How to use withClue method of io.kotest.assertions.clues class

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.assertions.clues.withClue


Source:ClueTest.kt Github


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1package com.sksamuel.kotest.assertions2import io.kotest.assertions.asClue3import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly4import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow5import io.kotest.assertions.withClue6import io.kotest.matchers.Matcher8import io.kotest.matchers.MatcherResult9import io.kotest.matchers.nulls.shouldBeNull10import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe11import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain12import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldStartWith13import kotlinx.coroutines.delay14import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeout15import java.util.*16class ClueTest : FreeSpec({17 "withClue()" - {18 fun withClueEcho(other: String) = object : Matcher<String> {19 override fun test(value: String) = MatcherResult(20 false,21 { "Should have the details of '$value' and $other" },22 {23 "Should have the details of '$value' and $other"24 })25 }26 "should prepend clue to message with a newline" {27 val ex = shouldThrow<AssertionError> {28 withClue("a clue:") { "1" shouldBe withClueEcho("here are the details!") }29 }30 ex.message shouldBe "a clue:\nShould have the details of '1' and here are the details!"31 }32 "should add clues correctly with multiple/​softAssert" {33 val ex = shouldThrow<AssertionError> {34 withClue("outer clue:") {35 assertSoftly {36 "1" shouldBe withClueEcho("the details!")37 withClue("inner clue:") { "2" shouldBe "1" }38 }39 }40 }41 ex.message.apply {42 shouldContain("outer clue:\nShould have the details of '1' and the details!")43 shouldContain("inner clue:\nexpected:<\"1\"> but was:<\"2\">")44 }45 }46 "should show all available nested clue contexts" {47 withClue("clue outer:") {48 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { "1" shouldBe "2" }.message shouldBe "clue outer:\nexpected:<\"2\"> but was:<\"1\">"49 withClue("clue inner:") {50 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { "3" shouldBe "4" }.message shouldBe "clue outer:\nclue inner:\nexpected:<\"4\"> but was:<\"3\">"51 }52 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { "5" shouldBe "6" }.message shouldBe "clue outer:\nexpected:<\"6\"> but was:<\"5\">"53 }54 /​/​And resets completely when leaving final clue block55 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { "7" shouldBe "8" }.message shouldBe "expected:<\"8\"> but was:<\"7\">"56 }57 "should only invoke the lazy if an assertion fails" {58 val expected = UUID.randomUUID()59 var state: String? = null60 val clue: Lazy<UUID> = lazy {61 expected.also { state = it.toString() }62 }63 state.shouldBeNull()64 withClue(clue) {65 1 + 1 shouldBe 266 }67 state.shouldBeNull()68 withClue(clue) {69 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { "1" shouldBe "2" }.message shouldStartWith expected.toString()70 }71 state shouldBe expected.toString()72 }73 "clue can be nullable" {74 val ex = shouldThrow<AssertionError> {75 withClue(null) { 1 shouldBe 2 }76 }77 ex.message shouldBe "null\nexpected:<2> but was:<1>"78 }79 }80 "asClue()" - {81 "should prepend clue to message with a newline" {82 val ex = shouldThrow<AssertionError> {83 "a clue:".asClue { "1" shouldBe "2" }84 }85 ex.message shouldBe "a clue:\nexpected:<\"2\"> but was:<\"1\">"86 }87 "should add clues correctly with multiple/​softAssert" {88 val ex = shouldThrow<AssertionError> {89 "outer clue:".asClue {90 assertSoftly {91 "1" shouldBe "the details"92 "inner clue:".asClue { "2" shouldBe "1" }93 }94 }95 }96 ex.message.apply {97 shouldContain("outer clue:\nexpected:<\"the details\"> but was:<\"1\">")98 shouldContain("outer clue:\ninner clue:\nexpected:<\"1\"> but was:<\"2\">")99 }100 }101 "should show all available nested clue contexts" {102 data class MyData(val a: Int, val b: String)103 MyData(10, "clue object").asClue {104 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { it.b shouldBe "2" }.message shouldBe """MyData(a=10, b=clue object)105|expected:<"2"> but was:<"clue object">""".trimMargin()106 }107 data class HttpResponse(val status: Int, val body: String)108 val response = HttpResponse(404, "not found")109 response.asClue {110 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {it.status shouldBe 200}.message shouldBe "HttpResponse(status=404, body=not found)\nexpected:<200> but was:<404>"111 MyData(20, "nest it").asClue { inner ->112 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {it.status shouldBe 200}.message shouldBe "HttpResponse(status=404, body=not found)\nMyData(a=20, b=nest it)\nexpected:<200> but was:<404>"113 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {inner.a shouldBe 10}.message shouldBe "HttpResponse(status=404, body=not found)\nMyData(a=20, b=nest it)\nexpected:<10> but was:<20>"114 }115 /​/​after nesting, everything looks as before116 shouldThrow<AssertionError> { it.status shouldBe 200 }.message shouldBe "HttpResponse(status=404, body=not found)\nexpected:<200> but was:<404>"117 }118 }119 "clue can be nullable" {120 val ex = shouldThrow<AssertionError> {121 null.asClue { 1 shouldBe 2 }122 }123 ex.message shouldBe "null\nexpected:<2> but was:<1>"124 }125 "clue should work for withTimeout" {126 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {127 withClue("timey timey") {128 withTimeout(2) {129 delay(1000)130 }131 }132 }.message shouldBe "timey timey\nTimed out waiting for 2 ms"133 }134 "clue should work where expected or actual is null" {135 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {136 withClue("A expected is null value") {137 "hello" shouldBe null138 }139 }.message shouldBe "A expected is null value\nExpected null but actual was \"hello\""140 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {141 withClue("A actual is null value") {142 null shouldBe "hello"143 }144 }.message shouldBe "A actual is null value\nExpected \"hello\" but actual was null"145 }146 }147})...

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Source:AssertionsTest.kt Github


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2import io.kotest.assertions.asClue3import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly4import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow5import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrowAny6import io.kotest.assertions.withClue7import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainAll9import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo10import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe11import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe12import io.kotest.matchers.string.*13class AssertionsTest : FreeSpec() {14 init {15 "Matchers" - {16 val testStr = "I am iron man"17 val testNum = 518 val testList = listOf("iron", "bronze", "silver")19 "일치 하는지" {20 testStr shouldBe "I am iron man"21 }22 "일치 안 하는지" {23 testStr shouldNotBe "I am silver man"24 }25 "해당 문자열로 시작하는지" {26 testStr shouldStartWith "I am"27 }28 "해당 문자열을 포함하는지" {29 testStr shouldContain "iron"30 }31 "리스트에서 해당 리스트의 값들이 모두 포함되는지" {32 testList shouldContainAll listOf("iron", "silver")33 }34 "대소문자 무시하고 일치하는지" {35 testStr shouldBeEqualIgnoringCase "I AM IRON MAN"36 }37 "보다 큰거나 같은지" {38 testNum shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo 339 }40 "해당 문자열과 길이가 같은지" {41 testStr shouldHaveSameLengthAs "I AM SUPERMAN"42 }43 "문자열 길이" {44 testStr shouldHaveLength 1345 }46 "여러개 체이닝" {47 testStr.shouldStartWith("I").shouldHaveLength(13).shouldContainIgnoringCase("IRON")48 }49 }50 "Exception" - {51 "ArithmeticException Exception 발생하는지" {52 val exception = shouldThrow<ArithmeticException> {53 1 /​ 054 }55 exception.message shouldStartWith ("/​ by zero")56 }57 "어떤 Exception이든 발생하는지" {58 val exception = shouldThrowAny {59 1 /​ 060 }61 exception.message shouldStartWith ("/​ by zero")62 }63 }64 "Clues" - {65 data class HttpResponse(val status: Int, val body: String)66 val response = HttpResponse(404, "the content")67 "Not Use Clues" {68 response.status shouldBe 20069 response.body shouldBe "the content"70 /​/​ ê²°ê³¼: expected:<200> but was:<404>71 }72 "With Clues" {73 withClue("status는 200이여야 되고 body는 'the content'여야 한다") {74 response.status shouldBe 20075 response.body shouldBe "the content"76 }77 /​/​ ê²°ê³¼: status는 200이여야 되고 body는 'the content'여야 한다78 }79 "As Clues" {80 response.asClue {81 it.status shouldBe 20082 it.body shouldBe "the content"83 }84 /​/​ ê²°ê³¼: HttpResponse(status=404, body=the content)85 }86 }87 "Soft Assertions" - { /​/​ assert가 중간에 실패해도 끝까지 체크가 가능함...

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Source:CluesTests.kt Github


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...9import kotlinx.coroutines.delay10import kotlinx.coroutines.launch11import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext12class CluesTests : FunSpec({13 test("withClue should not fail on coroutine thread switch") {14 withContext(Dispatchers.Unconfined) {15 val threadIds = mutableSetOf<Long>()16 withClue("should not fail") {17 threadIds.add(Thread.currentThread().id)18 delay(10)19 threadIds.add(Thread.currentThread().id)20 }21 threadIds shouldHaveSize 222 }23 }24 test("concurrent withClue invocations should be isolated from each other") {25 @OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class)26 withContext(Dispatchers.IO.limitedParallelism(8)) {27 val repetitionCount = 10028 val parentCoroutineCount = 229 val childCoroutineCount = 1030 val stepCount = 231 /​/​ These parameters specify a certain quota of repetitions to succeed in dispatching coroutines to32 /​/​ a specified minimum number of threads. This safeguards against subtle differences in dispatcher33 /​/​ implementations (how many threads to allocate, how many threads to actually use for coroutines).34 val minimumThreadCount = 235 val minimumThreadRepetitionQuota = repetitionCount /​ 236 var minimumThreadRepetitionCount = 037 for (repetitionNumber in 1..repetitionCount) {38 val threadIds = mutableSetOf<Long>()39 coroutineScope {40 for (parentCoroutineNumber in 1..parentCoroutineCount) {41 launch {42 val parentClue = "r=$repetitionNumber, p=$parentCoroutineNumber"43 withClue(parentClue) {44 for (childCoroutineNumber in 1..childCoroutineCount) {45 launch {46 for (stepNumber in 1..stepCount) {47 val childClue = "r=$repetitionNumber, c=$childCoroutineNumber, s=$stepNumber"48 withClue(childClue) {49 clueContextAsString() shouldBe "$parentClue\n$childClue\n"50 synchronized(threadIds) { threadIds.add(Thread.currentThread().id) }51 delay(1L)52 clueContextAsString() shouldBe "$parentClue\n$childClue\n"53 synchronized(threadIds) { threadIds.add(Thread.currentThread().id) }54 }55 }56 }57 }58 }59 }60 }61 }62 if (threadIds.size >= minimumThreadCount)...

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Source:ErrorCollector.kt Github


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...7actual val errorCollector: ErrorCollector get() = threadLocalErrorCollector.get()8/​**9 * A [CoroutineContext.Element] which keeps the error collector synchronized with thread-switching coroutines.10 *11 * When using [withClue] or [assertSoftly] on the JVM without the Kotest framework, this context element12 * should be added to each top-level coroutine context, e.g. via13 * - `runBlocking(errorCollectorContextElement) { ... }`14 * - `runTest(Dispatchers.IO + errorCollectorContextElement) { ... }`15 */​16val errorCollectorContextElement: CoroutineContext.Element17 get() = ErrorCollectorContextElement(threadLocalErrorCollector.get())18private val threadLocalErrorCollector = object : ThreadLocal<CoroutineLocalErrorCollector>() {19 override fun initialValue() = CoroutineLocalErrorCollector()20}21private class CoroutineLocalErrorCollector : BasicErrorCollector() {22 fun copy(): CoroutineLocalErrorCollector {23 val result = CoroutineLocalErrorCollector()24 result.failures.addAll(failures)25 result.mode = mode...

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Source:clues.kt Github


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...6 *7 * @param thunk the code with assertions to be executed8 * @return the return value of the supplied [thunk]9 */​10inline fun <R> withClue(clue: Any?, thunk: () -> R): R {11 return clue.asClue { thunk() }12}13/​**14 * Similar to [withClue] but accepts a lazy in the case that a clue is expensive or is only valid when an assertion fails.15 * Can be nested, the error message will contain all available clues.16 *17 * @param thunk the code with assertions to be executed18 * @return the return value of the supplied [thunk]19 */​20inline fun <R> withClue(clue: Lazy<Any?>, thunk: () -> R): R {21 try {22 errorCollector.pushClue { clue.value.toString() }23 return thunk()24 /​/​ this is a special control exception used by coroutines25 } catch (t: TimeoutCancellationException) {26 throw Exceptions.createAssertionError(clueContextAsString() + (t.message ?: ""), t)27 } finally {28 errorCollector.popClue()29 }30}31/​**32 * Similar to `withClue`, but will add `this` as a clue to the assertion error message in case an assertion fails.33 * Can be nested, the error message will contain all available clues.34 *35 * @param block the code with assertions to be executed36 * @return the return value of the supplied [block]37 */​38inline fun <T : Any?, R> T.asClue(block: (T) -> R): R = withClue(lazy { this.toString() }) { block(this) }39inline fun <T : Any?> Iterable<T>.forEachAsClue(action: (T) -> Unit) = forEach { element ->40 element.asClue {41 action(it)42 }43}...

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1 fun `test withClue`(){2 withClue("Clue 1"){3 withClue("Clue 2"){4 withClue("Clue 3"){5 withClue("Clue 4"){6 withClue("Clue 5"){7 withClue("Clue 6"){8 withClue("Clue 7"){9 withClue("Clue 8"){10 withClue("Clue 9"){11 withClue("Clue 10"){12 withClue("Clue 11"){13 withClue("Clue 12"){14 withClue("Clue 13"){15 withClue("Clue 14"){16 withClue("Clue 15"){17 withClue("Clue 16"){18 withClue("Clue 17"){19 withClue("Clue 18"){20 withClue("Clue 19"){21 withClue("Clue 20"){22 withClue("Clue 21"){23 withClue("Clue 22"){24 withClue("Clue 23"){25 withClue("Clue 24"){26 withClue("Clue 25"){27 withClue("Clue 26"){28 withClue("Clue 27"){29 withClue("Clue 28"){30 withClue("Clue 29"){31 withClue("Clue 30"){32 withClue("Clue 31"){33 withClue("Clue 32"){34 withClue("Clue 33"){35 withClue("Clue 34"){36 withClue("Clue 35"){37 withClue("Clue 36"){38 withClue("Clue 37"){39 withClue("Clue 38"){40 withClue("Clue 39"){41 withClue("Clue 40"){42 withClue("Clue 41"){43 withClue("Clue 42"){44 withClue("Clue 43"){45 withClue("Clue 44"){46 withClue("Clue 45"){47 withClue("Clue 46"){

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1withClue(clue) {2}3withClue(clue) {4}5withClue(clue) {6}7withClue(clue) {8}9withClue(clue) {10}11withClue(clue) {12}13withClue(clue) {14}15withClue(clue) {16}17withClue(clue) {18}19withClue(clue) {20}21withClue(clue) {22}23withClue(clue) {24}25withClue(clue) {26}

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1 fun testWithClue() {2 withClue("a should be 1 but was $a") {3 withClue("b should be 2 but was $b") {4 }5 }6 }7 fun testWithClue() {8 withClue("a should be 1 but was $a") {9 withClue("b should be 2 but was $b") {10 }11 }12 }13 fun testWithClue() {14 withClue("a should be 1 but was $a") {15 withClue("b should be 2 but was $b") {16 }17 }18 }19 fun testWithClue() {20 withClue("a should be 1 but was $a") {21 withClue("b should be 2 but was $b") {22 }23 }24 }25 fun testWithClue() {26 withClue("a should be 1 but was $a") {27 withClue("b should be 2 but was $b") {28 }29 }30 }31 fun testWithClue() {

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