How to use from method of com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.InlineDataPart class

Best Fuel code snippet using com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.InlineDataPart.from


Source:DataStore.kt Github


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1package android.content.Context3import android.util.Log4import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.*5import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FileDataPart6import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.InlineDataPart7import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.gson.responseObject8import com.github.kittinunf.result.Result9import org.json.JSONObject10import*11object DataStore {12 val baseUrl = ""13// val baseUrl = ""14 var accessToken: String = ""15 private lateinit var myContext: Context16 fun setContext(context: Context) {17 myContext = context18 setUnitMeasurements()19 }20 var stores: MutableList<Store> = arrayListOf()21 private set22 var unitMeasurements: MutableList<UnitMeasurement> = arrayListOf()23 private set24 var products: MutableList<Product> = arrayListOf()25 private set26 fun setUnitMeasurements() {27 unitMeasurements.add(UnitMeasurement(0, "Peso"))28 unitMeasurements.add(UnitMeasurement(1, "Unidade"))29 }30 fun loadAllProducts(responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {31 val responseModel = ResponseModel()32 val url = "$baseUrl/Product/list"33 url.httpGet().header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")34 .header("Authorization", accessToken)35 .responseObject<List<Product>>{ _, _, result->36 when(result){37 is Result.Failure ->{38 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage39 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")40 responseModel.hasError = true41 responseModel.error = message42 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)43 }44 is Result.Success ->{45 val(data, _) = result46 if (data != null){47 clearAllItemsFromStore()48 products.addAll(data)49 responseModel.hasSuccess = true50 responseModel.success = "Success"51 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)52 }53 }54 }55 }56 }57 fun loadAllItemsFromStore(responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {58 val responseModel = ResponseModel()59 val url = "$baseUrl/Store/list"60 url.httpGet().header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")61 .header("Authorization", accessToken)62 .responseObject<List<Store>>{ _, _, result->63 when(result){64 is Result.Failure ->{65 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage66 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")67 responseModel.hasError = true68 responseModel.error = message69 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)70 }71 is Result.Success ->{72 val(data, _) = result73 if (data != null){74 clearAllItemsFromStore()75 data.forEach {76 var product = getProductById(it.productId)77 var item: Store = it78 item.product = product?.name ?: ""79 stores.add(item)80 responseModel.hasSuccess = true81 responseModel.success = "Success"82 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)83 }84 }85 }86 }87 }88 }89 fun getItemFromStore(position: Int): Store {90 return stores.get(position)91 }92 fun addItemToStore(store: Store, responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {93 val url = "$baseUrl/Store"94 val responseModel = ResponseModel()95 val body = JSONObject()96 body.put("productId", store.productId)97 body.put("product", store.product)98 body.put("quantity", store.quantity)99 body.put("unitMea", store.unitMea)100 url.httpPost()101 .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")102 .header("Authorization", accessToken)103 .body(body.toString())104 .responseObject<Store>{ _, _, result->105 when(result){106 is Result.Failure ->{107 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage108 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")109 responseModel.hasError = true110 responseModel.error = message111 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)112 }113 is Result.Success ->{114 val(data, _) = result115 if (data != null){116 stores.add(data)117 responseModel.hasSuccess = true118 responseModel.success = "Item adicionado: ${data.product}"119 responseModel.createdId = data.id120 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)121 }122 }123 }124 }125 }126 fun addImageToStore(storeId: Int, file: File, responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {127 val url = "$baseUrl/Store/image"128 val responseModel = ResponseModel()129 val body = JSONObject()130 body.put("request.Id", storeId)131 body.put("request.File", file)132 Fuel.upload(url)133 .add(134 FileDataPart(file, name = "request.File", filename="teste.png"),135 InlineDataPart(storeId.toString(), name = "request.Id")136 )137 .header(mutableMapOf(138 "Authorization" to accessToken,139 "Content-Type" to "multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------353036372019982236523763")140 )141 .responseObject<Store>{ _, _, result->142 when(result){143 is Result.Failure ->{144 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage145 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")146 responseModel.hasError = true147 responseModel.error = message148 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)149 }150 is Result.Success ->{151 val(data, _) = result152 if (data != null){153 stores.add(data)154 responseModel.hasSuccess = true155 responseModel.success = "Image adicionada"156 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)157 }158 }159 }160 }161 }162 fun editItemFromStore(store: Store, responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {163// TaskEditStore(city, delegate).execute("$baseUrl/Store")164 val responseModel = ResponseModel()165 val url = "$baseUrl/Store"166 val body = JSONObject()167 body.put("id", body.put("productId", store.productId)169 body.put("product", store.product)170 body.put("quantity", store.quantity)171 body.put("unitMea", store.unitMea)172 url.httpPut()173 .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")174 .header("Authorization", accessToken)175 .body(body.toString())176 .responseObject<Store>{ _, _, result->177 when(result){178 is Result.Failure ->{179 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage180 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")181 responseModel.hasError = true182 responseModel.error = message183 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)184 }185 is Result.Success ->{186 val(data, _) = result187 if (data != null){188 stores.add(data)189 responseModel.hasSuccess = true190 responseModel.success = "Item atualizado: ${data.product}"191 responseModel.createdId = data.id192 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)193 }194 }195 }196 }197 }198 fun removeItemFromStore(position: Int, responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {199// TaskRemoveStore(getItemFromStore(position), delegate).execute("$baseUrl/Store")200 val responseModel = ResponseModel()201 var item = getItemFromStore(position)202 val url = "$baseUrl/Store/${}"203 url.httpDelete()204 .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")205 .header("Authorization", accessToken)206 .response{ _, _, result->207 when(result){208 is Result.Failure ->{209 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage210 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")211 responseModel.hasError = true212 responseModel.error = message213 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)214 }215 is Result.Success ->{216 responseModel.hasSuccess = true217 responseModel.success = "Item removido: ${item.product}"218 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)219 }220 }221 }222 }223 fun clearAllItemsFromStore() {224 stores.clear()225 }226 fun getProduct(position: Int): Product {227 return products.get(position)228 }229 fun getProductById(id: Int): Product? {230 return products.firstOrNull { == id }231 }232 fun clearAllProducts() {233 products.clear()234 }235 fun addUser(user: User, responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {236 val url = "$baseUrl/User"237 val responseModel = ResponseModel()238 val body = JSONObject()239 body.put("name", body.put("email", body.put("password", user.password)242 url.httpPost()243 .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")244 .body(body.toString())245 .responseObject<User>{ _, _, result->246 when(result){247 is Result.Failure ->{248 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage249 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")250 responseModel.hasError = true251 responseModel.error = message252 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)253 }254 is Result.Success ->{255 val(data, _) = result256 if (data != null) {257 responseModel.hasSuccess = true258 responseModel.success = "Usuário criado: ${}"259 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)260 }261 }262 }263 }264 }265 fun loginUser(user: User, responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {266 val url = "$baseUrl/User/login"267 val responseModel = ResponseModel()268 val body = JSONObject()269 body.put("email", body.put("password", user.password)271 url.httpPost()272 .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")273 .body(body.toString())274 .responseObject<User>{ _, _, result->275 when(result){276 is Result.Failure ->{277 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage278 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")279 responseModel.hasError = true280 responseModel.error = message281 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)282 }283 is Result.Success ->{284 val(data, _) = result285 if (data?.accessToken != null && data.accessToken!!.isNotEmpty()){286 accessToken = data.accessToken!!287 responseModel.hasSuccess = true288 responseModel.success = "Success"289 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)290 }291 }292 }293 }294 }295 fun logoutUser(responseHandler : (result: ResponseModel) -> Unit?) {296 val url = "$baseUrl/User/logout"297 val responseModel = ResponseModel()298 url.httpPost()299 .header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")300 .header("Authorization", accessToken)301 .response{ _, _, result->302 when(result){303 is Result.Failure ->{304 val message = result.getException().localizedMessage305 Log.d("Error!", "ResponseCode: $message")306 responseModel.hasError = true307 responseModel.error = message308 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)309 }310 is Result.Success -> {311 responseModel.hasSuccess = true312 responseModel.success = "Deslogado com sucesso"313 responseHandler.invoke(responseModel)314 }315 }316 }317 }318}...

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Source:Api.kt Github


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1package moe.tlaster.weipo.services2import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FileDataPart3import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.InlineDataPart4import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Request5import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.ResponseDeserializable6import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitObject7import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitStringResponse8import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpGet9import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpPost10import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpUpload11import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.serialization.kotlinxDeserializerOf12import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer13import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json14import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonObject15import kotlinx.serialization.json.contentOrNull16import kotlinx.serialization.list17import*18import fun <reified T : Any> defaultKotlinxDeserializerOf(loader: KSerializer<T>): ResponseDeserializable<T> {20 return kotlinxDeserializerOf(loader, json = Json.nonstrict)21}22suspend inline fun <reified T : Any> Request.awaitObject(loader: KSerializer<T>): T {23 return this.awaitObject(defaultKotlinxDeserializerOf(loader))24}25suspend inline fun <reified T : Any> Request.awaitWeiboResponse(loader: KSerializer<T>): WeiboResponse<T> {26 return this.awaitObject(defaultKotlinxDeserializerOf(WeiboResponse.serializer(loader)))27}28suspend inline fun <reified T: Any> WeiboResponse<T>.getData(): T {29 return ?: throw Error()30}31object Api {32 const val HOST = ""33 suspend fun timeline(maxid: Long = 0): TimelineData {34 return "$HOST/feed/friends"35 .httpGet(listOf("max_id" to maxid))36 .awaitWeiboResponse(TimelineData.serializer())37 .getData()38 }39 suspend fun mentionsAt(page: Int = 1): List<Status> {40 return "$HOST/message/mentionsAt"41 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))42 .awaitWeiboResponse(Status.serializer().list)43 .getData()44 }45 suspend fun mentionsCmt(page: Int = 1): List<Comment> {46 return "$HOST/message/mentionsCmt"47 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))48 .awaitWeiboResponse(Comment.serializer().list)49 .getData()50 }51 suspend fun comment(page: Int = 1): List<Comment> {52 return "$HOST/message/cmt"53 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))54 .awaitWeiboResponse(Comment.serializer().list)55 .getData()56 }57 suspend fun attitude(page: Int = 1): List<Attitude> {58 return "$HOST/message/attitude"59 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))60 .awaitWeiboResponse(Attitude.serializer().list)61 .getData()62 }63 suspend fun messageList(page: Int = 1): List<MessageList> {64 return "$HOST/message/msglist"65 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))66 .awaitWeiboResponse(MessageList.serializer().list)67 .getData()68 }69 suspend fun profile(uid: Long): ProfileData {70 return "$HOST/api/container/getIndex"71 .httpGet(72 listOf(73 "type" to "uid",74 "value" to uid75 )76 )77 .awaitWeiboResponse(ProfileData.serializer())78 .getData()79 }80 suspend fun userId(name: String): Long {81 val (_, response, _) = "$HOST/n/$name"82 .httpGet()83 .awaitStringResponse()84 return "/u/(\\d+)"85 .toRegex()86 .find(response.url.toString())87 ?.let {88 it.groups[1]89 }?.let {90 it.value.toLongOrNull()91 } ?: throw Error("user not found")92 }93 suspend fun config(): Config {94 return "$HOST/api/config"95 .httpGet()96 .awaitWeiboResponse(Config.serializer())97 .getData()98 }99 suspend fun profileTab(uid: Long, containerId: String, since_id: Long = 0): JsonObject {100 return "$HOST/api/container/getIndex"101 .httpGet(listOf(102 "type" to "uid",103 "value" to uid,104 "containerid" to containerId,105 "since_id" to since_id106 ))107 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())108 .getData()109 }110 suspend fun follow(uid: Long, page: Int = 1): JsonObject {111 val param = getParamFromProfileInfo(uid, "follow")112 return "$HOST/api/container/getSecond?$param"113 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))114 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())115 .getData()116 }117 private suspend fun getParamFromProfileInfo(uid: Long, key: String): String {118 val info = "$HOST/profile/info"119 .httpGet(120 listOf(121 "uid" to uid122 )123 )124 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())125 .getData()126 val container =127 info[key]?.contentOrNull ?: throw Error("Can not find the user profile info")128 return container.substring(container.indexOf('?') + 1)129 }130 suspend fun myFans(since_id: Long = 0): JsonObject {131 return "$HOST/api/container/getIndex"132 .httpGet(listOf(133 "containerid" to "231016_-_selffans",134 "since_id" to since_id135 ))136 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())137 .getData()138 }139 suspend fun fans(uid: Long, page: Int = 1): JsonObject {140 val param = getParamFromProfileInfo(uid, "fans")141 return "$HOST/api/container/getSecond?$param"142 .httpGet(listOf("page" to page))143 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())144 .getData()145 }146 suspend fun update(content: String, vararg pics: String): JsonObject {147 val st = config().st148 return "$HOST/api/statuses/update"149 .httpPost(listOf(150 "content" to content,151 "st" to st,152 "picId" to pics.joinToString(",")153 ))154 .header("Referer", "$HOST/compose/?${(if (pics.any()) "&pids=${pics.joinToString(",")}" else "")}")155 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())156 .getData()157 }158 suspend fun uploadPic(file: File): UploadPic {159 val st = config().st ?: throw Error()160 return "$HOST/api/statuses/uploadPic"161 .httpUpload()162 .add(InlineDataPart("json", "type"))163 .add(InlineDataPart(st, "st"))164 .add(FileDataPart(file, name = "pic", filename = .header("Referer", "$HOST/compose/")166 .awaitObject(UploadPic.serializer())167 }168 suspend fun repost(content: String, reply: ICanReply, picId: String? = null): JsonObject {169 val st = config().st170 return "$HOST/api/statuses/repost"171 .httpPost(listOf(172 "id" to,173 "mid" to reply.mid,174 "content" to content,175 "st" to st,176 "picId" to picId177 ))178 .header("Referer", "$HOST/compose/repost?id=${}${(if (!picId.isNullOrEmpty()) "&pids=${picId}" else "")}")179 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())180 .getData()181 }182 suspend fun reply(content: String, comment: Comment, picId: String? = null): JsonObject {183 val st = config().st184 return "$HOST/api/comments/reply"185 .httpPost(listOf(186 "id" to comment.status?.id,187 "mid" to comment.status?.id,188 "content" to content,189 "cid" to,190 "reply" to,191 "st" to st,192 "picId" to picId193 ))194 .header("Referer", "$HOST/compose/reply?id=${}${(if (!picId.isNullOrEmpty()) "&pids=${picId}" else "")}")195 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())196 .getData()197 }198 suspend fun comment(content: String, reply: ICanReply, picId: String? = null): JsonObject {199 val st = config().st200 return "$HOST/api/comments/create"201 .httpPost(listOf(202 "id" to,203 "mid" to reply.mid,204 "content" to content,205 "st" to st,206 "picId" to picId207 ))208 .header("Referer", "$HOST/compose/comment?id=${}${(if (!picId.isNullOrEmpty()) "&pids=${picId}" else "")}")209 .awaitWeiboResponse(JsonObject.serializer())210 .getData()211 }212 suspend fun repostTimeline(id: Long, page: Int = 1): RepostTimeline {213 return "$HOST/api/statuses/repostTimeline"214 .httpGet(listOf(215 "id" to id,216 "page" to page217 ))218 .awaitWeiboResponse(RepostTimeline.serializer())219 .getData()220 }221 suspend fun hotflow(id: Long, mid: Long, maxid: Long = 0): HotflowData {222 return "$HOST/comments/hotflow"223 .httpGet(listOf(224 "id" to id,225 "mid" to mid,226 "max_id" to maxid,227 "max_id_type" to 0228 ))229 .awaitWeiboResponse(HotflowData.serializer())230 .getData()231 }232 suspend fun hotflowChild(cid: Long, maxid: Long): HotflowChildData {233 return "$HOST/comments/hotFlowChild"234 .httpGet(listOf(235 "cid" to cid,236 "max_id" to maxid,237 "max_id_type" to 0238 ))239 .awaitObject(HotflowChildData.serializer())240 }241 suspend fun extend(id: Long): LongTextData {242 return "$HOST/statuses/extend"243 .httpGet(listOf(244 "id" to id245 ))246 .awaitWeiboResponse(LongTextData.serializer())247 .getData()248 }249 suspend fun storyVideoLink(pageInfoLink: String): StoryData {250 return pageInfoLink.replace("/s/video/index", "/s/video/object")251 .httpGet()252 .awaitWeiboResponse(StoryData.serializer())253 .getData()254 }255 suspend fun emoji(): EmojiData {256 return ""257 .httpGet()258 .header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.16 Safari/537.36 Edg/79.0.309.15")259 .awaitObject(EmojiData.serializer())260 }261 suspend fun follow(uid: Long): User {262 val st = config().st263 return "$HOST/api/friendships/create"264 .httpPost(listOf(265 "st" to st,266 "uid" to uid267 ))268 .awaitWeiboResponse(User.serializer())269 .getData()270 }271 suspend fun unfollow(uid: Long): User {272 val st = config().st273 return "$HOST/api/friendships/destory"274 .httpPost(listOf(275 "st" to st,276 "uid" to uid277 ))278 .awaitWeiboResponse(User.serializer())279 .getData()280 }281 suspend fun unread(): UnreadData {282 return "$HOST/api/remind/unread"283 .httpGet(listOf(284 "t" to System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000285 ))286 .awaitWeiboResponse(UnreadData.serializer())287 .getData()288 }289 suspend fun chatList(uid: Long, count: Int = 10, unfollowing: Int = 0, since_id: Long = 0, is_continuous: Int = 0, max_id: Long = 0): DirectMessageData {290 return "$HOST/api/chat/list"291 .httpGet(arrayListOf(292 "uid" to uid,293 "count" to count,294 "unfollowing" to unfollowing295 ).also {296 if (since_id > 0) {297 it.add("since_id" to since_id)298 }299 if (is_continuous > 0) {300 it.add("is_continuous" to is_continuous)301 }302 if (max_id > 0) {303 it.add("max_id" to max_id)304 }305 })306 .awaitWeiboResponse(DirectMessageData.serializer())307 .getData()308 }309 suspend fun chatSend(content: String, uid: Long) : DirectMessageData {310 val st = config().st311 return "$HOST/api/chat/send"312 .httpPost(listOf(313 "st" to st,314 "uid" to uid,315 "content" to content316 ))317 .awaitWeiboResponse(DirectMessageData.serializer())318 .getData()319 }320 suspend fun chatUpload(file: File, tuid: Long): ChatUploadData {321 val st = config().st ?: throw Error()322 return "$HOST/api/chat/send"323 .httpUpload()324 .add(InlineDataPart("tuid", tuid.toString()))325 .add(InlineDataPart(st, "st"))326 .add(FileDataPart(file, name = "file", filename = .header("Referer", "$HOST/message/chat?uid=$tuid&name=msgbox")328 .awaitWeiboResponse(ChatUploadData.serializer())329 .getData()330 }331 suspend fun chatSend(content: String, uid: Long, fids: Long, media_type: Int = 1) : DirectMessageData {332 val st = config().st333 return "$HOST/api/chat/send"334 .httpPost(listOf(335 "st" to st,336 "uid" to uid,337 "content" to content,338 "fids" to fids,339 "media_type" to media_type340 ))341 .awaitWeiboResponse(DirectMessageData.serializer())342 .getData()343 }344}...

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Source:Zendesk.kt Github


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...247 class ZendeskResponseDeserializable2<T : ZendeskApiBody>(val responseType: KClass<out T>) :248 ResponseDeserializable<T> {249 override fun deserialize(content: String): T = when (responseType) {250 ZendeskApiBody.EmptyBody::class -> ZendeskApiBody.EmptyBody as T251 else -> gson.fromJson(content, }253 }254 private fun <T : ZendeskApiBody> ZendeskRequest<T>.run(requestConfigBlock: Request.() -> Unit = {}) =255 get(url)256 .apply(requestConfigBlock)257 .also { println(it) }258 .authentication()259 .basic(user, password)260 .responseObject(ZendeskResponseDeserializable2(responseType))261 .third262 .fold(263 { it.right() },264 {265 when (it.response.statusCode) {...

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Source:UploadRequest.kt Github


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...75 */76 fun enableFor(request: Request) = request.enabledFeatures77 .getOrPut(FEATURE) {78 UploadRequest(request)79 .apply { this.body(UploadBody.from(this)) }80 .apply { this.ensureBoundary() }81 } as UploadRequest82 }83 @Deprecated("Use request.add({ BlobDataPart(...) }, { ... }, ...) instead", ReplaceWith(""), DeprecationLevel.ERROR)84 fun blobs(@Suppress("DEPRECATION") blobsCallback: (Request, URL) -> Iterable<Blob>): UploadRequest =85 throw NotImplementedError("request.blobs has been removed. Use request.add({ BlobDataPart(...) }, { ... }, ...) instead.")86 @Deprecated("Use request.add { BlobDataPart(...) } instead", ReplaceWith("add(blobsCallback)"))87 fun blob(@Suppress("DEPRECATION") blobCallback: (Request, URL) -> Blob): UploadRequest =88 throw NotImplementedError("request.blob has been removed. Use request.add { BlobDataPart(...) } instead.")89 @Deprecated("Use request.add({ ... }, { ... }, ...) instead", ReplaceWith(""), DeprecationLevel.ERROR)90 fun dataParts(dataPartsCallback: (Request, URL) -> Iterable<DataPart>): UploadRequest =91 throw NotImplementedError("request.dataParts has been removed. Use request.add { XXXDataPart(...) } instead.")92 @Deprecated("Use request.add({ FileDataPart(...) }, { ... }, ...) instead", ReplaceWith(""), DeprecationLevel.ERROR)93 fun sources(sourcesCallback: (Request, URL) -> Iterable<File>): UploadRequest =...

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...103 str.append("-- Finished\n")104 return str.toString()105 }106}107// Data class to store results given from reference compiler108// Note the names of the fields have to stay the same (as these are predefined109// by the reference compiler)110data class CompilerOutput(val test: String, val upload: String, val compiler_out: String)...

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Source:ReferenceCompilerAPI.kt Github


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...53 .joinLines()54 val code = try {55 out.last { "The exit code is" in it }.filter { str -> str.isDigit() }.toInt()56 } catch (e: Exception) {57 System.err.println("Could not parse exit code from reference compiler. Output:\n${out.joinLines()}\n")58 -159 }60 val progLines = prog.readLines()61 val jvmSpecOut = progLines62 .extractFromDelimiters(jvmOutTokenBegin, jvmOutTokenEnd)63 .map { it.drop(2) }64 .joinLines()65 .noneIfEmpy()66 .orNull()67 val armSpecOut = progLines68 .extractFromDelimiters(armOutTokenBegin, armOutTokenEnd)69 .map { it.drop(2) }70 .joinLines()71 .noneIfEmpy()72 .orNull()73 return RefAnswer(assembly, runtimeOut, code, jvmSpecOut, armSpecOut)74 }75 private fun Iterable<String>.extractFromDelimiters(beg: String, end: String, dropInitial: Int = 1) =76 asSequence()77 .dropWhile { beg !in it }78 .drop(dropInitial)79 .takeWhile { end !in it }80 override fun emulate(prog: String, filePath: String, input: String): Pair<String, Int> {81 val emulatorUrl = ""82 val newFile = filePath.replace(".wacc", ".s")83 val armFile = File(newFile).apply { writeText(prog) }84 val reply = queryReference<EmulatorReply>(armFile, emulatorUrl, stdin = input)85 .getOrElse { System.err.println("Failed to reach the reference emulator"); assumeTrue(false); NOT_REACHED() }86 if (reply.assemble_out.isNotBlank()) {87 val asmWithLines = prog.lines().mapIndexed { i, s ->88 val lNo = (i + 1).toString()89 lNo + " ".drop(lNo.length) + s90 }.joinLines()91 throw IllegalStateException("Failed to assemble program with error:\n${reply.assemble_out}\n$asmWithLines")92 }93 return reply.emulator_out to reply.emulator_exit.toInt()94 }95 private inline fun <reified T : Any> queryReference(f: File, url: String, stdin: String = "", vararg ops: String) =96 ops.asSequence()97 .map { InlineDataPart(it, "options[]") }98 .toList().toTypedArray()99 .let { options ->100 Fuel.upload(url)101 .add(FileDataPart(f, "testfile",, "application/octet-stream"))102 .add(*options)103 .apply { if (stdin.isNotBlank()) add(InlineDataPart(stdin, "stdin")) }104 .responseObject<T>(gson).third105 .component1()106 .toOption()107 }108}109/**110 * Represents an answer from the reference compiler.[out] represents the compiled assembly,111 * or the received errors.112 */113data class RefAnswer(114 val assembly: String,115 val out: String,116 val code: Int,117 val jvmSpecificOut: String?,118 val armSpecificOut: String?119)120/**121 * Serialised JSON produced by the reference emulator122 */123data class EmulatorReply(124 val test: String,...

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Source:HdfsSendNHSO.kt Github


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...89 .body(loginBody)90 .response()91 check(response.statusCode == 200) { "Cannot 200 status is ${response.statusCode}" }92 val data = String( val tokenBody = GsonJerseyProvider.hiiGson.fromJson(data,!!94 accessToken = tokenBody.token95 }96 return accessToken97 }98 private val tokenExpire: Boolean99 get() {100 val tokenBody = TokenBody(accessToken).toJson()101 val (_, response, _) ="${endPoint}auth-jwt-verify")102 .header("Content-Type" to "application/json")103 .body(tokenBody)104 .response()105 return response.statusCode != 200106 }107}...

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Source:CurseForgeClient.kt Github


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...62 }63 }64 suspend fun getGameDependencies(): List<CurseForgeGameDependency> {65 // TODO: Currently this API endpoint is broken66"Fetching game dependencies from CurseForge")67 return Json.decodeFromString(httpGet("/api/game/dependencies"))68 }69 suspend fun getGameVersions(): List<CurseForgeGameVersion> {70"Fetching game versions from CurseForge")71 return Json.decodeFromString(httpGet("/api/game/versions"))72 }73 suspend fun uploadDist(jarFile: File, metadata: CurseForgeUploadMetadata) {74"Uploading file to CurseForge, file=${jarFile}, metadata=${metadata}")75 val (_, response, result) = "${LUCKY_BLOCK_PROJECT_ID}/upload-file"76 .httpUpload()77 .add(FileDataPart.from(jarFile.path, name="file"))78 .add(InlineDataPart(Json.encodeToString(metadata), contentType = "application/json", name = "metadata"))79 .header(mapOf("X-Api-Token" to token))80 .awaitStringResponseResult()81 when (result) {82 is Result.Failure -> {83 logger.severe(String( throw result.getException()85 }86 is Result.Success -> return87 }88 }89}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {2 val bos = ByteArrayOutputStream()3 bos.write("--".toByteArray())4 bos.write(boundary.toByteArray())5 bos.write("\r6".toByteArray())7 bos.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"".toByteArray())8 bos.write(name.toByteArray())9 bos.write("\"; filename=\"".toByteArray())10 bos.write(fileName.toByteArray())11 bos.write("\"\r12".toByteArray())13 bos.write("Content-Type: ".toByteArray())14 bos.write(contentType.toByteArray())15 bos.write("\r16".toByteArray())17 bos.write(data)18 bos.write("\r19".toByteArray())20 bos.write("--".toByteArray())21 bos.write(boundary.toByteArray())22 bos.write("--\r23".toByteArray())24 return bos.toByteArray()25 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1fun inlineDataPart(2): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)3fun inlineDataPart(4): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)5fun inlineDataPart(6): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)7fun inlineDataPart(8): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)9fun inlineDataPart(10): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)11fun inlineDataPart(12): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)13fun inlineDataPart(14): Part = InlineDataPart(data, name, filename, contentType)15fun inlineDataPart(16): Part = InlineDataPart(data

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val data = InlineDataPart("hello", "world")2val data = InlineDataPart("hello", "world", "text/plain")3val data = InputStreamPart("hello", "world".byteInputStream())4val data = InputStreamPart("hello", "world".byteInputStream(), "text/plain")5val data = InputStreamPart("hello", "world".byteInputStream(), "text/plain", name = "world.txt")6val data = FilePart("hello", File("world.txt"))7val data = FilePart("hello", File("world.txt"), "text/plain")8val data = FilePart("hello", File("world.txt"), "text/plain", name = "world.txt")9val data = FileDataPart("hello", FileData("world.txt"))10val data = FileDataPart("hello", FileData("world.txt"), "text/plain")11val data = FileDataPart("hello", FileData("world.txt"), "text/plain", name = "world.txt")12val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray())13val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray(), "text/plain")14val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray(), "text/plain", name = "world.txt")15val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray())16val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray(), "text/plain")17val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray(), "text/plain", name = "world.txt")18val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray())19val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray(), "text/plain")20val data = DataPart("hello", "world".toByteArray(), "text/plain", name = "world.txt")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val data = InlineDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain")2val data = InlineDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt")3val data = InlineDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8")4val data = InlineDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8", "attachment")5val data = InlineDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8", "attachment", mapOf("key" to "value"))6val data = FileDataPart(File("path/to/file"), "text/plain")7val data = FileDataPart(File("path/to/file"), "text/plain", "UTF-8")8val data = FileDataPart(File("path/to/file"), "text/plain", "UTF-8", "attachment")9val data = FileDataPart(File("path/to/file"), "text/plain", "UTF-8", "attachment", mapOf("key" to "value"))10val data = InputStreamDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain")11val data = InputStreamDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt")12val data = InputStreamDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8")13val data = InputStreamDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8", "attachment")14val data = InputStreamDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8", "attachment", mapOf("key" to "value"))15val data = StringDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain")16val data = StringDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt")17val data = StringDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8")18val data = StringDataPart("data", "value", "text/plain", "data.txt", "UTF-8",

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Using AI Code Generation


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1class InlineDataPart(2) : Part {3 constructor(name: String, filename: String, contentType: String, data: String) : this(name, filename, contentType, data.toByteArray())4 override fun getHeaders(): Map<String, String> {5 return mapOf(6 "Content-Disposition" to "form-data; name=\"$name\"; filename=\"$filename\"",7 }8 override fun getData(): ByteArray {9 }10}11fun uploadFile(12) {13 val part = InlineDataPart(name, fileName, contentType, file.readBytes())14 Fuel.upload(url, listOf(part))15 .response { _, _, result ->16 result.fold(17 { println("Success: $it") },18 { println("Failure: $it") }19 }20}

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