runBlocking {160 database.dbQuery {161 createOppgaver(listOf(oppgave1, oppgave2))162 }163 val oppgave1FraDb = database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByEventId(oppgave1.eventId) }164 val oppgave2FraDb = database.dbQuery { getOppgaveByEventId(oppgave2.eventId) }165 oppgave1FraDb.eventId shouldBe oppgave1.eventId166 oppgave2FraDb.eventId shouldBe oppgave2.eventId167 database.dbQuery { deleteOppgaveWithEventId(oppgave1.eventId) }168 database.dbQuery { deleteOppgaveWithEventId(oppgave2.eventId) }169 }170 }171 @Test172 fun `Finner utaatt oppgaver`() {173 runBlocking {174 val result = database.dbQuery {175 getExpiredOppgave()176 }177 result shouldHaveSize 1178 result shouldContain expiredOppgave179 }180 }181}...

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Source:DatabasesTest.kt Github


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...6import endpoints.databases.dto.request.*7import endpoints.databases.dto.response.DatabaseResponse8import endpoints.databases.dto.response.Parent9import http.getKtorClient10import io.kotest.common.runBlocking11import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe13import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName14internal class DatabasesTest : AnnotationSpec() {15 private val databases: Databases = Databases(getKtorClient(Config.notionApiKey))16 @Test17 @DisplayName("[Databases] Create a database")18 fun createDatabase() {19 val result = runBlocking {20 databases.create(21 DatabaseCreateRequest(22 parent = Parent.Page(23 pageId = Config.Database.pageId24 ),25 title = listOf(26 RichTextObject.Text(27 text = TextObject(28 content = "Grocery List",29 link = null30 ),31 )32 ),33 properties = mapOf(34 "Name" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Title(),35 "Description" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Text(),36 "In stock" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Checkbox(),37 "Food group" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Select(38 select = SelectObject(39 options = listOf(40 SelectOptionsObject(41 name = "Vegetable",42 color = Color.GREEN,43 ),44 SelectOptionsObject(45 name = "Fruit",46 color = Color.RED,47 ),48 SelectOptionsObject(49 name = "Protein",50 color = Color.YELLOW,51 )52 )53 )54 ),55 "Price" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Number(56 number = NumberObject(57 format = "dollar",58 )59 ),60 "Last ordered" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Date(),61 "Store availability" to DatabaseCreateProperties.MultiSelect(62 multiSelect = SelectObject(63 options = listOf(64 SelectOptionsObject(65 name = "Duc Loi Market",66 color = Color.BLUE,67 ),68 SelectOptionsObject(69 name = "Rainbow Grocery",70 color = Color.GRAY,71 ),72 SelectOptionsObject(73 name = "Nijiya Market",74 color = Color.PURPLE,75 ),76 SelectOptionsObject(77 name = "Gus'\''s Community Market",78 color = Color.YELLOW,79 ),80 )81 )82 ),83 "+1" to DatabaseCreateProperties.People(),84 "Photo" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Files()85 )86 )87 )88 }89 result shouldNotBe null90 result is DatabaseResponse91 }92 @Test93 @DisplayName("[Databases] Update a database")94 fun updateDatabase() {95 val database = runBlocking {96 databases.create(97 DatabaseCreateRequest(98 parent = Parent.Page(99 pageId = Config.Database.pageId100 ),101 title = listOf(102 RichTextObject.Text(103 text = TextObject(104 content = "Grocery List",105 link = null106 ),107 )108 ),109 properties = mapOf(110 "Name" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Title(),111 "Description" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Text(),112 "In stock" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Checkbox(),113 "Food group" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Select(114 select = SelectObject(115 options = listOf(116 SelectOptionsObject(117 name = "Vegetable",118 color = Color.GREEN,119 ),120 SelectOptionsObject(121 name = "Fruit",122 color = Color.RED,123 ),124 SelectOptionsObject(125 name = "Protein",126 color = Color.YELLOW,127 )128 )129 )130 ),131 "Price" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Number(132 number = NumberObject(133 format = "dollar",134 )135 ),136 "Last ordered" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Date(),137 "Store availability" to DatabaseCreateProperties.MultiSelect(138 multiSelect = SelectObject(139 options = listOf(140 SelectOptionsObject(141 name = "Duc Loi Market",142 color = Color.BLUE,143 ),144 SelectOptionsObject(145 name = "Rainbow Grocery",146 color = Color.GRAY,147 ),148 SelectOptionsObject(149 name = "Nijiya Market",150 color = Color.PURPLE,151 ),152 SelectOptionsObject(153 name = "Gus'\''s Community Market",154 color = Color.YELLOW,155 ),156 )157 )158 ),159 "+1" to DatabaseCreateProperties.People(),160 "Photo" to DatabaseCreateProperties.Files()161 )162 )163 )164 }165 database shouldNotBe null166 database is DatabaseResponse167 val result = runBlocking {168 databases.update(169 DatabaseUpdateRequest(170 databaseId = database!!.id,171 body = DatabaseUpdateBodyObject(172 title = listOf(173 RichTextObject.Text(174 text = TextObject(175 content = "Today's grocery list"176 )177 )178 ),179 properties = mapOf(180 "+1" to null,181 "Photo" to DatabaseUpdateBodyProperty.Url(),182 "Store availability" to DatabaseUpdateBodyProperty.MultiSelect(183 multiSelect = UpdateSelectObject(184 options = listOf(185 UpdateSelectOptionsObject(186 name = "Duc Loi Market"187 ),188 UpdateSelectOptionsObject(189 name = "Rainbow Grocery"190 ),191 UpdateSelectOptionsObject(192 name = "Gus's Community Market"193 ),194 UpdateSelectOptionsObject(195 name = "The Good Life Grocery",196 color = Color.ORANGE,197 ),198 )199 )200 )201 )202 )203 )204 )205 }206 result shouldNotBe null207 result is DatabaseResponse208 }209 @Test210 @DisplayName("[Databases] Retrieve a database")211 fun retrieveDatabase() {212 val result = runBlocking {213 databases.retrieve(DatabaseRetrieveRequest(Config.Database.databaseId))214 }215 result shouldNotBe null216 result is DatabaseResponse217 }218}...

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Source:CharacterRepositoryTest.kt Github


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...6import fr.cedriccreusot.rickandmortyapi.domain.model.Object7import fr.cedriccreusot.rickandmortyapi.domain.model.Status8import io.kotest.common.ExperimentalKotest10import io.kotest.common.runBlocking11import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe13import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString14import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json15@ExperimentalKotest16class CharacterRepositoryTest : ShouldSpec() {17 init {18 testCoroutineDispatcher = true19 coroutineDebugProbes = true20 context("CharacterRepository.getCharacters") {21 should("return an empty list if there is a problem") {22 runBlocking {23 val repository =24 CharacterRepository(RickAndMortyServiceMock.createSerivceThatFail())25 val result = repository.getCharacters()26 result.isEmpty() shouldBe true27 }28 }29 should("call the service then return a list of characters") {30 val json = JsonFileUtils.readJsonFile("character.json")31 val mocked = Json.decodeFromString<CharacterResponse>(json)32 runBlocking {33 val repository =34 CharacterRepository(35 RickAndMortyServiceMock.createServiceThatSucceed(36 characterResponse = mocked37 )38 )39 val result = repository.getCharacters()40 result shouldBe listOf(41 Character(42 id = 1,43 name = "Rick Sanchez",44 status = Status.Alive,45 species = "Human",46 type = "",...

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Source:VarselbestillingQueriesTest.kt Github


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1package no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.varselbestiller.varselbestilling2import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeEmpty3import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe4import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking5import no.nav.personbruker.dittnav.varselbestiller.common.database.LocalPostgresDatabase6import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll7import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test8class VarselbestillingQueriesTest {9 private val database = LocalPostgresDatabase.cleanDb()10 private val varselbestillingBeskjed: Varselbestilling = VarselbestillingObjectMother.createVarselbestillingWithBestillingsIdAndEventId(bestillingsId = "B-test-001", eventId = "001")11 private val varselbestillingOppgave: Varselbestilling = VarselbestillingObjectMother.createVarselbestillingWithBestillingsIdAndEventId(bestillingsId = "O-test-001", eventId = "001")12 init {13 createVarselbestillinger(listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed, varselbestillingOppgave))14 }15 private fun createVarselbestillinger(varselbestillinger: List<Varselbestilling>) {16 runBlocking {17 database.dbQuery {18 createVarselbestillinger(varselbestillinger)19 }20 }21 }22 @AfterAll23 fun tearDown() {24 runBlocking {25 database.dbQuery {26 deleteAllVarselbestilling()27 }28 }29 }30 @Test31 fun `Finner Varselbestillinger med bestillingsIds`() {32 runBlocking {33 val result = database.dbQuery { getVarselbestillingerForBestillingsIds(listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed.bestillingsId, varselbestillingOppgave.bestillingsId)) }34 result.size shouldBe 235 result shouldBe listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed, varselbestillingOppgave)36 }37 }38 @Test39 fun `Returnerer tom liste hvis Varselbestilling med bestillingsId ikke finnes`() {40 runBlocking {41 val result = database.dbQuery { getVarselbestillingerForBestillingsIds(listOf("idFinnesIkke")) }42 result.shouldBeEmpty()43 }44 }45 @Test46 fun `Finner Varselbestillinger med eventIds`() {47 runBlocking {48 val result = database.dbQuery { getVarselbestillingerForEventIds(listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed.eventId, varselbestillingOppgave.eventId)) }49 result.size shouldBe 250 result shouldBe listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed, varselbestillingOppgave)51 }52 }53 @Test54 fun `Returnerer tom liste hvis Varselbestilling med eventId ikke finnes`() {55 runBlocking {56 val result = database.dbQuery { getVarselbestillingerForEventIds(listOf("idFinnesIkke")) }57 result.shouldBeEmpty()58 }59 }60 @Test61 fun `Setter avbestilt for Varselbestilling`() {62 runBlocking {63 database.dbQuery {64 setVarselbestillingAvbestiltFlag(listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed.bestillingsId), true)65 val result = getVarselbestillingerForBestillingsIds(listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed.bestillingsId))66 result.first().bestillingsId shouldBe varselbestillingBeskjed.bestillingsId67 result.first().avbestilt shouldBe true68 }69 }70 }71 @Test72 fun `Persister ikke entitet dersom rad med samme bestillingsId finnes`() {73 runBlocking {74 database.dbQuery {75 val numberOfEntities = getAllVarselbestilling().size76 createVarselbestillinger(listOf(varselbestillingBeskjed, varselbestillingOppgave))77 getAllVarselbestilling().size shouldBe numberOfEntities78 }79 }80 }81 @Test82 fun `Skal haantere at prefererteKanaler er tom`() {83 val varselbestilling = VarselbestillingObjectMother.createVarselbestillingWithPrefererteKanaler(prefererteKanaler = emptyList())84 runBlocking {85 database.dbQuery { createVarselbestillinger(listOf(varselbestilling)) }86 val result = database.dbQuery { getVarselbestillingerForBestillingsIds(listOf(varselbestilling.bestillingsId)) }87 result.size shouldBe 188 result shouldBe listOf(varselbestilling)89 result[0].prefererteKanaler.shouldBeEmpty()90 }91 }92}...

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Source:SimplifiedRationalTest.kt Github


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...4import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe5import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking9import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test10class SimplifiedRationalTest {11 @Test12 fun `create valid rational number from integer number`() {13 runBlocking {14 checkAll( { number ->15 val rational = number.toRational()16 rational.numerator shouldBe number17 rational.denominator shouldBe 118 }19 }20 }21 @Test22 fun `create reciprocal for a given integer number`() {23 runBlocking {24 checkAll( { number ->25 val rational = number.reciprocal()26 rational.numerator shouldBe 127 rational.denominator shouldBe number28 }29 }30 }31 @Test32 fun `rationalDiv should create ration number from two integers`() {33 runBlocking {34 checkAll(iterations = 20, { numerator ->35 checkAll(iterations = 20, { denominator ->36 (numerator rationalDiv denominator) shouldBe SimplifiedRational(numerator, denominator)37 }38 }39 }40 }41 @Test42 fun `normalization of rational number`() {43 (4 rationalDiv 8).normalize() shouldBe (1 rationalDiv 2)44 (10 rationalDiv 4).normalize() shouldBe (5 rationalDiv 2)45 (6 rationalDiv 15).normalize() shouldBe (2 rationalDiv 5)46 }47 @Test48 fun `div operator should divide rational number by integer and return valid result`() {49 runBlocking {50 checkAll(iterations = 20, { numerator ->51 checkAll(iterations = 20, { denominator ->52 checkAll(iterations = 10, { divisor ->53 (numerator rationalDiv denominator) /​ divisor shouldBe (numerator rationalDiv (divisor * denominator))54 }55 }56 }57 }58 }59 @Test60 fun `half function should divide rational number by two`() {61 runBlocking {62 checkAll(iterations = 20, { numerator ->63 checkAll(iterations = 20, { denominator ->64 (numerator rationalDiv denominator).half() shouldBe (numerator rationalDiv (2 * denominator))65 }66 }67 }68 }69 @Test70 fun `+ should add two rational numbers and return valid result`() {71 (1 rationalDiv 2) + (3 rationalDiv 5) shouldBe (11 rationalDiv 10)72 (3 rationalDiv 8) + (1 rationalDiv 8) shouldBe (4 rationalDiv 8)73 }74 @Test75 fun `== should return true for normalized and not normalized versions of same rational number`() {...

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Source:BlocksTest.kt Github


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...7import endpoints.common.Link8import endpoints.common.RichTextObject9import endpoints.common.TextObject10import http.getKtorClient11import io.kotest.common.runBlocking12import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe14import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName15class BlocksTest : AnnotationSpec() {16 private val blocks: Blocks = Blocks(getKtorClient((Config.notionApiKey)))17 @Test18 @DisplayName("[Blocks] Retrieve paragraph block")19 fun getParagraphBlock() {20 val result = runBlocking {21 blocks.retrieve(BlockIdRequest(Config.Block.paragraphId))22 }23 result shouldNotBe null24 result is BlockResponse25 }26 @Test27 @DisplayName("[Blocks] Update todo block")28 fun updateBlock() {29 val result = runBlocking {30 val todoRequest = BlockUpdateRequest(31 blockId = todoId,32 body = BlockBodyRequest.Todo(33 toDo = ToDoRequestType(34 richText = listOf(35 RichTextObject.Text(36 text = TextObject("Lacinato kale.", null)37 )38 ),39 checked = true40 )41 )42 )43 blocks.update(todoRequest)44 }45 result shouldNotBe null46 result is BlockResponse47 }48 @Test49 @DisplayName("[Blocks] Retrieve children block")50 fun retrieveChildrenBlock() {51 val result = runBlocking {52 blocks.retrieveChildren(BlockRetrieveChildRequest(Config.Block.pageId))53 }54 result shouldNotBe null55 result is BlockListResponse56 }57 @Test58 @DisplayName("[Blocks] Append children block")59 fun appendChildrenBlock() {60 val result = runBlocking {61 val pageRequest = BlockAppendChildRequest(62 blockId = Config.Block.pageId,63 body = BlockListChildRequest(64 listOf(65 BlockListBodyRequest.Heading2(66 heading2 = HeadingRequestType(67 listOf(68 RichTextObject.Text(69 text = TextObject(70 content = "Lacinato kale",71 link = Link(72 url = "https:/​/​​wiki/​Lacinato_kale"73 )74 )75 )76 )77 )78 ),79 BlockListBodyRequest.Paragraph(80 paragraph = ParagraphRequestType(81 listOf(82 RichTextObject.Text(83 text = TextObject(84 content = "Lacinato kale is a variety of kale with a long tradition in Italian cuisine, especially that of Tuscany.",85 link = Link(86 url = "https:/​/​​wiki/​Lacinato_kale"87 )88 )89 )90 )91 )92 )93 )94 )95 )96 blocks.appendChildren(pageRequest)97 }98 result shouldNotBe null99 result is BlockListResponse100 }101 @Test102 @DisplayName("[Blocks] Delete block")103 fun deleteBlock() {104 val result = runBlocking {105 blocks.delete(BlockIdRequest(Config.Block.codeId))106 }107 result shouldNotBe null108 result is BlockResponse109 }110}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import io.kotest.common.runBlocking2import kotlinx.coroutines.delay4class MyTest : FunSpec({5test("some test") {6runBlocking {7delay(1000)8}9}10})11import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking12import kotlinx.coroutines.delay14class MyTest : FunSpec({15test("some test") {16runBlocking {17delay(1000)18}19}20})21import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking22import kotlinx.coroutines.delay24class MyTest : FunSpec({25test("some test") {26runBlocking {27delay(1000)28}29}30})31import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking32import kotlinx.coroutines.delay34class MyTest : FunSpec({35test("some test") {36runBlocking {37delay(1000)38}39}40})41import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking42import kotlinx.coroutines.delay44class MyTest : FunSpec({45test("some test") {46runBlocking {47delay(1000)48}49}50})51import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking52import kotlinx.coroutines.delay54class MyTest : FunSpec({55test("some test") {56runBlocking {57delay(1000)58}59}60})61import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking62import kotlinx.coroutines.delay64class MyTest : FunSpec({65test("some test") {66runBlocking {67delay(1000)68}69}70})71import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking72import kotlinx.coroutines.delay74class MyTest : FunSpec({75test("some test") {76runBlocking {77delay(1000)78}79}80})81import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking82import

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val result = runBlocking {2}3val result = coroutineScope {4}5coroutineScope {6}7runBlocking {8}9coroutineScope {10}11runBlocking {12}13coroutineScope {14}15runBlocking {16}17coroutineScope {18}19runBlocking {20}21coroutineScope {22}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 runBlocking {2 println("Hello World!")3 }4 runBlockingTest {5 println("Hello World!")6 }7 runBlockingTest {8 println("Hello World!")9 }10 runBlockingTest {11 println("Hello World!")12 }13 runBlockingTest {14 println("Hello World!")15 }16 runBlockingTest {17 println("Hello World!")18 }19 runBlockingTest {20 println("Hello World!")21 }22 runBlockingTest {23 println("Hello World!")24 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1runBlocking {2}3}4runBlocking {5}6}7runBlocking {8}9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1class MyTest : StringSpec() {2 init {3 "test" {4 runBlocking {5 }6 }7 }8}9class MyTest : StringSpec() {10 init {11 "test" {12 runTest {13 }14 }15 }16}

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