Best Kotest code snippet using
Source: settings.gradle.kts
...88 .versionRef("bindingLibVersion")89 alias("bindingRecyclerView").to("me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter2", "bindingcollectionadapter-recyclerview")90 .versionRef("bindingLibVersion")91 bundle("bindingLib", listOf("bindingBase", "bindingRecyclerView"))92 version("lifecycle", "2.4.0-alpha03")93 alias("viewmodel-ktx").to("androidx.lifecycle", "lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx").versionRef("lifecycle")94 alias("livedata-ktx").to("androidx.lifecycle", "lifecycle-livedata-ktx").versionRef("lifecycle")95 alias("lifecycle-common").to("androidx.lifecycle", "lifecycle-common-java8").versionRef("lifecycle")96 alias("lifecycle-ktx").to("androidx.lifecycle", "lifecycle-runtime-ktx").versionRef("lifecycle")97 bundle("lifecycle", listOf("viewmodel-ktx", "livedata-ktx", "lifecycle-common", "lifecycle-ktx"))98 val navigationVersion: String by settings99 version("navigation", navigationVersion)100 alias("navigation-fragment").to("androidx.navigation", "navigation-fragment-ktx").versionRef("navigation")101 alias("navigation-dynamic")102 .to("androidx.navigation", "navigation-dynamic-features-fragment")103 .versionRef("navigation")104 alias("navigation-ui-ktx").to("androidx.navigation", "navigation-ui-ktx").versionRef("navigation")105 bundle("navigation", listOf("navigation-fragment", "navigation-dynamic", "navigation-ui-ktx"))106 version("room", "2.+")107 alias("room-ktx").to("", "room-ktx").versionRef("room")108 alias("room-runtime").to("", "room-runtime").versionRef("room")109 bundle("room", listOf("room-ktx", "room-runtime"))110 alias("room.compiler").to("", "room-compiler").versionRef("room")111 val hiltVersion: String by settings...
Source: KotestAllureExecution.kt
1package ru.iopump.kotest.allure.api2import io.kotest.core.spec.Spec3import io.kotest.core.test.Description4import io.kotest.core.test.TestCase5import io.qameta.allure.Allure6import io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle7import io.qameta.allure.model.FixtureResult8import io.qameta.allure.model.Status9import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.KotestAllureListener10import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.api.KotestAllureConstant.VAR11import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.api.KotestAllureExecution.PROJECT_UUID12import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.api.KotestAllureExecution.containerUuid13import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.api.KotestAllureExecution.setUpFixture14import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.helper.InternalUtil.logger15import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.helper.InternalUtil.prop16import ru.iopump.kotest.allure.helper.InternalUtil.safeFileName17import java.util.UUID19import kotlin.reflect.KClass20/**21 * User API to get access to allure listener execution.22 * For example: create fixture [setUpFixture] or obtain actual [Spec] uuid in Allure Storage - [containerUuid]23 * or project execution root uuid - [PROJECT_UUID]24 */25object KotestAllureExecution {26 private val log = logger<KotestAllureExecution>()27 /**28 * Get current [AllureLifecycle] or extended version for example [Slf4JAllureLifecycle]29 */30 val ALLURE: AllureLifecycle = initAllureLifecycle()31 /**32 * Get container uuid of entire Execution.33 *34 * See [setUpFixture]35 * See [tearDownFixture]36 * See [EXECUTION_START_CALLBACK]37 */38 val PROJECT_UUID = KotestAllureListener.hashCode().toString()39 /**40 * Use to add project level Fixture.41 * Not thread safe. Not final variable.42 *43 * See [setUpFixture]44 * See [tearDownFixture]45 */46 var EXECUTION_START_CALLBACK: (projectUuid: String) -> Unit = { }47 /**48 * Get container uuid of [Spec]49 *50 * See [setUpFixture]51 * See [tearDownFixture]52 */53 val Spec.containerUuid get() = this::class.containerUuid54 /**55 * Get container uuid of [Spec] class56 *57 * See [setUpFixture]58 * See [tearDownFixture]59 */60 val KClass<out Spec>.containerUuid get() = qualifiedName.safeFileName61 /**62 * The longest name for [TestCase.description]63 */64 fun Description.bestName() = names().joinToString("_") { it.displayName }65 /**66 * Create Set Up Fixture for [Spec]67 */68 fun Spec.setUpFixture(69 name: String,70 atomic: Boolean = true,71 fixtureResult: FixtureResult.() -> Unit = {}72 ) = this::class.setUpFixture(name, atomic, fixtureResult)73 /**74 * Create Set Up Fixture for [Spec]75 */76 fun KClass<out Spec>.setUpFixture(77 name: String,78 atomic: Boolean = true,79 fixtureResult: FixtureResult.() -> Unit = {}80 ): String = containerUuid.setUpFixture(name, atomic, fixtureResult)81 /**82 * Create Set Up Fixture by container uuid.83 *84 * See [PROJECT_UUID]85 * See [EXECUTION_START_CALLBACK]86 * See [containerUuid]87 */88 fun String.setUpFixture(89 name: String,90 atomic: Boolean = true,91 fixtureResult: FixtureResult.() -> Unit = {}92 ): String {93 val fixture = FixtureResult()94 .also { = name; it.status = Status.PASSED }95 .also(fixtureResult)96 val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()97 ALLURE.startPrepareFixture(this, uuid, fixture)98 if (atomic) ALLURE.stopFixture(uuid)99 return uuid100 }101 /**102 * Create Tear Down Fixture for [Spec]103 */104 fun Spec.tearDownFixture(105 name: String,106 atomic: Boolean = true,107 fixtureResult: FixtureResult.() -> Unit = {}108 ) = this::class.tearDownFixture(name, atomic, fixtureResult)109 /**110 * Create Tear Down Fixture for [Spec]111 */112 fun KClass<out Spec>.tearDownFixture(113 name: String,114 atomic: Boolean = true,115 fixtureResult: FixtureResult.() -> Unit = {}116 ): String = containerUuid.tearDownFixture(name, atomic, fixtureResult)117 /**118 * Create Tear Down Fixture by container uuid.119 *120 * See [PROJECT_UUID]121 * See [EXECUTION_START_CALLBACK]122 * See [containerUuid]123 */124 fun String.tearDownFixture(125 name: String,126 atomic: Boolean = true,127 fixtureResult: FixtureResult.() -> Unit = {}128 ): String {129 val fixture = FixtureResult()130 .also { = name; it.status = Status.PASSED }131 .also(fixtureResult)132 val uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()133 ALLURE.startTearDownFixture(this, uuid, fixture)134 if (atomic) ALLURE.stopFixture(uuid)135 return uuid136 }137 /////////////////138 //// PRIVATE ////139 /////////////////140 private fun initAllureLifecycle(): AllureLifecycle {141 val resultDir = VAR.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR.prop("build/allure-results")142 val slf4jEnabled = VAR.ALLURE_SLF4J_LOG.prop(true)143 val allureClassRef: String = VAR.ALLURE_LIFECYCLE_CLASS.prop("")144 System.setProperty(VAR.ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR, resultDir)145 clearPreviousResults(File(resultDir))146 return (if (allureClassRef.isNotBlank())147 runCatching { Class.forName(allureClassRef).getConstructor().newInstance() as AllureLifecycle }148 .onFailure { throw RuntimeException("Cannot create AllureLifecycle from class '$allureClassRef'", it) }149 .getOrThrow()150 else (if (slf4jEnabled) Slf4JAllureLifecycle(log) else AllureLifecycle())).also { Allure.setLifecycle(it) }151 }152 private fun clearPreviousResults(dir: File) {153 if (VAR.CLEAR_ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR.prop(true)) {154 if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory) {155 runCatching { dir.deleteRecursively() }.getOrElse { log.error("Cannot delete '$dir'", it) }156 }157 }158 }159}...
Source: build.gradle.kts
...66 includeEngines("junit-jupiter", "spek2", "kotest")67 }68 systemProperty("root.project.dir", project.rootProject.rootDir.absolutePath)69 testLogging {70 lifecycle {71 events = mutableSetOf(72 org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.FAILED,73 org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.PASSED,74 org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent.SKIPPED75 )76 exceptionFormat = org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestExceptionFormat.FULL77 showExceptions = true78 showCauses = true79 showStackTraces = true80 showStandardStreams = true81 }82 = lifecycle.events83 info.exceptionFormat = lifecycle.exceptionFormat84 }85 val failedTests = mutableListOf<TestDescriptor>()86 val skippedTests = mutableListOf<TestDescriptor>()87 // See addTestListener(object : TestListener {89 override fun beforeSuite(suite: TestDescriptor) {}90 override fun beforeTest(testDescriptor: TestDescriptor) {}91 override fun afterTest(testDescriptor: TestDescriptor, result: TestResult) {92 when (result.resultType) {93 TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE -> failedTests.add(testDescriptor)94 TestResult.ResultType.SKIPPED -> skippedTests.add(testDescriptor)95 else -> Unit96 }97 }98 override fun afterSuite(suite: TestDescriptor, result: TestResult) {99 if (suite.parent == null) { // root suite100 logger.lifecycle("----")101 logger.lifecycle("Test result: ${result.resultType}")102 logger.lifecycle(103 "Test summary: ${result.testCount} tests, " +104 "${result.successfulTestCount} succeeded, " +105 "${result.failedTestCount} failed, " +106 "${result.skippedTestCount} skipped"107 )108 failedTests109 .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }110 ?.prefixedSummary("\tFailed Tests")111 skippedTests112 .takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }113 ?.prefixedSummary("\tSkipped Tests:")114 }115 }116 private infix fun List<TestDescriptor>.prefixedSummary(subject: String) {117 logger.lifecycle(subject)118 forEach { test -> logger.lifecycle("\t\t${test.displayName()}") }119 }120 private fun TestDescriptor.displayName() =121 parent?.let { "${} - $name" } ?: "$name"122 })123 }124}...
Source: Dependencies.kt
...12 const val appCompat = "1.1.0"13 const val constraintLayout = "1.1.3"14 const val recyclerView = "1.1.0"15 const val coreKtx = "1.2.0"16 const val lifecycleViewModel = "2.2.0"17 const val lifecycleRuntime = "2.2.0"18 const val koin = "2.1.6"19 const val leakCanary = "2.4"20 const val timber = "4.7.1"21 const val retrofit = "2.9.0"22 const val moshi = "1.9.3"23 const val navigationComponent = "2.3.0"24 const val coroutines = "1.3.8"25 const val picasso = "2.5.2"26 const val joda = "2.10.6"27 object Test {28 const val androidxTestExt = "1.1.1"29 const val androidxTest = "1.2.0"30 const val junit = "5.6.2"31 const val espressoCore = "3.2.0"32 const val archUnit = "0.14.1"33 const val coroutines = "1.3.8"34 const val kotest = "4.1.3"35 const val mockk = "1.10.0"36 }37}38object BuildPlugins {39 const val androidGradlePlugin = "4.0.1"40 const val kotlin = "1.3.72"41 const val ktlint = "9.3.0"42 const val owasp = ""43}44object SupportLibs {45 const val appCompat = "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:${Versions.appCompat}"46 const val constraintLayout = "${Versions.constraintLayout}"47 const val androidCoreKtx = "androidx.core:core-ktx:${Versions.coreKtx}"48 const val lifecycleViewModel = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:${Versions.lifecycleViewModel}"49 const val lifecycleRuntime = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:${Versions.lifecycleRuntime}"50 const val recyclerView = "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:${Versions.recyclerView}"51}52object Kotlin {53 const val coroutinesAndroid = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:${Versions.coroutines}"54}55object Ui {56 const val picasso = "com.squareup.picasso:picasso:${Versions.picasso}"57}58object Navigation {59 const val navigationFragment = "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:${Versions.navigationComponent}"60 const val navigationUi = "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:${Versions.navigationComponent}"61}62object Di {63 const val koinAndroid = "org.koin:koin-android:${Versions.koin}"...
Source: Libs.kt
...29 }30 object Lifecycle {31 private const val version = "2.4.1"32 const val vmKtx =33 "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:$version"34 const val liveData =35 "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:$version"36 const val runtime =37 "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:$version"38 const val vmSavedState =39 "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate:$version"40 const val common =41 "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:$version"42 // Test helpers for LiveData43 const val testLiveData = "androidx.arch.core:core-testing:$version"44 }45 object Navigation {46 const val version = "2.4.1"47 private const val gr = "androidx.navigation"48 const val fragment = "$gr:navigation-fragment-ktx:$version"49 const val ui = "$gr:navigation-ui-ktx:$version"50 const val feature =51 "$gr:navigation-dynamic-features-fragment:$version"52 }53 object RecyclerView {54 private const val version = "1.2.1"55 const val recycler = "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:$version"...
Source: Deps.kt
...39 const val appcompat = "$gr.appcompat:appcompat:1.4.0-beta01"40 const val splash = "$gr.core:core-splashscreen:1.0.0-beta01"41 }42 object Lifecycle {43 private const val group = "androidx.lifecycle"44 private const val version = "2.4.0-rc01"45 // ViewModel46 const val viewModel = "$group:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:$version"47 // ViewModel utilities for Compose48 const val VmCompose = "$group:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:$version"49 }50 object Accompanist {51 private const val version = "0.23.1"52 private const val group = ""53 const val systemuicontroller =54 "$group:accompanist-systemuicontroller:$version"55 }56 object Coroutines {57 private const val group = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx"58 private const val version = "1.6.0"59 const val core = "$group:kotlinx-coroutines-core:$version"60 const val android = "$group:kotlinx-coroutines-android:$version"61 const val coroutinesTest = "$group:kotlinx-coroutines-test:$version"62 }...
Source: KiteDslUiTest.kt
2import android.content.Context4import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle.State7import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner8import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle9import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldNotThrowAny11import io.kotest.assertions.throwables.shouldThrow12import io.kotest.experimental.robolectric.RobolectricTest14import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe15import io.kotest.matchers.types.shouldBeSameInstanceAs16import KiteDslUiTest : StringSpec({24 "Initialize kiteDsl at INITIALIZED should success" {25 val owner = TestLifecycleOwner()26 owner.lifecycle.currentState = State.INITIALIZED27 shouldNotThrowAny {28 kiteDsl(owner, TestKiteViewModelProvider()) { /* no op */ }29 }30 }31 "Initialize kiteDsl not at INITIALIZED should throw exception" {32 val owner = TestLifecycleOwner()33 val states = listOf(34 State.CREATED, State.STARTED, State.RESUMED, State.DESTROYED35 ).exhaustive()36 checkAll(states) { s ->37 owner.lifecycle.currentState = s38 shouldThrow<IllegalStateException> {39 kiteDsl(owner, TestKiteViewModelProvider()) { /* no op */ }40 }41 }42 }43 "Activity kiteDsl should initialize with correct KiteContext" {44 var invoked = false45 TestActivity.onCreateAction = { activity ->46 activity.kiteDsl {47 kiteContext.requireByType<Activity>() shouldBeSameInstanceAs activity48 kiteContext.requireByType<Context>() shouldBeSameInstanceAs activity49 kiteContext.requireByType<LifecycleOwner>() shouldBeSameInstanceAs activity50 kiteContext.requireByType<SavedStateHandle>()51 invoked = true...
Source: KotestAllureConstant.kt
...22 /**23 * Set [AllureLifecycle] full class name.24 * Default = [ru.iopump.kotest.allure.api.Slf4JAllureLifecycle].25 */26 const val ALLURE_LIFECYCLE_CLASS = "allure.lifecycle.class"27 /**28 * Set jira ticket pattern in Kotest Test name.29 * Default = '\[([a-zA-Z]+-\d+)]' like [KT-100]30 */31 const val ALLURE_JIRA_PATTERN = "allure.jira.pattern"32 /**33 * Result directory.34 * Default = 'build/allure-results'35 */36 const val ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR = ""37 /**38 * Clear [ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR] before execution.39 * Default = true - clear40 */...
Using AI Code Generation
1class MyTest : WordSpec() {2override fun beforeTest(testCase: TestCase) {3}4override fun afterTest(testCase: TestCase, result: TestResult) {5}6override fun afterProject() {7}8override fun beforeProject() {9}10}
Using AI Code Generation
1+import*2 import*3@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ import*4 import*5-import*6+import import*8@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ import*9 import*10-import*11+import import*13@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ import*14 import*15-import*16+import import*18@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ import*19 import*20-import*21+import import*23@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ import*24 import*25-import*26+import import*28@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ import*29 import*30-import*31+import
Using AI Code Generation
1+import*2 import import import -190,6 +191,7 @@ class PropertyTest : FunSpec() {6 "should be able to use package" {7 val prop = property {8+ val lifecycle = Lifecycle()9 val a = val b = val c = -198,7 +200,7 @@ class PropertyTest : FunSpec() {13 a.generate().value shouldBeLessThan 1114 b.generate().value shouldBeLessThan 1115 c.generate().value shouldBeLessThan 1116- Lifecycle().increment()17+ lifecycle.increment()18 }19 prop.check()20+import import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe22 import org.apache.taverna.lang.beanutils.BeanUtils23@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ import org.apache.taverna.lang.beanutils.PropertyException24 import org.apache.taverna.lang.beanutils.PropertyNotFoundException25 import org.apache.taverna.lang.beanutils.PropertyUtils26-class BeanUtilsTest extends Specification {27+class BeanUtilsTest : FunSpec() {28 def "test setProperty"() {
Using AI Code Generation
1class MySpec : BehaviorSpec() {2 init {3 Given("a property test") {4 val gen = val prop = forAll(gen) { n ->6 }7 Then("the property should hold") {8 prop.check()9 }10 }11 }12}13class MySpec : BehaviorSpec() {14 init {15 Given("a property test") {16 val gen = val prop = forAll(gen) { n ->18 }19 Then("the property should hold") {20 prop.check()21 }22 }23 }24}25class MySpec : BehaviorSpec() {26 init {27 Given("a property test") {28 val gen = val prop = forAll(gen) { n ->30 }31 Then("the property should hold") {32 prop.check()33 }34 }35 }36}37class MySpec : BehaviorSpec() {38 init {39 Given("a property test") {40 val gen = val prop = forAll(gen) { n ->42 }43 Then("the property should hold") {44 prop.check()45 }46 }47 }48}49class MySpec : BehaviorSpec() {50 init {51 Given("a property test") {52 val gen = val prop = forAll(gen) { n ->54 }55 Then("the property should hold") {56 prop.check()57 }58 }59 }60}61class MySpec : BehaviorSpec() {62 init {63 Given("a property test") {64 val gen =
Using AI Code Generation
1 property("some property") {2 }3 }4}5class MySpec : StringSpec() {6 override fun beforeTest(testCase: TestCase) {7 db = Database.connect(...)8 }9 override fun afterTest(testCase: TestCase, result: TestResult) {10 db?.close()11 }12 init {13 "test case 1" {14 }15 "test case 2" {16 }17 }18}19class MySpec : StringSpec() {20 override fun beforeSpec(spec: Spec) {21 db = Database.connect(...)22 }23 override fun afterSpec(spec: Spec) {24 db?.close()25 }26 init {27 "test case 1" {28 }29 "test case 2" {30 }31 }32}33class MySpec : StringSpec() {34 override fun beforeContainer(container: Test
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