Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.assertions.all.assertSoftly
Source: AssertionsTest.kt
1package com.psg.kotest_example2import io.kotest.assertions.asClue3import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly4import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow5import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrowAny6import io.kotest.assertions.withClue7import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainAll9import io.kotest.matchers.comparables.shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo10import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe11import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe12import io.kotest.matchers.string.*13class AssertionsTest : FreeSpec() {14 init {15 "Matchers" - {16 val testStr = "I am iron man"17 val testNum = 518 val testList = listOf("iron", "bronze", "silver")19 "ì¼ì¹ íëì§" {20 testStr shouldBe "I am iron man"21 }22 "ì¼ì¹ ì íëì§" {23 testStr shouldNotBe "I am silver man"24 }25 "í´ë¹ 문ìì´ë¡ ììíëì§" {26 testStr shouldStartWith "I am"27 }28 "í´ë¹ 문ìì´ì í¬í¨íëì§" {29 testStr shouldContain "iron"30 }31 "리ì¤í¸ìì í´ë¹ 리ì¤í¸ì ê°ë¤ì´ 모ë í¬í¨ëëì§" {32 testList shouldContainAll listOf("iron", "silver")33 }34 "ëì문ì 무ìíê³ ì¼ì¹íëì§" {35 testStr shouldBeEqualIgnoringCase "I AM IRON MAN"36 }37 "ë³´ë¤ í°ê±°ë ê°ìì§" {38 testNum shouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo 339 }40 "í´ë¹ 문ìì´ê³¼ 길ì´ê° ê°ìì§" {41 testStr shouldHaveSameLengthAs "I AM SUPERMAN"42 }43 "문ìì´ ê¸¸ì´" {44 testStr shouldHaveLength 1345 }46 "ì¬ë¬ê° ì²´ì´ë" {47 testStr.shouldStartWith("I").shouldHaveLength(13).shouldContainIgnoringCase("IRON")48 }49 }50 "Exception" - {51 "ArithmeticException Exception ë°ìíëì§" {52 val exception = shouldThrow<ArithmeticException> {53 1 / 054 }55 exception.message shouldStartWith ("/ by zero")56 }57 "ì´ë¤ Exceptionì´ë ë°ìíëì§" {58 val exception = shouldThrowAny {59 1 / 060 }61 exception.message shouldStartWith ("/ by zero")62 }63 }64 "Clues" - {65 data class HttpResponse(val status: Int, val body: String)66 val response = HttpResponse(404, "the content")67 "Not Use Clues" {68 response.status shouldBe 20069 response.body shouldBe "the content"70 // ê²°ê³¼: expected:<200> but was:<404>71 }72 "With Clues" {73 withClue("statusë 200ì´ì¬ì¼ ëê³ bodyë 'the content'ì¬ì¼ íë¤") {74 response.status shouldBe 20075 response.body shouldBe "the content"76 }77 // ê²°ê³¼: statusë 200ì´ì¬ì¼ ëê³ bodyë 'the content'ì¬ì¼ íë¤78 }79 "As Clues" {80 response.asClue {81 it.status shouldBe 20082 it.body shouldBe "the content"83 }84 // ê²°ê³¼: HttpResponse(status=404, body=the content)85 }86 }87 "Soft Assertions" - { // assertê° ì¤ê°ì ì¤í¨í´ë ëê¹ì§ ì²´í¬ê° ê°ë¥í¨88 val testStr = "I am iron man"89 val testNum = 590 "Not Soft" {91 testStr shouldBe "IronMan"92 testNum shouldBe 193 // ê²°ê³¼: expected:<"IronMan"> but was:<"I am iron man">94 }95 "Use Soft" {96 assertSoftly {97 testStr shouldBe "IronMan"98 testNum shouldBe 199 }100 // ê²°ê³¼: expected:<"IronMan"> but was:<"I am iron man">101 // expected:<1> but was:<5>102 }103 }104 }105}...
Source: RandomServiceTest.kt
1package io.github.serpro69.kfaker2import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly3import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow4import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContain6import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe7import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain8import java.util.*9internal class RandomServiceTest : DescribeSpec({10 describe("RandomService instance") {11 val randomService = RandomService(Random())12 context("calling nextInt(min, max)") {13 val values = List(100) { randomService.nextInt(6..8) }14 it("return value should be within specified range") {15 values.all { it in 6..8 } shouldBe true16 }17 }18 context("calling nextInt(intRange)") {19 val values = List(100) { randomService.nextInt(3..9) }20 it("return value should be within specified range") {21 values.all { it in 3..9 } shouldBe true22 }23 }24 context("calling randomValue<T>(list)") {25 context("list is not empty") {26 val values = List(100) { randomService.nextInt(3..9) }27 val value = randomService.randomValue(values)28 it("return value should be in the list") {29 values shouldContain value30 }31 }32 context("list is empty") {33 val values = listOf<String>()34 it("exception is thrown") {35 shouldThrow<IllegalArgumentException> {36 randomService.randomValue(values)37 }38 }39 }40 context("list contains nulls") {41 val values = listOf(1, 2, 3, null).filter { it == null }42 val value = randomService.randomValue(values)43 it("return value should be in the list") {44 assertSoftly {45 values shouldContain value46 value shouldBe null47 }48 }49 }50 }51 context("calling randomValue<T>(array)") {52 context("array is not empty") {53 val values = Array(100) { randomService.nextInt(3..9) }54 val value = randomService.randomValue(values)55 it("return value should be in the array") {56 values shouldContain value57 }58 }59 context("array is empty") {60 val values = arrayOf<String>()61 it("exception is thrown") {62 shouldThrow<IllegalArgumentException> {63 randomService.randomValue(values)64 }65 }66 }67 context("array contains nulls") {68 val values = arrayOf(1, 2, 3, null).filter { it == null }69 val value = randomService.randomValue(values)70 it("return value should be in the array") {71 assertSoftly {72 values shouldContain value73 value shouldBe null74 }75 }76 }77 }78 context("calling nextChar()") {79 val source = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"80 context("upperCase is true") {81 it("random upper-case letter is generated") {82 val letter = randomService.nextLetter(true).toString()83 source.toUpperCase() shouldContain letter84 }85 }...
Source: MultimapTests.kt
1package com.adidas.mvi2import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly3import io.kotest.core.spec.IsolationMode4import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldBeEmpty6import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContain7import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize8import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldNotContain9import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe10internal class MultimapTests : BehaviorSpec({11 isolationMode = IsolationMode.InstancePerLeaf12 given("An empty multimap") {13 val multimap = Multimap<String, Int>()14 `when`("I put a value") {15 val entry = multimap.put("Test", 1)16 then("The value should be returned") {17 entry shouldBe MultimapEntry("Test", 1)18 }19 then("The value should be in the map") {20 assertSoftly(multimap["Test"]) {21 shouldHaveSize(1)22 shouldContain(MultimapEntry("Test", 1))23 }24 }25 then("A key should be returned") {26 assertSoftly(multimap.keys) {27 shouldHaveSize(1)28 shouldContain("Test")29 }30 }31 }32 `when`("I try to get a key which has no values") {33 val entries = multimap["NotAdded"]34 then("The entries should be empty") {35 entries.shouldBeEmpty()36 }37 }38 }39 given("A multimap with an already added value") {40 val multimap = Multimap<String, Int>()41 multimap.put("Test", 1)42 `when`("I put another value on the same key") {43 multimap.put("Test", 2)44 then("The other value should be added also") {45 assertSoftly(multimap["Test"]) {46 shouldHaveSize(2)47 shouldContain(MultimapEntry("Test", 2))48 }49 }50 }51 }52 given("A multimap with 2 values added on the same key") {53 val multimap = Multimap<String, Int>()54 multimap.put("Test", 1)55 multimap.put("Test", 2)56 `when`("I remove an entry") {57 multimap.remove(MultimapEntry("Test", 1))58 then("The value should not be returned anymore") {59 assertSoftly(multimap["Test"]) {60 shouldHaveSize(1)61 shouldNotContain(MultimapEntry("Test", 1))62 }63 }64 }65 `when`("I remove all entries") {66 multimap.remove(MultimapEntry("Test", 1))67 multimap.remove(MultimapEntry("Test", 2))68 then("The key should be removed") {69 multimap.keys shouldNotContain "Test"70 }71 }72 }73 given("A filled multimap") {74 val original = Multimap<String, Int>()75 original.put("Test", 1)76 `when`("I copy it and add a value on the original") {77 val copied = original.copy()78 original.put("Test", 2)79 then("The copied should not contain the added value") {80 assertSoftly(copied["Test"]) {81 shouldHaveSize(1)82 shouldNotContain(MultimapEntry("Test", 2))83 }84 }85 }86 `when`("I copy it and remove a value on the original") {87 val copied = original.copy()88 original.remove(MultimapEntry("Test", 1))89 then("The copied should still contain the removed entry") {90 assertSoftly(copied["Test"]) {91 shouldHaveSize(1)92 shouldContain(MultimapEntry("Test", 1))93 }94 }95 }96 }97})...
Source: InMemoryHopRepositoryTest.kt
...4import domain.hop.model.HopType5import domain.quantities.PercentRange6import domain.quantities.QuantityRange7import fixtures.sampleHop8import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly9import io.kotest.assertions.fail10import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder12import io.kotest.matchers.maps.shouldHaveSize13import io.kotest.matchers.nulls.shouldNotBeNull14import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe15import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldNotBeBlank16class InMemoryHopRepositoryTest : ShouldSpec({17 val repoUnderTest = InMemoryHopRepository()18 beforeEach {19 repoUnderTest.clear()20 }21 should("find hop by name") {22 // Givent23 = "Cascade", similarTo = listOf("Citra")))25 = "Chinook", similarTo = listOf("Cascade", "Citra", "Chinook")))26 // When & Then27 repoUnderTest.findByName("Citra").shouldNotBeNull().apply {28 assertSoftly {29 name shouldBe "Citra"30 country.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder(Country.USA)31 alpha shouldBe PercentRange(10.0, 12.0)32 beta shouldBe PercentRange(3.5, 4.5)33 coH shouldBe PercentRange(22.0, 24.0)34 type.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder(HopType.AROMATIC, HopType.BITTERING)35 profile.shouldNotBeBlank()36 similarTo.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder("Cascade", "Centennial", "Chinook")37 }38 }39 }40 should("get all") {41 // Given42
Source: ToudouSteps.kt
1package fr.lidonis.toudou.acceptance.serverktor2import fr.lidonis.toudou.server.module3import io.cucumber.java8.En4import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly5import io.kotest.assertions.json.shouldContainJsonKey6import io.kotest.assertions.json.shouldContainJsonKeyValue7import io.kotest.assertions.ktor.shouldHaveContent8import io.kotest.assertions.ktor.shouldHaveHeader9import io.kotest.assertions.ktor.shouldHaveStatus10import io.ktor.application.*11import io.ktor.http.*12import io.ktor.http.ContentType.Application.Json13import io.ktor.http.HttpMethod.Companion.Get14import io.ktor.http.HttpMethod.Companion.Post15import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode.Companion.OK16import io.ktor.server.testing.*17import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets18class ToudouSteps : En {19 private lateinit var response: TestApplicationResponse20 init {21 Given("Empty/A toudous") {22 }23 When("I list all toudous") {24 withTestApplication(Application::module) {25 response = handleRequest(Get, "/").response26 }27 }28 When("I add a toudou with label {string}") { label: String ->29 withTestApplication(Application::module) {30 response = handleRequest(Post, "/") {31 addHeader(HttpHeaders.ContentType, Json.toString())32 setBody("{ \"label\": \"${label}\" }")33 }.response34 }35 }36 Then("my toudous are empty") {37 assertSoftly(response) {38 shouldHaveStatus(OK)39 shouldHaveHeader(40 HttpHeaders.ContentType,41 Json.withCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString()42 )43 shouldHaveContent("[]")44 }45 }46 Then("a toudou should be created") {47 assertSoftly(response) {48 shouldHaveStatus(OK)49 shouldHaveHeader(50 HttpHeaders.ContentType,51 Json.withCharset(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString()52 )53 }54 }55 Then("the toudou should have an Id") {56 response.content.shouldContainJsonKey("toudouId")57 }58 Then("the toudou should have a label {string}") { label: String ->59 response.content.shouldContainJsonKeyValue("label", label)60 }61 }...
Source: AssertJTest.kt
1package io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly3import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow4import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder6import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldExistInOrder7import io.kotest.matchers.ints.shouldBeInRange8import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe9import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat10import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.within11import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions12class AssertJTest : FreeSpec() {13 init {14 "assertj and kotest asserts" - {15 "assertj simple assert" {16 assertThat(1).isCloseTo(2, within(1))17 }18 "kotest simple assert" {19 1 shouldBeInRange 1..220 }21 val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)22 "assertj collection" {23 assertThat(list).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(1, 2, 3)24 }25 "kotest collection" {26 list shouldContainExactlyInAnyOrder listOf(1, 2, 3)27 list.shouldExistInOrder({ it >= 1 }, { it >= 2 }, { it >= 3 })28 }29 "assertj - assertion error message" {30 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {31 assertThat(1.0).`as` { "ÐпиÑание оÑибки" }.isEqualTo(2.0)32 }.message.also(::println)33 }34 "kotest - assertion error message" {35 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {36 1.0 shouldBe 2.037 }.message.also(::println)38 }39 "assertj - soft assert" {40 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {41 SoftAssertions().apply {42 assertThat(1).isEqualTo(2)43 assertThat(2).isEqualTo(3)44 }.assertAll()45 }.message.also(::println)46 }47 "kotest - soft assert" {48 shouldThrow<AssertionError> {49 assertSoftly {50 1 shouldBe 251 2 shouldBe 352 }53 }.message.also(::println)54 }55 }56 }57}...
Source: KotestWithParams.kt
1import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly2import io.kotest.datatest.withData8import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe9import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldMatch10class KotestWithParams : ShouldSpec({11 should("Multiplication tests") {12 withData(13 mapOf(14 "10x2" to Triple(10, 2, 20),15 "20x2" to Triple(20, 2, 40),16 "30x2" to Triple(30, 2, 60),17 )18 ) { (a, b, c) ->19 a * b shouldBe c20 }21 }22})23class EmailTest : DescribeSpec({24 include(emailValidation)25})26val emailValidation = describeSpec {27 describe("Registration") {28 context("Not existing user") {29 forAll(30 row(""),31 row(""),32 ) {33 assertSoftly {34 it shouldMatch "/^\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+\$/"35 }36 }37 }38 }39}...
Source: NumberTestWithForAll.kt
1import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly2import io.kotest.inspectors.forAll4import io.kotest.matchers.ints.shouldBeGreaterThan5import io.kotest.matchers.ints.shouldBeLessThan6class NumberTestWithForAll : StringSpec({7 val numbers = Array(10) { it + 1 }8 "invalid numbers" {9 assertSoftly {10 numbers.forAll { it shouldBeLessThan 5 }11 numbers.forAll { it shouldBeGreaterThan 3 }12 }13 }14})...
Using AI Code Generation
1assertSoftly {2 firstTest()3 secondTest()4 thirdTest()5}6assertSoftly {7 firstTest()8 secondTest()9 thirdTest()10}11assertSoftly {12 firstTest()13 secondTest()14 thirdTest()15}16assertSoftly {17 firstTest()18 secondTest()19 thirdTest()20}
Using AI Code Generation
1val e = shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } e . message . shouldBe ( "For input string: \"1\"" )2shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } . message . shouldBe ( "For input string: \"1\"" )3shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } . message . shouldBe ( "For input string: \"1\"" )4shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } . message . shouldBe ( "For input string: \"1\"" )5shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } . message . shouldBe ( "For input string: \"1\"" )6shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } shouldThrow < IllegalArgumentException > { "1" . toInt () } . message . shouldBe ( "For input string: \"1\"" )
Using AI Code Generation
1import io.kotest.assertions.all.*2assertSoftly {3}4assertSoftly { a, b, c ->5}6assertSoftly { (a, b, c) ->7}8assertSoftly { (a, b, c), d ->9}10assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e) ->11}12assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), f ->13}14assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g) ->15}16assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), h ->17}18assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i) ->19}20assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), j ->21}22assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), (j, k) ->23}24assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), (j, k), l ->25}26assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), (j, k), (l, m) ->27}28assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), (j, k), (l, m), n ->29}30assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), (j, k), (l, m), (n, o) ->31}32assertSoftly { (a, b, c), (d, e), (f, g), (h, i), (j,
Using AI Code Generation
1}2}3dependencies {4}5import io.kotest.assertions.all.*6}7}
Using AI Code Generation
1assertSoftly {2}3}4assertSoftly {5assert(1 == 2) { "First assertion failed" }6assert(2 == 3) { "Second assertion failed" }7assert(3 == 4) { "Third assertion failed" }8}9}10at com.example.MyTest.test(MyTest.kt:11)11at com.example.MyTest.test(MyTest.kt:12)12at com.example.MyTest.test(MyTest.kt:13)
Using AI Code Generation
1assertSoftly {2}3}4assertSoftly {5assertSoftly {6}7}
Using AI Code Generation
1assertSoftly {2assert(1 == 2)3assert(2 == 2)4assert(3 == 2)5}6assertSoftly {7assert(1 == 2)8assert(2 == 2)9assert(3 == 2)10}11assertSoftly {12assert(1 == 2)13assert(2 == 2)14assert(3 == 2)15}16assertSoftly {17assert(1 == 2)18assert(2 == 2)19assert(3 == 2)20}21assertSoftly {22assert(1 == 2)23assert(2 == 2)24assert(3 == 2)25}26assertSoftly {27assert(1 == 2)28assert(2 == 2)29assert(3 == 2)30}
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