How to use createSpecExecutorDelegate class of io.kotest.engine.spec package

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.engine.spec.createSpecExecutorDelegate


Source:SpecExecutor.kt Github


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...89 ConfigurationInContextInterceptor(context.configuration),90 )91 val initial: suspend (Spec) -> Result<Map<TestCase, TestResult>> = {92 try {93 val delegate = createSpecExecutorDelegate(listener, defaultCoroutineDispatcherFactory, context.configuration)94 logger.log { Pair(spec::class.bestName(), "delegate=$delegate") }95 Result.success(delegate.execute(spec))96 } catch (t: Throwable) {97 logger.log { Pair(spec::class.bestName(), "Error executing spec $t") }98 Result.failure(t)99 }100 }101 logger.log { Pair(spec::class.bestName(), "Executing ${interceptors.size} spec interceptors") }102 return interceptors.foldRight(initial) { ext, fn ->103 { spec -> ext.intercept(spec, fn) }104 }.invoke(spec)105 }106 /**107 * Creates an instance of the given [SpecRef], notifies users of the instantiation event108 * or instantiation failure, and returns a Result with the error or spec.109 *110 * After this method is called the spec is sealed.111 */112 private suspend fun createInstance(ref: SpecRef): Result<Spec> =113 ref.instance(context.configuration.registry)114 .onFailure { extensions.specInstantiationError(ref.kclass, it) }115 .flatMap { spec -> extensions.specInstantiated(spec).map { spec } }116 .onSuccess { if (it is DslDrivenSpec) it.seal() }117}118interface SpecExecutorDelegate {119 suspend fun execute(spec: Spec): Map<TestCase, TestResult>120}121@ExperimentalKotest122internal expect fun createSpecExecutorDelegate(123 listener: TestEngineListener,124 defaultCoroutineDispatcherFactory: CoroutineDispatcherFactory,125 configuration: ProjectConfiguration,126): SpecExecutorDelegate...

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Source:createSpecExecutorDelegate.kt Github


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...12import io.kotest.engine.test.listener.TestCaseExecutionListenerToTestEngineListenerAdapter13import io.kotest.mpp.log14import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext15@ExperimentalKotest16internal actual fun createSpecExecutorDelegate(17 listener: TestEngineListener,18 defaultCoroutineDispatcherFactory: CoroutineDispatcherFactory,19 configuration: ProjectConfiguration,20): SpecExecutorDelegate =21 DefaultSpecExecutorDelegate(listener, defaultCoroutineDispatcherFactory, configuration)22/**23 * A [SpecExecutorDelegate] that executes tests sequentially, using the calling thread24 * as the execution context for timeouts.25 */26@ExperimentalKotest27internal class DefaultSpecExecutorDelegate(28 private val listener: TestEngineListener,29 private val coroutineDispatcherFactory: CoroutineDispatcherFactory,30 private val configuration: ProjectConfiguration...

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1 val specExecutorDelegate = createSpecExecutorDelegate(spec, listener)2 specExecutorDelegate.execute()3}4fun main() {5 executeSpec(SampleSpec())6}7fun main() {8 executeSpec(SampleSpec())9}10fun main() {11 executeSpec(SampleSpec())12}13fun main() {14 executeSpec(SampleSpec())15}

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